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60% Kunoichi Yoruichi / Chapter 5: Happy Birthday, and goodbye

Capítulo 5: Happy Birthday, and goodbye

~~~~~~~~Arthur's note ~~~~~~~~

Yo what's good, like I stated last chapter this chapter will have a time skip in the end, after the birthday party.

ALSO THIS CHAPTER MIGHT BE ASS. because I didn't have lots of time to write this so it might have turned out kinda rushed. So please read with an open mind.

Also regarding the upcoming sex scenes, you guys/girls will have to wait until after the academy.

Also this is a romance so expect some cringey scenes that will show up later down the story.

Anyway this is all hope y'all enjoy and like always if you have any questions ask right here I will try to answer what I can.


(Next morning) 2/08/51 Yoruichi POV


Waking up with a yawn, I stretch my arms as I slowly sit up.

Looking to my left towards my bunny plushy, I reach over to pet her ears as I speak in a sleepy voice.

"Morning Kaguya. Today is a big day."

Taking my hand away, I get off my bed and head towards the bathroom.

After completing my morning routine, I walk out and make my way to my mother's room.

*Knock* *Knock*


"Downstairs, baby!"

Hearing her voice from downstairs, I smile slightly as I make my way over.

Reaching the bottom floor, I look around trying to locate her. Yet I couldn't find her from my position, so I call out one more time, just so I can zone in on her location.


Not hearing a response, I start to feel slightly scared as she has never not responded to me before.


Still not hearing a response, I slowly begin to make my way to the kitchen as it's the place she usually could be at this time.

Nearing the kitchen, I quickly came to notice that my feet were getting slightly wet.

Looking down, my eyes widened in horror, as the previously brown floor was now stained in red.

"N-No, Mom!"

I don't know why, but for reasons unknown to me, I kept moving forward, even though my first response should have been running away. My feet slowly took me towards the kitchen.

When I reached the kitchen, I take a quick scan of my surroundings, trying to locate any sign of my mother.

"Mom, this isn't funny."

Finding no signs of her, I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves.

"It's okay, it's just a bad prank, right, Mo-…"

As I was talking to myself, I turned around, planning to go back upstairs to find Tsunade so she could hopefully make some sense of this situation.

But my words came to a halt as I noticed that the dinner table that used to stand right outside the kitchen was now replaced by a black, old-looking coffin.

'How did I miss this?'

Getting closer to the coffin, I noticed that the top was slightly cracked open, and from the crack, the same red liquid that I hoped wasn't blood was leaking from the opening.

I didn't notice when I moved, but when I did, I was already standing right in front of it, staring at something that made my heart race not only in fear but also in panic.

Right where the supposed blood was leaking from, I noticed a couple of strands of familiar purple hair sticking out from within.


I bring my hand out, trying to reach towards the individual pieces of hair to deny to myself that they weren't hers.

But just as my hand was inches from my goal, the top of the coffin blasted away as a skeleton hand reached from within, grabbing my wrist.

"Aaaaa! Let go, let go!"

To my relief, the skeletal hand released my wrist, resulting in me falling on my back.

I watched with a racing heart as the same hand from the coffin lowered itself back into the coffin.

I was about to make a break for it, but my body, as if it had a mind of its own, stayed stationary.

My eyes stayed glued to the coffin in fear as I watched a purple-haired skeleton slowly make itself present from within. It didn't take long; within seconds, the skeleton finally managed to crawl out from the coffin.


The skeleton, as if hearing my voice, finally looked my way, as its glowing yellow eyes made themselves visible.

I didn't get to make any sort of movements because before I could make my move, the skeleton with purple hair and haunting yellow eyes lunged at me, impaling me straight through my stomach with both its arms.

Screams escaped my mouth as I tried to crawl away from it, but to my misery, the skeleton didn't let me.

Ripping open my chest with surprising strength, it leaned into the hole it created as if trying to take a bite out of my spilling insides.

Yet instead of biting me, I watched in horror as the skeleton sank into my body as if trying to become one with me.

I didn't notice when it fully submerged within my body, as I was busy screaming in pain to notice anything.

But before I knew it, my screams ceased to exist, as my body, without my command, stood up in a fluid motion.

My body kept moving on its own, making certain gestures with my hands, before seemingly stretching my body.

When my body finally ceased the stretch, it opened its mouth to speak.

["Wake up!"]

And as if those words were magic, I blacked out only to reappear in the arms of my trembling mother.

Opening my eyes, I quickly noticed that my mother was panicking as she was repeating the same words, over and over and over.

"Please wake up, please wake up."

Hearing her tiny yet hopeful voice, I slowly reached over to pat my mother as I spoke out.

"Mom, it's okay."

Her trembling stopped as if registering my words. A second later she yanked herself back, finally revealing her tear-stained face.


Diving back into the hug, she again starts trembling as she strongly pulls herself towards.

"T-Thank goodness."

I ignored my weeping mother, while I noticed the other people in the room surrounding my bed. They were Tsunade, Granny-Mito, alongside two other women that I didn't know.

Confused, I asked them why were they in my room. Granny-Mito after hearing my question took this time to explain to me what happened.

