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50% Marvel : Superman / Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Capítulo 19: Chapter 19

Suddenly the song was cut off and the voice of Principal Goodwin was blaring through the hall.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but we've just been informed of a surprise meteorological event happening above us and for those of you who want to see it. Now would be a perfect time" Principal Goodwin said.

An excited murmur passed through the hall and soon students were walking outside to see what they hoped to be shooting stars. Apollo and Skye awkwardly smiled at one another as they walked to watch the shooting stars knowing that they had been about to kiss but not being sure what to do now that the moment had been interrupted and was now gone. Pretty soon all of the students were outside and looking up into the sky. Apollo saw a few flash overhead and everyone was in awe.

Stars were falling from the sky.

However, Apollo's superior senses picked up on the imminent danger that was ahead.

"Oh no" Apollo said aloud as he saw, felt, smelled and heard the meteors as they entered Earth's atmosphere. Everyone in Smallville was in grave danger Apollo thought just as the first meteor struck the pavement a few miles near the school. The loud boom startled the students and Apollo knew it was only the beginning of the devastation that was about to rain down on his hometown.

"Everybody get somewhere safe!" Apollo shouted just before another meteor landed close enough that everyone at the school could feel the shockwave.

Suddenly it seemed like the sky was filled with meteors as sirens wailed throughout Smallville warning people of a danger that was already crashing into their town. Students and faculty all began to rush to the closest nearby bunkers as the sirens continued to wail and people began to scream after a meteor completely leveled a section of Smallville High. Apollo ran with his friends urging them to keep calm until they were in the bunkers.

"I can't believe there's such a huge meteor shower happening right now. How could this happen without anybody knowing?" Chloe questioned as she freaked out and another meteor crashed nearby.

"I don't know but I'm just glad we're all safe, right Apollo?" Pete said.

"Apollo…" Skye said as she noticed that he had disappeared from right beside her. Skye wanted to go back out there and get him but so many people were filing in that it was impossible for her to get out.

"Apollo where did you go?" Skye said out to nobody in particular nothing but worry in her voice.

Apollo meanwhile was racing through Smallville, moving well beyond the speed of sound and rescuing people and animals.

He grabbed a cat stuck in a tree before a meteor came barreling into it and placed it in its owner's home.

He saw a kid outside in a field about to be struck by a meteor, Apollo accelerated and ran to the kid grabbing him and shielding him with is body the meteor crash landed right behind them and the debris and flames smashed into Apollo's back. The flames simply did not affect him and the debris smashed into pieces against Apollo's indestructible body. Apollo ran the kid into the nearest bunker and then took flight.

He flew at hypersonic speed streaking through the sky saving people.

He grabbed a couple in a car that was about to be struck by a meteor and moved them before flying off before they even knew what happened. He blew out a fire that had started when the heat from a meteor triggered an explosion.

He continued to fly faster and faster through the town, he saw a meteor was about to strike an apartment complex and flew in between himself and the meteor bracing himself as it smashed into him and he caught it stopping it from hitting the apartment and then throwing it softly to the ground.

A cry for help got his attention and Apollo quickly flew off as he heard a scream, a woman had pulled her unconscious husband out of their car when it knocked over by the shockwave from a meteor strike. Her husband was in her arms passed out and bleeding. Apollo flew so fast he was nearing re-entry level speeds and he grabbed the woman and her husband flew them to the hospital close by so quickly that the woman was left standing confused and wondering how she got there.

However, Apollo wasn't done the meteor shower was still ongoing and so many people needed his help, Apollo continued to push himself zipping through Smallville rescuing people. He saw a streak of multiple meteors about to crash into the town center and his eyes blazed as he let loose a powerful streak of heat vision completely cutting through and destroying every meteor it hit. The meteors exploded midair before they could crash and smaller far less dangerous pieces fell to the ground hurting no one.

Apollo flew up into the sky deciding to snipe the meteor from the clouds while they fell to Earth. Apollo lasered one, he then caught another and threw it back to space, he froze a couple before flying and smashing another just as it entered Earth's atmosphere. Apollo let out a powerful sonic scream and the wave from it turned every meteor it passed through to dust.

Apollo could tell he was over exerting himself, he never truly got tired but right now in this moment, pushing himself to his limits to save every life he could, he felt fatigue for the first time in his life. But Apollo couldn't let himself rest not when he could still hear the screaming below. He was saving people but they were too many meteors and Apollo couldn't be everywhere at once. Apollo shook away the feeling of doubt he felt, he wouldn't let that stop him. No matter what he had to try. He couldn't give up and let innocent people die.

