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84.61% The Orkalorian [Warhammer 40k Isekai Ork OC SI] / Chapter 11: Chapter 11 — New Employees PART 2

Capítulo 11: Chapter 11 — New Employees PART 2

"I tried, with Gork and Mork as witnesses, I tried…" I spoke to the orks lined up in front of me as I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

I struggled to hammer some logic and basic discipline into these idiots' brains, but my expectations were too high. You cannot teach old dogs new tricks.

The less-than-desirable results confirmed my claims, as these green imbeciles destroyed the small training area beyond recognition.

Looking to the side, I saw the sides of buildings and targets pierced by bullets and smoking craters resulting from accidental explosions. Well, it is not the end of the world. The grots and I can repair the training area, and I already know what I will do to the orks in front of me.

They are used to traditional ork combat tactics, and trying to change that would be a waste of time. Because of this, I decided to find something for them to fight before they think I am not "orky" enough and try to revolt.

"Very well, you gits, you have proven yourself incapable of fighting the way I want, but you can cause wanton destruction like any other ork. So, congratulations! It's time for you guys to krump some gits!" I exclaimed as I flipped through the papers in my hands.

The orks screamed in joy, throwing their arms up as they threw and swung their Choppas, but…




…I shot upwards with my Slugga, catching the group's attention before the situation got out of control.

"What I have in my hands are missions I picked up from the guild, there are many nids to crush and little time to act. I can't be everywhere at once, so you'll be doing missions on my behalf while I'm busy making sure the band grows, but since I'm a generous boss, I'll let you keep the reward." I said, slamming the pile of papers into an ork's chest, making him stagger back.

The orks scrambled to get all the papers, exchanging screams, punches, kicks, and a few stabs before finally calming down and reading the contents of the missions.

"Leave it ta us, boss, we'll br'n some nid heads ta decorate 'da walls!" The ork leading the group responded, grinning from ear to ear in barely contained anticipation.

"Of course, of course, just don't forget to separate the nid parts, you can sell them or turn them into weapons and armor." I said despondently, waving them away.

Then, with a cacophony of war cries, the orks rushed toward the city gates in a riotous mob, leaving a trail of dust in their wake as their hurried footsteps echoed through the streets.

"Hey, boss! Do you think they will complete the missions?" Dobby asked from beside me.

I clasped my hands behind my back as I took a deep breath, looking up at the blue sky filled with white clouds, and thinking about how I would answer the grot's question.

Then I looked toward my little green companion who watched me expectantly and said the answer I had carefully formulated as clearly and objectively as possible.

"I'm honestly hoping they all die." I responded crudely.

"Why?!?" Gulg asked, jumping in surprise next to Dobby.

"You know how we fight, don't you?" I asked my trusty grots.

"Yes, boss!" They both responded simultaneously.

"Can you see that bunch of empty-headed goons fighting just like us?" I asked again, pointing to the destruction surrounding us.

Dobby and Gulg looked around, realization slowly dawning in their eyes until they both let out an "Oh!" when they saw what I meant.

"Exactly, but I can't back down now that you encourage the Boyz with my speech. If they will give me a headache, then I will turn them into a useful headache until I get the remedy for the problem." I replied, walking out of the training area.

"And what remedy would that be, boss?" Dobby asked, following me with Gulg at his side.

"They." I said, pointing to the Yoofs waiting outside.

The group of approximately sixty-five orks sat on the ground on both sides of the street, leaning against buildings, as they waited for their turn in the training area.

The Yoofs talked to each other, analyzed the weapons and armor I provided, with a twinkle in their eyes and eager smiles, drew on the floor with sticks, or looked for another way to keep themselves busy.

They looked like a bunch of curious children, which they technically were.

"What are you going to do with them, boss?" Dobby asked curiously, watching the Yoofs.

"I will shape them like a jar until they become what I desire, I will polish the emeralds in front of me until they shine like stars." I replied.

"Emeralds, why not diamonds?" Gulg asked.

