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82.05% Ballad Of Blood (R-18) / Chapter 29: Ch 28 BloodBound, Half-Blooded

Capítulo 29: Ch 28 BloodBound, Half-Blooded

[7.7k words, only way chap worked.]

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[Dragons Lair, Therian Gold Mine, Terrevan Mountain range] [Mc Pov]

"Hold on White Hair! I need to draw on the ground with some chalk first!" Hirni spoke excitedly before jumping up from the huge pile of gold and running across the room to find a good spot to make the inscriptions for our Bloodbinding ritual.

I watched as Hirni began drawing a huge circle in white chalk, nearly ten meters in diameter.

Nearby I saw Alosia trembling in fear of what would come next, A lifetime of slavery with no possibility of escape....Even if I died she'd still be forever marked.

I walked over to Alosia, she stiffened up in fear of what I'd do as I neared.

"I hope you know something Alosia....I don't mistreat my women." I spoke softly.

"N..Not a w..woman....I....I...I'm.....I'm go...going to be a slave...." She spoke, her body trembling in trepidation of what would soon come.

I couldn't stand to see such a beautiful woman in such a state so I walked forward and wrapped her into a soft hug, so quickly that she didn't even have time to get scared.

Alosia tensed up at first, but after a few long moments she buried her face into my chest and began crying even louder, her sweet warm tears wetting my fine green tunic.

"Listen to me well Alosia....are you listening?" I asked the weeping woman, she nodded wordlessly while still crying into my chest.

"Alosia, You will not be a slave as you say.....You will be my concubine in every form of that word.....And If you behave I promise to treat you as such." I spoke while gently patting her head with my hand.

As we remained in our embrace, her unbelievably sweet scent filled my sense of smell, She smelled of Sweet Milk...Absolutely Delicious.

I wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and fill her with my seed but it would be unwise at this moment and I had no problem waiting for the right time.

Alosia was clearly a powerful mage of Noble blood.

If she became a willing supporter I had no doubt that she'd be quite the valuable asset in battle and diplomacy when needed.

I continued holding her softly with my arms wrapped around her soft squishy body, before long Alosia stopped crying.

Although I was the cause of all her suffering my warm embrace still served to comfort her in what she deemed to be a nightmare.....A little Stockholm syndrome never hurt anyone after all.

"Look at me.." I spoke to the beautiful woman softly.

Alosia took a moment before moving her soft white face out of my chest and looked up at me with watery pink eyes.

"The most beautiful Eyes I've seen on Terrium..." I spoke softly while staring into those vibrant pink orbs.

I noticed a blush spreading on her cheeks as we gazed deeply at each other before Hirni's squeaky voice sounded from nearby and broke us out of our reverie.

"Okay! Its done! Come here White Hair! Kneel down on this rune....Cow Tits you sit on this one." Hirni spoke while pointing toward two strange runes which laid two feet across from each other.

The runic diagram itself was a myriad of complex Designs and patterns... almost like art.

"Hirni your skills are incredible." I spoke while admiring her work, Hirni smiled brightly as I moved over and kneeled where she had indicated.

Alosia walked over, her big soft milkers swaying slowly under her modest blue mage robes.

Once we were both to position Hirni spoke

"Both of you will squirt some blood into here." Hirni spoke while placing a small wooden bowl between Alosia and I, I with drew my dagger and placed it on my forearm before making a small slice.

The blade just passed over my skin and left a shallow scratch, not even enough to draw blood.

"Hirni pass me my dagger." I spoke, Hirni looked at my forearm strangely...Her enchanted blade should easily have sliced my skin.

She drew my Aelven dagger from her storage and passed it over to me.



Only about a tablespoon of the bright crimson substance poured out of my forearm's wound before the slice clotted up and stopped bleeding.

"Looks like you don't bleed too easily White Hair...." Hirni spoke with great interest.

"We need a bit more, try holding the blade in the cut." Hirni spoke and motioned me to continue.

I poked the razor sharp blade into the shallow wound and flexed my forearm a bit 




Before long a small trail of bright red blood began pouring out, once it was about a filled a quarter of the way up Hirni motioned for me to stop.

"Thats enough, Now it's your turn Cow Tits.." Hirni spoke I took Alosia's soft white arm to make a cut.

The big titted woman flinched while closing her eyes in fear of the pain which would surely come.

I made a small poke on her forearm with the razor sharp tip of the double sided Aelven dagger, Alosia's fragrant red blood poured out easily and dripped into the wooden bowl into mine.




Alosia didn't even seem to notice the slice until she peeked her eyes open and watched the blood pouring into the bowl which lay between us.

"I...I didn't even f..feel the cut.." Alosia spoke while looking down at her arm.

Once the bowl was about half full Hirni took a bandage from her storage and patched up Alosia's arm skillfully after taking the dagger from me and placing it back in her storage.

