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Generic Sleepy Cuddles Build

Jump Mode: Supplement

Origin: None

Location: Aladdin (City Of Agrabah)

Perks: (4 Free Perks) Each Non Free Perk Cost 100 CP

Hugging Questionable Things: No one should be denied hugs. To that end you can hug anyone without harm to yourself or them. You could hug Rogue and not have your life force sucked out, hug a living cactus man without being pricked, or hug someone while you're the embodiment of fire and they'd be fine, you could hug the personification of Death itself and live. This only works for hugs and snuggling. (Free)

Fighting In The Fade: It's no good if your dreams are taken over by another or you follow your companion/s into dream realms and can't help them. You exert enough power and strength of will to fight dream entities or others on their own turf, but only while present mentally/spiritually in that ephemeral place. Someone sends you a nightmare you can send it back, they try to twist your dreams to torment you you can wrest control from their fingers, and they try to hold your partner/s prisoner in dream realms you become an immovable bulwark that dreams cannot effect and gods cannot assail to pull your friends out and even find your way back to the waking world. You are as vulnerable as anyone else when physically entering a dream or realms made of such but you see through illusions and are not easily tricked. Should you gain a domain of dreams as a god or a power that lets you manipulate any dream, this perk will fortify those abilities. (Free)

Dream Light: There are those who think they can be sneaky and attack you or your cuddle friends via your dreams. When you are attacked through your dreams you emit a light that can harm such beings and break their hold, this light will cover your partner/s too, those who can sense it find it safe and soothing. If your companions' minds/spirits are pulled into a dream realm your light will be tied around them as a tether enabling you to follow them and rip those dream gods or demons a new one. (Free)

Sharing is Caring: You might come across someone who could really benefit from a lot more than a hug or platonic snuggling. You're able to loan out any perks, powers, or skills you possess to anyone you cuddle and call them back at any time. If you are further intimate with them, you'll be able to give out copies of your abilities instead.(Free)

Just For Showing Up (Free)

Anyone with any sense would of course choose to be a wizard, or a ninja, or a Saiyan when they visit the relevant worlds, but your powers would be tied to your alt-form without this for backup. This perk will give you both the potential and ability to use the local powers or the powers inherent in your species. You will be above average in capability but not top tier, think Krillin in Dragonball, or Tenten in Naruto, you could make it to the supporting cast but you won't surpass the true greats with this perk alone.

Itch-Free Zone(-100CP): Another thing that can bother you or your companions are pests and parasites, hives, rashes, dry skin, or even just your nose itching when you're cuddling or trying to sleep. No longer. Pests and parasites are repelled, you're immune to allergies, rashes just don't happen, your skin never dries out unless you're a mummy, and your nose never inexplicably itches for no reason. Anyone you cuddle will share these benefits.

Comfy Cuddles(-100CP): Cuddling in bed is nice but not when you're being crushed and suffocated. Now you never have to worry about crushing or smothering your snuggle buddy or experiencing the same from them, whether by body weight or because you hugged them too hard or buried them in pillows. You could be lying right on top of them while made of rock and they'd only feel comfortable and not like they have a boulder on their chest. Likewise you have perfect control of your strength even while asleep so you'll never accidentally hug someone to death. This perk works in reverse when you're being crushed or hugged too hard and you'll find neither of you will need to breathe when being covered like a shag rug by the other.

Inner Soul(-100CP): We do a lot to hide ourselves; lie, deflect, distract, attack, withdraw; but you see people, Jumper, you see them, and when you want they can see you too so they can see how beautiful or ugly you are on the inside. Yes, you can read people's intent through this and be read in turn but you see who a person is and not the person they project. To be so candid with someone can be the first step to forming lifelong bonds.

Dreams Caught In A Web(-100CP): Your mind is like a dreamcatcher; good dreams are allowed through and bad dreams are filtered out. You simply don't suffer from normal nightmares, nothing not caused by a clairvoyant power or sent by an external entity, but the trade off is that you protect your partner/s from all such nightmares, mundane or supernatural.

Dream Boat(-100CP): Not many people would willingly hug someone whose face looks like a skunk's butt. Good thing you don't anymore if you ever did. You're a ten out of ten in good looks and body now, with perfect posture, and you even smell nice. You'll also never have wardrobe malfunctions and can look good in anything, looking like you walked off the set of a movie shoot without all the makeup caked on.

Energizer Hugs(-100CP): Hugging you is like taking a shot of espresso. When someone hugs you or you hug them, their stamina is restored and their mind is inspired in whatever way would be beneficial to them at that time. You may toggle this on or off if you need to.

B.O. Begone!(-100CP): If you're going to go around hugging and cuddling then you don't want to smell like a skunk either. While the above perk makes your natural body odor smell pleasant you'll still want to eliminate bad odors. You are now clean inside and out when you want to be, you never have bad breath, or bad hair days, are immune to disease and neither a carrier of them, and you'll find your hair or other soft attachments like feathers to be the softest and glossiest things to ever grace your form. You also can control your fertility/virility and menstrual/breeding cycles. No more chugging pills for perfect birth control.

