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38.02% Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable / Chapter 27: Chapter 27 Abyssal Child

Capítulo 27: Chapter 27 Abyssal Child

Xuanyuan dreamt of a World of Shadows.

Nothing but ebony coloured skies and obsidian coloured earth. The shadow of the Sun radiating a formless heat, the shadow of the Moon, releasing a sweet, scented melody. The stars that painted the night sky were boundless, casting shadows across vast stretches of time and space.

Fire cast shadows across the land. Oceans, rivers and lakes glistened as shadows swam through the currents. Mountains and valleys rose and fell, their shadows reflecting their lives and deaths. Boundless forests nurtured flowers, trees, herbs and moss, creating a network of intertwined shadows, sharing life and death. Steel, and forged iron clashed, igniting sparks across the Five Continents, the shadow of war visible on the distant horizon.

The shadows of the past, haunted the present, destined to repeat themselves in the future. Time, was just a single winding river, carrying all back to the embrace of death. The endless cycle of life and death, birthing a myriad shadows, all of which, return themselves to the same depressing end...

Shadows were present with us our entire lives. They felt every emotion we did. Felt every piece of pain we did. Every shred of happiness and every tiny embarrassment. Our love, our hatred, our greed, and our lusts. They were a reflection of all living beings, and walked with us, through the best of times and through the worst.

All things in the Universe was-.

Xuanyuan opened his eyes, immediately noticing the faint rays of light cast across the room. The sensation of familiar blankets against his skin and the scent of mortal candlewax filled his nostrils. Books lined the walls, enormous bookshelves stretching from the floor to the ceiling marred every wall but the entrance to his terrace, the soft glimmer of dawn creeping through his window.

Xuanyuan... felt at peace. His mind devoid of any excess thoughts, his physique taut, relaxed, but able to burst with immense strength in an instant. His emotions were fine, and his will had always been refined and controlled.

The otherworldly demon felt as though the world seemed... brighter. There was so much more in the World that he could suddenly "see", everything appearing a few shades brighter. Even the shadows in the room seemed much more lively and warm in the face of this bright new day. His own shadow in particular seemed quite happy to see him, waving pleasantly at its reflection.

Xuanyuan blinked for a moment before his eyes went wide and immediately focused his attention on his primeval essence sea. The light red colour of his primeval essence sea glistened, as Xuanyuan scanned its depths, searching for his Vital Gu.

It only took him a moment to notice it, the connection between himself and the Gu was closer than any other Gu, including Shadows As Thought Gu. The shape and form of Xuanyuan's new Vital Gu, caused him to unconsciously raise an eyebrow.

The wispy form of Nine Eyes Shadow Gu resembled himself, albeit covered in numerous blinking eyes. It's size was small, roughly only a few inches in height, but seemed almost otherworldly, given the eyes floating and moving all over its shadowy body. It unconsciously trilled in Xuanyuan's presence, causing him to smile, as he realized his refinement was a success.

"I did it... I created my own Gu...", he muttered.

A wave of joy and jubilation filled Xuanyuan's chest. His once small smile, now threatened to exceed the limits of his head, as the sin of pride gathered in his heart. Xuanyuan quickly extinguished the notion, reeling his emotions back in. 

Nine Eyes Shadow Gu... A Gu that had never existed before today. 

Xuanyuan had created something within the Gu World. Even if he died today, the Sect, possibly even the World would still remember his creation. Nine Eyes Shadow Gu, was the first thing that Xuanyuan had birthed, from his comprehension and imagination.

Activating the Rank 1 Gu, Xuanyuan watched as the length of his shadow stretched, and the depth of it darken. Even without Little Shadow using his Shadow to communicate its thoughts to him, Xuanyuan had never seen his shadow act in such a manner. 

It mimicked his appearance perfectly, although, tiny splotches of darkness swam through the depths of his shadow, flickering rhythmically in time with Xuanyuan's own blinking. Xuanyuan could feel the connection between himself and his shadow deepen, and his vision became slightly blurred, the world around him appearing double for a moment.

Xuanyuan quickly closed his eyes, and the double vision stopped, and the world sunk into shades of black and white. Everything around Xuanyuan gained a black tint or a white shade. His skin, clothes, hair, books, walls and even the minute dust particles floating through the air all took on a different kind of gray.

Looking down, Xuanyuan could see his own form, shadowy and a reflection of his physical body. Xuanyuan thought that when his shadow moved, his physical body would be forced to move, however he could see himself sitting in his bed, unmoving, his eyes moving beneath his eyelids.

'... My consciousness must've temporarily merged with my shadow. Right now, even if we are reflections of the other, that connection has been hijacked by me, and I've assumed control over my shadow. Shadows do not normally possess their own consciousness and merely experience everything that their reflection does. Right now, I am personally experiencing what my shadow is currently experiencing...'.