"Honey you were screaming in your sleep for 20 full minutes… we tried everything to wake you but nothing worked."

Tsunade spoke up afterwards.

"Yes, me and your mother tried multiple ways to wake you but…"

As she spoke I took the time to inspect her, and quickly noticed that like my mother, she too had tears running down her face.

"I-I'm sorry…"


Granny brought her hand forward, to stroke my hair, while my mother still was weeping in my arms.

"What happened Yoruichi, why wouldn't you wake up?"

I was about to speak of what happened but I froze mid sentence as my words halted in my mouth.

"I d-don't remember."

"What do you mean?"

"I feel like something happened but I can't remember any of it."

"…Yuzuriha do you mind."

Mother although reluctantly, finally decided to let go of my body, as granny took her place on the bed.

"Do you mind Yoruichi."

Even though I didn't know what she was planning to do, Yet what I did know is that she wouldn't do anything to hurt me, so knowing that I shook my head, letting her know that I didn't mind.

Nodding she proceeds to put her forehead against mine while taking both of my hands in hers.

Closing my eyes I waited couple seconds for something to happen, only to open them back up as I feel Granny pull away from me.

Opening my eyes I take in the form of Granny-Mito confused, slowly makeing her way back to her feet.

"What did you see?" Tsunade spoke up after Granny finally managed to stand on her feet.

"I found nothing… and I mean nothing at all, it was blank."

They all stayed silent as they looked my way in confusion and wonder.

"Umm, What do you mean?"

Granny looked me in the eyes for a second before putting on a kind smile.

"Nothing sweetie, how about we get you ready for you're party."

"Party? But she was just-…"

"Yuzuriha step outside with me for a sec."

My mother nods with a serious expression before she, alongside the two other woman, followed Granny out the room. Resulting in me and Tsunade staying behind all alone.

I look her way, and just as I was about to ask if she's ok, I was tackled into a hug. As she buried me in her soft large breasts.

"…Don't ever do that again, promise me."

Still enveloped in her huge jugs, I simply nod, knowing she probably wouldn't hear me even if I spoke.

"…Thank you, I can't lose you too."

Although she whispers at the end, I managed to hear her, as it remained me of all that she lost.

I stopped paying attention to her breasts pressed against my face, by lifting my head from their embrace, and speaking out with all the love and care that I held for this woman.

"I promise I won't leave you… I love you, Auntie."

She smiled at my words, before proceeding to lean down, and kiss my forehead.

"I love you too, my little rascal."

(Minutes ago) Mommy Yuzuriha POV

"Yuzuriha, step outside with me for a sec."

I nodded as we stepped out of my daughter's room. I noticed that on our way out, Granny signaled her two servants with her eyes to follow us, giving Tsunade the opportunity to express her feelings as we all know that she can't with all of us being in the same room.

After we stepped past the doorframe, one of the servants proceeded to close the door behind them, before both of them stayed behind guarding the door as the two of us made it downstairs to the living room couch.

Taking a seat after Granny, I finally asked her why we should even consider continuing with the party after what happened.

"*sigh* Darling, you have to remember that your daughter is still a little girl. What would your reaction be if you were in her shoes and your party was canceled for something you can't even remember."

"… I would be sad."

"Yes, that's why I want to preserve her happiness, because as we both know, happiness in this world is hard to come by…"

"… Gran, what did you do when you touched foreheads with Yoruichi?"

"Oh, that? I was trying to see her memories."

"Oh, ok…. WAIT, WHAT! You can do that!"

"Oh, quiet down you, and yes, I can."

"But I thought that only the Yamanaka clan can do that."

She puffs up her chest with pride after my words, while snickering behind her breath.

"Pfff, please, if they can do even half of what I can, then my name won't be Mito."

'Right, I keep forgetting, but… this woman in front of me is the strongest Kunoichi to ever exist.'

I sat up and with a little more respect in my voice, I asked her what she meant when she said she saw nothing.

"I meant what I said, I saw nothing… it was almost like something or someone's preventing me from seeing them."

"Someone preventing you, but who?"

"... I don't know… Give me a second. Hey, you asshole, did you sense anything?"


(Mito POV)

I waited for a second, but not hearing a response I scoff internally before mentally tightening the seal that was holding the Kyuubi in place.

[OW! You stupid Bitch, stop that!]


["I'm not telling you shit, bitch. Heh, why don't you go stick a tree up your vagina? Who knows, it might remind you of Yo-.."]

Getting pissed off by his voice, I silenced it by creating a sealing chain to shut his trap.

'One more time, did you sense anything?'

Slightly loosening the chain, I waited for his words.

["Stupid old Bitch, I told you I won't tell you anything. So leave me alone!"]


After resealing his mouth, I look over to my adopted granddaughter before letting her know that I didn't know.

(Kyuubi, kurama POV)

'Tch, stupid bitch…'

'But still, what was that child? So much regret and pain shouldn't be possible for a child so young… Eee, who gives a shit, not my problem.'

(Mommy Yuzuriha POV)

'She doesn't know.'

"Alright, fine. I won't cancel the party; it wouldn't be fair to Yoruichi and the others."

"Good, now I have to go back before Kushina awakes."

