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100% Easy Mode in Martial World / Chapter 6: Meeting Muyi and Getting a Backer(2)

Capítulo 6: Meeting Muyi and Getting a Backer(2)

Lin Ming said, "Martial arts are divided into two major parts. First, cultivate the martial path, and then grasp the principles to attain enlightenment. To cultivate the martial path is to cultivate the body. To enlighten oneself is to cultivate the soul. Master often said that life was a boundless sea of bitterness. Cultivating was the path of traversing the waters. To cultivate the body was to build a boat that could cross the sea, and cultivating the soul was to create oars to move the boat."


"If one does not cultivate the body, then the boat would not be steady or strong; a storm would easily capsize it. If one does not cultivate the soul, then their motivation and will would not be enough, and even if their predestined death was near, they would be unable to arrive at the distant shores."


"But the cultivation of the body and the cultivation of the soul is the difference in the transition from the houtian to the xiantian stage. Before houtian, the martial artist will cultivate the body, after xiantian, the martial artist will cultivate the soul."


"After xiantian, cultivating the soul! As soon as Muyi heard this he was startled and felt that he would faint. No wonder all these years which he had been practicing he had actually been unable to take that tiny step. He realized that he had been headed in the wrong direction the entire time. He had not imagined the xiantian stage to be like this. He muttered, "And what is the meaning of xiantian?"


Lin Ming said, "Master once said that the answer lies in how a baby breathes in the womb. He said that 'when humans are babies in the womb, they cannot breathe through their nose or mouth, but must depend on the mother to give them sustenance through their connection only. This is how they breathe. This is the characteristics of Xiantian. After the human is born then they can breathe through the nose and mouth. This worldly air is filled with impurities that gradually accumulate. This is the characteristics of houtian. In the xiantian stage, the soul enters a state of incomparable tranquility and peace. The body changes the way it interacts with its surroundings and the soul becomes aware of the world and can communicate with nature, even being able to actuate the power of the heavens and earth with soul force. That is the true xiantian. But from houtian to xiantian one must cut off every root to pass through and return to the state of being in the womb."


"So…I see…that's how it is…" Muyi muttered under his breath. His eyes showed both admiration and dismay. This young boy casually tossed out a few words that were akin to ancient enlightenments. If this boy had these teachings, guided by the top-tier Xiantian skill manual, then he would soon become a martial arts master!


The sects and clans were able to rely on their heritage and legacies; a martial artist who tried to fumble his way through would not find it possible to think of these things. Muyi lamented, "How laughable! To think that I reached pulse condensation at thirty-six years of age and then reached houtian at fifty years of age, and afterward, I spent sixty years exhausting all my efforts to step into the Xiantian realm! And I had been wrong the entire time! I had started down the wrong path all this time! I have wasted sixty years! Lamentable! Truly lamentable!"


Muyi's face was excited and yet his emotions were complex. Lin Ming stood at the side and watched, having read the Martial World novel he couldn't help but feel a bit of pity for people like him making him sigh in his heart. This old man did not inherit the legacies and yet had wanted to step into the xiantian boundary; this was naturally hopeless. One needed the legacy and understanding of a sect to accomplish this, but which sect would not stubbornly control their secrets from spreading?


"Elder, I will say frankly that master once said that if one does not have the support of a clan, even if one obtained a skilled manual that allowed them to enter the Xiantian stage, it would still be impossible."


Muyi said, "I know…I know…it's just that I have long striven to reach the xiantian stage. It is my lifelong wish. Even if I cannot achieve this wish of mine, but to at least let me see its direction and to know where I was wrong, then I can also die in peace and without regret." Even though Muyi said these words easily, the tone behind them was lonely.


Muyi reflected for a long time, and finally said to Lin Ming, "Little friend, I feel like old friends even after meeting for the first time. If this little friend does not mind my old age, I would like to become good friends with you."


Lin Ming also had a favorable impression of the Muyi who had earnestly pursued martial arts his entire life. He said, "Lin Ming also would like to become your friend."


"Haha! Then no other day is as lucky as today! Let us go to the Great Clarity Pavilion. We will drink wine and speak fast and free! How about it good friend?"


Lin Ming agreed and said, "Elder, about the inscription technique, I would like to ask senior to keep it a secret for me."


