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Capítulo 7: Chapter 7

After leaving the cave, Nero left the territory of the multi-headed dragon, but was almost halfway through the jungle and thus halfway between his hideout and the ocean shore.

Nero noticed a familiar figure. A creature that had both intrigued and terrified him during his previous encounter.

Dryad, a mystical creature known from myths and legends. However, the one living nearby differs little from the majestic representation of her in legends.

The dryad has the truly alluring body of a young woman whose age can be estimated at about 25 years, although her biological age may be completely different. Her skin looks like it's been doused with water, which doesn't run off but strangely stays on, forming a protective layer. A tattoo in a shade of darker green than her skin runs down the sides of her arms, thighs, stomach, and even her head. This tattoo represents a vine, but not an ordinary one, but a peculiar kind with thorns.

Nero thought that maybe it was ironic, but looking at this monster now, the tattoo fit perfectly for a creature that was beautiful but dangerous.

The most fascinating thing is the Dryad's head. Everything below her head appears normal, apart from her skin color and the strange layer of water. However, the face, worthy of top fashion brands, with long red hair, perfect lip shape and delightful green eyes, hides a certain dark element. Her lips, although beautiful, seem to destroy the entire image of perfection, bringing to mind something extremely dangerous.

The Dryad's mouth is monstrous. When closed, they look normal like a human's, apart from the odd cut or scar that runs from the center of the mouth to the chin.

But now, as the Dryad was eating the screaming goblin alive, Nero saw the monstrous side of this beautiful creature. Her mouth fell open in a terrible way. The cut or scar on her chin and halfway down her mouth was simply part of her monstrous mouth that opened into three parts. The number of teeth this creature had made Nero think of clowns from horror movies.

The goblin was obviously tempted by the woman's sexy body, judging by the loincloth lying a few meters away from them and his penis, which was still fully erect. Surprisingly, the Dryad, despite eating his leg alive, massaged his prostate.

Nero wondered if it was a habit of the Dryads, or if this particular Dryad had the perversion of molesting its prey while eating it.

"Fuck... Now I don't know if I should kill you normally in the future or let you taste what this goblin tasted... Even though I killed a group of them a moment ago... Haha... But I won't jerk off to them "

He thought as he walked away from this strange scene. He didn't have time to watch this strange spectacle, and he wasn't sure if the Dryad had any hidden fighting power beyond charm magic, pheromones, or plant control. Nero had never seen her use anything like this, except once when the Dryad magically merged with a tree, avoiding danger.

Without thinking further about this creature, which could be quite a challenge for him in the future, Nero went to the beach.

He was lucky because the section of jungle separating his cave from the beach is really small. To cover the entire distance and touch the first piece of sandy terrain, a short, 15-minute walk was enough.

The advantage of this small part of the jungle, apart from the presence of the Dryad and goblins, was the small number of truly dangerous monsters, such as bony wolves and other more aggressive creatures. This was mainly due to the proximity of the many-headed dragon's territory and the visits of the chimera, which from time to time ventured into this territory in search of food.

However, currently the jungle seemed calm, and after collecting the appropriate amount of sand, through a rather peculiar method of taking a handful of sand in his hand and hiding it in his inventory, Nero collected the required 8 kg of sand in less than half an hour, while remaining cautious.

While looking around for threats, while he was still collecting sand, he saw familiar spider-like creatures inhabiting the beach, or rather a fragment of the beach regularly covered with water, the depth of which was no more than 10 centimeters.

They were twisted spider-jellyfish hybrids. These particular beings had a peculiar appearance. Their body resembled a giant tarantula, but it seemed almost transparent, like the body of a jellyfish in his previous world. Additionally, they had something like clothes or a veil made from the body of an ordinary jellyfish. Just above the spider's eyes, which were the only ones not of a transparent nature like the rest of their body, was a slightly reddish hat with many ribbons or jellyfish legs coming out of it.

Nero looked at these creatures with curiosity and caution, knowing that even in such a seemingly peaceful place, potential threats could not be underestimated.

Nero wasn't sure what to call this creature, but he decided to collect as many of them as possible.So he drew his spear and prepared to strike the first blow.


When the Medusa Spiders sensed a threat, they started shooting at it. Blue lasers were fired from the spider-like transparent nuns now directed at him, which, upon hitting him in the shoulder, caused minor pain and numbness.


The creatures weren't strong and their attack was obviously not used to fighting human-sized creatures. It's possible that the regular monsters in the area weren't hunting them, and this attack was more than enough to scare away any creatures that did decide to hunt them.

However, Nero was fueled by anger, caused by their unsuccessful attack. Almost mindlessly, he plunged his spears into the bodies of these strange creatures. Until the attack from the creatures continued and all the spider jellyfish were killed.

