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3.09% btthge / Chapter 3: Red Keep

Capítulo 3: Red Keep

The Stark by Dscot

I do not own this story.


Before entering the Red Keep, I ordered some of the northern forces to hold position and guard the entrance. I selected Lord Mormont, giving him 6,000 men to hold the gates and the surrounding grounds. When I entered the Red Keep my way was blocked by 80 Lannister soldiers. I'm not sure why they thought it was a smart move to block the passageway since I had more than 12,000 men following me. Yet they decided to stand in my way. My guess was Lannister arrogance and stupidity. As I marched forward, I ordered them to surrender. One man who looked like he was in charge of the group just smiled at me stupidly. It seems he found it amusing to be told what to do. Perhaps he believed in the reputation of the Lannister's as well as the legend of Tywin would be enough. That no one would truly challenge them. I could see a few of the brighter men slowly laying their weapons down. When I was 20 feet away from them I again ordered them to lay their weapon down and to surrender peacefully and allow my men to take them into custody. That earned me a laugh and a mocking smirk from the leader. He started to unsheathe his blade as I continued to walk towards him. When I was six steps away from them. I raised my hand which was the signal for two of my bodyguards to quickly move forward. With a quick swing from its hammer, it bashed in the leader's knees. Then moved to the next soldier to its right. Using its shield, it slammed the Lannister men away from the middle to make a growing gap for me to walk through. While my second bodyguard moved towards the soldier to the left and used its shield to push the Lannister's back making some of them fall to the ground. Using its hammer, it crushed anyone who tried to get around its shield. The last bodyguard moved in front of me. Ready to protect and block anything and anyone who might try to come towards me. A small group of northern troops quickly charged forward and engaged the remaining Lannister soldiers still stupid enough to fight. I called out to my men to try to subdue them but not to risk their lives doing so. I then turn to Lord Dustin leaving 2000 men with him to guard and secure the entrance. After walking through several hallways, we arrived at an intersection near the bottom of the stair that will lead me to the royal living area. I looked towards my uncle Ned pointing down the left passage and informed him that is the way to the throne room. Before we parted I ordered 100 men to go with him while I ordered another 6,000 men to stay in a group of 50 and start clearing out the red keep. I ordered them to round up everyone and bring them to the courtyard. If they happen to run into Lannister's or any gold cloaks, they are to order them to surrender. If not, they are to eliminate them. Reminding them that I want the main Lannister family alive. Any other soldier, even if they're from a noble family. that if they disobey the order to surrender, they should be eliminated. I told them it does not matter what rank in society they hold. I will back their decision. I also told them that if they run into Varys to cut him down before he can say anything. I ordered them to always keep an eye on each other's group never to roam off by themselves. Informing them that there are secret passages and telling them to watch their back as they can be outflanked if they're not paying attention. I don't actually expect them to encounter any resistance, but I'd rather them be cautious.

I still had 4,000 soldiers with me and I was peeling them off at every intersection leaving 100 to guard the pathways. I order them that if they find any Lannister or gold cloaks still roaming through the castle. I ordered that they demand the enemy forces to surrender. If they continue to disobey, they are ordered to subdue them. As well as to keep an eye out for Tywin Lannister, I wanted him captured.

When I turn down the hallway that the princess chamber is situated. I saw my bodyguards standing at the entrances of the hallway blocking any way of getting to the princess's room. Also noticed that there were 30 more men who were added to the prisoner pile. As well as what looks to be another 80 corpses. Walking past my bodyguards I couldn't help but give several prisoners a kick in the head since they were in the path that I was walking. One stupid one wouldn't move his head so I kicked it a few more times before I realized he was dead. I guess that's why he didn't flinch at the pain. Laughing to myself I continued my walk to the princess's chamber.

