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Capítulo 2089: 20

A Throne Nobody Wants

Book 2: Chapter 9

+++ Jon- Beyond the Wall +++

Jon had regained his strength thanks to the food provided by the Wildings that captured him and Sam. Speaking of his friend, Sam was doing better, having gotten real rest, food and warm milk in his belly. Sam's reaction when he finally regained coherence had been one of fear, but after seeing that they weren't going to scalp him he visibly relaxed.

However, now that Sam was up and about, Jon and Sam's wrists were bound together and they were herded like cattle. The Wildlings' pace was not harsh, if anything, he would call it pretty leisurely. He had tired to warn them about the White Walkers and how they had to stand together, but it was all for naught. The woman in charge, Culian, merely shrugged it off.

'Don't worry yer pretty little head, boyo. Where we going we'd be safe enough.'

Jon had doubted the pretty spear wielder's words until he started to recognize a very notable structure in the distance, one that they were heading towards. The famed Wall of the North could be made out ahead of them. He turned around and saw that Sam's eyes had likewise widened in surprise before looking at the pony-tailed woman, who seemed amused by his reaction.

"Y- You can't mean to… you can't!" Jon's face must have showed his incredulity as all of the Wildings around him began to laugh.

"He may be pretty," Culian snorted and then turned to the copper-haired girl, who he found out was name Ygritte.

"But not too bright, ain't he."

"It's okay if he's dumb," The redhead, who had her hood down, nodded in agreement before she turned to wink at him.

"I'm willing to teach him."

"I'm a learned man and probably know more than a Wilding like you," Jon retorted, and to his ever growing ire the girl only threw her head back to laugh in a manner he secretly enjoyed...but hated himself for.

"You know nothing, Jon Snow!" Ygritte answered before she held up a hand, stopping the entire group.

Jon was about to ask what was going on when more Wildlings, some in armor like the spear user, approached. Behind them were more Wildlings with bows drawn back. Since when did Wildings use tactics like this?!

A larger Wilding broke off from the group, he was of middling height with a lean build. He slowly slid his hood back to reveal a shrewd face and sharp brown eyes to match his slick, dark-brown hair. He merely gave Sam and Jon a cursory glance before sighing at the pony-tailed woman.

"More crows, Culian?" The man asked in an exasperated tone, looking at the spear wielder.

"You were sent to wipe out any stragglers, not bring them back."

"Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Culian had her spear laid across her shoulders, her stance relaxed as she hooked both her hands over the shaft to keep it pressed against the base of her smooth neck.

"Or did her highness reject your advances once again?"

Jon was able to decode some of the Wildling lingo and realized that the "Highness" they referred to was most likely the Queen Beyond the Wall. It also appeared that Culian had struck true as the man looked flustered and agitated at her jab.

"Regardless, it's almost time," the man changed the subject before turning to look at Jon and Sam.

"Kill them."

Jon tensed up and got into a defensive stance even as Sam made to stand closer to him. Suddenly a spear was interposed in front of them.

"I think not, Mance," Culian stared down the two Wildlings that were already drawing their crude-looking swords.

"Ygritte's taken a liking to him. Be a shame to waste him like that."

Jon was struck dumb when he heard the name. "Mance, as in Mance Rayder the traitor?"

"Jon!" Sam shoved his friend in the back as a warning.

"No, it's quite alright," the famous traitor of the Night Watch replied genially.

"Better to live free and be known as a traitor than live like an honorable lapdog."

"Touching as this crow reunion is-" Culian blew a strand of hair out of her face in boredom.

"-I'd like to get there in time to fight something at least!"

"Fine, kill the fat one," Mance conceded and Jon could feel his friend tense behind his back, but relaxed as Lady Culian had yet to move her spear from its protective position.

"Oh for the love of the gods, don't tell me YOU fancy the fat one!"

Sam let out a sound somewhere between a cough and choke, but before he knew it the butt of Lady Culian's spear struck Mance's face. She moved so fast Jon barely caught the tail-end of her attack. He noted that the other Wildlings did not move to intervene. She must have outranked Mance by quite a bit.

"The fat one is a Maester-in-training, isn't that right, Ser Hefty?" Culian glared at Sam, who nodded eagerly. He did not take much issue at the insult, perhaps because he realized that his life was on the line.

"It's as milady said, Ser Mance Ser. Training under Maester Aemon himself, I am," Sam blabbered but stopped when Mance began laughing.

"He called you Milady?! Hah!" Mance japed while looking at Lady Culian in obvious amusement. The glare from her red eyes was the only reply he received.

"I'm surprised the old man is still alive, but if he's taken an apprentice then you might have some worth to her Highness."

Culian merely gave Mance a look, who signaled for the other Wildlings to lower their weapons. As if they had practiced it, the two groups melded together seamlessly and began marching deeper into the forest. As they marched, Jon noted that Culian and Mance pulled further ahead of the group and were in deep conversation. Ygritte choose to remain at his side. At first he wondered why, but then he began to get an inkling when he realized several of the archers were women as well.

"Nice catch there, Ygritte. Mind sharing him after?"

"Hey fatty move. I wanna get a good look at yer pretty friend's backside."

"Fraya likey, I call after Breren gits her turn."

