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Capítulo 26: Homecoming

Thorfinn couldn't say he much enjoyed the journey at sea when they travelled back home, but with each passing day as they neared, he felt excitement thundering in his heart like Thor striking his anvil. On their journey they had no bad weather or storms, the sun shined for them from dawn until dusk. "Look at the weather Thorfinn, the gods celebrate our return, they are happy with the raid and the plunder we return with," Floki said as he patted Thorfinn on the back.

It was hard to deny it, the gods had been with him even before he left the shores of his home. "Floki, I've felt the presence of the gods many times since I became a man, none more so than Freyja," he said to Floki who listened to him with rapt attention.

Floki giggled "You survived all this time on your own in a foreign land, and when you rejoined us it was with two beautiful women and three chests of gold and silver, I do not think I've ever seen someone more favoured by the gods."

Thorfinn burst out laughing with Floki catching the attention of the others. "I suppose you are right, had I not been favoured I imagine I would've perished long ago," he said.

"You do a disservice to yourself Thorfinn, you trained harder than anyone I've ever seen, perhaps the gods had a hand in your survival, but your skill was also a factor," Niklaus said as he ate some dried meat while sitting on the edge of the ship.

"Your words are kind Niklaus, but there have been many times my skill has failed me and only through the grace of the gods that I prevailed," Thorfinn replied as he looked out to the ocean.

Floki giggled once again and put his hands on Thorfinns shoulders "Then I shall stand next to you and hope when the gods look down on you they'll see me as well," he said making a few of the others laugh.

"Between him and Ragnar they are bound to notice us as well," Niklaus said with a laugh as he finished his food and lay down on the deck. Thorfinn chuckled as he looked at the older boy but turned his head back to the ocean as he thought about Rebekah and Hild, both of them were pregnant with his child. The excitement and happiness at the prospect of it overshadowed the fear he felt at what Rebekah was going to do to him now that she knew about his tryst with Hild. He wasn't too worried about Mikael finding out, the man was greedy and Thorfinn had a lot of gold and silver, once he developed his land he had no doubt that the man would want an alliance with him. 'He doesn't really have a choice since Rebekah is already pregnant,' Thorfinn thought to himself with a chuckle.

Thorfinn sat down next to Blaeja as he continued to think about his next moves. Something else he'd been considering was the people who lived on his land, they were in service to him the same way he had been to Ragnar on his farm. He needed their loyalty and perhaps he could make them into better warriors. He punched the bridge of his nose and breathed heavily. "Is everything okay Thorfinn?" Blaeja asked putting her hand on his knee.

Thorfinn smiled at her and nodded "There is much I need to do when we return home, it is hard to know where to start," he told her.

"You start with the things that take the longest and continue in that order, but don't worry Thorfinn you made the intelligent choice of bringing me along, I'm sure you'll find a use for me," she said with a grin.

"I'll be here to help as well my lord," Arwyn stated as she looked at Thorfinn almost obsessively.

"Trying to do things alone when you don't need to will always lead to problems, there is no shame in accepting help," Blaeja said.

Thorfinn nodded "You are right, thank you both," he said before standing up and approaching Floki who was fiddling with something.

"Floki, I wish to ask you a favour, well it is more than a favour, it is a big request," Thorfinn said keeping his voice down.

"Of course Thorfinn," Floki said

"I have not told you what it is that I want yet," Thorfinn said with a laugh.

Floki shrugged "If the gods have chosen to help you Thorfinn, then who am I to refuse," he said

Thorfinn put his hand on his shoulder "I am your friend Floki, I do not wish for you to accept because you have to," he stated.

"Then you have nothing to worry about as I would still accept," Floki said with a giggle.

"Now tell me what it is you need me to do?" Floki asked.

Thorfinn brought one of his precious books out of his satchel and showed it to him "These pages contain secret knowledge of an ancient empire that had mastered construction, I need your help understanding the wood the way you do, you are the best builder in the land and I must learn what you know if I have any hope of deciphering these pages,"

Floki took the book from him and looked within, he turned the book around pulling it close and then further away "You can read these symbols?" He asked

Thorfinn nodded "I can, but I do not understand their meaning," he explained.

