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3.28% Warhammer: Imperium Ascendant / Legion III: The Phoenix Blades

Legion III: The Phoenix Blades

"The Emperor designed us to excel at war and peace. We shall not be found wanting by him or his subjects." - Iskandar Basileus

Primarch: Iskandar Basileus: The Emperor's Champion

Symbol: A Phoenix with blades for feathers

Colors: Byzantine Purple

Capital World- Maromenos

Specialty: Strike Force Operations, Diplomatic Ventures, and High-Profile Bodyguards

Battlecry: "From the Ashes of War, We Rise!" or "We Rise!"

The III Primarch

Diplomacy, politics, and culture have long been building blocks of civilization. As much if not more so than might and fury. According to this, the Third Primarch was created to be more than just a commander or warrior. While undoubtedly skills the III possessed, he was designed to act as the velvet glove to some of his brother's iron fist. Iskandar Basileus is a unique blend of elegant refinement and vicious political skill. He is the iconic Prince-Politician of myth. Noble, charming, stalwart to his allies and brutal to his enemies. Iskandar presents to the galaxy at large what the Imperium can be and what it wants to be. A great culture born of the unification of mankind in both spirit and identity. The rightful ruler of the galaxy and steward of humanity.

Tall, and lean by Primarchs standards, Iskandar is notoriously handsome. Possessing the thin but muscled frame of a runner in exaggerated transhuman size. With silver-white hair and striking royal purple eyes. He speaks with a refined Terran accent cultivated to sound pleasantly exotic while still familiar to most Gothic speakers. Often dressing in clothes and ornaments plucked from numerous ancient and modern cultures. All of these factors working in concert to project the idea of a man who embodies 50,000 years of human civilization and culture. While some of his sterner brothers look down upon Iskandar for this ostentatious display. With even his Legion gaining the nickname the "Peacock Blades" from its cousins. Iskandar pays this little heed and instructs his sons to do the same. The Primarch understands that where battles are fought with bolt and blade he armors himself in adamantium and ceramite. In turn, where battles are fought with word and appearance he armors himself with silk and gold. Iskandar prefers to let his impeccable record of peaceful and military compliances defend his reputation.

While he acts as a cultural and diplomatic champion for the Imperium with artistry and skill. Iskandar's title of Champion of the Imperium refers to more than his political acumen. Of all the Primarchs very few can match the III in single combat. Of those that can only one or two have any real chance of winning consistently against him. Iskandar is an absolute master of the blade. Wielding his Uru-Blade, a memory-metal weapon with demigod-like skill. In matters of honor or trial, it is Iskandar who acts as the Emperor's weapon of choice. Many a rebellious or borderline treasonous Lord or Xeno Leader has been cowed by the sight of Iskandar reaching for his blade. On the battlefield, the Primarch acts as a rapidly moving agent of death. Leaving his commanders with his strategic insights and thoughts then sallying out to hunt down enemy champions. Fittingly countless artistic depictions of these heroic feats dot the Imperium.

Iskandar's talent for biomancy and offensive telepathy play well with the two gifts the Emperor gave him. The III Primarch is one of the two Perpetuals among the Brotherhood. Possessing near-perfect resurrective immortality. A safety mechanism to ensure that no matter what happens, an Immortal champion would walk the stars. Protecting and spreading the best of human culture. This leads to his second gift. The Singers Talisman. A psychically embedded disc of gold. Holding an ever-expanding record of mankind's artistic and cultural expression. Which aside from this monumental purpose of preservation allows the sum total of human psychic-energy expressed in artistry to be tapped into. A dangerous act that can just as easily help or harm Iskandar and the human species in general. The Primarch is however hopeful that one day when the Chaos gods are nothing but a myth. He can awaken the talisman fully and let the song of mankind echo through the warp till the end of time. Events upon Proxima changed the talisman's form, however, from a golden disc to a shining scar upon the Primarchs chest. Which eternally regenerates with him.

Iskandar Basilieus is in many ways the Emperor and Imperiums champion. Acting as a refined figure of diplomacy and culture to impress its members. While also cutting down mankind's foes with polished ease. All of the Primarchs have aspects of both war and peace within them. Ways they can serve mankind at its best and worse. Most of Iskandar's brothers are more dominated by the part of them meant for war. Iskandar is balanced near perfectly. Willing to make friends just as easily he can destroy enemies.