As I walked in, I surveyed the room. I saw Elia curled up in the corner, she had her arms wrapped around her knees, her eyes locked on her child's body. Aegon is a bloody mess on the floor unrecognizable as a child. Rhaenys looks to have been pulled from under the bed, her lower leg still under the bed and blocked from view from half of a comforter that slid from the bed. Her hair pulled above her head in a knot where you can see Sir Piggy using it to pull her out from under the bed before stabbing her in her chest. Taking the rest of the comforter off the bed I laid it over the child's body. Then taking a blanket and laying it over the body of Aegon. Then slowly approaching Elia. Sending a calming charm at her I started to talk to her in a soothing voice trying to get her to focus on me and stop staring at the spot where her child is.

As I approached her, I touched her head making her flinch back and focus on me. looking panicked after a second of her looking at me she slowly calmed down. Probably assuming I'm not a threat since I'm just a child. I calmly talked to her and encouraged Elia to stand up and walk out of the room. As I walked out into the hallway, I ordered two of my bannerman to gather the children. Then had her focus back on me. I told her we're going to get her out of here and back with her brothers. Elia froze again when she saw the mountain, she clung to me tighter. I had one of my bodyguards stand between her and the mountain, to block her view of him. She seemed to relax a bit seeing my armor warriors. I had brought two female healers with me and had them come over to start to help and talk with the princess. I ordered 500 men to stay and guard Elia. I also left two of my bodyguards with her. I told them to move her to one of the empty rooms we passed coming here. I ordered them to lock the corridor down and kill anyone who approaches. Looking down at the prisoners, I ordered 50 men to go to the nearby armory and bring me a hundred spears. Telling them that I need them to be at least 10 feet tall and two inches thick. I then ordered several of my men to keep an eye out for two large chests that would have been used to transport gold or treasure.

I left two of my bodyguards with my soldiers and ordered them to take the prisoners down to the main entrance of the red keep. While they were doing that, I went to the throne room. With me I had my six bodyguards, 50 crossbow men and 250 soldiers, as well as my uncle Rodrik and his 60 men. As I walked down the corridor towards the throne room I passed the men I had ordered to search and secure the passageways. I ordered at least 30 spearmen to peel off from each group to follow me. I also ordered all crossbowmen that I found to follow me as well. By the time we got to the hallway that led to the throne room I had roughly a little more than 1000 men with me.

As I was looking into the throne room, before entering I saw who I guess to be Tywin Lannister and a man in the King's guards' white armor with golden hair which I assumed was his son sir Jamie Lannister. There were also two other men near Tywin that looked like family members. One who seems to be a close age to Tywin who I assumed to be Kevin Lannister. As well as nearly 300 Tywin soldiers. Standing there with only 100 of my men is my uncle with his sword out yelling at Jamie Lannister threatening him. Whenever I feel like I forget how dumb Ned can be he always reminds me. He has 100 men and they have 300. If I did not show up. Who knows how the situation would end. He would probably get my men killed and himself as well.

Though I am not going to allow this opportunity to pass me. With a quiet whisper to my uncle Rodrik, I ordered him to inform the bowman to position themselves when they entered the throne room to be able to fire upon the Lannister's telling them not to hit the Lannister brothers but their soldiers. Uncle Rodrik then cleared his throat to get everyone to pay attention to us as we walked into the room. I supposed he didn't need to do that since having 1000 armored and armed men walking into a room where you are outnumbered. Would make anyone focus on the newcomers. After taking in my troops Tywin focused on my uncle Rodrik. Clearing his throat again uncle Rodrik ordered all Lannister's to lay their weapons down and surrender to prince Leon of house Stark gesturing towards me. Giving the Lannister's a wave to get them focus on me. I let them know in a cheerful voice that each of them will have a trial in front of King Robert Baratheon, the first of his name. I then informed them that if they do not surrender in the next 30 seconds, I will have no choice but to order half of my crossbowmen to fire upon a group of rebels who have trespassed into Robert's throne room. As I started to count, Lord Tywin straightened up and started glaring at me. He asked me if I know who he is and what he does to those who threaten him. The entire time I'm still counting with the biggest smile on my face when I hit 30, I cheerfully order half of my crossbow men to fire into the Lannister men. I had the northern soldiers lower their spears to show they were ready for battle before I informed the Lannister once again that if they did not surrender after I counted 20, I would have the other half of my crossbow men fire upon them.