Floki nodded "You do not ask much, I can teach you what I know, perhaps Ragnar can bother you the next time he wants a boat built," he said with a giggle.

"Will you and Helga come to stay with me? There is a lot of room and it would make things easier," he asked.

"If you don't mind me and Helga eating your food and fucking every night we would be glad to," Floki said.

Thorfinn laughed "Not at all, I will likely be doing the same," he said clapping Floki on the shoulder.

Blaeja was right, he needed to take care of the long-term projects first. The most important of which is the farms on his land; food was perhaps the only thing more important than gold, as you couldn't eat the latter. Winters were always harsh and if food was scarce then no amount of gold would convince someone to sell you theirs. That would be his first goal, to have a surplus of food and to fill his winter stores.

'But first... Rebekah."


On the other ship that followed Ragnars, Magnus looked out with anger at Thorfinn who he saw in the distance. The boy had dared strike him and even mutilated his uncle, he also didn't like how close the boy was with the Mikaelsson family, more specifically Rebekah. His father had promised he would have the girl; from the curves of her body to her face she was a perfect woman and he would have many sons with her.

"We must get our vengeance on Lagertha and Thorfinn!" Knut growled out as he grabbed Magnus's arm.

Magnus pulled his hand away from his uncle before grabbing his throat "Know your place uncle, I will get my vengeance on Thorfinn, I don't care about that bitch you wanted to sink your cock in!" He spat before throwing him back to the deck. His uncle glared at him but kept down on the deck in submission; Magnus was arguably the second most powerful person in Kattegat behind his father —though there was an argument to be had that Mikael could Rival Haraldsson in power. He would humiliate Thorfinn and he would do so in front of everyone.

"We can tell your father that Lagertha and Thorfinn attacked me, with both our words he will have the right to punish them," Knut said as he painfully rose to his knees.

Magnus looked at him in disgust "Do you have no honour uncle? When an enemy is too strong you hide behind those greater than you," he said.

"They unmanned me! My legacy is gone, I deserve reparations!" Knut yelled.

Magnus backhanded his uncle making him fall again "You tried to rape that bitch, and you dragged me into it, you got what you deserved!" He shouted back. He then kicked his uncle a few times in the ribs making him cry out in pain.

No the only person who deserves reparations was him and he would get it.


Thorfinn could feel the wind start to get colder as they travelled signifying they were close to getting home. Elijah had gone over the plan with him regarding Rebekah a few more times, it would be difficult not to take her into his arms when he saw her, but it would be for the best and having her in his home for the entirety of her pregnancy would easily make up for it.  "We must also talk about your gold and silver," Elijah said to him as they both sat down together.

"What about it?" Thorfinn replied.

"The Jarl will no doubt try to take it from you, out of those three chests you'll get a bag of silver if you're lucky," he explained.

Thorfinn nodded, he had known that would be the likely course and was prepared to fight against it or perhaps have Ragnar leave him on a shore close to Kattegat so he could hide the silver before the Jarl questioned him. "I will claim the silver as my own, the Jarl wouldn't dare try to take it from me at the risk of making an enemy of my father, then you can take it away to your land and hopefully that'll end the matter," Elijah suggested.

Thorfinn nodded "A good plan, I have no mood to get involved in whatever schemes the Jarl has," he stated.

Elijah raised an eyebrow "With how close you are to Ragnar you may not have a choice."

Thorfinn chuckled as he leaned back, he couldn't help but find the humour in how complicated his life had become just because of the woman he had chosen to marry. "We will see."


Kattegat was in sight, Thorfinn felt his heart thump in excitement as he helped row through the bay. Blaeja and Arwyn looked over the edge to the small settlement, while it wasn't anything impressive compared to the places in Northumbria it was still something new. As they rowed into the small dock Thorfinn stood up from the oars and approached the bow of the ship, his breath hitched as he saw Rebekah waiting for him. She somehow looked even more beautiful than the last time he had seen her; surprisingly both Hild and Gyda were standing next to her, and Bjorn who was with one of the priests they had taken from the monastery.

