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6.45% Highschool dxd : Yasaka is my wife / Chapter 2: 1

Capítulo 2: 1

Chapter 1

Authors Note: Hey, I'm back with a chapter. I'm actually surprised people review for the prologue. Anyway, I don't have much else to say about this chapter,

Disclaimer: I do not own Highschool DxD or any other references or elements I may put in the story. They all belong to their respective owners, I only own my OC.


A cellphone ring tone sounded off, Vince groaned a little but got up and rubbed his eyes. He grabbed the phone and turned it on. His eyes widened when he saw Yume on the screen. "Yume? How did you get on the screen of the cellphone?"

[Good morning Vince. I can also communicate to this way, so you don't have to fall asleep.] Yume responded with a smile.

"Well, in a way it makes sense since Angel/Devil does look like a cellphone." He stated with a shrug.

[Yes it does. But nevermind that, you have to get ready to go out today.] She stated cheerfully.

"Great. I'm sure I'll have a good time." Vince replied sarcastically.

[Geez, don't be like that Vince.] Yume said pouting slightly.

"Yeah, yeah." Vince answered as he walked into the bathroom.

A few minutes later Vince walked out of the bathroom, wearing a dark blue t-shirt and a pair of black pants. (I start school tommorow, so I have to go out today this day so I can look around and familiarize myself with the area.)

[Are you ready to go Vince?] Yume asked curiously.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go." He answered closing the cellphone and pocketing it.


(Park: Night time)

Vince sighed as he sat down a bench and looked up at the sky. (This place looks peaceful but I still feel uneasy about it... Don't know why though.)

[Vince, watch out!] Yume shouted.

Vince saw multiple small stingers headed towards his way and quickly jumped out of the way. He got up and noticed that the park was covered in webs. "Yume, you mind explaining?"

[Be careful Vince, I sense a Stray Devil near.] Yume warned.

Vince nodded and looked around until he saw a naked woman with brown hair, that showed off her big breasts and a spider-like lower body. (What the fuck? Half-woman, half-spider?)

"My, you're very unique. That's just how I like my pray." The stray devil said giggling.

"Huh, it looks like I have to squash a spider." He muttered to himself.

"You'll be very delicious to eat!" She shouted lunging at him.

Vince extended his hand and created a whip made out of water, that slapped the Stray Devil across the face sending her into a light pole. "I'm not on the menu."

The stray devil got up surprised and rubbed her check, which had a red mark on it. "Y-You bastard! You can't hit a lady!"

"Lady? You must be delusional if you think that you are a lady." He snarked.

"Grrr! DIE!" She yelled opening her mouth as she shot webs out of her mouth.

Vince ran to the side as he ducked and dodged the web shots that corroded anything that made contact. He extended both his hands and fired water and lightning spheres from his left and right hand, respectively. Each sphere making contact with the corrosive webs that was launched at him. He then fell to the floor after coliding with the bench he was sitting on from earlier. (Son of a bitch!)

"You're mine now human!" She shouted gleefully as she spitting out a ball made out of webs at him.

Vince quickly extended his hand and created a shield made out of water. The web made contact with the shield and as it started corroding. He quickly got up and rolled out of the way as the shield was now destroyed. Vince ran towards her and channeled lightning into his fist. Vince punched her in the stomach, sending her into another bench. "Yume, you got any advice on how to finish this Stray?"

[Search for an opening and focus your attacks on a vital spot. Also don't hesistate to kill the Stray Devil, Vince.] Yume advised seriously.

The stray devil got up and lunged at him, "I won't be denied my dinner!"

"Piss off!" Vince suddenly discharged electricity from his body, shocking her body completely.


Vince launched a sphere made out of water and followed up with an electric sphere. Both spheres made contact, causing her to let out an inhumain shriek. "Now!"

He then extended his hand and released a sporadic bolt of lightning at her. The lightning bolt made contact and electrocuted her. Vince quickly followed up by extending his other hand and released multiple slicing blades made out of water, effectively slicing through her body in half as blood and smoke came out of her, effectively killing her. "Glad that's over with."

