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40.9% DXD: Inconvenient / Chapter 9: "Cheat Skills" and Unexpected Interaction

Capítulo 9: "Cheat Skills" and Unexpected Interaction

Yo, author here

So... once again, sorry for the delay, for some reason I don't know my Patreon account was deactivated, I didn't even have time to try to resolve it yet, besides chapter ten was much longer than I expected, having 7,542 words, I'll try to solve the Patreon problem and if it works I'll post the link here later, anyway, that's it 👍

Enjoy reading, rejoice and...

See you all on next time 👍


[Pov: 3rd Person]

At Kuoh academy it was early in the morning, class time, each student was already in their respective rooms, paying attention to the teacher or interacting silently with each other

Currently, in the first year area, in a specific room, most students paid attention to what the teacher said, some writing down notes in notebooks or in their own books

Among these students, there was one who certainly wasn't paying attention to what the teacher was saying, even though it seemed like he was

This student was obviously Micael

Micael was there, sitting, with his upper body leaning over the table, with his face in his hand, whose fingers covered his mouth and his thumb on his chin

His other hand was under the table, with a pencil in his possession, as he continually twirled it between his fingers

His brow was furrowed, his eyes conveyed a feeling of lack of focus, as if even though he was looking at the board, he wasn't paying attention

And that was it, his mind was focused on the little test he had taken that morning before coming to school, so he had at least a basic idea of ​​what his cheating was

And that was exactly the reason for his contemplative appearance, he learned a little about his power and believed he had gained a basic idea of ​​what his power could do

...But that was precisely his problem, he THOUGHT he knew the type of power he had, but in the end the only conclusion he had was...

He just had no idea what kind of power he actually had

[Pov: Micael]


No matter what I think, I still have no idea what it could be

My power is so... strange, and it also doesn't seem to have an exact logic behind it... hmm, I guess I just need to do a few more tests to get a better idea, after all, I only did some tests for an hour before to stop, as I didn't want to strain my eyes and make the pain return

In fact, they no longer hurt, but my eyes are still tired, as if I had spent the day with my face glued to the screen, remembering the time I stayed up late watching anime

My head doesn't hurt anymore either, but I still feel a vague sensation of swelling, like the remnants of a headache

Other than that I'm fine, testing my power during that hour probably didn't help? No, but I was very excited to test my power and as I said, I didn't do it for long so I wouldn't have any more problems

It's not my fault, is it? I mean, if you found out you had a superpower, wouldn't you be super excited to use it, immediately trying to see what you were capable of? honestly the only situation I can think of that made me so excited in my life was when I received my PlayStation 2

...And my brother, I'll tell you...having a power is incredible! Hahaha...seriously, this shit is just crazy and mind-blowing, better than any drug out there, fuck, it might be better than sex!...

...Uhh...nah, I exaggerated, it's definitely not better than sex, even if I've never done it so I can know and compare, it can't be better, but it should be close enough

But yes, having a power is just mind-blowing, especially with what my power can supposedly do, if I'm right the potential is absurd... but despite all my excitement earlier in the morning, I couldn't let it get to me too much, after all my problem has not yet been resolved

First of all, the fact that yesterday I killed someone doesn't affect me anymore, hah, I literally needed to sleep just one night to feel normal again, I had said that taking a life hadn't affected me that much, but I don't expect it that this is also at that level

Well, it's better this way, there's no way I would have any kind of bad conscience about a guy who tried to kill me anyway

Anyway, this problem in question has already been resolved, now the whole case of the firstborn, messengers and whatever these guys are...I just don't have the slightest idea, I don't know if it's something I already had in high school dxd or if It's something original to this world, I don't know what they are capable of or how strong and influential they can be

But what I have to do is obvious, I have to stay alert, and pay attention to any possible sign of these guys, of course, they will probably disguise themselves, after all if a group of guys dressed as priests appeared out of nowhere it would be very obvious, so What I intend to do is use my newly awakened power to identify these guys, theoretically my plan is viable but I will only know for sure when I put it into practice

Like I said, I need more testing to know exactly what my power can do, but these guys situation sets the precedent for another problem, which is the main reason I'm frowning right now

The school's resident devils

My hasty action first thing in the morning was somewhat instinctive, because the moment I felt that shiver I reacted automatically, I simply didn't have time to think about how suspicious my action would be

But it's okay, at least so far I haven't been approached by anyone, Koneko didn't seem to act suspiciously, at least she didn't seem to be keeping an eye on me, I just have to wait and see how the next few days go

But it is precisely the focus of my thoughts...should I ask for their help?

