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53.62% When The Facade Breaks (Jumpchain)(Current World: Invincible) / Chapter 24: Living And Growing(FarmVille And Monopoly Completed)

Capítulo 24: Living And Growing(FarmVille And Monopoly Completed)

I needed this.

The silence, other than the sounds of animals in the distance and machinery, was all I could hear. It's probably the first time I've been so productive in a way, even after all these decades.

Due to the nature of how this world works, I would gain a new farm every three months and a new type of one every half of a year. And while this would seem like a lot of work, and it was a decent amount, I had one perk in particular that came to my assistance.

That is the shipping license, which allows me to transfer things across my different farms, which allows me to transfer space. So, since I wasn't limited to having one farm worth of space between each farm, it made it easy to store any surplus materials.

Ironically enough, silk actually played a decent part in transferring all the materials as that rug could actually grow in size. It couldn't get too large, that being, they could only expand to the size of the largest rug or carpet. But since it had magical properties, it could lift a decent amount of stuff between my farms.

I didn't need to worry about anything happening to him because with how this world works it's more like a simulation than an actual universe with everyone in here more like NPC than actual people. It didn't stop them from being jerks, though.

They weren't actively trying to sabotage me, but they definitely were not helping me out and even the people that I hired to work the other farms, and even though I had to pay them, I could tell that they were a bit slouching with the work. But I could easily make up for any laziness due to the fact that I could just grow them using my magic.

On the magic front, I had spent some time studying all of the various scrolls and the rituals from the Aladdin jump, as well as the various spells and potions from this jump as well. Sadly, the Farmville magic was almost cartoonish in its complexity, and it was about as rigid as you could get, as there was no imagination when it came to spells.

The only thing I could do was promote the growth of plant life and heal my animals, but I couldn't do anything ridiculous like buffing my animals or causing vines to explode out of the ground to crush my enemies.

So, while things weren't very good on one hand in terms of my telekinesis, I have made leaps and bounds over these past ten years. It seems that ever since the Aladdin jump, I've realized that I've been holding myself back.

It was subconscious, but it was there. It almost made me laugh at how pathetic I was and may still be. It was a gradual thing, realizing how I could've just snapped Jafar's neck as soon as I saw him, but I hesitated, and I made excuses over the fact that I wanted to get battle experience like some anime character.

I didn't want to kill people, but I had long accepted that it was inevitable. It didn't mean I had to like it, though.

Well, it was a change that was necessary. It was one that was a long time coming, but it will not pale in comparison to having the ability to actually sleep.

I no longer suffered from nightmares. I would hit the pillow, and that would be that I would feel more refreshed than I have my entire life. Even with a mere two hours of sleep, it felt as if I had slept for eight, which was great because these daily quests, due to the drawback, were very annoying.

It seems that the comfy house that I bought from the sleepy cuddles jump document appears as soon as I enter the setting or activate the setting if it is more of a simulation-based thing, as when I created my centerpiece building to start the jump chain it appeared right next to the building.

It wasn't grand, and it wasn't very large, but it felt like home. Even the apartment I've had didn't really feel like that. It also seems that my personal properties merge whenever I buy them, so it seems that if I ever buy some individual home, it will combine with the others.

In regards to the genie that I had gained from the Aladdin jump. It was dormant during this time, as it turns out that when I made the wishes to the other genie, it had counted towards this jump because I technically finished the Aladdin jump. So, sadly, no three wishes for the Farmville jump.

Other than that, I finally managed to create lightning using my telekinesis, and I may or may not have cosplayed Thor a bit, and only silk could attest to my dark times. And while this would seem a bit juvenile for someone of my intelligence, I do sometimes take time to enjoy more childish pursuits. It helps the mind.

Farming has definitely been a bone for me as it helped me to focus not only on an objective but also on myself, as without anywhere to go other than the farm, I've had to focus internally instead of externally.

But this is mostly just semantics. At this point, I was here, lived, and improved. The years went by about as fast as I was used to. Actually, they feel like they went by even faster with all of the time I've spent cultivating my various farms.

The hardest one was growing the magical herbs as those would attract magical beasts from other realms, which I can attest to, as the magical beast quite literally appeared from holes in the sky, attracted to the scent of my various plants.

Although I can attest that they're actually much easier to deal with than I thought other than the dragons. Those guys were annoying

But that's mostly just due to the fact that I had to actually spend a decent amount of time killing them one by one as, due to their magical nature, they were much more resistant to physical damage, and due to their innate durability, I couldn't just snap their necks using telekinetic force, so I had to do it the old-fashioned way.