"Yeah, I have stuff to prep for the party, so will I see you later?"

"Yes, girls, let's go."

I watched as she left alongside the two servants who followed after coming down the stairs.

I sighed to myself as I still have lots to prepare before looking up towards my daughter's room.

"… I will give them this moment. Yosh, what to do first?"

(Later in the day, Yoruichi POV)

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not forcing it."

"Mom, I'm fine. I don't even remember anything, so it probably was a bad dream anyway."

"… just tell me if you don't feel okay, okay?"

Not being able to reject her, I just nod towards her, indicating that I will let her know if anything happens.

"Thanks, now that that's done, let's get you something to wear before you make it down."

"Are there lots of people, Mom?"

"A little… but don't worry, you just have to be yourself and everything will be okay."

"I'm not worried."

"Fufufu sure you aren't." She covers her mouth with her palm to hide her giggle as she notices me playing with my fingers in nervousness.

I can't help but feel nervous. Although I might have gone to many parties as Michael, for me, this is still a first experience.

"Alright, now." She proceeds to walk over to the closet where many different styles of clothes lay within. "What should you wear?"

I sighed to myself, as although I'm a woman myself, I can't understand why I need to try on 20 different dresses before going back to my first option.

"Here let's get you in this one."

I just nod because I know if I resist, it would only take longer.

(30 minutes later)

"There you go, you look so cute," I smile as I hide my true emotions.

'This was one of our first options, mother...'

"Ok, honey. I'm going to get dressed into something appropriate. So how about you wait downstairs with Auntie Tsunade for the guests to arrive?"

"Ok, Mommy."

We both get out of my room before separating. I head downstairs to find Tsunade on the couch alongside two other people.

"Kushina nee-san!"


I run towards her as she does to me before she picks me up in her arms to spin me around.

"Hehe, put me down nee-san."

"Nope, if I do, you will leave to Granny."

A third voice comes from the couch.

"Oh, so I can't see my own grandchild."

"Hmm, fine. You can go."

"Thanks. Granny, You look beautiful with that Kimono."

"Thank you sweetheart. Now come give Granny a hug."

I make my way towards her before giving her a kiss on the cheek alongside a hug. Afterwards, we all sit on the couches talking about random topics that come to mind, until the other guests start to arrive.


"I'll get it."

I walk towards the door with Tsunade, who followed along to escape from the conversations.

When I reached the door, I opened it to reveal a beautiful woman alongside a young girl my age who had black hair and intoxicating red eyes.


"Yoruichi! Here's your gift."

"Thanks. I will put it with the others."

And just like that, time passed as the others arrived, filling up the living room with guests and children.

"So when are you opening the gifts, Yoruichi?"

"Mmm, I don't know Obito. Probably when everyone arrives."

"Who else is coming?"

"Just a couple more people, Kurenai. I think Asuma and his mother are coming, oh, and two special guests."

"Special?" x2

"Yep, at least that's what Auntie Tsunade says."


"That's probably Asuma. I will go greet him and his mom."


"Be back quick."

I nod to both of them before making my way to the door alone, as Tsunade, alongside Mother, were talking to the other woman in the house.

When I reached the door, I opened it with a smile, expecting it to be the Sarutobi family. But after opening the door, I find two complete strangers standing there, each with a wrapped box in hand.

"Hello there, is this the residence of the Shihouin Family?"

I nod slowly after the black-haired man/woman spoke.

He smiled in response before bowing slightly alongside the other tall man who had long white hair.

"Perfect then, I'm Orochimaru, and this is Jiraiya. We were invited by Tsunade to attend."

I stayed still for a second as I just realized who these people were.

"Oh, my apologies, I'm Yoruichi Shihouin. Please come inside."

"My, what a mature young lady. Don't mind if we do."

Afterwards, both of them proceeded to make their way inside. After closing the door, I followed them in as they piqued my curiosity.

"Do you both know my mom?"

"Yes, we met on a mission one day."

"Really! Mother doesn't talk much about her ninja days. Can you tell me?"

"Your mother was a great ninja. Even when the situation looked impossible to escape from, your mother never lost hope and didn't give up."

"Wow, Mom sounds so cool."

"I guess that is cool."

"Hey, mister, can I ask why your friend doesn't talk?"

"Oh, Jiraiya, he was asked not to talk today at the party by someone he fears."

"He fears someone?"

"Oh, even I fear her when she's angry."


"Oy, Orochimaru, what are you telling my niece?"

I turned around to look at Tsunade, who managed to escape the mother circle.

"Auntie, are these the special guests you talked about?"

"Yep, they are my teammates: Orochimaru, the smart one, and Jiraiya."

I giggled at Jiraiya's reaction to his introduction as he changed his previous happy expression upon seeing Tsunade to one of sadness.

"By the way, Tsunade, you never told us whose birthday it is."

"Oh, right, let me introduce you to the birthday girl, Yoruichi Shihouin."

There was an awkward silence for about a moment before it was broken by Jiraiya, who finally spoke.

"Umm, Tsunade, you never told us the birthday girl would be so… young."

"Hmm, is there a problem?"

"Well, you see…" Just as Jiraiya was about to finish his words, he was interrupted by Orochimaru.