Still, Nero didn't want to risk touching these potentially skin-dangerous corpses of small creatures. So only after catching the small corpses using a piece of material obtained from the goblins. Nero collected a total of 15 spider jellyfish carcasses and quickly returned to the cave.

The female Goblin, before spotting Nero, was gripping the wooden bars of the cage, trying to free herself. However, when Nero returned, she quickly crouched in a corner and tried not to draw Nero's attention.

To her momentary happiness, Nero ignored her after a brief glance. And he sat down on the edge of his wooden mattress and activated the gray panel.

Before creating the Bloody Goblin Altar, Nero first had to prepare some necessary materials. Having all the ingredients, he started the task, which took less than a dozen or so seconds.

From the bones, ears and one eye of a goblin, Nero created a ritual goblin bone dagger. It looked quite peculiar: two bones, most likely from a goblin's legs, had been modified to resemble a blade and a hilt. One rib was used as a crossguard, from which hung ears, a nose and small pieces of bone with strange inscriptions. The bone shaft was wrapped in goblin skin, which had a strange, slightly sticky feel to it.

Creating blood stones and blood sand involves mixing the materials with goblin blood.

These necessary tools, Nero proceeded to create the Bloody Goblin Altar. He placed it in an empty corner of the cave, where rotten fate wanted it, through the female goblin's chest, a perfect view of the events.

The Bloody Goblin Altar isn't too intimidating. It looks like a stone letter "T" that is subject to murder with peculiar stones and strange red cement. There are mysterious runes in the center of the stone relay that cannot be understood. Next to them were two goblin skulls, stuck to the altar with bloody sand.

The female goblin, the suspected Blood Altar, let out a terrified screech that brought an evil smile to Nero's face.

"Hehehe... Take it easy. Don't worry... Don't put your heart on this blog... just the whole place of the tribe... Hehe... I guess it's because of something wrong..."

Apart from the sadistic pleasure that can be obtained when uttered to the sentence. Nero started creating a new tool. According to the information obtained from the gray panel, all you need to do is place the fresh heart on the altar and simply insert the ritual dagger.

Three hearts in inventory Nero took the test. Heart equipment into two segments. Goblin Scavenger's Heart and x2 Goblin Warrior's Heart. The difference is in the size and amount of energy contained in the hearts. Goblin Goblin being a combat stacked creature and probably already being a veteran of several fights was stronger.

After placing the collector's series on the altar, in the fourth way, blood flowed from the heart and filled all the runes carved in the stone.

When Nero stuck the dagger into the heart, a bloody mist spread around the heart and the ritual knife, which surrounded the devices two objects at the back and the same size. By neither Nero nor the female Goblin with a trigger system running from your wooden cage. You couldn't get up except a bloody mist.

As the Blood Mist cleared, Nero reported that the previously inserted ritual dagger now lay flat on the stone altar, and a strange red crystal appeared next to it.

The crystal was the size of a plastic ping pong ball, its shape could be combined into a Devil Fruit. Not the one known from the great series, but from real fruit in the Nero original world.

The color of the Crystal is intense red, and when held up to the lights, you can see a bit of the darkest red liquid swirling around inside the crystal.

"It's supposed to be a 'Lesser Blood Crystal', but I have a feeling that I'm going to turn this little miracle into something powerful."

The potential of the "Lesser Blood Crystal" isn't that great if you look at creatures like dragons or chimeras.

But on the scale of ordinary people, Goblins, Dryads. Even smaller blood crystals can cause serious damage.

There are a lot of Schemes using blood crystals. Just like everything else. The initial idea was to create special crystal arrows. These arrows would have had tips made of a smaller bloodstone. And the special effect would be a 'blood explosion'.

After entering the creature's body, the arrow, depending on its strength, would be able to generate serious damage. In the case of Goblin, this effect would be quite varied. If the Goblin was, for example, the weakest in the stardust or just very old. An arrow stuck in his shoulder would cause his entire arm and part of his chest to explode. Killing him on the spot.

If it was a Goblin Warrior, Shaman, or other with considerable strength by Goblin standards. The arrow in question would, at best, cause one of the hands that the arrow hit to be torn off. In other places on the Goblin's body, the effect could be more deadly.

Bloody arrows are powerful weapons, but they depend on the material they are made of. Because an arrow using the Lesser Blood Crystal and Nero not having an Archer class skill such as "Enhanced Shot" would not be able to pierce the monster's skin. And even if it hit the eye, apart from the physical damage the beast received, due to the strength that the strong monster has The special effect of the arrows would be neutralized by the internal energy of the creature. The number of factors is really large, but at the moment Nero does not plan to produce these arrows, mainly due to the small number of "smaller blood crystals". After all, fourteen smaller blood crystals are needed to produce one Blood Arrow.

However, 3 smaller blood crystals are 1/4 of the mentioned amount.