History of the Legion

During the Unification Wars, many of the ancient aristocratic families of Terra came under the Emperor's banner. Either through genuine belief in the cause or millennia of political skill ensuring they knew which way the winds were blowing. Many of these families had histories tracing back to before even the Golden Age of Silicon. With power and connections that could easily harm or help the infant Imperium. As a mechanism to put these powers to use and simultaneously collar the more unscrupulous clans. The Emperor recruited from there numbers the first of the III Legion. Who inherited the pedigree and refinement of these ancient families. Now bound to the Imperium by transhuman apotheosis. Unlike some of its cousin legions, the III saw little public use during the tail end of Unification. Acting as more subtle agents of the Imperium. With Iskandar Basilieus and his legion somewhat deputized under the Legio Custodes. To bolster the fledgling organization's numbers and learn under them. With the duties guarding the Emperor's most trusted servants and eliminating internal threats shared between the III and Custodes. This is not to say they did not see combat during these early years. Numerous early rebellions were put down by the Purple clad Astartes of the III Legion.

During Solar Unification, the III and IV Legion served alongside each other during the conquest of Venus. The stoic sons of Perturabo and the refined sons of Iskandar worked surprisingly well together. The deft political skill of Iskandar ensuring the victories against the warp-corrupted War Witches and their daemon engine Litho-Golems was well known. Along with the crucial role both legions played. Even now a matching pair of paintings of Perturabo breaking the gates of the Forge-Monastery and Iskandar decapitating the Coven-Dame decorate the Flagships of both Legions. When the Chaos attack upon the Solar system started the III Legion worked alongside the V Legion to rapidly eliminate enemy commanders. Crippling the already weak command structure of the rebellion and its warp-born reinforcements.

Throughout the Great Crusade, the III Legion earned many merits for its pattern of rapid peaceful compliances. While lesser in number than the majority of Legions. Due to the intense requirements for its Geneseed and duties as Guard-Aids to Imperial elites. The III Legion managed to persuade hundreds of worlds to join the Imperium with relative ease. Many of these worlds even now are renowned centers of art and culture. Military conflicts were of course also common. With the small size of the III forcing them to rely on Solar Auxilia forces to bolster their combat effectiveness. This has led to a very successful relationship between the two organizations. Revealing a talent for commanding mortal forces among the Astartes of the III.

This is not to say the Great Crusade went without difficulty for Iskandar's sons. The disastrous Proximo incident left a metaphorical scar upon the Legion. While a literal one marked there Primarch. Despite the bravery and sacrifice shown during the event that would earn the Phoenix Blades its name. A sense of failure was felt across the Legion. The near-death of the Emperor while in their care. Along with the death and rebirth of their Primarch wounded the Legion's pride. Iskandar quickly exploited this spiritual injury in himself and his sons. Driving them to new heights. With the Phoenix Blades fast rivaling the Imperial Heralds for peaceful compliances. These new worlds introduced into the Imperium would prove a valuable boon during the simultaneous and disastrous Beast-Wars and Rangdan Xenocides.

During these days of bloodshed and gigadeath. The Phoenix Blades fought as one of the seven Legions in the Beast-Wars. Fittingly the III Legion was divided into three parts. Each with specific duties in the conflict. The first segment acted as a strike force meant to rapidly decapitate enemy command structures. Under Iskandar's direct command it formed one of the spear-tip armies that became crucial in the war effort. Secondly, a large chunk of the Legion was spread out across Solar Auxilia forces. Acting as a force multiplier within the Imperial Army. Leading regiments to new heights with transhuman leadership and martial talent. Lastly was the segment acting as guard-aides across the Imperium. Whose duties were largely unchanged, if more difficult. Due to the demands upon their charges and the Imperial government.