"There's no problem, Tsunade. Am I right, Jiraiya?"

"Well… yeah?"

Now, although I'm curious about what my friends have gifted me, I'm even more curious about what Jiraiya has gifted me.


"Looks like your friends are calling. Why don't you go to them? I will handle the door."

"Ok, thank you, Auntie Tsunade."

Making my way back to my friends, I answered their questions about the two special guests before we all proceeded to play hide and seek.

After two games, we all quit playing because of a certain someone.

"I'm sorry, guys."

"It's not fair; how can we win if we play against a ninja?"

"Obito's right, Kushina, you're way too good at this game."

"I guess you're right, Yoruichi."

"It's fine, how about we play-…"


"Oh, Asuma! When did you get here?"

"Umm, just now."

And indeed, when I looked over at the front door, I noticed his mother standing next to the still-open door alongside Tsunade, who sported a wry smile.

When they made themselves known to all the people inside, mother, alongside the mothers and grandmothers of the kids present, helped set the table.

After the table was set, we all took our seats with the kids on one side and the adults on the other. Mother then proceeded to stand from her seat.

"I would like to thank all of you for attending. Even though you had to take a day off your busy schedule, I appreciate each and every one of you."

"But today, we came here to celebrate my daughter's birthday. So, happy birthday, honey."

"Happy birthday." x10

They all then sang me happy birthday, which managed to put a smile on my face. Afterwards, we all ate and talked, enjoying ourselves and each other's company.

After the food, Jiraiya said he needs to leave for a mission, which raised a couple of eyebrows, but we all chose to ignore it after seeing him off.

When he left, he was almost stopped by mother when she pointed out that I would be opening gifts right about now. But for reasons unknown to us, those words just made him rush faster.

"Well, let's ignore him then. Yoruichi, why don't you start opening your gifts."

"Ok, mom."

I made my way over to the pile of gifts before picking up one.

"Oh, that's mine, open it, open it."

I looked away from the gift to look at Obito excitedly jumping around.

Turning back to my gift, I unwrapped it to reveal a small white bunny hair clip.

"I noticed you like bunnies, so I thought you would like it."

I looked back at Obito, who had his face red in embarrassment as he played with his fingers behind his back.

Standing up, I made my way towards him before giving him a big hug.

"Thank you, Obito."

I pulled away from him to reveal my big happy smile.

"I love it."

He blushed even more from my words, resulting in him rushing behind his grandmother.

I giggled to myself before clipping the hair clip on the right side.

Making my way back to the gift pile, I pulled out another gift that appeared to be from Kurenai, as she was most excited about this one.

When I opened it, it revealed a small blue bunny plushie that could fit in the palm of my hand.

After naming this one Shea, I gave thanks before proceeding to the next gift.

I went for the one I noticed Orochimaru brought in, and it looked like I was right as he stiffened when I reached for it.

When I opened the gift, I noticed that the box contained basic ninja gear, including real Kunai and paper bombs.


I looked his way before saying thanks with big bright eyes as I always wanted my own.

"Um, you're welcome," he replied with a wry smile because of all the looks he was receiving from giving such a gift to a little girl.

I didn't notice as I was busy admiring the ninja gear, but Tsunade managed to lean in and whisper something into his ear that made him sweat.

*Clears throat* "Honey, why don't I hold onto that for now, so you can go open the next gift."

"Ok, mommy."

After handing her the box, I proceeded to the next gift, which I believe came from Kushina and Granny Mito together.

After opening it, I found two different books: a blue one that read 'beginner guide on seals', and a red one that read 'seals for dummies'.

Confused by the names and the gift, I looked at the two redheads, expecting an explanation.

"I got you the blue one, and Granny got you the red one."

"Don't look down on the books, little one. Although they are both for beginners, after mastering all that is in these books, you can even give a trained ninja a run for his money."

"Wow, really! Thank you."

After giving them both hugs and kisses on the cheek, I proceeded to the next set of gifts.

Asuma gifted me a hand mirror that can fit in my pocket.

Tsunade gifted me a couple sets of blankets alongside a plushie of herself, which she told me was one of a kind.

Miss Yuhi gifted me a new black hair tie.

And finally, I had only two gifts left. Deciding to save the one from my mother for last, I reached over for the present from Jiraiya.

Grabbing it, I ripped open the packaging to reveal a box that was taped up. Asking my mother for help, she helped me cut it open before taking her seat back on the couch.

Finally managing to open it, I peeked inside and quickly looked away in embarrassment.

"Well, what did he get you?"

I looked back at the confused crowd before looking straight into my mother's eyes, indicating her to come here.

When she arrived, I let her look at what was in the box, which resulted in her grabbing it from my hands and taking it away into a corner by the door.

Tsunade, confused by what her teammate brought, walked over to it before taking a peek inside, only to close it back up and bring her fist up to her face, speaking in an angry tone.


After everyone calmed down, I finally proceeded to the last gift, which came from my mother herself. Opening it, I found a cute adjustable bracelet that had three letters written on it.

"Y&Y, Yoruichi and Yuzuriha, that's my name. I didn't know what to get you, so I got you something that you can always use to remind you that you are my daughter and I love you."

