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13.33% Otherworldly Demons / Chapter 2: Lucy Austin

Capítulo 2: Lucy Austin


Ash then turned his gaze in the direction where the source of the voice was coming from. He found a young woman, no older than fifteen years old.

She has black and messy bobbed-cut hair with a few traces of a dark substance, maybe dirt, on top of her forehead. After seeing Ash, her blue eyes glistened like jewels. A smile blossomed on her face, which emphasized her dimpled cheeks. She was undoubtedly attractive.

She still looked pretty even though she was wearing a brown tunic, but it was too large for her size, as it reached a few inches below her hips and almost touched her knees. Her footwear appeared nice, but it was already worn and covered with dirt, suggesting how difficult her journey must have been.

Ash, on the other hand, was supposed to use his next in-game name of choice, "The Origin."

But he was interrupted by the young woman.

He was still able to read and scour the translucent character interface window in search of a "change name" or an "edit name" feature, but was disappointed when he saw none, reminding him once again what was robbed away from him—the chance to have a cool username.



Not knowing the creature's dilemma, the young woman burst into tears as she rushed to hug the little canine! She kneeled frantically, scooped him up like an ice cream, and cradled him gently.

She spun around a few times while giggling. while the one being carried was rattled and frightened.

Ash couldn't even dodge in time. He just let himself be carried as the young woman jumped up and down, bobbing his head up and down uncontrollably. He felt something wet touching his fur and spreading onto his skin, so he hoped it was just her wet tears.

Help! Somebody! Anybody! Help! She is wiping something off my back! Please let it not be snot!

Arf! Arf! Arf! Woof! Arf! Awooo!

She finally stopped as she lifted him to her eye-level and exclaimed, "There you are!"

"I've been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing out here? All alone? Your happy place was supposed to be in the other direction, by the river. Why did you come here!? Are you okay? You didn't get hit by that storm last night, did you? Why are you so dirty? There's dirt all over you! Haha, you look like you played here for days. Haha. Hihihi!"

The young woman eerily chuckled at different pitches, letting everyone in the forest know how happy she was. Although she looked like it, she was indeed exhausted.

She hugged the dirt-covered canine again as he struggle to break free. But all of these were irrelevant to the young woman. She wore a smile with life slowly coming back to her eyes. She kept on talking a little more while the little canine was still processing things in its small head.

With his eyes unsure of what was happening, Ash thought to himself, Don't activate your baby voice on me. I'm not a baby! Who are you? What did you say? You were looking for me. So I didn't spawn out of the soil?

That's a good thing. Right?

That would mean I wouldn't be hunted for my experience points. Is she the owner of this wolf cub? That would explain my level. She would use the previous owner of this body to hunt food for her.

What is it doing out here all alone? Ash thought internally as he pondered how the wolf cub got into the middle of nowhere only for the young woman to come and get it. Did someone attack it? By a bigger wolf? No one was around when he woke up.

Ash drowned himself in speculations as the young woman carried him as she started to walk back towards the path she came from.

"Come on. Let's go home."

What!? Where are you taking me? Put me down! Help! I've been kidnapped again!

Arf!? Woof? Arggrr! Awooo!

"Yes, yes, I love you too."

'What? I didn't say that. I don't even know you! Put me down, you brat!'

Ash's eyes widened as he felt something. Even though it was still small, they were there.

I'm sorry, I take that back. Young woman! Please control yourself and put me down!

But the young woman did not hear a word. It took Ash some time to realize that the she was speaking a foreign language. And he was only speaking "Bark-ish."

Although it was not English, Filipino or any language he had heard in his previous life, whether on social media or any literature or entertainment platforms, he could comprehend every word the young woman said, down to the very last syllable.

What's this language? How can I understand it? The character interface showed only a few skills for canines, I think. Then why can I understand her? Is it a free skill or a hidden one? Maybe I can use "identify" too.

In his previous life, "Identify" or "Appraisal" was something commonly found in RPG games, anime shows, and LitRPG novels. "Identify" shows information about a specific target. Since he could see the interface, it might be possible.

With his raging thoughts, Ash then concluded that he knew too little about this world. He will need sources of information aside from his small window. Since he was now in a small creature's body that was clearly not a human, he wouldn't be allowed to attend school anytime soon.

This young woman could be the only one who could satisfy a few of his curiosities and somewhat answer his questions.