"Tell me Gulg; are diamonds green by any chance?"

"I don't know I've never seen a diamond." Gulg shrugged, making me laugh internally.

Well, it is time. If I cannot make the Boyz fight the way I want, that means I am going to have to work from the beginning to get the results.

"Hey, it's your turn now!" I exclaimed to the Yoofs, capturing their attention.

Dozens of green heads turned towards me. The little orks quickly stood up with smiles on their faces. The group ran past me like children at recess and entered the training area, waiting for my orders.

"Okay, I want you to form a line, next to each other!" I ordered, stopping in front of Yoofs.

Surprisingly, they did what I told without much trouble. The Yoofs exchanged a few insults and shoves here and there, but nothing on the level of a bar fights like the Ork Boyz from before.

I believe this is due to inexperience, now the Yoofs are trying to "learn from the boss", my previous speech may have helped, so I better set a good example.

"Welcome to your first day of training! Today I will teach you how my warband fights, in other words, how ta fight without dy'n like a stupid git!" I exclaimed proudly, receiving a series of nods and affirmations in return.

"As you can see, those who came before you ruined this place, but it's nothing irreversible, everything will be brand new soon! However, I would like to ask you a few questions before we begin. Do any of you have names?"

I received several denials. None of them did anything worthy of a name to stand out from the other orks.

"Okay, next question. How old are you?"

The answers surprised me; most of the Yoofs were less than a week old, while others were born yesterday, literally. This is perfect!

"Last question. Does anyone here hear voice in your heads or accidentally spit fireballs?"

Again, I received several denials. Great, I will not have to deal with Weirdboyz for now.

"Very well, then let's get started, but don't hesitate to ask if you have any doubts. Who would like to be first?"

The Yoofs had a similar reaction to the Ork Boyz, where they jumped and screamed excitedly, raising their hands and shouting for me to choose them.

I raised my hand and pointed at a random Yoof, ordering him to step forward.

"I want you to watch carefully, I will teach you how to shoot your Shootas and hit the targets!" I spoke to all the Yoofs, receiving a series of confirmations.

"And you, I want you to imitate my movements, do you understand?" I pointed to the Yoof I chose.

"Yes, boss!" Yoof responded, nodding quickly.

I grunted in confirmation and turned towards the remains of the targets. Then I took out my Big Shoota and assumed a shooting stance, with my knees slightly bent, legs slightly apart, and the butt of the gun against my shoulder.

The Yoof fumbled to do the same and assumed a sloppy stance. He bent his knees too much, legs too far apart, and he forced the butt of his Shoota against his shoulder to the point that he would hurt himself if he fired.

I quickly corrected the Yoof, telling him how he should readjust his posture until it reached an acceptable level. There were still flaws, but at least the Shoota would not fly out of his hands.

"Do you see? I want you to assume this stance before you shoot! This gives greater stability and control to deal with the recoil and change targets, or move during combat!" I said to the Yoofs behind me.

"Yes, boss!" The Yoofs responded simultaneously while watching closely.

"Remember, you must hold your Shootas firmly, but not with pure brute force. This will hinder your accuracy and movement while shooting, and you risk crushing your weapons. Shootas were made for shooting, although they serve as metal clubs, but that is not their original purpose! Did you understand?"

"Yes, boss!" The Yoofs responded again. I smiled at the results I got so far, this was proving to be more productive than I expected.

Continuing the training section, I took a deep breath before firing at the remains of the targets in front of me.


The first shot hit the chest of a wooden target leaning out of a wall.


The second shot pierced the stomach of a distant target, knocking it to the ground.


The third shot hit a target in the neck in the window of a building in the distance. It was not my best shot, but if it had been a person, they would have been dead, considering the distance and location I hit.

I returned to a more casual stance and turned to the admiring Yoofs, staring at me with wide eyes and open mouths.

