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Capítulo 955: 25

Chapter 25: Life, Death, Rebirth

Chapter Text

Everything so far in her life had been to reach this point. All her efforts and sacrifices, the loss of time and choice, was to make today possible. The moment she began to show potential this had become the only path for her to tread. She offered her childhood as kindling, so her inner flame would reach the level of the Clan's guardian and not be snuffed out when they entwined. Her birth name was erased, replaced with a title that served as a reminder. Suzaku, her purpose in life, Himejima, the people to whom her loyalty is forever bound by birth and duty.

Today would be the final time she entered the sanctum of the Vermillion Bird during this lifetime. The idea was somewhat jarring since she had been making a pilgrimage there as long as she could remember. Every week, without fail, she would seek out the guardian so it could become familiar with her. They would speak for hours so when the day of their union came there would be less chance of spiritual rejection. After today though there would be no point, they would either become one or she would die.

Even with the very real chance of death from the sealing, Suzaku feels strangely calm. It isn't that she believes this all a formality, that this was her destiny, or anything so cliche. Rather it's more that she can't afford to fail here.

When she returned to the clan compound she took her time to watch her clansmen and she listened to their words. All these people have been led down a path that makes her ashamed to call them kin. It was one thing to speak about how much she hated the traditions of the Himejima clan before; now that she had met some of the people who her clan condemns she knows the feeling of disgust more than ever.

Ibaraki and her family were odd certainly, at least in comparison to a human family. Also, yes, some of the things she heard could be considered monstrous. But aren't humans just as bad? Suzaku has heard her own clansmen tell tales of whole groups of Yokai they've slaughtered; those listening laughed and reveled in the stories as though they were laudable actions. Are Yokai not worthy of life too then? What if her clan is the monster that Yokai children are told about to keep them behaved? 'Eat all your food or else an Onmyouji may gobble you up'. Is that the legacy she wants? Of course not.

The trip that was supposed to clear away any lingering doubts ended up adding more to the pile. If someone as old as her has already wrought large changes to their village then why can't Suzaku say the same about her clan? The idea of killing the elders of her clan is discomforting but, from Ibaraki's tale, the effectiveness of the method can't be denied.

Her handmaidens put the finishing touches on her makeup by painting her lips black and highlighting her eyes in red. Suzaku's hair is already woven in such an old-fashioned way she feels like an Edo noblewoman. The different layers are held in place with genuine feathers from the Vermillion Bird itself, mostly since they won't turn to ash later. Her kimono is simply white with no decoration almost reminding her of a wedding dress if not for it being crossed with the right-side over the left.

The cold ink of the seal was already drawn on her back, all seven mansions of the astrological symbol on display. As she is led through the halls she watches her clansmen impassively. They all dress in black, as is tradition, with a single vermillion ornament each. Admiration and envy shine in their eyes and Suzaku nearly scoffs. They dress for death but wish for a life burdened by duty. Fools.

Outside the sanctum stands her grandfather and current clan head, Suou Himejima. Inclining her head slightly she greets him, "Clan head."

"Grand-niece. You have done well meeting my expectations all these years. In light of that, when you succeed today, I will give you one gift." Suzaku's eyes narrow infinitesimally at the uncharacteristic generosity. Suou stands unperturbed by her distrusting gaze and calmly waits for her request.

"If that is the truth-" She begins before Suou sighs and interrupts her.

"It is." Her state hardens, as she is still doubtful of the veracity of his words. Since it won't accomplish anything to question him at this juncture, she lets the matter go. Instead of pushing further, she states her wish.

"If that is the truth then I will expect to see my aunt and cousin here when I awake. Surely a reunion with my closest living relatives isn't too much to ask?" Suou's posture stiffens and his jaw clenches when her words reach him. Not wanting to hear excuses, Suzaku steps around him and walks to the sanctum door.

A hand on her shoulder stops her advance. "Your parents would be proud."

Face cold, she brushes the offending limb off her and grabs the handle to the sanctum. As she opens the large double doors she glares over her shoulder. "As if that matters now. Just get them here."

