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80% Kunoichi Yoruichi / Chapter 7: Academy Part 1

Capítulo 7: Academy Part 1

~~~~~~~~Arthur's note ~~~~~~~~

Yo what's good, This is going to be part one of the academy arc where I will get into detail of the academy and how things work, but there will be a change of plans I'm only going to be making Two or at most three parts but they will be longer then usual, I honestly don't want to spend too much time on it. And want to get to the good stuff.

Also, as stated in the previous chapter, we will have a flashback in this chapter, so expect that too.


This chapter has a NTR mention, before anyone leaves though nothing happens, and I mean nothing, nobody gets naked/touched/kissed/or anything of that nature. It's just gets applied in words. Don't worry Nobody is touching The MC's Girls. (I won't allow It)!!!!!! (I Hate NTR at least when it's done to the MC, but I'm not a particular fan of the other form of it also.)(also I guess it's not Really NTR if the MC is not dating anyone, but Whatever.)

I also want to try something new in this chapter; I will put the last two or three lines from the previous chapter into this one. So the ones who read as this comes out will not have to look back to the previous chapter to know what's happening in this chapter.

Multiple POV incoming (more then usual)

Anyway, this is all I hope you all enjoy, and like always, if you have any questions, ask right here. I will try to answer what I can.

PS: this has over 10 K words, so Read when you have free time


(Hidden Leaf Village, Academy) 2/11/54 MC POV

Finally making it past the red doors, I turned around to quickly shut them as I took a deep, long breath.

'Haaa, good thing no one saw that.'

{I wouldn't be so sure about that.}

'Shut it, miss no name, you don't count.'


Taking my hands away from the door, I turned around and went to the left, where I found another set of doors.


As I walked, I kept ignoring the other person walking alongside me, or should I say floating alongside me.


But just as I was about to reach for the door, I was blocked by the same person I was trying to ignore, making me stop as I looked up at her glowing purple eyes.

'Can you move?'

{Why are you ignoring me?}

I stare at her eyes for some time before walking right through her, almost as if she was a figment of my imagination.

'Why do you think.'

(Flashback to the night three days ago)

"Where the fuck am I?"

After falling asleep, I expected many things to happen when I opened my eyes. Yet to find myself standing in the middle of ruins was not one of them.


"Why are there so many bones?"

I looked around, hoping to find answers to my questions, but sadly, all I got were more questions.

This place was dark, eerie, and empty. It was so silent that I couldn't even hear the sound of the wind. It was as if time stood still here. The only thing that broke the eerie silence was the sound of my own footsteps echoing through the empty building .

I looked around untill I found a exit, I approached the massive door that seemed to be on the verge of collapse, with numerous holes and cracks visible on its surface.

After walking through the door, I found myself staring at an open field with mountains in the distance. However, I was not paying much attention to the mountains as I was amazed at the sight of thousands of bones of various sizes and shapes scattered all over the ground.


"What happened here?"

{you happened}

I jumped slightly at the creepy female voice behind me as I turned around to find a figure covered in a black cloak, hiding its features from view.

"Who are you!?"


The figure stood there menacingly, letting its cloak sway in the wind, which seemed to appear out of nowhere.

As soon as I noticed it taking a step in my direction, my heart began to race, and my instincts kicked in. I put up my guard and took a step back. It was a tense moment, but I knew I had to stay alert and ready for anything.

"Stay back; I-I know how to..."

As I was about to complete my sentence, I heard a sudden sound that made me freeze. Before I could even react, my view was obstructed by the mysterious cloaked figure, allowing me to notice its glowing purple eyes that sparkled in yellowish hues now and then.


{pathetic, all that power, and you're frozen in shock}

'What did this bitch just call me?'


My forehead creased in frustration as I channeled spiritual energy through my legs. I could feel the power surging through me as I moved forward; my body blurred as I utilized the same move the figure used. I reappeared behind her, my heart racing excitedly as I smirked in victory.




All of a sudden, my world turned upside down as I felt a firm grip on the back of my head, and before I could even react, my face hit the ground. The gritty sand and bones rubbed against my skin as I struggled to make sense of what was happening.

Feeling my head being released, I stood up with a jump as I quickly channeled both Chakra and spiritual energy throughout my body.

But it was for nothing as after getting up, I noticed the figure was slowly walking away from me, heading towards the ruins.

"Hey, where are you going? I'm not done yet!"

Hearing my words made her stop. I watched as she reached for her hood before gently pulling it down, revealing her long purple hair that flowed down her back.

I was in awe at such beautiful hair for a moment, only to take a step back in fear after she fully turned around, revealing her true form.

(????? IMG)

Seeing my reaction caused her to turn back around and continue walking away.

After she finally disappeared from my vision, I let my guard down, took a deep breath, and kicked a skull away that was resting against my feet.

"Who does she think she is, calling me pathetic? I was just surprised."

After calming down somewhat, I finally started to notice something about her that I had failed to notice beforehand.

"Wait, her voice... it sounds so familiar..."

After racking my brain for a second, I remembered the time when Tsunade and I had that conversation in the morning.

"Oh yeah, she is the one who spoke at that time... WAIT, SHE'S MY ZANPAKUTŌ SPIRIT!"

After thinking about it more deeply, I concluded that she really is my new Zanpakutō spirit.

"But why does she hate me..."

Thinking out loud, I looked around at the scattered bones that were laying everywhere.

'She said I happened, but I don't remember doing any of this... wait, hold up.'

Bringing up my System again, I managed to find the information on the Zanpakutō as I reread it.

______System Interface______



-created by Y̵o̸r̸u̵i̵c̵h̶i̵ ̷S̶h̶i̶h̶o̶u̴i̶n̶ infusing her essence into a special Zanpakutō that was crafted from the ashes of the goddess ????, to create a perfect Zanpakutō for her younger self.


'Ashes of a goddess, could she be...'

After thinking about it for a second, I discarded that idea as it wouldn't make sense to give me a goddess who would want to kill me as my very own Zanpakutō spirit.

'But I would never know until I ask.'