Nero decided to make a backup weapon for himself, specifically the Goblin Blood Dagger. Nero chose this particular scheme for a specific reason. Three Crystals were not enough to create something powerful.

Even though Nero did not go through all the available schemes that included the use of the "smaller blood crystal", he noticed many interesting projects. An extensive arsenal of blood crystal equipment, swords, armor, shoulder pads giving interesting bonuses and effects. Unfortunately, they required a really large amount of smaller blood crystals. For example, one from the available breastplate diagrams, it required 120 smaller blood crystals. Nero wasn't even sure whether the village where his "Cave decoration" came from had such a large population.

Fortunately, it is possible to use other blood crystals, medium and larger ones. Then of course the quantity drops exponentially, especially when the medium blood crystal is worth 3 smaller blood crystals. Of course, it may vary, after all, each blood crystal is different.

Nero regrets that he does not have a converter that, like the Horadric Cube, could change 3 smaller crystals into 1 medium crystal. However, with this in mind, for now Nero decided to focus on what he had. And from three smaller crystals he created the "Blood Crystal Goblin Dagger".

This dagger has only two advantages, apart from its interesting appearance. It has the effect of increasing bleeding by 20% depending on the strength of the enemy creature and slowing the regeneration rate of the attacked creature by 10%. These are quite simple effects and with most stronger creatures, the effects can drop to as low as 1% or be completely neutralized.

It is not a very powerful artifact, but it is more durable than an ordinary dagger made of iron.

Its appearance is quite peculiar, the blade looks like a crudely carved crystal blade. There are many chisel marks and the edge does not seem very sharp and is jagged in some places. The handle is quite similar to a bone ritual dagger, but Nero guesses that this is because both objects belong to "Goblins".

Po stworzeniu drewnianej pochwy na sztylet i pasa z winorośli, Nero wyruszył nazbierać drewna z Jungli. Chciał spróbować bardziej zabezpieczyć jaskinie, jednak do tego będzie potrzebował wiecej materiału.

After gathering the materials, Nero noticed that the day was coming to an end. So after feeding the Female Goblin and eating the meal itself. Nero came up with a truly sinister idea while looking at the female Goblins.

"After all, the nights are cold, I almost couldn't sleep last night... What if..."

Nero came up with a rather strange idea - he wanted to use the female Goblin as a living hot water bottle or heater. However, he did not trust this woman and guessed that she might be able to kill him while he was sleeping. That's why he created several BDSM tools that will significantly prevent her from performing violent actions.

The first 'tool' was a polished wooden ball with harnesses that lock onto the back of the female Goblin's head. Nero stuffed it into her mouth and tied it tightly to the back of the female Goblin's head.

Next came the wooden gloves, gauntlets or rather handcuffs. They covered the entire hands perfectly and were connected to each other as if they were welded. And without Nero's help, the female Goblin won't be able to take them down on her own.

A similar device was mounted on the woman's feet, mainly because she had really long nails and with any luck she would be able to seriously injure him with them.

Finally, a short rope was tied around her waist and attached to the wooden mattress. Now if she wanted to get up or escape, the jolt of the mattress would alert Nero.

'The only drawback is the fact that you stink... Fuck... the water didn't do anything. But it's better than freezing. But I fucking swear... tomorrow I'll collect herbs and maybe I'll make some soap."

The female Goblin was terrified throughout the entire procedure, but Nero, not caring at all, hugged his new living Dakimakura.

Before falling asleep, Nero checked the Chat charging status, which was 23%. The loading speed was really slow. However, even though he wanted to access the chat function as quickly as possible, he was also really curious about the opportunity to talk to people whose identities.

So it's possible to obtain new skills, even simple magical powers from Harry Potter. Nero could unlock completely new blueprints because it didn't matter how much he browsed through the blueprints he had. He didn't find a blueprint for a wand or anything like that. He only had access to magical items that did not use his own power, but the power contained in crystals or shocking a two-headed deer.

Nero believed that the key to unlocking these patterns was to have his own magical power, the more he looked at the patterns. Even more so, he realized that for now, after all, he was just an ordinary person from his previous world. And he had no magical power, the spear and dagger had a mystical element that somehow sensed his intentions and automatically activated a special effect.

The last thing Nero thought about before going to sleep was the creation of condoms. A female Goblin, despite being small in stature, having an ugly face and a truly terrible smell. She had a really tempting, sexy female body. And he was squeezing her breasts and pressing his naked body tightly against hers. He literally couldn't help but think about physically using his living Dakimakura.

However, she is a Goblin, and Nero's common sense reminded him that she may have been exposed to a lot of nasty things, and we're not just talking about other goblins. But also about what she could eat, because in some books, goblins were scavengers. So sticking your penis into such dangerous territory wasn't a very smart idea.


Kriuswerus_Pl Kriuswerus_Pl

Should I name the female Goblin or leave her as she is now?

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