The Phoenix Blades served with distinction in all three of these roles. Neck in neck with both the Lunar Templars and Lighting Riders for Beasts slain. With many mighty deeds of Iskandar and his sons immortalized by remembrancers in stunning works of art. Like the painting "Triage'' that depicts Apothecary Fabius frantically operating on half a dozen Astartes of Iskandar's honor guard. All wounded during the daring breakout of the Garuga encirclement. Or the Blade-Aria of the Phoenix, now a popular operatic piece. The statue "Burning Storm" depicting Iskandar Basilieus and Tengri Khagan fighting together against Beast-Boss Urlakk Grond stands within the Imperial Palaces Great Crusade museum. While Iskandar and his elites were not present during the Battle of Ullanor they played a significant role delaying Orkish reinforcements. Later leading the extermination campaigns to wipe out remnants of the Beast Empire.

After the Great Crusade, the III Legion took to noncombat roles with gusto. With periods of nearly ¾ of the Legion serving as Guard-Aides across the Imperium. Acting as a powerful reminder of the Emperor's will and valuable allies of his servants. Iskandar led the active combat members of the Legion in its duties of defending and expanding the Imperium. Until the disastrous campaign against the Chaos tainted Xenos known as the Laer. Which resulted in severe casualties among the Phoenix Blades. With Iskandar and some of his inner circle retreating from more public roles for nearly two centuries. Only returning to their normal role after the Moloch incident. Serving valiantly during the first Doom Tides. With the diplomatic skill and martial skill of the III Legion becoming increasingly valuable keeping the Imperium together during those dark years.

Astartes Biology

Appearance and Apotheosis- The Geneseed of the Phoenix Blades is some of the most potent among the twenty gene-lines. Requiring incredible skill by Legion Apothecaries to cultivate and implant without issue. Strict requirements for potential Astartes and the difficulty of cultivating geneseed keeps the Phoenix Blades one of the smaller legions. Neophytes are picked from families with long documented genealogy and history of minor gene-corrections. The extensive data from these families, often being aristocrats of some degree. Combined with the exceptional quality of the candidates, due to eugenics or non-mutative gene modification. It creates some of the physically and most mentally enhanced Astartes to exist. This potency leads to very high rates of overshadowing. The Primarchs purple eyes and silver hair are present in all his sons to a certain degree. Unlike some lineages that fully overshadow facial features, like the VII or IX. Phoenix blades keep the same basic facial features of their origin, except refined into a more aesthetically pleasing variant.

Unique Organ- The Phoenix Feather. The III Legions' unique organ is an augmentation of the nervous system. Allowing for faster reaction time and better use of senses. Implanted before the Black Carapace, directly onto the spinal cord. The Phoenix Feather is an interwoven lattice of artificial nerves. Looking somewhat similar to a single massive pinion feather when it is fully connected to the existing nervous system. This system will merge with the existing nervous system and enhance it beyond existing Astartes standards. With the growth of new nervous tissue occurring to facilitate faster internal communication and enhanced sense. Resulting in Phoenix Blade Astartes being on average some of the fastest and most alert Legionaries. Enhancing their skill in combat and stewardship incredibly. Increasing the number and sensitivity of nerves does have the side effect of reducing the Astartes pain tolerance. While still superhuman, they can go into Shock and similar states with sufficient trauma.


Battlefield Deployments- In battle, the Phoenix Blades operate with two distinct methods. That complement and reinforce each other. As much as ⅔ of a deployed III Legion force will fight alongside mortal forces. Either integrated with Auxilia regiments. Or in squad to chapter sized force detachments. These deployed Astartes act as force multipliers and allow for bolstered mortals to make up for the Legions small numbers. Every Auxilia regiment under the III Legion is coupled with a squad or company of Astartes who serve with them. These mixed forces of Astartes and other Imperial armed forces act as the main body of the Phoenix blades offensive. Sweeping across battlefields with practiced skill, often nicknamed "The Wings" of the Legion. In contrast to the second deployment. Compact elite forces are known as the "The Talons." Modeled after the Primarchs honor guard. These Talons are usually Company sized forces who combine speed, mobility, and devastating destructive power. Working to disrupt enemy lines, eliminate crucial targets, and assist beleaguered allies. Unlike other Legions strikeforce elements, the Talons have little use for stealth or subtlety. Relying instead on their speed and skill to weave through the battlefield. In fact, different Talon Companies will work to make themselves visible and distracting to the enemy. Leveraging their fearsome reputation and transhuman skill to keep the pressure on their foes. Allowing the Wings to exploit any weakness uncovered by the Talons and push forward with surprising mobility. The Wings acting as a steady wave of martial power pressuring the enemy, and the Talons as roving pockets of resistance opening up cracks in the foe.

