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73.68% Transmigrated into the World of Frieren / Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Paradise (New)

Capítulo 14: Chapter 14: Paradise (New)

1000+ years before the death of the demon king, on the central lands. In a small village situated in a forest, lies a now burning town of elves.

"I need to protect everyone!"

A white haired elf holding a staff worriedly shouted while running towards the smoke originating from her village.

"Kill every elf you find on the village! It is by the our lords will!"

An extremely tall demon. Who wore a full suit of armor and had long hair brown hair flowing from his helmet shouted to his squadron of demons

"Yes! Lord Basalt!"

After saluting there general, the squadron started busting down doors and killing any elf they see no matter how old and young they may be.

"Please, spare my child!" A women elf with grey hair desperately pleaded with the demon wearing the armor, but however the demon knight couldn't care less about her words and quickly raised his sword.






Scenes of ruthless massacre was envisioned through out the town, until the dying screams of the elves were finally snuffed out. Turning the once busting town of joy into a eerie silent hell scape.




"Lord Basalt all of the elf's have been properly dealt with!" The leader of the demon knights proudly saluted.


The white haired elf hopelessly screamed at her now burning village.

Looking at where they had heard the scream, the demon knights and Basalt were able to see a white haired elf looking at them with despair written of her eyes.

"It seems you have missed a singular elf, Reguld..." Basalt mocked the efficiency of his demon knights before coldly looking at the white haired elf.

"I apologize Lord Basalt!" The demon knight quickly kneeled towards Basalt before standing up swiftly and aiming his sword at the surviving white elf.

"Surrender now elf and you shall have a painless deat-"

Before Reguld could even finish his sentence, he was suddenly flunged into a burning building.



Seeing his trusted appointed demon captain sudden be flung at near sonic speeds at the building, Basalt then chuckled curiously before unsheathing his blade.

"You're opponent will be me, Elf!"






Crouching on the floor and tiredly panting, the white haired coldly looked at the now dead demon general disentigrating at the roots of the tree.


'I'm sorry everyone...'



A young women with orange hair styled into a long, thick braid that reached to her knees wearing a white togas and simple sandles walked in front of the white elf.

Seeing the appearance of her past master, Fieren finally understood that she was in the dream.


"I see this is a dream..."

Standing up from the ground, Frieren looked at her master kindly.

Smiling in response, Flamme then sincerely looked at Fieren.


"You're forgetting something..."







"Frieren! Wake up!!"

Grumbling in her sleep Frieren was suddenly woken up from a twelve hour nap and abruptly refused to leave the comfort of her bed.

"6 more hours!"

"You said you were going to help me get some pocket money!!" Lacht then started swaying Frieren more aggressively.

"I said 6 more hours!" Frieren didn't budge an inch and continued on with her sleep.


"Okay fine! Go sleep till your ears wilt, you old hag!"

(Lacht used Insult)

(It's super effective!)

"Old hag?"

Hearing the singular phrase that she doesn't want others to call her, Frieren immediately jumped up from her bed and swiftly summoned her staff and swinged it at Lacht who was besides her.

"Support magic: Jilwer"


The wooden floor of Frieren's room broke from the excessive amount of force.

Lacht who was able to cast a spell to increase his speed,then mischievous smiled at Frieren.

"Now that your awake can we go now?"

Still pointing her staff at Lacht, Frieren who was still wearing her sleeping gown made an emotionless face.

"Spell of Binding: Sorganeil"

A bright yellow strand of mana moved towards Lacht at blink of a eye.

"Defensive magic: Counter"

Wrapping himself with a bluish aura, Lacht calmly waited for the binding spell to hit or take effect of him.


In an instant, bright yellow strand of light suddenly moved twice as fast at towards towards direction.



Frieren looked at below her and immediately saw two pair of yellow rings trapping her before looking at Lacht in surprise.

'He is growing stronger every day... He would pass my level in only about one year... And if he keeps growing, he can reach Serie's level in only five years...'

'How can a demon child be so knowledgeable and talented at magic without any proper training?'

Remembering what Flamme warned about, in her dream, Frieren couldn't help but understand just how much of a danger Lacht would be if he suddenly went rouge.