Sigh, I wish I didn't have to do this, after all my initial plan was to not get involved with them as much as possible, but that plan was based on me just being a normal human without any kind of powers, but now that I have one. .. and I don't even know if my eyes can release some kind of aura like sacred gears, which is why I won't use my power at school unless it's an emergency

And Saji is an exception for a reason, that fagot would never involve me in some supernatural shit knowing that I was just a normal human, he would be fully aware that it would just be suicide, even if I was willing to help him with any problem If he had, he would refuse to allow my involvement

And when I mean asking for their help, it's not because of me, it's because of my family, I can manage on my own, but they... they have no way to defend themselves, I can't be close to them all the time and I also don't have how to empower them, not to mention that I can do almost nothing if I am attacked by someone much stronger than me

Ultimately, my request for help is to protect my family, but the point is precisely this: I have nothing to offer other than myself as payment for this request

And I know they don't charge a high price for their work, but I'm opting for the worst case scenario, that that crazy priest is not just part of a random group of excommunicated priests, but some really strong different group, plus there's another point...

I make something clear here, I refuse to become a demon

And it's more because I have to serve someone than stop being human, although the idea of ​​abandoning my humanity bothers me a lot, I don't know, it's more the simple idea of ​​having to obey the will of someone other than my own, just thinking It makes my whole body contract, just thinking about it disgusts me on a strange level

It can be said that I am a great defender of free will, one of the reasons why even though I was reincarnated in a world that was previously only fictional for me, I did not convert to any religion, even though I know that the gods are real and the impossible is practically possible

I just don't want to serve anyone, like I said, the only will I follow is my own

And I also have the feeling that my power is fueling my mindset even more, as if it's actually reinforcing that aspect of my character

But this is also a problem, I don't give a damn about my pride and my ego for the sake of my family, I would commit suicide if something happened to them because of some ego or stupid pride, my power is reinforcing this characteristic of mine only makes the situation unnecessarily complicated, I don't mind serving Rias or Sona if my family is safe

But like I said, this intuitive repulsion to serve someone is making me look for another method other than becoming a devil, which again seems stupid, as I know that Rias and Sona treat members of their peerage well.

...Haaa, my current idea is to get some of those pamphlets they are distributing around, besides joining their peerage the only thing I can offer is money, but I don't think there is enough money to convince them to join conflict with a potential human organization just like the exorcists

Not to mention that Rias and Sona are practically princesses of the underworld, money is definitely not a problem

Besides, the devils are seeking peace after all, and coming into conflict with some other organization doesn't seem very smart, and even though Rias is a nice girl, I don't think she's nice enough to do that for a complete stranger...unless you are a member of her peerage

In the end, my most logical and viable option seems to be just this

And now, I'm weighing my actions, whether I should follow this plan of joining the devils, or follow my other plan and just use my power and keep an eye on possible suspects

Ugh, how troublesome, I think I still have time to think about it, but I can't take too long to decide, I can't put their safety at risk

"Yawn"...huh, all this thinking made me tired, I'm glad we're already in the last class, after that I can leave

Oh, right, I still have to accompany Mari to the dentist, I had forgotten that Myako had asked me to do that yesterday, other than that...Saji was a little strange today, I mean, stranger than usual, he seemed a little out of focus, practically daydreaming, I lost count of how many times during our conversation he seemed not to pay attention, I had to warn him several times

Well, it's not hard to deduce from what you hear, he probably joined Sona's peerage, and it must have been yesterday, since yesterday he had said he had something else to do

Oooookay, let's see what the rest of the day has in store for me

[Pov: 3rd Person]

While all these thoughts were going through his head, Micael was still sitting in the starting position, with the only difference being that his brow was no longer furrowed and his hand with the pencil was on the table without turning it any further

Letting out another yawn, Micael looked at the clock on the board, seeing that there were only a few seconds left until the class ended, he straightened up in his chair, raising his arms above his head, before leaning from one side to the other and then , rotating the trunk in the same way

He was stretching, just waiting for the signal so he could get up

And he didn't have to wait long, as the bell to end class soon sounded


Micael languidly got up from the chair, then stretching his back a little more, then starting to pack his things

While the other students in his class did the same, packing their own things and leaving, alone or in groups, Micael soon joined them as he walked out into the hallway

His objective was his sister's class, as he had already said, he would accompany her to the dentist, and in a few steps he would get there, as her class was not too far from his

And that was exactly what happened, as he could already see her classroom with some students leaving, and with a few more steps he reached the door that was already open, took a step inside to see his sister, and found her, but she was not alone

There in front of her desk, was his sister and another girl, the girl in question was Koneko, how the hell Koneko got out of his class and went to his sister's class and was now talking to his sister, he had no idea, but probably this is not a good sign

At least that's what his inner Batman says, but out of concern he's just going to observe for now, he also can't jump to conclusions

Then watching his sister and Koneko interact, in a conversation he had no idea what it could be, he stood there staring for a moment before approaching

He took a few steps towards the two before calling out to Mari

"Yo, Mari"

The girl, upon hearing her name being called, turned her head in the direction she heard it from and saw her brother walking towards her

"Micael? What are you doing here?" — That's what she said the moment she saw her brother, making an expression of incomprehension when he was there.