Despite the cold weather, Jon felt his face heat up from their blatant catcalls and leering gazes.

"Aww, isn't he cute blushing like a virgin!" the one called Fraya squealed in delight, and unfortunately Jon made the worst mistake he could have. He stumbled at her remark even as his face got hotter. Suddenly, he noticed the group had stopped and all eyes were upon him, both male and female.

It was lady Culian who made her way to Jon and looked him in the eye.

"Boyo, how OLD are you?"

"I am ten and eight," Jon replied faltering pride to the stunned look on the pretty woman's face.

"An- And you never..." Culian gestured toward Jon's lower region, to which Jon could only shyly look away in embarrassment.


"How cute!"

"Ygritte! My best blade, my family bow and my sheep for his maidenhead!"

Jon just wanted to crawl into his surname-sake and die. The men's jeering laughter contrasted with the women's delighted whoops. Thankfully, Lady Culian only shook her head in amusement.

"Southerners," the man named Tormund snorted derisively. "I was fucking before I had hair on my chin!"

"Why'd you think I left?" Mance Rayder looked back at the scene in amusement.

"Too many men, not enough women."

Thankfully, that had been the end of it. Jon no longer felt cold due to the heat from his embarrassment, but he did notice that Ygritte remained at his side. Jon could not help but find himself excited for some unknown reason. So it was with Jon deep in thoughts over his predicament and maybe future peril, when he felt a soft tremor pass through his feet. It was so faint he wasn't sure what it was until he felt it again.

"And we're here," Mance replied as they came upon a crest in the clearing ahead that seemed to slant lower.

Jon and Sam looked at each other, wondering what the steady rhythmic beating was, until they followed Lady Culian to the crest in the forest and openly gaped in awe at the sight before them. There were Wildlings and their huts as far as the eye could see from this elevated position.

"Mother have mercy on our souls and Father protect us," Sam uttered his prayers under his breath. Jon had to agree, even though he believed in the Old Gods. Because old or new, the host before them was terrifying, stretched all the way to the horizon.

"Looks like we impressed them, now let's get to her Highness," Culian japed before she motioned for the group to bring Jon and Sam with her.

Jon whipped his head back and forth, trying to take in everything. There were large pens that contained several-hundred Direwolves, while other areas, lined up in crude orderly rows, were blacksmiths forging crude-looking swords and armor.

"Careful! Giant passing through!" A Wildling yelled and Jon turned to see several giant, metal figures walk past them. They were large, at least over fourteen feet tall, and muscular. On their backs were giant-sized bows and axes. But most disturbing of all was that their faces were hidden by an armored helm.

"Giants, Jon, giants… they should be extinct..." Sam whispered low enough that only Jon heard it.

"How are we going to fight them Jon? How?"

Jon wished he knew. How do you fight a fourteen foot armored giant? Not to mention the host he could see here that stretched as far as his eyes could see.

"How are they even feeding this army?" Sam wondered before he realized something.

"Jon, they can't feed an army of this size… that's why they're going for the Wall!"

"Right you are, little robust lord," Culian explained, and for the first time Jon saw a savage grin appear on her face.

"No Wildling army has ever broken through the Wall," Jon whispered, but realized seven-hundred – Seven-hundred brothers were all that stood between this Wilding Host and the North. He needed to get word to Robb and his father. For as bad as the Wildings were, what followed in their wake was worse.

"Y-You know of the White Walkers' coming! We need to stand together if we are to have any chance!" Jon reached for any reason for this mighty host to not attack Castle Black.

"Aye, that we should," Culian stopped before patting Jon's cheek. "But that would be up to you crows, now wouldn't it?"

"Let me talk to them, I can convince them!" Jon pleaded desperately, and was surprised to see Culian smile at him.

"Oh, you'll get your chance. You, the fat one over there and that other crow I saved a while back."

"Other crow?" Jon asked before they arrived at a hut tent that was larger than the others.

"And here we are!" Culian stopped in front of the tent. "Mance, you're with me. You too, Ygritte. The rest of you lot get ready."

Jon was trying further inquires about this other prisoner when he was pushed inside the tent and was faced with perfection. Blood-red eyes were the first thing he focused on, as if fire were lighting them up from inside. His next line of thought was that the Maiden herself came down from the very heavens and took on mortal form. She was tall, he could tell that even though she was sitting on a throne made of vines and thorns. Her hair was like stolen sunlight, cascading wildy down her back with two long strands in front. How long he stared at her, he did not know, but she did grace him with a smile and he almost felt like doing anything to see it again.

Then Jon blinked and took her in once again, this time noticing details he had missed the first time. She was wearing partial armor made of gold. Not like the Kingsguard he had seen, but dragon's gold. It was highly impractical the way she wore it, she only had one shoulder pauldron on her right side and armor all the way down to her gauntlet. Adorning her waist was an elaborate armored belt that merely protected her two sides and leggings that started from her upper thigh down to her feet.

Most importantly, she showed a lot of skin. In this cold weather that should've been a death sentence but the woman did not appear bothered by it. A sable-colored tunic covered her from the shoulder down to her mid-breast, enough to cover her nipples but left the lower half exposed. Underneath her hip armor were black leather breeches cut indecently short, her creamy-white thighs were exposed up until where her leg armor began.

