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80% One Piece: Hunter God / Chapter 32: Chapter 32 - The Six Marine Martial Arts! Invading Trump Castle!

Capítulo 32: Chapter 32 - The Six Marine Martial Arts! Invading Trump Castle!

Just like in the movie, Noah came up with the idea of building a kind of balloon to cross the grassy hills to get to the castle gate. He was too lazy to go down to the port to take the elevator, but he also didn't want to risk his life with the mines scattered across the hills.

And in no time they managed to create this, soon flying thanks to the wind. And while Borodo was steering the balloon with his quite practical skills, Noah caught the girls' attention.

"This is something I would only like to discuss with you once we were a bit more advanced in strength. But as I somehow managed to use something similar, I will tell you now." After he saw that they were completely focused on what he was saying, he continued.

"What I'm going to talk about are the Six Martial Arts of the Marines (Rokushiki). These are techniques developed especially to use the body to the extreme and obtain very powerful and unique results. The reason I don't want to talk about them now is that the level of power required to master each of them is much greater than what we have now. It would be unnecessary effort to try to learn."

"There are a total of six arts, made up of two defensive arts, two movement arts and two attack arts. With one more special one that can only be used when you become a master of all the others. And they are Iron Mass (Tekkai), Paper Drawing (Kami-e), Shave (Soru), Moon Step (Geppo), Storm Leg (Rankyaku) and Finger Gun (Shigan). The last one is called Six King Gun (Rokuogan)."

Despite wanting to ask where he learned all this, Nami and Nojiko were already used to Noah always being more informed than he seems. They really believed that he must be part of some royalty, but didn't want to tell them. Still, they didn't interfere and let him continue.

"Today, during the fight against Boo Jack, I somehow managed to use Tekkai on my leg while attacking. As if it was a feeling after injecting all my physical strength into one place and feeling a stiffness, as if it were iron itself." Noah tried to explain the feeling to them, while showing his arm.

After he clenched his fist, he exerted all his physical strength in his arm, causing the muscles to become prominent and the veins protrude all over it. And without any hesitation, he threw a purple orb into his mouth, looking for the previous sensation. And it didn't take long for him to find it.


"Borodo, try to punch my arm." Exerting all his strength in his arm, Noah's breathing became quick as he felt his resistance draining. So he asked quickly.

"As you wish." Having listened to the explanation, he knew that this would help in the fight against the Trump Pirates. So he took off the glove from his left arm, showing his iron arm, and punched Noah's.


And with the sound of iron clashing against iron, Noah and Borodo were both impressed by the fact that they had remained unscathed. Noah wouldn't even have felt the impact if it weren't for the common repulsion force.

"OK, now you've convinced me that this is a good thing." Nami immediately opened her mouth in shock. Even though she already knew that Noah was powerful, it wasn't so much that he would withstand a blow unscathed, without even a red mark. When they were training combat together, he didn't even dare let her staff touch him because it could hurt.

After the test was done, Noah immediately withdrew his physical strength from his arm and felt it return to normal. The amount of consumption was a bit exhausting, as he was still a beginner in this.

"How long can you do this?" Nojiko saw how his breathing became faster and asked out of curiosity. After all, if he, who was physically stronger than them, was already like this, then it was proof that they possibly couldn't execute this art for now.

"Well, I think I can endure two minutes at most. But if I need to use it defensively, the time might be shorter." Noah calculated a bit and arrived at an approximate result. He was aware that he could still be considered weak in the One Piece world and felt no shame in lasting such a short time.

"Even if it's little, it can still alter the result of a battle at a decisive moment." Nami imagined some combat scenes where this could be applicable and concluded that indeed it was a powerful tool.

"Any of them can. Each Rokushiki art is used by all the marine captains, and all the high ranks also use this." Noah also wanted to add that these arts are only second to Haki in popularity in the Marines, but this would cause more questions than answers for them.

And brushing off the surprise of the two, who had not imagined that what he was saying was something so powerful, he continued.