I looked her way before jumping into a loving hug.

"Thanks, I love it, and I love you, mommy."

After we finished with the gifts, people slowly started to make their way home, with Orochimaru being the first to leave.

"Bye-bye, Yoruichi, see you later."

"Bye, Obito."

Closing the door after they left, I made my way to the couch before falling on it face first in exhaustion.

Sighing in exhaustion, I looked up after rolling on my back to look at Kushina, who like me, was also lying on the couch.



"I'm tired."

"Me too."

"I'm sleepy."

"Me too, Yoruichi."

"So can you leave, so I can sleep."

"Pfff, hehe, you're so rude, but sure. I guess you're right; it is pretty late."

She stands up with a smile before walking up to Granny Mito, letting her know that it's time to go.

Granny agreed as she, alongside Kushina, made their way to the door. Yet before crossing the door, she looked my way before letting me know that after I finished reading both books, I should come to her to get personal lessons.

I just agreed, even though I knew that I wouldn't touch those books for another couple of years, as I probably will require Chakra for them anyway.

After they left, I just laid there on the couch about to fall asleep, but before I can, my mother came to me and picked me up in her arms, then proceeded to carry me to my bed.

After climbing the stairs and opening the door with her foot, she finally managed to lay me on the bed underneath the new blanket that Tsunade gifted me.

"Goodnight, sweetheart, do you want me to spend the night with you?"

"No, it's ok mama, good night, love you."

She smiled my way before kissing my forehead, then cheek, then lips.

"Love you more, sweet dreams."

I watched with a smile as my mother made her way back to the door before taking one last look my way as she finally walked out, closing the door.

Still having the smile, I looked over at my now two bunny plushies alongside one of Tsunade before telling them goodnight, letting the darkness overtake my sight as I close my eyes.

Closing my eyes, I try to relax, but a strange feeling of being watched stopped me from doing so.

Not seeing any other option, I open my eyes slowly, only to widen them instantly when I find glowing yellow eyes just inches from my face.

So out of pure reflex, I kick with both my legs, trying to separate myself from whoever those eyes belong to.



Hearing a strangely familiar childish voice getting kicked away causes me to momentarily halt my panic, giving me enough time to see the full figure of my attacker.

Short purple hair, almond-like skin, and chubby cheeks. 'Oh my god, that's me.'

["Yea, not exactly, good kick by the way."]

I watched as my body double stood up from the floor, as I might have kicked her pretty hard.

"Who are you, and why do you look like me?"

["Right, of course, you're gonna ask that. *Clears throat* I'm the original soul that inhabited this body, and my goal is to take it back from you."]


["….Pfff, you should have seen your face. Hahaha, you were like, 'What? Pfff.' Hahahahah."]

Getting irritated and even more confused, I took one of my pillows before proceeding to throw it right at her laughing mug.

["Oops, did I get you mad?"]

"Just answer my question."

["Jeez, alright, I don't have all day anyway. I'm you."]

"… Are you fucking with me again?"

["Sadly, no, you see I'm-…"]

(5 minutes of conversation later)

"Ok, so let me get this straight."


"You're me from the far future, where everyone we know has died, and you found a way to take yourself back in time to fix everything. But because of some miscalculations, you were sent too far back in the past. So as not to change the future too much, you sealed your broken soul in a coffin that you knew would later be found by our mother before our birth."

["You missed a couple of details, but yep, pretty much."]

I stared at her bobbing head before doing the only reasonable thing that came to mind.

["??? Where are you going?"]


["W-Wait, I know this may sound like all make-believe or like a dream, but it's very real."]

"Mmmhm, yeah, totally… Zzzzz"

["OY, wake up, dumbass.]


"Ow, did you just punch my head?!"

["No, it was that guy."]

I looked where she pointed, only to find an empty wall with no one in sight.

["You see, I would call you an idiot, but that would be calling me an idiot. And I'm not an idiot."]

I rolled my eyes while shaking my head, as I look back at her.

"… *Sigh* Fine, let's say I believe you. What now? Are you going to take over my body or something?"


"W-Wait, you're not going to take over my body, are you?"

["Although that was the original plan, sadly I can't."]

'Oh, thank god.' "What do you mean you can't?"

She rolled her eyes at me before explaining to me that her soul was damaged too much and would not recover in time for the big battle.

"… You keep referring to the big battle; do you mind explaining what it is?"

["… Maybe later."]

She looked away in discomfort and slight anger, so not wanting to get on her bad side, I asked her what she plans to do next.

["Well, I will just have to make you do it instead."]

"Excuse me?"

She walks my way, poking my chest with her finger to emphasize her next words.

["You will fix everything, so that everyone we came to love can live,"] she said.

Staring at her glowing yellow eyes, I realized that I really didn't have a choice. Not seeing any reason to go against her, I nodded.

["Good, now the first thing we need to do is fix you,"] Saying so she slowly walked towards my door.


["Yep, you need to stop being so lazy."]

"But I'm not lazy. Am I?"

["Well, I don't know. Do you remember this?"]


When she finished her sentence, she snapped her fingers, and my thoughts about Mito's words resurfaced in my mind.