Apollo flew down to the ground and rescued some animals from the meteors before putting out a forest fire that had been caused by a meteor strike. Apollo raced back into town and continued saving people; shielding them with his body and flying them to bunkers or to the hospital all so fast that to the people he was saving it felt like they were being teleported.

Apollo then sensed a meteor flying towards the Hubbard house, he couldn't afford to have Skye lose her father. He was not only one of the kindest people Apollo knew but also someone that was Skye's whole world. If he died, he didn't know how Skye would react.

Apollo blurred pushing himself to fly faster with every passing second, he arrived just before the meteor but he didn't have time to catch it or destroy it. Instead he stretched out his arms wide and let it smash across his body. The explosion didn't hurt Apollo but it did destroy his tux. The meteor fragments that ricochet off his body sailed over and around the house leaving it undamaged.

Apollo let out a sigh of relief before flying away knowing there was still more to be done.

A meteor was screaming toward the school parking lot, where dozens of students were trapped in their cars.

Apollo vanished in a sonic boom.

In a fraction of a second, he reached the lot. The burning rock was seconds from impact.

He landed right beneath it, catching the meteor midair with both hands. The impact sent a massive shockwave through the pavement, shattering car windows, but Apollo held firm. His boots dug trenches into the asphalt as he absorbed the force.

With a powerful grunt, he hurled the meteor back into the sky.


His Uncle Ikaris incinerated it midair. Apollo smiled as he saw him, his cosmic vision flaring like twin golden solar beams.

Apollo barely had time to thank him or breathe before another problem arose.

A school bus had swerved off the road, its driver panicking as meteors rained around them. The vehicle teetered on the edge of a broken bridge—just seconds from plunging into the river below.

Apollo shot forward.

The moment the bus tipped, he was there.

His hands pressed against the steel, stopping it mid-fall. His feet scraped across the crumbling bridge, the sheer weight of the bus pushing him forward—closer to the edge.

Inside, children screamed.

He tightened his grip and lifted.

Muscles flexed. Asphalt cracked. The bus groaned.

Apollo carried the bus backwards with ease push, Apollo set it down safely on the remaining stretch of road. He ripped the doors open and peered inside.

"Everyone okay?"

The kids inside—some as young as seven or eight—stared at him, eyes wide with disbelief.

"Who are you?" one little girl whispered.

"Someone who wants to help" Apollo said with a smile.

He turned to the driver. "Take them straight to the school. Don't stop for anything."

The driver, still in shock, nodded quickly before flooring the gas.

Another save. No time to rest.

Apollo blasted off again. He raced through Smallville sensing a meteor about to strike a family trapped under some debris. Apollo pushed himself but he could tell he wasn't going to make it in time. Dread filled him as everything slowed around him and he ran as fast as he could. He wouldn't make it. Apollo let heat fill his eyes, maybe he could destroy the meteor before it struck?

Then something blurred by him moving fast enough to make him look slow in comparison. A golden streak of pure unrivalled speed. The fastest thing on the planet. His Aunt Makkari. She grabbed them and moved them from danger before the meteor struck.

Apollo blurred to her.

"Slow poke" Makkari signed and he chuckled right as she ran off to save more people.

She was a blur of golden light, darting through the chaos. Where Apollo moved with sheer unmatched power, she moved like a living miracle—zipping between falling debris, pulling people to safety before they even realized they were in danger.

She reached an apartment building seconds before it collapsed, dashing inside and grabbing two kids out of their beds. She turned mid-run, weaving through flaming wreckage, cradling both children in her arms.

Apollo landed beside her just as she set them down safely in the street.

"I had them, you know," she teased, dusting off her hands.

Apollo chuckled. "Just making sure you don't steal all the glory."

She grinned. "Move faster then."

Before he could respond, she was gone again.

Apollo smiled as he witnessed his family in action.

Makkari, moving faster than the eye could follow, zipping into burning buildings and pulling people out before the fire could consume them.

Above, Ikaris, incinerating oncoming meteors with his cosmic blasts before catching a falling water tower and setting it down safely.

Apollo joined them.

He accelerated, diving toward an intersection where an elderly couple was frozen in fear as a meteor screamed toward them. In an instant, he landed between them and the impact, raising his hands. The fiery rock slammed into his palms, the force sending shockwaves through the street. Apollo held firm before tossing the smoldering meteor into the air. A second later, Ikaris destroyed it.

Apollo turned to the couple. "Go! Get inside!"