Using good, old-fashioned chemical warfare. Using my enhanced intellect, I gathered some of the materials from various magical beasts and using the resources I'd gathered from my limitless jump, and with the aid of my master chemist, perk, figuring out the various intricacies of the dragon's physiology was a fun endeavor, to say the least.

With time and a decent amount of years under my belt, I had concocted various poisons and gases that would essentially liquefy the insides of the dragons. At the same time, they're resistant on the outside, and they're not so much resistant on the inside. But I imagine that more powerful dragons will be much more resilient in other universes.

Silk had to take a couple of days off after seeing a dragon's brain liquefied, though, and he's always backed away. Whenever I've had to deal with the dangerous critters around, it turns out that for a narcissistic carpet, he's very squeamish.

It has been lovely having someone to talk to, even if I haven't revealed everything about myself quite yet, as I'm going to be keeping a decent amount of things close to my chest. There are things you just have to move on from.

I wasn't that person anymore, or at least that's what I told myself. Depressing thoughts aside, I did find something rather interesting, though, with this specific jump.

When I went to my warehouse, I saw that the jump document terminal was still active, and it turns out that due to the simulation-based nature of this jump, I could access another jump if it filled out specific criteria.

The criteria were very specific in the sense that I wasn't allowed to leave this simulation or this universe, but if it was applicable, I could do it right then and there.

So I decided to kill two birds with one stone and load up the next jump that I was going to take, which only would've lasted a day. I checked out the Monopoly Jump, and well. This does seem a bit redundant as I do get $100,000 a month due to the nest egg item from the sleepy cuddles jump.

The monopoly jump would allow me to have properties that make money for me in other worlds, and it would allow me to cash, among other things.

I assume the reason this jump was applicable was because I wasn't actually leaving more summoning players to play a game of Monopoly. But there was a caveat to this jump as, unlike other jump worlds, I started out with zero points and had to get all of the points from drawbacks.

Most of them, however, are pretty manageable, to be quite honest, with the worst one being that, instead of playing against average players, I would be playing against industry leaders from Rockefeller to Morgan.

But then I found a drawback that mitigated their advantage, such as the drawback of all of us being very much drunk. Since it was a drawback, I would have to play this drunk, but I knew with my enhanced brain, it would be a cakewalk.

So, about halfway through my Farmville jump, I confirmed my purchases for the Monopoly jump and build and found myself back in my centerpiece building and very much drunk.

If I were to describe the experience, it would be like walking on a tightrope but everywhere. However, my fellow players were also the same, actually somewhere worse because it turns out that leaders of the industry who never worked out were really bad drunks who could barely make it through the game.

Well, I could not say that I was a professional at Monopoly. I had looked up a decent amount of tutorials and other various things to fall back on for more advanced strategies because you see, while I could end the game immediately, I wanted to get all of the properties.

Or at least as many as I could, as each property I owned in the game would transfer over in some way or another to all of my jump worlds.

But when playing Monopoly, you would think, why would they be willing to sell all of their properties

The Landlord's Game [-400 CP] – Any other player will now sell you any property they have, regardless of strategy, provided you offer 1.5 times its value. Useful. I dare say this would work wherever you went.

One perk made this game a cakewalk, as at any point when they arrived at any properties I wanted, I could immediately make them sell it to me. The game, however, was only made easier to stall with the addition of another perk.

Winning When You Lose [-700 CP] – Well, now! It appears you can even collect revenue whilst incarcerated! This is a valuable trick, regardless of where you are!

So, being the very casual boardgame player that I was, I went with the most popular late-game strategy from Monopoly, that being jailbaiting. Since a drawback made it so that I would go to jail much more often, if I weren't able to manipulate the dice that was to never land on any cards, I could always get away from having actually to play the game.

Through my drunken haze, I could almost remember feeling bad for how much I was bankrupting these people. Rockefeller looked like he wanted to off himself halfway through the game, while Morgan quite literally fainted due to not having a stomach for alcohol.

So essentially, I cheated people who used to cheat people, and I do admit, it felt good; I will never admit to using my telekinesis to manipulate the dice so that I could always gain money whenever I needed to beat venture capitalists. It was very entertaining.

My own snobbishness made me want to put on a top hat and start laughing like an Englishman. The only real drawback of the game was the fact that it was so long because while I could've ended the game in an hour, I had to make sure I achieved each and every single property on the board.

