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50% Pokémon: A DNA Odyssey / Chapter 1: [Prologue]

Capítulo 1: [Prologue]

In the midst of space, a giant white creature stood out, managing to exist in space as if it had been living with this aspect since birth.

A large 'halo' of yellow surrounded the body of this strange creature, which was staring at the Planet where it had been created countless years ago.

Normally, this Planet would be far from its sight because more important things were happening, but not long ago—hours at best—something grand had happened.

A small and seemingly simple meteor was falling toward this Planet. In normal circumstances, one of the creations of this white entity, [Rayquaza], would have completely destroyed the meteor, but that didn't happen.

The Meteor somehow managed to pass through the detection of all beings, including itself. This strange phenomenon sparked curiosity in the creature, prompting it to use its seemingly infinite powers to investigate the case.

The result of this investigation proved to be interesting.

The Meteor contained a very familiar energy to the creature, the same energy that had given life to itself.

It was the first time this had happened during the countless years that this creature had been alive, causing all other concerns to be set aside as its interest grew, delving deeper into the meteor, trying to locate its origin and even understand if it posed a threat or not.

The results were satisfactory, to say the least. Whatever was in that meteor didn't seem to be hiding, retaliating, or even harming the one causing these strange investigations; it was quite the opposite.

The thing inside the Meteor seemed to be cooperating, as if making it clear that it was anything but an enemy.

Thus, all necessary information was gathered. The Meteor came from the exact point where the white creature came from, indicating that they were some kind of siblings.

The news of having a brother obviously left the white creature confused but somewhat joyful. Something that hadn't happened in a long time.

The purpose of creating this supposed brother was unknown even to its newly discovered brother, who was inside the Meteor.

All they knew was that he, the newly discovered brother, was now a vital existence for things, just like the white creature.

In this way, both sides collaborated with each other. They laid a foundation, allowing there to be a destiny for the being in this Meteor and at the same time, a chance to advance until achieving its main life goal.

Total freedom of existence was granted to its newly created brother, along with a small gift given to him after questioning his new brother for a few moments.

With all this done, the concerns of the white creature were finally cleared, allowing it to return to its original work.




[Viridian Forest] - [Kanto Region]

A strange meteor with a strong green aura was falling at high speed towards the Forest, strangely not causing any fear or panic to the beings near the meteor's landing region, as if they were unable to see it. In a few moments, the Meteor collided with a strangely empty region of this Forest, raising only a bit of dust, something that wasn't supposed to happen.

A much greater damage should have occurred. When the Meteor settled, it glowed in green before starting to slowly disintegrate.

In a few moments, the Meteor had completely disappeared, leaving only a small object floating in the air that slowly descended to the ground.

A huge black-colored clock, with green details.

The environment fell into complete silence after such strange events, as if everything that had to happen had been done.

But of course, this was just a necessary pause.

The bearer of that watch wouldn't suddenly appear, being knowingly close to the impact site. No. Something even stranger and less sensible was about to happen.

- Landing objective achieved. -

- The next stage is starting. -

- An analysis is being conducted on this Planet. -

- History: completed. -

- Population: completed. -

- Important events: completed. -

- Superficial analysis completed successfully. -

- Utilizing External Support from the [Newly Discovered Older Brother] for the creation of the Ideal Body. -

- Establishing the [Base] of Destiny in this newly created Body. -

- Complete. -

- Providing sufficient basic knowledge for the Ideal Body. -

- Complete. -

- Synchronizing the Body with the [Codon Stream] Function. -

- Complete. -

- Synchronizing the Body with the Gift from the [Newly Discovered Older Brother]. -

- Complete. -

- All necessary processes have been completed. -

- Materializing the Ideal Body. -

- Preparing for the full Fusion of the Ideal Body with the Shell [Omnitrix(?)] -

- Error. -

- The Ideal Body is too small to accommodate the current format of the [Omnitrix] fused with it. -

- Changing the form of the [Omnitrix]. -

- Base form selected. -

- Attempting Fusion again. -

- Success. -

- Materializing the Final Result. -

A robotic and neutral voice filled the vast silence in this desolate part of the Viridian forest, carrying out dozens of processes that, in greater detail, would be impossible due to their absurdity.

When the entire process of the Voice was completed, a green light in the shape of a [Human] suddenly appeared before slowly diminishing.

When the light completely disappeared, a relatively small Human figure could be seen, about the size of an average 10-year-old child.

His body seemed a bit more developed than that of a normal child, making him naturally look more beautiful, contrasting well with his more intense features.

A slightly wild brown hair and strong green eyes, which ended up matching quite well with his clothing style. A kind of white shirt with black details that seemed loose on the Boy, alongside green pants as wide as the shirt.

(Appearance here, for easier understanding.)

On the Boy's wrist was a black watch that somewhat resembled the Enormous giant watch that appeared after the Meteor disappeared, making it quite obvious who this boy was.