So, not seeing any other choice, I followed the same path she took as I made my way towards the ruins.

When I entered, I instantly found her sitting on what seemed to be a marble slab, looking out the window towards the very same mountains that I had seen outside.

Although her appearance gave me the creeps, I have to say that at this moment, she looked lonely. In fact, she looked so lonely that I somehow gathered enough courage to make my way over to her and stand just two feet away from her.


{it wasn't always like this}

'Okay, interrupt me, why don't you.'

{those mountains that you see over there used to hold an entire ecosystem filled with so much life}

She stood from her seat, making me tense for a moment, but it was unnecessary as she just walked past me, making her way to another section of the ruins.

I chose to follow her as she seemed more approachable than before.

We made it to another room which seemed to have been completely destroyed, leaving behind one wall alongside a broken doorway, as everything else seemed to have been erased from existence.

{this room used to be my sister's}

She walked towards a specific corner of the room where she reached down into the ash, pulling out a skull that seemed a little smaller than the other ones I have found.

"Is that?"

Instead of answering, she just crushed the skull, making it disintegrate into nothingness, causing me to flinch back as it happened unexpectedly.

"Why would yo-..."

{She isn't my sister anymore}

"… Look, you really have to stop interrupting me."

She just left without saying anything and headed towards another room. Completely ignoring me While waving her hand my way, almost as if begging me to follow.

'It's like she's giving me a tour.'

Sighing to myself, I take one last look around before following her to the next room where she seemed to disappear.

As I walked through the doorway, I couldn't help but notice that it was bigger than the rest. It was only after I had stepped inside that I realized why - I had entered a magnificent throne room. The room was grand and spacious, with high ceilings and walls adorned with intricate carvings, although they are in ruins. In the center of the room was a large throne, which loomed over everything else in the room. As I looked around, I noticed that my Zanpakutō spirit was standing below the throne.

As I approached her, I couldn't help but look at the grand throne standing ahead her as I turned to her and asked if it was hers.

{no, it's yours} She replied.

I raised an eyebrow at her words.


She nodded before finally giving me some clues on what happened to this place.

{when you came to judge, you took that seat as your own after killing everyone and everything that lived in this dimension.}

"… Why, why would I do that?"


After speaking, she walked away from the throne room while I remained frozen, contemplating what I had heard.

"Wrath? …What would cause you such anger, Yoru…"

Turning around I walk out where I found her once more, but this time she had already left the ruins and ventured back outside.

As I approached her, I couldn't help but notice her hand slowly rising up in front of her, fingers outstretched and palm facing me. It was almost as if she was preparing to unleash some sort of powerful attack, like a blast of energy that could knock me off my feet. I froze in place, unsure of what to do as she held her hand out.

But unlike the energy blast I was expecting, I noticed the very same Zanpakutō that I hid under the mattress come out of her palm and float in front of me before sinking into my chest as if fusing with me.

"Wow, what did you just do?"

{fulfilling my part of the contract} She responded.


{you should now be able to call for me whenever you want}

I looked at her with confusion before my eyes opened in realization. I mentally tried to summon my Zanpakutō to my hand and watched it appear instantly, making my eyes light up excitedly.

I then played with it by making my sword disappear and reappear in my hand as I realized what she had just done.

"This will come in handy."

{…} She remained silent.

I looked back into her glowing purple eyes, waiting for her to say something.

"… So, are you going to tell me your name?"

{…} Still no response.

Not getting a response, I gave her my best puppy eyes before asking her again, but this time with a please.

{you don't deserve to hear my name, for you are not ready}

Her words again managed to anger me as I put my hands on my hips before speaking up to her in an aggrieved tone.

"Well, sorry, I can't compare to my hundreds of-year-old future self. I'm only 5."

{age should not matter-…}

'Officer, it's her.'

{…-in this situation, for I am not talking about combat experience}

"…Then what are you talking about? Why am I so pathetic and not ready in your eyes?"


I sighed as I figured she wouldn't tell me because right as I finished my words, she disappeared from my view by fading into the surroundings.

After entirely disappearing, I sat on the black marble stairs before the entrance and thought about what she could mean.

"I'm not ready …, am I too weak, or does she mean something else…"

"Agh, this is so annoying."

Frustration bubbles inside me as I clench a fistful of my hair tightly. I kick my legs around aimlessly for a few moments, trying to release the tension building up inside me. After a brief moment, I stand up and make my way back to the throne room..

When I arrived, I walked up to the same place I had stood when I was brought here by my Zanpakutō Spirit, as I looked up towards the empty black throne.

As I take a deep breath and begin to step towards the throne, a sudden and inexplicable force sends me hurtling backward. I feel as though an invisible wall has slammed into me with a great force, knocking me off balance and throwing me into the air.

"What the hell!"

I instinctively rotated my hip midair to land on my feet as I slid backward for a little before coming to a halt. Looking back up, I found the same skeleton lady standing a couple of feet before me.

Just as I was about to question her on what that was, she spoke up before I could.

{it's not yet time for you to take the Throne}

"Then why bring me here before?"

{to show you your goal}

'My goal'

I look up back towards the throne that stood on a platform.


Still looking at the throne, I bring up my question from before.

"What do you mean I'm not ready?"

For the first time since being here, she took her time to answer me, unlike before, when she would answer me right after or before I spoke.

{…why should I tell you who I am if you don't even know who you are}

I turned around to face her, as I furrowed my brows and tilted my head to the right, giving off an air of confusion. Before asking her…

"What the fuck does that mean?"

As I spoke, my Zanpakutō spirit stood in front of me, her ethereal form emanating a sense of disappointment. With a sorrowful shake of her head, she turned away and began ascending the grand staircase leading to the throne, while her every step echoes through the vast broken chamber.

{figure that out yourself}

With her words, she finally made it up towards the throne, but instead of sitting on it as I expected, she just walked behind it before resting her skeletal hand.

As her hand touched the throne, my vision started to blur. I was snapped back to reality with a start, and as I opened my eyes, where I found myself gazing at Tsunade's closed eyelids.

I sighed softly before closing my eyes and letting my body sink into her embrace as I thought of her words.