[Good job Vince. But, you got some blood on your shoes.] Yume pointed out.

Vince looked at his shoes and cringed his nose in digust. He pointed his hand at his shoes and released a spray jet of water from his palm, cleaning off the blood. "That was disgusting."

"Ara ara, you really did a good job." A feminine voice asked.

Vince turned around to see a young woman with a buxom figure, with very long black hair tied in a pony tail with an orange ribbon and violet eyes. She wore a white long-sleeved, button-down shirt with a black ribbon on her shirt collar worn under a black shoulder cape and a matching button-down corset, a magenta skirt with white accents, and brown dress shoes over black knee-high socks. (...That's the Kuoh Academy's girl uniform.)

"What did you eat to look to like that?" He blurted out.

"Ufufu, I could ask the same about you, a human defeating a stray devil isn't normal." The young woman teased with a smile.

Vince rolled his eyes until he noticed her lustful smile. "...What is it?"

"Mmm I just loved how you finished this stray devil, in such a brutal and sadistic way." She answered with a blush.

"Moving on, why are you here at this time miss...?" He asked trailing off.

"Ohh, nothing much I was sent to destroy that stray devil, but you were faster than me." Akeno said before she continued. " My name is Akeno Himejima, and what about you?"

Vince sighed already knowing and shook his head. "My name is Vince Reinhart. I was about to head home before that stray devil attacked me."

"Ufufu, it's very impressive for you to kill that stray devil with both water and lightning. Are you a magician?" Akeno asked curiously.

"Magician? No, I'm not a magician." He answered with a shrug.

"You're not a magician? Oh my, that is a surprise." She said in a surprised tone.

Vince rolled his eyes in response, "Either way, I gotta go now later." Before Akeno could respond, he channeled lightning into his legs and ran as fast as he could.

"Ufufu, he sure is interesting." Akeno stated with a smile.


Vince sighed as he lied down on a small chair, he took out his cellphone and opened the flip. "Is this what you meant yesterday, Yume?"

[Yes, there will be Stray Devils that will try to devour you. But there are other dangers aside from stray devils.] Yume stated.

"Yeah, like Akeno for example. It was pretty obvious she wanted to know a lot." He answered with an irritated sigh.

[Exactly. Be careful though, they might become interested and may try to recruit you.] She warned seriously.

"You mean that reincarnation, peerage thing you told me about earlier?" Vince asked curiously.


"There's no way in hell, I'm joining a peerage and become a servant. Hell, that's basically throwing away your freedom." He said frowning.

[While that may be true Vince, there are some Devils that treat their servants with respect. Or like a family.] Yume stated.

"That still doesn't change the fact that your still considered a servant by them." Vince retorted, folding his arms.

[I know. But I do want to explain that not everyone is like that Vince.] Yume said with a sigh.

"Alright. So, how exactly do I use Angel/Devil?" He asked looking at the gray cellphone.

[Oh right. You'll need to learn how to use it, just incase that something like this happens again...] She muttered palming her hand into her fist.


Yume cleared her throat before she began. [Well, in order to use Angel/Devil Vince, all you have to do is press one button. If you want to become an angel, press the white button on the cellphone and the black button if you want to become a devil. After that a timer will appear on the cellphone. If I had to take a guess, I would say that since you're new to this, the transformations will last for at least five minutes.]

Vince nodded as he made sure to remember everything. "I understand that part, but how do I turn back into a human, aside from waiting for the timer to end?"

[If you want to turn back into a human, you can press the gray button on the cellphone.] She answered looking at the gray button from the cellphone screen.

"That's good. Thanks for explaining it to me Yume." He said thanking her.

[Your welcome Vince, did you understand everything?] Yume asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I understand. I do have one question to ask that's not related to Angel/Devil though." Vince replied folding his arms.

[Oh okay. What is the question Vince?] She asked curiously.

"What exactly did Akeno meant by Magician?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Yume sighed and then went into a quick explanation about Magicians as Vince rubbed his temples. "Is it to late, or can I transfer back to my old school?"