'He sometimes helps the human villagers with menial tasks and he treats them with kindness and care. He also suppressed his mana to perfect degree that even I can't tell that he was suppressing his mana in the first place... '

Internally sighing to herself

'Flamme... to think that a demon would be more talented at suppressing there mana than you and I, makes me a little dispirited...'

Lacht looking back at Frieren who was silently looking at him with now curious eyes.


"I haven't even said anything." Frieren immediately refuted.

"I can tell from your goblin like eyes that you want my spell"


Frieren made a simple thinking pose while asking Lacht a question.

"Lacht, what's a goblin?"

Hearing Fieren asking what the word goblin means, Lacht widened his eyes in surprise.

'They don't have goblins here?! Oh thank god!! If they existed here, it would had been my life's mission to eradicate them from the face of the earth.'

"It just means a small creature with long ears..." Lacht intelligently used a half truth so that Frierens lie detection spell won't trigger, saving him the trouble of explaining to Frieren.

"I'm not small! I'm still growing! Just you wait until I'm 10,000 years old! Then you will see how much I've grown!"

"Yeah yeah..."

Sighing to himself, Lacht then quietly removed her bindings, making her be able to move again.

"So can we go now-"





In the Village of Igelwide, at the outskirts of Morgenrot.

Lacht and Frieren are currently doing chores like picking up vegetables, fixing broken items, healing amputated limbs and entertaining the children with there magic.


"Thank you Lacht for fixing my water basin!"

"Huh? My leg doesn't hurt anymore..."



"Lacht, my forge hammer broke can fix it?"

"Big brother Lacht! Can you show us that magic spell that makes a small explosions of colors again!'

"Lacht! can you help help me carry these boxes to the wagon?"






Wiping the sweat coming from his forehead and looking at the setting sun, Lacht then looked behind him and saw Frieren holding her staff like a granny and tiredly panted from all the physical labor that Lacht forced her to participate in, by bribing her with a spell than can make a five by five area around the caster to always be consistenly warm.

'Wouldn't it be better to use magic to lift those boxes?'


Frieren couldn't understand the thought process of the living and breathing spell factory in front of her.

"We got 5 silver strahl and 54 bronze coins!"

Ishida opened his palm in glee before repeatedly counted each of the coins a couple times to double check.

Seeing Lacht greedily smile at his hard earned money, Frieren couldn't help but smile with him.

'If I didn't know he was once a demon, I would've thought that he was a human...'

"Here's your share"

Reaching out his right hand towards Frieren Lacht gave her about fifty percent of his money.

Seeing the silver and bronze coins on Lacht's hands and then at Lacht's smiling face.

"Why are you giving me your money?"

Scratching his head in embarrassment Lacht then sincerely bowed his head.

"It's just my way to apologize to you... And it's also because you helped me do some of my chores!"

Shaking her head in denial, Frieren then looked at Lacht's bowed head.

"You can keep it Lacht, I barely even did anything... That is a reward from your own hard work, I can't just take it from you."


Lacht's eyes shined with greed once more before quickly pocketing the money in his coin pouch.


"Yes, but you still have to give me that spell."

'Oh right...'

Lacht silently sighed before looking at the dirt road behind them.

"Can we go to the same pond, that we always use?"





Silently walking towards the pond in the brink of the night, Lacht and Frieren were finally able see a line of bright shining lights illuminating the entire area of the pond and forest, where flowers of different colors are blooming side by side. Even though it was currently night time the area looked like it was being illuminated in the day, making it look like real life replica of the garden of eden.


Frieren couldn't help but utter to herself, while looking at paradise incarnate and looking at black haired human child in front of her.

"Lacht, How did you make this?"

Looking at Frieren's amazed face, Lacht couldn't help but proudly puff up his chest and putting his arms on his hips before making a smug smile.

"A secret spell that, I've been working on for that past three months"

'I want it...'

"And no, even if I teached you the fundamentals of the spell you wouldn't be able to replicate it using your mana"

'Well it follows the fundamentals of reality marbles or even domain expansions from other animes...'

Frieren's lie detection spell triggered did not, revealing that what Lacht was saying is actually true.

"I see..."