But before doing that, he needs to know if this source can be trusted. So he turned his head and gazed at the young woman as he said internally, "Identify."


Lucy Austin

Level 18 Human

Health: 138/140


Hah! It worked!


Wait... Is this she hurt somewhere?

While Ash was looking for any wounds on her, the young woman turned him around and rubbed her face against his back, gently caressing his fur, but it greatly infuriated Ash.

What are you doing!? Why is it wet? Stop! It better not be from your nose, or else!

Arf!? Arf? Ruff! Awooo!


The young woman simply laughed it off. Even so, she continued her walk in the early morning, humming a little happy song with only the words in her head. The forest around them slowly illuminated as the sun rose gradually. A few rays of light are making their way through the dense forest canopy, lighting their path and making the forest more recognizable.

As they continued, a chilly early morning breeze blew through them, accompanied by the sounds of a few birds singing and the gentle rustling of leaves.

All of this should be a sight to see, but Ash was still struggling with all his might, which was misunderstood as a show of affection.

Although he was being carried gently, it still looked like a hug intended to never let him go.

He attempted to push her away, but surprisingly, for her size and build, she was really strong. He can't even budge!

"Shh! Hush now, or the forest beasts will come and eat you."

Lucy had already stopped crying and was all smiles. She was no longer emotional. She was happy like a golden retriever that found its owner. But her little canine friend knows it's the other way around.

What? Are you threatening me? If there were any beasts, there's no way someone like you would be out here all alone to find me and survive. Especially when you looked so tired, disheveled, and lost like me. Why are you still smiling like that anyway? Let me go. Why do you smell weird?

As Ash continued negotiating, Lucy only heard playful little barks.

"Yes, yes, we will be home soon."

Are all my words just air to you? Don't do that. I'll just walk, so put me down. I won't escape, I promise! You won't let me go? If you don't, then forgive me. I have these new sets of teeth, and I'm not afraid to use them!


[Bite]—Active Skill: Use your teeth to sink into something to deal damage. It inflicts a basic damage of 5+100% of your Strength.

Cooldown: 5 seconds

Mana cost: None


Ash stared at the unmoving translucent window in front of him despite his head wobbling up and down as the young woman carried him. He opened his mouth as his canines emerged and was about to bite the young woman!



Lucy was startled, and she lost her grip for a second.

With his anticipated chance, Ash was able to exploit the girl's instinct to withdraw her arm and wiggle off from the young woman's grasp. He then fell "accidentally" and took off, running in an unknown direction.

He wasn't really aiming to hurt Lucy, but to gain a small amount of wiggle room to escape from her grasp.

At first, he was planning to use bite, but it was too brutal for his liking.

The psychological effect of seeing and hearing something with a sharp set of teeth about to bite you would make you want to let go, which also has a high chance of succeeding, and it did.

The ability to choose his name had already been taken from him. Even if it required a little bit of lying, he had to at least be able to walk or run on his own.

Even with the thought of heading towards the unknown young woman's home. Ash then turned around, but strangely, the young woman didn't immediately follow him.

She was standing in the spot, lightly touching her arm that wasn't bitten. She looked like she was pondering something with furrowed brows. She slowly lifted her head and gazed at Ash intently. Her blue eyes are now visible, reflecting the early morning glow. They looked surprised, with a hint of sadness.

I can run on my own!


With a howl, Ash dashed in the direction where he could hear running water.

There must be a river nearby. I have no idea how long it has been since the owner of this body quenched his thirst, but I sure am thirsty!

He didn't even know how long he was drifting over various places before being knocked out after he landed on his new body. He couldn't even think straight at the time, but now that he has a body again, the different urges from being alive came back like a flood.

"Ash! Where are you going? Please! Come back!"

The young woman almost lost her voice from screaming while watching Ash dash away. He didn't even reply to her repeated calls.

In the distance, Ash passed by trees, went through the shrubs, leaped over fallen branches, and passed below the crooked roots of large trees that became like arches due to his small size.

He almost tripped a couple of times because he wasn't used to his new body. Unexpectedly, because of his small stature, his other leg could save him before even crashing head-first. Every time he almost tripped and fell, the ground was so near that his other legs would make it just in time to balance himself out.

Still, he could hear some leaves being scrunched behind him as the young woman kept on following , but the sound of water rushing somewhere filled his body with great anticipation.

Come on tiny legs. Don't fail me now!