"You forgot, didn't you?" — Micael answered her question when his approach ended, stopping next to her, and answered her question with his own, his face with a neutral look already waiting for it

"Forgot? What?" — Mari said as her expression of incomprehension changed to confusion

"Sigh, the dentist, Mari, the dentist" — Micael replied, letting out a sigh, putting one of his hands in his pocket and keeping his neutral gaze looking at her

"Ahh... right, I forgot, sorry" - Mari said as her expression changed from confusion to understanding, before slightly frowning and looking back at Micael as she said 

"You don't need to come with me, I can go alone" — Mari said while one of her hands went to her waist, adopting a clear pose of disagreement

"Your mother told me to accompany you, and that's what I'm going to do" — Micael replied with a shrug, keeping his gaze neutral and making it clear that he wouldn't let her go alone

"I can go alone" — Mari repeated her sentence, this time emphasizing her point using a stronger tone of voice

"Tell that to Myako" — He replied while shrugging once again, making it clear once again that nothing she said would change his mind

Mari didn't respond this time, she just stood there, looking at him with a slight frown in silence, she stayed like that for a moment before sighing and shaking her head, her arm leaving her waist and relaxing, implying that she had given up arguing

Then, she shifted her gaze to another girl who was silently observing their interaction, seeing that the white-haired, golden-eyed girl remained as expressionless as ever

"Sorry about that, Koneko-chan, but it's like I'm saying, Saya is sick that's why she didn't come today, so you'll have to wait until tomorrow to talk to her" — Mari told Koneko as she crossed her arms over the breasts

"Mm, I see" — Koneko replied simply, her tone sounding as neutral as her face, and her own voice almost whispering

'Koneko-chan?' — That was Micael's thought as he listened to the two girls, wondering if they were so close and what they were talking about

"What is the problem?" — So wanting to clear up his doubts and make sure there was nothing suspicious going on, he asked directly

"It's nothing big, it's just that Koneko-chan here borrowed my tablemate's pen, but she didn't come today so she came to me" — Mari replied, making him understand the situation

And to reiterate that point, he can see how Koneko moved her right arm, revealing a pink pen with a cat-shaped cap, confirming his sister's words

And seeing that it seemed to be exactly what she had said, Micael became a little suspicious, wondering if it was just that

'That's kind of...sus, why did she come to give a pen of all things to a girl in my sister's class, couldn't she have just borrowed it from someone in our class?'

'Mmm...maybe it's a contract, after all, they go around handing out these flyers to literally anyone, wouldn't it be weird if someone from your own school took some'

'Ok, ok, be paranoid, but not to the point of distrusting your own shadow, until proven otherwise they are innocent' 

Reinforcing the thought that he must be paranoid, but not to the point of distrusting everything and everyone, Micael decided to establish a first contact with the devil in front of him, at least to make a friendly first impression

Thus, making an expression of understanding, slightly raising his eyebrows and letting out a brief nasal sound before responding

"Hmm, I see, anyway, we haven't introduced ourselves yet, right? As you have heard my sister say, my name is Micael, Micael Alvez de Aoyama, and yours?" — Micael introduced himself, taking his hand out of his pocket and extending it to Koneko, expecting a handshake

Koneko didn't respond immediately, she just looked at his outstretched hand, before shifting her gaze to his face, and stayed like that, looking at him silently in a way that would make many people uncomfortable, but not Micael, as he just stared at her back in response, raising an eyebrow in doubt

'What's wrong with her? Does she suspect something? Or is she just being weird?'

Micael had no idea why she was behaving like that and when he was about to lower his hand, the girl stopped looking at him and started moving her hand

She moved the hand that held the pen, taking it to her purse and putting it away, before moving her hand to his, thus accepting his grip

"Koneko, Toujou Koneko, nice to meet you" — Koneko replied, her voice in that usual neutral, whispery tone, as she nodded slightly in acknowledgement

"Nice to meet you too" — Micael replied with a nod, reciprocally reiterating her greeting

Then, the two stood there with their hands in a silent shake, with Koneko facing him once again and Micael returning the look without looking away, they remained in a strange momentary silence without saying a single word as they shook hands, each having their own own thoughts about the situation

'Huh...golden eyes are really beautiful...and strange'

With these thoughts in mind, Micael looked at the other supernaturally beautiful girl in front of him, now that he was close to her, he could analyze her appearance better, just like when he passed by Rias, and he could already realize that the girl in front of him didn't lose to Rias in terms of beauty

A completely symmetrical and proportional face, milky white skin without any type of blemish, just like Rias, lips also pink and along with obviously long eyelashes as well

And her eyelashes, along with her hair and eyebrows were also white, in fact, have you ever wondered how strange it would be to see someone with white eyebrows and eyelashes in real life?