"It's White Hair's Dagger, the most beautiful thing my eyes have laid eyes on apart from his sword Teehehe."

Hirni spoke with a little giggle before picking up the bowl and mixing it with her little finger.

"Alright, now that the blood is mixed i need to fill the eight Focii beside a few runes and the Ritual can begin." Hirni spoke.

Next the little Gnome walked over to a few of the runes and poured a small stream of blood where needed.

Once she had finished, Hirni rushed out from the perimeter of the runic diagram.

"Okay both of you have to say a few words, Alosia you will say them first..." Hirni spoke and began telling us both what we had to say in order to do the Ritual.




Before long both of us remembered the words, Alosia began speaking first.



The diagram thrummed heavily with magic before every other pool of blood began burning a deep Pink about a meter high...Strange.

Simultaneously, intricate designs began appearing around Alosia's soft white neck, a thin golden band with a decadent flourishing design and Aelven runes.

Alosia's eyes shut and she grimaced for a long moment as the Bloodbound mark began inscribing itself into her flesh through magic in the most beautiful golden shimmer.

Once the golden inscriptions were finished on Alosia's soft white neck the flames stopped burning and it became my turn.

~TRUTH I SHALL SPEAK~CLAIM HER LIFE AND WILL I SHALL~OF ALOSIA WINDMARCHE I TAKE POSSESSION~FROM THIS DAY UNTIL MY LAST DAY~ HER FLESH, HER HEART, HER WILL ARE MINE~" I spoke and instantly the remaining puddles of blood came alight in roaring golden flames nearly four meters tall.

Hirni's little eyes widened into saucers while looking at the huge flames, She'd heard people with magical bloodlines would have some strange effects during magic involving blood but this was entirely unheard of.

My hand burned as the golden flames did, over my palm an intricate Golden inscription began inscribing itself onto my white flesh.

The inscriptions was of identical design to Alosia's only this one was in the shape of a crest instead of a band.

Once the inscription was finished the flames died down completely, instantly I felt a magical connection between Alosia and I, a master and servant's bond.

"There you go White Hair, Cow Tits is yours! You can order her to do anything you want! Say 'I command you to Jump up and down' I want to see those udders bounce!..." Hirni spoke excitedly before walking up to Alosia and removing her shackles.

Alosia rubbed her neck for a long moment, she felt the master servant relationship through our connection as well.

"You can stand, go get your staff, no need to jump for this little pervert." I spoke which drew some annoyed grumbling from Hirni.

Alosia nodded before rushing over and grabbing her Birchwood staff which lay on the ground at the corner of the Caverns chamber.

"Alosia who sent your little band of adventurers here?" I asked the big titted woman as she held her staff closely as a form of emotional comfort.

"I....It was K..King Clovis....H...Harry carries a l...letter of Marque....."

I walked over to Harry's corpse and began rifling through it for a long moment, Every dog needed orders and I wanted to see who sent this one.

I found his storage ring and ripped it off his index finger before willing forth all the contents.

Three large pouches, Gold Cups, Some poorly drawn hentai and a fine scroll with a red seal.

I moved the pouches and gold cups into my storage before taking the scroll and opening it fully to read it's contents.

[...{Let All who read this letter know, Harrion The Blue is under the purview and protection of His Royal Highness Clovis VIII Therianopolus, All good and loyal Therians shall aid and assist the bearer of this letter, A Royal order under penalty of death.}...]

"He writes like an uptight cunt." I muttered which drew a chortle from Alosia, she'd never heard the King defamed so openly or brashly.

Then I turned to the massive dead Dragon and felt out of my depth.

"Hirni do you know how to harvest Dragon's Essence?" I asked while looking at the colossal beasts corpse which leaned against one of the cavern's walls.

"Absolutely! I read all the Dragon tomes in Mount Hardbier's libraries, and I even enchanted some flasks to keep the Essence as fresh as possible!" She spoke excitedly and apperated five quart sized silver flasks with runic engravings on their polished surface.

"Nice work, thanks Hirni I really don't know what I'd do without you." I spoke and it brought a triumphant little smile to her little face.

"Teehehe!!! Alright White Hair, you have to cut out it's heart first just be careful not to puncture it directly..... inside the heart is a fleshy pocket where the essence is at." Hirni spoke and motioned to the Dragon.

I walked up to the huge beast slowly, it's colossal size and glimmering crimson scales had me in absolute awe.

When I reached it's side I placed a hand on its chest.

Its metallic scales still hot under my gentle touch.

" rare are Dragons out there?" I asked while admiring the colossal winged beast.

"There are quite a few Dragons but few who are stupid or brave enough to actually hunt such a dangerous beast." She spoke while inspecting the Dragon's mouth, she was small enough to crawl into it's nostrils if Hirni wanted to.