Jon could not stop staring, but the more he blinked as he took her in the more her got used to her overwhelming presence. Finally, he shook his head from what he was certain was an illusion and looked at his surroundings. That's when he noticed, on either side of her, were two strange-looking children. Their hair was the color of fallen autumn leaves, with large ears and weird colorings on their skin. However, he knew for certain something was off when he looked at their eyes, both pairs were gold, which was unheard of, and slit like a cat's. These two, like the woman, seemed to be unbothered by the cold weather, their only clothing was a cloak of leaves apiece.

"You're the Queen Beyond the Wall..." Jon breathed out finally as his senses returned.

"Must be losing your touch, Highness. He stopped staring at you after only a handful of minutes," Lady Culian's husky voice fully snapped his thoughts back into focus, and he turned to her instead. That's when he caught sight of Sam, his eyes were dreamy and his mouth twisted up in a goofy grin.

"More mongrels before me? Explain yourself, Dog," the golden woman demanded. Jon realized that her voice was not sweet as he had imagined, instead it was gruff, commanding, and huskier than Lady Culian's. It was a voice meant to command. He also realized that the golden woman had just insulted the spear wielder, but if she was offended it did not show.

"Well, Ygritte think this one is pretty and plans to steal him," Culian pointed to Jon, who took a few steps back.

"The one smiling at you stupidly is the apprentice of the old dragon. Figured he might be worth something."

"Hmmph, I guess he could be of use. Get him ready with the other one," the Queen Beyond the Wall ordered and raised a hand to dismiss them.

"Oh? We're leaving already?" Lady Culian asked with a quirk of her eyebrow. "Bugger, I need to leave now then- Mance."

Jon watched as Lady Culian left with the traitor Night Watchmen in confusion. Wait. That meant they were left alone here with the Queen.

"What is your name boy?" the Queen commanded, and Jon had no reason to deny her.

"Jon Snow, Great Lady, and that there is my friend, Samwell Tarly," Jon explained and saw that his friend, completely redfaced, was finally coming to his senses.

"My Lady, surely you are aware of the White Walkers. We could work together with each ot-"

Jon was cut off as the Queen laughed imperiously at him. The way she held herself was even more regal than Queen Cersei when she had visited Winterfell.

"My Lady-"

Jon tried to press on, but two cloaked guards came in. They had patches of animal fur on their heads, concealing their features.

"My Queen, your carriage is ready. Would you like us to throw these two crows in with the other one?" the larger cloaked man asked.

"No, Have them march beside my dais. I want them to bear witness to my glory."

Jon was then roughly pushed out of the Queen's tent by the two men. Sam nearly tripped, but soon they arrived at another tent with several cages. Inside one was a haggard-looking Benjen Stark!

++ The Wall++

The Wall was looming closer, and pretty soon they would be within its kill-zone. Looking up he could make out the blot of the sun just starting to set. The trip had not been as harsh as he'd imagined, a mere five days of easy walking in truth. He was bound together with his uncle and friend, the three making a three-person gang. Next to them was a wooden dais carried by eight large men. On the dais, sitting lazily, was the Queen Beyond the Wall herself.

It occurred to Jon that they still did not even know her name, not even his uncle. They simply referred to her as The Queen. Jon had asked her Golden Grace once during the third day of their journey, but she merely ignored him while the men carrying her mobile throne laughed as if it was the greatest jape ever told. Another odd thing was that Jon could not find any trace of Lady Culian. He figured a high-ranking person of her stature would be here, near the Queen. Also, as much as he loathed to admit it, he missed the red-haired girl who had kept him company before.

It was just as Jon was able to make out the north-gate that the Wildling army stopped. So they knew about the kill-zone. It must have been Mance who informed them. Suddenly a smaller Wildling approached the Queen, this one did not seem to show as much deference as the others he had seen. Could it be Lady Culian?

However, for the first time, he saw the Queen's face light up before becoming stern again.

"Little sister, Val, I thought I told you to stay with the rearguard."

"And shame you by not being here on the front line?" the smaller woman took off her fur-patched helmet to reveal lustrous honey-blonde hair in a braid over her left shoulder. Her eyes were a paler green, almost blue. She could have passed for a Lannister, judging by her beauty. She also had an imperial air about her, but it was not nearly as potent as the Queen's own.

The Queen and her sister appeared to be locked in a debate.

"You really want to be the first through the gate?"

"I do, more than anything, in your name sister," the other woman answered, her eyes showing conviction. Which was just enough to convince the Queen.

"Fine, I'll allow it," the Queen grinned haughtily and her sister returned the same grin. With a quick nod, Val equipped her helmet and moved to the front lines, yet still outside of the Night's Watch's archers kill-zone.

"Are you certain you want to risk her safety your Highness?" a man carrying her dais asked. That surprised Jon. Were the men carrying the Queen of noteworthy rank? Just who was this woman?

"What can I say? I have a weakness for pretty blonde, green-eyed girls with a strong will," the Queen leaned back with a lazy pose in her chair. She was still in that golden armor, but with as little as she wore, Jon figured she didn't need to change often. Sam had also built up more resistance to her beauty. Oddly enough, the two weird little children Jon had seen with her before were not here. When he asked, his uncle admitted he hadn't seen them either.