Once inside she quickly closes the doors, not willing to show how much his parting statement affected her. She struggles but manages to hold back any errant tears, knowing it would ruin her makeup, and not wanting to show weakness now.

In the center of the room sits a fire pit. White ash and gold flake fill the impression in the floor and atop them unceasingly burns a ball of bluish-white flame. The flame emits a startling amount of heat but Suzaku feels nothing but comfort as she walks closer to it. Her approach is heralded by the fire pulsing energetically and coiling around itself, seemingly in excitement.

The fire collapses suddenly before bursting out into the shape of a bird accompanied by a majestic trill. The bird's wings seem to encircle the entire room, each beat stirring up a mighty gale. Its talons appear capable of grasping all life within. Its feathers flicker hypnotically, flames gently licking at the air around it. Its beak is akin to the mightiest spear, sharp and unyielding. In its eyes, an unending sea of flames burns, a world of fire waiting to be unleashed. Finally, from the crown of its head falls two trails of feathers; from them radiates an aura of command as though a symbol of the bird's rule.

The first time Suzaku met Zhu Que she felt so tiny, like a pebble before a mountain. Rightly so, she thinks. Here she stands before a beast that has existed for millennia; an being on the level of Gods. That attitude was something she had to be broken out of to make it this far. Today they would become partners, two souls in one being. How could that happen if one felt lesser?

That is why they had to interact with each other all these years. While she will never cease to be impressed by Zhu Que, she is no longer awestruck. They stand as equal partners and the Vermillion Bird recognizes her as such. More than that Zhu Que is her oldest friend and the one she feels closest to.

Zhu Que's mind brushes against hers and she feels the approval it radiates. Not a hint of doubt shines through from the Guardian Beast as it gazes into the depths of her very soul. The Vermillion Bird believes wholeheartedly that their union will be successful.

Normally that would be all the assurance that she needs. In fact, not too long ago, she too was bereft of doubt. Did Suzaku not have reason to doubt herself? She just got defeated by an embarrassing margin in battle with someone her age. That wouldn't have been too bad if it had been Seiryu, Byakko, or Ouryuu but it had been an outsider. Not only that but it was a complete unknown from a race that everyone thought extinct.

The fight that happened outside that village terrifies Suzaku. She hasn't been so outclassed in a fight since she was a child being instructed for the first time. The worst part was how casually the other woman crippled her. Without a hint of remorse, Ibaraki put her on the brink of death then acted as though that was normal; that such a thing was to be expected. After the fight, Ibaraki even had the nerve to act as though nothing happened! Suzaku had played along since she really didn't have a choice but the emotional whiplash was unsettling, to say the least.

She doesn't necessarily feel angry at Ibaraki, it's more that she's angry at herself for not putting up a better fight. How can she be worthy when she is filled with uncertainty? How can she change her clan for the better if the hatred is so ingrained in them?

'Remove the problem then. From the ashes, something new and more perfect will arise.' Suzaku sighs as Zhu Que eavesdrops on her private thoughts. The Vermillion Bird ruffles its feathers and turns its beak up.

'We are soon to become one, your thoughts are mine and mine are yours. If you can't accept that then this union will fail, like so many others.' The not-so-subtle reminder of the chance of death is ignored by Suzaku. The sealing of the Vermillion Bird is the most dangerous in the Principal Clans for a reason.

'It's not that I'm uncomfortable with the idea, I'm upset at myself, not you.' Holding the gaze of the ancient beast she sees understanding.

'You fear that the thought of removing the root of the problem makes you a monster? If the leaders of your clan cause stagnation you burn them away. Fire wipes out decay, fire turns to ash, ash fertilizes the soil, and from that comes new growth. Such is the way of life, the nature of rebirth.' Suzaku can see the wisdom in the words but the conflict in her heart isn't so simple to remove. If the leaders are wrong she should teach them a better way, shouldn't she? They are products of the same flawed ideology as the rest of her clan. Just because she saw another path doesn't mean it's obvious.