"Why not hunt them, their Essence and parts must be immensely valuable..." I spoke

"Well, Dragon's almost always have their lairs away from any civilization.....when they do cause trouble it is from eating livestock or a few peasants so most Lord's prefer to leave them alone since a failed Dragon hunt means an enraged Dragon...Angry Dragons tend to burn and destroy whole regions...The juice just isn't worth the squeeze...." She spoke while skillfully cutting a small piece of Dragon tongue and tossing it into her little mouth.





From the weird scrunch on her face it seemed raw Dragon tongue wasn't too tasty.

"Hirni, has anyone ever ridden a Dragon?"

I asked as my dagger buried itself deep into the beasts flesh and began making a series of long cuts along it's sternum.

"Hmm... There's an old fable that Gunthar Bloodaxe allied with a Bronze Dragon for a dozen battles and rode on its back... but apart from that only the lesser Wyverns have lent themselves to taming....Dragons are just to smart and too proud to submit and be ridden like horses. Hirni spoke while searching through her vast mental database.

"Such a shame....They are such magnificent creatures." I spoke while using both my hands to pull apart the Dragon's sternum, a few of the massive ribs cracked loudly but before long I had a clear view into its chest cavity as the thick scent of organs and gore filled my nose in a thick cloud.

I spotted the heart, It was nearly three feet in diameter, A huge bright red meaty Organ.

I took hold of the Dragons heart and moved it around to find the arteries.

Once I had them in sight I began the careful process of slicing each one which anchored the heavy red organ to the Colossal beast.





Soon enough the massive organ came free and I pulled it out of the beasts chest cavity, It must have weighed two hundred pounds but my newfound strength made it an easy endeavor.

When the heart came out I saw Hirni staring at the massive organ intently while licking her little lips hungrily.

"Hirni why are you looking at the heart like that?" I asked curiously.

"It...It...It looks delicious...." She spoke with her eyes wide and mouth watering wildly.

" can have the heart after you extract the essence." I spoke, instantly she rushed over eagerly and motioned for me to set the massive organ down.

Instantly the little gnome began making skillful cuts as I turned to Alosia.

"Can you conjure some water to the blood?" I asked the Big Titted woman who waited while nervously touching her branded neck.

As soon as she heard my words she nodded and walked over.

"Y..Yes...I can do you one better and cast a cleaning spell..." She spoke, her warm voice like honey to my ears.

"Go ahead, although I'm used to the blood I don't like it in the slightest." I spoke and she stamped her Staff on the ground then spoke.

"~INCANTAMENTUM~LAVATIO~TOTALIS~" Alosia spoke and a faint yellow glow emerged from her staff before washing over my body.

Instantly the blood and filth turned into dust before falling down onto the cold Cavern floor.

"Good Work....You're proving useful already." I spoke and gave her head a little pat before turning back and walking over to where Hirni was working, If I had turned back I'd have noticed the faint blush on Alosia's face at being praised like that.

I reached Hirni's side and saw she was humming happily and singing a little song.

"~Big Dragon Heart~"

"~With A Honey Glaze It's The Best Part~"

"~Fill My Belly You Will Soon~"

"~You'll Reach This Mouth With Fork And Spoon~"

Hirni sang cutely as she finished draining the last of the Dragon's Serum into the Containers.

The thick liquid was the Color and consistency of maple syrup, only it's smell was far more metallic and I could feel the dense magic emanating from the substance.

Once Hirni finished filling her last flask she leaned her little mouth forward to the heart and chomped down hard.


My eyes widened in surprise at her actions, I couldn't help but stare as she began pulling and gnawing hard on the raw flesh like a puppy but failed to tear any of it off.

"Hirni you might want to cook it first.....With honey glaze..." I spoke she froze in embarrassment that she'd been caught, seems she was too entranced in her ravenous ways to notice I was right beside her.

She looked up at me sheepishly before removing her little mouth away from the raw flesh slowly.

"I was just testing the meat....My test is successful, Its good quality.." She spoke and licked the bright blood from her lips.

"Alright, I'll start putting the Gold into my storage until it fills up...I'll get as much as I can." I spoke before turning around and heading to the massive piles of Gold nuggets around the room.

 Much of the Gold nuggets were drenched in bright red blood but it didn't matter....Gold is Gold after all.


As I walked around the room with my hand outstretched gold nuggets began disappearing by the square meter as my Golden pendant glowed a bright Golden hue which illuminated the Dark Cavern.

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From nearby Hirni and Alosia stared in amazement.....Even Jane's storage ring which could only hold two daggers cost five hundred gold coins.....I was taking dozens and dozens of square meters of Gold into my pendant as if it were nothing.

"Holy Thrumnir...." Hirni muttered to herself while watching the incredible display.

From nearby Alosia was in Just as much shock of what she was seeing.

"God....Who is He..." Alosia muttered, Hirni responded from nearby.

"The real question is Who is his first Wife....She gave him that Sword, This Dagger and The storage pendant I presume..." Hirni spoke softly to the big titted mage.