'Who am I?'

And just like that, I have been trying to figure out that question for three days straight without much success. because every night I would wake up in the same ruins, trying to ascend toward the throne yet get flung off from the same step.

I think maybe 'cause I was getting so annoyed, I started ignoring my Zanpakutō spirit whenever I saw her 'cause deep down, I knew she couldn't do anything to help me out anyway.

(Return to present) MC POV

Pushing open the green doors, I find myself standing at an intersection that leads to many different classrooms. I

look around for some time before pulling out a little piece of paper from my sleeve and looking at its contents.

'A1, ok, easy enough.'

Putting the paper back I looked at the signs on the doors and looked for my exact door.

When I was quickly scanning the classroom numbers posted on the walls. My eyes landed on the one I was looking for, which was just a few steps away to my right. I was about to knock on the door when a loud noise startled me. I turned around to see a door flinging open with a force that echoed in the quiet hallway. In front of me stood a girl who seemed to be my age. Her eyes were sharp and observant, and her curly hair was tied back in a messy bun,

We locked eyes for a brief moment before I watched her look behind me. Shrugging I chose to ignore her as I turned back around and proceeded to knock on the door.

The door opened shortly after, and we found ourselves facing a middle-aged man outfitted in traditional ninja gear, including a green vest and a forehead protector.

"You're late."

I look past him towards the clock in the back of the room before looking back to him with a shake of my head.

"Nope, we're right on time."

The girl seemed to agree with my words as she nodded her head.

Hearing my words caused the middle-aged man to scoff before opening the door wide enough for us to enter.

As I stood next to the girl, she gave a slight bow before entering the classroom. I, on the other hand, chose to walk in with my hands casually behind my head, displaying my lack of respect towards the man who stood in front of us. In my eyes, he had not yet done anything to earn my respect, and until then, I saw no reason to show him any sort of deference.

But it looked like he didn't care, as after we both got inside the class, he shut the door before making his way back up to the front, and taking a seat.

"Alright, class settles down. You both sit and stay quiet."

We both nodded and proceeded to the last row, which was the only one that was not yet filled up.

As I ascended, I couldn't help but notice several familiar faces wearing bright smiles as I passed by them. Their genuine joy compelled me to wave back before I eventually reached the final row.

Taking my seat, I got comfortable before looking up to the front as I waited for the Sensei to begin talking, which didn't take long.

"Listen up, starting today, you will begin your life as Shinobi for the hidden leaf. Starting today, everyone-…"

Tooning his voice down in my mind, I begin looking around the classroom with my eyes as I observe each and every one of the students.

Because alongside my friends, I seemed to have noticed some other people who I knew from the anime I watched in the past.

Including a certain brown hair girl with two purple lines running up her cheeks.

'Nohara Rin, she looks… average.'

And I wasn't wrong, even compared to the other girls in the classroom she would rank around top 7 out of the 12 girls in the class.

'Now that I look at it, aren't there too many students?'

I was broken out of my thoughts by the whole class standing from their seats and walking out the class alongside the Sensei.

"Ee, what happened, where's everyone going?"

"Yoruichi, over here!"

As I heard a familiar voice calling out to me, I swiftly turned my head in its direction. Where I saw Obito and Kurenai standing near the exit, waving their hands in an attempt to get my attention. I followed their gesture and made my way towards them.

when I arrived I gave both of them a high five before asking them where everyone is going.

"Didn't you hear, we are all going to the battle arena where we will see the Hokage in person."

"Obitos right, you didn't pay attention did you Yoruichi?"


They both shake their heads in disbelief before grabbing my hands and pulling me alongside themselves.

"Let's go and catch up to Asuma."

After pulling me for some time I told them I can walk myself resulting in them letting go, before we all made it to our destination.

Upon arriving at the arena, I noticed that it was much larger than depicted in the anime, including the stone arms displaying the Ne/Rat hand sign.

I then looked towards the middle of the arena to find couple rows of students lined up all looking towards the man standing on the raised platform.

'Thats the Hokage huh.'

As I was assessing him I finally made it down into the area as I lined up alongside the others.

While standing in line behind the others, I noticed a couple of students glancing my way before scoffing and looking back towards the Hokage.

'Great more assholes.'

"Welcome everyone, I hope everyone is doing well."

Seeing as the Hokage is speaking I gave him my attention when out of nowhere I heard a voice inside my head.


Even though I want to ignore her words I couldn't help but agree as even I can tell he is beyond my strength currently.

Ignoring that thought, I listened in as he spoke about how happy he is that we decided on taking the path we took and that he can't wait to see what good we will bring to the village.

'Basic manipulation, not surprising though.'

I still listened in, even though I took almost none of his words to heart

(3rd Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi POV)

"I am sure every one of you will make this village proud with you-…"

While delivering my speech, I couldn't help but steal a glance at all the young faces. In particular, there were a couple of them that caught my attention, who I've been keeping an eye on for quite some time now.

'Yoruichi Shihouin, Kurenai Yūhi, Obito Uchiha and of course you can't forget my own son Asuma Sarutobi.'

In this class, these four individuals stand out as the most noteworthy. Among them is a member of the esteemed Uchiha family, who, despite no longer being at the height of their power, remain as one of the most highly-regarded clans in the entire village.

The daughter of the newly emerging Yūhi family. Despite being a sub clan of the long-established Uchiha clan, they possess exceptional abilities to cast illusions. Notably, this young girl seems to be a prodigious talent based on feedback from her peers and former teachers. It would be wise to keep an eye on her progress.

Then there's my son who would not need much of an introduction as everyone knows that he would become a great ninja just based on him being of my blood.

And finally the one I believe to hold the most potential, Yoruichi Shihouin.


'Hmm, weird… what was that feeling?'

I look around myself as I had a feeling as if someone was staring right through me.

{it's the ugly guy upfront}


I look upfront and noticed only five people present, one of them being a pretty brunette, two of them being from ANBU so you couldn't see their face and another being my teacher, witch although I wouldn't call handsome, he was ok looking. So that only left one man to fit the bill.

'The Hokage?'

