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45.71% A lord of Mysteries wandering with a Sword / Chapter 32: Dinner with the Mad God

Capítulo 32: Dinner with the Mad God

After dressing myself and Azazel we were led back towards the throne room. Walking in showed a table had been set up and the other guests had arrived. 

On the dementia side was a pale female Altimer in a Victorian style black dress. The Mania side housed a Bosmer in gaudy amber robes. At the head of the table in front of his throne was Sheogorath himself. A position opposite him was available and waiting for myself. There were also three other chairs waiting as it seemed I was not the only one to arrive.

The Champion party also walked in at the same time. Though not as fancy they still had their own flair after all. Though granny was looking at me like I was to receive the beating of a lifetime.

We all sat down where Haskell directed us. The duke and duchesse were in the center seats. Shirou and granny next to my side of the table opposite each other and Throgor was directly next to the Mad God himself, sitting on the Duchesses side.

"Wonderful job you three have done. You can take pride in knowing my, unwanted visitors, are being caught in the Xedillian as we speak! Spectacular work!"

Shirou's grimace of the subject of the Mad Gods playpen was expected in this case. Sheogorath also saw this and decided to explain to him a bit of what really goes on behind the scenes.

"Oh, I see you didn't particularly like the place... I understand in some mortals minds such actions may seem... extreme... But also be aware that my plane, my rules. And things need to follow my rules. Now while we eat I will explain just why we need a champion in the first place." (clap clap)

The earlier Dedra came out with the cloches and placed them onto the table.

"Now, little Mystery, will you explain the dishes? I made sure I didn't even peek so I could enjoy the surprise! Oh, so how I love surprises."

"The dishes before you, (I lift the closest to me while the Dedra around also follow my lead) are called Pizza. Pizza is a dish of rolled out dough to serve as a crust with a sauce and toppings. It can be prepared however you wish but we went with a more standard for most of the pizzas here."

I nodded to Haskell as he removed the final cloche in front of Sheogorath. The way his serpent like eyes dilated and lit up with joy was slightly funny. His cheese pizza was oozing and still very hot due to the bits of magic the Dedra used for the food.

"OH, Such a wonderful looking dish! I can say I have never had such a thing before! So many new things happening this day!" and with his first slice he lifted a brilliant cheese pull.

"HA, and the food is entertaining to eat as well!! you have outdone yourself!"

I took a mock bow at his words and said, "The help of the Seducers and Saints was also helpful."

"No doubt! They are wonderful servants. If only they could get along better in the norm. But its so fun to watch them Squirm at each other's throats!"

With that everyone began to enjoy the meal. The Duchess after checking for poison was also enjoying the peperoni pizza with Throgor. I happily enjoyed the three meat pizza. Granny was somehow able to nicked a slice of Sheogorath's pizza but the Mad God laughed it off for some reason.

With full bellies and alcohol for the grown ups Sheogorath raised a toast and said, "A wonderful meal. Best i have had in Millenia!" taking a sip he placed it down. 

"Now on to the real matters. You see I have said I would explain Why i need a champion upon your return. So I shall do so." Looking at Throgor as he finished. 

"But first, bit of a reward for your troubles. Thanks to Nocturnal, I was a bit more, "Aware" of my realm so I know of what you faced. As Such, I will give you, A New Spell! and not just any spell! I will give you the spell to summon my DEAR Chamberlain!" 

A bluish and purple light flowed into Throgor to where he sat. "Well don't just sit there, Give it a try!"

And after Throgor did so Haskell appeared at his side from my own in a smoke of red fog.

"My lord does quite enjoy this." Haskell said to Throgor so that he understood that he wasn't at any fault.

"HAHA, Once more, Its always so fun to see this!" So he summoned him once more aiming the spell next to me where Haskell was originally.

"(Sigh) always a hoot that is. But on to other matters. Its official now the Graymarch is coming. With your intervention you have stopped them, for now. Jyggalag comes and he will destroy my realm once more! If, you do not succeed." 

"Who is Jyggalag, and how are we to stop him?" Throgor asked. 

"Jyggalag is the Dedric Prince of Order... Or biscuits... No order. And not in a good way. Bleak. Colorless. Dead. Boring. Boring. Boring!" 

