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27.27% The Overpowered Gamer (Harry Potter) [Completed] / Chapter 18: The Deadline

Capítulo 18: The Deadline

Chapter 18. The Deadline

Harry looked at his stats and made an approving noise.

Character Sheet

Name: Harry Potter

Race: Human

Class: Fighter

Lvl: 15(0%)

HP: 750 (10 per second)

MP: 1500 (100 per second)





[Gamer's Mind] (Passive)

[Gamer's Body] (Passive)

[Observe] (Active)

[Peak Body] (Passive)

[Skill Create] (Active)

[Teleportation] (Active)

[Inventory] (Active)

[Increased HP regeneration] (Passive)

[Killer] (Active)

[Increased MP regeneration] (Passive)

[Unlimited Money] (Active)

[Shapeshifter] (Active)

[Death's Favoured] (Passive)

[Reviver] (Active)

[Dreamer] (Passive)

[Sleepless] (Passive)

[Mana Manipulation] (Active)



[Weapon Master]




He was satisfied with his newly created skills. They covered everything from offence to defence.


– Gives the user the ability to efficiently fight in hand-to-hand combat. Proficiency is directly proportional to the levels. It increases with the levels.

[Weapon Master]

– Gives the user the ability to efficiently use any type of weapon. Proficiency is directly proportional to the levels. It increases with the levels.


– Allows the user to enter into a berserker mode for 10 seconds. In this state, the user's power doubles but defence weakens.

Cooldown: 1 minute


– Allows the user the ability to enter into a defensive mode for 10 seconds. In this state, the user's defence becomes unbeatable, but offence weakens.


– Gives the user the ability to predict the opponent's attack one second before it is executed.

With his quest to create skills completed, Harry decided to sleep and relax a little. It had been months since he last slept.

The Room, reading his mind, conjured a plushy bed. Harry stretched his arms above his head with a grunt before falling down on the soft bed and closing his eyes.


I was standing in a large glade, in a spacey clearing surrounded by thick forest. The sky was clear with nary any clouds to hide its vastness. I could feel the warmth of the grass in my bare heels as the sun began descending down from its pinnacle.

I didn't know how I got here.

I should be worried, but I wasn't.

I moved towards the figure lying helplessly on his back, coughing and moaning in pain. He had dark hair and dark brown, almost black, eyes. The middle aged man didn't seem to notice me even when I was standing near him. He was staring at the glaring sun with his own furious glare.

"It can't end like this. Not like this. I am lord Voldemort. I won't die like a no name in some ditch far away from civilization. No, I won't die. I am lord Voldemort." He hissed defiantly. But it was in vain, his skin was turning white as if his very blood was magically disappearing from beneath his skin. His eyes dimmed until only a pinpoint of shine was left in them.

I was left bamboozled as I lay witness to the pathetic demise of the strongest wizard of the century.

I spoke too soon.

The dark lord sat up suddenly. He wasn't dead yet. No, he was now far stronger than he ever was. He seemed to be brimming with power. Pure unadulterated raw power. I stepped back reflexively. The strength he gave off was just too much. It was like standing before a firestorm. If I was anyone else I might have fallen on my knees already.

But no, I wasn't that weak. I stood my ground and saw the mystified dark lord getting on his feet. Apparently, Voldemort himself wasn't sure what was happening and how he got this strange power.

We didn't need to wait much longer for our answers.

A giant entrance appeared a few yards away. No, it wasn't exactly a doorway, but more of an ornate mirror. We held our breaths, staring at the mirror with dread and curiosity.

A young man who couldn't be more than twenty five years old, stepped out of it. My eyes widened in recognition. The face of the man who came through the mirror was familiar.

It was my own face. Well, not exactly the same, but definitely similar. It was a far older and more handsome face than mine. But I could clearly see the similarities between us. We had the same emerald eyes and the exact shade of dark hair.