And I was right, because when I looked at him more carefully I noticed he was looking at me with his eyebrows raised.


I'm relieved that I have my anti-spying seals in place. They might not be the most advanced, but they serve their purpose by masking my Chakra signature making it appear lower than it actually is, keeping me safe from prying eyes.

'But still, to think that a respectable figure like the Hokage, is actually a pervert that likes looking at lil boys and girls. I mean, he also did the same to Naruto in the Original series.'

Deciding to not pay attention to his leering I Instead just listened to what he said with open ears… Well, open enough to wear his words go through one ear, and out the other.

" …-and once again Welcome to the Ninja Academy."

'Oh, he's done.'

Once he left alongside the two ANBU and the pretty Brunette, we were finally allowed to go back to class as we all started making our way back.

On the way there I again grouped up with my friends but unlike last time we managed to bring Asuma with us as we kept a short conversation while we walked.

"The Hokage was so cool. Ne Yoruichi, do you think I can be just like him when I grow up?"

I look at Obito and told him that he can if he tries his best, hiding my real thoughts in mind. But unlike me one person chose to speak their true thoughts as they spoke arrogantly.

"You the Hokage, please. Everyone knows that it would be me, Asuma Sarutobi, the fourth Hokage."

"*giggle*, You? There's just no way. I mean you can't even beat Yoruichi in a spar."

Hearing Kurenai's words made me stick up my head in pride as I was titled The Unbeatable Champion by my friend group, because till this day I have yet to loose a spar against any of them.

"So? She cant be Hokage anyway, she's a girl."

His words mange's to piss off Kurenai to the point she went ahead and even kicked him in the shin, making him drop down to one knee in pain.

"Ow ow ow, why would you do that?"


She just continued walking, completely ignoring his existence.

'You go girl!'

Yet unlike her I actually went up to him and helped him up before smiling at him and asking him if he's ok.

"Y-yea thanks I guess."

'Oh look at him… he's blushing, time to ruin his day then.'

"That's good. Hey, what's that up there?"

"Hmm? Whe- UoGFFF…"

He falls on his knees once again but this time instead of holding onto his shin he was holding onto his Nuts, as he just got firsthand experience on a new move I came up with.

'The Ball Popper kick. Has a nice ring to it doesn't it?'


Turning around I walk past the ashen faced Obito and reached Kurenai.

"Well let's go."


Leaving the boys behind we began our own conversation as we were nearing the classroom.

"He's an idiot isn't he Yoruichi?"

"Yep, but I don't blame him though. I mean, I don't think there's ever been a single Female Kage in any of the nations till this day."

"…Now that you mentioned it I think you're right, why is that?"

I shrugged as I haven't really thought about it. When she saw me shrug she asked me if I wanted to become the Hokage making me freeze.

"Hokage huh, Na I'm good."

"But why? You're super strong and smart, won't you be a perfect Hokage?"

I didn't answer her as she wouldn't understand my reasoning.

Luckily I didn't have to get asked anything else because we finally made it back to class where we separated and took our seats.

"Ok, is everyone back?"

Some random g guy from class raised his hand. "Umm Sensei, Asuma had to go to the hospital."


'Oops, didn't mean to hit him that hard.'

"Class dismissed, come back same time tomorrow."

After rushing his words he bolted out the classroom, making me question his decision until I remembered that Asuma is the son of the Hokage, and as the Sensei of his class, he would be responsible for his safety.

'Oh well, lucky me.'

"Yoruichi! Let's go together"


(1 month later)

"-Hashirama Senju and the Uchiha clan came together to form this very village, calling-…"

'Oh my gosh this is so boring…'

It's been 1 month since class started, and although I was excited at first, thinking that we would get to do many new things I just found this boring as it's pretty much like any regular class from my old life.

'But at least in my old life I had some form of entertainment with all the different girls in class, including some teachers. But this…'

"*Sigh* this is so boring…"

"You find my class boring?"

'Oops, did I say that too loud.'

"Well consider yourself lucky, because tomorrow will be our first field day."

His words managed to raise my interest, alongside the entire class as everyone began whispering to each other

"Alright settle down. That's tomorrow, today we need to finish this handbook, So pay attention."

We spent the rest of the class studying the village's history before it was finally time to leave.

"Yoruichi, you coming?"

Looking towards Obito and the rest, I let them know that I can't go with them today as I have prior arrangements.

"Ok, see you tomorrow."

Waving them goodbye as we separated, I headed towards the Hokage mountain since someone is expecting me there.

When I reached the location, I had to wait for a minute before I noticed someone making their way to me. I waved at her so she could see me.

"Tsunade, over here."

After she made her way to me, she gave me a hug. We hadn't seen each other for the past couple of days since apparently, she was busy in the hospital and had to take late shifts.

"How are you doing, little monster?"

"I'm fine, but really monster? Wasn't rascal enough?"

She laughed at my words before telling me about the rumor spreading around in the hospital.

"I didn't start it; there has been word going around that apparently someone is going around kicking boys in the 'you-know-where' place, making some worry about their safety."

I blushed slightly as I remembered that even the boys in my class seemed to keep away from me, for reasons unknown to me. Now I knew why.

"Well, it doesn't matter... Did you bring everything?"

I nodded to her words before pulling out a scroll from my inner pocket, showing it to her.

"Good, let's go."

We then began making our way to the same training ground as before, where we unblocked my Chakra.

After arriving, we checked if anyone was using it. After we found nobody, we set up multiple seals around the place to hide what we were going to do next.

"Ok, that should be all, whenever you're ready."

Nodding, I got into position before rushing at her with all my speed, minus the Flash Step, of course.

Even without utilizing Shunpo, my speed surpassed that of most Genin. So seeing Tsunade's surprise was expected.

"You're fast, but not fast enough."

Although I could see her movements if only barely, I couldn't react to her as she appeared beside me and stabbed my back with an inflatable Kunai.

"And you're dead."

"That's not fair and you know it."

"Yes, but you also messed up."

'I messed up, how?'