"Anyway, as you saw, Iron Mass is a defensive art, which can stiffen your muscles to the point of being as hard as iron. And as it requires a high concentration of strength, moving becomes quite difficult, so you can't attack while using it. In conjunction with it, Kami-e (Japanese version is much shorter…) is also a defensive art, but focuses on evasion instead. And completely contrary to the other, your body should be so relaxed when using that it becomes like a sheet of paper and highly flexible, able to dodge any blow that is not as fast as your reaction time."

"The other two movement arts are Moon Step and Shave. The first basically allows you to 'step in the air' by giving extremely powerful and concentrated kicks, while the other involves kicking the ground so fast in a continuous motion that it looks like you're sliding on the ground and moving at high speed, almost invisible to the naked eye."

"And finally, Finger Gun and Storm Leg involve the use of arms and legs, respectively. While one looks like a literal finger shot, the latter focuses on delivering a kick so powerful it forms a wind blade to attack."

"About Rokuogan, not even I know exactly how to execute it, so I won't even try to explain. These are basically the Six Styles of the Marines." After explaining as much as he could with his own knowledge, Noah looked at the two thoughtful women, waiting for them to say something.

And Nami was the first to light up her eyes after a moment.

"Well, I think besides Finger Gun, Iron Mass and Shave, the rest can be developed with our Wind Manipulation and constant practice. And I really liked this Storm Leg, so I'm going to try to learn it first." Excluding those that required great physical effort, Nami immediately chose to first learn the one that most applied to her fighting style. After all, she used martial arts and kicks were also in her style.

"So I'm going with Moon Step. I'll always need a way to escape when the bullets run out, so this will be a real lifesaver." Nojiko also thought a little and chose the one that would help her the most at the moment. Just imagining her mastering this and shooting at her opponents from above... she might get too excited.

"So take advantage during the fight to train this, but be careful not to wear yourself out. And you don't have to think too much about achieving this now, in case you can't." Noah took two purple orbs and handed them to both.

But instead of simply taking them, they looked at him with fire in their eyes as they snatched the orbs.

"Challenge accepted!" x2


At the top of Trump Castle, in the throne room.

Sitting on his throne, was the tyrant who made everyone's life on Clockwork Island a living hell for over 7 years.

Bear King.

He is a large man with black hair and whiskers, dressed in clothes that reflect his card and animal themes. His attire consists of a fur-trimmed captain's jacket, the collar of which is shaped like a golden spade, and a blue shirt underneath adorned with clover, heart, and diamond symbols. The top part of his shirt is unbuttoned, revealing a large teddy bear hat. Despite his size, his arms and chest are relatively thin and covered in hair, with fur armbands around his wrists.

At that moment he had a dark expression, his right hand supporting his head while the left threatened to break the armrest of the throne.

"Where are they!? Why haven't Honey Queen and Boo Jack returned yet??"

His angry voice echoed through the hall, causing some of his subordinates to tremble on the spot. And soon one of those stepped forward to speak, even though his legs were shaking.

"W-we don't know, sir Bear King! They left with a fleet of 8 ships some time ago, but there is no sign of return. We have already sent a ship to check the situation, but they have not returned yet."

"Incompetents!" Grumbling to himself, Bear King dismissed his subordinates, leaving only his trusted brothers on the scene, Pin Joker and Skunk One.

Pin Joker is characterized by long black hair tied in a ponytail and a stitched scar that extends from his right forehead to his left cheek. He also has a red marking on the right side of his face and a design that resembles a tear on the left. His attire consists of a strapped vest over purple clothes adorned with a diamond pattern and a yellow fur collar, lending him the look of a court jester. He serves as the swordsman of the group.

Skunk One sports a helmet marked with the number "1," goggles, and a brown shirt, lending him the persona of an airplane pilot. His jet pack, blanketed in fur, has its thruster positioned at his rear end. Beneath his helmet, he has sleek black hair that is combed to one side, and he also possesses pointed ears. He is the… ugly one in the group?

