Shadow looked me dead in the eyes for a few seconds as if contemplating what I was doing here.
And no lie, anyone would be doing the same.
"Sir, this... Isn't this the same cat you encountered at University?" The person, who was talking to this beta earlier walked to where we were standing, facing each other.
Well, I mean I was facing up and looking into Shadow's eyes with my wide innocent ones.
"Huh... You were talking about the female earrings? Look, here is one. I guess this naughty girl here brought it along with herself," Shadow said to his subordinate before he crouched and looked at me.
"What are you doing here at this time of the night?" He asked me, and in return, I blinked my eyes innocently once again.
Yes. You guys guessed it right. I changed into my cat form again to protect myself from this beta.
Shadow extended his hand before he used his index finger to rub my fur on my forehead, making Aurora sigh in relief.
'Our belly. I want him to touch our belly,' Aurora said, and I felt embarrassed just at the thought of him touching our belly.
She was seriously getting too ahead with her imagination.
Since I changed into my cat already, there was no use staying here. It would be better if I left. I decided, ready to dash away.
"This reminds me, about that girl Valencia, sir, what do you really think?" The person asked, and I dropped the idea to leave immediately, looking at Shadow with a soft sigh.
I stepped ahead and rubbed my head further into his hand to let him know to keep patting me.
Yes, keep doing it and talking about me.
I could see the contemplating emotion in his eyes. It was clear he was trying to decide something and his heart and mind were not in sync.
"Seriously, are you really Valencia's cat? Did you notice how this cat moved closer to me as soon as you mentioned that girl's name?" Shadow looked at his subordinate, and I wanted to deny it.
I wanted to say to not think like that and associate me with my human form, but what could I really do other than mewing?
"Meow!" I moved my paw in the air, making him smirk.
"Are you agreeing with me, kitty?" He whispered before raising me in the air as he stood.
And let me tell you. He didn't pick me up in the arms caringly like he did in the afternoon.
Rather he really raised me in the air as if inspecting me, and this was one of the most embarrassing things I must mention.
Even though I was in my cat form, I was a grown-ass girl, and NAKED at that!!
I gulped my humiliation and sniffed.
"Meowww," I mewed softly, and he sighed before bringing me closer to his chest.
'His mouth-watering cemented naked chest. Yum Yum. Let's just have one little lick,' Aurora said, and I gritted my teeth at her suggestion.
Why? Because I wanted to do it too.
If he gets to see me like this, I should at least be able to lick his chest, right? It was a fair and square deal. I nodded at myself.
"This Valencia girl is surely suspicious. After returning, I checked all the cases of that cat rogue discussed in the alpha meeting," The man said, and my ears immediately perked as he walked back to the closet and opened it while talking about me.
"Tell me kitty, which pair of clothes should I wear?" He asked me.
I looked at his casual set of clothes before pointing at the gray pants and an olive green colored t-shirt. Nodding at myself with the choice of clothes, I looked up to see if Shadow was satisfied with my choice, but to my surprise, he was already looking at me with a smirk.
A smirk that said he asked me this deliberately, and I got trapped into something but what? What -
"Did you see this? This cat understands human language. Look how perfectly it followed my instructions. Didn't the dean say that this cat belonged to Valencia?" Shadow asked his subordinate.
I widened my eyes when I realized where this was going. No way did he play me like this...
"Does that mean the chances of Valencia asking her cat to steal those things and create that uproar are high?" His subordinate asked, and Shadow hummed.
"The changes are indeed high. But why? Why would she do this? Just to steal some food? I don't think so. What if she is using this cat for other purposes too? This is a little complicated," Shadow said before looking down at me, directly into my eyes.
"How did she train such a cat to understand human language and do those things in the first place? And why was I not able to sense her wolf? Everything is a mystery. And to make things worse only I can smell her," Shadow said and the subordinate sighed.
It was a little surprising for me too. I thought the beta would still suspect me to be a rogue and wonder why the council was involved with me.
But who would've thought that he was suspecting something completely different? And why the hell did he have to guess half of the things right?