"Ah, the time draws near," the Queen spoke as night began to fall.

The only sound after the queen's last statement was the breathing all around him. He could see the torches on the battlement being lit and knew their brothers were getting the defenses ready. Suddenly, the queen stood up on her dais and spread her arms out wide.

"It is time! Show them my might!" the Queen could be heard clearly through the woods. A few seconds later the roars from the men swelled all around them. It bathed her in their adulation as she stood there, basking in it.

"You heard the Queen! Sound the horns of war!"

Jon did not know who had shouted save that it was a gruff voice, most likely belonging to a grizzled veteran. The sound of horns echoed through the woods. Such was the volume that Jon almost had to cover his ears. Sam went ahead and did so while his uncle's face only showed his discomfort. The next phase started as torches lit all through the forest as far as his eyes could see. How great of a host did the Queen actually have? Even his Uncle Benjen was surprised by the numbers.

Oddly enough, no Wildlings charged forward, simply remaining in place. An hour must have passed and the only action was the continuous, steady beating of drums. At least it gave his brothers time to fortify their defenses. Suddenly, an eagle flew down and perched itself on the Queen throne, it seemed to nod at her and after a few moments it flew away.

"Culian has begun her assault. Attack!" the Queen commanded as she stood with her hand stretched out, as if the North Gate was only a minor inconvenience.

"You're a fool if you think you can breach the gate unmolested!"

Benjen taunted the Queen, even as twenty-four giants walked out in front of the army. On top of being armored, one out of three held a crude shield as tall as them that looked like it was made of pure iron. Then, as if trained to do so all their lives, they lifted the shields over their heads, the giants without a shield helping to hold them up. Then the shields overlapped to form an umbrella of sorts, akin to a turtle, but the giants did not move until the Queen's sister and two-dozen armored Wildlings took shelter under it.

The giants moved as one at a brisk pace to the North gate. Jon could feel his uncle was just as curious as he was when they could not spot any battering ram. Then it happened. Two of the giants released their hold on their shields and bent down to pull at the gate. That wasn't possible was it? They couldn't actually be strong enough to lift up the gate! But lift it they did, though the gate protested at being opened so unnaturally.

A steady rain of fire-lit arrows from the wall battlement hit the iron turtle but merely bounced off of it. Even the burning oil splashed off of their shields harmlessly, the only thing that seemed to make any of the giants stagger was the barrel of gravel. If only they had bigger rocks!

"Ready~~~!" the Queen raised her arms up and Jon felt the Wildlings tense. Her eyes were narrowed as if she could see from that distance.


Once the gate was lifted the giants at the back row moved in and used their iron shields to prop the gate open. Immediately, Val and her Wildlings rushed inside the entryway, their savage joy made evident by a piercing war cry.

"Attack!" the Queen swung her arms down as the flood of Wildings charged through the opened gate, all but two armored giants had already filed in and were no doubt engaging his brothers. Attacked from the front by the most unlikely of means, and hit from the south where they had little defense. At once, Jon knew that Castle Black would likely fall. He could hear the sound of steel clashing echoing out of the gate, even as the Wildling host raised their shields and charged through the opening.

"Why are we still alive?" Benjen Stark's voice came out hoarse, as he (like Jon) had realized what this meant.

"You should've let us die fighting like our brothers."

"Perhaps you still can, but only after you take a message to your brother for me." The Queen ruthlessly told Jon's uncle.

Benjen eyes widened at the Queen's answer, but nodded stiffly. "What do you want me to say to him?"

The Queen took out a rolled-up leather parchment from her side before she carelessly tossed it to the First Ranger.

"Tell him that this will be the new map of this land from now on. I have no more interest in expanding South as of this moment. His seat is safe."

Jon and Sam watched his uncle's eyes widen again before his face paled. A moment later Jon saw why. The now redrawn map featured only a single line. One that started at the borders of Deepwood, all the way across to the Dreadfort, until it ended at the Weeping Water. This was a third of the North! It also took the Umbers, Karstark and Bolton lands.

"Th-there is no way he would agree to this. They'll fight you to the bitter end!" Benjen stared wide-eyed at the map.

"Then after I destroy them, I will have more land," the Queen stated, as if it were inevitable. "I am showing mercy as it is. Do not push me."

"If you do this, there will be no peace between our people," Benjen muttered as he looked at the Queen. "The North will not stand for your violation."

"Let the mongrels come," the Queen challenged, seemingly thrilled at the fact by the way she stood over them from her throne, one hand on her hip with it cocked to the side. "I will teach them the folly of challenging me."

"The other kingdoms will come to their aid. Are you really prepared to wage war against the entire Seven Kingdoms?!" Benjen tried to point out the flaw in the golden queen's logic, but if anything that only amused her more.

"All of the Seven Kingdom will eventually learn that they belong to me," the Queen adorned a savage smile.

"I have simply allowed them to rule it until now."

+++ Aemon – Castle Black +++

Maester Aemon Targaryen closed his eyes as he heard the din of combat from the men outside. Never in his one hundred and one years had Castle Black ever been assaulted the way it was now. The clashing of steel rang loudly, letting him know how dangerous the situation was.