Why do I like the sound of running water? Am I that thirsty? He asked himself as his tongue unconsciously slid out.

"Ash, stop! Don't go that way!"

Ash kept running, but the young woman was still keeping up. All the evasive maneuvers were rendered useless by his stubby little legs. The sound of running water was so close that he could almost see it!

He would stop if he could reason with her, but he can't speak her language! He could understand her, but it's useless if he can't send his thoughts across.

All were garbled messages as he opened his mouth.

Why am I running away? I don't even know where I'm going! I am so lost!

Arf? Arf! Arf!

The chase only lasted for a few more seconds after that because Ash forgot something. Ash gradually slowed down. His endurance was weakened, and so was his stamina.

Gasp! Gasp!

With heavy breaths, Ash looked like he was about to pass out, like gigantic beads of sweat were appearing all over his body. He took a couple more steps before his left set of legs gave out and he fell sideways.


Lucy caught up after a moment and came into view.

His chest and stomach heaved up and down, moving with his fur in every breath. He lifted his head, turned back, and saw Lucy through the gaps of the undergrowth.

Could we take a short break, perhaps a few minutes? Please?

Awooo, arf? Arf?


All he could do was wait or stall for time since he was physically weak and completely exhausted.

He was expecting the young woman to fall for it and wait for his breathing to settle, but it didn't happen.

When Lucy heard him whimpering, her head snapped in Ash's direction, and she saw him lying down with his body obscured by the undergrowth.

She looked relieved for a moment before her expression abruptly changed. She furrowed her brows and gritted her teeth. She stomped heavily on the ground and lunged at him!

Wait. Time out! Stop! Just a few seconds, please! I'm friendly!

Ash's eyes widened, reflecting the figure of the young woman as her hand was about to reach him!


The young woman leaped to the side after scooping Ash up, tumbling further as Ash's previous location was abruptly overrun by a massive, massive maw that was three times the size of the girl's head!

It plowed up a great deal of dirt and sent it upwards, creating a cloud of dust that temporarily obscured their vision of the attacker.

What the? W-W-What is that!?

Ash stuttered internally as his eyes widened. As the dust gradually settled down, h gazed at the figure hidden behind.

If the young woman hadn't made it in time, he wouldn't have made it out of that dangerous situation alive!

Lucy then retreated, rolling and jumping to gain more distance, making sure that Ash was safely within her arms. She soothed Ash's breathing, holding her close, and whispered, "It's okay. You're safe."

The dust settled after a short while, but Ash was still breathing heavily as he started to recognize the identity of his assailant, which slowly took a few steps forward.

The undergrowth around it was squashed as its figure slowly emerged, with rustling leaves and twigs snapping underneath its paws.

A couple of meters away from them, a massive grizzly bear covered with numerous scars all over its body unconsciously made its bulging body more pronounced with every step it took.


The beast growled as it looked straight at the young woman, maybe in an attempt to intimidate her, but she didn't run.

Ash knew his heart was pounding so fast that it made his ears ring.

As the young woman's and the beast's conflicting gazes continued, he began to calm down and think things through.



The worst thing we can do is expose our backs and me attracting its attention.

He didn't turn around, but he could guess that the young woman was even slightly afraid of the massive, two-meter-tall beast, even when it was on all fours. He thought she was only putting up a brave front, but his thoughts stopped when he could feel her calm breathing with his back. He could also feel something soft.


Good thing she didn't immediately run away. Come to think of it, why is she so composed? He asked internally as the massive beast slowly lifted its paws with razor-sharp claws. Its teeth were unrealistically sharp and glistening as saliva dripped down its jaws.

The hungry beast's gaze slowly shifted to its stolen breakfast, which quickly snapped back at the thief with the black fur on top of her head.


As he slowly shifted his eyes around them, Ash finally recognized how precarious their situation was.

Surrounded by trees and shrubs with no known safe location nearby, he was stuck with her until they solved this problem without running into another trouble.

His head quickly thought of how he could possibly get out of the situation as he remembered something.

He doesn't want to agitate the beast with his bark, even a tiny one, so he resorted to just using his thoughts. He was unsure if it would work, but he tried it anyway.


A rectangular, translucent window popped up just above the beast's head. Even with the distance, Ash could still discern the characters.

It worked!

Unfortunately, his happiness was short-lived after he quickly scanned the translucent window.


Grizzly Bear

Level 20 Beast

Health: 510/510



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