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70.31% Son Of The Savage (a DC Comics SI) / Chapter 45: Chapter 44: Welcome Home.

Capítulo 45: Chapter 44: Welcome Home.

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(General P.O.V)

It was 2:30, and the elementary public school was closing for the day. Like a flood, kids poured out of the building.

At the head of the crowd, a little girl with frizzy hair tugged on her friend's hand.

"Hurry up, Cassie! Today's the day!" she urged, her voice brimming with excitement.

Cassie, with her straight black hair tied in pigtails, tried to keep up.

"W-wait, Candie, you're too fast," she panted.

Candie rolled her eyes but smiled.

"You're just too slow," she teased.

Just then, a black limo pulled up to the entrance, and a large man in a form-fitting suit stepped out to open the door.

"Young Mistress."

Bane nodded in greeting.

"Hey Bane."

Candie replied and turned to Cassie.

"Come on, our ride is here!"

She exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

"Is it really okay for me to come?" Cassie asked hesitantly.

"Of course! I want you to meet my brother. He's the best!"

Candie assured her, pulling her friend towards the limo.

"But my mom..." Cassie began.

Candie stopped and turned, a shrewd smile on her face.

"We're obviously going to pick her up first!"

Cassie's eyes widened.


"I had Arya call your mom and ask for permission. She agreed as long as she could come too. And of course, she can come! Ain't I thoughtful? Praise me!"

Candie said proudly, puffing out her chest.

Cassie's face lit up with joy.

"Wow! You're the best, Candie!"

'Not really,' Candie thought as they climbed into the vehicle. 'The best in the world is Big Brother.'

(Angel's P.O.V)

After teleporting onto the grounds of my mansion, I was greeted by the sight of my staff lined up in front of the house.

"Whoa, is this where you live?"

Goku asked, just as Shade arrived to welcome us.

"Young Master, welcome home,"

my right-hand man said with a bow.

"I guess that answers that,"

Jinx muttered from behind me.

"Shade, good to see you,"

I said, patting him on the shoulder. "How has everyone been?"

"Splendid. Just waiting for you,"

he replied, falling in step behind me as I walked towards the mansion.

"Good to hear that,"

I told him, stopping in front of the staff.

"Everyone, thank you for your hard work. I hope you continue with your diligent service."

My words seemed to have a positive effect as they all bowed in unison.

"Welcome back, Young Master."

They chorused.

"Thank you, all. Please show the same courtesy to our guests,"

I motioned to the four people behind me.

The Head Maid, Mrs. Arya Gordon, the former KGB spy, stepped forward.

"They shall be treated with the highest regard, Young Master. Welcome home."

She said with a smile.

"Thank you, Mrs. Gordon. It's good to be back. How are the kids?"

I asked.

Showing your minions you care helps reinforce loyalty afterall.

"The same old menaces they've always been. Driving poor George insane with mischief. But I'm thankful for your concern, Young Master."

She grumbled before her voice shifted to a warmly tone.

I laughed a little.

"Make sure you send them my regards."

"Of course, Young Master."

She nodded, stepping out of the way for us.

"It's only been a week but Man have I missed this place."

I said, breathing in the familiar air, while climbing up the stairs.

I turned to my Right Hand man,

"Shade, is everything ready for tonight?"

"To a t."

He responded.

Anticipation welled up in me. Another staple of Supervillains was showing off.

I clapped my hands together, reaching the top of the staircase before turning around and declaring,

"Listen up people. Tonight, we're having a party!"


"Where's Candie?"

I questioned Arya as she led us towards my office.

"At school, Bane has gone to pick her up."

She answered.

"Oh? She was supposed to enroll in a month, if I remember correctly."

I curiously said.

While my Staff had autonomy when it came to their duties, my sister was a different matter. Everything concerning Scandal had to be run through me first.

"She insisted herself. I believe it was to impress you when you came back, Young Master."

Arya replied.

Candie insisted? Well that changes things.

Soon enough, we arrived at the door.

"I'll be up with refreshments in a bit, Young Master."

Arya said and excused herself.

Shade then opened the door for me, and I entered, the other 4 following behind.

Once the door was closed behind us, I turned to face my new friends?/Allies? with a smirk.

