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53.84% One Piece : Brotherhood / Chapter 119: Chapter 119

Capítulo 119: Chapter 119

Marine HQ, Marineford

In the meeting room reserved for the highest-level officials of the Marines, a crucial assembly was underway. The task at hand was to assign Vice Admirals the duty of delivering invitations to the pirates shortlisted to become Shichibukai.

The Fleet Admiral Kong, the two Admirals Sengoku and Zephyr, and the rising stars among the Admiral candidates—Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru—were seated on one side, surrounded by numerous other Vice Admirals.

With Garp absent due to his abrupt vacation and Zephyr having distanced himself from the matter, the responsibility fell squarely on the Vice Admirals. Notably, Admiral Sengoku himself would deliver the invitation to Shakuyaku, given her notorious strength and the paramount importance of her joining the Shichibukai program for the World Government.

"Tsuru, are you sure about this? There are many others here who would gladly take on this daunting task," Admiral Sengoku questioned, concern etched across his face. Despite his repeated requests, Tsuru had insisted on personally embarking on the journey to Dressrosa to deliver the invitation to the Donquixote brothers. Kong had already assigned another Vice Admiral to the matter, but Tsuru had forcefully interceded, determined to handle it herself.

To make matters worse, the World Government had issued an order to send a contingent of 5,000 Marines alongside five battleships to reinforce Dressrosa against pirate threats. Sengoku, acutely aware of the intricacies within the Marines, knew this was a show of force. Should the Donquixote brothers decline the invitation, this force would turn on them immediately.

Normally, only one or two ships would be dispatched for such a mission. However, these ships had an additional duty: to escort the World Government ship collecting the heavenly tribute from Dressrosa and to ensure King Riku's safe passage to the upcoming Reverie.

Despite the need for coordination from Marineford, Tsuru wanted to personally lead the mission to Dressrosa. Sengoku was perplexed by her insistence. He still didn't fully understand why Tsuru was so obsessed with capturing Doflamingo herself. Whenever he tried to broach the topic, she met his inquiries with silence.

Tsuru, sensing Sengoku's frustration, finally decided to speak. "Sengoku, you know as well as I do that Doflamingo is not just any pirate; he is cruel to the very bone. His influence runs deep, and his connections are dangerous. The World Government may want him as a Shichibukai, but we both know he can't be trusted. If there's a chance to gauge his true intentions, I need to be there personally."

Sengoku sighed, knowing Tsuru's resolve. "I understand your concerns, Tsuru. But taking such a large force risks provoking him. We need to tread carefully."

Tsuru nodded, her expression unyielding. "That's why I'm going. Doflamingo needs to see that we mean business, but he also needs to know that we are not without reason. I have dealt with similar situations before. If anyone can handle this delicate situation, it's me."

The room fell silent, the weight of the mission hanging heavily in the air. The other Vice Admirals who were assigned their respective targets exchanged uneasy glances, fully aware of the gravity of the situation.

Finally, Vice Admiral Kizaru broke the silence with his usual laid-back demeanor. "Well, this is going to be interesting. Let's hope Doflamingo sees reason and accepts the invitation. Otherwise, things might get... complicated."

Aokiji, leaning back in his chair, added, "Complicated is an understatement. We are not only dealing with Doflamiingo but also his brother Rosinante, and we all know what he is capable of. To add more tension to the mix, King Riku has shared that there might be another person within their group strong enough to go toe to toe even against one of us."

Akainu, his eyes burning with determination, simply said, "We can't afford to show weakness. Whatever happens, we must be prepared to act decisively."

"They are pirates! They need to be put down rather than brought to the negotiation table!" Akainu growled, his voice echoing through the chamber. His recent clash with Rosinante was still fresh in his memory. To others, it seemed like the Donquixote brothers had merely escaped, but Akainu felt humiliated by the encounter. Being suppressed by a young teen half his age was a bitter pill to swallow.

