"Sir, is everything alright? The sudden change in the audit team alerted everyone," The Principal of the University rushed as soon as our car stopped at the gates of the University.
He probably got nervous thinking why the main founder of the University was coming to see things personally.
I can't really blame them. I don't have enough time on my hands, and if someone had asked me to do it, I wouldn't have come here either.
"Things turned that way," I said, looking at Shadow, who immediately nodded back at me.
"We would like to tour the area already. Our boss doesn't have much time on his hands. Also, I don't think your assistance is needed. Just send the dean of the particular building with us. We will meet you directly at the office," Shadow said, and the principal looked at me as if confirming what my subordinate was saying was my decision too.
However, one look at me, and he quickly scurried away after nodding.
'Do you feel anything, Reaper?' I asked my wolf, who shook his head at me as he sat leisurely in my head space.
'I don't -' Reaper suddenly paused before he stood and raised his snout as if trying to smell something.
"Can we go to the left?" He asked me, and I nodded before walking towards the left side, making my men follow me.
I noticed a few students trying to film us silently, and I looked at the dean who joined us. I really didn't like being filmed.
There was something about the word enigmatic that I liked when they described me because only a few people know the real me.
The dean immediately understood my silent indication and asked the students to not film anymore as we walked toward the science building.
"How are things going with the laboratory?" I asked, rolling my sleeves as I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable with the scorching heat in this area.
"It's going well, sir. The funds you sanctioned this quarter have been used in buying the chemicals for the new batch," The dean said, and I noticed how he was using limited words to interact with me.
A smirk appeared on my face as we walked to the elevator.
However, before I could get inside, Reaper started walking in my head space again.
'I think we should take the stairs,' He said, and I rolled my eyes at him.
'Are you sure you are not doing this because you want to make me sweat?' I asked.
Reaper grinned, making me sigh.
Even though the possibility of him joking with me was high, I wanted to trust his instincts since we were trying to catch a very cunning rogue.
Judging from how the students were filming us, the rogue might try to run away from the staircase thinking I would take the elevator.
Without wasting another second, I took the stairs, Shadow following behind me.
"Why are we taking the stairs, sir?" Shadow asked, and I was about to answer him when I felt it.
It was so small that if I hadn't been focusing, I would've really missed it. The faint scent of lavender, which was coming towards us earlier, was suddenly gone.
There was no doubt someone had run away from the stairs just now.
"Quick, we need to catch whoever it was," I said, slightly confused by the scent.
Was this rogue cunningly using a female's scent to confuse us? I gritted my teeth as we rushed to the third floor, towards the other side of the building.
I was walking fast, but then suddenly, I couldn't help myself and halted in my steps.
The scent suddenly changed. It was almost as if the person I was following didn't exist anymore.
Where did it go? I looked around while Shadow moved ahead to look behind the stairs.
"A cat? What is a cat doing in the University?" I heard Shadow speak, and I furrowed my brows.
What did he say? A cat?
Shadow stepped away from in front of me, and I looked at the cat, her big wide eyes looking at me, making me squint my brows even more.
"Meoww," The cat mewed, making Reaper immediately stand on his paws.
'F*cking Adorable!' Reaper snarled inside me, and I didn't know how to respond to that. It was good that he found a cat adorable, but did he really need to be so extreme with his expression of liking it?
"A cat?! How can a cat come here?!" The dean, who was probably informed we stopped at the third floor, rushed to us as he looked at the white cat with big grayish-blue eyes.
"I swear this is Cia's doing," The dean said
"Central Intelligence Agency?" Shadow asked.
I really wanted to smack my own subordinate for saying something like that.
It was obviously a person's name.
Was this really a time to joke around when we weren't even able to find that one rogue who has been hiding right under our nose?
'Sorry, sir,' Shadow immediately bowed in apology through the mind-link.
"Cia?" I looked at the dean who sighed.
"I am sorry that you have to see this, sir. There is this student of mine. Quite intelligent I must say, but she is also the naughtiest student among all. This isn't the first time she snuck a cat into the University. If this cat is here, she must also be here somewhere looking for it," The dean explained, the awkwardness clear in his eyes as he looked around.
I won't lie. I was slightly intrigued by this Cia girl.
"Come here, you brat," The dean crouched down to pick up the cat, but to everyone's surprise, including me, the cat hissed at the dean and almost scratched his hand before moving to my foot and looking up at me.
I don't do cats.
I rolled my eyes and was about to move my legs away when the cat widened its eyes at me as if pleading to me.
Seriously. Can they even do that?
Poor luck, cat. I don't get easily influenced by such things. I scoffed.
'Pick it up. I want to look at her closely,' Reaper said.
'You are not serious,' I looked at my wolf, deadpanned.
'Do you want me to growl to let you know I am serious?' Reaper asked, a clear threat in his voice.
Honestly, it surprised me.
Reaper was never a fan of Felidae species like cats, panthers, or others. Maybe it came down to us being from the Canidae species.
So for him to urge me to pick up the cat was definitely surprising.
"She likes you," Shadow said, and I glared at him.
She might like me, but I don't really- I looked at the cat, unable to think of the word.
She was really cute, no doubt.
As if dejected by my rejection, the cat turned around, her head down, and I felt a sudden pang in my heart.
Yes! I felt a f*cking pang in my heart for a freaking cat!
I gritted my teeth and picked up the creature in my hand before looking at her face and eyes that looked like they immediately lit up as she looked at me.
"Let's go," I said.
This way I would be able to meet that Cia girl too, who has been breaking laws by bringing animals into the University. Human or no human, they need to be punished for breaking laws either way.
