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3.7% PLEASE READ:How to survive the multiverse by dying every day! Instead. / Chapter 1: Chapter 1, let's have some fun.

Capítulo 1: Chapter 1, let's have some fun.

Welcome to the recruitment drive created by Admin: Kuro. All of you will be erased save one. Now, entertain me with your flailing, I've got a bucket o' boredom, complete popcorn and a side of impatience. But where's the butter? Eh, the portions of your soul that flake off can be my butter! Now, let's get to seasoning this bucket of boredom with some fun!​

Darkness. Not the kind you could see, but a suffocating absence of everything. No sight, no sound, no touch, just a chilling emptiness that pressed in from all sides. Panic clawed at my throat, a primal fear triggered by the complete lack of anything at all. I couldn't breathe, but somehow, I wasn't suffocating. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against my nonexistent ribs. How long have I been here? This- this clawing nothingness?

I tried to shout, or make any noise at all. I then noticed the hammering of my heart wasn't a heart at all! It was the draining of my essence as I slowly withered away. I Forced the beating to slow down as much as I could and seemed to succeed.

A faint memory flickered: a line. An endless line that stretched before me, filled with faceless figures. A processing queue, my instincts had said. Processing for what? Where was I? A man in a suit grinned too wide as many souls were swept away, hundreds of thousands! Including-

Wait, I was dead? A flash of memory, a car crash! Was I in the car or outside of it?! NO! Focus! Focus on what's happening now!

A jolt, like a skipped beat in my non-existent heartbeat, ripped through me. Then, silence. I focused on the absence, searching for any difference, any change in the oppressive nothing. Nothing. My panic threatened to consume me, but a primal instinct for survival took hold. I had to stay present, stay aware.

Time seemed to stretch and compress, becoming meaningless. My fear began to morph into a dull ache, an exhaustion that gnawed at my non-existent core.

Then, another change. A subtle shift in the emptiness. Like distant stars flickering and fading, I felt- multiple presences- winking out of existence. Each one sent a fresh wave of panic through me. Were they dying? But how could you die in nothingness? The answer came with a horrifying certainty - they were being erased. This was some kind of test. A test of endurance? Determination? Survival of the fittest for each and every soul here?

Weren't there over hundreds of thousands before? I feel like there are a lot less, like a fraction of a fraction!

A forgotten memory surfaced - my name. Jack. I couldn't remember my last name but that didn't matter! It was a lifeline in the endless dark. Jack. I repeated it, clinging to it like a mantra. My name, my identity, the last shred of myself I held onto.

More souls winked out. I waited, held onto everything I could.

I forgot my parents.

I forgot my siblings, if I even had any in the first place.

I forgot my pet- what was my pet? What is a pet?!

Then, with a finality that sent shivers through my nonexistent bones, it stopped. The silence remained, but the feeling of others- it was gone. Just me. Was I the last one? A hollow victory in the face of such utter emptiness.

A voice, the same one from the queue, echoed in the void. Not soothing this time, but laced with amusement.

Congratulations, Player 1,421,742,169. You've not been erased!​

The final line hung in the air, a chilling promise of what was to come. The emptiness remained, but a sliver of hope, a spark of defiance, flickered within me. I may not know where I was or what awaited me, but I had survived. For now.

installing gamer system Model34.​

The voice faded, leaving me alone in the void.

Installation complete. Restoring Important memories.

-books, anime, fanfiction, TV shows, movies, timeline memories restored.-

Perks gained

-Gamer's Mind- Perk.

Immunity to most high-level mental attacks, such as mind control and mind-reading, and makes the user calm in heated situations. The user will think with logic more than emotions.

Certain Traits will bypass the mental protection of this perk.

-Gamer's Body- Perk.

Your body will act as that of a Video Game character. Sleeping in comfort will fully restore HP, SP, and MP while sleeping on the hard floor will only restore a quarter of that. Eating food restores HP, and especially high-quality food might even give buffs.

You are able to regenerate severed limbs (eventually.) Any separated body parts will cause a restful sleep to only restore 10% of HP SP and MP. 

Skills gained.

-Observe- Skill.

A vision-based ability that shows the stats of the target. The ability can be sensed by powerful and 

experienced beings, or any individual very sensitive to magic, ki or other esoteric energies.

Costs: N/A. to cast.

Please select your race.​

-Human- -?- -?- -?-​

I felt myself deadpan at the screen. I'm not risking becoming a fucking worm or a sapient pot sidekick to the real life version of 'let me solo her' to be worn atop his head for eternity, that's obviously a possibility because all of this is fucking insane.

-Human Selected, you're boring! Congrats!-​

-1 reputation from the game for being a boring, boring, boredom inducer.-​

"Fuck you too, bitch, I aint risking that shit on my second chance of life. Why the fuck would I want to be an animal or monster anyway?!" I said, noticing I now had a silhouette in the shape of an indistinct body. I could speak now. So that was good.