I wasn't instructing this cat to do those things for me or steal that food. In fact, Valencia was the cat herself.
I wanted to scoff at his face, but I was also afraid that he might use his brain a bit too much and find out the truth about me. And that was the last thing I wanted to happen, especially when I was in his arms like this.
"What are your plans then, sir?" The subordinate asked, and I listened to him intently with my eyes fixated on this beta.
Come on, share it with me too. What are you planning? What are your plans for Valencia? My master? I smirked inwardly.
However, he never said anything. Rather than that, he just looked down at me before smirking.
"How can I say that in front of this kitty?" He asked, looking at me as if he knew telling me anything would convey the message to Valencia directly.
This son of a bachelor... How dare he trap me like this and -
Not being able to control myself anymore as I was feeling highly enraged, I did one of the only things I was best at.
I bit his chest, right under his left nipple to make my bite more effective and have him remember this pain for a long time.
"Ouch!" Shadow winced in pain before he looked at me with amused anger.
Yes! Take that, you evil man! Remember who you are messing with.
I had expected him to throw me down so I could run away from this pack as I was done for the night.
However, what I didn't expect him to say was...
"Dang, I am not a woman, kitty. I can't give you milk from here," He glared at me.
And I must say, if I was in my human form, I would've turned red from such embarrassment.
How could he-?!!! This evil man! What does he take me for?! I didn't want to drink his milk, for moon goddess's sake!
'Well, I don't mind drinking from this non-milking, n*pple,' Aurora smugly added, and I looked at her horrified.
What was seriously wrong with my fake wolf?
'Girl, have some dignity! And leave me some too!' I groaned as I looked at the man, feeling wronged for some reason.
"This naughty cat... I guess she is hungry. Go ask the maid to prepare some milk for her. And..." He paused as he looked at me.
"Bring something that cats like to eat. Since this cat is supposedly the same cat who steals food, she should be good if we keep her fed," Shadow said before he closed and locked the balcony door to my utmost horror as he placed me on the table and took out the same pair of clothes that I chose for him.
Seriously, this has to be some kind of joke.
He was clearly locking me in his room.
This is a trap! Somebody help!
"Meow!" I mewed, feeling wronged, hoping he would get annoyed with my mewing.
"Meow, meow," I mewed again, and I was about to do it again when a gasp left my mouth.
'Is he going to drop his towel right in front of us?' Aurora exclaimed excitedly, and I widened my eyes before turning my head around and looking the other way, my heartbeat increasing its pace.
I can't believe he was changing his clothes right in front of me. I gulped, looking at the balcony door. If I jump from the curtain rod, I might be able to unbolt the door.
That is the only way because I won't be able to aim that perfectly if I try directly from the bottom.
Nodding to myself I was about to move when I heard his voice.
"Turning your head when you see a male changing? Aren't you an elegant cat? Come here," He said before he walked to where I was and picked me up in his arms once again.
I took a whiff of his clothes and my eyes closed subconsciously. Why does he smell so good?
If I hadn't known that scum Tyler was my mate, for a second I would've mistaken him for my mate.
"Let's go for dinner. I don't have anyone to share it with anyway," he said, and I thought he would be taking me to the dining room of the pack house, but to my surprise, he took me out of the house.
We walked for some time.
I mean, he walked while carrying the little me in his arms for some time before he stopped at a house that looked more like a small cottage.
It was a little secluded from all the other houses. Probably because he was the beta and needed to ensure everyone was safe.
Or wait. Was he planning to kill me in the seclusion?
Yes. What better way to get rid of the problem than finishing off the person directly? Wasn't this pack and its people famous for being cruel and heartless monsters?
My eyes widened at the realization, and I raised my head, looking at the man, who looked down at me, his face neutral.
If he is planning to kill me? How will the council know I was killed like this? In my cat form? No. I didn't even tell anyone I was coming here. What about all the wealth, name, and fame I collected?
'What wealth are you talking about? Those few thousand dollars and stolen artifacts? And name? You mean the tag of the cat who steals food, or the tag of the omega rogue who became the first omega to reject an alpha?' Aurora scoffed.
