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20.54% Into the Infinite of animes and fictions!! Starting with the system!! / Chapter 14: A mount. The disappointment... Summoning and Ruphas Mafahl

Capítulo 14: A mount. The disappointment... Summoning and Ruphas Mafahl


On the 48th floor, the executives of the Loki familia were staring at a hole that led to the 50th floor going past the 49th, the surrounding of the hole in the 48th floor was recked, and the monsters didn't even spawn. while the 49th floor from what they could see was not a place they could go or would go. 

The massive crater of the 49th, around it, was red hot to the point there was even lava formed and some of it fell on the 50th floor burying and burning the forest there. 

"What happened here...?" Gareth asked his tone serious and worried, 

A tense silence fell, no one spoke all had the answer to the question but none voiced it out. 

"Let's head back, going to the 50th floor is impossible, and the 49th is too dangerous to traverse right now," Finn said and turned back while clutching his fist. "The Buddha familia, just how strong are they...?" Finn's heart pounded in fear and anticipation. Fear because they were weaker and anticipation because of the friendly terms they are in.

 All the executives followed, and they left the second team behind at the entrance, Finn didn't want to break their will to get stronger. Bete had found the hole and passed the information to others. Finn was worried that it could be a new monster or a very powerful variant so, he decided to leave the second team behind as per instinct.

Ais in the back had her fist clenched while a frown formed on her face, she stopped and looked back, her desire to get stronger was growing but also a feeling of helplessness was formed. 


it is midday, Regal and Scathach finally made it to the destination. the Edas Village. The Edas Village is a place that is detached from the world, the people of this village worship the black dragon. 

"Hmm, is this the reason why they worship the black dragon?" Scathach asked while watching the village, 

"Yes, the monsters fear the black dragon and there are some of its scales surrounding this place so they don't dare to get anywhere close to this place," Regal responded, he was sitting down on a rock nearby, and Scathach was standing in a vantage point where the village could be seen clearly. "Do you want to go there?" He questioned while getting down. 

"No, this place is peaceful, let it be that way," She stated, "I am more interested in the Desert of Death Ash and Dedine," She said and headed in that direction. 

"Hmm, I am also interested in them, but there isn't much except the ashes of the Behemoth left," Regal muttered and followed her, both sprinted in that direction without making a sound or anyone noticing. 


The Black Desert, as the name says is black. Scathach and Regal had reached this place nearly at sundown, the sand was completely black and seemed lifeless. 

Suddenly both became altered, looking in the direction where the sun was setting both noticed something off both frowned, the sun set completely and there were no lights, Regal conjured a massive ball of fire and launched it into the sky brightening the place. 

"A Basilisk," Regal stated, "and it is a variant," In front of them was a giant Basilisk, and when I say giant I mean 100 meters long. It had gray scales with the head of a dragon, its eyes were pitch black and its mouth was big enough to swallow a car. "Ho? it also a mutated one," 

The Basilisk was more than a mile away, silently moving. "It looks like it has terrible eyesight and uses smell to identify prey" Scathach analyzed, "And it is very likely a very old one while also being dangerous," She continued and summoned her spear. 

"The Behemoth's magic stone was never found so this Basilisk probably ate it," Regal gestured to Scathach to go to the right, while Regal walked to the left, "It's a level 8 monster but considering its flaws it would be a low level 7, not even a threat," He explained about it. 

Scathach knew he was messing around but followed anyway, After a while they were far enough and looked at the Basilisk, the Basilisk just went straight and seemed like it ignored the two. 

Basilisk after a while stopped and raised its head and sniffed the air, it started to move to ward Regal who went back to the original spot and started to follow the tail of the Basilisk from enough distance for it to continue following while still not being able to catch or even close the distance. 

Scathach just watched from the side and analyzed the Basilisk which followed the path Regal had set, an amusing turn of events but only a waste of time. Regal made a sand golem in the Basilisk's path which it ignored and broke past. Regal just stood in place and watched the Basilisk come in front of him, it opened its mouth and lunged. 

Regal formed a ball of sand and forced it into the Basilisk's mouth while also stopping its charge, he forced more sand into its mouth and pushed it in, and the Basilisk from the moment of contact with the sand tried to get out and rigged it body but was keeping at bay by Regal who was pressing down with his magic using gravity and ice magic. 

Gravity put it in place and ice froze it inside, Scathach arived beside him and watched, "Are you not going to kill it?" she questioned, he could kill the Basilisk without even making a move so why was he keeping it alive? 