"Who's his Wife?" Alosia asked with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

"I've never met her but I already know she's beyond first rate...." Hirni spoke before moving her little mouth back to the Dragon's heart and trying in vain to take another bite of the raw flesh.


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As soon as all the gold had disappeared I looked around the room, seemed much more spacious than before and I could see the Bodies of Harry and Jane more easily, Along with Florence who still laid completely unconscious on the Furs, Her plump Ass in the air with a giant pool of thick semen between her legs.

Then I walked toward the Dragon who lay against the Cavern wall.

"Hirni do you think the Dragons corpse Might Fit as well?" I asked while walking over to the Colossal Dragons Corpse.

"If it does I'll share some of this Dragon's heart with you White Hair..." She spoke after taking her little bloodied mouth off the heart again and staring intently at the Golden Pendant.

Her burning desire to study it was palpable.

I walked up to the beast and placed a hand on it, Fully expecting for my storage pendant to be unable to take it in.

After a long moment the pendant began to glow brighter and brighter to the point where I had to close my eyes or risk being blinded.

Then in a whoosh of magic the massive Dragons corpse completely disappeared and the glow of the pendant reduced before completely dissipating

I opened my eyes and saw a small dark chamber on the wall which the dragon was laying against, it was only just tall and wide enough for a man to walk in.

But in the Depths I noticed two bright yellow eyes staring back at me....

"GRUU!!!!" I heard a shrill screech from the Dark Cavern, instantly Hirni's Crossbow came forward as Alosia Readied her staff for whatever came.

Only now did Alosia remember the shrill screech which had alerted the slumbering beast to their presence just as Harry and Florence were about to slay it.

"HOLD." I spoke aloud and both women lowered their weapons slowly.

I walked forward, Normally in the dark my sensitive eyes could see perfectly but now they were taking a long time to adjust.

But when my eyes focused I could see an outline deep in the dark chamber....A Small Dragon

"Hirni, Alosia there is a Baby Dragon.....Stay back." I spoke softly before walking toward the Chamber.

"White Hair you can't tame a Dragon, It's not worth a try." Hirni spoke wisely but I paid her no mind.....Who wouldn't want to fly on Dragon-back after all.


As I approached The small beast began roaring in fear and desperation but I spoke softly.

"Whoah....Whoah....Calm....Calm...I'm not here to hurt you...." I spoke softly and showed both of my empty hands.

The yellow eyed creature let out an angered hiss at my words.


"Hirni, Toss over Harry's head...I need a gift for my new friend." I spoke, Hirni rushed over to where Harry was and pulled her dagger.

"No!" Alosia shouted desperately when she saw his corpse was about to be desecrated but stopped when I spoke.

"Alosia you better be quiet....Behave or I'll spank you until you do." I spoke, Alosia nodded quickly with blushed cheeks as she imagined herself being spanked like Florence...

"I'm sorry to take your head But you're not going to need it anymore hehehehe." Hirni spoke with a malevolent giggle before moving her dagger to Harry's throat.




Before long Harry's handsome head was severed from his shoulders and Hirni rushed over while carrying it by the blonde hair.

"Here you go White Hair! Catch!" She spoke and tossed the Severed head to me as a small amount of blood sprayed around.


I caught the head in the air and grabbed it by the hair before turning to the creature in the Cave.

"Look.....I am not here to hurt you....He was and I've killed him." I spoke while showing the creature Harry's face as his severed throat dripped out blood.

The Dragons slitted yellow eyes locked onto Harry's dead face, Instantly it's pupils slitted into razors before letting out an angered shrill hiss.


"I have killed him....Your mother is avenged." I spoke softly before tossing the skull deep into the dark chamber.

It rolled a few times before coming directly in front of the beast who instantly launching ravenous snaps at the severed head.






Like a rabid beast the small Dragon began ripping and tearing into Harry's face and flesh as if it were the last thing it'd do, the rage and hatred was palpable.

As it was distracted during its ravenous rampage I slowly walked deeper into the dark chamber, slowly my eyes adjusted and I got a clear view of the small Dragon.

It was about the size of a large Tiger with folded leathery wings, About seven feet in length without including it's long tail and about four feet from its clawed paws to its shoulders.....It looked much like the Crimson Dragon outside only its scales were A deep dark crimson.

I watched as it's razor sharp maw attacked Harry's severed head, one chomp saw half of his face ripped clean off and swallowed in anger, The next chomp left a huge gaping hole in his skull.

Then the enraged beast began taking ravenous snapping bites directly into Harry's exposed brain, disgusting squelches were clearly audible.

I managed to reach within five feet from the beast before it noticed my approach and instantly cowered toward the back of the chamber while letting out a long low defensive hiss.

*HISSSSS!!!!!! The beast hissed but I noticed more fear than anger in it's vocalization.

