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41.05% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 78: BB vs BB

Capítulo 78: BB vs BB

As the group stood facing Scathach, Ritsuka couldn't help but feel the weight of their impending confrontation with Goetia. With Scathach's arrival, the stakes were higher than ever. They exchanged tense glances, each one silently preparing for the battle ahead.

As the they were attacked the group was sent back as then they saw who attacked, what they except was Goetia but who they saw was BB

What the fuck. BB said looking at another version of her self. What is this

As the group struggled to comprehend the situation, BB's confusion mirrored their own. The unexpected appearance of another version of herself added a new layer of complexity to their already perilous predicament. They braced themselves for whatever revelations or challenges this encounter might bring.

As the tension thickened, BB Prime stepped forward, eyeing her doppelgänger with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. "Who are you?" she demanded, her tone laced with an edge of uncertainty. "And what do you want?"

The other BB smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, just a little game, dear Prime," she replied, her voice dripping with playful malice. "A game of fate, of choices, of consequences."

Ritsuka exchanged wary glances with the rest of the group, sensing that they were being drawn into a web of intrigue woven by these enigmatic digital entities. They knew they had to tread carefully, for the stakes of this game were far higher than they could have imagined.

Ritsuka narrowed his eyes, addressing the BB that attacked them. "Let me guess," he said, his tone sharp. "You're one of Goetia's pawns, aren't you? Working with him to bring about the end of humanity."

The other BB grinned, her expression twisted with malice. "You catch on quick, Master," she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "But I'm not here to play nice. I have my own objectives, and they don't involve saving humanity."

Ritsuka exchanged a glance with Mash and the others, silently acknowledging the gravity of the situation. This encounter only confirmed their suspicions – they were up against formidable adversaries, each with their own agenda. They needed to tread carefully if they hoped to survive this ordeal.

Ritsuka squared his shoulders, his expression hardening with determination. "Well, your plans end here," he declared, his voice unwavering. "We won't let you or Goetia succeed. Humanity's future won't be decided by your twisted ambitions."

The BB clone laughed mockingly, her eyes gleaming with amusement. "Oh, how naive," she sneered. "You think you can stand against the might of the Demon King? Your resistance is futile."

Mash stepped forward, her shield at the ready, her gaze steady and resolute. "We'll fight until our last breath," she asserted, her voice unwavering. "As long as there's hope, we won't give up."

The tension in the air crackled with intensity as the two sides faced off, each bracing for the inevitable clash. The fate of humanity hung in the balance, and the outcome of this confrontation would determine the course of history.

You guys go. BB prime said looking at Other BB. If anyone can take me on that would be me

Um. Gudako siad looking at BB prime. Am I going to be the one to say fuck it, that sounds wrong BB and your know it

BB Prime raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. "Oh, lighten up," she retorted, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "It's not like we're having tea and crumpets. This is a battle for the fate of humanity, remember?"

Gudako sighed, shaking her head in exasperation. "Fine," she relented, her expression resigned. "Just... try to keep it PG-13, okay? We don't need any unnecessary distractions."

BB Prime chuckled, her eyes glinting mischievously. "No promises," she quipped, her grin widening. "But I'll try to keep it classy, just for you." With a wink, she turned to face her clone, her demeanor shifting into one of focused determination. It was time to settle the score once and for all.

Let's go everyone. Ritsuka said as him and everyone shadow travele. Good luck BB prime

As they left, BB prime and BB other just looked at each other as then they started there fight

The air crackled with tension as BB Prime and her doppelganger squared off, each assessing the other with calculating eyes. There was no room for hesitation now; this was a battle they both knew they had to win.

BB Other lunged forward, her movements fluid and precise, aiming a swift strike at her counterpart. But BB Prime was ready, effortlessly sidestepping the attack with a graceful twist of her body.

"You're going to have to try harder than that," BB Prime taunted, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips.

BB Other's eyes narrowed, determination blazing in her gaze. With renewed resolve, she launched into a flurry of strikes, her movements a blur of speed and precision. But BB Prime met each blow with equal ferocity, her own attacks weaving seamlessly between her opponent's onslaught.