"This might turn out to be a good mount," He responded to which Scarhach raised a brow, 

"It is clearly not suitable for mount but what do you have?" She questioned while focusing on Regal, 

"System, buy that evolution crystal," He ordered, when he had checked the system there were several things that caught his eye, and this evolution crystal was one of them. 

A crystal appeared it looked like a shining rock just a little sharp on the edges. the Basilisk was down it couldn't move because its behind was frozen while its mouth was filled with sand and gravity pressed on it with no mercy. it was barely alive. 

Regal throws the evolution crystal which lands on its forehead then it melts and disappears inside the basilisk, Regal pulls out the sand and heats up its body while doubling the gravity just in case. 

The basilisk was motionless as if it was dead, but both Regal and Scathach felt the change happening, it twitched and its body started to curl up into a ball. the scales started to fall off while its skin broke and blood gushed out. the body of the basilisk seems to compress and decompose. the 100 meters long and a body like a truck started to shrink. 

Scathach had amusement written all over her face Regal was wide-eyed, "This basilisk no a dragon now is becoming stronger and its power is being compressed to the point that its body is being destroyed and recreated, incredible," Scathach summoned her spear and got in a stance. 

"Incredible indeed, didn't think it would become a dragon and a very powerful one," Regal voice was mixed with a hint of surprise, excitement, and anticipation, "That Evolution crystal cost a million system points so this should be expected," Regal transformed the ring into his sword and took a stance, "Dont kill it, it will be out mount so and I would like to watch it grow." He stated. 

"I am very much curious about its growth as well so I will make sure to keep the damage to a minimum," She stated. 

The basilisk was done transforming into a dragon, it was a Western dragon over 50 meters in length if you count the tail it had 2 pairs of wings which were massive from wing to wing it would be over 100 meters, and it was covered in gray scales. Its power was pinnacle level 8, the same as Regal and Scathach. 


Both got ready to face it off and powered up the ball of fire Regal had launched in the sky returned to him and condensed into a small blue ball barely the size of a football, his soul ring appeared as a subconscious reaction. 

Scathach was surrounded by runes some even merged with the skin-tight clothes she was wearing while her spear glowed in dim red light, and a bloody aura busted out and covered the surroundings as her Slaughter Queen took effect. 

The Dragon which had roared looked at the two and spread its wings wide, but then the dragon slowly fell limp... 

Both Regal and Scathach stood frozen, their preparation for battle slowly disappearing their faces were blank. it was as if a fire had been extinguished. Their disappointment was evident, Scathach's spear disappeared while Regal's sword transformed back into a ring.

The wind blew and the black sand was blown everywhere, 

"System?" Regal muttered under his breath still looking at the limp dragon. 

[The evolution had broken down its body and recreated it while compressing everything from its power to its body, and when the evolution was completed it could be said that it was newly born and the roar was it declared to the world that it was born and that used all it had and fell from exhaustion... it a newborn so you can tame it using food...]

The system explained to both, and a heavy silence fell. 

"System buy that monster cage..." Regal ordered, and a small wooded box appeared, 

[Monster cage

It is a wooded box with space elements. the space can increase or decrease according to the monster's size.

Effect: Tames the monster

Effect: Gives it a growth environment when activated.] 

This monster cage cost 100k system points and the second effect made it worth it.  He threw the cage toward the dragon and the moment it touched the dragon disappeared. 

Retrieving the cage both examined it, it now had gray dragon scales covering it. Regal tossed it into the system and both headed back to Orario neither was in the mood to do anything the disappointment of not being able to fight was great. 


In the backyard of Regal's house, two people were on the ground. it was Kurapika and Shinoa, Scathach and Regal had returned yesterday and both headed straight back to their rooms to rest for a bit.

after a while, Scathach dragged both Kurapika and Shinoa out for their light training, Scathach wanted to drag Miko as well but she had fled the moment Scathach returned. She could sense that Scathach wasn't in a good mood and the air around her felt dead and bloody even though there was no aura. 

"You two go rest up," A commanding voice came, it was Regal who was walking toward them. Both got up and left with hast they didn't want to train anymore, not even Kurapika. both of them had some broken bones and were barely able to move. 

"System, 3 more summoning." He ordered, 

Just like the previous time three magic circles appeared and particles began to gather, forming figures. Regal recognized them, he raised an eyebrow. 

The first was Ruphas Mafahl, she had hair that was pure golden in color. Her eyes are a striking shade of red Her snow-white skin accentuates her slender yet curvaceous figure. She is wearing a pure-white dress that complements her complexion, along with a crimson cloak draped over her shoulders. She possesses black wings. Right now she had a plain expression with confusion in her eyes. 