With widening eyes Tywin this time ordered his men to lay down their arms. His eyes slowly narrowed as he focused on me. I ordered one of my bodyguards to take Jamie to the black cells. When Tywin started to speak to me about the order, I had my man gag him. Then my men, because we did not have chains, cut strips off the clothes of the dead Lannister's, then tied Tywin and his brother's arms behind their backs. I had Tywin and his brothers dragged to the entrance of the red keep. Where my men had arrived with the prisoners from the princess's hallway. There was another group of prisoners, who were bound, and sitting on the ground while being guarded, filled with Lannister and gold cloaks that were gathered from the red keep. By now the Riverland and Vale forces had subdued the Lannister troops. for their own protection, as well as to help calm down the citizens of the city. The Lannister army had been made to march out of the city since they took heavy casualty, fighting the citizens of Kings Landing. With the help of the northern troops, they started to bring order back to the city. Seeing a commotion, several people came over to see what was going on at the entrance to the Red Keep. Right before I started to speak to the crowd, I got a message delivered to me informing me that Robert and the rest of the army was only 30 minutes away. After I read the letter, I turn to the crowd and informed them of what happened in the Red Keep. Of what Jamie Lannister did, using his new moniker of King slayer. Telling them in a quiet but audible voice of what happened to the Princess and Prince. Of how they were brutally murdered. Telling them of how the mountain took the babe in his hands and bashed his head against the wall. How a Lannister soldier had stabbed the little princess nearly 40 times before the vile creature was taken into custody. I pointed at the men who were captured outside of Princess Elia chamber. For the crime of assisting in the death of the royal children. I announced that in the name of king, Robert Baratheon, I Prince Leon of house Stark sentenced them to death by impalement. I had every man gagged so they could not plead to be sent to the wall or ask for a trial by combat. I had my bodyguards grab hold of the first man after yanking his trousers down. My other bodyguard took a spear and shoved it up his ass until the tip came out through his chest. I had the spear placed upright in a hole that was previously drilled by my men. I watch as the man dies too fast before he fully slides down the spear. I had Tywin stand there and watch as each of his men that he had sent were impaled in front of his eyes. I guess I shouldn't be too shocked to hear the crowd cheering as well as taunting, the Lannister soldiers while they were being impaled.

Finally, I had Piggy and the Mountain brought forward. My men found two large iron lockboxes. I had ordered several small holes drilled into the lid of the iron boxes and had the mountain and piggy placed into a box on their backs, with their head near the hole so we could give them water as well as them being able to breathe easily. Not long after I had secured the men in their new home, I saw Robert and Jon riding up. Jon looked disturbed at all the impaled men before he noticed Tywin was bound and gagged. Before he could berate me or ask what was going on Robert started to chuckle as he watched one of the impaled men start wiggling frantically before going still.

Jon tried to take Tywin and his brothers into his custody, but my men and I would not allow him, not before we spoke to the King about a contract. An hour later we all met in the throne room. Gathering around Robert. I argued my case that the contract was broken and Tywin had two options: either he pays me 5 million gold or the entire alliance must go to the Western lands and kill every single Lannister. Tywin had already grasped the danger that he was in. Making gestures with his head towards the hand of the king, making noises as if he wished to talk. Jon ordered for Tywin to be released, Tywin argued that he should not be held to a contract that he had no knowledge of. Jon explained that his knowledge of it was irrelevant. That under the contract Jon explained to Tywin that none of the alliance would have any choice but to have him and his family executed if he did not fulfill a breach of contract. Tywin argued that he had nothing to do with the death of Rhaenys. That has men acted without his knowledge. Eventually after several hours of arguing, threatening and haggling he reluctantly took responsibility for the action of his men that he claims he had nothing to do with. Towards the end of the day an agreement was made with Tywin by Jon.