[You can't transfer back Vince. You know Elena-san made a lot of effort into getting you into Kuoh Academy, so you can get a better education.] Yume lectured.


[Don't worry Vince! I may not be able to protect you physically, but I do my best to help you out!] Yume said as she pumped her fist in the air, causing her breasts to jiggle.

Vince looked away from Yume with a small blush as he resisted the urge to facepalm. (I just had to have my hormones kick in this year...)

[Vince, is something wrong?] She asked tilting her head.

"Nothing. Nothing at all, Yume." He lied taking a deep breath.


(Next Day: Morning)

[Vince! Wake up, it's time to go to school!] Yume called out cheerfully.

"...Hn?" Vince got up from a small futon he was sleeping on and stretched. "Mornin' already?"

[Yeah, you have to go and get ready for school, Vince.] She informed him.

"Fine, I'll go get ready." He replied as he walked into the bathroom while yawning.

A few minutes later Vince walked out wearing a grey blazer, with white accents over a white t-shirt a black loose necktie black pants, and black sneakers. (At least I can customize this school uniform a bit. I just hope I get used to this crap soon.)


Vince blinked as he walked into the school campus. He noticed that their were more girls than boys. (I guess the thing about Kuoh used to being a girl's only private school was true.)

The students that noticed Vince started to whisper to themselves, with one of the girls blushing a little and the guys looked a little confused.

"Who's that guy?"

"I don't know."

"I think he's a new student."

"He looks a little scary."

"Really? I think he's a little handsome."

Vince rolled his eyes and kept walking. (I bet Ten bucks, the reason for comment is that she a thing for foreigners.)


Vince walked down the halls and looked up the stairs. He noticed a red headed young woman looking down at him. She narrowed her eyes before smiling at him.

Vince scoffed and walked away. (I wouldn't be surprised if she knows Akeno and learned about the other night.)

After finishing his business in the main office, Vince walked into a classroom. (This place is kind of big.)

"Ok class, today we have a new student joining us." The teacher introduced.

The students in the classroom looked at Vince, as he looked back with a dull look. He then turned towards the teacher. "Where am I going to sit?"

"You can sit right next to window over there." The teacher answered pointing towards the desk next to the window.

Vince nodded and walked towards the desk he sat down and looked ahead. (I hope this class ends soon.)

"Hey." A voice spoke.

Vince turned around to see a brown haired boy wearing a Kuoh's boy uniform with the exception of wearing a red T-shirt underneath his open dress shirt and blazer, and wears blue and white sneakers. "I'm Issei Hyoudou, it's nice to meet you."

"...I'm Vince Reinhart." He said introducing himself.


As the bell sounded off Vince let out a sigh of relief. (Man, this school is really difficult. It'll probably take a bit before I get used to it.)

Vince quickly walked out of the classroom and sat down on a grassy hill overlooking the courtyard. He took out his cellphone and opened it. "Nice scenery right, Yume?"

[Yes, it looks very beautiful.] Yume said with a smile.

Vince opened up a cup of instant ramen and started eating. After finishing the ramen and downing a bottle of water, he tossed it into a trash and lied down on the grassy field. (Even though this place is kind of fucked up, at the sky looks nice.)

"Hey, Vince-san." A voice called out.

"Hey Issei." He greeted while looking at the two guys behind him.

"Oh yeah." Issei then pointed towards the two guys behind him. "These are my friends Matsuda and Motohama."

"Hi." Vince greeted half heartedly.

"So what are you doing here, Vince?" Issei asked sitting next to him.

"Looking at the scenery, I just finished eating lunch." He answered shrugging.

"Issei..." Two voices spoke in unison, getting Issei and Vince's attention.

"Uh, yeah?" Issei asked confused.

"How could you, you bastard!" Matsuda yelled with tears streaming from his eyes.

"You betrayed us!" Motohama added with the same face.

(Are these two high on something, or are they idiots?) Vince thought as he rubbed his temples.

"What are you idiots talking about!?" Issei yelled back.

"You befriended a foreign guy!" Motohama accused.

"He's only been here for half a day and he already is popular with the girls!" Motohama shouted as he pointed to a group of girls.

