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50% In One Piece with a Gift from God / Chapter 5: A Gift From a Friend & the first otherworldly items

Capítulo 5: A Gift From a Friend & the first otherworldly items

—Carter POV—

We had just arrived on a merchant island accompanied by Vice Admiral Garp.

"Alright little brats! This is one of the Navy's most trusted merchant islands." He said throwing his arms out to his sides. "To celebrate your acceptance into the marines I've decided to treat you four to a shopping spree!" He declared showing a bright smile.


"No way!"

Yuta and Tari were ecstatic. I was also very happy because it gave me an excuse to suddenly have a Wepon so I could finally use the weapon token.

"You all have a budget of 5 million berri, go and buy whatever you want! And don't hesitate," he crouched down to us and whispered "don't tell him, but it's sengoku's treat." He winked at us.

We chuckled and the four of us split into different directions leaving Garp alone at the docks.

I wandered a bit going between stands selling different weapons, foods, materials, basically everything you can think of. Eventually I found myself in an auction tent.

"This next item is a bit of a gamble!" The auctioneer declared as she had the item hoisted onto the stage. It was a treasure chest and a large one at that. It was also covered in barnacles, dried seaweed and I spotted some coral near the hinges. "This chest was recently salvaged from a sunken pirate ship that sank over fifty years ago. The contents are unknown but our specialists have confirmed that the contents are unharmed."A few murmurs passed through the crowd of onlookers and bidders.

I don't know why but I felt like I needed whatever was in that chest. I remembered this feeling, it was the same one that guided me to the chest I found Yuta and Michel's fruits inside, only this feeling was WAY stronger. 'Why am I feeling this way?' I got my answer in the form of a blue window.

[Answer to host question: at least one item within the chest will be beneficial for host to obtain]

My eyes widened slightly. The system answered me! That never happened before. I brushed my thoughts off and chalked it up to it having been the new update. I refocused on the auctioneer as she announced the starting bid.

"Let's start the bidding at 500 thousand berri."

The audience murmured before someone called out.

"550 thousand!" Another, "700 thousand!" Then another "750 thousand!"

Finally a voice came from the back of the tent. "850 thousand!"

The hall fell silent save for the auctioneer.

"850 thousand going once!" The auctioneer called out:

"Going twice!"

I felt a bit bad for doing this to an old man but the last time the system pulled me towards something it was pretty damn urgent.

"Going three ti-"

"1 million berri!" I declared.

"Sold, to the kid!"

Everyone in that hall watched me as I was given the chest on a cart. From the looks on their faces I could tell that they were all wondering how I got that much  money.

I left the tent and found myself a secluded area to open the chest. I pulled my crowbar staff from my inventory and bashed the lock off. I then still had to pry the lid off as the hungers were, in fact covered in coral.

'Alright let's see what the system wants me to find." I thought opening the lid. The auctioneer had spoken the truth as all the items were bone dry.

On the top there were two books, one was extremely thick and had a red cover and the other was thin and looked more like a journal, and There was also a small case about the size of a football.

I felt the system pull me towards the smaller book so I picked it up. The boom had a very strange title. It was titled: Hello Friend. I opened the book and began to read the text on the first page.

| Hello friend! My name is Erik Gunhild, also known as 'Dragon Rider: Erik' captain of the Dragon Rider pirates. At the time I'm writing this I have a bounty of 955 million berri! |

My eyes widened upon reading this. This guy sounded powerful! But the thing that strikes me as odd was the fact that he was calling the reader friend, despite having no idea who will read his journal.

| anyway, you are probably confused as to why I'm calling you a friend right? |

'Ok now this was just getting creepy.' I thought as I turned the page to continue reading.

| Well it's because I know that only someone like me could ever be attracted to this chest! Yes, I know for a fact that you are another Otherworlder like me! |

If my eyes could widen any further they would split in half. An otherworlder!? Was this Erik also reincarnated!?

| yes I can tell what you are thinking, I was reincarnated into this world because that god accidentally killed me and threw me into this world with a system as an apology. Lucky for me I lucked out and Got the dragon trainer system that allowed me to bring dragons from my favorite series into this world to help me.|

Wow that god is really stupid isn't he? Looks like I'm not the only person that got sent to this world. And dragon trainer system? There are different kinds?