Finally, Tywin agreed to pay the 5 million gold. To my surprise Uncle Rodrik informed Tywin that he will assist me in writing letters out lining the agreement, to the iron bank. Agreeing that we will both send letters to the iron bank to set up my vaults. Jon Arryn informed Tywin that if he did not want to pay for the guarantee payment insurance from the iron bank then his brothers and his son will be held in the black cells until payment is met. That Tywin will need to pay for the insurance from the iron bank guaranteeing his 5 million gold. That since he agrees to the terms of penalty of breach of contract until payment was met it requires the imprisonment of the Lannister brothers and Jamie Lannister. Angrily Tywin agree to it, and with the help of Jon, we had the letter stamped with the seal of the hand of the king, the Lannister seal, as well as the seal of house Stark. The letter was duplicated and handed to several ships that was heading towards Braavos. With the letters being sent to the iron bank and all agreements being made final Jon decided we should have a meal to bury any hatchets. I of course thought it was a splendid idea and was extremely happy to sit next to my new friend Tywin and his brothers to discuss what Casterly Rock was like. For some reason Tywin did not seem to enjoy my company which was a shame since I've been told that I'm such a lovely child to be around.

I think Tywin was struggling with the fact that he was not in a strong position, as he usually is. With one third of the Lannister troops dead from the vicious fighting in Kings Landing, as well as almost another third injured and unable to fight. The Lannister troops were the smallest forces around Kings Landing. A good portion of the Riverland troops had to stand guard to protect the Lannister's from small folks from the city and those who live in the farming village surrounding Kings Landing. During the first night a small group of Lannister soldiers try to raid a farm stead were found hanging from a tree..

After two days of rest, I had my Northern forces and at least half of the Vale and most of Stormlands army ready to march to the Stormlands. I encourage several Vale Lords to liberate some supplies from the Lannister's before marching out of the city with me. I wished to leave sooner, but surprisingly it took me a whole day to convince Robert even with all the compulsion and spells to let me deal with the reach problem and bring them into order. In our conversations I got the feeling that Robert wished to continue the war. The fact that he was frustrated that he was still injured, and could not march into the Stormlands and smash the Reach forces into a bloody pulp.. He really tries to fight the idea of negotiating but finally. Robert relented and I had him sign a letter saying that I have the authority to negotiate on the behalf of the crown. I even had Robert demand that I add terms to get some vantages for the north in the negotiation. Jon Arryn seemed a little annoyed at Robert for demanding that to be added in, but reminded me that the most important thing is to end the fighting and achieve peace. I was surprised that Jon wasn't making such a big deal of it. I have spent the least amount of time with him so I didn't put any spells on him other than the charm parchment. He didn't seem to like that I had impaled the Lannister men. I wonder if he thought sending me away was the smartest thing to do. Getting me away from Tywin since I took every opportunity to find and have a conversation with him. I also made it sound like a lot of Tywin's new found hardship was caused by Jon. Implying it in a way that makes it impossible for Jon to accuse me of lying or even to deny anything I'm saying. Towards end of my last day, I got the feeling that both Jon and Tywin went out of their ways to hide from me.

After traveling for two months my army was finally only 5 miles from Storms End. This trip took longer but we were ahead of schedule if you count the cannon schedule. Since I knew where my aunt was, I didn't need to wait for Varys to show up before I dealt with the reach. I also had the Vale and Stormlands lords steal some supplies, I mean borrowed some supplies from our new ally, and my good friend Tywin. So, we didn't have to spend the time gathering and haggling for supplies before the army could continue marching. I also commandeered four carriages with extra wheels. So, we could bring Princess Elia with us. I also made sure to get a proper wet nurse and three healers who know about complications that could happen in childbirth.

