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14.28% Yuta Okkotsu / Chapter 2: First Mission

Capítulo 2: First Mission

"So we are here," in the profound silence of the night, three people can be seen standing in the grounds of an abandoned school building.

"Let's do a little summary: this school has been closed because children keep going missing. We suspect it to be the work of a curse, so you two are here to exorcise them.

Kill every curse you see, save every child you see, and retrieve every corpse you see.

Is that clear?" One of them, a white-haired man wearing a blindfold, somehow manages to see things with an uncanny certainty.

The two other people, a boy and a girl, nodded at him.

The boy, in a baggy white T-shirt and long black pants with white shoes, stood resolute. He is holding what appears to be a Katana strapped on his pants

The girl, with a dark-green ponytail and round glasses, donned the standard uniform—a black shirt and skirt, reaching just above her knee, she is holding a long metal staff with it's tip covered and shape of it appears to be that of a spear like weapon

Suddenly the white haired teacher put his hand up and a make sign with his 2 fingers and began to chant

"(I am not gonna write that because it's cringe)"

After the teacher finished chanting, a black goo like veil began to emerge from the sky and cover the whole school in a black sphere

"That's a curtain, it'll make you guys invisible to the outside world" the teacher pat the boy's shoulder and began walking out of the slowly flowing curtain that keep covering more and more ground

"Anyway you two take care of this, don't go dying on me okay~?" The teacher said right after he is outside of the curtain, and it is closed completely

"Wait a second, SENSEI! HOW ARE WE GONNA GO BACK?!" the boy remember that they got here by a car and their teacher drive them here so if he is gone. Then they have to walk back to their school

"Transfer student. Pay attention" the girl nonchalantly talk to her new classmate and ready up her weapon, unwrapping it and reveal it's true form being a naginata

The girl keep her eyes sharp and directly staring at their new guest

3 curses began to walk towards them, the curses have a long line going from their groin up to their neck that are being stiched up by something

They grab the line on the opposite direction, snapping the stiches away and revealing what appears to be a giant gapping mouth of monster full of teeth

"Alright, that's not creepy at all" the boy nonchalantly comment at the monster

"Listen carefully you transfer student, curses like this....." The girl poses up, ready to struck the curses soon as they enter her range

And enter they did

"Like to team up if they are weak!" She swung her naginata to the curses, slicing them up in one swoop and instantly killing all of them

"But i guess that's the same for humans" she put her naginata to her shoulder, looking back to the boy whistling at her and feel a weird sense of pride of having an admirer

Though he is looking at her ass....


In the profound silence of the abandoned school, the air felt thick with an unspoken darkness. The empty classrooms held a spectral stillness, broken only by the occasional shuffle of unseen creatures in the shadows.

The 2 students are walking through the hallways, looking around trying to find the victim of the curse but they found nothing.

'why are there no curses?' The girl keep looking around with her guard up, ready to attack any curses that would jump her from any direction. But surprisingly there are no curses.

'no, there are curses here. They just won't attack' the girl look at one of the desk and she can clearly see multiple eyes forming bellow it, a sign of a curse presence

'is it because of this boy?' she look back, seeing her classmate just walk carelessly with his hands up to his head not even pulling out his sword, completely and utterly vulnerable to attacks

"You, what grade are you?" The girl asked and the boy got snapped out of his zoning out, notice that the girl is talking to him but not really catching to what she says

"Sorry, what was that?" He replied, trying to make her repeat what she said

The girl feels iritated by the boy careless attitude, she feels like the boy is not taking this job seriously and will die on her

"Your grade, what is your grade." She repeat it twice to make sure he heard it this time, still annoyed by his attitude

"Oh i am a special grade" he nonchalantly said and the girl's body stiffened as she stare at him in disbelief

"You are joking"

"Nope, it says here on the card, special grade see?" The boy reach to his pocket and pull put his student Id card and give it to her

She catch the card, looking at it and sees a photo of the boy with a white buble on top with the word 'Special' in it

'is this a joke? A boy not even older than me is a special grades? Higher than grade 1? This has to be a joke'

"Are you gonna deal with that or are you just gonna stand there looking pretty?" Suddenly the boy speak to the girl while pointing right behind her

She quickly snapped out of her thought and turn around, seeing a giant meaty monster that looks like it doesn't even fit on the hallway


The roof of the building explode, dust are flying everywhere along with the small debris of the destroyed building

"Weeee~" in the air, a boy can be seen free falling after getting flunged away by the curse

"Take this seriously!" The girl also got flunged away

The dust bellow them are so thick that they can't see anything from it


A hand comes out of dust cloud, it swing it's arm away and reveal a giant centipede like curse

"Grrgh" the girl grit her teeth, the sudden realisation of the situation make her sweat as her heart pounded uncontrolably from all the stress and fear building up in her heart

And annoyance of her classmate not taking this seriously!

