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46.15% The Orkalorian [Warhammer 40k Isekai Ork OC SI] / Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Wild Tusk

Capítulo 6: Chapter 6 – Wild Tusk

The craftworld of Kirian-Niekt has fallen into ruin; the once glorious technologically advanced continent that was home to millions of Eldars has been destroyed by the WWWAAAGGGHHH! Of the Warboss Orkbrakka Gratz Kogkrakka, the Warboss of renown deployed all his forces to get a good fight.

In addition, he had a good fight, the streets of the craftworld were covered with orks and eldars, tanks and gigantic war machines exchanged fire and fought on all sides. The craftworld's central building was where Orkbrakka met his end at the hands of Farseer Avandra.

Due to a stray bullet, the Farseer was left unprotected against the Warboss's attack, which pierced her stomach with his Power Klaw, using all the power she had left, Avandra incinerated the Warboss, reducing hi, to ashes, due to that, the WWWAAAGGGHHH! Ended, but it was too late to save the craftworld.

Right now, the survivors watched through the windows of their ships as explosions and gunfire from the ork ships were tearing the place they called home apart. Large fragments of wraithbone were hurled into space as the craftworld broke in two and into smaller pieces with each explosion.

Within the Eldar ships, families embraced, wept for their loved ones whose souls could not be saved, and for their ancestors who dwelt in infinity circuit, all devoured by She Who Thirsts.

Inside a Voidstalker, the largest type of Eldar ship yet smaller than a craftworld, the council of farseers who ruled Kirian-Niekt gathered.

There were five of them in total, all seated at a large circular table in a room with a large glass dome, giving a view to the space above.

A serious silence took over the room, no one dared to speak, and all those present removed their helmets, showing faces that revealed a mixture of sadness and anger.

The silence was broken when one of them spoke, it was the oldest looking farseer, old by Eldar standards, he had the most ornate armor and covered in symbols, he was Anvorain Ulthriuc.

"What's the situation?" Anvorain asked.

"Our population has been reduced by the thousands. Our combat capacity is almost non-existent as most of the survivors are civilians, food is also an issue, we have enough for a few months of travel, but we will need to resupply somewhere soon." Another farseer spoke, his name was Yhiel-Rían.

Anvorain leaned his elbows on the table and clasped his hands in front of his face, thinking deeply.

"And Avandra?"

"She is in critical condition, it was necessary to put her on life support, but we don't know if she will survive, her careless use of powers has left her in a comatose state." Another farseer replied, called Fiachele Dreamsoul

"Avandra had a daughter, didn't she? Where is she?"

The other farseers stared at each other nervously, until one of them dared to speak, her name was Tailta Voidbane.

"Avandra's daughter was placed in an escape pod, if the worst happened, it was supposed to be for one of Avandra's trusted warriors to get into the pod and flee away, but that didn't happen. Instead, an ork entered the pod activating it and sending the two into the void of space, it's obvious the worst happened."

"I don't know if Avandra's current state is a blessing or a curse, if somehow she learns what happened, I'm afraid Avandra will do something drastic. Whether she will be overcome with sadness or anger... The decision of Avandra's mate, that traitor, broke her heart; I don't believe she could withstand another tragedy." Anvorain spoke.

"Avandra's situation is not relevant at the moment! We need to think about the future! What will we do? Where shall we go? We're about to leave the system! Away from any allied planets!" One of the farseers shouted, he was called Tuirathun Saimad.

"We need time, Tuirathun! Time to regroup, heal our wounded. In the meantime, we should try to get in touch with other craftworlds, someone who is willing to help us. Another option would be to find a Maiden World and ask for asylum to our brothers." Anvorain said.

"Oh! You talk as if it's easy! What do you think? That the answer to our problems will come from the void of space?!?"

"Who knows? Perhaps yes? Maybe not. The winds of fate are unpredictable. All we can do at the moment is move forward." Anvorain replied.

So the Eldar fleet went on its way, heading into the unknown, the surviving warriors became veterans of the battlefield, the civilians were filled with fury and determination, vowing to join a path to fight for their people and to stop the tragedy that happened from happening again.