"Okay, I know you're mad at what happened on the Island. So just this once, I'll let you vent. Punch me, kick me, or anything, I won't fight back."

I offered, and without hesitation, Jinx stepped forward and threw a punch my way.

I held up a hand to stop Shade, who had been about to stop her.

The fist landed squarely on my face with a loud thwack! She didn't hold back. But the one who felt pain wasn't me, it was Jinx.

"Ow! ow!! ow!! What's your face made of?!"

She yelled, cradling her hand.

"It felt like punching a wall."

An invisible layer of nanites was padded on my cheeks. But I wasn't going to tell her that.

Instead, I shifted my attention to the other three.

"Well? Now's your chance for payback if you want it."


Goku winced while staring at Jinx.

"I'd rather wait until our duel. That's when I'll kick your ass and make you pay!"

"That's the spirit, Kakarotto."

I gave him a thumbs up.

"What about you two?"

I addressed Ravager and Cheshire.

"If anything, I expected you to jump at the opportunity."

"And break my hand?"

Cheshire snorted.

"No thanks. I will have my revenge though. So watch your back."

"Fair. But don't be too presumptious. No one has ever gotten the drop on me."

I replied but that only made her smile widen.

"Then I'll be the first."

She crooned in a way that made my back shiver delightfully.

Shit, it's too soon for puberty to hit.

"And you Rose?"

I asked the last member of the crew.

Ravager didn't say anything for a while.

"Warn me next time."

Her words were unexpectedly soft, not carrying the heat I was expecting.

It surprised me. Their attitudes, I mean.

If I was the one in their place, I would have blown a fuse. But, I wasn't, was I? They decided to back me up all on their own. Which means, they were prepared for anything.

That realization helped me come to a decision.

My gaze was now more sure as I looked at them.

"I will."

First, I responded to Ravager.

"I'm grateful to the 4 of you for standing by me. So what do you say about making this official? Join me in establishing an Empire."

I offered to all of them.

The four of them looked at one another.

And I heard four voices state very clearly,


"Great. I'm glad."

I breathed out in relief, moving around to my desk.

For a second there, I thought I would lose 4 prospective minions.

"Shade will show you to your rooms. You can have a shower and relax before the Party. If there's anything you need, feel free to ring a bell and the staff will attend to you. We will have to meet up tomorrow and discuss the terms of your contract. But please, treat this as your home. Any questions?"

I questioned, now sat behind the desk.

"Just one."

Jinx curiously stated, looking around at the posh office.

"Just how rich are you? You have this big mansion, expensive tastes, people bowing at you, and I still remember the way the Shadows treated you. Are you like...royalty or something?"

For once I was stumped.

"The Young Master is the owner of Savage Inc. A multi-billion, soon to be Trillion dollar conglomerate. He is also recognized as a Baron in England and shall take up his Lordship when he reaches Majority."

Shade rattled out the information before I could stop him.

He even looked proud at the gasps of awe I was getting. Something I had been trying to avoid.

"Angel, you mean you're that cool?!"

Goku's admiration was the worst. He looked ready to jump over the desk.

"Wow, I don't know what a Baron is, but it sounds awesome!"

"Y-yeah...I mean, I suspected you were someone important, but from your personality and attitude, I never thought you were such a big deal."

Jinx openly gaped at me. A strange mix of awe and nervousness in her voice.

"You knew he was loaded, didn't you?"

Cheshire accused Ravager.

The latter shrugged, lackadaisically.

"I spent a few weeks in his yatch."



Two stunned voices shrieked at the same time.

"You have a yatch?! Master Roshi says only des- distinguished gentlemen have Yatchs?"

Goku carried on, while Jinx looked away with a blush.

Roshi huh? Makes sense the old pervert would think that.

A sigh escaped me,

"Yes, I do have a yatch. A few infact. And Ravager was just chilling after we completed a mission together. We spent the two weeks actually training."

I explained, hoping to avoid a misunderstanding. For some reason Rose looked pissed, earning a snicker from Cheshire.

"Just training?"

I ignored the shy mutter from Jinx.

Thankfully, there was a knock at the door, interrupting the talk before it could get any weirder.

"Let's continue this after you've had your rest. Shade, could you please show them around the house?"

