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71.42% ONE PIECE : BROTHERHOOD / Chapter 140: Chapter 140

Capítulo 140: Chapter 140

Wanokuni, New World

More than three dozen Marine ships, including ten great battleships and a colossal floating fortress of the World Government, accompanied by the ships of the Shichibukai Ochoku and Hector, blockaded the only accessible route into Wano.

Due to the chaotic currents surrounding the island, they had halted a few miles from the shores. The samurai of Wano Kuni had raided all the weapon factories left behind by the Beast Pirates and collected cannons and heavy weapons, strategically placing them around the mountain waterfall—the only viable entry for such a massive armada.

"Begin the bombardment once we are in range," commanded the Gods Knight. Sengoku, now standing on the flagship, couldn't help but frown at the recklessness of the order. The currents around Wano were treacherous and practically a death zone for large ships. Smaller vessels might navigate through other routes, but only with an expert navigator.

"But the waters around the shores are too treacherous. We'll lose too many men if we attack so recklessly," Sengoku interjected. The Gods Knight, however, did not care about the lives of the Marines. His sole focus was on taking out Oden Kozuki and his family.

The CP0 agent standing next to God's knight in disguise turned to Sengoku. "Admiral, you have your orders; go ahead and execute them; don't delay the mission."

The fleet advanced cautiously, aware of the dangers the waters held. Admiral Sengoku watched as the ships moved closer, his unease growing. The God's Knight, however, showed no signs of hesitation, his orders carried out with ruthless efficiency.

"Admiral Sengoku," a Marine officer reported, "we are approaching the range for bombardment."

"Hold your fire," Sengoku commanded, despite the God's Knight's earlier order. "We must assess the situation fully. Charging in recklessly will only lead to disaster."

The God's Knight turned to Sengoku, his mask hiding any expression. "You forget your place, Admiral. The orders are clear. We proceed as planned."

Sengoku's jaw tightened, but he knew arguing further would be futile. The tension on the flagship was palpable as the Marines prepared for the assault.

"Boom!… Boom!… Boom!" A deadly sonata of cannon fire rang out as the samurai rained down hell on the approaching Marine fleet. Due to the natural elevation, they held a strategic advantage over the invaders. There was no need for dialogue between the two parties; everyone knew that the clash was inevitable.

The Marines immediately returned fire, while the powerful figures within the fleet tried to defend their armada from as many shells as possible. Explosions erupted along the shoreline as the samurai's cannons unleashed a barrage of destruction on the advancing ships. The chaotic currents claimed several vessels, pulling them into the depths of the sea.

"Hold the line!" Oden commanded, his voice booming over the noise of battle. "We will not let them pass! Kill everyone that dares to covet Wano!"

A dozen miles away, hidden within a cove on an uninhabited island claimed by wilderness, another fleet lay in wait. The lead flagship was unmistakably Big Mom's, its massive and intimidating silhouette a stark contrast to the dense foliage surrounding the cove.

The fleet hidden within the cove remained silent and still. The only sounds were the gentle lapping of the waves against the hulls and the occasional call of a seabird. The atmosphere was tense but disciplined. On the deck of Big Mom's flagship, her children and crew prepared for the imminent conflict.

Charlotte Linlin, also known as Big Mom, sat on a throne fashioned from candy on her flagship, her presence as imposing as ever. Her fleet was ready to strike; their objective was clear. Perospero stood beside the throne, a grim look on his face, half of which was grotesquely scorched—a gift from Big Mom herself for getting captured by the Donquixote brothers. The scar served as a constant reminder of his failures.

"Mama, they've already started the clash. Do we start?" Perospero flicked his tongue and asked, eager to prove himself once more and regain Big Mom's favor.

"Patience," she commanded, her voice carrying the weight of her authority. "Let the Marines and Wano clash. We'll make our move when the time is right."

The hidden fleet waited in silence, the calm before the storm. The stage was set for a massive confrontation, with the fate of Wano hanging in the balance.


Doflamingo was currently rampaging through level two of Impel Down, rallying the freed prisoners of level one. Suddenly, his keen observation Haki detected an incoming attack just as he was about to burn through another cell.

"Wailing Hydra!" A massive tide of poison surged toward the rampaging prisoners, aiming to engulf them whole. Massive hands of hydra formed from the toxic waves, biting into the prisoners one after another.