Vince looked at the appointed direction and raised an eyebrow as he saw the girls squeal before taking off. (It's probably because I'm foreign, I highly doubt that they would have done that otherwise.)

"How could you side with a bastard like that!"

Vince's eye twitched dangerously as a small spark of electricity sparked from his finger tip. "Excuse me?"

"You are the enemy of all men!" Matsuda yelled pointing a finger at Vince.

Vince took a deep breathe to calm down, got up and started walking away. "Have a nice day, you three."

"Look at what you idiots did!" Issei yelled as he tackled both his friends to the ground.

[Are you okay Vince?] Yume asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it, Yume." He said in a nonchalant tone.

[You shouldn't let what Motohama-san and Matsuda-san said get to you, Vince.] Yume advised him.

"I know."


"You saw that earlier right Akeno?" A young red headed woman asked, as she watched Vince walking,

"Ufufu, of course. I have to say, I almost thought he was going to shock them." Akeno said with a smile.

"That's the human you talked about from last night, right?" She asked her.

"Yes, Buchou. It was very surprising to learn that he wasn't a magician." Akeno stated.

"I see... Interesting."


Two days has passed since Vince started attending Kuoh Academy. During the few days, he kept his distance from everyone and barely talked to Issei, just only on occasion, despite Yume's protest.

Vince frowned as he sat down on a chair, eating a cup of instant ramen. (I'm kind of disappointed they don't sell any pizza here.)

"You know, if you wouldn't frown so much, you might not have be so alone." A feminine voice spoke.

"That didn't stop you from coming here." He retorted not looking at her.

"I guess I'm just different." She replied smiling.

Vince looked to his side and saw a red headed young woman. "So, who are you?"

"My name is Rias Gremory, and you are?" She asked him, after introducing herself.

(She talks to strangers and introduces herself? She's either after something or is just plain weird.) Vince sighed before he got up from his seat. "Vince Reinhart."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna get a drink." He answered lazily.

"Mind if I come with you?"

Vince's only answer was a shrug as he walked past by her. (She's definitely after something. I wouldn't be surprised if Rias knows Akeno.)

As the pair walked down the halls the students that say them looked surprised and started whispering to themselves. Vince rolled his eyes and stuffed his hands in his pockets. (She seems to be really popular if this many people are talking.)

"So how do you like Kuoh Academy." Rias asked snapping Vince out his thoughts.

"It's monotonous." He answered bluntly.

Rias frowned at the blunt answer and the short reply. "Am I bothering you Reinhart-kun?"


Rias puffed out her cheeks in a pout at the answer. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Vince ignored Rias and putted his money in the vending machine, after pressing the button for his drink. He discretly channeled lightning into his finger and touched the machine, which caused it to let out an extra drink that didn't go unnoticed by Rias. "How did you do that?"

"I got lucky." Vince took the two drinks and opened one.

"I see..."

"Here." He said handing her the second drink.

Before Rias could thank Vince, he started walking away as he took a sip of his drink.

"Thanks." She said quitely as a small blush came on her face.


(After School)

Vince sighed in relief as he heard the bell rang. (It's about time school ended. Anyway, I'll go to the arcade in town to kill some time. Plus, I've never been in one before.)

He got up from his seat and quickly left, before Issei could say anything.

[Vince, was it really necessary to do that? Issei-san looked like he wanted to talk to you.] Yume said with a small frown.

"I'm only here for the education, I don't have any interests in interacting with other people unless it's absolutely necessary." Vince answered as he walked out of the school campus, while looking at his cellphone.

[You shouldn't push people away like that Vince. It isn't healthy to distance yourself like that.] She stated with a sigh.

"Doesn't matter. Besides, I do want to go to the arcade as quickly as possible." He replied with a shrug.

[And what about your homework?] Yume asked curiously.

"I'll do it when I get home. I don't have a lot of homework anyway, so it's fine." Vince answered in a nonchant tone.

(Seven Hours Later)

Vince's eyes widened as he looked at the time. (Well shit. It's 10:00 PM, I spended to much time at the arcade.)