Although Lin Min has been as low-key as possible in these last two weeks, he wanted to avoid those who were blinded by greed and took risks no matter what.


Muyi guessed correctly Lin Ming's worries and said, "Little brother Lin, feel relieved. As long as the Martial Quarters of Sky Fortune City exists, I guarantee your absolute safety! As long as little brother meets any trouble at all, then just send me a sound-transmitting talisman and I shall handle it personally."


Lin Ming just smiled and retrieved eleven more inscription papers and displayed them on the table making Myui and Qin Xingxuan gobsmaked at the revelation. "Elder, all of these inscription symbols are also made by me, I was hoping you could help me auction them." Muyi looked at the ouroboros encircling the flame imprinted on all the eleven symbol papers and was thoroughly impressed.


"Hahaha, little brother you sure know how to surprise people. Since this is the case, how about little brother Lin sell all these to me at market price, how about 3000 gold teals for each?"


Lin Ming hearing the price readily agreed "Haha, thank you, Elder."


Muyi said, "Little brother Lin's inscription symbol is naturally at this price. Also, please do not call me Elder. My name is Muyi, my full name is Mu Yi Zhuo, but just Muyi is fine."


"Alright, big brother Muyi." Hearing Lin Ming address him as big brother made Muyi smile happily.


Muyi smiled and said, "Xingxuan, let's leave for the Golden Clarity Pavilion and set aside a room for a banquet. I'd like to have a drink with little brother Lin."


Qin Xingxuan had been silent. She had also been carefully listening to Lin Ming's explanation of what it meant to be xiantian. Now she heard Muyi say this, she said excitedly, "Yes master."


All three of them left the inn and hopped onto the carriage driving away to the Golden Clarity Pavilion. The receptionist was left standing there trying to figure out the heads or tails of the situation.


"who was that young man…"



Sitting inside the carriage Lin Ming and Muyi were conversing as if two long-time friends, any onlooker would find the situation a little comical and funny if they didn't know the identity of the two people. Qin Xingxuan who was sitting beside Muyi did not find this situation comical though since she was fully engrossed in their conversation to think about anything else.


Arriving at the Golden Clarity Pavilion the trio was welcomed by the proprietress, sister Lan, who ushered their arrival with a flattering smile.


Muyi directly asked for them to book a banquet hall and order their finest wine and dishes, all these dishes had a cost of no less than 100 gold teals.


The trio then proceeded to enter the hall leaving a confused sister Lan behind, "That young man… I think I have seen him before…?"


Sister Lan just shook her head after not being able to recall any such person. Sister Lan's confusion at not recognizing Lin Ming familiar was not her fault, after all his daily consumption of origin dew and new clothes made Lin Ming look like an entirely different person from two weeks ago. The only people who would recognize Lin Ming now were most likely his parents and close friends like Lin Xiaodong, that's how much his temperament and physique has changed.


Shaking her head she proceeded to walk towards the kitchen, with such esteemed guests she had to supervise so that everything was handled appropriately.




The banquet dishes were simple, but very exquisite in taste and texture. The liquor was several hundred gold taels and was called red dragon liquor; it was specially prepared via a secret recipe and mixed in with a variety of rare herbs. A martial artist who drank this could cure their internal injuries and promote a stronger and fitter body along with a higher degree of cultivation. However, the brewing method was complex and the materials used were precious.



At the banquet, Muyi wanted to ask Lin Ming if he would like to stay at the Martial Quarters, but Lin Ming thought it would be inconvenient to practice martial arts there while preventing people from discovering his secrets, so he politely declined.


Muyi was forced to give up, but in light of this, his opinion of Lin Ming was heightened. After having their feast Muyi and Qin Xinxuan left the Pavilion. Now that he had money he could stay in the Golden Clarity Pavilion as a guest instead of an employee.


Before leaving, Muyi had left behind the 33,000 gold taels worth of bank notes, along with a gold-purple VIP card. Through this card, it was possible to receive a 10% discount from every shop that was under the jurisdiction of the chamber of commerce, and in Sky Fortune City nearly every large shop was under them.



Lin Ming walked up to sister Lan, who was looking over the ledger at the reception, hearing footsteps she looked up and was surprised to see the young man she saw earlier with Master Muyi, "Young master how can I help you?"