"Hey system. What kind of system are you?"

[Answer to host question: This system is known as the world system, it allows the user to receive tasks  related to the world around them and gain points to upgrade the host's abilities]

'Alright that is cool. I wonder if there are any other system users alive now?' I decided to think about this later and kept reading.

| Now, I'll be honest I'm leaving this chest because I can feel my time running out. The truth is, me and my crew got into a tussle with the rocks Pirates. |

My eyes should have split because they widened even more. The Rocks fucking pirates!? How the hell is this guy even alive!?

| I was pitted against Big Mom and had my lifespan stolen. I've got, maybe an hour of life left? It's hard to tell. Anyway, I remember the plot of One Piece and I hope that you have incarnated in a better time then I did. Even if you didn't then I hope the items in this chest can help you out. Won't do me any good now.

The red book is a devil fruit encyclopedia, hopefully you can put it to good use.

In the case is a single scale from each of my dragon companions. |

I looked at the case an opened it there were two rows of four scales. The top row was a jet black scale, a pale gold scale, a vibrant orange scale and a shimmering silver scale. The second row was a bright yellow scale, a vibrant red scale, a dark purple scale and a darkish brown scale. I turned back to the book and read the list.

| The species from left to right is Nightwing, Sandwing and Skywing from the wings of fire books. The rest all come from How to train your dragon and are: Razorwhip, death song, storm cutter, skrill and finally triple strike.

Also within the chest is a single dragon egg. It is my system egg that will change into the egg of whatever the scale you place inside it. I'm sorry but I could only get one with the limited points I had left so you can only get one dragon.

If my plan worked correctly then my devil fruit should also be in the chest.|

I looked at the book shocked. This man was truly crazy as I lifted the encyclopedia and found an egg and a green fruit covered in scale-like swirls.

| it's the Tokage Tokage no mi model: Drake. It should prove useful. Well then I'm sure you need to get back to your own adventure. Good luck my friend! I wish you well. Have an amazing time in this beautiful world! |

I stared at the page for a good few minutes before I stood up. I opened the case and took out all eight scales.


I used my devil fruit to merge them all together. Erik my friend, thank you for this gift. I managed to get the perfect devil fruit for your gift to be even better than you imagined!

I placed the scale in the egg and it suddenly shifted into a new shape and color. Completely multicolored. I picked up the encyclopedia and devil fruit and placed them into my inventory. I decided to keep the Journal as well.

When I placed the encyclopedia however, the system made me an offer.

[Sacrifice Devil fruit encyclopedia in exchange for Skill: Devil fruit identification?

Skill description: the user is able to identify and receive information on any devil fruit consumed or not by observing it.


I selected yes. Having the book would be good but having it in my head was even better. I then opened the system to do what I had originally planned with the chest. I pressed on the free spin Wepon token.

[~Notice: Spinning wepon token...


Weapon token spin result: Akuma-ketsujin: the Devil blood blade

Description: Great grade blade, cursed sword. If the user of this sword's ambition does not match the will of its previous user  it will rebel against the user and they may perish, if the user does match or exceed the previous user then the blade will acknowledge the user and become a powerful ally in battle.~]

It was a good result. The sword appeared in my hand. Its scabbard was a deep blood red, and the hilt and hand guard were both red with gold and black accents. I held off drawing the blade for now.

I looked around the market island and only found one other item that interested me. It was a fossilized tooth from some ancient creature. I decided to take it because in my previous life I was obsessed with dinosaurs and other ancient creatures. Needless to say, the moment I have free rein I'm going straight to little garden and I'm going to geek the actual fuck out.

I decided that I would also use two of the otherworldly item tokens. I tapped the button I the system twice and what he's as the items appeared.

[~Notice: Spinning Item token x2


Item token spin result:

Lapras pokeball: an item from the Pokemon World, contains a level 1 Lapras.

Gluttonous Feeder Ring: an item from the Mairimashita Iruma-kun world. An item capable of consuming the magic of others, it has been modified to consume Haki and devil fruit affects. The spirit within lays dormant.]

My I stared at the items in awe. I immediately took out the ring and slipped it on and I kept the poke all in my inventory until I can find a time to suddenly have a giant shelled plesiosaur.