Homeworld: - Maromenos - The number of Golden Age paradise Worlds that survived relatively intact can be counted with both hands. Artificial Edens crafted as the most beautiful and serene planets in the galaxy. The culmination of terraforming knowledge gathered over the millennia went into these Worlds. Along with a few secrets taken from the Aeldari maiden worlds. Towards the end of the Great Crusade Iskandar and his Legion encountered one of these Paradise Worlds. On viewing the turquoise seas bordered by white-sand beaches, where horned grazers of stoic majesty drank from the water's edge. Upon hearing the song of the Crystal-Trees when a gentle breeze caressed their gem-fruits. Iskandar is said to have wept from the beauty. By some miracle, the world of Maromenos had survived unscathed and would become home to the III Legion. Idyllic cities and settlements dot the world. Hosting the greatest artists the Imperium has to offer. Entire clans under the patronage of the Legion live and work upon Maromenos. Along with the estates of Legion commanders. Often acting as Garrison and Keep to a surrounding city. Where Astartes spend their limited free-time among the peoples and artistry of Maromenos. The capital of this homeworld is a great Acrology known as the Chalkydri Roost. Where the Primarch lives and works. Here noble sons of countless houses become Astartes and both humans and transhumans hone their skill in the name of mankind. Maromenos is orbited by two moons. Palaiologos, an artificial Death Moon for the Legions training and Jiwara, a Forge Moon that arms the Legion and acts as Fleet Dock.

Recruitment- Unlike most other Legions the Phoenix Blades do not source the majority of their recruits from their homeworld or the surrounding sector. Instead, the countless noble houses and aristocratic institutions of the Imperium supply its neophytes. Guard-Aides of the Phoenix Blades keep a watchful eye out for families that might foster the traits valuable to the Legion. Marking these selected families for the Legion during their service to the Imperial elite. Houses selected by the Guard-Aides are approached by the Legion proper and given the option of tithing sons. Who will be taken to Maromenos, where they will be tested and trained. Those deemed unworthy of apotheosis due to genetic or mental flaws. Are apprenticed to the mortal workers upon the Legion homeworld, be they artist, bureaucrat, or auxiliary. Those who pass all the requirements face one of the most grueling transformations into Astartes. Followed by strict regiments of mental and physical training. Resulting in skilled warrior-artists in the Emperor's service. Families who tithe sons to the Legion are given a silver feather as recognition of their sacrifice. Which becomes a symbol of pride and social status for the family. Those who succeeded in having a son become Astartes are instead gifted with an ornamental sword. Some of the most prominent families to tithe into the III Legion possess entire armories of these blades. Marking the sacrifice and pedigree of the clan. These exemplar families can even apply for III Legion assistance or a Guard-Aide that might not be available to one of their ranks.

Unique Ranks and Roles-

Guard-Aides- Making up nearly a third of the Legions number are these Astartes retainers. Who is assigned to important members of the Imperium at the discretion of its various governmental bodies. Ranging from high-ranking bureaucrats within both the Adeptus Terra and Adeptus Mars. To Rogue Traders, Imperial Agents, and even Auxilia Officers. Wherever the Emperor needs a trusted velvet glove wielding a blade, the III Legion can be found. The honor of being accompanied by these Astartes is very much a double-edged sword. While the Astartes charge gains a bodyguard and assistant of literally superhuman skill. Capable of protecting and serving in both political and marital ways. The ever-present threat of a gene forged killing machine always on the watch for signs of treachery or corruption is not to be taken lightly. Many a scheming official has made the mistake of thinking the Phoenix Blade serves them. Quickly learning the Angels of Death are not to be used in petty power plays or selfish plots. However, in most cases the Guard-Aides form effective working relationships with their charge. Acting together as skilled agents of the Emperor and Imperium.