Thinking about what I did, I couldn't see anything wrong, and it looked like it showed on my face as Tsunade shook her head before explaining to me what I could have done.

"You're fast; I can give you that, and I also noticed your eyes can keep up with my speed if only barely. But you made two mistakes that got you killed. Instead of keeping your distance from an obviously stronger opponent, you chose to recklessly charge ahead."

'When she puts it that way...'

"Also, you're paying way too much attention to me." She pointed downwards towards my feet where I noticed a large crack in the ground.

"Oh, so I almost tripped, huh?"

She shook her head again before telling me to look closer.

"But there's nothing-..." I stopped my words mid-sentence when I noticed hidden wire that had me surrounded from all sides.


"Before we arrived. You have to keep in mind that you won't always have the home advantage, and most of the time you will have to fight on enemy territory."

With a determined expression, I nodded and reached deep within my soul. Feeling the familiar weight of my Zanpakutō, with a swift motion, I drew it out into the physical world as the blade glinted in the light.

Tsunade wasn't surprised when I demonstrated my ability to summon my weapon, as I had already shown her a few days prior when I asked her to train me.

"Got it, let's continue."

"Heh, you still have lots to learn. But sure, come at me."

(Next day, Academy morning)

"Looks like everyone's here; let's get going."

After leaving the class, we all headed towards the academy training ground where we were placed into random groups of two.

"Today, I'm going to be teaching you the basics of Academy taijutsu. So everyone, please pay attention." Murmurs of excitement arose among the students, but some, including myself, looked bored.

'I was expecting something different…'

"Now watch and learn."

"This is the basic foot placements, you will then rotate-…"

(hours later)

"Class is dismissed."


Standing up from my seat, I quickly make my way towards the door, ignoring my friend's call as I had places to be.

'Sorry guys, but mom comes first.'

Today, my mother went to work to teach the older kids. Although I don't know what she is teaching, I do know where, so I quickly make my way to the very end of the hallway before turning left and then right to finally reach the older kids' classrooms.

'She should be teaching in G6, G6, G- Oh, found it.'

I waited by the door for the class to end, as all classes usually end at the same time.

'Should be anything now.'

I decided to lean against the wall that was hidden from view so I can surprise her when she comes out. As I waited for the class to end, I heard commotion heading towards the door, which I took as my signal that the class had ended.

I was correct in my assumption as a couple of seconds later, a group of girls came out of the class while talking and giggling between themselves.

After they left, I expected mom to walk right out. But after not seeing her come out of the classroom, I got slightly worried.

'Where's mom?'

As a naturally curious little girl, I couldn't resist the temptation to peek through the gap in the door after walking up to it. And there she was - my mother, dressed in a stylish Shein dress that perfectly complemented her figure. Her attire was complete with a pair of glasses that looked cute and geeky on her, but I knew that they were actually fake. Nonetheless, she looked stunning but oddly enough, she looked overwhelmed and tired at the same time.

(Teacher mom IMG)

Just as I was going to open the door and surprise her, I heard footsteps from behind heading my way. So for some odd reason, I went back to my hiding spot and waited for whoever those footsteps belonged to.

And lo and behold, out came my Sensei, dressed in his standard Ninja gear, but I noticed that he seemed to be hiding something behind his back.

'Is that a scroll?'

After getting a better look, I noticed I was correct, as it looked like a regular mission report scroll, which for some reason made me worried.

Once he made it past the door, I heard him speak. But as the doors are thick in this place, it was hard to hear. Not seeing any other option, I made my way closer to the door and pressed my ear against it.

(about a minute prior) Yuzuriha/Mother POV

"Bye, bye Sensei."

"Bye girls." I smiled as I waved bye before dropping that same fake smile off my face as soon as they left the class.

'…Why did things turn out this way?'

I remembered when I took this job, I thought it was for the greater good, so other young girls wouldn't have to go through the same things I did. So I could create a difference. And although I did get to teach lots of students and even had some coming back after graduation to thank me as some of my lessons actually managed to save some of them.

But what I didn't expect was for rumors to start spreading about my pregnancy.

"*Sigh* what a mess…"

Just as I was about to get up and make my way to my daughter's friend's house, as I'm pretty sure that's where I would find her, I heard a knock on my door.

So I quickly fixed my appearance and put on a smile before opening the door where I came face to face with a colleague of mine who goes by the name Daichi Saito.

"Hello Saito-Sensei, do you need anything?"

"Hello to you too Shihouin-Sensei, and Yes, I have a question regarding a student. Do you mind if I come in?"

Not seeing a reason not to, I let him in after moving to the side. Hoping that it doesn't take long.

Making his way into the class, he looked around at all the posters resembling the female and male body, alongside some diagrams of different body parts. While nodding to some particular images of female body parts.

Not wanting to wait, I asked him what he needed help with, making him turn back to me before smiling.

"It's regarding your daughter, Yoruichi."

"What about my daughter?" I probably sounded more defensive than intended as he brought his arms in surrender, revealing a sealed scroll.

"Oh, don't worry. I mean her no harm. It's just that I think there must have been a mistake in the information you provided to the school."

I narrowed my eyes as I guessed where he is taking this.

"You said that her father is your ex-husband Shoto Nomaria. But after reading this mission report, I honestly don't know what to believe."

'Mission report?... Wait, don't tell me!'

"Oh, it looks like you know what's written here."

I stared with disbelief and shock at the scroll he held in his hand while muttering under my breath, asking him where he got it.

"Oh, that doesn't matter. What does matter is what would happen if this info got out, hmm? What would your daughter think?"

'This bastard.'

I looked at his face in anger, clenching my jaw, before I told him that I would just report him to the Hokage.

"Oh, please. We both know you won't. I mean, you care about your daughter, don't you? Because if you tell anyone, and I mean anyone, this info will be spread around the entire village the next morning."

Still staring at him, I took a quick glance at the scroll he held in his hand, which he seemed to notice. Because out of nowhere and unexpectedly, he threw it towards me.

"Keep it. I mean, it's just a replica, one of twenty actually."

Catching the scroll, I knew he had me beat, so I looked down at myself in anger for once again being helpless to do anything.