'I won't touch those books until after I unlock my chakra.'


["See, lazy. And that's only one instance. Do you want me to remind you of more?"]

"No, you made your point."

["Good. Now, before we begin, do you have any questions?"]

"Yes, a couple actually."

She walked up to my door, turned around, and leaned against it.

["Well, go ahead."]

"Although I believe you, somewhat, if you're me from the future, do I ever learn how to access my System?"

["Yeah, you do, but only after making a sacrifice."]


["Yeah, although that bitch didn't say much, she did give useful information when forced."]


["You don't have to worry about it, because with me here, you will be able to access it in approximately three years."]

"That's quick."

["Yep, I know, praise me more."]

I deadpanned at my future self before asking her some other things that were on my mind.

"How do I look when I grow up?"

["Well, at first, I looked exactly like the original Yoruichi, but after having a crazy amount of sex, my bust and hips grew. So, if you follow the same path, you would just be a more busty version of Yoruichi."]

"Wait, will I become a sex addict when I grow up?"

["Oh, you have no idea."]

I shook my head as my face slightly went red just imagining it.

["Well, you will be surprised at your future wives, but let's forget about that for now."]

"... right... *clears throat aggressively* I don't think I have any more questions right now."

["Good. Now, I will go ahead and explain some things you need to know about seals before you start reading the books the next morning."]

Nodding, I listened attentively, trying my hardest not to forget anything.

The lessons didn't take long as they only covered some general knowledge on seals.

["Alright, when you wake up, you can begin reading the books first thing in the morning."]

"Ok, quick question though. How do I get in contact with you?"

["You can just talk to me through your thoughts. I'm basically living inside you, making you basically a Jinchuriki."]

"Like a Jinchuriki! Do I get cool powers from you like-..."

["Whoa, hold your horses. I said you would be 'basically' a Jinchuriki, not actually one. The most you will get from me is some information and tips for the future."]

She calmed me down by putting her hands on my shoulders.

"My bad."

Shaking her head she lets me know that it's about time I actually go to sleep as tomorrow I had lots to work on.

Nodding I close my eyes before opening them back up to find my self back on my bed in the same position I was left in.

'Hey can you hear me.'


'Cool just checking… good night.'

["… Good night Mini me"]

And just like that, my partnership with my future self started. Slowly but surely, the guard that I held against her fell apart as we bonded over our time spent together.

(13 months later) 3/09/52

'I hate rain...'


If there's one thing I learned from my previous life, it's that rain carries sadness. And today, it's raining heavily on Konoha.

'Did she have to die?'

I asked, tears trailing down my face, as I stood over the grave of Mito Uzumaki.


Not hearing an answer, I looked to my right where my mother stood and asked her the same question.

"I don't know, honey. I don't know..."

I hummed in sadness as I cried silent tears, letting them camouflage alongside the rain.

Taking a quick look around, I noticed many people were not present, including Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Kushina.

Still looking around, I spoke up loud enough for my mother to hear. "Where's Kushina?"

Mom chose to stay silent though, as she noticed there were too many ears everywhere. Instead, she pulled me closer into her embrace, bringing me closer to the center of the umbrella.

Feeling her warmth on my back allowed me to calm down as I took deep breaths.

Still pressing my back against my mother's legs, I started reminiscing about all that had transpired from the moment I started studying those books.

I remembered that when I finished reading those books, I went straight towards the Senju Compound to continue my personal lessons.

When I found Granny, she got mad at me for not mastering anything that was in the books. After that, she forgave me, only to force me to attend her practice sessions, where we practiced writing in kanji so our seals could run more smoothly.

I even remembered the argument my mother and she went through to decide when I should awaken my chakra. Mother wanted me to wait, and Granny wanted it to be done as soon as possible. They decided to let me choose in the end. Yet as I was going to get it done and have my chakra unblocked at that moment, I was stopped by my future self.

She told me that if I could wait until I'm five to unlock my chakra, I would get some kind of boost if I could awaken the system beforehand. And I listened.

But my most vivid memory of Granny has to be that one time when I completed my assignment perfectly without any flaw. Her beautiful smile that day... I can still remember it. She told me that even Kushina had trouble with this part at the beginning, yet I was able to complete it perfectly on the first try.

I remembered we even celebrated by having some Ichiraku Ramen.

'That was last month...'

["What was last month?"]

'...Nothing, forget about.'

["Alright, keep your secrets... You do know that her body isn't there, right?"]

'Of course, I know. They wouldn't just leave her body out in the open like this.'

I took one last look at the grave before turning around while tugging my mother's kimono, signaling that it's time to go.

["Just checking... I'm sorry for your loss by the way."]

Her words made me stop for a second before I resumed my walk back home.

'Did you have to deal with it in your past too?'

["I did, yes, but unlike you, I didn't take my studying seriously and laid it off until I unblocked my chakra, which funnily enough was on this exact day. So I didn't have as deep a connection with her as you do."]

'You got your chakra unlocked on this day?'

I was intrigued, as I was told by her to hold off on it for now.

["Yes, I did. And although I did get crazy powerful very fast, surpassing even the likes of Baryon Mode Naruto, I still wasn't powerful enough to stop all of them from invading..."]