"This is how you should shoot, but don't think it will be easy on the battlefield, you will encounter enemies who will fight back with bullets, plasma, energy, acid, magic, teeth, claws, and much more. Ammunition is also a problem, some gits need much more than a few shots to die, not to mention, of course, that there won't always be an ammo Grot nearby, it's important to learn how to conserve it!" I taught for the Yoofs and received more confirmations in return. I felt like a soldier teaching recruits in war films.

"It's your turn now, take a deep breath and try to hit the nearby targets." I told the Yoof that imitated my shooting stance, making him jump slightly.

The Yoof nodded slowly, doing as I ordered. So, he pulled the trigger and shot the target next to a pile of crates, missing the first few shots as he struggled with the recoil, probably because he had never fired a Shoota before, but he soon got used to it and hit the target in the stomach.

The Yoof changed his focus to the second target partially hidden behind a rusty Buggy. The first shots ricocheted off the back of the Buggy, releasing pops and sparks, but soon hit the target in the shoulder and chest.

Finally, the Yoof fired at one of the several targets in the buildings, hitting the window frame and the walls around it before hitting the center of the target.

Hm… Not bad, still needs improvement, this is above what I expected from an ork.

"You did a…" I stopped my speech with my hand in the air when I realized what I was about to do, I almost caressed the Yoof's head as if he were one of my Grots.

Maybe I should try to do the same with the Yoofs and create respect through trust instead of fear.

Oh, believe me, I want them to know what will happen if they have any dreams of greatness that involve my death, but I'd rather the Yoofs like me and see how good I am as a boss.

"You did a good job." I smiled, patting the Yoof on the shoulder, making him jump slightly and puff out his chest proudly.

"So 'oo wants ta be next?!?" I asked the other Yoofs, making them go crazy again.


"WWWAAAGGGHHH!" The Yoof shouted, running towards me with a Choppa.

I stepped to the side, easily dodging the attack and tripping the ork, sending him toward the ground and stepping on his chest shortly afterward. The Yoof tried to catch the Choppa that slipped out of his hands, but I used my psychic powers to push the weapon away.

"Can you tell me what you did wrong?" I asked the Yoof who struggling beneath me.

"Didn't I scream WWWAAAGGGHHH loud enough?" The Yoof replied after thinking for a second.

"No! I'm better than you in every way, what should you have done when encountering a stronger opponent?"

The Yoof remained silent, scanning his surroundings for an answer.

The Yoofs who were watching us suggested the answer like students trying to cheat on a test, some said the answer without using their voice, and others shrugged or used strange gestures. Some understood what I meant and pointed to their Shootas.

The Yoof beneath my boot stared in confusion before understanding dawned in his eyes and answered my question.

"Should I have shot yer?"

"Exactly! May this serve as a lesson for all of you! You must take distance and cover if you encounter a stronger enemy, otherwise, ya will die like a bunch uv idiots gits, an' I do not want idiots gits 'n ma band. Did yer understand?" I told the Yoofs.

"Yes, boss!"

I nodded satisfied and released the Yoof, offering my hand for him to get up. The Yoof accepted my hand and I pulled him up, holding him in the air for a few seconds before placing him on the ground.

"Now I want you all to form pairs or trios. You will train in hand-to-hand combat, but no killing! The objective is to disarm or surrender your opponent! I will watch carefully, teaching how to fight, pointing out your mistakes and where you need to improve, I will interrupt if someone goes too far! Did you understand?"

"Yes, boss!"

"Den form yer pairs an' yer kan begin!"

The Yoofs ran and did exactly what I ordered, they took out their Choppas of the most varied types and formed pairs and trios, exchanging blows like any ork would do.

Blood and teeth flew as screams and metallic cracks echoed through the ghetto.

The blows were violent and sloppy; the Yoofs used all their strength and speed to deliver predictable cuts. A more skilled ork could easily grab the Yoof's arm mid-strike or step out of the way.

However, this will do, I am in no rush now. The Yoofs need to fight something on their level, and I only have other Yoofs for now.