"What do you want?" I asked in a quiet but angry tone.

"I want you to be mine."

I looked back into his eyes in anger, noticing the lustful look he had while scanning my body with his eyes.

"So, what will it be: your body or your daughter's reputation?"

I stayed quiet, knowing that there was only one right answer in this situation.

But he probably took my silence as my way to think of a plan as he told me what he would do if I refused.

"I mean, you can refuse, but by tomorrow morning everyone in the village will know that Yoruichi Shihouin is a daughter of a rapist. Just imagine, she goes to school, and all her friends look at her in disgust as they all make fun of her behind her back before finally your daughter wouldn't be able to take it anymore and will-…"

"Enough!... I will do it."


Still looking down, I heard him making his way towards me before reaching out and trying to get a feel of my body. But I was quicker than him as I slapped his hand away before stepping back.


"What's the meaning of this?"

"Not here. My daughter goes here."

He sighed before giving me a sadistic smile.

"Isn't that exciting... but it looks like I can't force you. So, I want you to meet me at ******** today after the sun sets."

Saying so, he made his way to the door, but before he left, he left me with some parting words, telling me not to be late or else I know what happens.

Still angry, I watched him disappear. Yet when the door closed, I needed to express my anger. So I did in the only logical way possible.


(Saito-Sensei POV)

"-fuucck-" hearing her scream from behind the door makes me smirk, before I wipe the grin off my face after I noticed a couple students passing by.

'Heh, what easy prey.' I made my way towards the front door, smiling to all the students I passed while hiding my true thoughts.

After leaving the academy premises, I made my way to a safe house that stored all of my important possessions, including the 19 copies of the mission report.

"Ahh, what joy."

"So, how did it go, boss?"

I looked to my left, towards the voice that interrupted my moment of joy.

"Can't you see I was having a moment, *Sigh* doesn't matter. All is going according to plan."

The man who called me boss goes by the name John, he is a trader from the village hidden in rain. (Amegakure)

He is the main reason I'm even doing this because what others might not know is that I'm actually not as dumb as I look. I know she will tell someone, so that's why I gave her the wrong address on purpose to lead her in that direction.

All I have to do is knock her out before she arrives, tie her up with Chakra sealing chains, and then take her with me to the true base located right here.

"Do you remember the plan, John?"

"Yes, all I have to do is give these scrolls to random people on the streets unless you signal me tomorrow morning."

"Don't forget, if I do give you the signal, you will be ready to leave the hidden leaf and return to Amegakure."

"Yea, yea, we had a deal. I take you and your package to Amegakure, and you will pay me 10 million Ryo after we arrive."

I nodded to him before heading ahead to collect all the scrolls, handing them to him, and telling him to go home as I will contact him later.

"Yes, sir."

After he left, I looked around at all my possessions, smirked once more, and made my way to my location to intercept my prey.

Although what I didn't notice was a pair of yellow golden eyes watching me the entire time, disappearing right as I left the door.

(Yoruichi/MC POV)


{you're angry}


{good… you're getting closer…}


Dashing from house to house, I followed the strange fat man who goes by the name John before finally coming to a stop as he entered his house.

I waited there on the roof for about a minute, considering my best course of action so I wouldn't get caught or jeopardize my next course of action.

{will you kill him}

'… No.'

Moving faster than the eye could follow, I jumped through the opened window silently, almost like a cat, before scanning my surroundings.

I found the same man making dinner downstairs so I quickly and quietly took out all the scrolls left in his room on the upper floor.

{they will know you took them}

'Yes, but it won't matter; I will replace them so he won't suspect anything and inform his boss.'

About five minutes later, I exited the house with a bag over my shoulders, making my way back home. I knew my mom would probably look for me first before going to the location, as she still has roughly about three hours left.

Upon returning home, I found it empty, a good sign meaning no one would see me hide the bag in the fish pond outside in the backyard. Once that was done, I returned to my room to prepare for the evening.

(20 minutes later) Yuzuriha Shihouin POV

-knock knock-

"Honey, are you home?" I asked as I knocked, calling out to my daughter, hoping she would answer, as her friends told me she ran home.

"Yes, I'm coming down."

And there she was, coming down the stairs with a happy smile as she ran to greet me.

"Welcome back, mommy."

Her words made me slightly tear up, knowing I made the right choice, even though what I'm doing is something I loathe. But by doing so, I can preserve her happiness for a little while, making it easier to do.

"Are you okay, mommy?"

I wiped my tears, replying that I'm fine, just happy to see my precious daughter home.

"That's good, but if anything happens, make sure to tell me. I will kick all the bad guys' butts."

"I'm sure you will, darling. I'm sure you will… Did you eat yet?"

Seeing her shake her head, I let her go from the hug before bringing her to the kitchen.

"I will make you something quick because I need to go soon."

"You're leaving, where?"

"Just to a friend's house. Do you remember Ayaka, right? Well, she is inviting me out for dinner, so I will probably return late."

After getting a okay in reply, I continued to make the dinner in silence as I mentally prepare myself for what was to come.

About 2 hours later, after serving dinner and getting my little girl to sleep, I prepared myself by putting on the most ugly outfit I can find before leaving the house. But not before leaving a note behind, asking Tsunade to rush to a specific location as fast as possible.

Stepping outside, I took a deep breath before I begin walking slowly, taking my time to arrive at the location, which would take me about 40 minutes.

(Yoruichi/MC POV)

As soon as I heard the sound of the front door closing after my mother's departure, I jumped out of bed with a sudden sense of urgency. I knew that I had to act fast and put an end to the man who had wants to do something he isn't supposed to. With a determined mind, I quickly changed into something more discreet..

I don my full black ninja attire, complete with a face mask and gloves to avoid detection. I carefully check my gear, ensuring that everything is in place before I make my way to the window next to my bed. With a steady hand, I slide the window open and take a deep breath before leaping out into the night.

I hit the ground running, my muscles already tense and ready for action. I utilize my Shunpo technique, which allowed me to move at incredible speeds while remaining completely silent. I dart from rooftop to rooftop, using my ninja training from my memories to remain unseen by anyone present.