Nevertheless, in another part of the great ship, a lone Banshee walked through the corridors of the medical wing, entering a room full of wounded, where Eldars worked tirelessly, using their advanced technology and psychic powers to help the sick.

The farseer stopped in front of a large reinforced wraithbone door, she was not authorized to enter the room, but through a small window in the door, she saw who was on the other side, farseer Avandra, lying on a floating machine that served as a life support, cables and needles were connected to her body, a mask covered her mouth and nose.

The banshee put her hand on the door while closing her other hand in anger, leaving the medical wing in a hurried step, the banshee walked through the corridors in the ship until she reached an elevator, entering the elevator and pressing a button, the banshee descended hundreds of floors, until the elevator stopped in the middle of a long corridor.

The banshee kept walking, pushing other Eldars out of the way; she passed through a large white wraithbone door, until she finally reached the ship's hangar, where all the fighter aircraft were kept.

The banshee paced the hangar, watching the aircraft until her eyes settled on a small aircraft, hidden in the corner of the hangar, a Nightwing, the basic battleship of the Eldar forces.

The banshee approached the aircraft, using her great agility and hiding in the shadows and behind the hangar equipment, she stopped behind the night wing and pressed a panel with the palm of her hand, the back of the fighter aircraft opened, forming a ramp and the banshee entered.

On the way to the pilot's seat, the banshee passed boxes containing long-term food, armor parts, weapons, tools, maps of nearby planets and various equipment.

Sitting down, the banshee began the process of activating the Nightwing, the systems came to life and the aircraft began its flight.

"Hey! What are you doing?" A male Eldar yelled, running toward the Nightwing, but the banshee only glanced at him and piloted the Nightwing toward the hangar exit, where aircraft were returning from battle for repairs.

The male Eldar sent a psychic message to his superiors, but the response was not what he expected.

"Let her go."

The Eldar was confused, but in the larger scheme of things, it made sense, they couldn't waste resources on something so small, if the banshee wished to venture into the void of space, then so be it.

The Nightwing moved away from the fleet, little by little, the aircraft became a small dot in the sea of stars in the distance, finally the Nightwing disappeared.

Inside the Nightwing, the Banshee pressed some buttons on the aircraft's control panel and a holographic screen was displayed, this screen showed the recording of the craftworld security system, on the screen, a replay of Avandra's fight against the Warboss was shown, but the banshee focused on an ork that was fighting a banshee.

The ork was thrown to the center of the room, right behind Avandra, so the banshee jumped on top of the ork, but the ork used his weapon to block the banshee's swords, in the midst of the fight, the ork's weapon fired, hitting Avandra on the back, this created an opening for the Warboss to attack.

What came next was Avandra releasing a powerful psychic attack, throwing everyone away and killing the Warboss, the banshee hit her back on a pillar; the ork was thrown into an escape pod, the capsule door closed and it flew away.

The banshee watched the recording over and over again, looking for any feature that set this ork apart from the others, meanwhile, as she plotted a course for the nearest planet, the banshee decided to follow the Path of the Outcast, and she would only stop when her hunt was complete.

-Green Morgue-

I woke up with the sunlight streaming through the window and hitting my eyes. I sat up and looked around. I saw Laenae's crib next to me and Dobby sleeping in his bed of straw on the other side of the house. He hugged the Slugga as if it were a stuffed animal.

I stretched and let out a long yawn, one more day, one more mission, more money in my pocket, that's been my motto until now. Rising, I began my morning routine, checked that my weapons were loaded and in good condition, the Choppa was sharp and the Knife & Knuckles still punched well.

Soon after I checked my armor pieces, no cracks or dents, just a few scratches and bloodstains, putting on my armor and picking up my weapons soon after, I approached Dobby and poked him in the face.

"Dobby, time to wake up."

"Fried squig." Dobby muttered.

"Dobby, it's time for you to train the other Grots."

"Fungus beer." Dobby muttered again.

"Dobby! There's a plate of roasted squig over there!"

"Where?!?" Dobby woke up immediately.

Dobby rubbed his eyes in confusion as he looked around, until his eyes focused on me staring at him.