He too didn't seem to notice me, focussing his attention on Voldemort instead.

"Bow." The being uttered coldly.

It was as if the gravity around us increased tenfold. As if nature itself coveted his voice and followed it like a loyal puppy. A massive force slammed over the stupefied Dark Lord. Voldemort couldn't do anything against it and dropped down on his knees with his face pressed on the grass subserviently.

I somehow managed to keep standing.

"Who are you?" Voldemort choked out a reply as he turned up his face to look at the stranger venomously.

The being smiled softly but his eyes remained cold and apathetic. "I am Chaos. The King of Gods. The Creator. The Destroyer. The Primordial who rules the multiverse. As you can see, I go by many names. But you may be familiar with my birth name. I am Harry Potter."

A complete silence fell on us. The wind itself stopped. The good weather wasn't sunny anymore. I looked up to see that the sun was still shining, but the heat and the light of it had considerably diminished. Funny it may sound, but the thought that the 'Earth had put on sunglasses' came to the forefront of my mind.

I didn't laugh. I was far busier staring at Chaos. I was hungrily taking in the figure of the man who gifted me with the unique Gamer power. The one who saved my family from becoming slaves to Death Eaters.

"Impossible. The Potter boy should be just a child now." Voldemort gasped out, trying in vain to raise his head from the ground.

"You are correct. Harry Potter of this world is indeed only a normal child right now. Then obviously I am not of this world. Does it really surprise you that there are infinite worlds out there with infinite Harry Potters?" Chaos smirked blankly and sat up on a conjured throne right before the struggling dark lord. "Answer me when I ask a question, Tom? Or do you want to perish?"

"No. I am not surprised." Voldemort spat out angrily, knowing when to rein in his pride, aware that he wasn't even a fly in front of this being.

"Hmm. Let's forgo the small talk and get right to the meat of the matter. After waiting for years to get resurrected by your followers, you were disappointed in their loyalty and productivity. So, you undid the Horcrux ritual and mended your soul back since no one was coming to save you. I applaud your mastery in magic to function even when you were just a ghost. That is indeed praiseworthy. But did you really think that there were no drawbacks or repercussions for undoing the Horcrux ritual? For going back on your sacrifice and promise? For trying to gain back your humanity?"

When the dark lord kept his sullen silence, Chaos went on with his explanation.

"The drawback, as you were feeling earlier, was the corruption of your soul parts. Your different soul parts were slowly gaining their own self when you abruptly tried to merge them together, when you quenched their growth. In simple terms, your very soul turned cancerous. You would have surely died. But I saved you and made you stronger, far stronger than you would ever have become on your own. You are almost an equal to a minor god in terms of power right now. You should thank me. Do it now."

Voldemort, still trembling on his knees, managed to wheeze out a "Thank you, my lord."

"Hmm. I can hear your insincerity loud and clear. But it's fine for what I have done to you. Come, let's get into the castle and I will tell you more about your sickness and your cure." Chaos smiled indulgently as if playing with an unruly child.

"Which castle?"

"The castle behind you, of course."

The gravity forcing down on the dark lord seemed to vanish, letting him stand up on his wobbly feet and turn around.

There was now a fortress behind them. It was an intimidating castle with high protective walls circling it.

"This is an unbreachable fortress. No power can go through it with force. It is a creation of the strongest being Chaos myself after all." The Creator said proudly as he snapped his fingers.

The scene changed. They were now inside the castle and in the lavish throne room.

"Follow me." The Creator said to the subdued Dark Lord and climbed the dais over which the golden throne was set.

I was now totally sure that what I was seeing was the past, that what was happening had already happened. I couldn't remember when and how, but it appeared I had fallen asleep and was in a dream world. It didn't take me much time to deduce that the [Dreamer] perk was active, showing me an important glimpse of the past. I didn't waste the opportunity and hurried behind them.