After about a minute of travel I finally arrived in the general location. As I scan the surroundings with my eyes.

'Do you sense him?'

Although I could use Chakra or Spirit energy to look for him, I fear that he would be able to sense it, or worse someone else would notice and gets to him before I can.

(Saito-Sensei POV)

'It's almost time.'

I couldn't be more proud of myself for choosing this location, as it's far from the main village and the only clan that patrols these parts is the pitiful Uchiha clan. A clan that barely stands as is.

'Aa, I can't wait.'

I have always desired her, from the days of our academy, I have been deeply captivated by her charms. I can still recall the times when I would clandestinely send her flowers, hoping that she would take notice of me. But it seems that my efforts have been in vain, as she doesn't even seem to remember me.

Well in the end it doesn't matter, as by the end of the day, I will be all she ever thinks about.

'But still, maybe I have given her too much time? I'm getting bored waiting.'

Just as I was about to stand from my hiding place and stretch I noticed that the ground was getting awfully close to my face.

"W-wha." -bam-

When I fell to the ground I couldn't help but notice a sharp pain in my heels. Upon closer inspection, I realized that they were bleeding profusely, seemingly out of nowhere.

IIgnoring the searing pain, I search for the perpetrator, who must be a highly skilled ninja since I didn't even realize I was wounded.

"Who's there, reveal yourself!"

Not getting a good feeling about this I stand up with difficulty before hopping on one leg onto the ground from the roof, trying to get into a more narrow area, so whoever was attacking me would have no choice but to reveal themselves if they want to get to me.

Still not hearing a reply I was about to call out again, yet before I could, I noticed a dark blur blitz past me into the darkness, I looked down to my hand where I noticed couple fingers missing. Forcing me to grab onto my hand as I hissed out in pain.

"Aaa, fuck. How fucking dare you."

Looking around I quickly realized that I'm trapped in here with them, and not the other way around. So I turn around, trying to get as far as I possibly can, but sadly I didn't get far.

"Ahhh shit!"

Flopping on the ground I look back to find my foot separated from my body, lying on the ground next to a bloody trail.

'It can't end like this.'

Just as I was about to attempt a one handed Jutsu, -plop- my hand drops to the ground as blood gushes out like a fountain.

"Aaaahhgh, dam it, dam it, DAM IT! Who the fuck are you!"

I crawled backwards while looking around in hope to find my attacker. But it looked like it was unneeded as they or should I say she chose to show herself.

"… hahahaha, a fucking child, this has to be a joke."

But after checking if this was a genjutsu and finding it not to be I shut my mouth and stared at her petty form.

"Why the fuck-…"

"You hurt my mom."

I noticed the little girls golden eyes and that's was when everything clicked.

(Yoruichi/MC POV)


"You know, it's kind of funny, I asked myself that same question." I chuckled as I made my way slowly toward him. Totally ignoring the fact that he figured out my identity.

"What do you-…"

"But I think I figured it out."

Slowly walking to him I play with my Zanpakutō as if it was a pencil by spinning it around my fingers.

"I'm not Michael." Saying so I spun my sword to the left as if cutting something down.

"I'm not Yoruichi The flash Goddess." Then to the right.

"Are you fuc- aggghhh" and finally down the middle as my blade cuts through his shoulder, separating his arm from his torso.

"I'm not even Yoruichi Shihouin the daughter of Yuzuriha Shihouin."

"Agghhh you're fucking sick in the head,*deap breath* That's what you are!"

"… maybe you're right." I spun the blade once more to get rid of all the blood that stained the blade.

"But that wasn't the answer. You wanna know the answer?"

"*spits blood* fuck you."

"I don't really know how I didn't come up with this before, I mean it's all so simple."

{because you're not the smartest tool in the shed}

"You're maybe right." I nod as I look at my Zanpakutō.

"Who the fuck, *heavy breathing* are you talking to, you little bitch!"

"Don't interrupt me." I didn't slash at him, but instead I let loose my Spirit Pressure, letting it suffocate him as it takes his breath away.

"Aghgh, the fuck? *heavy coughing*"

"The answer was all of them, boom mind blowing right?"


"Oops, let me help you."

I erased the pressure I was exerting upon him, before playing with my blade once more.

"* Coughs blood.* D-Demon, you're a fucking Demon."

"Demon huh, I like that…."


'Oh, a notification, that's new.'

Decided to look at it later I instead looked back to the human trash that was trying to crawl away when I wasn't looking.

"You know, I was expecting something completely different when meeting you. I mean, weren't you supposed to be a Chūnin?"

Hearing my words he stopped crawling as he grits his teeth and turn my way before bringing his one hand up, seemingly trying to self-explode himself, as I noticed he's starting to build up Chakra in a chaotic way.

"I will take you with m-…" -Flop-

He didn't get to finish as his head rolled onto the ground allowing all the chaotic Chakra to get expelled out of his body, but luckily he did not have time to self implode himself so all that happened was his body bursting apart into blood and gore instead of a actual explosion.

Stepping back I dodged the blood as I deflected some meaty bits with my blade.

"Yucks, this is disgusting."

{… I'm surprised, I thought this would affect you}

I tilt my head to my right as I raised an eyebrow.

"Why should it? I mean yes a normal girl my age would probably

be puking about now, but we both know what I had to go through, in both of my past lives, this is nothing."


"Well it's about time I go."

I take one last look at the puddle that was once a human, before making my way back as I erase my tracks including any signs of the battle, even if it was nonexistent. Which lucky I learned how to do from my past life memories as Yoruichi.

'That should be it, time to go home before anyone notices.' I think in my head as I again utilize the Flash Step making me appear and disappear before I finally arrived at my open window.

'Aaaaaannd safe.'

I lay on my bed after quickly removing my bloody clothes, leaving me in my undergarments.

While lying there, I looked toward the window, predicting the time from the sun's position. Where I roughly guessed that the sun would set in about seven minutes.

'She probably just arrived at the location.'

"I'm home, hey Yoruichi where is your moth-... I need to go." -slam-

Tsunade just entered through the main entrance and probably sensed that I was the only one home.