'You will understand one day, but for now, you are still just a fledgling preparing to spread its wings for the first time and spar. Trading philosophy, while enjoyable, is not what we are here for today. Come, it is time.' Saying this Zhu Que turns in the air and flies toward the rear of the room. Sparks of white flame drift down from their wings like snow. Suzaku follows the trail further into the sanctum, taking her time to stare at the murals on the wall depicting the Guardian Beast.

Stepping through a large archway and leaving the antechamber behind she arrives at the end of the sanctum. The tomb.

The room is plain with the exception of a carving of the Vermillion Bird on the ceiling and directly underneath that, a casket. Suzaku ruthlessly crushes the nervousness that tries to take hold as well as the dread. Even knowing what is about to happen and having prepared for years, there is a certain instinctual response to mortality that few can shake.

This is why the sealing of the Vermillion Bird is the most dangerous. Being a creature that symbolizes life, death, and rebirth, one must experience all three to truly bond with it. Success means a complete fusion of spirit; Failure can only mean death.

As she lowers herself into the casket Suzaku lays out six coins beside her, to traverse the River of Three Crossings should she fail. Alongside the coins. She clasps her hands over her chest and inside she holds a picture of her Aunt and Cousin.

While she does this Zhu Que has merged with the engraving in the roof and it pulses with the power of the bird's flames. Taking a deep breath and closing her eyes, the ritual begins. The flames rain down upon her from the ceiling, beginning as a slow drizzle but soon becoming a deluge. The embers wrap around her unerringly seeking the tattoo on her back. The process, however, is not gentle.

The first embers are bearable, almost easily ignored due to years of physical and mental conditioning. As the tide grows so does the pain. Suzaku grits her teeth and bears it silently until it's suddenly too much. Her eyes fly open and a soundless gasp is choked out. Her tears turn to steam before they can even hit her cheeks.

As she looks around she can see flecks of ash rising off her body as it's immolated, the ash shining in the air above her. Eventually, the pain ceases even as she continues burning. That is when she realizes she is no longer laying in the casket but floating above it. Suzaku stares numbly at her 'hands', then seeming to be transparent shells.

A feather floats down and lands in her outstretched 'palms', glimmering against the no longer present flesh. A sense of peace and yearning fills her while she stares at the feather. Would it be so bad if this was the end? Surely nothing could be more beautiful than this moment? Her 'hands' start to unravel before her eyes yet she feels contentment not fear.

Akeno would like this feather, wouldn't she? Gasping, Suzaku panics as the realization of how close she came to oblivion hits her. As her breathing picks up dread settles in her 'chest', the degradation isn't stopping! Up to her 'elbows' has now faded away and looking down she sees she's lost up to her 'knees'. Frantically she reaches for something, anything around her to fix this.

Agony, far more potent than that before, surges from her 'back' and across her entire 'body'. She blinks back tears as her vision blurs. With one last heave of effort, she ignores the pain and directs that sensation out around her. The last thing she sees before blacking out is bluish-white flames.

Shuri hums happily as she makes dinner. It's just her and Akeno tonight since Barakiel was called away for a mission. As sad as it makes her that her family can't always be together, she's never regretted falling in love with her husband.

Swatting Akeno's hand with a spoon, she thwarts her adorable daughter's attempt at stealing a taste of dinner before it's ready. The indignant pout she receives warms her heart and almost makes her allow the trespass on house rules. Almost but Shuri Himejima is made of sterner stuff than that. Therefore, she instead crosses her arms and tries to hide her mirth as she stares her daughter down.

Akeno breaks first and retreats out of the kitchen, returning to her studies. Not without a melodramatic sigh, however. If only Akeno knew that not only did that not bother her but Shuri found it adorable. Whenever she did that she reminded Shuri of a grumpy cat and made her want to pick Akeno up and give her a hug.

Just as she's finishing up plating their meal she feels a ripple in the wards put up by the clan. Her eyes narrow, knowing she wasn't expecting any visitors. The wards are completely placid in the wake of the intruders so it is either someone from the Himejima clan or affiliated with them. This isn't much of a comfort for Shuri.