"Boss! I'm awake, I wasn't sleeping for sure!" Dobby exclaimed, jumping to his feet at attention.

"You can sleep Dobby, but only at the right times, I need you well rested to help me on missions. I don't want you to fall asleep in the middle of a fight, or be lazy sleeping all day. Let's go!"

"Yes boss!" Dobby put on his armor, checked the Slugga and followed me.

Laenae was still sleeping, better to leave her like that, I tied the crib to my chest and together we left our shack.

We just walked a little to the side and knocked on the door of the shack next door, no answer, Dobby and I faced each other, opening the door, we found all the Grots I hired, sleeping on beds of straw.

We didn't have enough space for all the Grots in our house, and I don't want them wandering around, so we kept an eye out for a while, trying to find out if any orks lived in the shacks around us, days passed and no one came.

We assumed that the place was abandoned or the owner had died, anyway, we got a place to put all the Grots, they were Dobby's responsibility, I teach Dobby and Dobby teaches the Grots, this generates respect and loyalty, it also serves to train the Grots, what a bonus.

I saw that Dobby looked at the sleeping Grots irritably, passing by me and entering the shack. Dobby went towards a bucket of water that served for the Grots to drink, took the bucket and poured it on the group of Grots.

The small green creatures woke up scared with the cold water soaking them, but as soon as they saw Dobby staring at them with crossed arms, they got up scared and wide-eyed.

"What are you guys doing standing there staring at me? Put on your suits, get your gear! The boss wants the best Grots in his band and I'll make sure of it!" Dobby screamed.

"Yes Boss Dobby!" The Grots yelled in unison.

It was a funny sight, thirty Grots running wildly back and forth, fumbling to put on their clothes and gear. Speaking of gear, I made sure every one of them was equipped.

They wore black shorts, yellow shirts, brown boots, brown fingerless gloves, metal shoulder pads, a metal plate above their hearts, and a metal helmet. Each had a Choppa that varies from Knife to Cleaver and a Slugga.

A lone ork would think twice before facing them. After finishing dressing, the Grots formed a line in front of Dobby, standing with a straight back, chest out, shoulders raised and serious gaze.

Dobby walked to the front of the line, inspecting them, nodding as he analyzed each one, with a satisfied smile, Dobby returned to his original position.

"Well, you bunch of Gits, you're getting better, but this is just the beginning. Are you guys ready for today's training?"

"Yes Boss Dobby!" The Grots responded.

"That's what I like to hear! Then come with me!" Dobby walked out of the shack, the Grots marching in near unison behind him.

On the way, Dobby looked at me out of the corner of his eye, I nodded and raised my thumb, Dobby smiled and continued on his way.

We arrived at the same area where I had taught Dobby to aim before shooting, and Dobby was passing his knowledge on to his recruits, the Grots forming lines of five and shooting bottles at different distances.

The result was varied, some had better aim than others, but little by little they were getting better, after all they had been doing this for a few months, I decided to stop recruiting Grots for a while and train them, so these trained Grots can train the Grots that will join us in the future.

Initially the Grots shot like any other Grot, jumping, screaming, laughing and swinging the gun wildly, just pointing in the general direction of the enemies, seeing that they didn't hit anything, they received punishments from Dobby, like doing an absurd number of push-ups or running a great distance.

However, I taught Dobby to reward his soldiers, praise and an extra hand of food at lunchtime followed good work, I also had to teach Dobby to be careful not to show favoritism, and he helped the other Grots adjust their shooting postures, asked if there was anything wrong and gave tips on how to improve.

The erratic shots became more accurate, the Grots jumped and screamed less, they held the gun with both hands and tried to aim at their target, as time passed, this improved, the Grots concentrated to shoot, they made little noise and useless movements .

With no noise, you can avoid drawing the enemy's attention to you, and without useless movement, you can better handle your weapons.

With the end of training with weapons, training with blades came, after all a weapon is not much use if the enemy is in your face, the Grots formed pairs and began to exchange blows, we had a rule of first blood, the one that caused the first wound to his opponent would win.

Dobby was the best duelist because he had more combat experience, which wasn't much, but he's already lived longer than a normal Grot, which gave him an advantage.