"Whoa.....Whoa.....I'm not here to hurt you, I promise..." I spoke softly and dropped to one knee with both my hands raised to show I meant no harm.

"Ggggggrrrrrrruuuuuu....." It growled for a long moment suspiciously.

"Here...You can smell that I am not that same race as those who killed your mother....My name is Kalinik..." I spoke softly then extended my right hand to the creature much as if it were a dog i were meeting for the first time.

The creature let out a scared hiss when my hand extended but when it realized I meant no harm it moved its snout closer to my palm and sniffed it deeply before letting out a small gurgle.

"Gruuuu...." The creature gurgled softly before looking down at Harry's mangled head, its gurgle turned into a hiss before it snapped its jaws forward and ripped deep into Harry's mouth and came away with the blonde adventurers lower jaw and tongue before chomping and swallowing the flesh fervently.

As it ate I slowly moved closer inch by inch until I was close enough to touch the beast.

but I didn't dare touch the Dragon now, it was liable to snap its ravenous razor sharp teeth into my arm while it ate.

Instead I waited patiently and watched as it finished chomping down on Harry's severed head until only his skullcap and some hair was left.

The creature swallowed the last bite then looked over to me, now noticing that I was closer it froze and let out a warning hiss but was interrupted by my words.

"Relax.....Relax....I'm not here to do you harm okay.....I'm not like those who killed your mother..." I spoke softly and pointed toward Harry's skullcap.

The beast looked down at the remains then back towards me and let out a small sad gurgle as tears began to well in its slitted yellow eyes.

My heart wrenched for a long moment.... I knew what it was to lose a mother at a young age.....At fifteen I learned of my mother's loss after all....

The Dragon continued gurgling sadly and I slowly moved a hand towards it.

Before long my hand laid gently on the dragons shoulder, It's hot scales felt like much like the other Dragon only these were more metallic.

The dragon froze at my touch but soon relaxed after realizing I was not trying to hurt it.

"I know what you're going through....I lost my own mother quite young as well...." I spoke softly and the dragon continued to gurgle sadly.

"That man who killed your mother.....He was sent here by someone....That man is the one who is responsible...." I spoke and the small dragon turned its gaze over to me and stared deep into my silver eyes.

"You can take revenge some day you know...." I spoke softly.

At my words a low growl began to emerge from it's fanged mouth as it chattered angrily at the thought of revenge.

"....But right now you are too small and not powerful enough.....Come with me....The King who sent This man is my enemy as well...When you grow large enough we can destroy him, his entire kingdom and butcher his people as vengeance....."

I spoke softly and the dragons angry chattering came to a stop as it eyed me suspicuiously as if analizing wether I was saying a lie or not.

"I swear if you come with me you'll have revenge for your mother and more.....A whole kingdom can burn by your flame and my sword....Or you can go on your own.....You decide." I spoke then moved my hand off it's scales and turned to walk out of the cave.

I heard the dragon chattering to itself for a long while as I exited the dark chamber but before a long crying gurgle rang out.

"GRUUUUU!!!!!" it gurgled loudly and rushed towards me.

I heard it sprinting forward to me just as I was about to reach the Larger chamber.

"Don't do anything." I spoke aloud to Hirni and Alosia who had readied their weapons as soon as the dragonlings roar raig out.

Then I felt a hot scaled snout mouthing my hand from behind.

I turned around and spotted the beast now in the light, its dark crimson scales shimmering beautifully as it rubbed it's snout against my palm and gurgling as if begging me not to leave it behind.

"Whats going on....Do you want to come with me?" I asked the scaled creature who let out a loud shrill screech in response.

"GREEEEEEE!!!!! GREEEEEE!!!!" It screeched at my words, before long I moved my hand to it's scaled head and began softly petting it as it leaned into me like a loving cat.

From nearby I heard Hirni.

"No fucking way.....You just tamed a Dragon!!! You're An Aelven Gunthar Bloodaxe!!!" Hirni shouted excitedly, her little hazel eyes wide in absolute shock at what she was seeing.

"I have tamed nothing, this Dragon has decided to accept a deal from me....If it sticks with me we will surely avenge it's mother.....Harry might be dead but King Clovis and his entire Kingdom and people still live." I spoke with a small grin while slowly running my hand along the Dragon's hot metallic scales.

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"Incredible...." Alosia muttered to herself, everyone knew Dragons no matter their age or size would never allow themselves to become subservient to any....They'd rather die than submit.

But here was the White Haired beast petting the baby Dragon as if it were a mere dog.

Then a cold shiver ran down Alosia's spine as she realized what damage a Dragon could do under the control of Kalinik....A monster atop a monster.....

Her and Her Comrades only managed to defeat the colossal beast because they'd gotten lucky.

one of her spells struck the beast's single remaining eye early in the battle or they all would surely be dead....But that was mere luck....