They ran without hesitation.

Another scream. A woman trapped inside her flipped-over truck.

Apollo sprinted forward, lifting the entire vehicle with ease before gently setting it upright. He ripped the driver's side door off its hinges and reached inside.

"Are you hurt?"

The woman—mid-thirties, terrified—shook her head, eyes wide. "How—?"

"Adrenaline. Get to safety."

She scrambled out.

Another impact. Another explosion. More people needed help.

Apollo darted forward. He leaped onto a collapsing balcony and caught a child mid-fall before gently setting them down. He used his heat vision to carve a firebreak around an apartment building, keeping the flames from spreading.

Ikaris landed beside him, scanning the sky. "There are still larger impacts incoming. We have to take them out before they hit."

Apollo nodded. He could already hear another meteor breaking through the clouds—this one even bigger than the last.

As the largest meteor yet tore through the sky, Apollo took a deep breath. He pushed off the ground, shattering the pavement beneath him, and soared upward, climbing higher and higher until the cold air bit at his skin.

The meteor was massive—easily the size of a semi-truck. If it hit, it wouldn't just destroy a single building—it would wipe out an entire city block.

Ikaris flew up beside him. "We take it together."

Apollo shook his head. "No time."

He pushed ahead. He flipped mid-air, cocked back his fist, and punched the meteor with everything he had.

The shockwave rippled through the sky, sending burning fragments scattering in all directions. Ikaris blasted the remaining chunks, disintegrating them before they could fall.

High above Smallville, Ikaris hovered, his eyes glowing like twin suns.

"Another one's coming," he called out.

Apollo turned—and his stomach dropped.

A meteor the size of a small building was streaking toward the center of town.

If it hit… Smallville would cease to exist.

Ikaris clenched his fists. "This one we're stopping it together."

Apollo nodded. '

"On three."

They counted.


Ikaris' cosmic energy flared.


Apollo's entire body tensed, heat vision charging behind his eyes.


Ikaris let off a golden blast of concussive energy to slow the meteors decent as Apollo released his heat vision super heating it right before he flew into it, slamming both fists into the meteor at full speed. The impact cracked the air like a thunderclap and the meteor smashed into pieces.

Ikaris hit next, blasting his full power into the pieces his controlled blasts cutting through the air surgically and swiftly destroying the pieces large enough to still cause damage.

The meteors harmless chunks rained down like pebbles.

Apollo exhaled, watching the debris scatter.

Ikaris smirked. "Not bad."

Apollo rolled his eyes. "You always have to one-up me."

They shared a nod—then split off to keep saving lives.

Apollo landed at the gas station, where a collapsed roof had trapped an entire family inside.

He could hear them—heartbeat racing, breath shallow.

He placed his hands on the collapsed beams and lifted.

The rubble groaned. Tons of weight pressed down on his shoulders. But Apollo pushed them off the weight inconsequential to him at the moment. He heaved the entire roof upward.

"Go! Run!"

They didn't hesitate.

Apollo released his grip, letting the rubble crash back down once the last person escaped.

Another save. But Apollo couldn't congratulate himself, he heard a troubling explosion at the city centre.

A meteor had struck a gas main, igniting an entire city block.

Flames roared, consuming the buildings.

Apollo narrowed his eyes.

Deep breath.

He exhaled—hard.

A shockwave of wind blasted from his lungs, snuffing out the flames in an instant. Smoke swirled in the air, but the fire was gone.

More people could be saved.

No time to stop.

Apollo flew through the town and noticed a gold streak moving even faster than him grabbing people and saving them from danger. Sirens continued to wail and Apollo could see some helicopters trying to evacuate people. Apollo flew to his Uncle.

"Uncle, protect them" Apollo shouted motioning towards the helicopters evacuating people and Ikaris nodded.

"Apollo, save them" Ikaris said as he motioned to the rest of Smallville before his eyes lit up into a cosmic golden colour and he blasted Apollo with an extremely potent blast cosmic electric energy.

Apollo absorbed as much of the energy as he could, feeling every cell in his body rejuvenate and recharge. Apollo smiled at his Uncle as his body was now filled with newfound strength and power. It was more power than Apollo had ever felt before and he knew exactly how to use it.

Apollo shot off and began moving faster than he had ever dreamed saving people all around the town and moving so quickly it was like he was in multiple places at once. He was downtown smashing a meteor about to strike, no actually now he was uptown lasering meteors before they could destroy some mansions, then nearly instantly he was across town using his super breath to put out fires and then without even a moment passing he was by the factories using his sonic scream to turn oncoming meteors to dust. Apollo was everywhere using every ounce of his power to help and by the time the meteor shower ended Apollo had burnt through every ounce of additional energy his Uncle had given him.