There were two Grots that stayed out of most fights, I ordered these two to be trained but stayed out of most dangerous activities, and they were Orderly Grots that once worked for a Painboy but ran away when Painboy tried to use them as guinea pigs in his experiments.

Their service time was enough for them to acquire medical knowledge to treat other orkoid beings, they had medical material prepared, I just asked what they needed and I bought it right away.

My business expanded. I had three stores spread across the city, which may not seem like a lot, that's intentional, I'd rather not provoke other merchants into encroaching on their turf in the business world, at least not yet.

I divided the Grots into small groups, a group of Grots to care for each store, and another group of Grots to steal and change the appearance of equipment from dead orks, each group was responsible for supplying a specific store.

Thanks to this, the amount of teeth in my pocket is approaching four digits; I can pay my Grots without any problems and, if necessary, buy new equipment.

Time passed and it was noon, Laenae had woken up in the meantime, I held the crib in front of my face.

"Good morning Laenae! How did you sleep?"

"Aguga!" Laenae replied.

"I see you're fine. Ready to face some monsters?"

Laenae gave me a serious look, or not, hard to tell what a baby is thinking.

"Wawawa!" Laenae spoke.

"Almost there! You need to practice your war cry, the correct one is WWWAAAGGGHHH! Can you say WWWAAAGGGHHH?"


"Keep practicing and one day you will send the Nids running."

Crib in one hand, I approached the Grots, Laenae watching them curiously, and the Grots returning their gazes with similar sentiment.

"Very good! You all did a good job; I'm pleased with your progress. Now I have a test. First, I want you to answer a question. Have any of you ever worked as an ammo carrier?"

Three Grots raised their hands.

"You three, come here."

The three Grots approached me.

"Here is my gun, and a round of ammo. I want each of you to reload my gun." I said as I placed the gun and ammo on the ground in front of the Grots.

The first Grot reloaded my weapon and made it ready to fire, the second Grot did the same, only faster, and the third reloaded my weapon even faster.

"You there! Do you have a name?" I pointed to the third Grot.

"No boss!" The Grot replied.

"From now on you will be called Gulg; you will accompany Dobby and me on missions. You will carry the ammo."

The Grot, now called Gulg, broke into a big smile, its eyes widened and chest puffed out, the other Grots around it applauded.

"All of you take a break for lunch and then head back to the shops, Dobby, Gulg and I will do some quests, we'll meet at home for dinner! Did you understand?"

"Yes boss!" The Grots responded.

"You are dismissed!" Dobby exclaimed.

Then the Grots marched off the ground.

With that done, we headed towards the guild, but first we stopped at home to get something, Gulg carried a wooden backpack with leather straps, inside this backpack there was ammunition painted in different colors, I asked the Grots to prepare this in advance.

I finally decided to abuse the powers of WWWAAAGGGHHH a bit! Red ammo makes bullets fly faster, good for fast and poorly armored enemies, yellow ammo has more firepower, higher rate of fire and shells are explosive.

Black ammo is the toughest, good for piercing armored enemies, blue ammo is the lucky ammo, has a better chance of hitting enemies, good for distant targets.

I hope this works, if my human logic interferes with the ork powers... How about we don't think too much about it?

We entered the guild, only to see a commotion in front of the quest board. There were several orks pushing each other while trying to read what was written.

I approached Nozbad, the ork had a hand resting on his head and tapping a finger repeatedly on the counter.

"What's going on here?"

"'An new quest, quested by boss Rukzod Nidkilla, now all dese gits are dy'n ta komplete da quest an' get da boss's favor."

A mission from the boss? It must be something important for Rukzod to want someone in the guild to do this.

I waited near the counter until the crowd of orks in front dispersed, approaching, I saw a large paper stuck in the center of the board, the following was written.

"I want some uv ya gits ta find out wot happened ta 'da konvoy dat was kom'n ta 'da Tumb uv Gork, ma Boyz were karry'n important kargo, but dey neva kame back. I will teef 'tra for da wun 'oo brings me da load."