Casanova(-100CP): This is a SFW Jump but I know cuddles are for more than just innocent naptime. Whether you be man or woman or other, you are skilled in the arts of the bedroom, from the presentation to the act itself. Neither you nor your partner/s will be injured by it nor leave the encounter unsatisfied and you'll have all the little advantages you'd expect from a QQ Jump.

Despair Repellent(-100CP): Life sucks, and then you die, as the saying goes. It'd be hard to enjoy your cuddles if all your horrible memories keep dragging you down. Anytime a horrible or regretful memory comes up you'll also recall a happy memory that will keep you from spiraling into despair. You may toggle this on and off if you need to for some reason.

Perfectly Balanced Brain Chemistry(-100CP): You are now immune to things that would cause psychological issues due to chemical imbalances in your brain. Things like depression, side effects of drugs, hormones going too wild, etc. This only applies to mundane detrimental effects and does not protect you from brain damage, your brain chemistry levels will otherwise be perfect for you and your species. This perfect balance will never cause identity death.

Sir Hugs A Lot(-100CP): You give good hugs, the best hugs in the universe, and they're always exactly what the other person needs, from comfort to affection to safety, and you can easily transition to cuddling with minimal protest. Moreover, as long as it's not sexual, people are more receptive to hugs and snuggles from you, not immediately shoving you away when you embrace them, and will seek you out for more hugs when they need them and you're available.

Healing Within Your Arms(-100CP): Your hugs and snuggles can heal people. Illnesses, aches and pains, and cancer just seem to disappear overnight like a miracle and snuggling with someone for a night can cure even severe touch starvation. Cling to them close enough and you can help them mentally recover from things like depression, trauma, even deep-seated brainwashing and other things that rewrite personality.

Dream Time For Jumper(-100CP): Well, it wouldn't be called sleepy cuddles if you couldn't relax. When you cuddle with someone you can choose to fall asleep or for them to fall asleep or both of you, and you'll gently drift off. Furthermore, not only will you or they sleep, but you'll rest too. Even if you end up in a tangle of limbs it won't disturb your rest. Neither of you will wake groggy in the morning but like you had the best sleep ever.

Public Displays of Affection(-100CP): Did you know Jumper that there were times when it wasn't socially permitted to hug someone in public? Not your family, your spouse, or friends. The horror! You may even find there are still societies today where such things are frowned upon. Not for you. You can hug, kiss, or cuddle with someone in public and people will just let it slide by. In fact the more you show such modest affection in public the more open others will become to displaying their own affection, even in such closed off societies as an order of monks.

Items: (2 Free Items)

Comfy House(Free):This house, aside from being perfect for you and filled with as many soft carpets and upholstery/furniture as you wish, also has an extraordinary ability. It can shrink to the size of a small dollhouse and not only will all the utilities still work, as they are hooked up to a private and very efficient system which you don't have to pay for, but you can still live there. Just touch the front door or the steps/landing to the front door and you'll shrink so you can enter. There's a 6 foot/inch threshold around the house, depending on your perspective when it's shrunk, that once you step beyond will return you to normal, this threshold accommodates any outside features such as a permanent pool and small lawn. The house can add any rooms you need for guests or Companions and nothing inside will be jostled, thrown around, or smashed when it's shrunk and moved, even if you literally threw your house you wouldn't find the water from the pool drained. Comes with a security fob with a button to shrink or return your home to its normal size. All taxes are paid, your house is always clean, and you have all the legal papers showing you own it. Great for mobile and permanent living!

Magic Bed(Free): This exceedingly comfortable bed can take any shape you desire and change to any size to fit your well as any companions. Want a round bed? A square bed? Long? Tall? A nest? bed? You do you. It will bend space around it so the size of the room never changes and bend time as well so you have extra as long as it's used for cuddling, full night's rest guaranteed even if your sleep is interrupted. Comes with all the pillows you could desire in any shapes, sizes, and colors.

The Blanket(-100CP): This blanket can change its size, color, patterns, and become any kind of blanket you wish from super soft, comfy cotton to a thick comforter to a thin sheet or a baby blanket. You can wear it as a cape or build pillow forts out of it. It's always clean and perfect for sleeping as it will adjust during the night to keep you properly warm or cool and will never let you get tangled in it to ensure maximum comfort.

Nest Egg(-100CP): This is money, in any currency you need, it's a steady monthly supply of the equivalent of $100,000 USD after inflation. It should be all you need to live a life where you don't have to work.


Companion Lockout(+200 CP): Your friends won't be coming with you. They can still be imported to buy things but they will either be sent on vacation elsewhere or confined to the Warehouse. Perhaps they'll visit one of the previous worlds you've been to.

Five More Minutes…(+200CP): So you can't get enough cuddles in 3 years but want to stay the full 10? Okay then! You may take this again to add another 5 years to your stay.

Leave When The Story Finishes (+200 CP): You leave when you've brought the story to a conclusion. When the "canon plot" ends or is made completely impossible, you go.

Total CP Used: 1,600CP

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