Crouching down into the flowery fields, Frieren, inspected the different flowers around her and was able to notice that each every one of them are a new species of flowers.

'So many flowers... Did Lacht individually create each of these flowers from scratch?'

Using her spells to make a field of flowers to scan, Lacht's field of flowers, Frieren couldn't help but sigh to herself again.

'He has already surpassed me...'

Walking forward into paradise, Frieren made small smile to herself.

'If Master, Himmel,Eisen and Heiter could experience this, they would think that this place would be heaven...'

Following Lacht further into paradise, where a crystal clear pond is currently located, Lacht then immediately jumped from ground towards the large rock while mischievously holding something behind him.




Curiously lookinh at Lacht, Frieren couldn't help but looked, think what he was hiding behind him.


Pulling out a red skinned grimoire behind him, Frieren then immediately looked at it's title.

'The Study of Natural World By Lacht'

Opening her eyes in surprise, Frieren immediately then looked at Lacht's prideful smile with excitement in her eyes.

"You made that?"

"Yes, I spent a long while writing this just for you..."

Lacht immediately threw his grimoire towards Frieren nonchalantly, before sitting on hit large stone rock in anticipation.

Seeing the most grimoire being thrown away like it's nothing more than a piece of garbage, Frieren immediately caught the valuable grimoire in her hands before laughing weirdly and quickly flipped through the pages.


Flipping through the thick grimoire, Frieren started reading it with interest, ignoring Lacht who was still quietly observing her being focused on reading his grimoire.

'It took me three months of my life, but it's worth it... Now Frieren won't ask me any of my spells anymore.'

'Now all she has do is just decode the arcane circle and make the spell herself...'


Puting his right hand to support his head, Lacht then looked at Frieren who was waving her grimoire with great value.


'What year is it even? From what Throd and Tuli told me it's only been 20 years after Himmel the Hero died..."



Opening his eyes in surprise, Lacht then immediately looked at Frieren in a panic

'Its been seven months now and Frieren still hasn't met Fern and Heiter?!'

Jumping down from his rock, Lacht then slowly walked towards Frieren, until he immediately swoop his grimoire from Frieren's cold dead hands.

"Noooo! My Grimoire! Lacht! You said it was mine!!"

Frieren immediately tried to fight for her Grimoire back with tears on her eyes, but Lacht just casually pushed her snobbish face and made sure it was out of her reach.

"I just remembered something..."

Lacht who was holding his grimoire far from Frieren's reach curiously looked at her like she was hiding something.

"Do you have any friends Frieren?"

After hearing Lacht's words, Frieren suddenly went silent and thought about the time Himmel, Eisern, Heiter and her went on a ten year adventure to slay the demon lord.

'Now that I think about it, I almost forgot about Heiter's promise...'

Frieren then looked at Lacht's curious face before smiling to herself.

"Do you want to come with me to meet a friend?"


'So she really did forget about Heiter...'

Lacht inwardly mocked Frieren for her lack of time perception, before smiling to himself.


Lacht then slowly gave his grimoire to Frieren and just as she was about to touch it again, he immediately brought it back to himself.

"But I have a condition..."

Not even looking at Lacht in the face and solely puting her gaze at his grimoire, Frieren agreed before he could even state his condition.

"Yeah yeah, give the grimoire already..."


"At least let me finish first!"

Frieren ignored his plea's while still eyeing his grimoire.

'Fern just how do you even keep up, with this magic goblin?'



Looking at Frieren with sincere eyes, Lacht then told Fieren his condition.

"I want to save the demons, will you help me?"

Perking her ears in surprise, Frieren immediately eyed at Lacht like he was following a dead dream.

"Lacht for the thousand years I've been hunting demons, you are the only weird one I've met."

Raising his eyebrow in response, Lacht then looked at Frieren straight in the eye.

"Is that suppose to be a complement?"

"I suppose so..."




"Sure, I will help you save the demon race, but only if you promise to protect humans and elf's for the rest of your life."

Scratching his head in contemplation, Lacht then sincerely nodded before raising his small right arm towards Frieren.

"Then you got yourself a deal!"




Mel0n_Pan Mel0n_Pan

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