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33.33% Jujutsu Kaisen: The Heian Era / Chapter 3: Vengeful Convergence PT 1

Capítulo 3: Vengeful Convergence PT 1


Chikara stirred from his slumber, the familiar voice of his father rousing him from his sleep. He blinked groggily, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he sat up from his futon. Sunlight filtered through the shoji screens, casting soft golden rays across the tatami floor.

"Chikara!" his father's voice calls out again, more insistently this time.

With a yawn, Chikara pushed himself to his feet, stretching his limbs as he make his way towards the source of the voice.

"Chikara!" his father called out again.

"I'm coming!" Chikara responded, slight irritation in his voice.

As he stepped out into the main living area, where his father sat at the low wooden table. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly cooked rice and miso soup.

"Morning, Dad," Chikara greeted him, taking a seat across from him.

"Morning," his father replied, nodding towards the steaming bowls which were being placed in front of them by Chikara's mother.

Chikara nodded his thanks and started to eat, his twin brother, Ren, entering the room and joining him at the table. The warmth of the morning sun filtered through the paper screens, casting gentle rays of light across the room.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Chikara teased, nudging Ren playfully.

Ren grumbled but offered a sleepy smile in return, his eyes barely open as he stared at the bowl in front of him.

Their sister, Akari, skipped into the room with boundless energy, her laughter echoing off the walls.

Chikara waved his hand dismissively at a maid offering him a hot towel, his irritation evident.

"It's too early for this," he muttered under his breath.

Ren, fists clenched and eyes closed, groaned in agreement.

"How is she so energized this early in the morning?" Ren mumbled, his tone half-amused and half-exasperated.

Their mother smiled as she sat down, "Because you two are just miserable," she teased gently.

Chikara rolled his eyes playfully. "Right," he said, giggling.

"Morning, everyone!" Akari chimed, taking her seat at the table with a bright smile.

"Morning, Akari," Chikara and Ren replied in unison, their voices still heavy with sleep.

Their father chuckled, his eyes twinkling mischievously as he leaned over to his wife. "Looks like our little ray of sunshine is up bright and early," he remarked, his tone teasing.

"Tetsuya!" their mother scolded playfully, a hint of a blush colouring her cheeks as she reached out to lightly swat his arm.

Tetsuya laughed in response, the sound warm and hearty. "Sorry, dear," he said, his grin widening. "Couldn't resist."

Their mother rolled her eyes, but there was a fondness in her gaze as she looked at her husband. "You're incorrigible," she said with an affectionate sigh."

"How about we go into town today?" Tetsuya suggested.

Ren's ears perked up at the idea, his tired expression suddenly replaced with enthusiasm. "Can we, Dad?" I want to get that new sword polishing kit they're selling at the market."

Akari couldn't help but laugh at Ren's enthusiasm. "Really? A new sword polishing kit? You're more excited about that than I am about getting a new fabric for my dress," she teased, nudging her brother playfully. "And you don't even have a sword yet. Did you stop to consider that?"

Ren grinned mischievously, enjoying the opportunity to tease his sister. "Well, I'll have one soon enough, unlike some people who can't even wield a needle properly," he retorted, sticking out his tongue.

Tetsuya chuckled, a twinkle in his eye as he watched the playful banter between his children. "Actually, Ren, I was planning on giving you mine. I don't really have a use for it anymore anyway."

Akari's astonishment grew, her eyes widening in surprise. "Your sword, Dad?" she exclaimed incredulously.

Tetsuya nodded, a smile playing at the corners of his lips as he looked at Ren. "Yes, I think it's time for you to have it. You've shown great interest in swordsmanship, and I believe you're ready for it."

Ren's face lit up with joy, his earlier pout forgotten as he beamed at his father. "Thank you, Dad! I promise I'll take good care of it!"

Chikara exchanged a glance with his mother, a warm smile spreading across his face as he saw the pride in her eyes. She returned the favor, her own smile mirroring his.

Their mother chimed in, "I'm sorry, Ren, but I need you to stay home with me today," she said gently, her tone softening the disappointment. "We have some chores to take care of, and I could use your help."

Ren's excitement dimmed slightly at the news, but he nodded understandingly. "Sure, Mom. I'll help out," he replied, though a hint of disappointment lingered in his voice.

Chikara spoke up, "Don't worry, Ren. I'll make sure to pick it up while we're in town. You won't miss out."

Ren smiled confidently, "Thanks. It shouldn't be too expensive anyway."

"It'll be five hundred mon!" declared the merchant with a wide grin.

Chikara's jaw dropped in disbelief at the exorbitant price.

Tetsuya erupted into hearty laughter. "Haha! You shouldn't have offered!"

Chikara muttered under his breath, "He better pay me back for this." With a resigned sigh, he reached into his pouch and counted out the required amount of mon, placing the bag on the table before grabbing the sword kit from the merchant.