As the clash continued, the two versions of BB pushed themselves to their limits, each refusing to back down. Sparks flew with each clash of their weapons, the sound of their battle echoing through the empty space around them.

It was a fight unlike any other, a clash of wills and strength that would determine the course of their shared destiny. And as they exchanged blow after blow, neither BB showed any sign of yielding, their determination unshakeable in the face of adversity.

BB Prime and BB Other danced around each other with fluid grace, their movements a mesmerizing display of skill and precision. BB Prime conjured tendrils of shadow energy, whipping them through the air with deadly accuracy, while BB Other countered with blasts of arcane energy, each one crackling with power.

With a swift motion, BB Prime unleashed a barrage of shadowy projectiles, sending them hurtling towards her opponent with relentless force. But BB Other was not to be outdone, summoning a swirling vortex of energy to intercept the attack, dispersing it with a wave of her hand.

Undeterred, BB Prime surged forward, her form enveloped in a shroud of darkness as she closed the distance between them. With a flourish, she unleashed a devastating flurry of strikes, each one infused with the raw power of the void. But BB Other was ready, meeting her blows with a series of precise counterattacks, each strike calculated to find its mark.

The intensity of their clash reached a fever pitch as they traded blow for blow, the air around them crackling with energy. With a final, decisive strike, BB Prime unleashed a surge of shadow energy, engulfing her opponent in a vortex of darkness. But BB Other refused to yield, summoning her own reserves of power to push back against the onslaught.

The battle raged on, each combatant pushing themselves to their limits in a bid for victory. And as they continued to fight, it became clear that this was more than just a battle of strength – it was a test of wills, a struggle for supremacy that would determine the fate of them both.

As the battle between BB Prime and BB Other raged on, their movements became more frenzied, each combatant pushing themselves to their limits in a bid for supremacy.

"You think you can defeat me?" BB Prime taunted, her voice dripping with malice as she launched another volley of shadowy projectiles.

BB Other deftly evaded the attack, her expression unreadable behind her mask. "You underestimate me, Prime. I am more than capable of handling whatever you throw at me."

With a swift motion, BB Other retaliated, unleashing a barrage of arcane energy that crackled through the air. "You may have the advantage now, but I will not yield so easily."

BB Prime grinned, her eyes gleaming with determination. "Good. I wouldn't have it any other way. Let's see what you're truly made of, Other."

Their clash intensified as they continued to trade blows, each strike resonating with the force of their willpower. With every movement, they danced a deadly dance, their powers colliding in a dazzling display of light and shadow.

But as the battle wore on, it became increasingly clear that neither combatant would emerge unscathed. With each passing moment, their attacks grew more desperate, their movements more erratic, until finally, with a final, decisive strike, one of them fell, defeated but unbowed.

As the dust settled, the victor stood triumphant, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she surveyed the battlefield. But even in victory, she knew that the battle was far from over. With her opponent vanquished, she turned her attention to the task at hand, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead.

With her adversary defeated, BB Prime took a moment to catch her breath, her mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. She knew that her victory was only temporary, and that the real challenge still awaited her.

Grimacing in pain, she rose to her feet, her body aching from the exertion of battle. But despite the physical toll, her resolve remained unshaken. She had a mission to complete, and nothing would stand in her way.

As she gathered her strength, she cast a glance towards the horizon, where the looming presence of Goetia's fortress awaited. With a determined nod, she set off towards her destination, her mind focused on the task ahead.

Meanwhile, back with the main group, Ritsuka and the others were making their final preparations for the confrontation with Goetia. They knew that the fate of humanity hung in the balance, and that failure was not an option.

With their resolve steeled, they set out towards the heart of London, where Goetia's fortress stood as a stark reminder of the enemy's power. As they drew closer, they could feel the tension in the air, a palpable sense of dread that seemed to hang over the city like a shroud.