"Aaaargh!" Deafening screams echoed through level two as the poison tide took down more than a hundred rampaging prisoners in a single devastating attack. Doflamingo, who had narrowly dodged the assault, couldn't help but narrow his eyes. He sensed something different about this opponent compared to all the others he had faced since entering Impel Down. This man was undeniably strong, wielding an intriguing Devil Fruit power.

With the sudden, powerful attack, most of the pirates froze in fear, some wisely retreating behind Doflamingo for cover. "Surrender yourselves, and you might have a less painful death," Vice Warden Magellan declared confidently. He knew these inmates from levels one and two were no match for him, and he could easily wipe them out.

"Fufufufu, aren't you an interesting one? A poison man, so you must be Magellan that my brother warned me about," Doflamingo stepped forward, his blue flames consuming the poison that threatened them. Magellan, sensing his poison being countered, narrowed his eyes. He recognized that the man before him was not in a prison uniform, and after a moment, it dawned on him.

"Heavenly Demon, 'Donquixote Doflamingo,' why are you causing a commotion in Impel Down? Do you desire death so ardently that you've chosen to attack one of the World Government's three strongholds?" Magellan abandoned his casual stance, fully on guard now. He knew this man was no ordinary pirate; the notorious Donquixote family and their two brothers were a constant headache for the Marines. The Donquixote family's rapid ascent in the New World had many believing they would soon rise to the ranks of the Emperors.

"Come now, Magellan," Doflamingo taunted, his voice dripping with mockery. "You have a couple of my family members imprisoned in this hellhole, and we're here to rescue them. Stand aside, and perhaps I can pretend I didn't see you there." Though Doflamingo dismissed Magellan's presence, his blue flames enveloped him in an armor-like aura, preparing for the impending clash with the Vice Warden.

Magellan keenly grasped that it wasn't just the elder Donquixote brother present; the younger monster was also within Impel Down. "Hahahaha! You fools have a death wish, thinking you can stroll into Impel Down and liberate prisoners? No one enters Impel Down as a prisoner and leaves alive. This time won't be any different."

As Magellan spoke, his body contorted, morphing into a poisonous form. "Hydra!" he bellowed, launching forward. Poisonous tendrils shaped into a colossal three-headed hydra surged towards Doflamingo. In response, Doflamingo chuckled darkly, summoning his own creation.

"Hell Demon!" A towering figure of pure flames erupted from the ground, propelled towards Magellan's onslaught. Doflamingo's mastery over his Devil Fruit manifested in the fiery giant's precise and devastating movements, effortlessly tearing through the hydra's heads. The clash between poison and blue flames filled the air with a sizzling fury as Magellan's confident demeanor soured.

Magellan, a special Paramecia user, prided himself on countering even the strongest Logia abilities. However, Doflamingo's flames exceeded his expectations, not only neutralizing but also evaporating his potent poison. Despite this setback, Magellan quickly adapted, unleashing a dense fog of poison that rapidly engulfed the entire area.

"Fufufufu," Doflamingo chuckled, seemingly unfazed. "My brother taught me some interesting tricks, especially when it comes to utilizing Devil Fruits creatively. Tell me, Vice Warden, do you know what causes a gas explosion?" The realization dawned on Magellan; Doflamingo, being a Logia user, remained immune to explosions. Moreover, the Heavenly Demon wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice the prisoners caught in the crossfire.

Before Magellan could retract the poison fog, Doflamingo, with a knowing grin, ignited it with a spark. "Busoshoku Koka!" Magellan roared, coating himself in Armament Haki just in time to brace for the imminent explosion.

"Boom!" The deafening blast rocked the entire level, incinerating prisoners within its radius and hurling Magellan hundreds of meters away. The Vice Warden's body bore burns from the intense heat, though his swift reaction spared him from fatal injury. He narrowed his gaze through the dissipating smoke, fixing his glare on Doflamingo.

Amidst the clearing smoke and flames, Doflamingo stood resolute, his blue flames swirling around him like a crown of sovereignty over fire itself.

Magellan struggled to his feet, his body bruised and his ego wounded. "Do you think you can breach Impel Down just because you're strong, Doflamingo? Think again. Maybe you can best me, but can you handle the current Warden of Impel Down?" He taunted, unaware that reinforcements were effectively cut off.