It isn't time to worry yet since Barakiel had set up extra wards for his family's protection. Those wards were cast by a Cadre class fallen angel so even if they weren't his specialty, they were strong. That wasn't to say there weren't plans in place if the wards fail; thinking someone wouldn't come after them eventually, would be naive.

When the wards set up by Barakiel are hit with the magical equivalent of a battering ram, Shuri acts upon those plans. She walks out of the kitchen at a brisk pace and slings Akeno over her shoulder, ignoring any protests from her. "Mom! Put me down! Mom!"

Shuri wishes she could smile at Akeno's mortified wails but the situation doesn't allow for any levity. "Mom? What's wrong?"

"Some bad people are trying to get into our home. Don't worry though sweetie we will be fine." Shuri continues to head further into the house toward Barakiel's study. The wards there were the strongest in the house and the emergency exit was inside. Simple and effective, a good course of action.

"Why are they here? What do they want?" Shuri's heart clenches at the fear in Akeno's voice. She wants nothing more than to put her daughter down, hug her tightly, and reassure her that everything was okay. There isn't time though. The wards are hit again and she feels a layer shatter under the force.

"Your father is a very important man, you know that right?" She feels Akeno nod against her shoulder and continues talking. "Well, some people aren't happy with things he does but they can't hurt him. When they realize that, they decide to try to hurt him in other ways."

"They want to hurt us to hurt Daddy…" Kissing the top of her daughter's head she swings open the door to Barakiel's study. As she closes the door another two layers break and the sudden destruction causes a spike of pain through her head. The issue with being keyed into a ward scheme she muses.

With the door closed, she activates the heaviest defense settings on this section of the house. Once she feels the ambient mana pulse, indicating the activation of the wards, she works on their escape. A teleportation formula, keyed to Grigori headquarters sits in the center of the room.

Shuri winces as she cuts her palm and drips blood on the teleportation formula. While she can operate it using only mana, by adding blood she can lock it so nobody can follow them through. Even though it would be suicide for their pursuers to follow them she wouldn't be surprised if one was stupid or petty enough to do so. If they did there is always the chance they succeed at hurting her or Akeno, or worse.

Channeling mana through the blood into the formation causes space to begin tearing as the portal opens. As suddenly as this happens the portal collapses again. Swearing in her head, Shuri realizes that they've co-opted the Himejima wards in the compound, altering them to block Grigori magic circles. That can only mean the worst-case scenario has come to pass. Their assailant has the support of both the Himejima clan and a member of the Grigori.

Damn it.

Shuri bites her lip hard enough to draw blood as she frantically searches for the way out of this predicament. How can they escape now? An idea comes and even though she hates it, it is the only one she has. "Akeno, I need you to stand in the teleportation formula, okay? I just need to make some alterations quickly."

Akeno thankfully listens without complaint and Shuri gets to work. Since she needs to punch through an anti-teleportation ward she needs as much power as possible focused on doing that. What that means is the portal can only open the minimum width necessary and link to a fairly short distance away. A portal that is large enough for only one person, a child.

As she finishes her alterations she connects the wards keeping them safe to the teleportation formula. Akeno, her beautiful intelligent daughter, seems to decipher what she's doing and her eyes go wide in panic. "Mom, no!"

Shuri smiles sadly as she reroutes all the power from the wards into the teleportation formula and watches her daughter slowly get sucked through the portal as she tries to fly to her mother. "I love you, Akeno. Your father will find you and protect you. Don't be sad, I'll always be with you.

The suction finally overwhelms Akeno and with a wail of anguish, the portal closes. As Shuri finally lets her tears flow freely the door behind her explodes into a shower of splinters.

Turning around she catches sight of the assailants. The one she recognizes immediately as her Uncle, the Clan Head, Suou Himejima. The other is a fallen angel, what with the black-feathered wings but he isn't someone she recognizes.