The Creator didn't sit on the throne as I had guessed, no, he went past it and stared at the grey stone wall. A second later it moved aside like a sliding door. He stepped inside royally with his arms crossed behind him, followed by the curious Dark Lord and me. I jumped in surprise when the wall moved back in its place, barring our exit, trapping us in.

I took a calming breath and consoled myself that I was just in a dream. I couldn't be hurt here. I looked around and was mesmerised by the queer comfortable room. It had no windows or outlets and yet it was filled with abundant light and air. There was a massive canopied bed in the centre of the room with shelves covering every inch of the wall except a square space where the hidden passage was.

Chaos went straight for the bed and pointed his hand at it. A black miasmic gooey substance spurted from his palm. It writhed on the bed in defiance, but with a wave of his hand, the gel-like substance started taking a shape.

I looked on with astonishment as the once ugly thing turned into a beautiful sleeping woman. She was wearing a pretty black gown and her hands were crossed upon her stomach. Her black hair flowed down in two streams over each shoulder and around her breasts. She had a milky pale skin which contrasted well with her dark hair.

She was immensely beautiful. Not as pretty as my mum, obviously.

"Who is this?" Voldemort asked with a frown.

Chaos smirked as he leaned forward and pulled the dress down the sleeping woman's shoulders, exposing her breasts. He placed his palms over the shapely peaks and gave them a tight squeeze. "This is you. Damn, you have a nice pair of tits, Voldemort."

The Dark Lord snarled and pointed his empty hand at the ruler of the worlds in a threatening manner. Which was both brave and stupid. "Step away from her and don't you dare touch her. Explain yourself right now."

Chaos smiled sadistically, he pinched the woman's nipples all the while staring at the Dark Lord, taunting him. But when a black flame started burning in the Dark Lord's hand, he did step away with an amused chuckle.

I sighed in relief. I was getting a tiny bit uncomfortable watching a slumbering woman getting molested.

"As I mentioned earlier. This woman is you. Or at least the amalgamation of all the cancerous parts of your soul given a body and consciousness. She is your sickness and your cure."

"What is the meaning of all these? What am I supposed to do with her?" Voldemort asked annoyedly. He had moved between the bed and Chaos, trying to keep the Creator's attention on him and away from the half naked woman.

The Creator hummed thoughtfully, a sardonic smile forming on his face.

"It means, my little evil dark lord, that she is the one who was hurting you, not consciously of course. And now she is also the cure. She is the physical form of your cure. She has taken away all the corruption from your soul and freed you from your impending death. Now, let's decide the price for all of my help. You didn't expect me to do this all for free, did you?"

Voldemort's eyes narrowed. He stood straight, protectively before the bed. "Name your price."

"Good. You are not fighting against the inevitable. I knew there must be a reason why I liked you more than the other Voldemorts." Chaos said in a pleased tone. "For saving your worthless life, I take away your worthless freedom. You shall never leave this castle anymore. You will be imprisoned here until your end."

Voldemort simply snorted and shook his head. "Not happening. That demand is as bad as killing me. With this restriction, I wouldn't be able to take over this pathetic country and lead it. I wouldn't be able to change it into my vision. No, I don't accept it. Ask something else."

Chaos just tilted his head in thought before shrugging. "Fine, your corrupted self which is in the form of that woman will never be able to leave this room while you will never be able to directly leave the castle."

"That's the same thing!" Voldemort complained.

A sudden chill came upon the room. Even I, who was just a spector, could feel the danger singing in every particle of the air. "Let me finish my sentence, you imbecile child. Both you and the woman will be imprisoned here until one of you kills each other. When only one of you remains alive, the castle will let you go. That is the price you will pay for getting saved by me and acquiring more power from me. Now, either kill the woman, your other self, to have your freedom or become trapped in here. It's your own choice. Be glad for my merciful heart."

"That won't be difficult." Voldemort snarled and turned around to look at the sleeping beauty. He took out his wand and pointed it at the other Voldemort.