Breathing heavily, Apollo hovered for a moment, staring down at Smallville. The town was damaged—but it was still standing.

He looked and saw his Uncle Ikaris fly towards him as his Aunt Makkari appeared in front of him. He had done it, they had done it.

He turned to Ikaris.

"Think anyone saw us?" Apollo questioned.

Ikaris shook his head.

"No one believes their eyes in a crisis" Ikaris assured him.

Apollo nodded, relief filling him right before he fell to the ground in exhaustion, almost completely passing out. He had saved so many people but yet still the sound of crying, the smell and taste of blood and burning reminded him of how many people he had failed to save.

"It's okay. You did good, especially for your first disaster" Ikaris told him.

"Don't focus on all those you weren't able to save but instead all those you were able to" Makkari added.

Apollo nodded then looked down at his Dad's tux now completely charred and tattered from his exploits and then mustered up some energy and super sped home as his Aunt and Uncle went to their own respective homes.

Apollo ran through the doors and found his Dad getting changed into his old gear.

"Dad?" Apollo questioned

"Apollo I'm so glad you're alright" Jonathan said as he hugged him. Jonathan noticed the state of his clothes and understood what his son had been doing.

"What are you doing?" Apollo asked.

"A lot of people are going to need help, fire department is asking for anyone with any kind of training to help. Your Mum is at the hospital helping the wounded, your Aunt and Uncle are no doubt out there helping and so I am going to as well" Jonathan told him.

Apollo nodded and then ran upstairs to quickly change before running back down to his Dad just as a truck pulled into the Kent farm.

"I'll help too. I'm burnt out but I can still help" Apollo told his Dad his Dad nodded and the two jumped in the truck and spent the next few hours providing the aid they could before Apollo went to the hospital to help his Mum in any way he could.

At the hospital Apollo was told to hand out blankets and pass food and was doing so when he saw Skye, Pete, Lisa and Chloe. Skye locked eyes with him before running and jumping into his arms and hugging him deeply.

"Never do that again Apollo, we thought you had died" Skye told him tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I saw some people that were in trouble and went to help" Apollo told her.

The two locked eyes and Apollo wiped the tears from her eyes, then brushed the hair out her face before cupped it with his hand. Skye closed her eyes and leaned into his hand bringing both of her hands up to hold it.

"I'm so glad you're okay" Chloe said making them step apart for a moment and Apollo hugged Chloe, Pete and Lisa.

"Seriously man, Skye is right don't ever do that to us again" Pete told him.

"I won't Pete, I won't" Apollo assured them.

The friends stayed together for the rest of the evening before Ajak told Apollo and them to head home and get some rest. Pete drove Lisa and Chloe home and Apollo and Skye walked together back to her place in awkward silence.

"So how's your Dad?" Apollo asked breaking the silence.

"He's fine, I managed to call home when I got to the hospital and our place wasn't hit or damaged so he's just there waiting for me" Skye told him.

"I'm glad your Dad is fine and I'm sorry our dance was cut short by the meteors" Apollo said.

"Yeah talk about a dramatic end to the school year" Skye joked and Apollo chuckled.

They got to a crossroad that would either lead them to her place or his and Skye stopped.

"Skye?" Apollo said wondering why she'd stopped walking.

"I thought you died tonight" Skye said as she started fidgeting with the necklace Apollo gave her.

"Skye…" Apollo started to say but he was cut off.

"No, you disappeared. The sky was falling and you were gone and I knew you were out there helping people because that's what you always do but I also knew that this wasn't some purse snatcher or creep trying to act tough. This was an almost biblical event that was crashing down on us with no guarantee that you could survive and I thought you died" Skye said as she started to cry.

Apollo moved to hug her but she took a step back and Apollo felt his hearts sink into his stomach.

"It's crazy how one of the traits I love most about you is the trait that terrifies me the most. Because I love that you're so good, I love that you rush off to help people no matter what but tonight I saw that one of these days you're going to rush off to save someone and it'll be the last time I ever see you" Skye told him her voice wavering and lips quivering right before she took a deep breath.

"I don't know if I could take that, I don't know if I can continue whatever this is knowing that's our fate" Skye finally said.

