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55.17% Shadows Unveiled: The Unbroken / Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Exploration

Capítulo 16: Chapter 16: Exploration

For a moment, Harry said nothing, enjoying the control the position gave him as he hovered above her, his eyes locked down to examine the exquisite beauty that was struggling to stand up, a task that was doomed for failure due to the slippery surface. He just watched until Susan repeated his name panickedly, asking for his help. He leaned down, but instead of helping, he pressed his hands on her shoulders, locking her in place. "Are you ready to apologize?" he asked, the smirk in his face telling his enjoyment.

"You wouldn't dare," Susan answered, but her trembling voice didn't support the impression she tried to convey the determination that she tried to sell with her words.

"Wouldn't I?" Harry asked with a comical expression of surprise, which then melted into a dark smirk. "Do you want to bet on it?" He didn't wait for her answer as he pushed her down in the mud, even as he ordered the room to transform it to a more slippery and less sticky version, perfect consistency for some erotic foreplay.

"Harry!" she exclaimed as she found herself sunken into a shallow pit of slippery liquid. She struggled to get up, but he sat on her legs, and with his hands still on her shoulders, her movements were useless for anything other than covering more of her body with the mud, which subsequently left her shirt soaked transparent as Harry occasionally vanished the excess dirt.

He let her struggle for a while before speaking once more. "Are you ready to apologize?" She didn't answer quickly enough, so he used the opportunity to shift his hands down just a bit, his wrists occasionally brushing against her breasts.

Under him, Susan's face took a curious hue, a blush racing with her outrage to see who would be the winner of the competition to dominate her face. It turned out to be a draw, her face turning into a reddish hue even as she opened her lips to speak. "You won't get away with it, Potter," she shouted playfully, her ploy to use exaggerated playfulness to hide her rush of emotions obvious.

"So, you won't just say sorry and be done with it?" Harry asked in an exasperation that mirrored her playfulness in its clear fakeness.

"Never, you can never silence me-" Susan answered pridefully. Well, as prideful as one could be while being pushed in a pile of mud as their clothes slowly lost their ability to maintain their primary function.

"Wanna bet," Harry said, and this time, there was no hint of playfulness in his tone, instead replaced by a dark, seductive promise, threatening her with a dark but sweet punishment.

Her eyes parted open in shock, realizing the sudden shift of the moment. She understood what was in stake, her lips parted open to comment, but no words left her, only a shocked gasp. Her tongue darted out, trying to moisten her lips. Harry leaned forward in a velvety slowness, giving her ample time to push back or turn her head to the side if she wanted to. Only when his lips were hovering above hers, she found a sliver of determination, enough for her to speak a word. "Harry-" she managed to say, then, his lips pressed against hers, breaking any chance of her answering.

She was frozen stiff in shock. He could feel the shock going through Susan's body on his palms. An excited shudder that confirmed the effectiveness of his extended efforts. His kiss lingered on, enjoying her warmth. And since she was yet to respond, he had the time to transform the room once more. He transformed the mud again, this time turning it into a small sheet between the stone floor and their bodies, trusting the cushioning charms to make the situation comfortable.

Then, she managed to gather herself enough to act. The first response came from her hands, landing on his shoulders, trying to push him away. But just like he expected, it was a weak, listless push, one that was trivial to ignore. Just a formality. Harry continued regardless, focusing on the way his lips danced over hers, trying to coax the passion she should be hiding in the heart of his favorite redhead.

That tactic worked excellently. Her fingers started to press against his shoulder harder and harder, enough to dig into his naked shoulders, but despite that, her feeble attempts to push him away had disappeared completely. Soon, hers were moving in an effort to dance in the rhythm of Harry's lips. Her motions were staggered, fearful, suggested her inexperience, but it was a fault Harry was willing to ignore for the treasure trove that was her body.