I nodded to myself, reasoning with myself why I have to hold this creature, holding the cat close to my chest, making it mew softly as it rubbed her face on my chest, making me feel a bit ticklish.
"Behave!" I hissed at the cat, who once again looked at me with those doe eyes, making me grit my teeth.
'Have you seen her enough? I want to put her down. Just look at the way she is looking at us. She will grow attached for sure, and you know I don't do attachments,' I asked Reaper who was silent for some time before he said something that made me almost lose my control.
'Let's adopt this cat and take her home,'
I don't know what was more funny.
The fact that these people were looking for me in my human form all around, when I was in my cat form, or the fact that I was in the arms of the person who came looking for me himself.
"Where is this Cia girl? Do you think we have that much time on our hands? Let's just go and complete this audit," The other man, who looked like this man's subordinate, said.
That was a wise decision.
Now take one more wise decision and just leave me alone.
I turned my head to look at the man to signal to him to put me down when my eyes met with his hazel ones once again.
My heart skipped a beat again when I looked at him from up so close, his perfect jawline, making me gulp and shudder a little.
"What do you want?" He asked me.
"Mew," I mewed softly, pushing his chest away from my tiny paws.
"Stop meowing at me," the man said, his brows furrowed but his voice was cold yet gentle, making me scowl.
Didn't he just ask me what I wanted? I want him to put me down? Does he really expect me to start speaking English because he doesn't like cat language?
If he doesn't like cats, why was he even holding one?
I was about to struggle again when he suddenly looked down and then sat on the nearby bench.
I looked down slightly and noticed his shoelaces came undone.
A smirk appeared on my face.
Yes, put me aside. Put me on the side and just see how fast I can run. I smiled at the perfect plan, but to my surprise, the man placed me on his lap.
I struggled a little, feeling uncomfortable as my paws landed on something unmentionable. What unmentionable? It was his thing!!
"Behave!" He hissed at me again before picking me up and placing me back on his lap as I made another failed attempt of running from his hands.
Earlier, I just wanted to go in his arms because I didn't want to be picked by my dean. It was a subconscious reaction since he looked like someone in most power among all of them, but now...
My heart drummed in my chest as he leaned down with me still in his lap, his wheatish chest rubbing directly on my face, making me gulp and freeze in my place.
This was so wrong in so many ways.
'Well, at least he smells mouthwatering,' Aurora whispered softly, making me conscious of his intoxicating smell.
She was right. It was really good.
He smelled like wet soil, cinnamon, wood, mints, and a bit of citrus with a chocolate hint.
Was it possible for a man to have so many scents mixed and still smell so good? It must be his perfume for sure.
Feeling his soft skin rub against my whiskers, I didn't know what to think anymore.
If there was a way for a cat to blush, I am sure my fur would've turned from white to completely red.
I didn't even know how to move in his lap without touching his thing.
Do normal cats have such thoughts when we take them and make them sit on our lap? Is that why they sit on our lap? Or why they are fans of males?
Of course not! It was all because I was actually a human woman and was supposed to be a wolf and not a cat that I was having such misleading thoughts.
"Can you really not sit tight?" The man holding me asked, and I looked at him helplessly with my big cat eyes.
Can I really not sit tight? I swear if I sat tight on your lap, things would go haywire for both of us. I wanted to tell him, well aware of how negatively my words might be taken.
"Let's go," The man finally stood, moving me a little away from his chest that I was both thankful and ungrateful for at the same time.
I closed my eyes, relaxing a little.
I mean, it wasn't like I would be able to do anything with him around, right?
'Well, you can do a lot. Why don't you start with transforming in his arms?' Aurora suggested, and I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, yeah. I am sure he would love that. A girl appearing in his arms out of the blue," I thought before thinking of one way that might lead him to leave me immediately.
I know it was a bit childish, but that was the only way left for me now.
I looked up at him, and as soon as he looked down at me I bit his nose.
You heard it right. I BIT his nose, making the man wince and immediately lose his hold.
I didn't waste a second in taking advantage of the situation and jumping down from his hands before rushing towards the stairs again.
"Sir, are you okay?" I heard people asking him, and I smiled at my strategy.
I am sure he was caught off-guard.
Ha... Take that for making me worry. I smirked before I quickly turned into my human form, breathing in relief as I looked at my hands.
'Hey, why did you turn back? It was getting fun. All the time you turn into a cat to steal things, this was the first time I turned you and you rushed away like this. This isn't fair at all!' Aurora complained.
I swear sometimes I just want to smack the daylights out of her for her suggestions and complaints.
'Shut up. I have to devise a plan to leave the University without getting caught,' I said to Aurora before looking down the window as soon as I got hold of my backpack that I had hidden behind the stairs and the flowerpots.
It looks like I'll have to jump down the window.
It was only on the third floor now. It wouldn't be problematic, right? Besides, I am a cat. This isn't the first time I am planning this either. I have jumped from the second floor quite a few times when I am stealing food.
Yes, I am indeed a cat when stealing, but some of my cat capabilities should come to my human form too, right?
I placed my bag on the window sill, ready to throw it out with my one foot on the window sill as I was about to jump down from the window of the third floor.
'It's a risky move,' Aurora commented, and I knew she was right, but did I really have any other choice?
Getting a leg broken was far better than getting banned from the University and being caught by the team of the strongest alpha out there.
I looked at the large University gates on the right side and the forest right in front of me.
To forest it is. I nodded at myself and was about to jump down when I felt it.
Someone was standing behind me.
"What are you doing?" I heard and I knew this was the end for me.
Please commenting to let me know what you think about this book so far. Love you all for your support.
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