With every universe existing, Humans shall walk its Earth as well. In every corner of this Omniverse, you'll see subjects of this race living, and multiplying in numbers. Humans have mid-level intelligence and strength. Humans' true potential in their ability to learn and understand. Their strengths lie in comprehension.

+25% base EXP gain

Comprehending and learning new skills is slightly easier.

I sighed, I was about to voice another question but was interrupted. Immediately losing my train of thought.

Are you finished? If so, then please select a class.​

-Mage- -Fighter- -Support- -Rogue- -Ranger- -Production-​

"Mage is obvious. Grab that." I assert, knowing it's the only choice.

+2 reputation with the game for being decisive and smart.​

Now please choose a specialization so we can move onto practical method or element or illusion type or material method or specialization or planar origin depending on which you choose.​

-Sorcerer- -Elementalist- Illusionist- -Golemancer- -Necromancer- -Summoner-​

"I'd rather not be up front and center when fighting as a mage, so elementalist and sorcerers are out. Illusionist is useless at the beginning, like why would I choose that?" I shrug and continue through my thought process. Golemancer seems promising and so does summoner, but necromancer kinda squicks me out and would get me hunted down real quick in most worlds. Hey system, flip a coin and choose between golemancer and summoner. Heads is Summoner, tails is Golemancer."


Heads. Summoner selected. Rolling planner origin. Magic the gathering selected. You will gain 3 possible starting summons upon entering the world.​

"Sweet!" I exclaim. "Now we can get down to business!"

Hold your horses, buddy, It's time to roll for your boons and banes. You can roll up to 5 boons and banes, for every boon you roll you will automatically roll a bane.

You must roll at least one.​

I shrug. Might as well get this over with.

A lever appears next to a truly massive wheel that seems to stretch on infinitely with slots changing back and forth between different options.

I do only what a real man would do and Immediately pull the lever.

A nonexistent wind is picked up in the void and the massive thing spins at incredible speeds and then immediately slams to a stop.

Boon gained. -Conceptual weight.-

Adds the conceptual weight stat. Allowing all actions to have more power. All stats and skills as well as spells and abilities will have their effects be multiplied by your conceptual weight. You can now level up and evolve your race as well as your class.

Your conceptual weight will only increase every 5 levels by +0.1. Your conceptual weight will start at 1.0 

Bane gained, -Conceptual gun control.-

The conceptual ATF has got your location, you can't use guns. EVER. If you ever fire a gun with the intent to use it as a weapon on someone else, a lvl 9999 Conceptual ATF agent will appear and tear you to shreds. Although if you reach a high enough level, he might drop something special once defeated.

"Fuck you, conceptual ATF I have magic so I don't NEED guns!"

Feeling a bit cocky now, I decided to spin again.

It spins with more force this time.

I get an ominous feeling as if all my plans are falling apart for some reason.

A bit of sweat falls down my back.

It spins and it spins and it spins. It spins for way too long.

The clown car song starts playing in the background and I just know something is horribly wrong.


A laugh track starts playing.

"Ok, what the fuck, man!" I protest, not expecting anything good to come out of this.

Boon gained -Martial arts prodigy of the highest order.-

You find it easy to learn martial arts and adapt to new styles.

3x to learning martial arts skills.

3x to physical stat growth.

5x to learning Ki, Senjutsu, touki, Qi, aura, life force, and chi based skills.

Bane gained. -Crippled mana pathways, YOUTH! Edition.-

You do not have mana. You will never gain mana. Your mana pathways are crippled and any attempt to fix this will cause a backlash. If you had chosen a magic based class, your class will become a blank class for 50 levels that gives no bonus stats. You may still train to get physical stats but your magic based and mana stats are forever at 0. Your intelligence and wisdom at least still increase your thinking speed, memory, and perception though. All skills that are magical in nature are forever barred to you.

"Motherfucker!" I exclaim, not happy about either of those. I guess I have to risk another spin in the hopes I gain something that will help me get more stats without leveling up or at least gain more exp so I can get rid of that blank class.

Hesitantly, I pull the lever again, as I do, It makes an unnecessary farting sound.

Oh my god, what the hell now?!

Boon gained. -Mercy is the privilege of the physically gifted.-

You find it easy to become stronger in all ways of the body and your mind becomes quicker to deal with threats at an accelerated pace.

2x STR gains.

2x END gains.

2x VIT gains.

2x DEX gains.

You can make blows that would normally cripple enemies capable of never healing beyond keeping them alive. 

You now gain the amount of exp you would gain from killing an enemy as defeating them without killing them.

All stats start at 8 instead of 5

Intelligence gains have twice the effect on perception and reaction speed.

"Okay that's actually pretty goo-" I start, but am interrupted by a bane that goes against my instincts like nothing else in the world.

Bane gained. -Mercy or else. Unless my bitches are involved. In which case, fuck you!-

You can't bring yourself to kill anyone. Beating them up is fine, but unless they try to harm one of your harem members, you can't bring yourself to harm them enough for them to die.