Curious how far he could push, he pushed his tongue out, caressing her lips. Her tongue jumping out to meet was a surprise, enthusiastic despite its clumsiness. As the kiss picked up the heat, he decided to test the limits. His hands slid lower, gently grasping her breasts, which made her stiffen for a moment, making him afraid that he had pushed too far. Her tongue picked up the speed a moment later, assuaging his fears. He explored her breasts gently, suppressing his desire to sank his fingers to her naked flesh after ripping her shirt off.

He pulled back a while later, an amused expression on his face. "Well, how about that. It turns out that I could silence-" he started, only for his words to be cut by a pair of hands, sliding through his hair before harshly pulling him into another kiss. He couldn't help but smirk amusedly even as their lips twirled into a heated tango. Apparently, it didn't take more than a bit of prodding to awaken the famed desire of a redhead in her.

With a solid proof of her enthusiasm, Harry decided to explore her whole body, curious about her sensitive spots. Her movements stilled for a moment when Harry allowed his hands to explore the rest of her body. He caressed down, avoiding her breasts despite the temptation. From her earlier reaction, he identified that her breasts were extremely sensitive, and now, he wanted to identify other sensitive points to have a better command of her body, the ability to twist her arousal into eleven with just a few innocent caresses.

His hands landed on her sides, trailing her curves, her shirt only partially successful to protect her skin from his touch. He paced up and down and she gasped in a surprise rush of sensation. Not one to waste such a golden opportunity, Harry let his tongue to slip inside her mouth, caressing her tongue in a way that managed to extract a moan that made his skin tremble. Once again, she was frozen by the sudden intrusion, but this time, her lack of movement lasted just a blink before her tongue joined the battle from a defensive position.

Harry was satisfied with the progress. If he was reading the situation correctly, a couple more sessions, and she would be the one to push things to the next level. For a moment, he considered doing exactly that, curious how Susan would lead a seduction attempt. But his experiences had spoiled him for more, tempting him to compare Susan's bedroom expression with the other girls.

It was the time to heat things up, he decided. His hands crawled upwards until he was caressing the sides of her breasts, imprisoned into a torturous existence by her sports bra. He wished to free them, but it wasn't the time for it yet. So, he caressed her breasts idly until her lips quickened, following the pace of his fingers as they danced on the lovely expanse of her breasts.

In response, her hands finally left their tight hold on his shoulders, tracing the muscles on his back, and if her murmurs were accurate, liking what she had found. Good, he thought, leveraging the opportunity to push things even further thanks to her distraction. He pulled his hands away from her breasts, which made her raise a wordless protest, but it stopped the moment she felt his hands sliding under her shirt, forcing the wet fabric away from her skin as they traveled up.

Soon, his fingers were on her chest once more, but this time with only her sports bra as the barrier. Her kiss lost its determination, her tongue losing strength to fight back as she was beset with doubt. But Harry just used the opportunity to ravage her mouth even more aggressively, hoping to inflame her passion once more.

Her passion was resurrected in a few moments. Her arms, tightened around his waist, trying to prevent him from pulling away. And since she was more concerned with extending his presence rather than exactly where his hands were, he felt no qualms in clamping over her glorious tits, squeezing hard, the texture of her sports bra barely reducing the sensation. Susan moaned, and he squeezed once more, enjoying the fullness of her tits.

Of course, even the reduced barrier her bra was providing was annoying. Another mental command, and it thinned significantly, until they were almost absent for his touch. He started squeezing her breasts with a renewed desire, enjoying their texture. His fingers met around her nipple occasionally, squeezing sharply to break the pattern of their kiss.

The response from her hands was yet another proof that he was on the right course of action. They slid on his hips, pulling them closer to her body until his erection rested against her entrance. Her hips started to move wildly, her moans accompanying her desire. Even with the pants, it was an enjoyable experience, but pushing forward was not advisable. If he stopped to remove his pants, the break might be enough for her to gather her composure, and just vanishing them risked cluing her about his manipulative ability on the room.

Still, it didn't mean that he was completely out options. He pressed his weight against her, increasing her pleasure from the dry-hump, while his caresses turned into merciless mauling, testing her limits. With all of them combined, he wasn't surprised when Susan stiffened in a surprise climax. He pulled back, enjoying her moans and the expression of total ecstasy on her face.

