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53.48% Lady Stark / Chapter 46: Chapter 46

Capítulo 46: Chapter 46

Jon did not mourn his wife. He didn't know Roslin Frey. Her death did not pain him or made him happy. He was indifferent to it. They did not have time to ponder much on Roslin Frey. His father ordered them to move South.

He was in the strategy tent with father; Robb and Tommen were there as well. His young brother looked healthier and would stay with father when the fighting started.

"We'll advance to the gates and meet Stannis and the prince at the gates." Father looked better. He was shaven and his hair was the mess it was when they first met. Robb nodded.

"Robb, you will command your uncle's men. Jon will command the Freys and the remaining Lannister forces. I will lead the Northern forces." His father then went on to explain how they would travel to King's Landing. Jon would lead his men first. He would hold arrive first. Robb would join him. They would wait for father and the Baratheons.

"Under no circumstances will any of you enter the city without my leave or Stannis's. I want as fewer casualties as possible. Talk to your men. Do not hesitate to punish them if need be. We are not savages. We are Starks. I will talk to Stannis, the princesses will not be harmed. None of your men will touch them or Catelyn." Father looked at all them with flinty grey eyes.

"Yes father." The three men said.

"Lord Stark." A northerner opened the tent. "We have received ravens from Lord Tywin Lannister's camp."

The man handed him the letter. Robb and Tommen made to leave, as did Jon. "Jon stay back."

Jon remained seated. "She does not belong here." Father looked at him in the eyes.

The younger Stark felt uneasy. Father meant Ygrette. It was no secret that she slept in his tent and that she was his. None of the men dared to say anything to his face. The Northerners knew she was a wildling and didn't look at her with kind eyes while the Southerners simply did not care.

"It would be best if you sent her back where she belongs." Father said trying to be gentle.

"She belongs with me." Jon said looking into his father's eyes.

"Your lady wife is dead." Father said carefully. "You dishonor her memory by parading that woman here."

Father and him were always able to talk. Jon talked to him just as if they were in Winterfell. "She's been my wife more than Roslin ever was. Father, I will not give her up. She would not listen to me. Ygrette is not like any other woman in Westeros. She is her own woman."

"Our men do not like her. You are Lord Stark; you can't put yourself first anymore son. It isn't proper for you to be with a wildling. You will inherit the North Jon. Our men do not take lightly to the future Warden of the North cavorting with a wildling." Father reasoned.

Jon admired his father. Him and his siblings practically idolized Eddard Stark. Jon would have agreed and given up Ygrette only he didn't. He could have done what Robb did, hide his affair with the healer. Jon didn't.

He looked at his father and clearly said. "I love her and she loves me."

His father shook his head. "A passing fancy. She is exotic, different and exciting but that will pass. Your title, your lands, the loyalty of your men; that will remain. I can't force you to stop this dalliance Jon. After all, you are man grown. I can only advise you from experience. She is not for the likes of you. Your mother and I raised you to be Lord of Winterfell. Do not shame your house, your name."

"I am a bastard father, nothing but a glorified bastard." Jon remembered then, his mother, his house. He was a bastard. Jon looked at his father. "The title isn't rightfully mine. Cersei Stark isn't my mother. Do you know how painful it is to look at Robb and know that I took everything from him? I can't help but wonder how much he would hate me if he knew. He is Lord Stark, not me."

Eddard Stark drank from his cup; "You are lord Stark. Robert signed the decree. It is all yours son. You are not less my son than Robb is. You are a Stark."

Jon smiled sadly, "I'm not hers. Who was my mother?"

Father looked at him with stormy grey eyes, "Lady Cersei of house Stark." Jon needed to know. He waited for father to explain but it was evident he wouldn't. The young lord spoke softly. "Tell me the story. Tell me everything. Mother refused to tell me. I deserve to know."

Eddard Stark served him wine. "When your mother wrote to me and explained you knew about your birth. I felt the same anguish as to when I learned about your birth." His words pained him.

"I will tell you tonight. Not because you deserve to know Jon but because I see that you will not let this go and your mother, she deserves nothing but your undivided love." Father finally treated him like a man for the first time. There was no cushioning anymore.

"My brother and father died in King's Landing. Suddenly I was lord Stark. Robert and I were in Dorne. We had learned that Lyanna was captured in the Tower of Joy. I learned I was to marry Catelyn Tully; once more I was second best. I was blind with pain and there was a woman. I can't remember her face. She had black hair and your ears maybe." Jon listened attentively.

"She was a tavern wench. Beautiful I guess. I can't quite remember her name. I took her. I left Dorne the next morning. There was a sighting of Rhaegar and Lyanna at the Trident. Rhaegar died. I went to King's Landing took the city for Robert and then went back to Dorne. Your aunt Lyanna was dead."