"This whole journey back I've been hearing about Thorfinn Helbane, the one blessed by the gods," Elijah said from beside him.

"From the look on my sister's face I doubt even the god's blessings will keep you safe," he said as he squeezed his shoulder. Despite the stoic expression on Elijah's face, Thorfinn could see how amused he was. When Thorfinn looked back to the shore he could see the expressions of all three women. While Hild looked happy the same could not be said for the others; both Rebekah and Gyda looked upset at him, but he could also see from their bodies that they were relieved to see him. 'Not surprising since I didn't come back last time,' he thought to himself.

"First time?" Torstein said from beside him as he looked at two pregnant women standing on either side of the dock.

The crowd gathered at the dock started cheering as the raiders returned. Thorfinn jumped off the boat forgetting about the others as he rushed over to the Girls, pushing past others as he did.

"Thorfinn!" Hild said with a happy expression as she crossed the distance between them and hugged him. Thorfinn eagerly returned the hug, while he hadn't known Hild for long she had quickly gained a place in his heart with her kindness and dedication to him. "It is good to see you," Thorfinn whispered to her before detaching himself from her just in time to receive a punch from Gyda

"Ow!" He yelled out as he held his nose. Gyda had quite the arm on her, but it seemed she wasn't finished as she hit him in the stomach next.

"The first one was from Rebekah and the second one was from me," Gyda said rubbing his knuckles.

She then hugged him tightly "You better not pull something like that again," she said to him as she placed her head on his chest. He looked over to Bjorn who was laughing at what his sister had just done to him.

He ignored it in favour of something much more important. He was entranced by Rebekah, it seemed her pregnancy had only enhanced her beauty, it was hard not to take her in his arms, a sentiment she seemed to share as she stepped closer to him. "Thorfinn..." she said in a quiet voice.

"Rebekah... it's been a while," He replied.

"It has, I'm glad to see you're well," She said with a small smile on her face. She struggled to hold back as all she wanted to do was run into his arms and let out everything she had been feeling since he had left.

"We have much we need to speak of," Rebekah said as she rubbed her stomach.

"We do... I take it you know of the plan?" He asked and she nodded her head.

"Then we shall suspend our reunion until then," he said.

They were then interrupted as Niklaus pushed through the crowd "Sister!" He said happily as he picked Rebekah up and spun her around making the girl giggle as she slapped his shoulder and told him to put her down. Behind Niklaus was Elijah carrying one of Thorfinns chests while Arywn carried the other two. "We should leave before the Jarl comes," Elijah told Thorfinn.

Thorfinn nodded and ushered Blaeja and Arwyn over so they could make their way out of Kattegat.

"Are you leaving already!"

Thorfinn scowled as he turned around and saw Magnus and a limping Knut make their way over. "You have yet to give my father his share of all of this," he said gesturing to the chests full of silver.

"This was not taken on a raid so your father has no claim to it," Thorfinn stated.

"You came home with us so there is a claim to be made," Magnus countered.

"On Ragnar's boat, not your father's, if he wishes for a share I'll be happy to give it to him," Thorfinn said taking a step towards him.

Magnus saw that the crowd were all staring at them now and so he held his hands up and smiled "I suppose we shall see what the Jarl has to say," he said.

"No, we won't." Elijah stepped in.

"I claim this wealth from Thorfinn has payment for his training, do you wish to try and take it from me or is the matter settled," he said in a clear voice. Niklaus stepped beside his brother placing his hand on his axe; Knut looked both ready to fight and also looked as if he'd run away.

"No the matter is settled," Magnus replied. Humiliating Thorfinn was one thing, but crossing the Mikaelssons was another thing entirely. 

Elijah nodded and gestured for everyone to leave. "I will come visit you when I can," Gyda whispered to Thorfinn before he left. Thorfinn nodded and hugged her one last time before he left with his companions.

Ragnar and Lagertha laughed as they saw Thorfinn quickly leave. Had the Jarl not had it in for him he might've done the same thing to avoid talking to the man, but unfortunately it wasn't long before the Jarl and his guards arrived. His son and brother both went to his side and whispered to him.