The fallen angel turns to Suou, "I've done my part and gotten you this far. Don't forget that in exchange for this I get to study your Clan's sealing ritual. It should be beneficial in my Longinus research."

Suou grimaces and Shuri isn't sure if it's because of his disdain for the fallen angel or his hate of owing favors. "Of course, I do however seem to remember that the deal was the lives of both the traitor and the half-breed."

"You need my help to track down a fleeing child?" The fallen angel laughs at Suou and the rage on his face is almost enough to cause Shuri to crack a smile.

"Never mind. I'll take you to the sealing chamber after this, we will enter while Suzaku is still recovering." Shuri's Uncle now focuses his attention on her, "Hello, niece."

"Uncle, a pleasure as always." She remarks dryly clearly indicating how unpleasant this meeting is.

"Tell me where your 'husbands' spawn is hidden and I'll kill you swiftly and mercifully." Then she truly laughs at how out of touch he is. There isn't anything he can do to make her talk.

"When my husband finds out what you've done, you will wish you were never born." Suou slaps her, putting his full weight behind it. Glaring defiantly, Shuri adjusts her jaw. Blood is pooling in her mouth from the slap but she knows just what to do with it.

"Tell me where it is or I start removing digits." He moves into her space attempting to make her afraid but he just moves into range. When she spits her blood at him it hits dead center on his face.

His shock and anger would almost make the torture after worth it. When he finally realized she wouldn't talk he slit her throat. The last thing she saw before she breathed her final breath was a flash of lightning and her husband's look of devastation.

Suzaku yawns and stretches out in her bed. A bed that is surprisingly compact all of a sudden. On the bright side, she feels more rested than she can remember ever feeling before. Sitting up her eyes flutter open and she blinks dumbly at the pile of ash she's sitting in.

Suddenly fully awake, she blushes when she notices she's naked and pats herself down. Her skin is ridiculously soft, like a newborn's. Her arms are devoid of the scars and marks she has accumulated over years of training; something that upon further examination is the case for the rest of her body.

Wishing she was clothed, if only to save her the embarrassment of walking out naked, was what brought her memory of why she was here rushing back. In part due to the fact that when she tried to use magic to create a simple robe, she instead got white flames. Her laughter might have been a little hysterical; after all, it's not every day you die and come back to life.

It's fairly simple to control the flames once she is focusing and so she's soon clothed again. Thankfully for her sanity, the room smells of only ash rather than burnt flesh, hopefully, she doesn't reek of ash as well.

'No, you just smell like a newborn.' Suzaku snorts at that thought, then remembers the other participant in the ritual.

'It is good to hear from you, Zhu Que.' Suzaku smiles as the image of the Vermillion Bird puffing out its chest appears in her mind's eye.

'Of course, I wouldn't leave my bonded alone when she awoke!' They trill in a strange mixture of elation and melancholy suddenly. 'I will have to leave you alone in a sense soon, however. The union was more successful than any since the Clans founder. Because of that, we have truly become one and, 'I' have little time left in this world.'

Suzaku sniffles as she realizes what one of her oldest friends is saying. A light brush of a phantom feather wipes away a stray tear before it can fall. 'Don't fret fledgling, there is nothing more joyous than being able to be reborn as part of you. Remember, you are me and I am you for as long as you live.'

Suzaku cries as the presence in her mind slowly fades away, intermingling seamlessly with her own until no division remains.

Once she's recovered Suzaku fixes her appearance and heads out of the sanctum. Before her mood can recover, it plummets again. This is due to the first face that greets her upon opening the doors is her Grand Uncle.

"Suzaku, I would like to congratulate you on your success." Suou dips his head in acknowledgment though his expression says this outcome was expected. Even though she observes this it's the last thing on her mind.

"Where are they?" Suou's face blackens at the disrespect and Suzaku has to fight back a smirk. It won't be long until she's the Clan Head now. It is tradition that the previous head abdicates the position once a host completes their union with the Guardian Beast.