Hm... The mission paid well, a hundred teef for finding out what happened to the convoy and another hundred for bringing the cargo to the boss.

Unlike the other quests, it looks like I'll have competition in this one. I could decline and avoid getting into trouble with other orks, but the pay was generous.

I approached the big map that was in the guild and compared it with mine. If the cargo was coming by convoy then they probably used one of the main roads, ork vehicles weren't small.

I marked the probable locations on my map and got ready to start the mission.

"Dobby, Gulg, let's go!"

"Yes boss!" The Grots responded, following me.


I spent some time walking along the main roads outside the city; I found several groups of orks who also wanted the reward. At first there was nothing, until I decided to investigate the road on the south side.

I walked for a long time along the dirt road, the jungle on both sides, I had my Shoota ready, if any nid tried to jump on me, and I was ready.

I kept walking until something caught my attention, I saw smoke coming out of the jungle ahead, I ran towards the smoke with the Grots following me, well, I found the convoy, or what was left of it.

On the dirt road were several smashed and overturned Ork vehicles, war bikes, cars, trucks and more.

I prepared my weapon and with Laenae's crib floating beside me, I approached the wreckage, passed next to a truck, there was a giant dent in its side, two big holes were on both sides of the dent, and the truck was thrown against another group of cars, turning them into a mass of metal.

Groups of motorcycles were crushed to the ground along with their riders; they became a mixture of flesh and metal, covered in blood and trapped in a hole in the ground. The hole was shaped like a hoof.

There were also several dead orks, crushed, with a big hole in the chest or stomach, one of the orks caught my attention, he was lying on top of the hood of a car, dozens of huge spikes similar to that of a porcupine pierced his body.

"What happened here?"

"Boss?" Gulg got my attention.


"Look!" Gulg pointed to the forest, or what was left of it.

There was a huge hole made in the vegetation, trees were pushed aside or crushed to the ground, leaving a large trail of dirt and plants that went into the jungle. I saw bits of metal, flesh, and small fires in that wake.

I didn't see anything that looked like it was carrying an important load among the destroyed vehicles; maybe it was driven into the middle of the jungle by whatever destroyed the convoy.

Before going, I looted the dead orks in search of something useful, I found some Stikkbombs, the ork grenades, and I stuck them in my belt and followed the trail of destruction left in the forest.

"Boss, I have a bad feeling about this." Dobby spoke worriedly.

"Me too Dobby."

"Whatever ended up with the guys on the road must be big." Gulg muttered.

"I know, so I brought some explosives with me."

We arrived at a clearing in the middle of the jungle, it was vaguely circular, with slightly tall grass, moss covered trunks, flowers and rocks scattered around, in the center of the clearing there was a large rock with a large tree on top and beaten on the side. out of that rock there was a truck resembling an armored car.

I think I found the cargo.

I walked over to the truck, looking around with my Big Shoota in my hands, letting Dobby and Gulg climb onto my shoulders so they wouldn't disappear into the grass. Coming close to the truck, I saw that the driver was dead, spikes piercing his head and the side of the truck.

I walked towards the back of the truck, passing a large dent with two holes in its side. The doors at the back were released, probably due to the impact, so I ripped them off their hinges and took a look inside the truck.

There was a metallic box inside.

"You two, keep an eye out." I said to the Grots.

"Yes boss!" The two responded.

Dobby and Gulg stayed outside, simultaneously I entered the truck, approaching the box, and I saw that it was locked with a padlock. I gave a quick blow with my Choppa, destroying it, opening the metallic box, and I found a map.

Alternatively, the piece of one, the piece seemed to fit in the center of a map, a red line running from one end of the map, passing through Gork's Thumb and disappearing at the other end.

Why would Rukzod want that? Where does this map lead?

"Boss! There's something coming!" I heard Dobby scream.

Quickly rolling up the map and putting it in my pocket, I poked my head out of the truck.

"What is it?"

"Look!" Gulg shouted pointing to the jungle.

I saw something big approaching, trees swaying in the distance, birds taking flight, letting out loud screeches, the sound of loud and hurried footsteps was heard, suddenly a large shape destroyed the tree line and advanced towards the truck.

