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67.6% Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable / Chapter 48: Chapter 48 Invitation?

Capítulo 48: Chapter 48 Invitation?

Xuanyuan awoke with a groan, attempting to move his arm to scratch his face, only to wince as a sharp pain coursed up his arm. Opening his eyes to see the familiar sight of his bedroom around him, Xuanyuan heard the shuffling of feet beside him, as the figure of a servant girl quickly exited the room.

The light in the room was bright, instantly informing Xuanyuan that it was sometime in the morning. Suppressing his desire to itch his face, the young man thought back to the last thing that he remembered, which was fighting Tai Yang. He remembered the sound of his heart pounding over the shouts and cheers of his fellow disciples, and his vision gradually blurring, growing darker and darker and darker with every passing moment.

After that, there was nothing but, pain, pain, and even more pain.

Taking a deep breath through his nostrils, Xuanyuan could almost taste the faint tinge of burning flesh on the tip of his tongue. While his memories were somewhat blurry, Xuanyuan could remember the feeling of adrenaline coursing through his veins, of his emotions running at an all time high, of the expressions on the faces of his fellow disciples as they all stood up and announced their dreams.

The image in his head was somewhat ruined by the pain he associated with the memory, and he wasn't completely thinking straight either.

He had tried his best to use Tai Yang as an example, forcing others to try and understand himself, by bringing out the innate desires within his fellow Gu Masters.

It was a simple thing. There wasn't a single Gu Master alive who didn't dream of becoming a Venerable.

Even if it was only possible when they were asleep, anything that happened to them there belonged to them, and them alone.

He had also announced his desire to create his own Physique, one that equaled the Ten Extreme Physiques.

Xuanyuan felt numerous Shadow Thoughts bubble up from within his shadow, and his innate intuition relating to the Shadow Path helped him sort out the wisps of thoughts.

'Without a doubt there is some sort of Human Path profundity hidden within the Ten Extreme Physiques. Additionally, some Extreme Physiques carry within them Dao Marks of two different Paths, while others seemingly only carry one type of Dao Mark'.

'The Legends Of Ren Zu, which depict Ren Zu and his ten children is the greatest Human Path inheritance in the Five Regions. There are only a few Paths which can reduce the conflict between Dao Marks of different Paths, and the Human Path is perhaps the easiest method of doing so, at least once one becomes a Gu Immortal'.

'One of the advantages of the Human Path is that it promotes harmony and cohesion between all things. The Northern Dark Ice Soul Physique possesses Ice and Snow Path Dao Marks. Blazing Glory Lightning Brilliance possesses Fire and Lightning Path Dao Marks. Their unique combination of Dao Marks isn't created by Gu, but instead the result of this unknown Human Path profundity'.

'The Human Path is extraordinarily difficult to cultivate while Fate Gu still exists. Gu Immortals find it easier considering they can often direct observe the profundities of the Human Path within their Blessed Lands without having to worry about Heavens Will influencing them, but just knowing about the Human Path gives me an advantage that others do not possess...'.

Xuanyuan removed the excess thoughts in his head as he heard the sound of footsteps coming into his room. Moving his gaze away from the window, Xuanyuan turned and raised an eyebrow as he saw Immortal Chu enter his room, unconsciously prompting Xuanyuan to sit up in his bed.

The Gu Immortal just raised his hand and Xuanyuan froze where he stood, able to move everything but his arms and legs.

Immortal Chu let out a hum nodding slightly as he tested out his new Gu.

"Immortal Song showed me some of her Rank 5 Shadow Path Gu. A Rank 5 Shadow Arm Restriction Gu is actually quite potent, and even had quite the effect on Little Luo Yu outside. Don't worry, he is fine. In fact, your Master is quite pleased with how everything turned out".

Xuanyuan just blinked, still trying to understand what Immortal Chu was doing here. He just watched as the Dark Path Gu Immortal sat down in the chair at his bedside, taking out an apple from somewhere and biting into it.

Xuanyuan could still clearly see, the scars that littered his hands and forearms.

"But still, a Master level attainment at sixteen. That's... almost too incredible. Tell me Little Yuan, your parents were Gu Masters right?".

The otherworldly demon lifted his head, his expression confused.

"I... don't think so. I mean, we lived as mortals so I don't think they were Gu Masters".

Immortal Chu gazed at Xuanyuan, the latter knowing that he was being exposed to some sort of truth discernment Gu. He tried to sprinkle as many truths as he could into his words, without having to resort to lying in front of a Gu Immortal. 

The average Gu Immortal wasn't aware of the existence or the nature of otherworldly demons, but, even if Xuanyuan didn't have to worry about that, having his Thoughts discerned or read was perhaps his greatest worry when interacting with a Gu Immortal.

Against a Rank 5 Gu Master, perhaps Shadows As Thought Gu would be enough to prevent them to discerning his true Thoughts, at least without them having to resort to some sort of Wisdom Path killer move, but against a Gu Immortal, Xuanyuan had no method of defending against their seemingly endless primeval essence.