'Looks like Mom wasn't stupid enough to leave by herself without at least leaving a note.'


"*sigh* just say it, what's on your mind? I can feel you digging a hole through my skull mentally."

{'ve changed}

'I have?'

{yes, but don't worry, it's a good change}

"... give me a sec."

I stood up, took my bloodied clothes outside, dug a hole, and threw them in, while reminding myself to set them on fire when I had time.

Before returning to my room, I went to the pond, took out the bag filled with scrolls, dropped them in the hole, filled it up, and covered it with some decorations to make it look less suspicious.

Once done, I went back to my room, changed into my sleepwear, and returned to bed.

As I lay down, I closed my eyes and imagined the sensation of returning to my inner world.

Upon opening my eyes, I found myself in the same ruins as before. This time though, the sky was not dark but slightly cloudy with a bluish and pinkish hue.


"When did that change?"

{when your got soul fixed}

Looking to my left I found my Zanpakutō spirit floating beside me as she too watched the sky.

"What do you mean fixed?"

Still looking at the sky she answered me while raising her hand up as if grasping the very sky with her palm.

{your soul was until now, broken but fixed, chaotic but peaceful, your soul was like a ball of mass that couldn't decide what it wanted to be.}

Taking my eyes off her I look back to the beautiful sky above me.

{that was until you accepted all of you as yourself that it finally become what it is right now.}


She closed her hand before turning my way and getting on one knee making me panic in confusion as I wasn't expecting this.

"Wait are you proposing?! I'm flattered but I'm only fi-…"

{-i am Elora the universal goddess blade. and from this day on, i shall be yours to wield, so may you speak mine name and bid for mine power to slay thy enemies, and protect thy loved ones.}

Ignoring her obvious change in accent I put on a more serious expression before walking up to her and taking her out stretched hand in mine before speaking in a confident voice.

"I will take you as mine, Elora."

As I uttered the cringey line, I couldn't help but notice Elora's reaction. It was strange to see her smile, given that she was a skeleton. But just as quickly as the smile appeared, she began to fade away. The process started at her toes and slowly progressed up to her fingertips, which I held tightly in my hand.

Once she was completely gone I noticed that I seemed to be still grasping onto something as I looked down towards my hand only to find a similar yet different looking blade in my hand.

(Shikai release, Gladius form IMG)

The blade was fully black like before but instead of a katana this blade took on a form of a very thin double edged straight sword with purple symbols running down the blade, it was even slightly longer than my previous Zanpakutō.

I felt someone appear to my left, but since I knew who it was I didn't pay her any mind, as I instead I complemented the sword.

{thank you for the compliment, but that's only one of it's looks}

I nodded without looking in her direction because I knew what she meant as when I called her name, some of the basic applications of her powers appeared in my mind alongside a feature that I haven't seen on no other Zanpakutō.

With just a simple thought the blade disappeared from my hand as instead it Transformed into magical looking bracelets that went around both my wrists.

(Bracelet form IMG)

"Doesn't this resemble the-…"

{yes, the sky in this place.}

Ignoring her interruption. I instead try to transform the Zanpakutō into its final transformation.

(Claymore form(huge) IMG)

{speed, support, and power, the perfect Zanpakutō, wouldn't you say}

I nodded before turning to her voice.

"Yea it's pretty amaz- Holy Shit! You changed?"

(Elora's Shikai form)

"Wow, you look divine, in a odd skeleton way."

{thank you master}

"M-M-Master…" I spoke with a blush

{yes, is there a problem, master}

I shake my head as I couldn't possibly tell her that being called master or rather mistress was one of my biggest fetishes back when I was Yoruichi in the bleach world.

{then master I think it's time you go back because it looks like your mother and your aunt are walking through the front door.}

"Oh, do they look safe?" Getting a nod in response I did one last thing before leaving back to the real world.


______System Interface______

Yoruichi Shihouin (The Demon)

Age: 5

Tier: High 8-C / 8-A (Shikai release)

[SP Multiverse Travel System]

- time remaining before next travel function: 28 years, 03 months, 07 days, 02 hours, 07 minutes

- Available Worlds

• {Naruto-5305369}

[Template System]

- Yoruichi Shihouin 016% (^*)





"Oh, sixteen percent, nice, probably happend when I unlocked Shikai…. But what does it mean by The DEMON?!"

{it's the very first title that you acknowledged and accepted, so from now on, and forever, you will be known as The Demon, my master}

"…Well that's just great."


10,200+ words

… I'm tired, and slightly sleep deprived but I got it done,(although it might be slightly rushed at the end)

Anyway, don't really have much to say other than couple questions I have for you guys and that's pretty much it.

Question one, Do I genderbent some characters, apparently some of you are surprised that I didn't genderbent Orochimaru, although I won't do it to him, I can do it to other characters. So

Yes genderbent

No genderbent

Question two, What do you guys think about incest? Because I'm not gonna lie at first when I started the story I was gonna go for it but somewhere around the creation of chapter 6. I kind of started doubting if I should actually do it. So give me your opinion.

Yes incest

No incest

And finally this isn't really a question but I still would like your input on what you guys want to be added into this fic, just throw random ideas that you want to see, It can be something happening in the next 20 chapters or it can be something that can happen in the next hundred chapters because I'm planning to make this a long fanfic, and I'm not saying this because I ran out of ideas it's just I like having more. I can always fall back on something if I don't like something. something like that.

Anyway, I'm probably gonna start next chapter with a different POV Not actually the MC's, but expect another long chapter. Hopefully I get it done. thanks for reading by the way, seeing the views go up really makes my day so thank you Homies/lady Homies.

Adios, see you next week, I fucking love each and everyone of you. Stay blessed. Or cursed, if you into that shit.


Beat_Man Beat_Man

I don’t own anything I don’t own any characters. I don’t own any universes. I don’t own Naruto. I don’t own bleach I don’t own any character other than my OCs.

honestly, this is getting very annoying to write every single time but fuck it I don’t want problems.

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