Not only that, another color like Rias's red hue was also strange, but since the people who had these characteristics were two abnormally beautiful girls, it only made them exotic and not strange

Anyway, they were characteristics that only served to enhance the already abnormal attractiveness of these girls, even more so in the case of Koneko who was an Asian girl, you can imagine how exotic and attractive an Asian girl with these characteristics would be

And besides everything he noticed, her stunning eyes were some kind of molten golden color or something, they were a very beautiful and eye-catching color, Rias's blue eyes were beautiful, but the girl's in front of him were more on the his opinion

As for her body... yeah, let's leave that for another time, a time when she's not literally in front of him and looking at him... and of course, his thoughts about analyzing her body are totally pure, just like he already said he doesn't want to be arrested by the interdimensional FBI

So, with these types of thoughts running through Micael's head, he ended the strangely silent handshake, with Koneko just repeating her action and withdrawing her own hand 

On their side, Mari just stared silently with a raised eyebrow at this strange interaction

Thus, both hands returned to their previous positions, with Koneko's hand relaxed at her side and Micael's hand back in his pocket

"Ah, right, you usually greet each other by bowing, right? And you also use your surname instead of your first name, don't you? Sorry for my mistake or if I was rude, I still haven't adapted to this aspect of Japanese culture" — Micael spoke next after removing his hand, bowing slightly, this time greeting her in the same way that the Japanese, Koreans and perhaps Chinese greeted each other

"It's okay, you're not Japanese, so there's no problem" — Koneko replied, shaking her head slightly in denial, indicating that everything was okay

"Mmm, ok then" — He said as he lightly nodded his head in understanding

"In fact, I already knew your name, after all there was no way I wouldn't know the name of the school's famous mascot, but I would still greet you so that we could introduce ourselves properly" — Micael said then, looking at her with a calm and calm look. a slight smile, trying to appear as friendly and disarming as possible

While he was trying to look friendly, Mari at his side moved not so discreetly and bumped her elbow into his side, making him look in her direction with a look that asked what

Moving her eyes to Koneko and back to him, indicating something with her eyes, as if she was trying to say something through her gaze

Keeping a doubtful look at her, Micael didn't need to think much to understand what she meant with that look

He shouldn't call Koneko the school mascot, at least not in front of her

"It's fine" — That's what Koneko said, seeing the exchange of looks between brother and sister, she was able to understand what Mari was trying to signal

The two then shifted their gaze to her upon hearing her words

"I don't mind" — Koneko continued her words, her voice in the same whispery tone as always

Micael and Mari just looked at her in silence, seeing that her face remained the same expressionless face, each having their own thoughts regarding her words

'Wow, her face hasn't moved an inch...but she's so cute~, heh~, no wonder she's the school mascot~' — This was Mari, her face was calm in contrast to her thoughts about the girl in front of her

'Huh' — That was Micael

The three then remained silent, looking at each other without saying a word

The three remained silent for a long moment, then when Mari was starting to get weird, Koneko remaining unfazed, Micael said something...

"Everything is daijoubu?"

Micael said a sentence, starting in English and ending in Japanese


Mari and Koneko spoke at the same time, confused and not understanding what he was saying, with Mari making an expression of confusion when looking at him, and Koneko keeping her face expressionless and only slightly tilting her head expressing her doubt

"Hah, it's nothing, nevermind"

Micael ended up responding to their doubtful expressions while lightly laughing and showing a slight smile

"Anyway, Mari-"

Micael, who was about to tell Mari that they had to leave, ended up being interrupted by noises and sighs and words that expressed disbelief around him

"Gasp!/Is that really her?!"

"No way.../I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"Is it really her.../Am I having a hallucination?... quickly slap me!"


When he heard these noises around him and saw how the students looked at the door he had entered through, he realized that the origin of this commotion was coming from there

Micael saw how the students looked surprised and shocked... as if they had seen a celebrity or something, and he didn't need to think much to know why, in fact, even his sister, who was already looking in that direction, seemed surprised

Then, without further ado, he turned around as well, only to come face to face with who he thought she was, Rias Gramory, the main heroine, and one of the school's "onee-sama" capable of causing such reactions in the students

There she was, with all her beauty and devilish charm, walking towards the three, while having a slight smile on her face

'Huh, coincidence... I don't think so'

That was Micael's thought when he observed the girl in front of him

'We meet again... well, let's see how things develop this time'

These were Micael's thoughts, imagining how this unexpected meeting with Rias would develop

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