I quickly jumped out of the truck, grabbing Dobby and Gulg on the way. The thing collided with the side of the truck, smashing it against the rock, wasting no time. I took the pin out of a Stikkbomb and threw it at the thing.

The grenade landed on the ground at the feet of the thing and exploded shortly thereafter, as all ork weaponry needs to deal exaggerated damage, the grenade exploded in a fireball that would be more appropriate for a tank, the truck exploded too.

What was left of the vehicle exploded in fire and metal, throwing debris and fragments everywhere, some of these fragments slammed into the force field that protected us.

"Did you kill the thing, boss?" Dobby asked.

We had our answer when a deafening snarl echoed through the clearing, shaking the grass and scattering flames, the thing left the blast site and I got a full view of its form.

It was a giant boar mixed with a tyranid; the thing was quadruped, with purple, white and pink skin, an armored head with purple carapace and two yellow eyes with red irises just below, a mouth full of teeth with a huge tusk on each side, extending forward and upward at the tips.

The thing had hooves at the end of its legs, a snout like a pig's, its back was covered in purple fur, but most worrisome were the many porcupine-like spikes covering its back.

The thing was burned and scorched from the explosion, some of its fur was on fire, the boar's eyes scanned the clearing before focusing on us, and the thing let out another snarl and charged towards us.

"Dobby, Gulg! Climb the tree now!"

The Grots waved and jumped out of my arms and ran towards the big tree in the center of the clearing. They climbed the boulder, Dobby offering his hand to Gulg who had difficulty climbing due to the weight of the backpack.

As they climbed, I moved out of the boar's way, its tusks scraping the force field, leaving a line full of cracks. As the thing prepared to turn around, I aimed my Shoota at it and pulled the trigger.




A hail of bullets hit the boar in the back and right side of its body, the thing let out a snarl of annoyance before turning around and charging at me again, trying to pierce me with its left tusk.

I jumped out of the way, Laenae's crib accompanying me. Due to the proximity, there was no way to shoot correctly, so I took my Choppa and struck the monster's left side, leaving a median cut that oozes blood. I'll need something bigger to end this thing.

With a quick movement, the boar swung its head to the side, trying to hit me with its right tusk. The impact knocked me back. Luckily, the force field absorbed most of the blow, and only more cracks appeared in the force field.

Okay I'm being beaten like an idiot! Time to get serious! The boar advanced again, trying to pierce me with its tusks, I rolled to the right, in advance, letting it pass straight, firing another volley of bullets, its right side was shot, leaving several holes oozing blood.

The thing stopped in the middle of its run and tried to kick me, I jumped back, barely dodging the blow and kept shooting, the thing turned around again and tried to pierce me with one of its tusks, I moved away while shooting, always keeping my distance.

It was going well, until the boar did something that surprised me, it shook its torso and the spikes that were on its back shot towards me like bullets, most of them collided in the force field, but due to the damage suffered, the force field dispersed with a sound like breaking glass, and one of the spikes pierced my shoulder, but the armor stopped it from going deep.

"AAAHHH!" I screamed as I plucked the spike from my shoulder.

Hearing the sound of electricity, I saw that small sparks came out of Laenae's crib and the antenna that generated the force field stopped rotating; it will take some time for the field to recharge.

The boar kept swinging its body, throwing more spikes towards me. I ran across the clearing while the spikes stuck in the ground behind me. I hid behind one of the rocks and, putting part of my body out, I shot the boar.

When more spikes came towards me, I hid behind the rock, the sound of the spikes hitting the stone stopped, but the sound of the approaching thing's footsteps increased, peeking from the side, I saw that the boar was advancing against the rock.

I got out of there immediately, the boar's armored head collided against the rock, shattering it, but the boar was disoriented due to the impact, he staggered from side to side.

"BOSS! GRAB!" Gulg called from the top of the tree.

He threw a round of ammunition towards me, but due to the low strength of a Grot, the round did not fall very far from the tree where he was.

I took the pin out of another Stikkbomb and threw it at the boar, without looking back, I ran towards the ammo, yellow ammo, I changed the normal ammo for the one Gulg threw at me, simultaneously I heard an explosion and a grunt of pain.