Apollo stood in stunned silence not sure of what to say and how to comfort her. He wanted to tell her he was invulnerable, that he took a meteor to the chest and didn't even flinch. But would she accept him if she knew that he was from space just like the meteors that destroyed the town? Apollo couldn't risk telling her the truth knowing it wouldn't just change how she saw him but completely shatter her world view. And even if she kept his secret she'd be forced to guard a secret that could potentially result in the army or some secret agency ending up on her doorstep. Apollo couldn't do that to her so he held his tongue.

Instead Apollo walked up to Skye and hesitantly cupper her face again not sure if she would let him. Luckily she did. She was crying and Apollo could hear her heart rate, he could smell, see and even taste the fear and distress she was feeling because of the pheromones she was giving off. He could feel each individual tear she cried as they streamed down her face. Apollo wiped them away with his thumb.

"Skye can you come with me to the barn for a second?" Apollo asked.

Skye looked at him confused but decided to. The two of them walked to the barn and when they were there Apollo looked for the radio and put in a cassette, Lifehouse.

Find me here and speak to me I want to feel you, I need to hear you

Apollo stuck out his hand.

"May I have this dance?" Apollo asked his voice soft.

"Apollo I don't think us dancing will-" Skye started to say but it was Apollo's turn to cut her off.

"Skye please dance with me" Apollo said his voice firm but still kind.

Skye took his hand and the two started to slow dance again. Apollo smiled at her and the two swayed in the barn.

You are the strength that keeps me walking. You are the hope that keeps me trusting

"Skye, you should know I am not going anywhere. I can promise you that and the reason for that is you. No matter what I'll always find my way back to you" Apollo told her.

"How can you promise that?" Skye asked.

"Because I could never hurt you. I would never do anything that would hurt you. You told me the sky was falling but you want to know what the worst part of tonight was for me. It was seeing you cry because of something I did" Apollo said to Skye staring into her eyes.

And how can I stand here with you. And not be moved by you?

Apollo and Skye swayed as Skye began to lean into Apollo once more. Placing her head on his chest and listening to his heartbeat again. Still so enamored by him she didn't recognize the dual heartbeats. The two of them slow danced together getting closer and closer with every moment as if they were being pulled to one another like magnets.

You still my heart and you take my breath away. Would you take me in, take me deeper now?

"Apollo, about earlier" Skye said thinking about their almost kiss a little worry in her voice.

"I don't regret it" Apollo instantly reassured her.

"In fact I had a whole plan for tonight" Apollo admitted.

"Oh really what was the plan?" Skye playfully questioned as she looked up at him.

"It was to give you the necklace and ask you to be my girlfriend" Apollo told her feeling a little embarrassed and anxious about his reveal.

"You want me to be your girlfriend?" Skye said her voice soft as she looked up at Apollo with love while feeling a little lost for words.

"Of course I do, I've had feelings for you for years. It's you Skye, it's only you" Apollo told her.

Would you tell me how could it be Any better than this?

Apollo looked down at Skye again and the two looked deeply into each other's eyes a look of adoration and longing passing between them. They looked at one another's lips once again and then leaned in and kissed. A feeling like a jolt of electricity passed between them when their lips met. The world stopped for a second and the only thing that existed was just the two of them. The two deepened their kiss and held each other tightly. Skye stepped up onto Apollo's feet as he leaned down to kiss her deeper.

And how can I stand here with you, And not be moved by you? Would you tell me how could it be Any better than this?

The two separated for air and looked at one another nothing but sheer elation on their faces. Skye looked into Apollo's glowing eyes and felt the safest and happiest she'd felt the whole night and Apollo looked down at Skye and was filled with more joy than he thought was possible.

"Skye will you be my girlfriend?" Apollo asked wanting to make it official.

"Of course I will" Skye replied a big smile on her face as the two kissed again before pulling apart and letting themselves sway to the music.

Skye closed her eyes and leaned her head on Apollo's chest a smile of pure happiness plastered on her face as Apollo closed his and smiled widely. The two slowly swayed together and without knowing it or intending to do it Apollo floated with her in his arms. The two of them unknowingly lifted off the ground and swayed through air together completely enamored and taken by one another and happy that a night filled with so much pain and anguish for many at least had this silver lining for them. Their hearts were now connected and neither of them would have it any other way.

Cause you're all I want, you're all I need

You're everything, everything

You're all I want, you're all I need

You're everything, everything

You're all I want, you're all I need

You're everything, everything

You're all I want, you're all I need Everything, everything


Please give your review and comments.

Also read Superman(Marvel+DC) and Marvel: Hyperion.

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