"... For as long as I could remember, the closest I ever got to even hearing about the exploits of Gu Masters was from the Legends Of Ren Zu, or from them retelling the tales of past Venerables. There were no Gu Masters within Green Grass Village, most of them heading towards major cities, or towards nearby Sects, so there was no way to interact with them".

Immortal Chu hummed for a moment before raising an eyebrow.

"Did they ever say where they were from? Or perhaps they said something that resonated with you as a child? Is there anything within your memories, which, despite the years passing, remains in your mind with absolute clarity? A phrase, or perhaps a saying which resonates with your heart, with every fiber of your being".

Xuanyuan paused for a moment, distant memories flashing through his mind. 

He wasn't sure if Immortal Chu could see memories, but Thoughts, which carried over from one life to the next, bubbled up from the depths of his mind like lava, bubbling and scorching with emotions.

Xuanyuan nodded, remembering past days filled with words; the first time he had ever experienced the Gu World.

"And how did they answer?".

Xuanyuan scrunched up his face for a moment as if trying to recall some sort of distant memory. He was absolutely sure that both of his parents were mortals, and the only thing that he could remember them saying was how much they hated the Variant Humans described in the book.

But the first time he read the Legends Of Ren Zu, was technically before he had ever been born into the Gu World.

"... I remember reading something... I remembering crying after hearing it. I didn't truly understand what it meant when I read it, but its something that I remember from long ago. My parents were still alive, and I had yet to experience how final "death" truly was".

"After I buried them... I understood the meaning behind these words".

Xuanyuan's gaze grew slightly distant, as he gazed past the space where Immortal Chu was sitting, as if he was trying to peer into the past, the present crumbling like blocks all around him. He looked towards the figure of a young man reading by his lonesome in a large and beautiful house, his heart skipping a beat as he recalled the words that he read all those years ago.

"Ren Zu was puzzled"

"Ren Zu was disgruntled."

"Ren Zu was irritated"

"Ren Zu became insane!"

"How can you have such thoughts?"

"Why can't I have the same thoughts?"

"Why can't a human be together forever with their loved ones?"

"Why can't a human live life without worries and have endless wealth?"

"Why can't a human have eternal life?"

"Because fate does not allow it?"

"Because it does not allow, therefore I cannot do it?! I cannot even think about it?!"

"On what basis?"

"On what damned basis?"

"On what basis am I not allowed to think about it?!"

"On what basis is eternal life forbidden?!"

"If such thoughts turn me insane."

"Then let me become a lunatic!"

"If such pursuit makes me demonic."

"Then let me become a-".

Before Xuanyuan could utter those last words, he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder, and Immortal Chu's figure looming over him. The Dark Path Gu Immortal stared at Xuanyuan for a moment, before shaking his head.

"... There is no Gu between Heaven and Earth which can bring the dead back to life Xuanyuan. Not even a Venerable could achieve such a thing".

Xuanyuan didn't appear phased by the words, merely smiling while shaking his head.

"I understand the meaning behind these words, but I do not necessarily agree with them. There are some things which even a Venerable cannot achieve. Eternal life is one such thing. I may be young Immortal Chu, but my heart is not so easily swayed by stories and platitudes. I am a member of the Ancient Soul Sect, I am a member of the Righteous Path".

Immortal Chu froze when he heard these words, putting the apple down and frowning deeply, feeling his emotions stir as Xuanyuan spoke. He suspected that Xuanyuan's parents were both Gu Masters that had somehow taught their son some sort of unknown profundity relating to the Shadow Path but...

'... I think I was mistaken. His parents were probably not Gu Masters. He is just... a young man whose breadth and depth of experience far exceeds that of most his age. His comprehension aside, he was forced to mature far too early, losing some of his youth in the process...'.

Immortal Chu just nodded at Xuanyuan, taking a couple steps back, his apple still in hand.

Winking at the injured boy, he smiled, dispelling Xuanyuan's worries.

"Don't worry about the injuries. Immortal Di and I personally saw to yours and Little Yang's recovery... Your life is going to be very different from now on Xuanyuan, I look forward to see where your Path takes you. Oh, and just a little word of warning".

"The Limitless inheritance, wait until your at least a Rank 3 Gu Master before you attempt it. This isn't to try and slow down your progress, but rather, to ensure your safety above all else. The most dangerous animal on this planet isn't a wild beast, but Man after all".

The man's gaze became serious for a moment, before he smiled, taking another bite of his apple. 

Xuanyuan watched as Immortal Chu waved him off, merging with the darkness in his room, vanishing without a trace.

The otherworldly demon paused for a moment before leaning back in his bed, letting out a huge sigh.

The sudden appearance of a Gu Immortal in his room put Xuanyuan off for a moment, especially when he asked about his parents and origins. His mother and father were farmers, mortal farmers. They could read and write but other than that, had never explained to him the profundities of Gu or various Paths.