"Avada Keda-" He stopped short and hunched down in despair, not able to finish the spell. Not wanting to. Not able to.

Chaos suddenly laughed maniacally, his calm face turning ecstatic. "I see you understand now. It won't be so easy to kill a part of your own soul. She is you as much as you are her. She will understand you like no other. She will love you like no one can. She will be faithful and loyal on whom you can depend. She is someone who you always craved for, but never had. She will be your perfect partner. Rejoice, my little evil dark lord, you have finally fallen in love. With yourself no less. I would have jeered at you for your narcissism if I hadn't fucked other female Harry Potters in the past. Choose Voldemort, Love or Freedom?"

Voldemort was looking at him with such hatred that a normal person instead of Chaos would have pissed himself.

The dark lord whispered with anguish, "You are a heartless cruel bastard. I feared there was no God and have finally seen the reality. There are only monsters. And for the first time, a bigger monster than me has appeared before me. Go away, monster. I agree to your deal. I don't know why you are doing this to me or what are your hidden intentions, but beware, you have made an enemy and I will find a way to bring you down. I choose a woman over my wings. I choose love over my beloved freedom. Leave me be."

Chaos just smirked indifferently. "I am sorry if I behaved like I was your friend. I am not. But you are also not strong enough to be my enemy. You are just a worthless hurdle I have set in someone's path. If they defeat you then they are worthy, if not then they can die like the worm they are."

I froze. I could swear he was looking at me when he said that. I was proven correct when a stranger's voice echoed in my head.

'Ah, Harry junior. I see you are lurking in the past and spoiling your own storyline. Such a spoilsport. Now you know most of your answers without even trying. Isis sure is coddling you. She always was soft-hearted. I guess it's fine for now. You are a Harry Potter after all, so you do get some leeway. Be thankful I didn't smite you for snooping where you weren't supposed to.'

Before I could protest and say that the [Dreamer] perk was passive and couldn't be controlled by me, the Creator continued. And this time his voice wasn't playful. No, this time it was filled with coldness and fiery cruelty. 'And don't slack off just because Voldemort is imprisoned in that Castle. Yes, I trapped him to give you some time to grow. But that doesn't mean there won't be any limit. If by the end of your fifth year, Voldemort is still alive then I will come myself for you as your opponent. And I won't kill you. No, that would be too easy.

'I will instead torment you forever, I will take back your powers and imprison you in a cell with the best view, so you can see how I systematically break your mother and sister, so you can cry when I torture each of your little friends. Don't mistake me, Harry junior. I am neither your friend nor your enemy. At least not yet. I just favour you now for your name. But that won't save you if you disappoint me and waste your own potential and my efforts. Grow, Harry Potter and show me your worth. Show me that I was right in choosing you. Your life and your family's lives and even your friends' lives depend on it.'

A low amused chuckle reverberated in my mind.


Harry started and sat up awake. He was still in the Room of Requirement and it was early morning. The sleep had been both worthwhile and scary. He finally had seen the Creator. And the Creator had for the first time talked to him. There was so much to unpack from it.

While Harry was satisfied that he happened to stumble upon such an information mine, he didn't think the threat from his future partner was necessary. Damn it, he was giving his all, wasn't he? He wasn't slacking off. Who the fuck was the Creator to talk to him like that and question his work ethic?

Harry at last understood why Isis hated him so much. The Creator was extremely cruel and ruthless. He was the King of the multiverse and there was no need for him to act nice, there was no one to force him to be reasonable. The Creator had remained unequal for almost an eternity. He had spread his chaos and evil unchecked. There needed to be another powerhouse, another force who could challenge him, who could stop him, who could balance him.

Harry would be the One.

Harry would be the Light to envelop his Darkness. He would be Good countering his Evil. He would bring Order against the Chaos.