"Sadly they couldn't make it." From his tone of voice and the look on his face, Suou doesn't find that fact saddening in the slightest. "It would seem that a rogue faction in the clan found out where they were and made sure they were indisposed. Permanently."

What? What?

"My niece will be given a burial in the clan's land, it isn't her fault she was beguiled by a demon." Suou's face twists into a cruel smile, "Sadly the body of the half-breed wasn't recovered so it can't be given a proper burial with its mother."

No, no, nonononono!

Unbidden, a memory from earlier comes to Suzaku and in her distress, she acts upon it. "Fire burns away the decay, huh?"

Dimly Suzaku is aware that she's crying tears of flame, the embers melting the floor as they land. These flames are soon unable to be differentiated from the rest as a corona of fire surrounds her.

Suou Himejima, so sure of his safety inside his home, isn't able to even defend himself before he turns to ash. By the time Suzaku comes back to herself a quarter of the compound has been burnt to the ground and the Elders that still live have fallen in line.

The human world is an odd place. Its inhabitants are even odder. When the Little Ancestor allowed her to leave her charge and explore she had been stumped as to what she would do. She knew little about what existed here and what the people did. With nothing better to do, she wandered, searching for something interesting.

Yaeko saw many things that others did but she was a simple Oni at heart. That meant three things she wanted to be doing pretty much all the time; fighting, fucking, or drinking. If possible she would even be willing to do all three at the same time. If that's what she wants to do, surely there were places she could.

The biggest oddity about humans is they traded paper 'money' for goods and services, rather than returning the favor with goods and services of their own. She had heard the term from Ibaraki-sama who had told her it was necessary for living in the human world but had conveniently neglected to tell her how to get some. Maybe this was another trial for Yaeko to overcome?

As she was wandering through the city she eventually found something amazing. These girls with skimpy clothing would get approached by men and were paid to fuck them! What kind of awesome thing is that? Sadly it wasn't as great a job as she thought, it wasn't often that truly attractive individuals paid to be serviced. In a way that made sense, why pay for something you can get for free. Nobody traded goods for sex back in the village, though the fact you couldn't force yourself onto someone weaker than you was a new restriction. Perhaps that would change now and become a way to incentivize those less willing? While the consumers weren't generally people Yaeko would be interested in fucking, these were human women, surely Yaeko could haul in better customers.

One thing that was the same as her home village is that wealthier people have better things. The Elder always had the finest clothes and sake in the village after all. Since that was a valid assumption here as well, Yaeko approached a bunch of wealthy-looking people. Some took her up on the offer and she made some good money; others were offended for some reason, if anything it was a compliment for her to approach them; others still, tried not to pay after they fucked, so Yaeko killed them and took their money.

After the second day, she grew bored of that cycle. Part of the reason is that humans just don't have enough stamina to please her and are really fragile. The men rarely last past the second round and one of the women almost had their head crushed when she was in between Yaeko's legs. If orgasms are dangerous for them it's a wonder that humans still exist. Even numbers didn't really help, some people just get awkward when you ask ten to have sex with you. It's worse when you explain you want them all at once.

Humans, so boring.

From sex, she then went to drinking. It is a pity that this phase of Yaeko's journey was doomed not to last. Even though she hauled in quite a sum of money, an Oni's ability to guzzle down alcohol is not to be underestimated.

She tried as many different kinds of alcohol as she could afford and wow was that a fun surprise. Turns out it isn't just different kinds of sake that exist. There's tequila, vodka, rye, whisky, gin, bourbon, and a whole host of others. There's also beer and wine but they were both too weak or too fruity to bother with.

By the time her funds ran dry, she was able to get a buzz going. The owner of the bar was pretty upset for some reason; loudly complaining about his inventory being gone. He wasn't happy when she suggested he buy more next time either.

On her way out one of the customers stopped her. He had heard her plight and wished to help. He knew she wanted alcohol and that she was out of money so he offered her a solution. There was a club called the Golden Boy that had a fighting cage that paid the fighters handsomely. Humans must be quite generous if this stranger was willing to just help her out. When she demanded he shows her the way he smiled and took her there immediately. It wasn't too far away and he even gave her his flask to keep her buzz going. What a nice guy.