Moving as quickly as he could, Aemon made to the raven's roost and searched for the one from Winterfell. He fumbled around, feeling the various birds. With his vision going, he had to rely on touch to remember for him.

"Ah hah, there you are," Aemon spoke softly to the black blur in his hand. Taking out a hastily scrawled script from his robe, he attached it to the raven's foot. He remembered reading about how the Wildlings could take control of animals. What if they took control of his raven? With some great effort, he let all of the ravens fly free. He heard various squawks from the ravens, some of them shot down by the Wildlings.

"Here you go old friend."

"Protect the gates, they are trying to breech it!"


"Get more get more men down here, damn it!"


Aemon slowly made his way back to the library. He was too weak to carry a sword, too old to do much. It was all in the hands of his brothers now. He thought about burning the books and the knowledge within, but realized he could not bring himself to do it. Castle Black will be taken back eventually, and the knowledge stored here would help the next succeeding Maester.

Aemon slowly sat at his desk and waited. He burst with pride, hearing his brothers still fighting. The Wildlings would not find the Night's Watch easy prey. They were not soft.

"They breached the gate!"

"Gods above, what are they!"


At times like this, Aemon wished he still had his sight. He would have dearly loved to see a fabled giant before he died. He judged it to be the dead of night when the fighting finally quieted down. Aemon, with patience honed over a century of life waited for his turn to die with his brothers.

The sound of heavy footfalls could be heard outside of his room before it opened with a loud bang. Straining his eyes as best he could, he could only make out a blob of gold. Oddly enough he could smell fresh Autumn leaves and a hint of spring rain mixed with morning dew. Curious.

"Maester Aemon!"

Aemon smiled when he heard his apprentice's voice. "Ah Tarly, I'm glad you are alive. Is your friend okay?"

Tarly was a clever boy so he knew what Aemon was asking.

"Jo-Jon and the First Ranger were given horses to ride for Winterfell with terms from the Queen," Tarly voice sounded nervous and scared.

"I- I was kept back to show her Highness the way to your chamber, o-or if you were d-dead..."

"I understand. It appears Her Grace has me at a disadvantage," Aemon looked at the golden blur again, acknowledging her with the respect she was entitled with a tilt of his head.

"Congratulations on doing something no other Wildling King before you could ever achieve."

"They fought well, for what's its worth. Low in numbers as they were," the Golden Queen replied honestly and Aemon smiled at that. Her tone were commanding, it reminded him a lot of his great aunt with that commanding tone and presence.

"Now, I believe an old friend of yours would like to chat."

Aemon had to raise an eyebrow at that. Most of his old friends were dead. He felt a soft touch on his temple and suddenly his vision cleared. He was stunned by how clear everything looked, how smooth. Suddenly he was above the Castle, the Walls, he was in the air, flying north at breakneck speeds. During his flight he felt a chill down below and looked to find its source. What Aemon saw horrified him, the dead stood by the thousands no- tens of thousands, but they were not moving. They were standing, waiting. And then Aemon saw him, a being who radiated power, twin glowing blue eyes pinned him with his gaze. Aemon felt cold as if the hand of the Stranger was upon him, and then he was falling somewhere, toward a large vibrant tree.

There was darkness, and then suddenly light when he heard his named being called. His old body pushed itself up only to find there was no injury from his journey here. He heard his name once again and looked up to see a man wrapped in tree roots hanging high above him.

"Aemon, my old friend, it is good to see you again."

Aemon stared at the man, long white hair and blood red eyes were watching him. But the face, that face was one he'd never forget.

"B-Brynden? Brynden Rivers?!"

"It is good to see you still alive, old friend," Brynden not moving, his entwined body nodded. To Aemon his voiced croaked and broke like a dying old man, as if he were trying to sound out the words again.

"Tell me, did you see Him on your way here?"

Aemon shuddered and nodded. There could only be one person that the long-thought-dead Ranger of the Night's Watch was referring to. Cold blue-as-ice eyes still sent shivers down his back at the mere memory.

"Then you know we must unite the Seven Kingdoms to face our ancient enemies," The ancient Brynden Rivers stated with certainty.

"The Seven Kingdom are currently at war. They would not stand united until there is a victor and there is no one that could do that." Aemon voiced with some sorrow. Once more the realm bled, this time over mere rumors if one were to believe.

Renly, Stannis and Lysa Tully had declared open rebellion. So far the opening strikes have been in the Crownlands and Tyrell's holdings. The Vale had been a surprise, but Lysa Tully for some reason wanted the Princess Baratheon dead. What was also unexpected was the Alliance between Dorne and Storm's End. The union between Renly and Arianne was supposed to seal the pact. To further insult King Joffrey, their wedding was to take place on the same day as his with the Tyrell princess.

"Good, that will make it all the easier," Brynden said, though to Aemon's ears he still sounded hoarse, obviously not used to long conversations.

"The High Queen can unite the Seven Kingdoms. They will bend the knee to her, I have seen it."

"You are talking of the Queen Beyond the Wall?" Aemon asked for clarification even as he explored the cavern.

"Yes, my friend, in her flows the blood from the Kings of the First Men, the Elders of the Children of the Forest and the Lords of the Giants," Brynden tone held a disturbing kind of reverent awe.