As they strolled through the lively streets of the town, Tetsuya's voice resonated with pride as he spoke to his son. "You know, Chikara," he began, his eyes flicking from one vendor to another, taking in the colorful array of goods on display, "you and Ren are special."

Chikara nodded absently, his gaze wandering to the bustling activity around them. "Uh-huh," he responded, his attention divided between his father's words and the vibrant sights of the marketplace. "You've said this a thousand times by now."

Undeterred, Tetsuya pressed on. "Because it's true!"

Chikara sighed softly. "I'm sure," he murmured, stealing a glance at his father. "My cursed technique is potent, and Ren's cursed energy reserves are unmatched. But my cursed technique isn't as effective since Ren and I share our energy reserves, and Ren doesn't even have a cursed technique."

Tetsuya's expression softened with understanding. "That's true," he admitted, his tone gentle. "But even with your energy reserves halved, you two still have immense potential."

Chikara frowned, turning to his father with a puzzled expression. "What's the point in saying this again?" he asked, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice.

Tetsuya placed a reassuring hand on his son's shoulder, "I just want you and Ren to remember," he said, his eyes gazing into Chikara's soul, "that you're stronger together. Promise me you'll always protect each other."

Chikara shrugged nonchalantly, "Yeah, yeah. I promise." he replied, nudging his father's side playfully. "I guess we'll have to work twice as hard to make up for it, huh?"

Tetsuya chuckled warmly, returning the gesture. "That's the spirit," he agreed, a proud smile gracing his features. "I hope you know Ren isn't going to repay you?"

Chikara scoffed, a playful smirk quirking his lips. "I'll make him," he declared confidently, his competitive spirit shining through.

Tetsuya's laughter filled the air, blending with the vibrant energy of the bustling marketplace. "We'll see about that—"


Tetusya quickly turned towards the source of the sound, seeing his son collide with a young girl around his age. "Are you alright?" he asked, concern evident in his voice as he made his way over.

"I'm sorry," Chikara apologized, helping the girl to her feet. His gaze drifted to her long, dark blue hair, the sunlight catching the strands as she brushed herself off with a hint of indifference in her facial expression. "I didn't see you there."

The girl offered a curt nod in response before walking away without another word. Tetsuya stared at her intently, where had he seen her before.

As they continued walking out of the town and onto the empty trail leading back home, Chikara glanced at his father. "Are you alright?" he asked, noticing the perplexed expression on his face.

Tetsuya shook his head slightly, snapping out of his thoughts. "I'm fine," he replied, his mind still preoccupied. "Just lost in thought for a moment."

They walked in silence for a while, the only sound the crunch of gravel beneath their feet as they made their way along the trail. As they approached the familiar crossroads, Tetsuya's eyes widened in realization.

"I remember where I've seen her before," he muttered to himself, his voice barely audible.

Chikara glanced at his father, "Who?" he asked, his interest piqued.

Tetsuya hesitated for a moment, "That girl, from before. That you bumped into. Her name was Hanari Fujiwara. I saw her at a ceremony involving the Fujiwara Clan."

Chikara frowned, Fujiwara Clan? 

Before the conversation could continue, Tetsuya's thoughts were interrupted by a sudden pressure on his arm. He glanced down to see a boy, his hand pressing firmly against Tetsuya's sleeve. The boy's eyes held a hollow emptiness, his black spiky hair contrasting with the pale complexion of his skin.

Tetsuya's gaze met the boy's, his voice calm but tinged with caution, "Can I help you?"

Suddenly, his arm erupted in a flurry of slashes, each one tearing through his flesh with searing pain. Reacting swiftly, Tetsuya extended his other hand, unleashing a blast of flames that sent the assailant flying backward.

"Father!" Chikara's panicked cry pierced the air as he reached out towards Tetsuya. In that moment, a heart-shaped pendant, propelled with surprising force, slammed into Chikara's outstretched hand, piercing the skin and eliciting a sharp cry of pain.

Turning towards his son, Tetsuya's heart pounded in his chest, but before he could react further, a rock-hard fist slammed into his exposed gut, sending him hurtling off the trail.

As he crashed to the ground below, pain surged through his body, but Tetsuya focused his mind on channeling his negative emotions into cursed energy, transforming it into positive energy to heal his wounds.

Slowly, his arm began to regenerate, the wounds closing and the sensation returning to his fingers as he curled them into a fist.

Amidst the chaos, two sorcerers stood nearby, one behind him and one in front. Tetsuya glanced back, recognising Hanari among them.

"What is this?" he demanded, his voice tinged with both confusion and a growing sense of realization.

"Retribution," a figure replied, their eyes glowing with a fierce intensity.

Taken aback, Tetsuya's mind raced as he struggled to process the situation. "You're Kenjiro's brat..!" he muttered incredulously.