If an Aelven managed to commandeer control of such a beast a whole kingdom might be brought to ruin.....And she knew she'd be right beside him during such a carnage now that she had been bloodbound.

A sole tear dropped down her soft white cheek before Alosia wiped it subtly, not wanting anyone to see her sign of trepidation

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Hirni walked up to me and the beast excitedly but the Dragon turned to her and let out a shrill hiss as if warning her not to come close.


The beast hissed loudly while leaning up against me, its long leathery wings tucked neatly onto it's back.

"Relax.....Calm.....This is Hirni, A dear friend of mine..." I spoke softly and the dragon stopped it's hissing and stared intently at Hirni.

"Please little dragon...Just let me touch your scales one time...." Hirni asked as cutely as she could, the Dragon looked up at me as if asking what it should do.

"It's up to you....They're your scales after all." I spoke and patted the Dragon's head softly.

It looked back at Hirni and slowly walked forward to the three foot tall gnome.

Hirni slowly moved her little hand to the beast and patted its scales a few times before pulling back not wanting to anger it, and she knew if she did not annoy it she might be able to befriend it as well.

"Thank you....Your scales are very pretty." Hirni spoke and the Dragon gurgled softly.

Then It's eyes caught sight of Alosia and instantly it's yellow eyes slitted into knives as it's leathery wings spread out entirely as if showing a warning while hissing loudly.

"Whoa....Relax....Relax.....Do you see that mark on her neck?....She's my slave now....She will never harm you or another dragon again..." I spoke softly to the enraged beast who stared at Alosia with some fear and a whole lot of anger....It had seen how the woman had launched spells against it's mother, the spells were mostly useless against a dragon's magically resistant spells but even still it was angered.

"Alosia apologize....For what you've done to it's mother." I spoke while placing a hand on the Dragon's shoulder to keep it calm.

Alosia looked at me for a long moment then at the dragon, Tears welled in her eyes as she realized what she'd done.....She killed a child's mother...And for what.....Some Gold?....

Tears fell from her beautiful pink eyes as she slowly walked up to the creature and dropped to her knees and staring into it's slitted yellow eyes.

"I....I....I am sorry....For what i've done.....Please forgive me.....If...If it is any consolation I have been made a slave....As you can see....." Alosia spoke while pointing to her neck as sweet tears fell from her beautiful eyes.

The Dragon stared at her angrily for a few long moments before it's hissing stopped and it's wings closed tucked back into it's back and let out a low growl as if hesitantly accepting her apology.

Next the Dragon caught sight of Jane and Harry's corpses nearby and it's mouth started chattering wildly as thick drool fell from its maw.

"Go, Eat the corpses if you want...Not the sleeping blonde woman though...I've already punished her plenty." I spoke, instantly the dragon rushed forward to the corpses while chattering loudly.

The Dragon reached Harry's corpse and began biting at his polished steel armor, it's razor sharp teeth easily ripped through the leather clasps, it used it's claws to pull the armor away dextrously.






Once Harry's bare belly was exposed the Dragon ripped ravenously into Harry's white belly, it was quickly shredded apart as the dragon's bloodied snout dug in and munched on his intestines and organs without compunction.

"Hirni is that Dragon male or female?" I asked Hirni who stared wide eyed at the beast.

"I'm not sure....But I noticed it's unbelievably smart.....almost like it can understand our words..." she spoke before taking out a small notebook from her belt and starting to scribble down a flurry of dwarven letters.

"What are you writing?" I asked curiously, I couldn't understand Dwarven words as I could understand Aelven or human letters.

"Nobody has ever written down a codex of a live Dragon hehe...Only observations on dead ones...I will be the most famous author Terrium has ever seen!" She spoke with a little triumphant smirk while continuing her writing fervently.

As soon as the beast finished munching on all of Harry's organs and most of his flesh it spread it's wings and soared over to Jane's decapitated corpse.

Seeing how she only wore thin leather, the beast instantly ripped deep into her belly once before ripping out her intestines ravenously.







I looked over to Alosia's face and saw tears streaming down her soft white cheeks as she saw her friend's bodies ripped to pieces by the ravenous little beast.

"Their bodies will be nourishment for this majestic Dragon....Better than being feasted on by bugs and worms in these caves." I spoke and she nodded softly while wiping her eyes.

"W...Wh...What will you do...W..With the Dragon...." Alosia asked while looking at the beast with a bit of trepidation.

"If it decides to stay at my side we shall burn and butcher The Therian Kingdom...If not, it is free to leave, It is not my slave." I spoke while looking at the noble beast and it's beautiful crimson scales.

"It's not a sl...slave....but I am..." Alosia spoke sadly.

"You were destined to be mine from the moment I laid eyes on you....Nothing you or your companions could have done would've changed that....The sooner you accept your fate the sooner your suffering ends." I spoke.

"Why me....Why me when there was Jane and Florence..." Alosia asked with a deep sadness in her voice.