Fleet Admiral Kong, unshaken by Akainu's outburst, replied calmly, "Sakazuki, this is not just about brute force. The Shichibukai system is a strategic move, meant to stabilize the seas. If we can bring formidable pirates like the Donquixote brothers under our control, it can help maintain order."

Akainu's eyes burned with intensity as he retorted, "Order? They thrive on chaos. Bringing them into the fold will only give them more power to spread their influence. We should be eradicating threats, not negotiating with them."

Sengoku interjected, "Sakazuki, the world isn't black and white. We have to consider the bigger picture. The Shichibukai system is designed to balance power. If we refuse to adapt, we risk greater instability."

Kizaru, leaning back and appearing as relaxed as ever, added, "Well, Sakazuki does have a point about their nature. But Sengoku San is right too. If we play our cards right, we might be able to control the chaos rather than letting it run rampant."

Fleet Admiral Kong, sensing the need to steer the conversation back to a productive path, spoke up. "Enough. This mission is already decided. Tsuru will lead the delegation to Dressrosa. Our objective is to secure the Donquixote brothers' cooperation, but we will be prepared for any eventuality."

The room fell silent again, the tension palpable. Zephyr turned to face Akainu directly, his gaze unwavering. "Sakazuki, I understand your frustration. But if we go in with guns blazing, we risk turning Dressrosa into a battlefield. Innocent lives will be lost. We have to try diplomacy first."

Akainu clenched his fists, but he knew better than to challenge the wisdom of his superiors in front of everyone, and at the end of the day, they had orders. "Fine. But mark my words, if they show any sign of betrayal, I will be the first to bring justice to them."

Tsuru nodded. "Understood. Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Sengoku knew Tsuru's true thoughts: she was expecting this mission to go south, anticipating that the Donquixote brothers would turn completely hostile towards the Marines. Tsuru was making this trip to ensure that. Although Tsuru was strong, she wasn't at his or Zephyr's level.

She had the strength of an admiral, yes, but that was the best she could muster. Recent reports had made Sengoku aware that Rosinante might pose a danger to Tsuru, especially after hearing how Rosinante had managed to suppress Akainu. He couldn't help but worry about his friend's recklessness.

As the meeting adjourned, Sengoku watched Tsuru leave the room, his mind still troubled. He knew she was right—Doflamingo was a different breed of pirate, one whose ambitions and ruthlessness could spell disaster if not handled correctly. All he could do now was trust in Tsuru's judgment and hope that the mission to Dressrosa would not end in bloodshed.

After contemplating for a few moments, Sengoku stood up and walked out to find Kuzan and Borsalino preparing to embark on their respective missions, as each of them had been assigned an invite of their own. "Kuzan, Borsalino, I want you two to accompany Tsuru to Dressrosa and then carry on with your respective missions," Sengoku made his request known.

Borsalino immediately looked at the admiral as if he had gone crazy. "Isn't this a bit of an overkill, Sengoku-san? Sending two admiral candidates and the Marine Chief of Staff to deal with a pirate group that hasn't even established itself in the New World yet? And this is a diplomatic mission if you have forgotten Sengoku san."

Kuzan, however, immediately understood that there must be more to this matter. "You're worried about Vice Admiral Tsuru's safety," he said, his tone contemplative. "But sending us both seems excessive, even if Rosinante is more dangerous than we initially thought."

Sengoku nodded, his expression grave. "You're right, Kuzan. This mission is more than it appears. The Donquixote brothers are unpredictable, and I can't shake the feeling that something bigger is at play here. Tsuru might be walking into a trap, and I won't risk her safety. Besides, your presence might serve as a deterrent to any potential hostilities."

Borsalino shrugged, his usual nonchalant demeanor barely masking his curiosity. "Well, if it's orders, it's orders. Dressrosa might be interesting, after all. I hope Sengoku san can help me persuade the fleet admiral to approve a long vacation like Garp san after the mission."

Kuzan nodded, his eyes narrowing slightly. "We'll make sure Vice Admiral Tsuru gets there safely and then continue with our missions. But Sengoku-san, what exactly are you expecting to happen in Dressrosa?".

