Outside, a little further down the hall, there seems to be a heavies convention happening. The combined presence of the Terra Nova and Triple Triad bodyguards hasn't gone unnoticed by the hospital staff. The tension however fades a little when they see me joining them. I nod at the nurse's questioning glance. Even so, she is still frowning at the men. She nods back. I guess that means that she won't call security just yet.
"You need to stop hanging around in a group like this. You're freaking out the staff."
Miles appears at the entrance, looking like a man on a mission.
"Go on now." He says when he arrives at the group. "Back to your posts. I checked out. We are okay." He nods to Giulio, his junior, and Giulio nods back then the men disperse. Two head to guard Sasha's door. Two others skulk separately in the reception. I'm certain that there are more of them throughout the hospital too.
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