My scouts gathered information from local villages that we passed near Storms End that the Reach forces were in a panic, recalling all soldiers when they heard that the northern army was arriving. Almost as soon as we showed up the Reach sent a rider with a white flag and a message from Mace Tyrell that they wished for a truce before discussing their surrender. The Reach did not wish to fight the northern army. Since rumor has It that we are overwhelmingly victorious in battles and we are extremely brutal when dealing with enemies. Sending the message back with my response telling them that I will meet them tomorrow morning and at least for tonight there will be a truce. Early the next morning I had my men put up a pavilion tent halfway between our armies. Sitting with me under my pavilion was my maternal grandfather, uncle Rodrik, Lord Dustin and the Great Jon. I also gathered a few of the higher-ranking Lords of the Stormlands and Vale to have our breakfast before meeting with Mace Tyrell. After we were finished. I had signal one of my messengers to ride to the reach encampment to inform them we were ready to negotiate. Before inviting the Reach lords, under the tent, we offer them bread and salt. Each of the Lord's, taking a piece of bread and sprinkling some salt on it, before taking a bite. Before I started the discussions, I handed Mace a letter with the seal of the king and the office of the hand of the king. Giving me the authority to negotiate terms of surrender. Then informing the Reach Lords that they had to recognize Robert Baratheon as the king. The crown will recognize Mace Tyrell's right as paramount of the Reach. All Reach lords that supported the tyrants of house Targaryen, will be pardoned, and will be allowed to keep their lands and titles. I added that they will collectively give a quarter million gold to the lord paramount of the Stormlands to help repair any damages from the war. They are also to deliver high quality staple foods to the north for the next two years. They're also required to deliver food to the northern realm for the following 10 years at half the price of what the food prices were before the rebellion. The Reach will pay 25% more in taxes for the next 6 years to the crown. Every house, but the Tyrells would have to reduce their man at arms by 10% for the next 5 years. The crown will give a seat on the small Council as master of law to a Reach Lord for the next 12 years. I told Mace Tyrell he will need to send candidates to be interviewed to take that position. I'm not sure if it was the parchment or the fact that the Reach was just done fighting or the fact that Mace Tyrell was a complete fool but they agreed to every single demand and did not even try to negotiate. To my amazement. He had agreed to everything even though the negotiations were extremely unfavorable to the Reach. While writing down these terms I made them harsh because, I expected them to negotiate a more favorable deal. So, I started with a harsher penalty then I would expect them to accept. I was almost certain they were going to demand lower taxes than the penalties I've added, as well as lowering the years that they had to pay it. I expected them to reject paying the Stormlands for punitive damages. That is why I had it a bit unreasonable. I was surprised and disappointed in Mace as well as the Reach lords, who should have advised him to negotiate for a better term. Even with the compulsion I was expecting to give up on some of the demands. Before ending the negotiations, I did order them to take a quarter of their troops to guard the border with Dorne. By late afternoon all agreements were signed and duplicates were made. As I was going back to my men a rider from storm's end had arrived to inform me that Stannis is waiting to have an audience with me and expects to see me in an hour. I scoffed at the fool's audacity to summon me, after I lifted the siege on his castle. I gave the rider a copy of the agreement as well as an order from Jon that informs Stannis that he is being summoned to King's Landing. Before I continued to ride back towards my men. Stopping, I turn back to the messenger knowing this will piss Stannis off. I told the rider to tell Stannis that I am too busy to waste my time on him. That some of us has to actually fight, and win this war. We all don't have the luxury of hiding in the castle.

When I return to my encampment, I gave in order to gather my forces. While everyone was gathering I informed the Vale and Storm Lords that didn't come with us to the negotiation that the war is over. Thanking them for their service and letting them know that they may return to their homes or return back to the capital to assist Robert in securing his rule. I informed them that I would have liked to have a final feast with them to honor their sacrifice before we parted but that I had received time critical information about my aunt. On top of that I also still needed to deliver Princess Elia to her brothers and negotiate permanent peace with Dorne. I decided to take 200 light cavalry and mounted archers with me and ordered my grandfather to start moving the northern and Vale men back home. I then walked up to my uncle Rodrik and handed him a heavy sack of gold and ordered him to take some men and ride to Wyl. I told him that I will need three ships. Two that will travel all the way up to White Harbor. Another one that will go to Sunspear. Telling him to let the captains know that if they'll wait for me that I will give each one of them 50 more gold pieces.

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