A scoff came from his as he inclined his head, "And not a fan of my work. I can tell you, Hates it. Hates Me. a Bit single minded, if you take my meaning."

Leveling a gaze at Throgor he continued, "You've seen his knights. Not the warm cuddly sort. Kinda like the little Mysteries new cat. But not an original thought in their lifeless husks. So. Your going to help me stop him."

"Me?" pointing to himself. "How?"

"Again with the niggling little details! Hold your tongue. Or I will. We'll get to that. All in due time. For now, You've got other work to do."

Settling back in his seat he leveled his own gaze at the Mad God. "What is the Graymarch?"

Sheogorath fell back into his own seat and gestured grandly with his arms, "An event. A movement. an apocalypse of sorts. Happens every era. At the end of every era. Which is to say. Now. The Graymarch comes. And Jyggalag walks... Or runs. Never skips, sidles, or struts. Mostly. He just destroys everything around him."

Slumping back into his seat he sounded defeated in the end.

"Then what would you ask of me now?" Throgor said. 

That only set off the Mad God. "Ask? ASK?! I don't Ask! I Tell! This is my realm. remember? My creation. My place. My rules... Look at you. No concept of what you've stumbled into. No sense of place. You don't even really know where you are? Do you?"

allowing himself to relax a slight bit, he said, "I suppose few really do. But that's besides the point. We're gonna have to give you a taste of where you have found yourself. Your, going, to learn!"

Throgor having been scolded didn't faze much from his words. Until he said those words. "Learn? Learn what?"

"Two halves, two Rulers. Two places. Do what they will. So you know what they're about!" with his two hands gesturing to his Duke and Duchess.

"The Duke of Mania and The Duchess of Dementia! Let them show you how New Sheoth is. You might be surprised... Once you understand what my realm is. You might understand why its important to keep it intact."

A bright smile adorned his face as he finished, "And maybe you might make some friends along the way! That's always nice. Now for introductions!"

Finally standing from his chair he walked to the Duchess, "The Duchess of Dementia, Syl. Ever wary, ever worried. A Prisoner in her own house. In a way. And a delightful conversationalist. Really." 

A step and he was behind the Duke, " Thadon, The long reigning Duke of Mania. A Master of Merriment, if you will. Or if you won't. I suspect it wouldn't matter to him."

With a step he was once more back in his seat at the table. "While normally you would need an appointment with Syl you have a grand opportunity to speak with her now. Do as they ask then come back to see me. And thank you once again for the Meal Mystery. It was wonderful."

We all took that as our queue. Throgor kept speaking with Syl as they walked ahead and Shirou was stuck talking to Thadon the chatterbox to find out his task. In the end I walked with Granny as she glared at me with Haskell on the other side chuckling in amusement.

We were led to a lounge area by Haskell as the other two kept speaking with the others and as I was sat down in front of Granny Viola, I could feel the sweat begin to seep. Haskell escaped the Arc mage's wrath though.

"So. There are many things of which I want to ask of you my apprentice. For your sake I would like you to answer them." she said as she sat in her own little lounge chair across from me. A small table sat between us and a Dark Seducer maid was in the corner of the room preparing tea. 

"Ok, so here is Azazel." handing the small kitten across the table. The boy knew we were in trouble so he took it upon himself to be pet by her.

"He was a gift from my new mother." Rip the Band aid. Clean and quick. As she began to be comforted by the little shadow kitten.

"The new mother who just happens to be The Dedric Prince Nocturnal. The being responsible for at least 3 apocalypse events in the last two eras. Understood, keep going."

"Because of her titles, she was bound to be an enemy but she went against it and now I'm claimed as her son."

"Which could have untold ramifications towards all of Mundus."

"Or benefits?" My mouth quick to retort.

"Oh, so do enlighten me then?" her response just as fast.

Deep breath. "So from my own knowledge she was seeking to move past her existence as a shadow of reality. This was her very being, But she was actively trying to overcome this. Hence her search and attempts of various ways to circumvent the restrictions of being her. Now, I am the conduit from which she can move past the "Barrier" if you will, of shadows."

"And you do not believe she would seek advantages of this and consume you?" Pointedly asking. The bond flared with a feeling of indignation for a moment as I sent reassurance across back to her. My master was just worried for me after all.

