His labored breaths began to even out and even his screaming muscles seemed to ease up a little.
'What is this?' Ken thought, his eyes wide with surprise.
He continued to run, testing out his body, as if it was brand new.
'Did I overcome my limits?'
Only after completing 10 miles did Ken come to a stop at the park. He quickly worked on getting his breathing under control and inspected his body.
A sense of joy overwhelmed him as he confirmed what he believed to be true.
Just like Hiroki when he'd used the systems training plan to overcome his potential, Ken had made a similar breakthrough.
Of course thinking about this logically would lead to only dead ends, so he had to think outside of the box. Ken began to stretch his muscles and put his mind to work, trying to pinpoint what had happened.
His earlier theory about the Elixirs effects disappearing seemed to have some merit, but it became more unlikely after today's happenings.
Poor Shiro having flashbacks of his days as roadkill lol...
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