"I take it you've had a successful raid, Ragnar," the Jarl said.

"It was my lord, we've brought back much wealth," Ragnar replied as Lagertha and Rollo went to his side. Lagertha glared at Knut who looked like he might go rabid at the shieldmaiden.

"I hear that there were a few problems between Knut and your wife, but that the matter has been settled."

Ragnar looked to Knut and gave him a cold smile "The matter is settled," he replied.

"Then we shall convene to the hall and give out the shares," Haraldsson stated before turning around and walking away.

"Will you not punish her lord! She should be made a slave for what she did!" Knut whispered into his brother's ear.

Magnus who was on the other side of them just shook his head looking at Knut in disgust. 'A weak man, I don't even know why Father keeps him,' Magnus wondered.

"Ragnar will get what is due to him, when that happens his woman can be yours to do with as you please," Haraldsson said to pacify his brother. It seemed to do the trick as Knut let a malicious smile form on his face as they walked to the Jarls Longhouse.


Thorfinn was not looking forward to the twelve-hour journey towards his land, but he could not afford to stay the night as the silver he had painted a target on his back; At least when he returned home he'd be able to hide it. Though carrying three heavy chests was going to be difficult, however when they arrived at the outskirts of the Mikaelsson house he saw a horse and cart outside that Hild walked to.

"I knew you would be bringing back a lot when you returned so I brought this to help us carry it," Hild said with a smile.

Thorfinn gave her a grateful smile before putting the chest he was carrying in the back —Elijah and Arwyn doing the same. "Hop in the cart we have a long journey ahead of us," Thorfinn told Arwyn and Blaeja. However, he had to grab Blaeja by the arm as she was too focused on looking around at all the buildings and people.

"In a few days I will bring her, be grateful as we can continue your training as well," Elijah said patting Thorfinn on the back.

"I will see you soon Thorfinn," Rebekah said. She was desperate to hug him, but doing so in front of her house was too risky.

"Soon you'll never have to say those words again," Thorfinn said brushing his hand against hers.

"You're making me sick, get out of here," Elijah said shoving him away from Rebekah.

Thorfinn laughed before helping Hild up onto the cart walking to the front and taking the reins of the horse. He took one last look at Rebekah before leading the horse down the dirt path and heading back to his land.

"Has everything been well since I've been gone?" He asked Hild who nodded.

"The gold went far in restoring the Longhouse to its former glory, the rest went to buying stores for this winter, we won't be able to get a crop for this year, but we should be able to plant some vegetables," she stated.

Thorfinn nodded "I have many plans and now have the wealth to make them a reality,"

Hild leaned her head on his shoulder "I will do what I can to support you," she said.

Thorfinn put his hand on her shoulder rubbing it affectionately "The one thing I wish for you to do is rest and take care of the babe growing inside you," he requested.

Hild smiled and rubbed her face against him "She will be strong and healthy Thorfinn, you need not worry," she said.

Thorfinn looked at her with a raised eyebrow "Did you just say she? You know it to be a girl already?" He asked.

Hild moved off his shoulder with a thoughtful expression "I suppose I did say that." That was all she said and she made no effort to go into any more detail.

The rest of the ten hours were spent in casual conversation where Thorfinn introduced Blaeja and Arwyn to Hild and explained some things about their land. Blaeja listened with rapt attention and was happy to know everything she could, Hild was happy to help her with the language on their journey though Thorfinn had to cut in at times when they had trouble understanding each other.

When Thorfinn finally arrived in his land he was surprised to see how different it looked. The tents that were set up outside were gone and the land seemed to have been cleared of all the dead bodies. The house that was full of holes and looked to be in disrepair looked almost new, and in the distance, he could see the torches of the small village where the others lived. "You have a nice home lord," Arwyn said as she looked at it.

"Indeed it's nicer than I imagined it would be," Blaeja added making Thorfinn roll his eyes.

"You come from a home made of stone with towers that stand taller than a hundred men, I'm sure any home I could've had wouldn't beat that," he commented making Blaeja laugh.