She is from the time when she just got unsealed.

(Image of Ruphas Mafahl)

The second was Yue, she wavy golden blonde hair, crimson red eyes, and a porcelain complexion. She doesn't seem to be in a good state, only wearing a worn-down dress which could no longer be called a dress but more of a rag. Her cheeks were a little sunken in and she looked malnutrition, 

She is from a few years after she was sealed

(Image of Yue) 

The last one was a surprise, Killua Zoldyck. he has striking silver-white hair styled in a somewhat spiky manner, with sharp piercing blue eyes, fair skin, and an athletic build. he is wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with a collar, dark shorts, and blue sneakers. he had an awkward smile while his hands were in his pockets and his eyes scanned everything with confusion. 

He is from the start of the anime.

(Image of Killua Zoldyck)

Scathach raised an eyebrow seeing the three, her eyes were mostly fixed on Ruphas who was checking herself out, Ruphas still had a blank expression but the confusion was clear in her eyes. 

---Ruphas's side--- 

In a thrown room there were many soldiers on the ground while an elf was kneeling in from of Ruphas Mafahl who had a hand on her chin. 

"I see... I understand the situation," she looked at the people around, "So Efreet is still going strong, that guy is pretty tough." She commented that she looked at the king and was about to speak but a golded system screen appeared. 

[Do you want a better role than this? you might find some help there.] 

'Huh? now what is this? is this from Goddess Arovinasu? if there is a better role then I will go for it!' She exclaimed inside. A magic circle appeared underneath her and she disappeared leaving the throne room in silence. 

"WHERE DID SHE GO?!" the king who was on the floor questioned but no response came, "IN FORM ALL THE KINGDOMS THAT SHE HAS RETURNED!" He got up and tidied himself. 

Ruphas Mafahl appeared on a grass-filled ground and in front of her two figures were standing, 'Eh? Who are they? damn, they look incredible,' she thought and looked at her sides where she felt movement, on her right was Yue.

'Hmm? Is she alright?' she raised her brow and analyzed her and felt Yue's tremendous magic power. 'She is strong for a kid and who lets be in that state?' She questioned inside while her face maintained a blank expression, 

On her right was Killua, 'Hmm, this kid has an unsettling feeling,' She had a small frown which disappeared and was replaced by her blank face again. 

Looking at the two in front she couldn't tell anything about them nor was she able to analyze them, a frown formed this shouldn't have happened.


The system hadn't info dumped them just yet, it was holding off on Regal order. In the current situation Ruphas can be said to be the most unstable person, having two souls in one body, the original soul of the body was dying while the new soul seemed to be taking over. 

From Ruphas a frightening aura burst out and her wings extended, Regal frowned while Scathach smiled seeing the situation unfold. 

Ruphas right now was level 1 so she wasn't a threat to Regal or Scathach but to the two standing beside her it was a matter of life and death. Regal shielded Yue and Killua using his first soul ring's ability of barrier. 

Killua and Yue jumped back immediately when sensing Ruphas's aura both were serious but then both of them felt the threat disappeared due to Regal. Yue could tell she was being protected and calmed down just a little while Killua was still on guard he was still reeling back from sensing the aura and didn't notice anything and focused on Ruphas. 

Ruphas opened her mouth to speak but two horrifying auras fell on her, one dreadful and bloody which was Scahrach's aura while the other was authoritative and oppressive which was Regal's aura. 

Ruphas mind blanked, she saw two gigantic figures one read and the other purple towering over her, and everything was fading away and leaving the two figures blurry. a hint of unwillingness and fear appeared in her eyes, Seeing this both Regal and Scathach were about to stop but, 

Ruphas changed, the unwillingness and fear disappeared and an overbearing presence took over, it seemed like a personality change but it was the dying soul possessing the body and pushing back the new soul. 

The aura from Ruphas increased and almost matched the two. But both Scathach and Regal looked in amusement, their aura skyrocketing and unleased the full brunt of their aura which pressed on Ruphas like an unending storm. 

All three retrieved their auras back at the same time, Ruphas was serious and the mana around her started to take from. 

"System, info dump them," Regal ordered, and the three summons were bombarded with the info of what was going on. 

A frown appeared on Ruphas face and she faced Regal with bewilderment but then the soul possession changed to the new soul, while the dying soul went back to its slumber. 


Plz, comment! I like reading them. 

Also, suggest characters! 

The new world is coming soon! need recommendations!

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