"Your scent...Sweet like Milk and Honey....Reminded me a bit of Wife.....That attracted me....Your fate was sealed when I laid eyes on you though, If your body wasn't so lewd and begging to be bred I might've taken Florence instead but you had to look so tantalizing." I spoke while watching as the Dragon ripped off one of Jane's legs and began tearing into her muscular thigh hungrily.

Alosia didn't respond to my words, she had a conflicted look on her face and deeply blushed cheeks as she thought about my words.

Then Alosia looked down at her body and wondered if it really was lewd and 'begging to be bred'...

When the Dragon had it's fill of Jane's flesh it bounded up to me and sat in front of me as if waiting for directions.

"We're leaving....Alosia set a barrier spell for Florence, I wouldn't want a stray goblin to rape her as she slept." I spoke and began making my way out of the cave.

Hirni took the Shackles from Florence while talking to the unconcious woman.

"Good luck Blonde Bimbo! Don't forget to eat all the Aelven cream Teehehe" Hirni giggled malevolently before walking away from the unconscious blonde Paladin who's womb and pussy was completly filled with 'Aelven Cream'

As we walked out Alosia stood at the Chamber's entrance and set down a small mana gem before casting a barrier spell, It would last for a few days or until Florence removed it.

As we walked deeper out of the Cave Hirni spoke.

"White Hair how much gold are you going to give me for my services?" Hirni asked curiously.

"How much gold do you want?" I asked with a raised eyebrow, I really had no need for gold after all.

Hirni rubbed her chin while thinking of an appropriate compensation for her services...

"How about....Twice my weight in Gold?.....And.....Five times my weight in Dragon Meat!" Hirni spoke her offer with certainty in her squeaky voice.

"Not enough, Ask for more." I spoke and she balked.

"That's not the way to haggle White Hair! You're supposed to ask to pay less." She spoke a bit offendedly.

"Hirni, you're invaluable....Without you I wouldn't have been able to keep Alosia, And your knowledge is as valuable as my swordplay on this little journey." I spoke and gave her head a little pat, Only this time no pinch came.

Instead she smiled cutely with a triumphant look on her face.

"That's right! I am invaluable! You hear that Cow Tits, You better start respecting me more! You too Baby Dragon!" Hirni spoke proudly as we continued walking forward.

"GRUUUU!!!" The little Dragon Gurgled loudly at her words.

"Yes miss Hirni." Alosia spoke softly as we continued walking.

As we exited the Cavern's mouth I noticed Callan....or what was left of him.

A dozen goblins dressed in animal pelts were in the process of hacking apart his corpse, One was scooping out nearly white brains from his cracked skull and fervently slurping up the fatty brains.

Another goblin was hacking away with a blunt axe at his knee in an attempt to cut off his calf while another dug clumsily into his chest and yanked out various organs before handing them to the others who gobbled the organs ravenously.

Alosia who was beside me was shaking in anger at watching her comrade be torn apart by filthy Goblins.

"Alosia you're free to kill them." I spoke and instantly she moved her staff forward and spoke words of power.

"~INCANTAMENTUM~GLUTINOSIS~FLAMMAE!!!~" Alosia roared out and a wave of sticky orange flames poured forth and washed over the goblins.



As soon as the flames touched their skin a pathetic sounding screech emerged from all of them as they fell over and writhed on the floor, their green skin bubbled and burst.

Worst thing was the horrifyingly disgusting stench which assaulted my sensitive nose as they roasted.

I noticed the little Dragon staring at Alosia with a hint of approval in it's slitted yellow eyes then it walked over to the writhing goblins and opened its razor sharp maw.


A thin stream of bright red flames emerged from the Dragon's maw and instantly the roasting goblin's flesh charred completely black from the powerful magical flames.

It seemed Dragon flame was unbeleivably hot...

As soon as it finished the Dragon looked over to me expectantly as if asking if it did well.

"Good job, Your flames are so pretty." I spoke and saw the Dragon's tail smack excitely on the floor before it bounded up to me and nuzzled into my hand.

I patted its beautiful crimson scales for a while before we continued on down the trail.

"Hirni call our mount." I spoke, Hirni moved her hands to her face and screamed loudly.

"POTATO!!!! COME HERE POTATO!!!!" Hirni's high pitched voice sounded.

from a few hundred meters away we heard a loud Elk's bugle which quickly began getting closer.

Before long the heavy thudding of the huge beast and crunching foliage was heard as it burst through the dense forest with haste not caring to stay silent or avoide the branches.

Before long it broke into a clearing and rushed towards us until it saw the Dragon which caused it to slide to a stop before beginning to walk backward while huffing and chuffing loudly.

"Potato relax....This is a friend." I spoke and patted the Dragon's head softly.


The Dragon let out a small gurgle of agreement as Potato stared intently at the Dragon.