"I have watched her unite the remnants of the First Men and the Giants under her banner. Doing so was a far more difficult task than what Aegon the first achieved with his sisters."

"If she is capable, then why do you need my help?" Aemon asked curiously before he replied in amusement.

"I am no young man to go questing."

"Because I far older," Brynden replied with a tone Aemon barely identified as amused.

"I need you to search for Bran Stark. Where he is at I cannot reach him. He is to be my replacement. His destiny was veered off course somehow."

"A Stark child? Why?" Aemon asked in challenge. There was no malice or hubris.

"Because if I die, the Wall will fall and the magic keeping most of the Night King's forces asleep will be broken."

+++ Daenerys- Harrenhal +++

Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen Pendragon went to the new Dragon Roost whenever she was feeling lonely. After the incredible night with her brother (that still made her body tingled with desire) and his subsequent anger, she had decided she needed to spend time with her children. Her dragons had gotten much larger, at least as big as a horse. The beasts were allowed out hunting at night, but were smart enough to come back before dawn before anyone could see them. They had to keep their instincts sharp, after all.

As if sensing her mood, Vserion, Rhaellion and Rhaeynion came over to nuzzle against her body. She had not gotten to spend a lot of time with her brother these past couple of years. First she wanted to stay back in Essos to let her children grow up safely, then when she arrived at the giant fortress of Harrenhal she made her beloved brother angry with her almost immediately.

Daenerys understood what she had done wrong now, but she had really only ever intended it for Arthur! It was not her fault the Stark girl chose to cook and used it in all of their food! She vividly recalled memories of that night, she could recall with perfect clarity the moment when her brother made her a woman. His woman. It was the happiest moment of her life, they had fit together so perfectly. Though there was her pain of a maiden, she relished in it. Dragons do not mate gently after all. She had thought it would make her brother closer to her, instead it changed their relationship entirely.

Few were the times Daenerys have seen her brother angry, but it had never been with her, never her. The day afterward, when she was dreaming of children and dragon kings, Arthur confronted her. She realized then that she had awoken the Dragon. What followed was a verbal lashing so harsh it still sent shivers up her spine. But she finally understood, her brother wanted to learn to love her as a wife, but she had pushed the issue and her thoughtlessness had affected others. While some had shrugged it off, other were still visibly affected, since then the Lady Lorelei to behave skittishly around her brother. For the first time Daenerys felt bad about her actions.

It had been Mordred who had intervened on her behalf to soothe her brother's anger the moment she heard from her guards what was going on. Yet another thing Daenerys did not expect to feel, gratitude toward a Baratheon. The blonde was serious about keeping the peace of House Pendragon. She hated it that Mordred seemed to hold a lot of sway with her brother. For when the girl asked her brother to be lenient, he did. Later when the two talked, she asked Mordred why she ever intervened and the answer only confused her more.

'The worst thing that could ever happen to House Pendragon is if its blood turns against itself, on that path lies madness and destruction.'

Daenerys did not understand. Madness? Destruction? As if that could ever happen. But she realized her faults and sought to make amends. However it was not yet time, her brother's anger was still palpable. She understood, of course. Dragons were passionate creatures, it would take time for his anger to cool. His rebuff to her attempts with gaining an audience with him was proof of that, although she knew he'd probably feel bad about it later. After all, who else knew Arthur better than herself?

"Rraag..." Vserion, the cream-colored dragon nuzzled her hair some more. Out of all the dragons, Vserion loved her brother the most. Perhaps it because he was named after Arthur.

"I know, I miss him too," Daenerys stroked the tip of Vserion's scaly nose affectionately. She was careful not to get drool on her new dress. It was made from silk, like the one from Essos, the silver dress emphasized her cleavage and showed a generous amount of her bare shoulders. Its fashion was considered a bit scandalous, but Danerys did not want to conform to Westerosi standards.

"Rrragh..." Vserion let out a low sad trill. Next to her, Rhaellion and Rhaeynion matched their brother.

"Well, that is why you three have to get big if you want brother to take you into battle," Daenerys assured her children. Naturally, she intended on having blood children with Arthur one day but Mordred did have first go with that. It was a good thing Sansa had taught her about safe days. Being able to couple with her brother as much as she wanted for a few days without fear of impregnation, truly a blessing. Sansa had already proven it worked with the amount of times she and Arthur coupled.

"Rraghh arah..." Vserion cried before he rested his head in her lap for comfort.

"There, there." Daenerys stroked the cream dragon's head lovingly. It surprised her that they loved her brother so much, but perhaps that was a byproduct of her hatching them.

"Lady Daenerys?" Captain Belidos, the leader of her personal guard, knocked. The tall, dark man from Essos watched the dragons warily, and took a defensive stance as he entered.

"Yes, Captain?" Daenerys asked with mirth in her eyes. She knew that it agitated the man when she used his rank, but he would forever be Captain Belidos to her.

"News from the front, my lady," the ex-Essos sellsword reported and was surprised at how fast Daenerys got to her feet.

"News of Arthur?" Daenerys asked hopefully, suppressing a squeal of delight when he nodded.