Looking back, I saw the boar running towards me, I pointed my gun at it and fired, an absurd amount of bullets came out of my gun, accompanied by a kick that made my arms hurt. The moment each bullet hit the boar, a small explosion was created during the collision.

I aimed at the boar's head, the explosions didn't do much against its armor, but I could see that they hurt its eyes, then the feeling came back, my heart sped up, my blood boiled, I was taken by an indescribable joy.

No! Not now! This is not the time! This is not a normal tyranid; we might end up dying here! I tried to suppress the feelings, but it caused me indescribable pain! Let's go! Stop!

The entire time I had this mental discussion, I kept firing, the explosions disorienting the boar enough to make it lose pace in its run and slide across the ground beside me. The boar hit the rock that supported the tree where Dobby and Gulg were.

I pointed my gun at the boar and kept firing.

"HAHAHA! Dat's wot ya get for mess'n wit' me yer git! I'll rip yer head off an put it on ma wall!"

Focus! Focus! This is too risky! Throw another grenade at that thing!

The explosions of the shots opened large holes in the creature's body, pieces of flesh and blood flew away, in the midst of my joy, I saw that the boar was enduring the bullets and slowly getting up; it turned to me and lowered its head, swaying his torso next.

I already knew what he was going to do; I had a moment of clarity as I remembered who was beside me. Laenae!

I quickly grabbed the crib and hugged it, protecting it with my body and ran away from there, then came the rain of spikes, some hit the ground, others hit my arm, but luckily, my armor prevented them from sinking too far into my body.

The only problem was that a spike hit me in an unprotected part, my left eye; I felt an absurd pain, the biggest pain I've felt in my life, I fell and rolled on the floor.

Everything went dark for a moment, when my vision returned, I was lying with tall grass around me, and the pain returned.


I screamed due to the spikes piercing my eye. I tried to pull the thing out of my eye but as soon as I tried to pull it my vision blacked out, I saw red and little bright spots, I immediately let go of the spike.

I heard the sound of footsteps, lifting my head, I saw the boar closing in on me, I drew my Slugga and fired at it, but it was hard to aim with one eye, I had no sense of depth, I missed most of the shots and the few that I hit bounced off the boar's head.


I heard someone crying, it was Laenae, her crib was floating beside me, and her cry caught the Boar's attention, its head turned towards Laenae.

No! Please no! Not her! She's just a kid!

But this galaxy doesn't care! How many children died during the millennia of war? How many children died during the attack on the craftworld? Laenae is just one more! It makes no difference! The galaxy doesn't care about something so small! Another part of my mind screamed.

But I care!

I grabbed the spike once more, the pain returned, my vision blurred, but I kept trying.



I heard a shot.


It was Dobby.




The Grot was shooting at the boar's back, a Slugga fired at that range won't do much, but it did get the nid's attention.

The nid turned to where Dobby and Gulg were and shot a gust of spikes, the Grots hid among the branches, seeing that it could not reach the Grots, the boar advanced towards the stone and hit it with everything.

The rock cracked and the tree above swayed, Dobby and Gulg clung tightly to the tree, the boar shook its head, took some distance and hit the rock again, this time the tree almost fell, it leaned forward and was above the boar, Dobby almost fell, but was caught by Gulg.

Dobby! Gulg!

I grabbed the spikes once more, took a deep breath, and curled my tongue inward, then gave it a tug.


For a moment I wasn't in the clearing, I was on a mountain range covered in mushrooms and fungus, all green in color.

Therefore, I returned to the clearing, the boar was still trying to knock Dobby and Gulg down, Laenae was still crying, I grabbed the spikes once more and pulled.


I returned to the mountain range, this time I wasn't alone, I saw a group of orks staring at me from above, all of different sizes, I recognized one of them, the Warboss that attacked the craftworld, they gave me varied looks, some happy, others impressed, sad, disappointed, expectant.

I grabbed the spike and pulled.


I was lying on the top of a mountain, giant fungus and mushrooms around me, suddenly the ground started to shake, then two gigantic orks entered my field of vision, they were bigger than the biggest mountain, the place where I was didn't even reach their knees.