Apothecary Primus- A rank and title held by the most skilled Apothecary within the Imperium. Which has belonged to Fabius Augustus (A ceremonial last-name given to those who have served under the Emperor in his household.) since the creation of the title. Having studied under the Emperor himself and crucially involved in the Legions rebirth after the Lunar Rebellion. Fabius has comfortably held this title and put it to good use within the III Legion. Refining the science of Geneseed cultivation and Astartes creation to new heights. His teachings spread throughout the Legions during the Great Crusade. Ensuring a constant supply of new Astartes for all twenty Legions. Fabius has also dabbled with more extensive experimentation. Including the Phoenix Blades Geneseed being tweaked to draw out its potency. With newly transformed sons of Iskandar possessing physical and mental capabilities above transhuman average. At the cost of heightened requirements for recruits and greater danger during Apotheosis. Rumors of other more exotic experiments do exist. Ranging from hybridized gene-seed to Astartes replicants. The fallout of some of these incidents has led to a squad of Custodes being assigned to Fabius Augustus. Not out of any fear of disloyalty but to protect him and the galaxy from his own genius.

Legion Culture

Personality- The Phoenix Blades possess some of the finest interpersonal skills among the Astartes gene lines. With a natural aptitude for social manipulation woven into the Legions blood and culture. Being able to quickly understand and effectively handle many

disparate personalities is required of the Legions role. With the natural talent possessed by each Astartes cultivated by a complex web of internal politics. For in truth the noble charm and elegant sophistication of the III Legion hides a surprising truth. Pride and Arrogance are common Phoenix Blades. With many clashing egos of surprising size and fragility. Where all Astartes experience a muting of some emotions and enhancement of others. The Phoenix Blades alone deal with this curse of pride. A natural side effect of their skill and emotional intensity. With Phoenix Blade Astartes experiencing emotions that are typically not found within Astartes. To mortals in others in their charge, this side of the Phoenix Blades might never be seen. With the Astartes being calm, rational actors when working with baseline humans. Only experiencing the dangers of pride when in the presence of an equal. Iskandar and his officers work to curb the excesses of this flaw but not eliminate it. The motivational factor it provides along with the lessons of politics it teaches being considered well worth it. Additionally acting upon these feelings in any way that damages the Imperium is extremely taboo. With castigation of the most extreme variety meted out in these situations. Many of the older Astartes of the III mature past the arrogance of their youth and take pride in the pursuit of perfection. Following the path of Iskandar in searching to constantly improve themselves and mankind.

Customs- Numerous mechanisms exist within the Legion to ensure the complexities of pride and political machinations do not harm the Phoenix Blades. Chief among them is the Trials of Steel and Silk. Where internal disputes can be decided by either honor-duel or debate. If an Astartes feels slighted or harmed enough he invokes the trials. An officer in command of both accuser and defendant will moderate and choose the method of the trial. These duels and debates are decided not by the combatants but by a jury of III Legion Astartes. Who judges every action of both parties. These trials can be decided not just by the skill of a warrior but by his determination and preparation. The practice of debate and dueling has a purpose outside ending disputes. Astartes of the III constantly works to refine their skills and happily use each other as whetstones. Seeking to better themselves for the good of mankind. However, the results of all these challenges, be they practice or official is recorded. Used by the Phoenix Blades commanders to assign duties, promotions, and roles.

Unique Features- The Phoenix Blades follow in their father's footsteps in acting as Champions of the Imperium. Answering challenges to the Master of Mankind and his servants wherever they appear. These Astartes are indoctrinated to view themselves as representatives of the Imperiums culture and might. With their personal pride and devotion to the Imperium interwoven. Like the warrior-retainers of old, the Phoenix Blades work constantly to save face, for both themselves and their liege. To insult the Imperium is to wound them personally and to insult them is to attack the Imperium. Phoenix Blade Astartes are called upon to settle disputes with blade or word. Guard-Aides acting as champions for their charges. Cutting down those who stand in the way of the Imperium. While also acting as shrewd negotiators and debaters. Capable of accepting any challenge, no matter the form. Fighting for the Imperiums Honor and their own.