"I know! I'll just take a shortcut in the park to get home." He said as he started running.

Just as Vince was about to enter into the park, he quickly hid behind a tree after seeing Issei along with a strange guy. (That was close. Guessing by Issei's reaction, I'm guessing that the guy over there isn't his friend.)

[That's a fallen-angel. What will we do, Vince?] Yume whispered looking at the situation from the cellphone screen.

"That's a fallen-angel, are you sure Yume?" He asked in disbelief.

The mysterious man then let out a two black wings as feathers drop. Vince looked at this and shook his head. "Guess you were right, Yume."

[Yes, but what will you do Vince?] Yume asked in a serious tone.

"...Hmm, I think I'll just ignore this and go home." Vince answered nonchantly, causing Yume to facefault.

[But Vince! Issei-san is in danger, just look at him!] She exclaimed, pointing towards Issei quickly running away from the fallen angel.

"Damn, I didn't think Issei could run that fast." He said looking at Issei running towards the fountain.

[Vince! Come on, let's help out Issei-san!] Yume said to him.

Vince thought over for a few seconds, "Alright. This will be a good time to test out Angel/Devil."

[You're only helping Issei-san, because you want to test out Angel/Devil?] Yume asked sweatdropping.


"Tell me the name of your Master. It's a hindrance to get bothered by your kind. For that, we will... Wait, are you a "Stray"? If you have no Master, then that will explain the worried expression on your face." The man said as looking at Issei.

Vince hid behind the bushes and looked at cellphone. (Now's a good a time as any, I guess.)

"Hmph. I don't feel any presence of your Master nor your comrades. I don't see anything that is trying to hide its presence either. And there's no magic-circle appearing here. According to the current situation, you are a "Stray". So it won't be a problem if I kill you." The man stated created a light spear.

Vince pressed the black button on his cellphone as he muttered. "...Henshin."

The cellphone glowed lightly as small black aura came out of the cellphone and went into Vince. Unaware to him his brown eye color changed into red as his pupils are now slit."That's it? Well, whatever."

Vince created a slicing blade made out of black water and sent it at the light spear the man was holding, slicing it in half.

Both Issei and the man looked completely shocked as Vince walked out of the bushes. "Trying to kill a highschool student in the middle of the night? Are you really that pathetic?"

"Vince-san!" Issei shouted in surprised.

"I see. So you did have comrades with you. Or maybe you two are strays that working together..." The man mumbled.

"Yeah, keep making delusional theories like that, I'm sure that'll get you somewhere eventually." Vince said sarcastically.

The man scowled as he created a light spear. "You should watch your toungue devil."

"Just like how you should watch where you're pointing that thing. It would be kind of sad if you were destroyed because of it." He retorted with a shrug.

"That is enough."

The three looked around to see Rias glaring at the man. The man glared back at Rias full of hatred. "...Crimson hair... You must be a woman from the house of Gremory."

"My name is Rias Gremory. How are you doing, Fallen Angel-san? If you are trying to hurt them, then I won't hold back." Rias stated.

"...Fufu. Well, well. So these two boys belongs to you. So this town is also part of your territory then. Well then. For today, I will apologise. But I advise you not to let your servant loose. People like me might slay him while having a walk." The man said chuckling.

"Don't be ridiculous. I would have beaten the crap out of you, if it wasn't for her." Vince said pointing to Rias.

Before the man could say anything, Rias spoke up. "Thanks for the advice. This town is under my surveillance. So if you get in my way, then I won't hold back."

"I will say the same to you, heiress of the House of Gremory. My name is Donaseek. I hope we won't meet again." He then spreaded his wings and took the sky.

Vince was about to leave before he was stopped.

"Hold it."

"What is it, Rias?" He asked turning around.

Both Issei and Rias' eyes widened as they saw Vince's eyes now are red with slit pupils. "You are a human, yet you have demonic power now and your eyes have changed color."

Vince blinked twice before he discretely checked the fountain and saw his red eyes in the reflection. (Well, that's interesting to know. I didn't think it would change my apperance like this...)