That morning, Harry waited in the Gryffindor common for his friends and his sister. His mind was so preoccupied by the dream that he didn't notice his sister even when she sat beside him. She had to shake his shoulder to bring him out of his troubled thoughts.

"Good morning, Harry. You okay?" She asked, wrapping her arms around him and whispering in his ear.

"I am fine, Iris. I was just thinking. Good morning." Harry smiled reassuringly as they pulled back.

She didn't believe him for a second. But before she could interrogate him further, their friends arrived and her chance to talk to him vanished.

Astoria wasn't her usual chirpy self as she slumped down in Harry's lap.

"I don't want to go outside. My demon sister is probably waiting to pounce on me." said Astoria with a scared voice.

"Good morning to you too, Astoria. And don't be melodramatic. Daphne will not 'pounce' on you. I don't even think she will waste her time by waiting outside the common room. How would she even know where the Gryffindor common room is?" Hermione said to the younger girl.

Astoria didn't even pay attention to her words and kept on staring at him imploringly, managing to annoy her.

"Fine. I will protect you. Now smile for me. You don't look too cute when you are all sad and gloomy." Harry ruffled her blonde hair, his heart growing light from her childish antics. He always liked how Astoria brought a cheerful atmosphere wherever she went. It was almost magical.

Astoria shot him a blinding smile and kissed his cheek loudly. "I knew there must be a reason why I chose you as my future husband."

"I am flattered. Now let's go and see if Daphne really is waiting for us outside." Harry answered, already getting used to being called her 'future husband'.

Iris caught his eye as they approached the door. The single glance was enough for both of them to communicate.

'We will talk about it tonight when we will be alone.' Iris seemed to say. He nodded imperceptibly.

Lo and behold, Daphne really was standing outside with crossed arms. She cocked her eyebrow when Astoria threw her hands in exasperation. "I knew it."

"Come with me, Tori. We need to talk." ordered Daphne.

Astoria shook her head.

"Astoria, come with me." Daphne reiterated coldly.

"Nope, I am not coming with you, demon. Go away." Astoria scampered away and hid behind Harry.

Daphne heaved a long suffering sigh. "I will not scold you. Just come with me."

"Okay. But Harry is coming too. He will make sure that you keep your word." Astoria proposed instead, sticking out her head from behind him.

"Fine. He can come too. But no one else." Daphne gave her reluctant assent.

"You all continue to the Great Hall. We will meet you there." Harry announced, waving them away and following behind Daphne to an empty classroom.

Just as they entered inside, Daphne closed the door and stared at Astoria. The said girl gulped and fidgeted on her feet.

"Last night was a disaster. Mother will hear about it. But that's it. I am not going to scold you as I promised earlier. I just want to ask you, are you good? Do you feel lonely?" Daphne questioned softly, spreading her hands in invitation.

Astoria swiftly slammed into her, hugging her tightly. The elder sister smiled gently, reciprocating the fierce hug.

Harry too chuckled at the scene and leaned against the wall.

"I am good, Daph. Although I feel kind of lonely, I think I will make friends with my roommates soon. I even talked to Ginny before going to sleep. I miss my room and mum but I will be fine." mumbled Astoria.

"Hmm. That's good. In a way, I am relieved that you were sorted into Gryffindor." Daphne confessed, frowning as they pulled back.

"Why?" asked Astoria.

Daphne simply shrugged. "Because Gryffindor is safe."

"What do you mean, Daphne? Are you having problems in your house?" Harry enquired, interrupting them.

"Well, the upper years did try to punish me and Tracey for associating with you and taking your side against Draco the previous year. They wanted us to become his slave for a week. I mean they obviously didn't use the word 'slave', but that's what it was in reality. Of course, I protested. But they still didn't see it our way. So I punched the seventh year and kicked her on her head, who was rallying the house against us. After that, no one bothered us anymore." Daphne revealed nonchalantly.

Astoria and Harry stared at her in shock. The younger sister's eyes shone with admiration and she whispered "My sister is so cool!'