Hearing sister Lan address him as the young master brought a funny smile to Lin Ming's face, "Sister Lan, did you forget me already, it hasn't even been a week since I left." Making a fake hurt expression Lin Ming replied ruefully.


Hearing the words sister Lan froze momentarily her eyes going wide in recognition, "What!? Little Lin, is that really you? How did you change so much, were you just pretending to be poor?"


"Haha, no. Sister Lan, I was just lucky to get acquainted with Master Muyi and win his favor." Sister Lan's suspicion was reasonable with how much Lin Ming had changed in such a short time.


"Sister Lan I would like to reserve a room for the next two months."


Sister Lan's eyes widened to saucers, "Ah, little… young master Lin, are you sure? It costs 10 gold for day normally, and if you wish to live in a deluxe suite it would cost you 30 gold a day. So, for two months it will cost you 600 or 1,800 gold teals respectively." She did not want to offend Lin Ming after finding out about his connections with the Qin Family, so she politely listed to him the prices for the rooms available.


These rooms were usually rented by old family heads of noble families and nobody rented for more than a week, as these noble families had estates of their own in the capital city.


Lin Ming was inwardly a little surprised after hearing the prices, It had to be known after all, the average salary of a regular person was around 5-10 gold a month, from a common person's perspective it was indeed a shocking price. Lin Ming was out of his poor phase now, with 33,000 gold teals at his disposal he could be a little prodigal and enjoy some luxuries of mortal life.


"Sister Lan please register a deluxe suite in my name. Oh, and I have this card, is it applicable for the stay in the Pavilion?" Saying so Lin Ming withdrew two gold bank notes worth 1000 gold teals each and a purple-gold card, handing them to sister Lan, whose heart skipped a beat, the VIP card! Everyone who used one would automatically be given a ten percent discount on all shops that were under the government's jurisdiction!


It was the Martial Quarters and Imperial Family's purple-gold VIP card!


This VIP card was given by the Chamber of Commerce to the Royal Family and Martial Quarters to please them. To date, there have been less than 100 sent out!


The only ones who had the qualifications to own one of these was either a member of the Imperial Family or a top-tier figure within the Martial Quarters. Sister Lan had to reevaluate again, what was the real relationship of Lin Ming with the Marshal Quarters and Muyi.


With a shuddering breath she gave him a 90-degree bow, and with her voice quivering a little she said, "Young… young master please forgive this servant for not recognizing you earlier."


Lin Ming sighed out loud which made sister Lan tremble, he was hoping for a good reaction from her but maybe he scared her a bit too much with the VIP card. 'She must be apologizing for ordering me earlier when I worked under her, how troublesome, some despicable young master would have surely tried to have his way with her after getting all this power.' He couldn't help but have some crooked thoughts.


"It's alright, sister Lan, I was just lucky to be noticed by Master Muyi, you don't have to think too much about it. As for the past, there is no need to mention it any longer." Waving his hand he used a bit of his soul force to make Lan Xue stand up straight, whose eyes widened a little at the display of his martial prowess.


Nodding gratefully, Lan Xue spoke with a sincere smile, "Thank you young master Lin, my name is Lan Xue but please just call me Little Xue from now on." Quickly finishing the procedures she handed him the change along with the keys to his deluxe suite.


"Do you want me to escort you to your suite?" Now that she was sure that Lin Ming would not pursue the past matters, she was relieved and also excited to form some connections. While Lin Ming was not an adult yet she could still become his friend, with her being just 20 years old and having above-average beauty she could at least be a concubine if not a wife.


Looking at her eager and excited body language, Lin Ming found this situation quite funny. Just a few moments ago she was quivering like a lamb for slaughter and now she was eager like a beaver.


Shaking his head, he lightly refused her company, with a smile he said, "Haha, no need we will get many more chances to get acquainted properly in the future."


"Ah, yes. Young master is right." Lan Xue blushed slightly at over-enthusiasm and berated herself inwardly.


Lin Ming left after saying goodbye to her, Lan Xue standing behind the reception desk kept looking at his back, inexplicable emotions in her gaze.



A/N : what do you guys think about the story so far, and thank you for reading. :)






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