"What are you Vince Reinhart?" Rias asked her eyes narrowed dangerously.

"A human, always have been." He replied with a shrug.

"Then does that mean you have a Sacred Gear?" She asked, pressing for information.

"Most likely. But you should keep a better eye out if there's fallen-angels here." Vince warned her as turned around and started walking away.

"Where do you think you're going!?" She yelled.

"Hmph." Vince ignored Rias, channeled black lightning into his legs and ran at highspeeds.

Rias gritted her teeth as she was ignored and watched him disappear in a black blur. Issei looked on, completely shocked and confused. "B-Buchou?"


Vince sighed as he looked around his body for any different changes. (With the exception of the red eyes there's no real physical changes when I turn into a devil.)

[You did good tonight, Vince.] Yume spoke up, slightly surprising him.

"Y-Yeah, but it seems Rias will be asking me a few questions, tommorow." He said in a slightly irritated tone.

[Don't antagonize Rias, Vince. If my guess is correct, then it means Kuoh is her territory.] She said seriously.

"Ugh..." Vince closed his eyes for a minutes, deep in thought before he opened them. "Considering I'll be stuck here for a while, I can see your point. For now, I'll just remain neutral and just give her enough minimal information to satisfy her, is that good enough?"

[Yes. If you truly don't wish to side with either faction, then remaining neutral is the best choice.] Yume replied with a nod.

"Okay." Vince pressed the gray button on his cellphone, causing a black aura to come out of him and go back into the cellphone. He quickly walked into the bathroom and checked the mirror. (My eyes are back to normal, so I'm a human again.)

Vince sighed and lied down in his futon. (Sheesh, today really has been crazy. In comparison to the slow days, I think prefer them more.)

[Umm Vince, you still have to do your homework.] Yume said as she saw him about to close his eyes.


(Next Day: After School)

Vince was about to leave the classroom, until he was stopped, by a blond haired guy wearing the boy's school uniform and Issei who looked annoyed at the girls who kept screaming. "Hi, are you Vince Reinhart-kun?"

"What of it?" He asked folding his arms.

"That's good, I'm Yuuto Kiba. I came here by the order of Rias Gremory-senpai." Kiba answered causing Vince's eyes to narrow.

"That's good to know, but what does that have to with me in particular?" He asked with a small frown.

"I want you to follow me along with Hyoudou-kun." Kiba said with a smile.

Vince looked at Issei weirdly, his only response was to shrug, not really knowning himself. He thought it over for a few seconds but hesitantly nodded. (I better get this out of the way while I have the chance. Considering I'll be staying here for a while.)

"NO!" Was the collective shout of the girls.

"No, for Hyoudou, Kiba-kun and Reinhart-san to walk besides each other!"

"You will get infected, Kiba-kun, Reinhart-san!"

"I won't agree with the Kiba-kun×Hyoudou pair! Maybe a Kiba-kunxReinhart-san"

"No, what if its Hyoudou×Kiba-kunx Reinhart-san pair!?"

Kiba looked unfazed, while Issei irritated and Vince's eye twitched dangerously. After hearing the girls continue talking. (I hate yaoi fangirls! But now that I have the power...)

Vince dropped a pencil on the floor, he bended down and picked the pencil with one hand while discretly pressing his other hand on the floor. A small electrical current went underneath the floor of the girls that were standing on and lightly zapped them.


"W-What was that!?"

"M-My hair!"

Vince resisted the urge to laugh manically as he saw the girls' hair was standing up completely due to the electrical current. Issei quickly put a hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing as Kiba shook his head. "That was a bit mean."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Vince replied with a shrug, causing Issei to sweatdrop.

Vince and Issei followed Kiba to a building surronded by trees. Vince looked around and sighed. "Creepy place."

"Y-Yeah..." Issei agreed before he continued. "Hey Vince, thanks for saving me last night."

Vince blinked in surprise at the thanks, but nodded slowly. " Yeah, but be more careful at night."

After going inside of the building and walking down the halls, Kiba knocked on a door. "Buchou, I have brought them."

"Yes, come in."