Xuanyuan knew that when discussing matters with Elders, or possibly even Gu Immortals, he needed to remain as honest and forthright as possible. Lies could be detected with even the simplest of Emotion Path Gu, and this didn't include the extraordinary deduction abilities possessed by the Wisdom Path. 

The first time that he read the Legend Of Ren Zu was in his previous life. It was only portions of it, but still, he wasn't lying to Immortal Chu. 

Even as a child he had asked his parents about Ren Zu, but most of the answers he received where just shrugs or small smiles.

Xuanyuan just laid in his bed before the sound of footsteps echoed throughout the hallway, as Elder Luo entered, his face somewhat red. He was rubbing his wrists and just gazed at Xuanyuan proudly, nodding has he saw that he was awake.

"Little Yuan! How are you feeling? Any sharp pain or soreness? Immortal Chu and Immortal Di healed you personally, but refrained from using their Rank 6 Gu. The most they could use was Rank 5 Gu, but there were unsure of how it would affect you once you woke up. Their healing methods were... strange, even for the Light Path, so they wanted me to ask you after you woke up?".

Xuanyuan just smiled hearing the tone in his Masters voice. Glancing down at his limbs, Xuanyuan tried to raise his arm but felt another sharp pain course up through his arm.

Elder Luo saw this and gestured for Xuanyuan to stop moving. Seeing that it was his arms, Luo Yu let out a small sigh, explaining the reason for the pain.

"In order to reduce the chances of something going wrong, Immortal Chu somehow transferred all the wounds on your body to your arm. I don't know how he did it, but the rest of you, including your face and internal organs are fine, but your arm will require some time to heal, even with Gu. I can get you some Numbing Poison Gu for the pain, but you should be fine to move around after that".

Xuanyuan nodded and opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by Elder Luo.

"I know you are going to ask about the tournament, and yes, in the end, Tai Yang did concede. When you are healed, we can go to the Sect Treasury and retrieve your rewards. I have already been assured that there is a Red Steel Relic Gu and a Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus in the Sect Treasury, both of which are yours if you so desire".

The Rank 2 Gu Master turned somewhat red in the face giving his Master a small nod. He had already inquired into whether certain Gu were within the Sect Treasury or not, and had instantly decided on the Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus, not even bothering to explain to Elder Luo why he wanted such a thing.

The Gu literally printed money.

Xuanyuan's cultivation aside, it was equivalent to fifty primeval essence stones a day. In just ten days, Xuanyuan would be able to purchase a Rank 1 Liquor Worm Gu, and refine it together with the Liquor Worm in his possession, creating a Rank 2 Four Flavors Liquor Worm.

Once Yu Zhong Er and Long Xi were both finished cultivating to the Peak of Rank 2, Xuanyuan could use them both and refine a Rank 3 Seven Fragrances Liquor Worm. His cultivation all the way up until Rank 4 would be relatively smooth, even more so with the Heavenly Essence Treasure Lotus.

Seeing the happy expression on Xuanyuan's face, Elder Luo frowned somewhat before letting out a small sigh. 

He didn't want to lower the mood in the room, but as his disciple, Luo Yu couldn't keep this from Xuanyuan.

The young man noticed the change in expression on his Master's face, and felt a slight change in the tension in the air. Elder Luo pursed his lips somewhat before sitting down, speaking his mind.

"It isn't bad news Little Yuan... Well, not for you at least. But Immortal Song has discussed with me that she wants you to reside in her Blessed Land. She wants to personally invite you to cultivate in her Song Gui Blessed Land. She was here earlier, and even left behind a gift hoping that you would choose her over some of the other Gu Immortals".

Xuanyuan watched as Elder Luo took out a small Bubble Seal Gu. His eyes locked onto the Gu contained within the Bubble Seal Gu before he froze, fully digesting Luo Yu's words.

"... Other Gu Immortals?", his words came out as more of a question, rather than a statement.

Elder Luo sighed, nodding his head.

"The Ancient Soul Sect possesses roughly a hundred Rank 5 Gu Masters, however, more than half are still only Early Rank 5 Gu Master Stage. There are only fourteen, fifteen of us if you include the Sect Master who have cultivated to the Peak of Rank 5. As for Gu Immortals, there are currently close to twenty currently residing within the Ancient Soul Sect".

"As it stands, half of them had invited you to cultivate in their Blessed Lands. Immortal Lan and Immortal Li have both rescinded their requirements, on the basis that they can teach you the Moon and the Poison Path. Other Gu Immortals have given out these invitations to other talented Gu Masters as well, recommended to them by various Elders".

"It is common for this to occur every year, but needless to say there a quite a number of recommendations this year. Something to do with this generation having such a high average cultivation base".

Xuanyuan blinked.

"I get to choose?".

Luo Yu let out a sigh, nodding.

"Yes Little Yuan, you get to choose".

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