Xuanyuan could move his shadow around the room, anywhere where direct light did not touch. Trying to stick his hand into the light was like trying to stick his hand into flames, and caused the hand on his actual body to reel back, steam releasing from his fingertips.

While Light created Shadow, it also had the power to destroy them as well. Dark nurtured Shadow, teaching it to conceal itself and how to avoid the Light.

Xuanyuan just smiled, despite the pain lingering in his fingertips.

"Nine Eyes Shadow Gu passively enhances my shadow by adding additional "eyes" qualities to it. This results in the eyesight and visual acuity of my shadow increasing, reflecting back onto my physical body. In addition, Nine Eyes Shadow Gu allows me to peer through the many eyes of my shadow, letting me see through it. While not exactly overpowered, if I can obtain a Stretching Shadow Gu or a Dusk Gu, I should be able to stretch the length of my shadow over a vast distance, increasing the range of my sight".

Xuanyuan also suspected that the Nine Eyes Shadow Gu would enhance any Shadow Path Gu that he used, but wasn't sure if it needed to use his shadow as a catalyst. 

Overall, it might not seem like an overpowered Gu, but Xuanyuan had plans to develop Nine Eyes Shadow Gu, far beyond just Rank 1.

'Considering it is one of those cheat Gu with a passive and an active effect, developing both, or either ability should be a possible future refinement Path. Increasing the number of eyes should increase my own eyesight to levels beyond the limits of regular Gu Masters. It could increase my field of vision and possibly even correct light refraction like the eyes of an eagle. Increasing it further might give it more conceptual forms of "sight", but again, that is just a possibility'.

'Increasing the connection between myself and my shadow might allow me to use Gu through my shadow. I already share pain and vision through it, so if I could somehow channel primeval essence through it, I could use it as a ranged form of puppet, capable of fighting under my control. There is always the risk of damage being reflected back at me, so this refinement Path is not that useful'.

'I could always just try and figure out a way to turn it into a pure supportive type Gu. Using it to increase the number of Shadow Path Dao Marks in my actual shadow, should provide a greater enhancement to all my other Shadow Path Gu'.

'Additionally, I could forgo the "eyes" quality and try to enhance other facets of my physical body. I'm not entirely sure how they would affect other Gu such as Ice Muscles Gu or Jade Bone Gu, but there has to be some compatible Gu between it and my shadow. If I try and refine a Nine Heart Shadow Gu, or a Nine Meridian Shadow Gu, or even something like a Nine Blood Shadow Gu, how would they add "qualities" to my shadow?'.

Nine Heart Shadow Gu was probably the most ambitious, as the transformation might be more harmful than it was beneficial. If the transformation was perfect, Xuanyuan would gain nine hearts, not only increasing his physical capabilities, but also reducing the importance of a single organ. Even if one was destroyed, Xuanyuan would have eight more to spare.

It made little sense considering if his brain was destroyed, it would be over for him, but that was only if everything went perfectly. If things went pear-shaped, then needless to say, Xuanyuan might be dead before he realized what actually happened to him.

Nine Meridian Shadow Gu and Nine Blood Shadow Gu were both ideas that he had about using the Shadow Path to mimic the Strength Path and the Blood Path. By strengthening the meridians in his shadow, his own body should be strengthened, while if he used the Nine Blood Shadow Gu, the blood in his body should gain some additional quality to it.

But that was much later down the track. Xuanyuan had never refined a Rank 2 Gu, let alone tried to create a new Rank 2 Gu recipe. 

Letting out a deep breath, Xuanyuan almost didn't notice the door to his room open, Elder Luo and Elder Hu entering his bedroom. The dark splotches in his shadow flickered towards the sound, Xuanyuan seeing double for a moment before smiling.

"Master. Elder Hu. I apologize for giving you quite the fright last night. I remember my vision filling up with red and then remember my ear drums bursting. From the looks of things, I must've been healed almost immediately".

Xuanyuan didn't move his gaze from his shadow, but could see Elder Hu glance at Luo Yu. The latter just nodding before taking a seat beside him. The expression on his face was concerned, but Xuanyuan could see the corners of his mouth threaten to raise as he glanced directly at Xuanyuan's shadow.

"... I see you are already exploring the limits of your new Vital Gu. I made the decision to hold off on submitting it to the Sect, although, I'm afraid that it didn't stop Elder Guo from memorizing the processes last night. I'm sure that he has already attempted to refine your Nine Eyes Shadow Gu".

The fifteen year old just shrugged, deactivating his Gu, lifting his head to face Elder Luo and Elder Hu. The Space Path Elder and the Dark Path Elder gazed at Xuanyuan with warmth in their eyes, although Elder Hu wasn't nearly as casual as his Master was.

