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87.35% Godfather System / Chapter 76: Taking over the neighborhood

Capítulo 76: Taking over the neighborhood

In the bustling neighborhood of Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, a new presence had begun to spread like wildfire through the American-Mexican and African-American gangs. In the past few days, word had it that a group of vigilantes, known as the Raven Corps, had been spotted patrolling the streets at night and day.

In a dimly lit hideout, the African-American gang members gathered for an emergency meeting to discuss this nuisance. The air was thick with cigarette smoke and tension as the leader, Booker Carter, slammed his fist on the table. "These Raven Corps fellas have been a real pain in the neck laddle, I tell ya. They've been meddlin' in our business, stoppin' robberies, hold-ups, and break-ins left and right."

One of the members, a burly man with a scar across his cheek, nodded in agreement. "I've tussled with some of those guys, and believe me, they're no amateurs. They've got some real training behind them."

Another member, a younger man with a chip on his shoulder, spoke up. "Well, we can't just sit here and let them walk all over us! We need to show 'em who's boss around these parts!"

A more cautious voice piped up from the back of the room. "Yeah, but we don't want to attract the attention of the coppers, neither. We got enough heat as is."

The room fell silent as the gang members exchanged worried glances. "So, I ask you, gents, what's a fella supposed to do when the tables have turned?" Booker Carter asked, a deep crease forming between

"How about we team up with the Mexican gangs?" A voice suggested from the back of the room. "Maybe together, we could teach those Raven Corps fellas a lesson or two."

The conversation was cut short by the sound of the hideout's door creaking open. All heads turned to see Booker's second-in-command, Scooter Peyton, sauntering in. Scooter adjusted his fedora, a sly grin on his face.

"Any news, Scooter?" Booker asked, a glint of curiosity in his eye.

"Yeah, I've got somethin' for ya," Scooter drawled, taking his time.

Booker's smile widened. "Well, spill the beans, Scooter! It better be good news for once."

Just as the gang was about to celebrate, the door to their hideout flew open with a bang. To their utter shock and disbelief, several figures emerged from the shadows, all clad in suits and hats, their revolvers drawn and leveled at the stunned gang members.

Booker's eyes widened with fury as he turned to glare at Scooter. "What's the meaning of this, you backstabbing son of a bitch?!"

Scooter's grin didn't falter as he met Booker's gaze. "This here's the news I was talkin' about, boss. Guess you could say I brought company."

The room erupted in curses and shouts as the betrayal sank in. Guns were drawn, but the Raven Corps agents were already on high alert, their weapons trained on the African-American gang members.

"I'd advise you all to put your hardware down, gents," Scooter drawled, "We're surrounded, and we don't want any more bloodshed than necessary."

Booker spat at Scooter's feet, his face contorted with rage. "You're siding with the white man, Peyton? How could you? After everything we've been through! What about our cause?"

Scooter sighed, his voice laced with resignation. "Booker, it ain't about colors, alright? The Raven Corps, they offered me somethin' you and the gang could never give me. Besides, the boss of this outfit's an Italian fella. We're all in this together."

Before he could finish, one of the gang members lashed out, drawing his pistol and aiming it at Scooter. In a blur of motion, one of the Raven Corps agents shot the man's hand, causing him to drop his weapon with a howl of pain.

The room descended into chaos, with shouts and scuffles breaking out between the gang members and the Raven Corps agents. It was only when Adam stepped forward that the commotion finally died down.

As the Raven Corps agents moved in to apprehend the African-American gang members, Booker Carter's furious gaze never left Scooter Peyton's face. The betrayal and disbelief etched into his very soul.

Scooter met his former boss's gaze with a mixture of guilt and defiance. "Sorry it had to be this way, Booker. But sometimes, a man's gotta do what's right."

The Raven Corps agents roughly tied Booker's hands behind his back, but his eyes remained locked on Scooter's as they led him out of the hideout.


In a secluded alleyway, the captured African-American gang members were lined up against a grimy brick wall, their wrists bound behind their backs. Booker Carter, the gang's leader, glared defiantly at the Raven Corps agents who had apprehended them.

Adam, the team's leader, approached a well-dressed Italian man who was casually leaning against a parked car, smoking a cigar. "Boss, these are the guys we managed to bring in," he said, jerking his head towards the captives.