Ross's lightning abilities and the jammer transponder snail will ensure that. Even if they manage to contact HQ, the Gates of Justice will remain closed. They won't have access to reinforcements until they take the longer route. By then, my brother and I will be long gone.

"I'm not just confident in my strength," Doflamingo continued, his voice taking on a serious tone. "I've sent my little brother ahead, and if I were you, I'd worry about your Chief Warden. My brother is rational most of the time, avoiding unnecessary killing, much to my annoyance. But there's something that triggers him, something that makes him far more dangerous and unpredictable than even me. That something is when you threaten our family. You don't want to face my brother when he's angry. Right now, he must be furious. You should pray that your Chief Warden doesn't cross his path."

Doflamingo's words carried a weight that sent chills down Magellan's spine. Initially, Magellan had felt in control by mentioning the Chief Warden, but now an ominous feeling gnawed at him. He realized that the situation was far from over and that something catastrophic might be looming.

Deep within the bowels of Impel Down, on its lowest known level—Eternal Hell—chaos reigned above, but below, an eerie calmness pervaded. Suddenly, the steady echo of footsteps cut through the silence, drawing the attention of the prisoners who dwelled in perpetual torment.

"Have you come to suck more vitality out of us, you forest bastard? Release me, and then try your tricks. We'll see who gets to drain who!" A defiant roar erupted from one of the cells, revealing the prisoners' mistrust and fear, but few recognized that it wasn't the Chief Warden approaching.

As I advanced steadily into Level 6, I unleashed my observation haki to its fullest extent. My Haki enveloped the entire level, scanning relentlessly. The path towards Level 6 was guarded by hundreds of impel down guards, but I dispatched them all effortlessly. Even the gates blocking Levels 4, 5, and 6 were formidable, crafted from seastone, but my immunity allowed me to effortlessly tear through them.

As I scanned for the presence of my family members, two small figures emerged from my suit pocket and perched on my shoulders—Leo and Mansherry. Doffy had brought them along from Dressrosa; Mansherry's healing ability might prove invaluable in the unknown dangers ahead, where Senor and Diamante awaited.

The lifesigns I detected were faint, but amidst the vastness of Level 6, my Voice of All Things resonated with towering presences, especially from the innermost section. The sheer number of prisoners condemned by the World Government overwhelmed me; more than a thousand souls languished in this eternal abyss.

"Boy, come here and release me! Serve under me, and we can rule the world together!" rattled sea stone chains as a nearby prisoner called out from his cell.

"What's that on your shoulder, boy? Does it taste delicious?" jeered another, despite being chained to the ground. Soon, the air was thick with taunts, laughter, threats, and promises of power from various cells.

As I walked deeper into Level 6, the cacophony of voices grew louder, each trying to grab my attention in their own twisted ways.

"Hey there, handsome," a sultry female voice purred from one cell. "Release me, and I'll be yours to savor anytime you wish. I can make all your dreams come true," she whispered, her tone dripping with lust and promise.

"Boy, if you don't let me out of here, I'll rip you apart and feast on your flesh!" A burly fishman growled, his sharp teeth glinting in the dim light. "I haven't tasted human in years!"

"Free me now, or I'll hunt down every member of your family and burn them alive!" a crazed voice shrieked, the clinking of chains punctuating his threat. "You'll watch them all suffer because of your foolishness!"

"Please, kid, I'm innocent!" a prisoner pleaded, his eyes wide and desperate. "They locked me up by mistake. Help me, and I'll repay you. I'm not like the others, I swear," he said, but his mouth was drooling as if he were ready to devour me whole.

"Let me out, and I'll show you power like you've never seen," another inmate promised, his voice deep and menacing. "Together, we can overthrow the World Government and rule the seas!"

"Boy, do you know who I am?" an imposing figure demanded, his voice filled with arrogance. "Release me, and you'll have a fleet at your command. Cross me, and I'll make sure you regret it for the rest of your short life."

"You there, kid! Free me, and I'll share the treasures of the Grand Line with you," a cunning voice called out. "Gold, jewels, anything your heart desires will be yours!"

Amidst the barrage of voices, the true monsters of Level 6—the ones who posed the greatest threat—remained silent. Their eyes tracked my every move, assessing me with a predatory intelligence. They recognized the power within me, and their silence spoke volumes. These were the ones who understood the gravity of the situation, who sensed that I was no ordinary intruder. My calmness unnerved them more than any threats or promises they could muster.


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