But despite the looming threat, they pressed on, their determination unwavering. For they knew that the fate of the world rested on their shoulders, and that they alone had the power to tip the scales in humanity's favor.

With every step they took, they drew closer to their final confrontation with Goetia, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. And as they stood on the precipice of battle, they knew that victory was within their grasp, if only they had the courage to seize it.

As they arrived as they saw a thrown seating on was Goetia as he looked at them behind was many demon god Piller.

You all. Goetia siad looking at them. How do you even plan to defecating me, tell me how

Ritsuka stepped forward, his gaze unwavering as he faced down the King of Demon Gods. "We'll defeat you with everything we've got," he declared, his voice filled with determination. "We've faced countless challenges and overcome impossible odds. And now, we're here to put an end to your tyranny once and for all."

Mash stood by his side, her shield at the ready. "We may not have the power of a Grand Servant," she said, "but we have something even more important: the power of humanity's spirit. We fight for the future of humanity, for a world where everyone can live in peace."

The other members of the group nodded in agreement, their expressions resolute. "We fight for those who couldn't be here today," Sigurd added, his sword gleaming in the dim light. "For those who gave their lives to protect others, and for those who still believe in the power of hope."

With their words echoing in the air, the group prepared to face Goetia and his demon god pillars, knowing that the fate of humanity hung in the balance. But they were determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

As then Edmond and Sigurd went for attack, Sigurd sword and Edmond flames as two demon gods block as then Gudako sent multiple flash granted at Goetia, as he closes his eyes the other Piller attack as Tametono, and Marie altee used here powrs as Ritsuka called for his hole Umbrel summons Army's aka his shaode army, as Mordred sword moved as she kept using her Noble phantasm as so did Tesla sent lighting attack at the Piller, As Ritsuka has also summons Tiger Funeral and Mahoraga as they fought,as Ritsuka activated his Vampire power

The battlefield erupted into chaos as Edmond's flames clashed with the demon god pillars, sending waves of heat rippling through the air. Meanwhile, Sigurd's sword danced with deadly precision, cutting through the darkness with each strike.

Gudako's flashes of light illuminated the battlefield, momentarily blinding Goetia and giving the others an opening to attack. Tametomo and Marie Alter unleashed their powers, creating a whirlwind of destruction that swept through the enemy ranks.

Ritsuka's shadow army surged forward, their numbers overwhelming the demon god pillars as they fought tooth and nail to protect their master. Mordred's sword gleamed with holy light as she unleashed her Noble Phantasm, striking fear into the hearts of their enemies.

At the same time, Tesla's lightning crackled through the air, striking down the demon god pillars with deadly accuracy. With each strike, the pillars weakened, but Goetia remained unfazed, his eyes glowing with dark power.

As the battle raged on, Ritsuka tapped into his vampire powers, drawing strength from the darkness within him. With renewed vigor, he pressed forward, determined to defeat Goetia and save humanity from destruction.

As Scathach moves and start to cut many if the Piller as she was moving left and right, As Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan was with her.

Impressed. Goetia said looking at them. But can you defeat me

As he sent a power of blast of attack at all of them.

Scathach danced gracefully through the battlefield, her spear slicing through the demon god pillars with precision and speed. Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan fought alongside her, their own attacks adding to the chaos.

Goetia's voice echoed across the battlefield, taunting them with his power. But Scathach remained undeterred, her focus unwavering as she continued to strike at the heart of the enemy forces.

As the blast of Goetia's attack hurtled towards them, Scathach leaped into action, her spear glowing with energy as she deflected the incoming onslaught. Brynhildr and Tenochtitlan followed suit, their combined strength enough to push back the dark forces arrayed against them.

With each blow, the demon god pillars weakened, their dark energy fading in the face of Scathach's relentless assault. But Goetia remained a formidable foe, his power seemingly endless as he continued to unleash wave after wave of destruction.

But Scathach and her allies refused to back down, their determination unyielding as they fought on, their eyes fixed firmly on their ultimate goal: victory against the forces of darkness's

To be continued

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