"I suppose so, but I am interested in the reason it was built in such a shape," Blaeja stated.

Thorfinn shrugged "That's just the way most wealthy people build their homes, makes it easier for feasts," he replied.

Thorfinn hopped off the cart and with Arwyns help he took the chests off the cart. "Take these into the house," he told the girl who obeyed.

Hild led both the girls into the house while he led the horse to the stable and unattached the cart. He felt his eyes start to feel heavy, it had been a long day and he longed for the comfort of a real bed. "If only I could've taken one of the Bebbenburg beds," he said to himself with a chuckle. When he walked into the house he was amazed at how good it looked, it seemed Hild had spared no expense in furnishing it with everything they needed and more. She had already begun heating stew she had made for him before she left earlier; having only eaten hard bread and dried meat all three of them were glad for some real food.

"How many rooms are there?" Thorfinn asked Hild as he took a bowl of stew from her.

"Five including your own," she replied. 

Thorfinn nodded "Good, there will be enough space for the others then."

"I made sure it furnish and repair them all so any guests you have will be comfortable," Hild stated as she served the other girls.

Thorfinn smiled "Thank you, Hild, you have made my return a great deal easier," he said which made Hild smile back at him.

"You have worked hard and risked much for us, this is the least I can do," she said as she sat next to him.

"Now eat so you can rest, you can bathe tomorrow," Hild whispered to him. Thorfinn didn't know how Hild had known he was thinking about bathing but he chose to just accept it and he finished his food.

"Arywn, Blaeja you may pick any of the rooms you want, if there is anything you need then ask, this is your home now as much as it is mine," he said to both of them who smiled in appreciation.

He then got up and bid the women goodnight. Hild led him to his room which was spacious with a large bed in the middle of the room. There was a dresser, a table with two chairs and a water basin. "It's a nice room," Thorfinn said, but it honestly didn't matter if it was or not as he was exhausted. He took his clothing off and let it fall to the floor before laying down on the bed, but as he turned back around he saw that Hild had gotten undressed as well and was climbing onto the bed with him.

He could see the small swelling of her stomach and it filled him with joy. "You are tired my love, let me take care of you," she whispered before kissing his chest and moving down his stomach until she placed a kiss on the end of his cock. Despite how tired he was, his cock still quickly rose until it was hard; he had not spilt his seed in a while and it showed with how his cock throbbed and his balls bulged.

Hild gripped her hand softly around his shaft and started moving her hand up and down in a slow motion as she licked the back end of his cock. The feeling was only enhanced by the feeling of Hild's naked body between his thighs. Eventually, she took the head of his cock into her mouth and Thorfinn groaned in pleasure. The speed of her hand started to increase and so did her tongue as it swirled around his head, licking up all the clear liquids that spilled from it.

Thorfinns hands went to her hair and she happily let him push her head down so she sunk deeper onto his cock. "Guh... guh...guh," Hild slipped his cock even further down until it reached the back of her mouth and went down her throat. Even though she gagged she didn't come up for air, she could feel Thorfinn shiver in pleasure and endeavoured to keep him feeling good.

Her free hand went to his balls where she massaged them "Hild!" Thorfinn groaned. She felt his balls start to expand and a moment later his cock twitched before he started shooting copious amounts of his seed into her mouth. Though his cock was still so far down it was like it was being directly pumped into her stomach.

When his cock stopped twitching and his grip on her hair loosened she moved her head back up making sure to clean it as she did. She then moved up the bed and settled on Thorfinns chest, nestling his cock between her thighs. "That was good..." Thorfinn said before yawning.

"Then I'll be sure to wake you up to one tomorrow," Hild replied.

Thorfinn chuckled before kissing her on the head and closing his eyes, finally ending the long day he had experienced. Hild took a minute to stare at Thorfinn as she revelled in the feelings he gave her and the happiness his return had brought, she then joined him in sleeping.

(AN: Not much happened this chapter, but I couldn't just skip them coming home. Well I could but I did that with Lost in Sothoryos and people complained 🙄. Anyway from this point there will be Thorfinn doing his best to apply to knowledge he has while also learning from Elijah and Floki. I hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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