I froze again, causing my mother to check up on me.

"Are you ok dear, want me to carry you?"

Shaking my head back to reality I look up to my mother before speaking to her in a normal tone.

"It's ok, we are close to home anyway."

She looked into my eyes, trying to see if I'm just putting up a strong front to hide my emotions.

Although she doesn't find anything because after a bit, she simply nods before taking my hand in hers as we both continue our way home, giving me the opportunity to finally respond.

'Invaders? Also, what's Baryon mode? Is it the form he took to fight Kaguya?'

["What, no. I think he called that mode Six Paths or something. Baryon mode is a lot stronger, especially when he combined the two. We were actually equal in strength back then."]

'And the invaders, who were they?'

["... I think it's still too early for you to know, especially if you haven't even gotten your template system to work."]

'*Sigh* fine, but can you at least tell me when they will come?'

["The timer."]

'The what now?'

["When the timer hits zero on the System. At least, that's when I first came in contact with them."]

My eyes widen for a second as I mentally bring up the system window image in my head.

_________System Interface_________

Yoruichi Shihouin Age 3 (????)

Tier: 10-A (???)

[SP Multiverse Travel System]

- time remaining before next travel function: 30 years, 03 months, 11 days, 02 hours, 18 minutes

- Available Worlds

• {Naruto-5305369}

[Template System]

- Yoruichi Shihouin 002%





'Just 30 years...'

["Yep, that's why when they come, I want you to be prepared for them. So when the time comes, you will be strong enough, stronger than I was..."]

I walked the rest of the way in silence as we finally arrived at the house. Since we both got slightly wet from the rain, we decided to hop into the bath.

After rinsing off, we both got inside with my mother behind me again, acting as a comfortable chair.

While I laid there with my mother's breasts on the back of my head, I continued my conversation inside my head.

'I promise you.'


'I promise that I will not fail. I will become stronger, for both of us.'

["... I hope so, I truly hope so."]

(Almost 2 Years Later) 2/07/54 Future Yoruichi POV

'It's almost time…'

'I wonder what will happen to me after this?'

With my eyes closed, I was able to see what my younger self was doing. I watched as she had dinner with our mother.

Luckily, I am able to enjoy my mother's voice once more, as I can also hear what my younger self hears.

"Tomorrow's your big day, are you excited?"

"Yes mom, I can't wait any longer."

"Fufu, well, I have some news for you."

I watched as my younger self tilted her head in confusion and wonder.

"What is it?"

"Well, you will be starting the Academy soon."


I tuned out their conversation as I had heard the same thing in the past. Instead, I paid attention to our mother.

She looked stressed. Although my past self can't see it, that doesn't mean I couldn't.

Now that I think about it, it was around this time the rumors started spreading about her: how she had slept with the enemy for her own safety and had betrayed her own team in the past on her own accord.

Although I know that every single one of those rumors are false, and that's because she told me herself what actually transpired.

'Should I tell her?'

I thought about telling my past self many times about the events that are going to transpire.

But every single time, I would stop myself from saying anything because certain bad events that happened in my life led me to new people that I came to love and cherish.

I was busy thinking to myself, so I didn't notice when my younger self had made it to bed, as she slowly started falling asleep.

'I guess it's time, huh…'

I opened my eyes to find myself sitting on a chair in the exact replica of my old room.

'Ok, any time now.'

And just as I predicted, my past self materialized on the same bed as always, before opening her eyes as she sat up.

"Good morning."

["You know it's still nighttime, right, mini-me."]

She scoffed as she proceeded to roll off the bed before standing on her feet.

"I was just messing around, jeez… so how are you going to get my System to awaken, and don't dodge the question this time."

I just smiled her way as she took a seat across from me.

["Don't worry, I will let you know, but before that, I need to tell you some things."]

"Aaa Haa! I knew you're not actually me from the future, you're probably some kind of alien from space that's trying to take over my body."


I just deadpanned at her as this joke she makes is getting really old.

"…Sorry, please continue."

["…Well, I think it's time I finally tell you some important things."]

"Wait, really? I mean, aren't you usually very tight-lipped about it. What changed?"

She's right; usually I would not even consider telling her anything, but today is a special occasion.

["You will know later, don't worry. Anyway, what I'm about to tell you has to stay between us. Got it?"]

She nods as she pretends to zip up her mouth before locking it with a key, then chucking it away.

["Good. Do you remember when you kept asking me who exactly is invading?"]

Getting a nod in response, I tightened my hand into a fist as I tried to control my anger from spilling out, as just remembering them gets me pissed.

["The ones who invade us are actually the same gods that sent us here."]

"Wait, what! Why?" She exclaimed in shock as her eyes widened beyond belief.

["Because of the System."] Not getting any other response, I continued with my words.

["You see, it's actually against the higher law to travel between different Verses. So when the timer runs out on your System, the gods get notified that someone's trying to breach the source wall."]

"Wait, hold up. Didn't that goddess give us this ability? Why would we-..."

["-Get hunted for it. Yeah, I asked her that question myself."]