Eventually Potato let out a loud chuff and walked forward toward us slowly and sniffing the Dragon deeply.



"Gruuuu...." The Dragon gurgled softly in return as a greeting.

I patted the Red Hart's thick neck and spoke.

"Potato I hope you don't mind but we've got another person for you to carry back to Valewood." I spoke and Potato looked over to Alosia and gave her a long sniff before letting out a chuff as if saying that carrying another person would not affect it in the slightest.

I grabbed Hirni and Lifted her onto Potato's back before climbing up myself, Alosia stared up at me from below and I extended my hand out to her. 

She took it and before long I pulled her up behind me, Her arms instinctively wrapped around my waist as her huge mommy milkers pressed against my back.

"Yipp Yipp..." I spoke and Potato began making his way southward through the dense forest.

From behind us The Dragon let out a loud gurgle before I heard its long leathery wings flapping as it rose into the sky.

"GRAAAAAAAA!!!!" The young dragon let out a loud screech as it flew in the open air for the first time, It had never been outside of the cave and now it was flying in the open air with fresh wind in it's face.

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[Valewood, Luthien's Mansion, Aeri's Chambers]

"It's so good to see you again Valia...." Aeri, Natalka's mother spoke softly to the beautiful busty woman who sat at her bedside.

"Aeri....It breaks my heart to see you like this...But even still you're as beautiful as always." Valia spoke while holding her best friend's hand, They had seen eachother less and less over the years when their families grew apart but even still the women were like sisters.

"D...Dont lie to me.....You always were more beautiful Valia....Y..You and those huge udders...." Aeri spoke with an amused smile, her vibrant green eyes shimmering in the candlelight.

They continued talking for a long while until Valia popped the question which had been eating away at her.

"Are you mad at me? For what i've done.....with your daughters Fiancee....." Valia spoke with some trepidation in her voice, it had been eating away at her for a while.

"Ha.....No.....Not at all.....I've met Kalinik myself....He is a good man...Better than any Valewood....The servant tell me all the noble girls.....are.....after him...." Aeri spoke weakly with an amused smile on her face.

"Thank you sister..." Valia spoke and Gave Aeri a warm hug, the sickly woman smiled softly and closed her eyes during the embrace.

Then they heard a light Knock at the door.




"Mom....Auntie Valia....It's me...." They both heard Natalka's voice from the door.

"Come in." Valia spoke aloud and the door opened to reveal Natalka who carried a large box in her hands.

"Mom me and Auntie Valia need to pick our wedding dresses and we're getting matching ones....Can you help us pick?" Natalka spoke while setting down the large box and opening the lid.

Aeri had a lovely smile on her pale face at seeing her daughter so happy....She never thought she'd see her daughter married let alone happy to be married.....Aeri couldn't be more content.

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[Aelfheim, Aellarith's Lounge]

"That Dragon is so cute! did you see how it ripped into those bodies!" Monwraithe spoke with hearts in her eyes while looking at the little female Dragon as a dark aura seeped out of her body uncontrollably.

"It really is, I hope it stays with Hubby....It would make a powerful ally." Aellarith spoke as the air around her sparked and fizzled with her golden magic.

"Goodness when will this overflow end...." Monwraithe spoke in annoyance at her swelling magic, a side effect of consuming a God's soul stone.

Although they would both become noticeably more powerful because of the Stone, it would take a long time since such advancements could not be rushed,

"Patience sister....Patience..." Aellarith spoke, her warm voice filling the air as the magic around her crackled and popped.

"What do you think about that Human woman?" Monwraithe asked while looking at Alosia through the viewing Gem.

"Half Human." Aellarith spoke and Monwraithe stared at the viewing gem intently.

"Mixed with what though....."Monwraithe wondered aloud

"Half Succubus.....Seems Mrs. Windmarche has some explaining to do." Aellarith spoke before taking a sip from a nearby chalice.

"But...I can't see anything that shows she's a  Half succubus though.....Apart from that extremely lewd body.." Monwraithe spoke with a raised eyebrow.

"Her Pink eyes and body are enough to know...Some Incubus and Mrs. Windmarche misbehaved no doubt." Aellarith spoke.

"Do you think she knows?" Monwraithe asked curiously while looking at Alosia through the Viewing Gem.

"No...Half-Succubi won't know until they drink or are filled with cum.....I have a feeling she'll soon find out though." Aellarith spoke before continuing to sip on her drink.

"Do you think Hubb...I mean Kalinik met his match?" Monwraithe asked.

"I think his other women should count their lucky stars, Without her they don't stand a chance without being railed to exhaustion by Hubby." Aellarith spoke with a little smirk.

"Lucky bitch." Monwraithe muttered quietly to herself while looking at Alosia who would be getting railed and filled with Kalinik's Aelven Cream.\

Aellarith heard it faintly and moved her chalice to hide her triumphant smirk at Monwraithe's interest.

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