Stirring this concoction was not as easy as it seemed, you have to know when you have to stir it slowly or fasten your movement, and to top it, you need to control the fire as well. It couldn't be too small, but couldn't be too big either, because it could spoil the concoction.
In other words, within those three hours, you need to focus on the concoction alone and must not get distracted. This was the most tiring part and when the healer in her pack taught her this concoction, Dawn felt like giving up and forgetting about it several times.
Thankfully, she didn't.
"You have to keep the color dark green like this, if the color changes into light green, you need to add salt and if it turns to a darker shade, you need to check the fire and slow down the stirring."
Dawn explained all of this to Zenith, when he insisted for her to let someone else do it.
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