["She told me that it was a miscalculation. That the Travel System was only supposed to let me travel between worlds in this universe. But because of the Templet System, the Travel System was forced to adapt and evolve after coming in contact with it."]

After saying what I needed, I waited for some reaction from her because apparently, it was too much for her to take in at once.

"I-I… *clears throat* I understand."

I nod to her before snapping my fingers, which actually manages to bring up her System in front of us.

Seeing it in front of her, she stands up in an instant in awe at seeing it before her eyes for the first time.


["Well, we are actually inside your head, so you could have done this all this time."]

"Wait, you're only telling me now!"

["Stop yelling, jeez, was I always this annoying."]

I rub the inside of my ear as I try to act as if it's in pain.


And it worked like a charm.

["Forget it, anyway before we proceed with this, there's some other stuff you need to know."]

She nods and gains a serious look as I begin telling her some information on the future that should be safe to tell.

["... -and don't forget to be in Konoha at the exact date no matter what."]

"… that's a lot, but I will, I promise."

I smile at her, knowing full well that she wouldn't break that promise no matter what.

["That's good. Now let's proceed with what you came here for."]

She sits straight with her back against the chair as she replies with gusto.

"Yes, tell me what to do."

["You don't actually do anything."]

She gains a confused look as she stared directly into my eyes.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?"

I smile at her before I proceed to finally stand from my seat and make my way to her.

["What that means, little one, is that all you have to do is go to sleep, and everything will make sense tomorrow."]

"… I don't like this, why do I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen?"

Finally stepping up to her, I gesture for her to stand as I gently place my hand on her cheek before speaking in a soft voice.

["Nothing will happen to you, well at least the You you."]

Gently moving my hand from her cheek I directed it towards her forehead, but she ignored my touch almost like it wasn't there in the first place.

"Wait. No I don't like this! Why can't I move, Hey what are you doing!"

Pressing my hand against her forehead, I placed a sleeping spell on her as she slowly closes her eyes.

["It's ok, I been making the wrong decisions all my life… let me at least make one correct one."]

Catching her in my arms, I watched her slowly fade away as her mind returns to her own body.


I stood there in place for some time before gaining a much more serious look as I bring my hands upwards.

["lets get it done with."]

I bring my hands down, as my body glows brightly for a second before revealing my original form that I had before being sealed in the coffin.

(Future Yoruichi Sexy IMG)

'I missed this body.'

I traced my hands up my body as I get a good feel of it.

"Ok, hopefully this works."

I put some energy into my words as I speak an ancient language that supposedly only the gods know.

"I̴ ̴r̷e̷q̸u̸e̷s̸t̵ ̷a̷n̴ ̸e̴q̴u̵a̸l̶ ̶e̸x̶c̸h̸a̸n̸g̶e̷.̶" (translation: I request an equal exchange.)

After speaking my words a golden panel appeared in front of my eyes.


{state your exchange}


I told it what I required in exchange, before waiting for it to tell me what it required in exchange.


{finding something equal in worth}




Seeing what it required of me, made me let out a giggle as the thought that all my hard work was actually not in vain.

"Fufu… I guess I really was worth something… Who would have thought."

Although I may have sacrificed my System to return back in time. I thought my Tier 3-C soul even though damage, should have been enough. But I guess I was too naïve.

(Flash Back)

"Promise me you will never make the sacrificial play Yoruichi."

(End of flash back)

'Sorry ?̴?̸?̵?̶, but it looks like I can't keep that promise.'

I take one last look around my surroundings before speaking up with a pleasant smile on my face.

'Goodbye mini me.'

"I̴ ̵a̷c̷c̴e̵p̵t̸."

With those final words my soul, and essence were ripped to shreds, and slowly started fusing into a glowing orb.

Throughout the whole process, where I slowly disappeared. I didn't let out a single squeak or tear. As I had lost the ability to do so, long ago.

(3rd POV)

After the process was finished the golden panel disappeared, leaving behind the glowing orb behind, alongside Yoruichi's System panel.

The orb stayed in place for some time, slowly rotating in place for no one to witness. Until it finally stopped moving and slowly started disintegrating into nothingness.

But if a higher being would look it, they would notice that instead of disappearing completely. What it's actually doing is fusing into the surroundings, including the System panel that floats near.

What transpired in this moment would later go down in history as the birth of the legendary Yoruichi, Goddess of -….


8,400 words

Yo what's good, I don't know if anyone noticed but I got inspired by another Fanfic called [The Cursed Gamer by Master4thWall.] (Amazing fic BTW)

Although I won't be copying anything, I will be using some of his ideas in my own fic though not in the ways he uses them.

Also you guys probably noticed but I had to use Grammarly because I didn't have time to edit myself. Also let me know if you guys/girls prefer it this way.

THIS IS IT, after this chapter we are finally done with the Plot build up (Sorry it took this long), so starting next chapter we will have less time skips and more world building/character building, also we will finally get into the good parts.

Also next chapter will answer all of your questions on future selfs sacrifice, and why it was needed.

Well that's it if you have anything you would like to see in this Fic (including different worlds to visit in future let me know)


Beat_Man Beat_Man

I don’t own anything,

All things are owned by there representatives.

other then my OC’s of course :)

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