The Dark Soul Hall Elder eyed Xuanyuan's shadow for a moment, shaking her head and letting out a sigh.

"Your Nine Eyes Shadow Gu is an important Gu Xuanyuan. More so than you realize".

Xuanyuan raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean, Elder Hu?", he asked.

Elder Luo and Elder Hu glanced at each other, before the former leaned back in his chair, his expression becoming worrisome. Xuanyuan's curious expression turned troubled, but Luo Yu just waved him off, dispelling those negative thoughts.

"It is nothing negative Xuanyuan. In fact, it is quite beneficial. It has to do with your position in the Ancient Soul Sect however".

Xuanyuan unconsciously leaned forward, letting Elder Luo continue.

"Elder Kong had reported your Gu refinement to the Sky Soul Hall. It wasn't particularly anything of note, just that a talented junior had created a brand new Gu, something that might interest Immortal Song or Immortal Gong, considering both of their Paths. However, considering your age and your budding attainment in multiple Paths, Elder Kong pushed your name forward in the Sky Soul Hall to become our newest Abyssal Child".

"Abyssal Child?", Xuanyuan frowned, just the title alone carried... negative connotations. 

Both Elder Luo and Elder Hu shook their heads, the latter describing the title.

"An Abyssal Child of the Ancient Soul Sect is the title we give to our Holy Child. Similar to how the Spirit Affinity House possesses their Generational Fairy, and how the Immortal Crane Sect possesses their Divine Crane Child, our Ancient Soul Sect has an Abyssal Child. Named after the Earth Abyss which this Sect was built upon".

"The Abyssal Child of the Ancient Soul Sect is essentially, a Gu Immortal seed. There are... other benefits, but also responsibilities that they must uphold. When you become a Rank 5 Gu Master, this will become much more apparent, when you reach the apex of a mortal Gu Master, our Rank 6 Gu Immortals will personally assist in your Immortal Ascension".

"I do not understand the process perfectly myself, however, their is obviously a certain level of danger involved during Immortal Ascension. Additionally, the rewards a Gu Master can obtain once their Immortal Ascension is complete differs depending on their performance. Even if you were to do badly, there is little chance in losing your life Xuanyuan".

Xuanyuan frowned, remembering another otherworldly demon who became the Generational Fairy of the Spirit Affinity House. Obtaining the recognition of Love Gu, she did something that even Star Constellation failed to achieve.

Remembering his position as an otherworldly demon, Xuanyuan replied carefully.

"What... would these benefits and responsibilities be exactly?".

Elder Hu nodded.

"After assuming the role of Abyssal Child, every member of the Sect should obey your authority. You would be given access to the Sect treasury, as well as the Sect archives and Sect registry. Only Elders are exempt from this rule, and of course, our Gu Immortals. Additionally, at least one Gu Immortal will accompany you at all times outside of the Sect".

"In terms of responsibilities, you will meet with representatives of our subsidiary Sects every few years to discuss terms in regards to tithes and relationships. You will discuss Demonic Path Gu Masters and potential hunts to quell any unrest caused by them. You will manage mortal resource points, trying your best to increase our return on investment. Additionally, you will manage our relationships with the other Ten Great Sects, in terms of alliances and trade agreements".

Xuanyuan's expression worsened the more he listened to Elder Hu's words. That... was more responsibility than what Xuanyuan wanted right now.

"Access to the Sect archives and treasury sounds nice, but the responsibilities are too much. I just want to focus on Gu and my cultivation. Being perfectly honest, all that other stuff just seems boring when I could be preparing for Immortal Ascension or increasing my attainment".

Elder Luo nodded slowly, knowing that Elder Hu was sending him a subtle glare.

"I told Elder Kong this, and he informed me that if you became the Abyssal Child, he would allow you to attempt to open one of the inheritances that the Ancient Soul Sect possesses. The nature and uniqueness of this inheritance, is the only reason why I am telling you this, despite Elder Hu warning me not to".

Elder Hu couldn't hold it in any longer, her tone warning Elder Huo that he shouldn't continue.

"He is not the Abyssal Child yet, Luo Yu! There are other candidates beside him! He does not need to know!".

Elder Luo shook his head, not listening to Elder Hu. Xuanyuan unconsciously gulped, feeling the light in the room darken, as Elder Hu's expression grew fiercer.

"He will only agree to become the Abyssal Child if I tell him. Otherwise, he would regret it in the long run. The inheritance is "his" inheritance Hu Yin, there isn't a single Gu Master in the Five Regions who hasn't heard "his" name".

Xuanyuan raised an eyebrow.

Despite the tension in the room, his curiosity got the better of him.

"Who is "he"?", he asked.

Elder Luo and Elder Hu shared one last glare against each other, before the former just sighed, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. Luo Yu nodded thankfully at her, before turning back to his only disciple.


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