Kaito smirked knowingly. "You should've killed me that night." he remarked, lowering slightly with one arm half extended, another brought closer towards his chest.

Tetsuya looked around him and began to assess the situation. The two sorcerers that were emerging at his sides were Masato Jutachi, and Masamichi Sakujo. Masato was the one who landed the punch to his gut.

Tetsuya was somewhat cautious, he didn't know what Masamichi's cursed technique was, but all he knew was that it was somewhat related to the heart shaped pendant on the end of the mace-like cursed tool she had.

Masato was obvious. His skin was hardened with a gold-like substance covering his flesh, scrolls flapping in the wind that was attached to his face that curled around his arms.

Hanari Fujiwara. He knew about this one, String Game. Her technique involves her being able to generate strings that's infused with her cursed energy. She has complete control over the strings she generates, and can make them so thin that they become sharp.

Kaito Fujimoto. So he was the one who inherited the Kagegan. He didn't know anything about this one, and had only heard his name once or twice, yet his eyes were never mentioned.

And that boy from earlier. He didn't see him.

The odds were stacked against him. If he stayed and fought, he'd likely lose. He should probably—

Nah. Screw that. Only losers thought like that.

He'd win.

Tetsuya leaned forward, coating his body in his cursed energy, which erupted into black flames. A smile curled on his face, "Come on, then."

With a burst of speed, Tetsuya lunged toward Kaito, aiming his foot squarely at his face. Kaito, swift as a serpent, dodged to the side with a smirk. But before he could counter, Tetsuya unleashed a scorching blast of flames that sent Kaito hurtling backward.

Grimacing, Tetsuya turned his attention to Masato, who attempted to drive a fist into his side. Tetsuya intercepted the blow with a well-timed block, though the force reverberated through his arm, sending tremors of pain rippling through him. With a grunt, he retaliated with a forceful punch aimed at Masato's chest, only to have his arm severed by a razor-sharp string from Hanari.

Hissing through clenched teeth, Tetsuya cauterized the wound with searing flames, the acrid scent of burning flesh filling the air.

Creating distance with a burst of flames, Tetsuya propelled himself backward, his mind racing as adrenaline surged through his veins. He focused his cursed energy, feeling the familiar tingling spread through his body as his severed arm began to regenerate. With a surge of concentration, he extended his newly formed arm just in time to catch the heart-shaped pendant launched by Masamichi, the wire tangling around his fingers with a jolt.

As he held onto the pendant tightly, Tetsuya gritted his teeth, yanking Masamichi forward into a clothesline with a determined glare.

"Tch, you're tougher than you look," Masamichi muttered, irritation lacing her voice.

Tetsuya's gaze shifted to the mist forming in front of him, the boy emerging with an outstretched finger, suspended mid-air.

He flicked his finger upwards, and Tetsuya raised his hands to block the impending attack.


His arms were severed, a deep gash slicing diagonally across his chest.

"..?!" Tetsuya's surprise was palpable. He hadn't anticipated the sudden attack. What was going on?

Reacting swiftly, he kicked backward, bracing himself as Masato advanced, slamming a fist into his side.


Tetsuya was sent hurtling through the air, colliding with multiple trees before crashing to the ground. Fatigue washed over him, his eyes half-closed.

Regenerating his arms, Tetsuya scanned his surroundings. The mist reappeared, and the boy emerged once more, flicking his hand upwards. Tetsuya observed the cursed energy surrounding the mist with caution.

Raising his hand to prepare for the imminent attack, Tetsuya braced himself.


His arms were deeply wounded, hanging by a thread. Yet he smiled, quickly regenerating the damage. Reinforcing his body with cursed energy right before the attack had paid off.

Unleashing a blast of flames, he propelled the boy away and deeper into the forest.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Tetsuya glanced upwards, spotting Kaito flying towards him with glowing eyes.

"Right," he muttered. "So that's your cursed technique—you can completely mask yours and other's presence and energy."

He readied himself for another attack, sending his arm out—

Wait. Something wasn't right. Kaito's energy had shifted entirely.

Tetsuya sensed Kaito's cursed energy within the mist earlier

His thoughts were interrupted as Kaito unleashed a blast of flames, momentarily distracting him.

Maneuvering around Tetsuya, Kaito emerged behind him, a wicked grin adorning his face. "I've waited for this moment," he declared.

Tetsuya turned, meeting Kaito's gaze. "For so long..!!"



Kaito's fist collided with Tetsuya's side, sparks of black erupting as Kaito roared triumphantly.

Kaito had just unleashed a Black Flash..!



Apologies for the delay. This chapter turned out to be longer than anticipated, so I've decided to split it into two parts. From now on, I'll be releasing chapters two to three times a week, with the schedule as follows:

Wednesdays: 11am - 12am EST

Saturdays: 11am - 12am EST

Occasionally on Thursdays: 11am - 12am EST

(i may post an auxiliary chapter as well tomorrow)

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