Lorenzo looked over the group with a calculating gaze. His eyes settled on Booker, and a cruel smile curled his lips. "Ah, I see we've caught the infamous Booker Carter. I hear there's quite a bounty on your head, my friend."

Booker spat in an attempt to hit Lorenzo's face, but the Italian boss deftly dodged the spittle with a smirk. "Tsk, tsk, such a lack of manners," he chided, before backhanding Booker across the face.

Booker's head snapped to the side, but he refused to give in to the pain. Instead, he glared at Lorenzo with even more hatred.

Adam, sensing the tension, stepped forward and delivered a swift kick to Booker's leg, causing him to buckle slightly. "I'd advise you to keep that attitude in check, Carter," he growled.

Lorenzo waved his hand dismissively. "Enough. Just make him stop talking."

One of the Raven Corps agents stepped forward and roughly placed a strip of duct tape over Booker's mouth, effectively silencing him.

"There are a few of these mugs with bounties on their heads," Lorenzo said, gesturing to the captured gang members. "Take them in, collect the reward, and then send them off to rot in the slammer." He took a puff of his cigar, the tip glowing ominously in the dim alleyway.

"As for the rest who didn't have a bounty on their heads," he continued, raising two fingers, "they've got a choice to make. Join our little outfit, the Raven Corps, or spend the rest of their days in a cell, understand?"

Adam nodded, a cold smile playing on his lips. He turned to the remaining African-American gang members, the ones without bounties on their heads. "You heard the man, boys. You're either with us or against us. Join the Raven Corps, or spend the rest of your sorry lives in the clink."

The captured men exchanged nervous glances, weighing their options. They knew that life in prison would be hard, and joining the Raven Corps meant betraying their own. But as they looked at the faces of the Raven Corps agents, they knew they didn't have much of a choice.

One by one, the remaining gang members reluctantly nodded their agreement, their eyes downcast.


A few days prior, in the apartment, Lorenzo, had met with a corrupt homicide detective named Floyd Rose. The meeting didn't go well at first, as Floyd was unwilling to be blackmailed by the mobster. However, after a "little chat" and a few broken bones, Floyd caved in.

Lorenzo suspected that Floyd had someone higher up in the LAPD food chain pulling his strings, and he wanted information. Floyd remained tight-lipped until Lorenzo resorted to more... persuasive methods. Two missing teeth later, Floyd finally talked.

Lorenzo gave Floyd the same order he'd given to Leroy Tate, another corrupt cop in his pocket: collect dirt on high-ranking officers in the LAPD. Their first target was Senior Chief Detective Roy Earle.

As Lorenzo left, he whispered in Floyd's ear, "Oh, and Floyd, don't forget to bring down your corrupt buddy in the department too. The more, the merrier."

Floyd had hesitated, but in the end, he decided to save his own skin. He gave Lorenzo the lowdown on Detective Theodore Rossi, another dirty cop in their midst.

Now, as the Raven Corps expanded their ranks with the new recruits, Lorenzo's web of informants and underlings grew stronger.


In a two-story apartment, Lorenzo sat in his room, pen in hand as he jotted down notes in his leather-bound journal. The Raven Corps had made significant progress in the Boyle Heights neighborhood, having already gained control over 37% of the territory, and their influence was growing rapidly.

Lorenzo flipped to the [Relationship Tab] in his system, where he kept track of those who were either allies or enemies to him.

[Your Boys:]

[Adam Lupo: 105% (A truly loyal man—he will do anything in his power for you.)]

[Maximilian Bercovicz: 84% (A competent man—loyal out of fear and admiration.)]

[Patrick Goldberg: 79% (A competent man—loyal out of fear and admiration.)]

[Richard Lawrence: 82% (A good and capable soldier—loyal and admired you.)]

[Philip Stein: 88% (Loyal but incompetent due to drug addiction, which affects his decisions.)]

[Henry River: 81% (A competent soldier—loyal and admired you.]

[Julius Grey: 81% (A competent soldier—loyal and admired you.]


Lorenzo's eyes roamed over the list, his heart swelling with pride at the strong bonds he'd forged with his men. Max and Patrick, both as loyal as hounds, their names etched near the top of the page. But then his gaze fell upon Philip's name, and the smile that had begun to form on his lips faltered.