"𝗔𝗮𝗮𝗮𝗮𝗮𝗮" the curse open up it's mouth, the inside of the curse mouth are all filled with sharp thorns like teeth all going down to it's throat

"Tch" the girl clicked her tongue, free falling from the sky she have no where to go but the curse's mouth as there is nothing she can do to change her direction

And the boy is still doing silly movement in the air

"If we die here! It's your fault!" She screams at last and they both got eaten by the curses


"Get us out of here!" The previously swallowed girl is now screaming around inside of the curse stomach

"Calm down, this is all part of my plan" but the boy is still as calm as ever

"Your plan?" She look at the boy, sitting with his legs crossed on the disgusting curse stomach without a care and he nodded without looking at her face.

"Yup, that's how i deal with difficult situation,

We got eaten by a curse? All part of my plan.

I got cancer? All part of my plan

Got shot in the head? All part my plan

You can't be sad if everything is part of your plan" the boy explained sagely as if he was speaking the truth of the world but the ridiculous words he is spouting only iritate the girl even more

"That's not how plan works!" She yelled at his ears and he closed them attempting to stop her yell from entering his ears

"Ahahahaha~ but it all works out you see? There is our objective" the boy open up his ears and point out to the front, the girl turn around and see where he is pointing

What she sees are 2 childrens that looks like they have been cursed, one of them are laying on the other one's lap completely unconcious while the other one shows a sign of being cursed

"They have been cursed, if we can't get out of here soon they will die" the girl start to breath heavily, her face flushed and sweat begin to pour out of her face

She falls to the ground, there is a wound on her thigh and from that wound the curse start to spread

"Is she gonna die?" The still concious boy asked after seeing the state of the girl

Yuta stand up from his sitting position and dust of his pants, look at the state of the people inside of the curse and chuckle

"Right, can't let you guys die on my hands afterall. What would sensei says if my first mission end in 3 casualties?" He nonchalantly said something grim with a straight face and not even counting himself as the casualties

"Anyway.... I have 2 option, do the boring one and cut our way out. Or....

We do The more interesting one. What would you choose Maki?" The boy still with his carefree tone ask the almost passed out girl on the floor

"*𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘵 Whatever, just *𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘵 get us out of here" she said between her panting

"Alright! Interesting one it is!" He reach into his pocket and pull out something

It was a ring


Outside of the school are a scene that no one will ever believe if they were told

A giant centipede monster like creature are destroying part of the school building and sending dust and debris everywhere as it rampage uncontrolably

"𝙂𝙝–𝙠?" Suddenly, the throat of the monster bulged out as if something is trying to come out of it

"𝗚𝗛𝗔𝗔𝗞!" The curse forcfully open it's mouth, revealing a white arms with claw like hands and they grab each of the curse's lips and force fully ripped them apart

The arms bended in an atempt to try pushing itself up from the centipede curse mouth and then soon enough, the curse reveal itself to be an abomination looking curse without eyes and skinny body,

"𝗪𝗵𝗼𝗼 𝗮𝗮𝗮𝗿𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝘆𝗼𝗼𝘂𝘂?" The centipede like curse weakly speak to the white curse that had forcfully open it's mouth

"𝗦𝗛𝗨𝗧 𝗨𝗣!" But it punch it in the face instead

The centipede looking monster are now almost death, it's eyes are pushed out of it's head and blood keep pouring out of them

"Rika~ Finished it quickly we need to get these people to the medic" on top of the newly emerge curse's are a 4 people with 3 of them are looking almost dead

Only one of them is looking fine, he is our protagonist of the story, Yuta Okkotsu

"𝗢𝗸𝗮𝗮𝗮𝗮𝗮𝗮𝘆~" and just like that, Rika ripped the curse's head off


"Nice job there Okkotsu kun, i thought you are just gonna sit it out and let Maki do everything but you are waiting until you found the victim first before attacking? Smart~" the white haired teacher said as it turns out that he did not just dip out and left them alone on the building

"What can i tell you sensei? All part of my master plan~" Yuta said as he walks towards his sensei along with the curse victim being carried by Rika

For any normal person, it looks like the three of them are levitating in the air

"That's *𝘱𝘢𝘯𝘵 not how plans work" even while being severly wounded, Maki still have enough strength to retort the new transfer student

"Anyway~ let's get these people to the doctor real quick, you need to come along as well Yuta, we need you to know where the Healer is after all" The white haired man go back to his car and signaled his student to enter it

Yuta complied and open the door next to Gojo while putting the cursed people on the back

"How do you feel Yuta kun? Can i call you Yuta? I'll call you Yuta. Anyway how do you feel? Excited to do your first mission?"