-Analyzing possible defects. -

-A defect found. -

-The currently chosen species is not at its [Peak]. -

-The Process for the Main Body to reach the Peak of the [Human] species will be initiated. -

-Current progress: 0.1% -

-Estimated time: 20 Years -

-Requirements for reducing the estimated time: A greater collection of Data on the species named [Pokémon], through the Analysis and DNA Capture Mode of the [Omnitrix]. -

-A mission has been created. -

-Mission: Gather the DNA of the Maximum number of [Pokémon] possible, the rarer, the better. -

After this, the [Omnitrix] on the Boy's wrist seemed to calm down before the Boy opened his eyes, looking around confused.

"Where am I?" The Boy asked confusedly while looking around, before entering a temporary trance.

"[Viridian Forest], unknown date. A Mission was created to help in my development and the rest, I am free to do as I please." The Boy murmured with a certain certainty in a voice that didn't match his appearance.

"My name..." He seemed to try to remember before entering a kind of trance again.

"[Ben Tennyson], Current age: 10 Years. No ancestors, history provided: raised in the forest by some wild Pokémon." He murmured before returning to normal, giving a nod.

"Now, where should I-" The Boy began to speak to himself aloud before stopping, feeling something strange.

He looked down, seeing his own feet.

"This is..." He murmured curiously as he saw two orange eyes staring at him from the shadows.

The Boy's shadow stretched before suddenly materializing in front of him.

A small dark creature that reached up to Ben's knees was staring at him, with enormous curiosity in its eyes. Innocent eyes full of doubts stared at Ben in silence.

Ben's eyes became slightly unfocused as he stared at the Pokémon. Moments later, the [Omnitrix] on his wrist began to glow faintly.

- [Marshadow, Gloomdweller Pokémon.] -

- [Level: 1] -

- [Type: Fighting / Ghost] -

- [Ability: Technician: Permanently increases the power of Moves by 100%.] - (A/N: It's a custom version of this Ability for this Marshadow, I've modified some things.)

- [Moves: Copycat(I), Counter(I), Feint(I), Fire Punch(I), Ice Punch(I), Shadow Sneak(I), Thunder Punch(I).] -

- [Description: It is able to merge with Shadows, making its existence completely unknown in the current time period. By hiding in the shadows of a being, it can sense their emotions and perfectly mimic their movements, potentially improving them in the future.] -

- [Extra: Shiny / Female / The support Gift from the [Newly discovered older Brother].] -

After all this grand assessment, the Omnitrix returned to its original state, ceasing to glow.

"Pleasure to meet you, Marshadow." Ben extended his hand to Marshadow with a smile on his face, his eyes shining with admiration and curiosity, a look that was mirrored by the Marshadow in front of him.

The small Pokémon reached out to Ben before shaking hands after standing on tiptoe to make this gesture, giving a small smile to Ben.

When they both shook hands, a small shock ran through both of their bodies before they felt a closer connection forming between them, as if they could convey more with a glance than with words.

Ben's eyes widened with admiration as he felt Marshadow's emotions, which were now the same as his own, causing a smile to appear on Ben's face.

"I'm sure we'll experience incredible things from now on," he commented as he bent down to Marshadow's height, who nodded to Ben with a small smile.

"Marshadow!" The Pokémon exclaimed as a small exclamation mark was simulated by the darkness above its head, as if it had remembered something.

The Pokémon rummaged through a supposed pocket before reaching into Ben's shadow, and when it withdrew, it handed what was in its hand to Ben.

"This..." Ben commented curiously, deep down knowing instinctively what it was.

It was a small black sphere with yellow and red details, a [Luxury Ball].

Ben took the small sphere smaller than his finger before clicking the button on it, causing the sphere to grow to the size of his hand. It was as if this knowledge was deeply rooted in his body.

"Marshadow!" The Pokémon exclaimed as it pointed to itself, feeling quite eager and even excited to be captured by Ben.

"Hm...!" Ben responded to his new friend's expectation with equal excitement, touching the Luxury Ball to Marshadow's head, causing the Poké Ball to open and release a small red beam that engulfed Marshadow into the Poké Ball.

In Ben's hand, the Poké Ball shook three times quickly before stopping, signaling that Marshadow had been captured.

"Incredible!" Ben murmured as he looked at the Luxury Ball in his hands.

Shake The Luxury Ball shook slightly, and moments later, Ben felt Marshadow's satisfaction, as well as the desire to leave the Poké Ball, causing Ben to toss the Poké Ball a bit upward, making it open.

A red beam made Marshadow appear on the ground, and moments later, the Luxury Ball in the air disappeared completely, turning into darkness.

Both Ben and Marshadow knew that the Luxury Ball could now be summoned by Ben at any time. Both: Trainer and Pokémon, companions for now and for life, looked at each other excitedly for the future they would have together and the things they would discover from now on.

Useless_g Useless_g

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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