However, unknown to Admiral Sengoku, Kuzan had a hidden agenda in accepting this request. He was also curious to meet Garp sans Protége after a long time to see how much he had grown up.

Sengoku sighed, rubbing his temples. "I don't know, Kuzan. That's what worries me. Doflamingo is cunning and ambitious to the extreme, so with extreme prejudice he can be handled, but Ross is something even Garp could not understand. If he sees an opportunity, he'll take it. We have to be prepared for anything."

The two admiral candidates left to prepare for their departure, as they had to reschedule their plans to accommodate the trip to Dressrosa, leaving Sengoku alone with his thoughts. He couldn't shake the feeling of an impending disaster. Dressrosa was a powder keg, and the slightest spark could set it off. He could only hope that Tsuru's experience and wisdom would guide them through the mission unscathed.

As Tsuru boarded her ship, she noticed her fleet was flanked by the imposing battleships of Kuzan and Borsalino. With her keen intelligence, she immediately understood that Sengoku must have assigned these two as a safety measure. Glancing back at Marine headquarters, her expression remained unreadable. She knew the risks, understood the stakes. But she also knew that sometimes, to maintain order, one had to step into the heart of chaos.


Sabaody Archipalego

A massive Marine battleship lay anchored near the Marine base of the Sabaody Archipelago in Grove 66. This was the battleship of none other than Admiral Sengoku, also known as "Sengoku the Buddha." Currently, Sengoku, followed by hundreds of Marines in a neat formation, traversed through the pirate-infested Grove 12. They disregarded and trampled on the signboards that warned Marines to stay away.

"Oh, these bastards sure have grown some balls, coming into Grove 12 with such fanfare," sneered a pirate with a red-haired tomahawk, readying his weapon to charge at the Marines. However, the pirates in the know immediately fled for their lives.

"You son of a bitch! Are you planning to destroy our crew even before we make it to the New World?" His captain bashed him in the head, almost knocking his crewmate out. The injured pirate looked at his captain with a mix of complaint and grievance, not understanding why he was being beaten.

"You moron, do you see the one in the lead? That's Admiral Sengoku. If you want to die, go and die alone. Don't drag the crew along with you." The captain kicked his crewmate hard one last time and fled hastily, without caring for his injured subordinate.

Soon enough, the Marines reached the famous bar in Grove 13. Sengoku turned to the Rear Admiral in charge. "Secure the area. I will proceed from here alone." Giving out a series of commands, Sengoku stepped in the direction of the bar's entrance.

Inside the bar, Shakky, who was casually smoking, tensed, and her gaze sharpened. She immediately turned to the two patrons at the bar as she snubbed her cigarette.

"We are closed for today. You kids can go and find another bar to continue your drinks," she commented, clearing the bar with practiced ease.

"But we just started. We've barely had a drink, and you're asking us to leave. Do you know who we are?" One of the youths shouted, his voice filled with indignation.

Shakky turned to him with a dangerous glare. "Kid, if you want to die, suit yourself," she remarked, continuing to arrange the liquor cabinet.

Just as the youth was about to flare up, his friend stopped him, shaking his head and pointing at the door. There stood a man with a Marine jacket draped over his shoulders. Recognizing the imposing figure of a Marine Admiral, the two quickly cleared the table and hurried out.

Sengoku stepped into the bar, his presence commanding the space. Shakky straightened up, her demeanor becoming more guarded. Sengoku's eyes swept the room, taking in the now-empty tables and the wary bartender.

"Shakky," he greeted, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "It has been quite some years since we last met. We need to talk."

Shakky sighed, putting down the glass she was cleaning. "I figured as much when you showed up with half the Marine force," she replied, her tone resigned but not without a hint of defiance.

Sengoku approached the bar, his gaze steady. "You know why I'm here, especially with you being an information broker. The World Government has decided to extend an invitation to join the Shichibukai."