"Arthur has crushed the Vale forces at Saltpan and lifted the siege of Maidenpool. Stannis Baratheon's ground forces were broken, their naval fleet is still strong though. As for the Vale, they could be attacked again, but the Westerland army is reinforcing it with local levees. Your brother is a hero."

Daenerys could not help but match grins with Arthur's ex-captain. Truth be told, a lot of rumors were started about Arthur's skills. He had gain notoriety for his accomplishments in Essos, but that was only known to the Essosians that moved here with Arthur. And though his efforts with the bandit extermination made him a hero among the smallfolk, none of these achievements were looked upon favorably by the Nobles of the Seven Kingdoms.

In truth, Stannis' forces in Maidenpool had rebuffed all attempt by Joffrey own forces for the past two months, while Tywin could not spare enough men for fear that Stannis could still attack King's Landing by sea. Arthur himself was put on the sidelines while the war continued, and Harrenhal was made a nexus for resupply and repairs. Of course, the main reason was the food. They had the best cuisine in all of the lands, from the Castle down to the furthest tavern, the food was second to none. All a byproduct of Sansa's influence she been told.

Harrenhal was also a trustworthy point to pass their supply caravan through, a safe route that bandits dare not enter in after the great purge. Despite all of that, Arthur had not seen action in the actual war until he was called three weeks ago. They had given him what they considered a difficult task, but after this victory it looks like he gained political capital now. Daenerys also expected that Arthur would be given a larger role in the war after this success.

Still, that brought Daenerys to her next important question. "When is he due back?"

"He should be home within the week. Princess Mordred is aware and Lady Sansa has already left to gather ingredients for a feast."

Daenerys nodded before she looked to the dragons, or more specifically a box contained in nest of the three. This was what Sansa and her had been working on, but Sansa had gifted it to her to present to Arthur in hopes of mending their relationship faster.


The week stretched long for Dany, but the moment she heard the trumpets blare she knew Arthur was within sight of the castle. After Rose and her sister made sure she was presentable, Dany walked out to join Arthur and his other wives in greeting the return of their husband. Mordred was wearing a beautiful blue dress with a white dragon curled all around its body. Sansa's dress was also blue, but a lighter shade with little sword patterns on it. Lorelei's was a mix of sky-grey and black and Dany herself wore white.

The three looked at her, clear excitement in their eyes. After all, they saw the gift Sansa and Daenerys had created and wholly approved. That was when she saw the first group enter. It was Commander Gywr and her daughter, the Pendragon flag hoisted high in the air and a deafening roar rose in response. Dany was surprised to see even Mordred and Lorelei had pitched in exuberantly. Then the rest of the elite soldiers filed in and made two lines as they began a chant that was picked up by the smallfolk lined up to see their Lord.






That's when Arthur rode in on his black armored stallion, his spear banner fluttering in the wind. He rode tall and proud, but unlike the men who were cheering or grinning, he did neither. Instead he let his eyes roam around, then locked with hers, acknowledging her before he hoisted the banner higher into the air. That made the people cheer even louder.


The celebration afterward was a bit excessive, in Dany's opinion, but fortunately his wives and mistress, Commander Gywr, Captain Gwyn, Galina and Arya were here in their dining room, feasting in private while Arthur shared his war stories without much embellishment. Dany was hit with a wave of nostalgia, it used to be just him and her talking like this in Volantis. The only sour note was Harold Hardyng was the Commander of the Vale forces at Saltpan and seemed to hold a grudge against Arthur.

"Damn it, he escaped!" Mordred pounded the table in frustration, than promptly blushed when he saw Arthur looking at her with amusement. Dany was beginning to noticed the dual natures of Princess Mordred when it came to her brother. She wondered just how much Arthur was aware of his favorite wife's personality changes around him and others.

Gwynn had a dark look on his face, but could only nod along with Mordred assessment.

"His rear guard did a superb job," Arthur acknowledged with a hint of respect in his voice, he then turned to look at the girl most affected by the news.

"Sorry Lorelei, your countrymen fought well."

Lorelei only demurely shook her head, still unable to meet Arthur's eyes after all this time. Now that was starting to make Dany feel even worse!

Arthur sighed at his mistress' reaction before he turned to Sansa and gave a smile that made him look younger. "Once again, you've outdone yourself, Sansa. You have no idea how jealous the Westerland men were of our forces come meal time. In fact, Ser Jaime often supped with our forces."

There were amused chuckles across the table, Sansa had made sure there were competent cooks in Arthur's forces. Of course they would be envied by soldiers eating gruel.

"Ahem- Sansa, I heard you and Daenerys were working on something?" Mordred suddenly began, looking at her sister-wife. The two made eye contact and grinned while the rest of the group were curious.

"Oh-right- yes. Working, that uh Daenerys, do you have it by chance?" Sansa said in a very unnatural manner that made Mordred wince while the rest gave her weird looks. Dany was amused, apparently mummery was not in the extensive skillset of Sansa. She seemed so good at almost everything else though.

"What are you ladies hiding?" Arthur looked at his wives suspiciously. Like usual, her brother had no patience for a well-crafted surprise.

"J-Just know that without Daenerys, even with your… ah, a-assistance," Sansa suddenly grew red at this part, which confused Dany, "We could never have created it."