Daphne blushed a little at the intense stare she was getting from Astoria and puffed her chest in pride. Harry on the other hand had a different reaction.

"Are you sure you are safe there, Daphne? Do you need me to talk with the headmaster? I don't think it is normal for a whole house to group against two students." He muttered in concern.

"It's nothing, Harry. I am fine. I can take care of myself. You don't need to worry." Daphne assured him, waving away his concern.

"But still, it is dangerous. You shouldn't be careless. You don't know what will happen next. They might be plotting against you right now." Harry suggested, scowling at the thought of his friends having a hard time because they were with him.

"Harry, you are starting to annoy me. I said I can take care of myself, didn't I? I don't need anyone's help. I am capable enough." Daphne responded harshly. She regretted it as soon as the words left her mouth. Her gaze softened and she grabbed his hand, squeezing it in apology. "I am sorry, Harry. But please let me handle this. I will feel weak if I have to ask for others' help for such minor trouble."

"Okay, Daphne. You can do what you want. But at least wear this. It's a special portkey which will take you to Potter Manor if you are in danger. The password is 'Safe Haven'." Harry requested, pushing his hand in his pocket and pulling out the enchanted silver necklace from the inventory. He decided not to tell her the real worth of the necklace on the off chance that she might be too proud to totally depend on a necklace for her safety.

"Fine. You win. Go ahead." Daphne sighed fondly at him, turning around so he could put it on. He was such a worrier sometimes. Though she wouldn't deny it felt good to be cared for so much. Her face flushed red as he stood close behind her, his fingers grazing her neck as he set the necklace on her.

"I want one too." Astoria grumbled, slipping between them, bumping her bum against her sister's to push her away from him. They were getting too close for her comfort.

Harry looked down at the pouting blonde and couldn't suppress the smile. He patted her head and said, "You don't need anything like that, Tori. You have me in person to protect you. I hope you will take me over a necklace anyday."

"When you put it like that, I definitely got a better deal. Hehe, Daph, you loser." Astoria giggled, hugging his right arm and sending a triumphant smirk at the glowering girl.

"Sometimes I want to kiss and cuddle you while other times I want to gut you like a fish. Is it normal?" Daphne whispered under her breath, but the other two definitely heard her since Astoria got scared and hid behind him.

"Let's go, Tori, before Daphne's urge to 'gut you like a fish' really takes over her." Harry laughed, grabbing her arm and running towards the exit.

"Run from the demon!" Astoria yelled, being led by him.

Daphne simply rolled her eyes at those two and exited the room in a calm and composed manner.


Harry waited patiently under the Invisibility Cloak. At the sound of light footsteps, he looked up at the stairs which led to the girls' dormitories.

Iris climbed down quickly, scanning the common room for him. He took off the Invisibility Cloak and stored it in his inventory. Without another word, she stepped close to him and held his hand. Then they teleported to the seventh floor where Harry paced three times and a door formed on the wall. They both moved inside the newly formed room which was a modified version of his own bedroom back home.

There was only a single bed in the medium sized room. Iris took his hand and led him towards the bed on which they sat face to face. She gave him a look and demanded, "Tell me."

And he did. He told her about his dream and the terrifying threat from the Creator.

"That's troublesome." Iris whispered in shock and fear.

"That's one way of putting it. I have a deadline, and the punishment for not accomplishing my objectives by then is eternal torment." Harry sighed worriedly. "Let me talk to Isis and see what she has to say."

'So, what do you think, Isis? Do I have any chance in defeating Voldemort who is as powerful as a minor god? And do you think I can do that before the end of my fifth year?'

You are taking too much stress, Harry. After maxing the [Fighter] Class and with the Black Sword, you will be easily able to off the Dark Lord. Don't worry too much. If you continue at your current pace, you will reach level 1000 by the end of your fourth year. For now, just focus on levelling up and finishing your quests. Thinking too much about the future will spoil your present.