"Not even your mother knows this but I found Lyanna alive. She gave birth to a boy. He was all black hair and grey eyes. Lyanna fell in love with a dragon and gave birth to the rightful heir to the Seven Kingdoms."

"Your cousin did not survive the journey to Winterfell. He died as his party crossed the Riverlands. I couldn't forgive myself when the news reached me in King's Landing." Father drank more wine.

"Why are you telling me this?" Jon didn't understand why he was telling him all of this.

"I can't tell you about the woman who gave birth to you without talking about Lyanna and her son. Let me finish. I married your mother. She was pregnant with Joffrey; when I received the raven. The woman who gave birth to you was dead and I had a son. Only I didn't know you were mine. The man thought it was your cousin; everyone including I thought so too. One of my men saw your face and remembered your cousin. You were his image; I rode to Dorne. I found you and I knew you were not your cousin. You were mine own son."

"I took you to Winterfell, intent on raising you by your brother's side. Joffrey was a stillborn." Jon listened carefully.

"Cersei had two miscarriages after Joffrey. She was consumed with grief and pain until she held you in her arms. I will never forget her face when you suckled on her breast. You became her son before you were ever mine. You didn't like me. I told her once and she told me I should get to know you."

"I love your mother more than my own life but I was afraid when Robb was born. I watched her for months. I didn't trust her yet. Tywin Lannister kept sending letters and every night I feared for you. I thought surely this woman, this Lannister woman will kill my son now that she bore me what Tywin called "true heir"". Jon gulped, could mother be capable of killing him.

"Your mother however took care of you just as always. She didn't cast you aside or relegated. You were still her little heir. Jon the heir; the prince of Winterfell she used to call you.

"Jon, mothers are supposed to love all their children equally but you are her first boy. You were our happiness, our solace. Cersei dedicated her life to you and your siblings." Father said honestly.

"Now you know the truth of your birth. There isn't anything fancy or tragic about it. The woman who birthed you killed herself. She jumped out of a tower. I don't know why nor do I truly care. Your mother is alive and in Winterfell. Do what you will with this knowledge but know this. I will not speak of this anymore. It hurts my Cersei too much. She despaired for years, knowing that one of my men could tell you of your birth or that I would tell you in a pique of guilt." Father looked at him dismissingly.

Jon stood up and left the tent. It was dark; nightfall was upon them. He went to his tent and just thought about his position. He thought about uncle Benjen's words. "You were raised to inherit." He thought about father's words "Jon the Heir." Robb loved Winterfell but Jon; he loved those lands more. He was raised to love those lands more.

He felt the canvas and furs move. Ygrette was there, naked and willing. "Do your duty. Cast her aside. Send her back to the North." There was a voice that sounded uncannily like father's chanting that, but Ygrette's hands were on his manhood. Her hair was so vibrant, her eyes so clear. He lost himself in her and forgot all about his birth and anything. All he could think about or feel was her around him.

"M'lord we march soon." Jon glared at the man who retreated quickly.

"Come on. We fight today Jon Stark." Ygrette stood up and dressed in leathers. She dressed like a man. Jon humored her. He made sure her leather and weapons were the best.

He dressed and went to meet his brothers and father. "I thought I would march first." Ghost was by his side. He saw Shaggydog by Tommen's horse.

"We march together. I received ravens from Storm's End; Renly Baratheon was dead. Someone killed him. The Tyrells fled and support Lyanna's plight, as does Oberyn Martell. He and his men have joined Catelyn in King's Landing. Doran Martell has not declared war, however Oberyn's army is numerous and protects the city." Father was on his horse, ready to march. Tommen was on his horse too. Robb galloped near, Grey Wind on tow.

"Find him his stallion." Robb yelled to one of his men.

In less than fifteen minutes the Starks marched past the Riverlands into the Kingsroad.

"What about grandfather's men?" Tommen asked.

"They're taking the Eyrie. Lysa has control over the knights of the Vale. Lannister plans to starve them out. He means to corner them until they open their gates." Father said with little enthusiasm.

"That could take years." Jon offered. The knights of the Eyrie were famous for well stocking the Vale.

"I wouldn't be so sure. There were rumors, famine and lack of hospitality from the nearby lands. Lysa Arryn is unstable and does not trust her neighbors. Their food supplies should be running low by now."

They marched until they reached the nearby lands of King's Landing.

"We set camp here." Father dismounted his horse.

Jon and Tommen rode back to spread their father's orders. Robb followed father.

Jon Stark set camp and went into his tent. As expected Ygrette joined him.

"You should stay back, when the fight starts. I want you to stay back." He told her as they lay on furs. He was as naked as she was.