Battle Strategy and Equipment

Tactical Doctrine- While emphasizing tactical flexibility and methodical preparation for any outcome. The Phoenix Blades has grown to become an expert in certain types of strike force operations. Relaying on tight-knit and highly trained squads of Astartes to rapidly push between objectives. Taking the traditional Astartes role of shock-trooper and polishing it to perfection. Blitzing through enemy lines with incredible speed and skill. Creating openings for the main Imperial force to exploit. Phoenix Blades in command or attached to Auxillia units will methodically study the role and aptitude of the mortal armed force. Putting their transhuman intellect to work refining a normal force into elites capable of feats not previously thought possible by such units. Together the wings and talons of the legion poke holes in the enemy strategy and ruthlessly exploit them. Punishing every mistake made with near-perfect coordination and skill.

Weapons and Armor- The smaller size and political connections of the Phoenix Blades ensures the Legion is never lacking in quality equipment. With the arms and armament of the III being on average some of the best made. Iskandar has long put his skill at politics to work cashing in favors with both the Mechanicum and his brothers to ensure his sons never go wanting. Power Weapons and Volkite guns are standard issue among the Legion. With their armor customized to each Astartes. Paragon Blades are a constantly sought after item by the Legions scores of duelists. With commissioning such a weapon often being one of the first things a newly minted officer does. Typically the Phoenix Blades rely on the standard if higher quality Imperium equipment. Preferring not to use unpredictable or otherwise messy weapons like phosphex or grav-guns. Relying on simple yet refined equipment to do its duty. Lesser copies of the Primarchs Uru-Blade are the one exception to this rule. With memory-metal weapons being a favored type of Paragon Blade for the Legion.

Fleet and Transport- The III Crusader Fleet was renowned as one of the most diverse of its kind. With vessels of every sort welcome in its voyage. With the powerful ships of the Legion at the head of this procession of vessels. Following the Primarchs Gloriana Class Flagship. A beautiful work of Martian shipwrights. Known as the Justinian, the twenty-kilometer super-battleship possesses a fleet worth of armaments. While also holding some of the grandest galleries and diplomatic centers in the galaxy. Where countless treaties of unification have been signed. The tactics of the Phoenix Blades leads to a preference for mobile yet sturdy vehicles. Both in void and ground combat. With the legions talons making good use of the Land Raider tank to blitz through enemy lines. Additionally, the Phoenix Blades transports are kept in immaculate parade condition. Due to their service as not only weapons of war but tools of diplomatic persuasion.


To the shock of many, Iskandar Basilious is actually not a very good artist. His transhuman intellect and exaggerated emotions born of a connection to the Warp hamper him. Works of his tend to edge into the uncanny valley or become photo-realistic to the point of stealing the magic from the artistry. After decades of practice, the Primarch has somewhat given up on these endeavors. Preferring to act as muse and patron for the Imperium's artistic community instead.

Most Astartes serve somewhere between 30-40 years in the main Legion before being assigned to being a Guard-Aide. Who will fulfill that duty until it is discharged by death or retirement. With the Astartes returning to active duty until another position becomes available.

Three chapters of Phoenix Blades are seconded to the Legio Custodes. Capable of fulfilling lesser roles of the Emperor's Legion if needed.

Octaviar Perturabo and Iskandar Basileus share a close friendship that is reflected in their legions. With Astartes of the IV being heavily involved with creating the defenses of Maromenos. In turn, many of the III greatest works of art decorate the Fortress-Cities of Perturabo.

Fabius Augustus succeeded in replicating a fully grown Astartes once. Creating perfect copies of an Astartes from scratch. The project was shut down when two of the twenty replicants went rogue. The fate of these replicants codenamed "Bile-1 and Bile-2" is unknown.

Imperial records indicate that Apothecary Primus was simultaneously present upon Terra, Maromenos, and three Phoenix Blade battle groups shortly after the replicant project.

Families who produce multiple failed neophytes are sent a broken ornamental blade and removed from the pool of potential tithe-clans.

The Phoenix Blade Crusader Fleet held the highest number of Remembrancers per Astartes of all the Fleets.

While rare the III Legion has one of the highest rates or Astartes who seek retirement.

Astartes capable of intimate bonds with mortals beyond friendship or mutual respect is rare. With the III Legion having some of the few recorded cases of Astartes falling in love or at least infatuation with mortals.

Curiously the III Legion and its Primarch have close relationships with the infamously dour X Legion and its Primarch Culain Macturson.

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