I walked around a bit more and eventually found myself back in the auction house. They were now auctioning off crates of rare fruit and meat that I had no interest in. I stayed there and watched as merchants bought all sorts of items but the final item really caught me off guard.

"Alright folks! The last item is a highly sought after item that has never before been seen in this auction house!" Sh said as she pulled a small treasure chest from behind the podium.

She opened the chest and gasps erupted throughout the crowd. Within the box was an orange fruit covered in swirls.

'Ok, system. How do I have such luck coming across devil fruit? I know it is not normal!'

[Answer to host question: Host's Title: Kin of Devils makes host three times a likely to encounter devil fruit than a normal person.]

That actually made a lot of sense. I peered at the fruit  it he chest and used my newest skill on it. When the text describing the fruit popped up my eyes widened.

[Ika Ika no mi, the less less fruit. allows the user to decrease the size, speed, and strength of anything they touch. This fruit is the opposite number to the Moa Moa no mi.]

"Let's start the bidding at one million berri!" The auctioneer declared. Almost immediately people started screaming new bids.

"1.3 million!"

"1.5 million!"

"1.7 million!"

This event in for a while until someone called out three million.

"Three million going once!"

"Three million going twice!"

I decided I wanted the fruit. It's sengoku's money anyway. If I don't get it with the money I still have, then so be it.

"3.8 million berri!" I shouted!

"Sold to the kid that got the chest earlier!"


I made my way back to Garp's ship and met up with the rest of my small group.

I could see that Tari got herself a sword, some new clothes and a rather fashionable necklace. Yuta had a similar haul minus the sword. Michael had a pretty nice looking gun. I'd say it was definitely better than the stuff normal marines had. When they saw me carrying my sword and the dragon egg however their jaws hit the floor.

"Woah Carter, where'd you get that sword!?" Tari demanded as she rushed towards me.

"Haha! I got it at the auction house! One million berri for this sword, my new ring and this egg." I responded gesturing to the egg in my hand and the ring in my finger. "It's a great grade blade, Akuma-Ketsujin."

A look of absolute envy was plastered on Tari's face. "God damnit! All I could get was this!" She moped showing me her new blade. It had a deep blue handle and a copper colored hand guard. "The merchant I bought it from said it's a grade blade, Shinso-Mizu (Deep water)."

"Ha! Looks like I'm already ahead of you, the only problem is that mine is a cursed sword." I declared proudly.

"C-cursed!? Carter are you sure that that sword is safe!?" The voice of Yuta city through the air as a terrified look pass over her face.

"Don't worry so much Yuta! No curse can kill me!" I said as I grasped the sword and prepared the draw the blade. 'Really hope I know what I'm doing here!'

I pulled the blade form its sheath and almost immediately my mind was met with some strange force pushing against it. It felt... I don't know like it was asking a question?

On the outside my companions could see the blade emit a red aura of hat surrounded my form. On the inside however, my mind was pushing back against the will of the sword.

'I will not back down.' I thought addressing the blade. 'Submit. I will not let you kill Me. I have friends to protect!"

The blade pushed back even harder. Have it been fed up with it I finally lost it. "I. Said." I inhaled. "SUBMIT!!!"

Unknown to me a burst of energy exploded from my body in the form of a deep gold aura. I later learned that I even knocked a few of Garp's marines unconscious with my conqueror's Haki. The red aura of the blade disappeared and it submitted to me.

I sheathed the blade and looked to the now extremely shaken faces of my friends. I nervously scratched my head. "Ah, sorry about that guys!"

[~Name: Carter Davil

Race: Human

Age: 14

Occupation: Marine

Titles: Breaker of chains, Kin of Devils,

Companions: Unnamed dragon egg (unhatched), Unnamed Lapras

{stats} {inventory} {shop}

Constitution: 7.6

Devil Fruit: Yugo Yugo no mi

Devil Fruit mastery: 5.1

Haki: 1.0

Free attribute points: 2.0

Additional skills:  Devil fruit infusion skill, Poneglyph reading Skill, Devil fruit identification skill,

{stats} {inventory} {shop}



Gluttonous Feeder Ring


Ancient Giant Blood

8x Random otherworldly item token

Tokage Tokage no mi model: Drake

Ika Ika no mi

Unnamed dragon egg

Lapras Pokeball

—Other Items—

Journal of Erik Gunhild

Fossilized Tooth]

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