I instructed.

Shade nodded and opened the door, leading them out.

The one who walked in next was Arya, pushing a trolley of food.

I sat up straighter, sniffing the air.

The smell wafting off the covered dishes made my mouth water. My meat sensors were going off. MEAT!! MEAATT!!

Even my stomach growled in anticipation, having had nothing to eat since the night before.

"Arya, you're a life-saver."

I told her.

The former spy smiled,

"It's everything you like, carefully prepared by the chef."

My eyes were stuck on that trolley, but Arya stopped midway into the room, confusing me.

"Arya what...?"

I started to say, only for the tray holding the dishes to rise into the air, covered by a shroud of blue energy.

Before my eyes, the tray smoothly floated to my desk and gently landed. That wasn't all either.

The pitcher with orange juice along with the glass, similarly levitated off the trolley.

And in midair, the juice was neatly poured into the glass, not a single drop spilled.

The glass slowly approached me, before stopping in a hover in front of my chest.

I wrapped my fingers around it, brought it to my lips and took a big gulp, the sweet taste of orange invading my tongue.

I sighed, leaning back in my seat, a wide smile full of pride coloring my face.

"Candie, you little rascal."

I called out to the one responsible, knowing she was hiding outside the door.

"Come and give your big brother a hug."

From outside, my little sister squealed, a bundle of white covered in a blue aura flying into the room and slamming into my chest.

"Angeelll, I missed you so much!!"

She cried, happiness rolling off her.

Yeah. It's good to be back.

"I missed you too, Sis."

I wrapped my hands around her frame.

(General P.O.V)

The evening soon arrived and the Mansion was alive with activity.

Multi-million dollar cars lined the driveway, with even more arriving each minute.

From afar, the Mansion which rested on a hill inside Angel's hundreds of acres property, was lit up like a Christmas tree. Visible from the small township that rested at the foot of the hill.

Inside the ball room, VIP's from different companies all under Savage Inc, mingled and socialized.

In attendance were also business partners affiliated with other organizations that worked closely with Angel's company.

Most had arrived with dates and some of them with bodyguards. But weapons were confiscated at the entrance, with every single person complying or they were denied entry.

Naturally these bigwigs knew each other. Whether from working closely, or competing in business ventures. It was a niche group comprised of CEO'S, politicians and various high ranking Executives.

And every one of them was here for one single reason: To lay eyes on the the sole owner of the fastest growing company in the Nation.

Angel Savage.

At the top of the stairs, stood a man in a tailored navy blue suit with a crisp white shirt and a deep burgundy silk tie.

Polished black leather shoes completed his look, and he gave off a refined air.

This was Christopher Tresser, the CEO of Savage Inc.

By clinking his glass with a spoon, all eyes fell on him. The lights faded, as a limelight was shone on him.

The murmurs from the crowd ceased, everyone quieting down.

Christopher cleared his throat, surveying the room with an easy going grin on his face.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Friends and enemies..."

At the joke, there was a light chuckle from the guests.

He went on, his expression turning serious,

"Just a month ago, I was a failure. As a man, and more importantly, as a father. I had lost all hope, a dead man walking, living on borrowed time."

The crowd hang on his words.

"Today, you may know me as the CEO of Savage Inc, a highly coveted position that I was lucky enough to interview for, let alone get. All this has been made possible due to one person. Someone my daughter and I will forever be indebted to. Many of you have been curiously asking me about him. Today, your curiousity ends, and your interest, respect and admiration begins. I want to present to you, our host for the evening, my Boss, the owner of Savage Incorporated, Angel Savage."

He motioned at his back, the limelight following his direction.

A young boy in a black shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, a silver watch with a green tint on his right hand, a grey half coat and matching pants, walked forward.

He was undeniably going to be a handsome man when he grew up.

His jawline was edged out, with little to no baby fat, his black eyes like pools of darkness that sucked in most of the women present.

And the slight grin he wore spoke of confidence and power. Something others might have mistaken for arrogance.

With his hair braided in perfect cornrows, he cut an unique image of both refinement and rough raggedness.

But perhaps, his most defining trait was the majestic presence he held by merely standing. In a word, he was captivating.

This was Angel Savage, presenting himself to the world.

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