Once he helped her sign up for the fights he negotiated a split of her earnings between them. She'd never heard of a 'percent' before but 10-90 sounded good enough. When the new owner took control of the club and renamed it they had removed a lot of the safety restrictions in the fighting ring. People were willing to pay more to see fights with the possibility of death, or so her new friend said.

The first fight was exciting… Until it started.

The man's head just turned into a mist. Instantly. Yaeko even held back!

While the ring was cleaned and the corpse removed, Yaeko was given a lecture by the manager of the fighting cage about not killing the other fighters without some showmanship first. He said it was bad for business if she bored or scared away the audience. He went through some pretty brutal moves that he suggested she use to execute her opponents if she lasts that long. Apparently the longer she fought the tougher her opponents would get.

By the tenth fight, there was nobody willing to enter the arena with her and she was getting pissed off. All the fighters were weaklings and cowards. Two of them had managed to fight her and survive but she noticed them crushing some golden talismans or something before. Relying on temporary power to fight her was insulting so she kept them alive. That way they would have to live knowing how pathetic they are.

Now she's waiting for them to bring out someone worth her time if not they should hurry and bring her money. If they chose not to pay her… well nobody could scratch her yet. She'll give them ten more minutes before incentivizing them. Yaeko would enjoy watching them try to stop her.

The leader of the Golden Dragon organization sharpens his axe in silence, contemplating the future of the organization. Each stroke of the blade across the whetstone causes the intricate tattoos across his body to ripple along with his muscles. The axe, an Ono, was gilded with the namesake of both his organization and his favorite club. His tattoos tell the tale of the son of a dragon and a mountain witch; a boy blessed with fantastical strength.

Once the Golden Dragons crushed the groups that still resisted his leadership he would be able to expand internationally. While most of the mundane organizations had folded under his might, the ones with supernatural backers still resisted him. Looking to his left at the pile of golden scales he smiles. Each one imbued with the same magic that grants him his strength and enough to give an army that same strength for a short time. They would be what breaks the stalemate, all who oppose him will fall.

The doors in front of him slam open and two of his men hurriedly kneel down. He frowns as he takes in their haggard appearances, their bodies covered in bruises and cuts. Their suits have been almost destroyed and his eye twitches at the blatant disrespect. They should have fixed their appearances before bothering him. The one on the right looks up and clasps his fist, greeting him respectfully. "Oyabun, we come seeking your help! There has been a disturbance at your club."

"Which club?" He rumbles out in response, his frown deepening. These two should be strong enough to handle nearly any trouble. He had given both of them a scale in case one of the factions supporting the remaining ninkyo dantai, not under his rule, tried to make trouble. Even those groups wouldn't be so sure of themselves to attack his men like this.

They pale at his question and glance at each other nervously. When he growls the one on the left speaks, "T-the Golden Boy, Oyabun."

His killing intent explodes outward as the handle of his axe creaks as his fist tightens around it. He idly twirls his axe and sparks start to form across its length. His men start to shiver and cold sweat pours off them. "Why didn't you use the scales?"

Their hands shake as they reach in their pockets. He's shocked when they pull out a pile each of gold fragments, the remains of the scales he gave them. Standing up, he walks towards them and grabs the remains of the scales examining them while frowning. "Whose idea was it to run and get me?"

The man on the right stands, shaking even more than before. "I did, Oyabun. I thought you should know immediately."

Their leader sets his hand on the man's shoulder and pats it gently. "You did well informing me of this. Golden Dragons though, don't run away." The axe cuts through the air and before anyone can blink it cuts the coward in two, right down the middle.

The leader turns to the other man and smiles even as the body of the other hits the ground with a wet plop. The smells of ozone and burning flesh begin to fill the room. "Take me to my club. Now. Do well and you shall be promoted. There is a new position that just opened."

Gulping the man on the left stands and leads the way.

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