His wildling laughed uproariously. "You know nothing Jon Stark." She kissed his lip and bit it.

He growled and fucked her until they were both too exhausted to lift their limbs. He did not even slip out of her.

Jon thought they would at least stay in the encampment for at least two days. He was mistaken. Not even a day after they arrived and He saw the Baratheon banners joined the Starks and Lannisters.

He went into the heart of the camp. There was a commotion. Father hugged a small figure. He went in closer and found that the figure was none other than Arya.

"Arya." He smiled and laughed when his baby sister launched herself at him and hugged her.

"What are you doing here?" He kissed her cheeks and twirled her just like he did when they were younger. He loved her and Joanna dearly.

"I've come to fight." She said in between tears and laughter. Jon sobered up. He saw prince Gendry and Stannis Baratheon.

"Jon, find your brothers and join us immediately." Father walked to his tent. Stannis, the prince and another man followed Father and Arya.

Jon found Tommen and Robb with Lady Talisa. "Arya is here." He said. Tommen frowned. "Where?"

Robb stopped smiling at the healer. "With father."

They walked back to father's tent. Jon could hear his father and Stannis Baratheon argue.

"My daughter, here. This is unthinkable." Father said. He remembered their training. Father humored mother and let Arya learn sword fighting. He would let her train but another thing was to let their Arya fight in battle. Father would oppose it, as would any of his siblings and even him.

"I planned to send her back to Dragonstone. You will be glad to know your other daughter. Lady Joanna is perfectly safe in Dragonstone. Lady Arya and the prince escaped and threatened to escape again unless I let her march with us." Stannis grit his teeth with so much force Jon thought a few would be on the floor.

"She's here now and there's nothing we can do about that." Uncle Jaime said with a bored air.

"I want to fight. I am better than many of the soldiers. The Mormont women fight." Arya said angrily

Father looked at Arya and hissed slowly and clearly. "They are not my daughters. None of them is the future queen of Westeros. You will stay put Arya Stark or by the Old Gods you will be sent back to Winterfell and never leave." Jon got chills from listening. Father rarely used that tone with any of them. Jon heard it once when he was fourteen and decided to foolishly go against father's orders regarding Winterfell livestock stores. One of their keeps lost their livelihood for half a year.

"Do you understand me little girl." Arya had tears in her eyes. She wiped them furiously. "Yes, father."

"You may stay here. I don't trust you outside by yourself." Eddard pulled her to his side and sat by the strategy table. The men sat down and planned.

"We take King's Landing tomorrow night. Surprise will be our element. Prepare your men." Father said.

"Gendry and I will advance first. Lannister and his men will lead the attack." Stannis said, now calmer.

"The Starks will advance next." Father said.

"Lastly the remaining forces will attack the gates." The Greatjon said.

"I want Catelyn and my nieces to be untouched. There will be no raping of women or killing of unarmed women and children. Any man who goes against these rules will be executed." Stannis said clearly. The prince looked out of place in the meeting, as did Arya. They kept glancing at each other.

"I trust you will spread the word amongst your men." Father said.

They spent two more hours discussing tactics and logistics of the attacks. It was to be quick. They would march not even and hour after Stannis and uncle Jaime entered the city.

Jon went to his tent and joined with Ygrette. He was gentle with her and she was gentle with him. "Stay close to me at all times."

"You care for me Jon Stark." Ygrette batted her eyelashes exaggeratedly.

"Yes. Once we go back to Winterfell you will have your own Keep with servants and all." Jon said honestly. There was something about her that entranced him.

"I will not go back Jon Stark." She kissed him and straddled him. Jon didn't argue with her. He couldn't, because as much as he wanted to go against his father's words. He was right; as much as he loved Ygrette they were too different.

Jon spent better of the next day commanding his men and making sure they all knew about Stannis's and father's decrees.

Nightfall came. Arya was enraged. Father had ten men around her tent. All of them from Winterfell, just in case she tried to do something foolish like try to kill any man to escape and join the fight. Nymeria was in a cage; father held the key.

He saw as prince Gendry, Stannis and uncle Jaime rode off. The men were singing, drinking. The direwolves were snapping and growling. They could hear the first war cries. The gates gave out thirty minutes after the first men advanced.

Their forces were ready to march. He could tell Ygrette was nearby. Jon felt fear but something else too. He felt excitement. Ghost was by his side and howled. The other direwolves howled as well. Jon heard a sound he hadn't heard since Bran was a toddler.

He looked toward his father and saw him howl. Jon howled too. Soon direwolves and Starks howled together. Jon felt excitement run through his veins and kicked his horse. They rode and howled. He could smell it; the hour of the wolf had come.

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