Shakky's eyes narrowed. "And you think I'm interested in becoming one of their dogs?"

"It's a strategic move," Sengoku replied, undeterred. "Your notoriety and strength would be a significant asset. It's better to be on the inside, working with us, than to remain a target."

She laughed, a sharp, humorless sound. "I've never been one to play by the rules, Sengoku. You know that. And it seems like you have forgotten that I am no longer a pirate; I haven't been one for years now."

"Which is precisely why we're asking," Sengoku said, leaning on the bar. "You have a unique perspective, a certain... respect among the pirates. This isn't just about power; it's about influence."

Sengoku casually took a seat at the bar counter. Shakky sighed, poured a cup of piping hot tea, and pushed it in front of Sengoku. He nodded in thanks, picked up the cup, and savored the tea.

"Does Garp know? And did he accept this deal? I thought he was a man of his word. It seems like the Hero of the Marines' words are not worth much nowadays," Shakky commented, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

"Well, he's against it and wanted no part in it, so he's returned home," Sengoku replied, showing a rare hint of vulnerability. He realized how much this decision would hurt Garp, but he had a duty to fulfill.

"Well then, it seems he's a rare kind among you government dogs. At least the man has a bit of shame, unlike you, sitting in front of me, knowing everything, yet preaching about justice,"

Shakky said, lighting up a cigarette and taking a puff. She reached for the strongest bottle of liquor from the rack, knowing a glass wouldn't suffice for the situation.

Sengoku raised his brows at the blatant insult but chose to let it slide for old times' sake. Both of them continued savoring their respective beverages as silence lingered in the bar for several minutes.

Finally, Shakky spoke. "Do I have a choice? Maybe I can go into hiding, and I'm sure in this chaotic era, I can make it difficult for you people to find me," she remarked with a chuckle, though sadness was evident in her tone. She had come to truly enjoy this peaceful life after all these years, and now it was being taken away from her.

"Not if you want the Kuja to suffer. We already have orders to take down the Kuja tribe if you refuse," Sengoku sighed, placing the empty cup down, which Shakky mindlessly refilled with more tea.

Shakky's eyes narrowed as she processed Sengoku's words. The thought of her former comrades, the proud Kuja warriors, being targeted because of her refusal was a heavy burden. She took a deep drag from her cigarette, exhaling slowly, trying to steady her emotions.

"You know, Sengoku, there was a time when I believed in the ideals we fought for. But the world has changed, and so have we," she said, her voice tinged with bitterness. "What you're asking me to do goes against everything I stand for. I never even dreamed that I would even entertain the thought of becoming someone's dog."

Sengoku leaned forward, his expression earnest. "Shakky, this isn't just about you. The world is on the brink of chaos. Powerful pirates are emerging, and we need to establish some form of order. Your strength and reputation can help achieve that."

Shakky looked away, the weight of the decision pressing down on her. She knew he was right, in a way. The world was changing, and refusing the offer could lead to even greater turmoil. But accepting it meant becoming part of a system she despised.

"Fine," she finally said, her voice resigned. "I'll do it. But don't expect me to play nice. I'll join your Shichibukai, but I'll do it my way. And remember, if the Kuja come to harm, then I will return to haunt the Marines. I hope you have not forgotten my old moniker."

Sengoku nodded, a mixture of relief and regret in his eyes. "That's all we ask. Just keep the peace in your own way."

As Sengoku stood to leave while placing the documents that contained all the necessary details regarding the Shichibukai, Shakky poured herself another drink, the bitterness of the situation lingering in the air. The path ahead was uncertain, but she knew one thing for sure: she would face it with the same strength and defiance that had defined her all her life.

"Take care, Sengoku," she said, her voice softer now. "And remember, not everyone is your enemy."

Sengoku paused at the door, looking back at her. "You too, Shakky. Sometimes, the lines between friend and foe are blurrier than we think."

With that, he left the bar, leaving Shakky alone with her thoughts. The era of the Great Pirate Age was already upon them, and the choices they made now would shape the future of the world.


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