By the end of the game, it had been around six hours, and while I do admit that many things were said during the game, most of them could barely be understood due to the fact that we were all drunk, but by the end, the drunken this wore off, And we all shook hands and left the game.

Upon the game's completion, a small man appeared from the board, and before me was the actual Monopoly man.

With the intoxication gone, I kneeled down and saw the small English butler do a little bow to me before he spoke, " Well, sir, it seems that I am serving another fresh jumper. It has been a while since I've had to deal with a newbie. It is an honor to make your acquaintance, my Lord. I am Milburn Pennybags. If such a name is too long, you may simply refer to me as Millburn."

The man, after giving me a very fancy bow, would place his top hat back on and take out his small cane before quite literally walking on air.

" I see you're in the midst of a Farmville jump. This was definitely a great use of your time. My Lord, I can already see all of the opportunities already. but I must ask how you were able to win the game, as you never really seem to suffer from the effects of being drunk." Sitting down on one of the chairs I had in my home, which I had found myself in after the game ended. I answered the small fancy man.

" Sheer willpower and having an advanced brain will definitely help when it comes to dealing with normal opponents, even if they were the greatest of the economic leaders during their day." Milburn nodded in understanding before handing me a small piece of paper.

Taking it from his hands, it was quite literally a free parking card from the Monopoly game with the word infinite on it, which I found a bit redundant due to the fact that I was a teleporter, but if I ever found myself not being able to teleport, not having to worry about paying for parking would be somewhat helpful.

"Well, sir, I do compliment you on your foresight. is there anyone else I would need to introduce myself to amongst your band, or am I free to go?" I did a slight head tilt in confusion as I wondered where he would go.

" Yes, you may be a bit confused about where I will go. Do not fret, my Lord; I will go to manage all of your businesses, and while I may ask for your input, once in a while, you will be largely hands-off if you so desire it. if you ever find a need for my advice, however, just click your heels three times and say Pennybags."

I genuinely wanted to ask if he was kidding, but before I could do so, the man had already disappeared in a small puff of what looked like a cloud of money.

Grabbing the phone, I had bought from the Farmville terminal, which allowed me to purchase other items I could use on my farm. I checked my bank account and watched as my numbers began to climb by the second. Before I knew it, I was the owner of not only various railroads for supply roots but also branches of hotels and various apartment complexes.

My net worth, which was definitely in the billions before now, was skyrocketing, and I, for the first time since the Jumper movie, felt fear toward another, being that being the moneybags as that old guy was no joke.

That was five years ago, and now I was essentially a multibillionaire. The money flow had slowed down, with me only getting the $100,000 monthly being the most significant boost in revenue. Still, my farm has definitely helped out as I could send all of the things to sell on my railroads, which I would never have to worry about degrading over time. Thanks to a perk I bought in Farmville.

Built To Last (-200 CP) – You have a unique talent for creating buildings that last for as long as possible against various elements, anything from bad weather to earthquakes and human factors. It's almost as if some sort of supernatural protection is extended to them because you built them.

This was probably one of the best purchases I had made as anything I built, or anything I owned, would be able to stand the test of nature. It was a comforting fact, and I do admit I derived a bit of pleasure from watching my net worth rise.

Who said money could not buy happiness?

Now that I was assured that I could not fail this jump due to going bankrupt, I tended to my fields much more slowly than I used to, as I just enjoyed the feeling of working the land. And with my ability to now put off the daily quests to the last minute, I spent more time learning my magics.

It was a fun ten years, probably the most fun I've had in a while, but now I stand inside of my warehouse and watch as the clock hits zero once again.

But as the clock hit zero, I felt a small quake beneath me, and as I looked to the doorway that led out to what once was nothingness, I saw that it was now opened, and before me, I saw all of my various mines and farms that I've built up over the years.

The workers that I had purchased from the Farmville forum were now working harder than I'd ever seen them before, but they had changed as they were no longer people but looked to be more like dryads in a way.

I assumed this was a means by which the jump chain assuaged the guilt I would have for having people essentially work in what was a pocket dimension that they could never leave. What was even more odd was that I could feel a connection with all of them, kind of like a hive mind, and while their heads were relatively empty, I could control where they went and how they divvied up various objectives.

But I immediately sensed a caveat to this, as I knew that they could never leave the farms, but since the fact that they weren't sentient, I wouldn't need to worry about any rebellions.

For now, however, I return to the jump document terminal and begin to search for my next jump.

(Feel free to recommend the next jump world, but try not to get too ridiculous.)

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