Philip's name should have been higher, Lorenzo thought to himself. The man's loyalty surpassing even that of Max and Patrick's. But the accursed drug addiction...

It was a flaw that had cost them dearly.

Lorenzo sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I guess I can't rely on the system's percentages alone," he muttered to himself. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, not when so much was at stake.

With a heavy heart, he continued scrolling through the rest of the list: his boys, his friends, his enemies, and even his lovers.

The numbers next to Deborah name had risen significantly, a testament to their blossoming relationship. But as his gaze shifted to Apollonia and Mica, his expression clouded. Their relationship level remained stagnant, unchanged since the last time he'd seen them.

"Soon, my dear Apollonia," he whispered to himself, "I'll see you and our girl."

Mica, on the other hand, was a different story. A nurse he'd met during the war, her face now seemed like a distant memory. "I suppose I won't be seeing you again," he mused aloud, the thought evoking a fleeting aspang of regret.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't hear the footsteps approaching his door until a firm knock startled him from his reverie. "Who's there?" he called out, his voice gruff.

"It's me, boss. That detective Rose is downstairs, waiting for you." Richard's voice filtered through the door.

"I'll be right there," Lorenzo replied, straightening his tie and steeling himself for the meeting ahead.


Downstairs, Lorenzo's grin widened as he spotted Detective Floyd Rose across the table. "Oh, it's always a pleasure, my friend Detective," he drawled, feigning camaraderie.

Floyd's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing to slits. "We're not friends, you son of a b-"

"Now, now, Detective," Lorenzo interjected, raising a placating hand. "No need for that kind of language." He couldn't help but notice the vein throbbing in Floyd's temple, barely restraining his rage.

"You know," Lorenzo continued, leaning in conspiratorially, "I've always wondered what it is about me that rubs you the wrong way. Is it my accent? My heritage?" He tapped his finger against his chin, feigning deep thought. "Ah, I've got it! It's because I'm an American-Italian, isn't it? You and your white superiority complex."

Floyd's face flushed tomato red, but he didn't rise to the bait. Instead, he slammed a thick folder down on the table. "This is everything I could find on Theodore," he ground out through gritted teeth.

"Excellent," purred Lorenzo, flipping through the dossier with a practiced ease. "We'll contact him, of course, and make sure he understands our... mutual interests. Once he's been... persuaded, he'll help us gather dirt on Senior Chief Roy Earle and that Lieutenant Archie Colmyer. Understood?"

Floyd's glare could have melted ice, but Lorenzo didn't flinch.

"You're playing a dangerous game here, you know that?" he spat. "I've warned you before, the police chief and the mayor himself are in on it. If they catch wind of what we're doing, we're as good as dead." He slammed his fist on the table, rattling the dishes on the table nearby.

Lorenzo's smile didn't falter. "I'm aware of the risks, Detective," he said, his voice as smooth as silk. "But I'm not one to back down from a challenge." He leaned in, their faces mere inches apart. "Just do your job, and leave the rest to me."

Floyd's jaw clenched, but he knew he was cornered. Nodding stiffly, he rose to his feet. "You'd better know what you're doing, because if this blows up in our faces..."

"It won't," Lorenzo cut him off, his tone leaving no room for argument. "Now, go and contact Theodore. I expect results, Detective Rose."

With one last searing glare, Floyd turned on his heels and stormed out of the room, the door slamming shut behind him. Lorenzo, however, remained seated, his unwavering gaze boring holes into the spot where Floyd had been just moments ago.

Despite his outward confidence, Floyd's words lingered in the back of Lorenzo's mind. He knew the detective had a point. The stakes were higher than ever before, and the slightest misstep could mean the end for them all. But time was not on their side, and Lorenzo was well aware of the risks they were treading.

A plan began to form in his mind, one that was both audacious and reckless. Instead of taking the cautious route, secretly gathering dirt on the higher-ups of the LAPD, he would go straight for the jugular: the mayor himself. Infiltrate his home, search for incriminating evidence, and use it to blackmail the man into submission. It was barbaric, yes, but it would be effective... and fast.

As he weighed his options, a familiar interface materialized before him, as if the system itself had read his thoughts. [Do it the cautious yet sure way, or the quick and the rough way?]

Lorenzo steepled his fingers, his gaze distant as he contemplated his next move.

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