In combat, the curse, -Thou shalt not kill- shall be activated and won't be deactivated unless you absolutely know for a fact, or at least believe strongly that a woman who is part of your harem has been harmed or will be harmed by the opponent. It doesn't matter how much of a danger they are to you, their surroundings, or people you care about who are not women. 

You won't be able to kill them. 

A woman is considered part of your harem if they have reached 100 reputation, even if they haven't rolled over into the 1 affection required to be actually considered a lover by you. 

Also, your libido is multiplied by 2.5. If you were horny before, you probably need help now. You better get a girlfriend fast, BUCKO.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. If i end up in a cultivation world I am UTTERLY FUCKED and not in a good way! At least I can cripple people permanently, but how can I keep them from going to their ancestor who will come after me and shout "Junior, you dare!?" or "Courting death!" or "I'm going to cripple you if you don't kowtow and cripple your own cultivation after cutting off your arm and own dick." like seriously, why would I do that? You're literally just giving me no choice but to fight back if I'm a cultivator mc!

Xianxia tropes aside, I don't think I want to pull that lever again.

But maybe one more.

I step towards the lever, and then pull it for what I'm promising myself is the last time.

Boon gained, -EXP printer go BRRRR-

All exp is multiplied by 3.

Well that's one way of making it easier to get rid of my blank class.

Bane gained -Protagonist? What? You think this is a story?!-

In every world you visit, the protagonist will die Immediately 1 year before your arrival. It's up to you to save these worlds now! Or do whatever you want, whatever.

Okay, screw that, not touching that thing again.

Good boy/girl! Let's pick a name for ya and select your gender. I'll be willing to give you 1 random boon without a bane if you let me pick though!​

"Fuck you, system, I'm a man and you can't stop me from stopping you from purposely giving me horrible gender dysphoria!" I shout, cus I'm not fucking around with this. Ever.

Fine. you're a party pooper, just give me your name and we can select a world.​

I sigh, realizing my name is gone is kinda shitty. "You can call me Zack, you can randomize my last name, I don't actually care."

I'll give you something chuuni just for YOU!​

"Why? Why does it have to be chuuni?!" I exclaim, dreading what kind of nonsense it chose.

You said randomize it and you know I can't be trusted with anything! Why would you trust me like that?! Ha! Now, say status and we can select a world.

"Status" I just sighed.

Zack Hammers

Title: The Gamer

Race -Human- Lvl 1

Class -blank- lvl 1

HP 40/40

Stamina 40/40







CW 1.0




-Gamer's Mind-

-Gamer's Body-


-Conceptual weight.-

-Martial arts prodigy of the highest order.-

-Mercy is the privilege of the physically gifted.-

-EXP printer go BRRRR-


-Conceptual gun control.-

-Crippled mana pathways, YOUTH! Edition.-

-Mercy or else. Unless my bitches are involved. In which case, fuck you!-

-Protagonist? What? You think this is a story?!-

Now, Pick a world.

Hunter X Hunter

Game of Thrones

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

Highschool DXD

The Boys

Harry Potter



Amazing World of Gumball

Inheritance Cycle

Type moon(Random)

Type moon(Lost belt)

Type Moon(Fate/Stay Night)

Type Moon(Fate/Apocrypha

Captain underpants

Mega Man Animated Series

Mega man X

Mega man X Zero

Mega man X advent



Dragon ball(Abridged world)

Dragon ball(Standard world)

World Of Warcraft

Dance Dance Revolution

Guitar hero

Mightiest Disciple Kenichi

Adventure time

DC(Teen Titans)

DC(Young Justice)

DC(Animated Series)




Marvel Comics(Random)

Yu Yu Hakusho



Warhammer 40k


Cthulhu's actual stomach

Boco no pico

I barely acknowledge the last 4 options before refusing to acknowledge them further. They don't exist.

With my current boons and banes the only 3 choices I can really survive in starting out are Game of thrones, Mightiest disciple, and Yu Yu hakusho.

Game of thrones is out because, you know, fuck not having modern plumbing until I actually have a survival skill and production skills that can make up for it.

Yu Yu hakusho has planet smashers on the high-end and I don't think that I'm ready to do that at all and without Yusuke being the spirit detective the whole world will be taken over by bug-demons around episode 4.

I don't think I can get that strong that fast.

Which leaves Mightiest Disciple, and miu is hot as well as the weapon teacher who I forgot the name of.

Mightiest Disciple selected. Have fun, Zack Hammers, cus it's hammer time.​

Regretting that name now.

It's better if you do. Also, Don't listen to the colors.​

With that, I felt myself being accelerated through unknown dimensions of not space.

I see something strange in the corner of my eye, I look at it and see an orange smudge.

I use -Observe-

Soul of impossibility(Orange)

It sees you.


You have taken sanity damage that bypasses the gamer's -Gamers mind- perk.


You have gained the skill -insanity resistance-

-Insanity resistance has been increased to max and rolled into -Gamers mind- perk

"ARGHH!" I shoot up in my bed and look around, this clearly isn't my room, so I guess that shit was real. SHIT! 

Load failed, please RETRY

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