(So, it seems that Rias is in charge of the Occult Research Club. I wonder why exactly she called both of us here and that magic circle in the middle of the room is a bit freaky.) Vince thought as he walked into the room.

"This is Reinhart Vince-kun and Hyoudou Issei-kun." Kiba said introducing the two, to a small girl with white hair sitting on a sofa.

"Ah, nice to meet you." Issei said bowing his head.

Vince shurgged and didn't say anything, seeing as she wasn't going to reply. (If I remember correctly, that midget is the school's mascot... I think her name Koneko Toujou or something.)

Vince raised an eyebrow as he heard a shower in the room. (A shower in this clubroom? That's a little... weird.)

"Buchou, take this." A feminine voice spoke.

"Thank you, Akeno."

Vince folded his arms he shook his head. (I knew it, Rias and Akeno are connected after all. Everything is starting to piece together slowly.)

Issei blushed as he started staring at the shower with a perverted face. Vince on the other hand, rolled his eyes and looked away.

"...What a lecherous face." Koneko muttered as she started eating a plate of youkan.

"I hope you weren't referring to me." Vince said with a small frown.

"...No, I wasn't."

The shower curtain opened to show Rias in her uniform with her hair wet. She smiled at both Vince and Issei. "I'm sorry, I was so busy last night, so I took a shower now."

(No comment.) Vince thought to himself, before he looked behing Rias and noticed Akeno behind her.

"Ara ara. Hello, my name is Himejima Akeno. Pleased to make your acquaintance." Akeno introduced to Issei.

"O-Oh. My name is Hyoudou Issei. N-Nice to meet you too!" Issei bowed, slightly nervously.

"Ufufu, it's nice to see you again, Reinhart-kun." Akeno said looking at Vince.

"Likewise." He replied, surprising Issei.

"Looks like everyone is here. Hyoudou Issei-kun. No, let me call you Issei." Rias said to him.


"We, the Occult Research Club, welcome you." Rias started.

"Eh, ah yes."

"As a Devil." She finished completely shocking him.

(I wish I had a camera to record that expression.) Vince thought with an amused smile.

A few minutes later Issei sat down a took a sip of tea as he tried to calm down. Akeno went towards Vince and handed him a cup of tea. "Here's your tea."

Vince took the cup of tea and took a small sip, his eyes then slightly widened as he muttered. "...It's good."

"Ufufu, thank you very much." Akeno answered with a smile.

Vince then tuned out the rest of the conversation as he heard some parts about the history of the Three Factions and girl named Yuuma Amano. (So Issei basically got reincarnated after getting killed by his first date. Ouch, just what type of Sacred Gear does he have that ordered his death?)

Rias and the others then turned to Vince, who just looked at them with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, what is it?"

"You seem to be very calm about this. Even after revealing our identies you were hardly surprised. You already possess a Sacred Gear that also explains your abilities and you also know about the Three Factions, correct?" Rias asked trying to get some informaton.


Rias nodded and took out a red chess piece. "Reinhart Vince. I want you to join my peerage."



Authors Note: That's the end of the first chapter, gotta love cliffhangers. I have to say it was a bit smoother to write this chapter than the original first chapter. Now for the explanations.

Vince may have seem overpowered but he's actually not. Yeah, he's strong and has had his powers for a long time, but he lacks any real battle experience. He forgot to check his surrounding and crashed into a bench in the middle of a fight. Not to mention he had to ask his Sacred Gear spirit for advice.

I've tried to make the interactions a bit more in dept with Vince and the other members and to show that Vince is a little social awkward and hardly speaks unless spoken to with people he hardly knows. Just to show that he does have flaws, personality-wise.

Now then for Vince's devil transformation. I didn't want to make it into an overly complicated transformation. So I just went with something simple but noticeable, the reason why Vince's eye colored changed to red with slits pupils, is just to signify that he is currently a devil. Nothing more.

And finally, I know are going to ask about this. Vince's answer to Rias' question will be answered in the next chapter. But I'm pretty sure most people, more or less knows his answer by this point.

That's all I have to say for now, I hope enjoyed the chapter.

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