"No matter what happened, they should be fine. After all, who has the power to defeat us here in this East Blue?" Pin Joker commented while his eyes were closed and he leaned silently against a wall. Although the first thing that came to his mind was "Zoro" for his question, he remained silent and with superior arrogance.

"Exactly, exactly, gas! We are unbeatable in this region, and soon we will be all over the world, gas!" Skunk One also laughed, wanting to alleviate his brother's concern. But while he was at it, his eyes suddenly caught a strange movement outside. And as soon as he put on the goggles, he was startled, "What is that?"

"What is what?" Bear King noticed his strange expression and asked with an annoyed voice.

"I think they are... Intruders!" Skunk One was about to shout the word, but a grand thunder came from below and announced his words louder.


"Intruders?? AND WHO DARES TO CHALLENGE THIS KING!?" Bear King got up irritated and walked towards a metal wall, which began to rise. And feeling the sudden breeze of the wind, he walked to the parapet and looked down.

There, with the gate made in pieces in front of him, were four individuals he had no idea who they were. And when he was about to go down furiously to crush all of them, his vision focused on the two women in the group.

And instantly he had hearts in his eyes.

'I fell in love! What beauties!' With blushing cheeks, his behavior became restless for a moment before he noticed Pin Joker and Skunk One at his side, "Get those two women, I'm going to marry them."

"And the other two men?" Pin Joker asked, without even contesting his decision.

And going back into the throne room, the voice of Bear King sounded behind them.

"Kill them!"


With the gates destroyed in front of them, Noah felt the incredible durability of his arm go away and the wind powers around him calm down. And shortly after, he heard some screams coming from the top of the castle.


And with just a scornful smile, he stepped over the destroyed gates and began to enter the giant courtyard of the castle, which soon began to fill with different pirates, coming from all sides.

"Nami, Nojiko, divide half between you. I'll go with the rest." And simply throwing a red orb in his mouth, Noah leaned forward as he began to run towards the cannon fodder pirates!

Bang! Bang! Bang! BOOM!

And out of nowhere, the wave of pirates was invaded by a gale of fists and kicks, giving them no choice but to fly out with the impact!

"I'll go left." Nami removed the two parts of her staff from her back and ran towards her "quota" of pirates.

And without bothering to connect the two parts, she began to use the two short staffs to hit different pirates all around! It didn't matter if they used swords or axes trying to attack her, her agility and lightness in moving around the battlefield made her opponents fall with the slightest of attacks. Various wind blades also cut the distant pirates and cut the bullets in half, making her untouchable!

At the same time, Nojiko was also going to the pirates who wanted to attack from the right and started shooting with her flintlocks, hitting on the shoulders, knees or anything that could immobilize the other party for a moment before she used martial arts to end and bring unconsciousness! And be her deadly Typhoon Shot or the wind blades she created to attack, each one of them knocked down more than one of the many pirates around her.

And whether it was on the battlefield of Noah, Nami or Nojiko, they were all doing the same thing: Training their abilities with the Rokushiki (Six Styles)!

At every moment, Noah tried to improve his use of Tekkai, using it to stop punches or to catch swords with his bare hands! Nami also tried to apply the basic principles of the techniques, focusing on Tekkai, Kami-e, and Rankyaku, training in her defenses, dodges, or attacks, even though she could not use them yet! And what most applied to Nojiko was also being trained, which was her quick escape movements like Soru, Geppo, and even Kami-e.

Regardless of the difficulty of the techniques and the physical demand required to perform them correctly, it didn't seem to matter to them. This wasn't because they were weak or overly focused on this fact.

The point is, the moment Noah started to tell them about these techniques, it also opened up a new world of applications that they had not imagined before! After all, even if you can't use Soru in battle, they were smart enough to know that working on their footwork would increase their battle power. The same thing worked to improve their dodges with the principle behind Kami-e, or then on how they could improve their defenses with Tekkai.