"Impossible, while I may not look it I am pretty similar to Dedra. In this case I am Bound to the role just as much as she is to hers. This is a responsibility that she took when claiming the title. Backed by Mundus itself."

She sighed in relief before saying, "Good, I was just worried for my apprentice. We had just finished cleaning up those foolish constructs of order before Mundus itself made sure we were aware. I'm glad you are alright." The Dedra finally came and dropped off the tea and moved back to the corner of the room waiting. I simply gave her a nod in thanks. It was the shy one from the kitchen who was serving us.

"So what of the spoils from The Xedillian?" It brought a smile to her face as I said so.

"Ha, a wonderful find of the idiots who invaded Sheogorath's realm. An Akaviri forged Blade. Dual edged with a stone in It's center. Burns quite hot too. Haven't had the chance to bring it out afterwards though. The boys were mad I was the one to Win the bet for it. even if our bet was a tad morbid."

Oh she has Duskfang/ Dawnfang? nice! even if its a tad too bloodthirsty. And as she brought it out I could see the blade. Feel it's thirst to kill. My mental defenses were a bit stronger with the clown enhancement that came with emotional control.

"Oh, it seems you know this blade? We never did get the name of it, nor do we know why it seemed to change with the time of day. Anything to add, Apprentice?"

"Hmm? Oh! The name of the Sword is Dawnfang and Duskfang respectively. They are both the same yet different. The Stone when it changes color changes with the time of day. This also changes the enchantments from fire to frost."

Thinking a bit as i ran a finger across the gem I was reminded by a legend of this blade. 

"A legend comes to mind. The Akaviri wanted revenge against a pair of dragons, Twins to be exact. So they banded together and sealed the spirits of them into the blades and merged the blades together. A revenge because only one could be seen for the rest of their existence. Which could be till the end of time because dragons."

"Ho, such an interesting tale." Holding the blade back to her eyes. "The enchantments are truly being sustained by another force so it could be true. I take it the bloodthirst is due to the dragons as well?"

"Yeah, If i remember correctly if it kills living beings enough in it's time outside it could strengthen itself for a time until it changes to the twin." 

Sheathing the blade she handed it to me. "What do you think we should do with it then? Knowing your brother's magic he most likely has a copy of it anyways. Your own should have also made one as well?"

Just then the crazy idea I had from before popped into my head. Looking at the jewel in the center of the blade the idea just became even wilder. 

"Hey Granny, remember when I told you about guns?"

"Yes, I'm quite aware of your fascinations with them, What of it?" not quite getting where I was going.

"So hypothetically what if this sword was, repurposed? Maybe even broken down and changed?"

"Sound's like a terrible waste, There would be no way to keep the enchantments that currently populate that blade after all."

"But what if, we had some really big help." Amusement was flooding my bond and being. A gaze that felt as if it was laughing was upon us as well.

"You want to remake this into your gun?" Sighing at my antics.

"With some metal from order's side of things. Would balance it out and when Sheogorath finishes the product he might be even happier." 

The gaze was about to explode into anger until i said the last part. Corrupting order with madness was his literal job after all.

Dropping a knight of Order's sword right next to it sealed the deal for me as everything was falling into place.

Taking out a Charcoal pencil and parchment i began to sketch the design with measurements and everything needed to make a revolver style gun. Style only because it looked like one, even if it only ran on Magicka. Soon to be a Strong base for a new beloved weapon of Sheogorath!


Send Stones to be made into bullets for The new gun!

Let the fangs of the Twin Dragons Rip into our enemies!

AN:// So i have been thinking of the different worlds i would like my characters to visit. Among them are of course JJK world. This has been planned out for the most part for progression wise of the main lad's pathways. And DxD for the memes. 

The more up in the air ones are:

Danmachi, for being able learn how to create his own version of Falna.

Supreme Magus, for two reincarnates meeting. Also meme worthy of Lith's miserly habits. And large scale conflicts which our boy could excel at in the demigod stages. (Mc wouldn't know of the history of this world though)

Would love your ideas of where because i literally daydream these things while driving for work to figure out cohesive story writing. 

Love you all!!


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