"Aren't you suppose to asked that before we finish the mission?"

"Am i? I am still new to this teaching things~ anyway how do you feel?"

"Not much different honestly, i am used to exorcising curse before i even come here so, not really much of a difference"

"Oh? You have fought curses before?"

"Yeah.... but most of them are weaker than this one, but it's still nowhere near strong enough to be a problem for Rika"

"Speaking of Rika, can you fight without her? Because it will be really obvious for everyone to just attack you instead of fighting Rika head on"

"Of course i can, what do you think this katana are for?"

"Great to hear that, we are gonna have a sparring lesson tommorow so, rest now and be energetic tommorow okay~"

The both of them keep chatting in the car while the curse victim on the back are trying their best to fall asleep while listening to the dumb conversation infront of them about pineapple on pizza


The next morning

"Huff!" A panda and a human are boxing on the field of grass

They both trade blow with each other, the scene are rather bizzare as the panda move swiftly and percisely to hit the humans while the smaller human dodge the pandas attack

The panda send a right jab to the human's face but he swoop in from the right and send a hook to the pandas side, knocking the air out of the pandas lung

"𝙂𝙝–𝙤𝙠 ugh you need to pull your punches Yuta, this is just a light spar"

"I am pulling my punch, i am not even using my cursed energy for reinforcement"

"Yeah because we shouldn't do that, doesn't mean you can just hit my ribs full force like that"

"Do you even have ribs?"

"I..... Do? Ask the principal"

The spar was over and now the two classmate (believe it or not) are sitting on the grassfield while one more student come with a bag full of Soda

"Thanks Toge, man i am thirsty" the boy that was previously sparing with the panda took one of the soda on the bag and drink it

The panda took one as well


"Come on, Rock Paper Scissor is a very valid way to determine who should go and buy the drinks"

"Tuna, Mayo"

"Whatever you say man" the young man keep drinking his soda and the newly arrived boy also sit beside his classmate

"How is your first mission Okkotsu kun? Any problems?" The Panda being the only one that can have a small chat in this group ask the new transfer student about his first mission

"Good good, nothing really difficult for me to handle though, there is this big centipede like curse that swallow me and Maki and it turns out that the missing childrens are there as well

So i pull Rika out and she ripped the curse's throat open, you know. Typical monday" the boy describe what is suppose to be a life and death battle as if it was a walk in the park

"That only happend because you play around the whole time!" Another student came and it was the girl from previous night

"Hello Maki~ are you healed yet?" The boy greet her without even aknowledging her previous outburst

"I am, Shoko works wonder, anyway you shouldn't do that in the future. If you are not taking the mission seriously a lot of lives might be in danger" the girl scolded Yuta but her words fall on deaf ears as he is too busy admiring the clouds

'Man those clouds are weird'

"Are you listening to me?!" He is not

"What was that? I am busy admiring the clouds"


"Hai hai let's not fight for now, the class hadn't even started yet" on the distance the students see their sensei walking towards them while clapping his hand to stop them from killing each other

He is Gojo Satoru, the strongest sorcerer as of today

'well only until i manage to beat him anyway'

"Everyone is seated? Great, now today lesson is on a hand to hand combat, doesn't matter how strong your cursed technique is there will still be a time where you need to fight with your own hands

But Maki, you will fight with a weapon as there is no point on making you fight barehanded" Gojo said to his students and Maki clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"So who wanna go first?" Gojo asked and Maki quickly raised her hand soon as he ask that question

"And who will fight Maki?" Maki quickly look at the only boy with black hair, her stern gaze show a very obvious desire to fight the boy

"Well i guess i can go, she looks like she wants to pounch me even if i don't volunteer" Yuta chuckled at the girl intense hatred towards him and stand up from the grass

He pat down his pants to clean it off from the dirt, He then turn his gaze towards the girl that stare at him with intense hatred.

But instead of being intimidated, Yuta just smile at her much to her annoyance

~~~~~~~~~ To be Continued ~~~~~~~~~

Okaaaay~ i kinda don't like how Yuta and Maki relationship going on the real series so! I tried to make a love hate relationship here.

Mainly because Yuta is a jerk kind of like Gojo and Maki is the kind of girl that won't let herself get disrespected

Sooooo how is it? Good? Great.

Anyway, See you later!

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