It was a new training direction for all of them, who wanted to strengthen themselves even more for the dangers of the Grand Line!

And is there anything better than an endless army of training dummies like the Trump Pirates?

But no matter how good the battle was, the spoilsports would always find a way to mess everything up. And they would come in the worst possible way.

"My God, what is that smell?" Nami suddenly covered her nose when she felt a horrible smell invade the place. And angrily, she hit the pirate in front of her on the head, "Didn't your mother teach you not to fart in front of a lady!?"


"It wasn't me, miss-" The pirate tried to speak indignantly about his good manners, but was again hit by Nami in the head.

"Shut up, disgusting!"

After defeating the last pirate on her side, Nami finally looked around and realized there was a man on top of a pole, the stench emanating from him. And with just one look at the pirate on the ground, she stuck out her tongue and apologized.

On the battlefield, Nojiko had also finished her side and Noah made a wind blast that made all the pirates around him fly away, at the same time making the stench around be spread far away.

And when his gaze hit the new guy who arrived, he almost felt like vomiting on the spot.

On top of the post was Skunk One, with an ugly smile on his face. Not as if he had another kind of smile, but you get the point.

"Welcome to Trump Castle!" Fully equipped with his safety glasses and fart floating machine releasing a strange gas, he kept speaking, "As a form of forgiveness for attacking us, our boss ordered that the two women-"

But he didn't speak for long when Noah opened his mouth.

"Damn, dude, you're a lot uglier than on the wanted poster. I expected the worst, but it was worse than I expected. Were you born inside out by any chance? I think when you were born, it was the doctor who cried. I'll tell you, time is cruel, but with you it had no mercy. Did they set you on fire and put it out with a shovel?" Without mercy in his words, he ended with a pitying look, "But at least you're healthy, right? With a nose that size I hope you're breathing well."




"Pfft! Hahahahahahhahahahahha!"

And as if on cue, all the pirates around couldn't hold back for long when they began to burst out laughing. Nami and Nojiko covered their mouths to not laugh, but it didn't help much when the wave of laughter reached them. Even Borodo joined the pirates on the floor, but he was holding his stomach and laughing.

In the midst of all this, facing the greatest embarrassment he had ever gone through, images of the bullying he had suffered came back to Skunk One's mind when he felt an unimaginable amount of anger well up inside him.


"Steal my oxygen? I somehow don't doubt it."

And with the final stab, Skunk One couldn't take it anymore when he released all his rage.


And to the sound of his voice, the jet pack on his back began to emit a type of light brown gas that invaded the place, its rotten and terrible smell being as threatening to everyone's nose. And as soon as it appeared, this gas covered the environment!

The figures of Noah, Nami, Nojiko, and Borodo were covered by this gas, as well as all the other pirates. And invading their bodies, everyone began to stop their movements and some were already falling limp on the ground. They already knew, from the information that the Hyena Three passed on, that this guy emitted some kind of gas and they came prepared. They only knew that the name is Devil Gas, but they didn't know what it did.

"This gas..." Nojiko allowed a bit of the Devil Gas to pass through the wind barrier and felt its paralyzing effect, finding it quite peculiar, immediately telling others, "This gas has a paralyzing effect, don't breathe it!"

"We're okay!" x2

The voices of Noah and Nami sounded in the midst of that gas fog, while Borodo had already fainted on the ground from breathing too much. Even though he also knew of this move, there was no escape.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!" The voice of Skunk One, still on top of the post, sounded as he continued to pour more Devil Gas into the area.

But even after a while, with his goggles, he could see that they were still fine and not unconscious at all! This should be impossible with the amount of gas they had already inhaled!

And when he was about to release even more Devil Gas, something unbelievable happened in front of him.

"Ok, enough."


And with Noah's voice, it was as if he commanded the local wind to gather into a huge temporary gas tornado and scatter everything far away, making the place return to normal.

"Let's stop fooling around, vacuum cleaner."


Author Note: Don't forget to check out P@treon!

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