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85.71% HP: Heir of Morgana Le Fay / Chapter 24: Restoring his mana

Capítulo 24: Restoring his mana

The hearing was finally concluded and he had regained access to his vaults.

The people from the Wizengamot slowly left the court room but some remained to make connections with him. It was after all possible that he will get a seat in the Wizengamot when he comes off age so it wouldn't hurt to get to know him beforehand.

Lucius Malfoy also used this opportunity and aproached him.

"Hello Mister LeFay I'm pleased to meet you" he said and offered his hand for a handshake.

"Likewise Mister Malfoy, I've heard a lot about you" lied Orion and shook his hand.

"Only good I hope" Malfoy said.

"So far yes" Orion lied. It would be beneficial if he had a good relationship with Lucius after all if he won't follow him he had to find a new person to lead his future political faction.


On the other side of the courtroom Dumbledore was surrounded by people who are trying to make a connection with such an influental figure.

Through the swarm of people Dumbledore saw Orion and Lucius shaking hands and he knew that this would certainly be no good influence for the boy.

He knew Voldemort was still alive, the last thing he needs now is another powerful enemy on Voldemorts side.

He left the people surrounding him with a weak excuse saying some things like he needed to take care of his student and so on.

All smart people could recognise this lie as Dumbledore didn't even try to help this student during the whole hearing.

Dumbledore hurried to the other side of the court room and rudely interrupted the conversation between Orion and Lucius.

"Hello Lucius, if you don't mind I would take my student back home. I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities to talk to him in the future" Dumbledore said and put a hand on Orions shoulder. Orion supressed the rage inside him with Dumbledore acting all chummy with him. But he also wanted to go home to finally perform his ritual so he endured it.

"You must be in a hurry...well goodbye Mr. LeFay, I'm sure we can talk some other time" Lucius said and just nodded to Dumbledore before he left.

Orion and Dumbledore also followed the stream of people to the floo chimneys.

"Well thank you for taking care of me headmaster, I'll see you in school" Orion said, took a handful of floo powder and stepped inside the chimney.

"LeFay manor" he chanted and his whole body was engulfed in green flames.

He reappeared inside his familiar basement. He went up the stairs into the ritual room to check one last time if everything was in order.

Finding no faults in the circle he was statisfied and set up the blood candles he found in his mothers vault to enhance the ritual.

With nothing to do for now because he would need to wait until midnight to perform the ritual he walked to the spacious living room and relaxed on the couch. It seems like Vlad was out doing something.

He contemplated what he should do.

He remembered the books he found inside the Pendragon vault and took out the book on martial arts.

He was fascinated by aura and how this enormous power was lost in the river of time.

The mages nowadays are extremely weak against martial arts and sword aura.

So he of course had to enhance this power of his.

He opened the book read the content with interest.

The book introduced a special way to circulate ones aura to strengthen his aura even further and use it more effectively via ones blood vessels.

The technique promised at least 5-times the power of just coating his body with aura to strengthen his body.

Unfortunately it was also quite dangerous as he wojld need to compress all his Aura into a small core inside his heart.

If he looses controll during the process before the core stabilized itself, the core could errupt and blow up his heart.

The propability of that was also very high so he refrained from trying this technique for now.

He just looked at the combat technique for now and the way to train his body to make his body stronger and his muscles more flexible.

Orion really found the jackpot on the next page as there was a footwork tecnique that makes it possible to instantly accelerate and focuses on speed.

The only disadvantage of that is that it drains a lot of stamina.

So before he could even attempt to try this technique he would have to perform several rituals to raise his stamina.

He closed the book and put it back as it was finally time for the potion preparation for the ritual.

He walked out of the mansion to the big patio in the middle of the mansion.

He smiled as he looked up to the sky.

There wasn't even a single cloud that could hinder his ritual.

He took out his potion he brewed before, the moonlight poison and placed it in a place with the most moonlight.

After an hour the potion glowed with a silvery light that dimmed after a while presenting him with a silvery potion that looked like unicorn blood only that it had a faint blue glow to it.

Orion excitedly picked up the potion and hurried to his ritual room.

He could finally perform this ritual.

After he arrived in his ritual room he stripped and sat down in the middle of the ritual circle and placed the three poitions before him.

He then waited for midnight when he could start his ritual.

As soon as the clock hit midnight he poured mana into the ritual circle and downed the moonlight poison.

He threw the empty vial away and the poison started to spread.

It felt like his blood was frozen in liquid flowing ice.

It was an odd sensation as he felt his blood flowing but it was ice cold.

He started shivering and downed the second potion, the magic poition.

Then he started to chant the incarnations for the ritual in parseltongue.

~spirit of the moon hear me and empower me~

He then sliced his wrist with a small cutting charm and let the poisoned blood fall on the ritual circle. His extreme shivering only made it worse and he almost cut of his finger with the charm.

The ritual circle lit up again and he continued.

~let me regain my power to destroy my enemies~

He then quickly drank the mana potion and the cold feeling from the poison dissapeared.

Instead a warm sensation enveloped his whole body, like sitting in front of a small bonfire.

Then the heat continued to rise and it felt like he was inside a burning furnance.

The longer he could endure this torture before he downed the phoenix tears, the more mana he will get.

Aside from the pain he felt his mana rise quickly.

The heat got even hotter and it felt like the air he breathes was liquid lava.

But he still endured the pain to gain as much mana as possible.

After 10 minutes that felt like 10 years of pure torture to him he started to lose focus and was on the verge of loosing his consciousness .

With the last effort of his body he managed to grab the vial of phoenix tears and drank it.

The heat immediately dissapeared and everything returned to normal.

Even the ritual cirle on the floor dimmed slowly until he was in a pitch black basement.


Name: Orion Le Fay Pendragon

Age: 11 years old

Bloodline: Jörmungandr ( mythical )

Aura power: 45

Magic power: 95 (elite auror level)

Miasma: 100

Intelligence: 120 ( photographic memory )


Spellcasting: 6 ( very good )

Transfiguration: 5 ( average)

Potions: 6 ( very good)

Black Magic: 10 ( the devil himself )

Mind Arts: 8 ( natural Oclumen)

Divination: 2 ( shit )

Runes: 8 ( one in a million )

Unused talent points: 0

Orion looked at his Status and was relived to have his mana reserves back.

But he was still frustrated that he didn't find a way to increase his miasma.

He also had to be very careful with this new powerful but mysterious power.

He also remembered the ancient magic spell "devouring" he picked up before Hogwarts and didn't knew what it does yet.

[Quest: Profiency]

-reach at least 50% profiency in the unique magic spell "Devouring"

Rewards: unlocking of the profiency spell system and one spellcasting talent point.

(Info: The system will only display the profiency of the spell devouring before completition of this quest)


-Devouring (mythic grade) 0%


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