Harry nodded at his friend's advice and retold Iris what she had said. The siblings readily agreed to drop the long face and be confident in his success. And just after that, a new quest popped up.


— Defeat Iris in a hand to hand combat.


— 1000 XP for Harry Potter

— 1000 XP for Iris Potter

"What is it, Harry? Why do you look like you swallowed a lemon?" asked Iris.

"My latest quest is to defeat you in hand to hand combat." Harry replied with an annoyed huff. Iris on the other hand grinned excitedly and dragged him to the centre of the room.

"Let's do it. I always wanted to bloody your cute face. I will finally take my revenge for all the times you called me 'little sister'." She cackled, wringing her hands in warm up and curling her fingers inwards into fists.

"I am not sure whether I should be happy that you called me cute or scared that you are eager to punch me." He said blandly, changing the room for the appropriate event. The floor was now covered with mats, which should hopefully soften their falls.

Iris just smirked, quickly tying up her red hair in a messy bun.

"Are we really doing this? Are we really going to punch and kick each other? I can't do that. I will feel like a jerk if I hurt you." Harry groaned, trying to calm her down.

"That's pure arrogance, brother. I can hurt you too, you know. And I too will feel bad about it. But it's the quest. We have to finish it and we might even learn something from it. Let's start." Iris laughed and tried to hit his face.

Harry's eyes widened as he stepped to the side, barely missing her fist. She was too damn fast. And it was all because she was level 110 while he was currently only level 15. It was good that he had turned on his [Predict] skill which showed him her next move a second before. It wasn't anything flashy as if he had some future vision or anything. The skill just made him 'feel' where and when the next attack would come. It was all up to him if he decided to follow the hunch or not.

He jumped back and turned on his [Brawler] skill too. And suddenly he knew how to fight.

Iris wasn't smiling anymore. She stepped forward and tried to execute a high kick, aiming for his head. Harry simply leaned away. He had to admit that his sister's fighting skills were almost pathetic. She was monstrously powerful and quick, but her technique was abysmal.

With [Brawler] and [Predict] working simultaneously, Harry was able to easily dodge her kicks and punches. His constant evasions angered her, further fueling her power.

She swiftly leaped towards him with her fist cocked back. Harry wasn't quick enough to avoid her this time and her punch landed on his face, comically throwing him over a few metres away where he fell down on his back with a cry of pain.

He quickly jumped to his feet, anger burning in his eyes. There was a bruise on his face which magically went away a second later due to his healing factor.

"Uh-oh." Iris mumbled as he approached her with a blank expression. She easily ducked under his punch and tried to swing a back-kick at him.

That was her mistake.

Harry caught her leg with his hands and answered with his own kick. His leg slammed onto her arse, before he swept her off her feet, making her yelp in alarm and fall on her stomach. Harry didn't give her a chance to fight back. He immediately took advantage of the situation and sat down on her back with her hands held behind her.

"Do you yield?" Harry asked, twisting her hands.

"Never!" She yelled. Harry simply slapped her butt, making her scowl in annoyance. "Fine, you pervert! I yield. Stop abusing my butt. Your kick already left a lasting sting."


— Defeat Iris in a hand to hand combat.


REWARD: Gained

— 1000 XP for Harry Potter

— 1000 XP for Iris Potter

Harry got off her and helped her up on her feet. She shoved him away and rubbed her arse, glaring at him all the while.

"Please don't call me the P-word. I am a good English gentleman. The only reason why I targeted your butt is because it is least prone to injury from a blunt impact. If my kick had landed somewhere else, you might have been in more pain." Harry revealed his perfectly thought out reason.

"Right. That was the only reason." She retorted sarcastically.

"Fine. It is also fun to slap your bum. I don't know why." Harry laughed shamelessly, causing her to pull out her wand.

"Oi, cool down. I was kidding."

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