Well, that wasn't the point. The point was... Will I be gone just like that with no one knowing about it? Shouldn't there be at least one person to know about everything?
I pressed my lips into a thin line.
"Meow!!" I screamed in my cat language.
I wanted to go home. I can't die like this. There were so many things I hadn't tried yet.
Heck, I haven't even had my first kiss. Will I die like this? Unhappy and a cat? No. I struggled in his arms as he unlocked the front door to enter the house.
"Meow!" I tried to scratch his hands and chest, but to no avail did he let me go.
Rather, he just looked down at me calmly as if I was nothing more than a little kid throwing a tantrum.
If it had been anyone else, they would've already left me alone and cursed at me, but he wasn't doing anything like that.
The meaning behind it was clear. He wasn't letting me go. This monster was ready to deal with all my scratches just for the sake of killing me.
A whimper left my mouth, and I looked at him pitifully.
"Why are you fussing so much? Are you that hungry?" He sighed as he walked straight to the kitchen.
Seeing the large set of butcher knives my heart almost leaped into my mouth as I gulped and looked at him with wide eyes, struggling even more.
"Calm down, kitty," He groaned before he raised me in the air and looked me straight in the eyes.
It was almost as if he recognized some kind of emotion swirling inside my eyes, he brought me closer before flicking my nose, almost making me sneeze at him.
"Why are you so anxious? I am not going to hurt you. It's not your fault you have been turned into this little thief. You stupid cute kitty probably doesn't even know what you are doing most of the time. And whose fault is that, I will find out about it soon," He smiled at me.
He SMILED at me!! And my heart immediately melted, calming it strangely.
He pulled out a random large bowl before placing me on the counter.
I sniffed the air, padding my way toward the container that smelled like pepper and garlic cheese spread. I looked at it before extending my hand to open it.
I mean I tried, but could I really open the container with my paws? With a helpless look, I turned to look at the man who was already looking at me with an amused look on his face.
"You want to eat some cheese?" He asked, and I looked at him for a brief second before nodding my head.
He already suspected that my cat form could understand human language. So what was wrong with nodding, right?
'Girl, seriously? He was just suspecting us earlier. Why do you have to nod and confirm his suspicion? I swear you can just sell our soul for good food any second without batting your eyelashes,' Aurora groaned inside me, and I pressed my lips into a thin line.
'Shut up. Everyone has their own shortcomings. And this is mine,' I grinned at the cheese sandwich the man made me before placing it on a plate and extending it towards me.
I sat down. And I must say, I sat in a not-so-lady cat-like manner as I picked the sandwich between my paws to eat it.
It was yummy.
I looked up at the man, who was still watching me eat before he smiled again.
"You liked it?" He asked, and I nodded again.
"Now drink the milk," He said, and I looked at him confused before looking at the bowl at the side that was filled with milk.
Wait. He expected me to drink milk? Like this? But how am I supposed to do that?
'How does a cat drink water? They lean and use their tongue to drink milk just like water. Do you think you'll get a straw here?' Aurora commented with a scoff, and I scowled.
I mean, I can indeed drink using the lapping technique, but I only do it when no one is noticing me, and I can't change into my human form.
Using that technique here would just...
Left with no choice, I moved my head close to the bowl before sticking my tongue out slowly to drink the milk.
I looked up to see if he was still watching me, and seeing him doing exactly that, I scowled before turning around and he chuckled again, his voice music to my ears.
Even though this was a bit embarrassing, for some reason, it felt surreal to me.
Why? Because he had a nice voice.
I saw him standing from his place and going over the counter to prepare food for himself.
Finding the opportunity, I was about to run out of the house when he picked me up again.
"Where are you going? Do you think this food comes for free? You will have to keep me company in return," he said.
Company? He doesn't intend to keep me locked here for the entire night, right? I widened my eyes in horror.
The reason?
Because this cat form also has a time limit.
Please keep commenting to let me know how you like this story so far. Love you all for all the support.
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