Sansa nodded to her and Dany strode to the corner where she had Captain Belidos hide the box earlier. It was not so heavy that she needed help to carry it. She felt all eyes upon her and she carried the box over and placed it in front of Arthur. From the shape and size of the ornate box, it was obvious what was inside.

"I know you've had Irisviel with you for a long time, brother," Daenerys began and Sansa's breath caught for a bit. Odd. "However, not many know that I was the one that gave that sword to you."

Now that caught people's attention while Arthur had a tender smile on his face, solely directed at her. It made her feel very warm.

"I was only five when our servants robbed us after our caretaker died. Arthur was able to preserve our mother's crown for me so that I could keep something of hers," Dany saw Arya gasp and even Sansa looked sympathetic.

"In case you didn't know, he can be thoughtful like that at the most unexpected times."

There were bemused chuckles from their companions as Arthur flushed red.


"After the assassins came for us, Arthur took up being a sellsword. Everyone know this, correct?" Dany looked at the crowd as Gwynn and Lorelei exchanged surprised looks. Perhaps not everyone knew after all.

"However, being new to the sellsword life, he could not afford a good weapon. He was still using weapons he had taken from his kills, but none of them were very impressive."

Dany remembered the worn-looking weapons Arthur sported early on, as the new recruit Arthur had to forfeit the best loot after a job.

"So I took our mother's crown and exchanged it for a better weapon, one that was new and suited to his style of combat," Daenerys revealed to people's shock, as Sansa's face slowly morphed into an expression of realization.

"I remember you were very sad when you found out how I bought your blade. You even tried to return it, but the crown had already been sold."

Arthur looked down at the table sadly, no doubt berating himself. She knew he often kept an eye out for the crown during his deployment to new cities.

"However, I found it brother. It was by chance, but I found our mother's crown again," Daenerys disclosed with a large loving smile. Then she opened the box to reveal the first new Valryian blade in over three-hundred years.

"And I asked Sansa to incorporate it into the cross-guard."

Dany took no note of the gasps and stunned looks from everyone around them as she watched Arthur slowly lift the blade from its container. It was sheathed in an ornate scabbard with a gold cross at the top, with "v" shape pattern going down its length for a short while. That was followed by a gold-shaped diamond against a black backdrop until the tip.

"Please draw it, brother."

And Arthur did. He leveled the blade in front of him and slowly pulled the sword from its sheath. The blade started to curve inward until it straitened out toward the middle and was tipped with a sharp point. The blade itself had a simple coloring of blue and gold adorning its silver-like edge. Dany watched as Arthur stepped back and swung the sword around, testing it.

"It's a masterpiece," Arthur whispered in awe.

"I was inspired by the stories you told me, the one about the sword in the stone and the other from the lake. I hope that was not too presumptuous of me," Sansa spoke up and everyone (except Arya) looked at Sansa in complete shock.

"Aw, no fair, I would like to hear those stories," Arya Stark pouted cutely, but Galina whispered something into the younger Stark's ear that satisfied her.

"It's perfect," Arthur agreed with Sansa's earlier comment, his eyes still on the blade. "Did you name it yet?"

"We decided to let you do so brother," Daenerys gave Arthur a loving smile, but his eyes were still on the sword. It truly was a masterpiece and extremely difficult to craft. Even after helping to create it, she still found herself wanting to gaze at it forever. Just how did Sansa get the colors so vibrant?

"Excalibur… Novus." Arthur uttered softly and noted that Mordred, Gwynn, Lorelei, Gywr and Galina tensed and locked their eyes on their Lord.

There was something about that name that enticed Dany, that sent shivers down her spine. That was a kingly sword name. No. A legendary one.

"Yes, Excalibur Novus would do nicely."

Daenerys watched as Arthur touched the cross-guard where she had Sansa weld their mother's crown with a most tender expression on his face. Not for the first time, she wished she could have met her birth mother. Out of the corner of her eyes, she noticed Mordred looking at Sansa with a somewhat puzzled expression. Perhaps, if it was a story that everyone knew, she should get Arthur to tell her as well.


AN: Shaka! And the Wall Fell!

Well if you don't know who the Golden Queen is by now... well you'd find out next chapter. If you do know, you can see her gender bent picture, just type it in, that's the style I am going with for her. And yes, Val is in there. I base most of what happen on the wall on the TV series version, with the book numbers version. So in the TV, without Jon taking charge, they would have literally been screwed that night. Without Jon, they are screwed. After all "There are no such thing as giants and mammoths!" Janos Slynt says so right?!

As for those that didn't know the Green Seer was a Targaryen bastard, now you know! Oops Spoiler?!

As for Excalibur Novus , If you can have Excalibur Galatine, I figure excalibur Novus is not so bad, since it is made of Valryian metal. Also it's picture is made out of Fate Prototype Excalibur, and just to let you know, the one that you see is the Excalibur with a Sheath on it, you look for the one where it's drawn, it's flat and very elegant. It fits int he GOT world to me.

The happy balance I have is that, Sansa can make new Valryian blade bu the process is long and difficult. So if she works on it, one blade a month. Since Arthur sheath is also Valyrian, it's two months. It might be a waste of metal but, it a worthy sheath for the blade.

As always, C+C welcome, reviews greatly appreciated!

Up next: End of Book 2!

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