It was time for the next step.

He stood up, not bothering to hide his victorious smirk as he grabbed Susan's arm, simultaneously ordering all the mud on the floor to disappear. "Come on, Susan, we need to clean you up," he said as he pulled her on her feet. She managed to stand on her feet, but she wasn't too different from a drunk, the only thing that preventing her from falling was his arm, wrapped tight around her waist. "Let's go," he said as he walked out of the course, towards a steaming hot bath he had just conjured.

Susan had recovered enough to open her eyes when they reached to the edge of the bath. "Harry?" she murmured, her apprehension bleeding to her voice as she came down from the orgasm-high. Unfortunately for her, it was a bit late.

"You have been a dirty girl, Susan," he said as he grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it up. She raised her arms without prompting, and Harry freed her body from her shirt, leaving the task of hiding her breasts to her sports bra, a task which it was woefully inadequate for. "It's time for a cleanup," he added as he conjured a chair, and pushed her onto it.

"Harry-" she repeated in alarm as he leaned down, and untied her boots, as quick as he could without alarming her. He wanted to move to the next step before she could clear her head. But even then, his fingers were gentle as he grabbed her leg, using the others to pull her feet free from her boots. Her socks come off after another pull, leaving her delicate feet free.

He grabbed her arm once more, pulling her up on her feet. He would have liked to remove her shorts as well, but from her expression, he could see that it would have been a risky action. "It's time for a bath," he said as he dragged her towards the stairs, vanishing his own clothes with a thought, leaving him in his birthday suit.

"But… But-" Susan murmured in a pointless protest, especially with her eyes stuck to his naked figure with obvious fascination. The water embraced them more with each step. Soon, they were standing in water almost deep enough to hide his erection, which Susan watched in a morbid fascination.

"Take a seat," he said as he gently pressed on her shoulder, and she sat on an underwater bench, burying her up to her chest with water, the steamy surface hiding her magnificent breasts from the view. A necessary sacrifice for the success of the plan, Harry lamented heroically as he sat next to her. Her eyes grew with the sudden closeness, and tried to scuttle away, but his arm was already around her chest, preventing her from escaping. "Let's start with your hair," Harry said as he grabbed a conjured tankard, and slowly emptied it on top of her head, using his fingers to wash up the mud. Susan was frozen, unable to process the escalation.

He said nothing as he emptied another tankard of water on her head, enjoying how her expression was developing. The gesture was just for show, as the magical mud had been washed away the first time, leaving her pristine but wet hair behind. Still, he dragged his fingers through her hair repeatedly while she slowly processed the change in her environment, trying to understand how she found herself in the bath.

He decided to enhance her surprise further. During one of the brushing actions, he let his fingers stray from her hair. They found the small hook on her back, and unlocked it with a deft motion, which somehow went unnoticed in her distraction. "You have made quite a mess, Susan," he said as he started brushing her shoulders, pushing her bra straps to the side while using the excuse of cleaning.

"Harry…" she murmured, or more accurately, she tried to murmur, but it came out as a moan.

"Yes, Susan," he answered as he leaned forward like he was about to kiss. She closed her eyes and leaned forward, giving him the opportunity to steal another kiss. But he had other plans. He grabbed her bra and pulled forward, her arms rising to allow its movement. Meanwhile, he leaned forward just to brush her lips, then pulled back.

"What?" she murmured dazedly as she opened her eyes. A second ticked in silence. "What!" she repeated, this time much louder as she realized the absence of her bra. Her arms darted up, trying to cover her chest, but against the impressive silhouette of her own breasts. Harry watched her struggle with amusement, as her struggle was in vain. Her delicate arms could never completely cover the incredible expanse of her breasts.

And with both of her arms busy, Harry was free to explore her body. He caressed her sides, taking a little delay to caress her soft stomach, then he moved even lower. She opened her mouth in a panic the moment his fingers found the zipper of her shorts, but he was prepared for it, muffling her words with another kiss. Technically, dazed and confused, it was the perfect opportunity to slide into her mind to play around, maybe implanting a few naughty thoughts, but he refrained from doing so. She was already on the edge of the surrender, and there was no point to ruin the fun by cheating.