This will give them some combat experience and they will improve over time thanks to my teachings. Maybe this training will shake them up enough to grow.

So, I watched as Yoofs fought, giving suggestions, pointing out their mistakes, and fighting some of them if they wanted, to measure their skills.


My Yoofs training continued, this time, with my Grots teaching weapons maintenance and basic first aid to the young orks.

Fortunately, there was no problem with Yoofs messing with my Grots because they thought they were superior, probably because I made it clear what would happen if they did that, and the Yoofs were not taught to mess with those who were weaker.

The Yoofs possessed the natural aggression of the Orks, of course, but they knew that the Grots earned their place in the pack by being skilled at multiple tasks, so the Yoofs were willing to learn some of these skills so as not to stay behind.

I hope this builds trust, camaraderie, and a little competition between Yoofs and Grots, encouraging them to improve and learn something new, after all, I don't want to personally go to every battle to tell the Orks what to do.

The Yoofs were sitting on the floor, with their Shootas in hand, and watching Dobby and Gulg assemble and disassemble a Shoota and a Slugga piece by piece, explaining the function of each part.

Another group of Yoofs watched a Grot using a willing Yoof as an injured one, explaining what the Yoofs should do if they were injured or found an injured Yoof.

Hm... The Yoofs still need to learn how to take care of their armor, Choppas, and future Stikkbombs, how to cook, build, pilot vehicles, and take care of squigs.

We have a long way to go, but current progress is satisfactory. I do not expect them all to become multitasking geniuses, since I am not one, but I do hope they learn to take care of themselves.

Therefore, the day passed and the Yoofs continued their training until nightfall. I sent the Orks home and returned to my base with my Grots.


"Calm down, slowly, one step at a time." I spoke as I held Laenae's arms, helping her keep her balance.

"Guuu!" Laenae replied, tentatively pacing my office as she stared at her legs.

Laenae was already learning to walk. How long has it been since we landed on this planet? If Laenae was growing at the same rate as a child, so that means it had been approximately a year. One year! By Gork and Mork, how time flies!

"Okay, you're doing fine, now try doing this yourself." I responded, letting go of Laenae's arms.

Laenae's legs shook without my help, the baby grunted in fear for a minute, but she stood and continued forward, taking one step, then another, and another, and another.

Then, Laenae turned towards me as she smiled and waved her arms.

"Look at you, Laenae, you're walking!" I exclaimed happily, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hahaha!" Laenae laughed, showing the tips of her little teeth sticking out of her gums and running awkwardly towards me.

My eyes widened and I crouched down with my hands outstretched, ready to catch the baby who was approaching, tripping over her own feet, but it wasn't necessary.

Laenae stopped at the last second and held my hands, preventing her from falling to the ground. I held her sitting on my arm anyway and sat in my chair, watching as she tried to play with my face.

"Laenae, I have a surprise for you." I said, capturing the child's attention.

Laenae made some curious noises, watching me with a twinkle in her eye. I reached into my pocket, pulled out a small pancake-like creature, and held it in front of Laenae.

"This is a Gob Squig, new squigs are coming out of our fungus fields, and this one is perfect for you. Gob Squigs are docile and clean Orks' mouths, unclogging their teeth and eating the food stuck between them, or, in this case, serving as a tether for you."

Laenae held the Gob Squig as she laughed, squeezing and shaking the little creature like it was a toy. Then, she bit the Squig, making the little monster grunt in discomfort.

I leaned back in my chair and rested my feet on my desk, enjoying the peace as Laenae nibbled on the Squig, covering it in saliva.

Well, nothing can ruin this moment. I thought as I closed my remaining eye, listening to the sound of raindrops hitting my window.


There is no need to speak aloud to try your luck with fate, as an annoying alarm has sounded throughout the city.


As if that was not enough, explosions echoed in the distance. Quickly standing up, I saw smoke, fire, and green lightning uncomfortably close to the ghettos where I resided.

Oh well, off I go to make sure nothing interferes with my business again.


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