But even without bringing his less-than-legal skills to the surface, she had no chance of resisting him, not with the arousal thumping painfully in her mind. He flipped the button open and pulled her zipper down. She pulled her arms away from her chest, trying to push his arms away from her most sensitive spot, but she was too late, his fingers had already slipped in the confines of her panties. A twist of his fingers, and she gasped, her fingers around his wrist losing their power.

Harry ignored her weak attempts to roll things back to a safer level, his fingers dancing around her clitoris, while his other hand climbed to her naked chest to sink into her inviting flesh, which was finally free of the cover of her arms. She moaned, a sound which was readily muffled with his lips. Soon, the last scraps of her resistance faded, leaving her docile as potty in his hands.

He focused on the sensation on his fingertips, caressing and tracing the most sensitive locations of her body to bring her to a closer orgasm. Then, he felt a hand around his shaft. He pulled back for a second, smirking at her. Susan just blushed, but her hand stayed around his girth, trying to pump his presence. Her fingers were too loose and her motions were too stiff for it to be enjoyable, but Harry let it be. More familiar she was with his presence, the better.

Soon, she was shuddering under the assault of another orgasm, signaling that it was the time for the next step. Harry stood up even as he commanded her seat to transform into an inclined seat, which made half of her body stick out of the water diagonally, her spectacular breasts included. For a moment, he just watched her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath, then, he walked closer until he was hovering above her stomach.

"Now it's my turn," he said as he took a step forward, a movement which put his shaft between her breasts. He put his hands on the sides of her breasts and pushed them closer, locking his shaft into the slippery valley between them, and started pumping. He moaned, enjoying the sensation of her spectacular breasts.

"What are you doing?" Susan murmured. From her expression, Harry guessed that she was trying to exclaim, but that was harder to do when one still suffered under the touch of trembling arousal. He ignored the question at first, continuing to pump between her breasts. She repeated the question.

"You're returning the favor," he answered with a sharp tone. She looked bewildered at his sudden shift, but he had no intention of letting it go. "Put your hands on your tits," he ordered, and her hands jumped there, taking over the job of his hands. "You're amazing, Susan," he said, exaggerating his already significant enjoyment, and her face brightened despite the ridiculousness of the situation.

"Is this good," Susan asked after pushing her breasts even tighter, turning the valley between them into a valley of fun.

"Very good," he said even as he started to push deeper, bringing the top of his shaft even closer to her face. "But you know what would be even better? If you used your lips to massage the crown."

"What?" Susan murmured in shock. "But that would be-" she tried to continue before he cut her off.

"That would be very sexy," he continued as he looked at her pointedly. She avoided his gaze, her blush managing the impossible by getting even thicker, but nevertheless, she leaned forward with her lips open invitingly. The top of his shaft landed there immediately, enjoying the warmth of her lips.

He impaled her breasts repeatedly for the next few minutes, building up to a climax. When the pleasure became too thick to resist, he pulled back without a warning, spraying her breasts with his seed. "That was exquisite," he murmured as he caressed her cheek patronizingly, then walked out of the pool, uncaring of his nakedness. "It was enjoyable for you as well, I hope," he continued, earning a strangled gasp. He had to hold back a laugh, amused by the moment she chose to act shy.

He dressed in silence while she stayed on the pool, buried deep in the water, the steam hiding her body from his sight. Harry turned to her after he finished dressing. "I'll be here for another training session on Tuesday evening, after the classes. Drop by if you're available." In her shock, her only answer was her lengthening silence, so Harry walked away.

"Have a nice bath," he quipped before closing the door behind, curious about what she would do without him this time.

Maegor_Potter Maegor_Potter

You can access advance chapters of the fanfiction "Shadows Unveiled: The Unbroken" on Patreon at Check it out to dive deeper into the story!

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