An ork raised both fists and hit them on the head of the other, the hit ork fell to the ground, but took a handful of earth and threw it in the eyes of the giant ork blinding him, right after he went around the ork, jumped on his back and trapped his head in a headlock.

The trapped ork repeatedly slammed its elbow into the sides of the restraining ork.

"WHAT ARE YER DO'N 'DER YER GIT?!? BACK TA DA FIGHT!" The ork receiving the elbows screamed.

"How? I'm not strong enough!"



I pulled the spikes out of my eye and the world went back to normal, I got up, took a deep breath and screamed, I don't know where that came from, but I felt a range of emotions, anger, joy, hate, euphoria, I felt stronger, I felt my muscles growing, my strength increasing, so I screamed louder.


Throwing away the spike with my eye on it, I grabbed my weapon and ran towards the Nid, pulled the pin from a Stikkbomb and threw it at the boar's back; the grenade was caught between the spikes of the nid and detonated shortly thereafter.

Pieces of flesh and spikes flew everywhere; a large hole was made in the nid as its fur caught fire. I ran towards the nid while shooting, the bullets exploded in the nid's body, it turned towards me, but before it could react, I punched it in the left eye.

The spikes from my Knife & Knuckles pierced its eye.


I grabbed the boar by its armored head and punched it repeatedly in the eye, with each punch the boar snarled in pain, it shook its head from side to side and threw me away; I hit my back on the ground but got up quickly.

The nid snarled at me, but I yelled back.

"WWWAAAGGGHHH!" I screamed as loud as I could, I don't know if it was due to the pain, but I saw a kind of green energy surrounding me, not just me but the whole place, the sky, the ground, the forest, all covered in this green energy.

"WWWAAAAGGGHHH!" A synchronous scream of several voices echoed behind me.

The boar charged towards me, only for a rocket to collide with the side of it, throwing it away. Looking where the rocket came from, I saw several orks coming out of the jungle and entering the clearing.

They used the most varied types of armor, carried Sluggas, Shootas, Big Shootas, Choppas, Big Choppas, Stikkbombs; they wore leather armor, metal and parts of nids.

A large ork, probably a Nob, wearing metal armor that covered its entire body and carrying a large warhammer advanced towards the boar, hitting the hammer on the side of the boar's face, breaking its left tusk with a single blow. .

"You found a gud fight! Danks for kall'n us!" The Nob yelled at me as he hit the boar again.

Smaller orks were advancing towards the boar, shooting and throwing Stikkbombs, the boar quickly got up and tried to attack the orks, shooting spikes, he killed some orks, but the nid was surrounded.

It pierced an ork with its tusk, but five more orks slashed at it with knives and axes.

The boar trampled another group of orks, but it was shot with bullets and blown up by grenades.

I approached the fight, halfway through I screamed.

"Gulg! Black ammo!"

"Yes boss!" Gulg managed to pull Dobby up and tossed the ammo to me shortly after.

I reloaded the gun and approached the boar, the Nob moved out of the way of the boar's blow, raised his hammer and hit the boar's head, a bone breaking sound echoed through the clearing, but the boar was still alive.

Not for long.

The boar was trying to get up, but the Nob's blow probably hurt its brain. I didn't care, I stopped in front of the boar, put the gun a few centimeters from its head and fired.





Blood painted my face red as I turned the nid's brain into paste, I fired for a long time, my face covered in blood, when the nid stopped moving I took a deep breath, raised my gun and screamed once more.


In addition, the orks responded, raising their weapons and swords and firing.



We returned to the city, Laenae's crib strapped to my chest, Dobby and Gulg following me, I dragged my gun to the ground, breathing heavily, and I was exhausted.

"Boss? Are you ok?" Dobby asked me.

"No Dobby, I'm not. We almost died, all because I couldn't control myself."

"Alright boss! We'll make it next time!" Gulg spoke.

"No, there won't be a next time, at least not in such a disastrous way."

I will get stronger, we will get stronger, and I will train and learn to use WWWAAAGGGHHH! If the visions I saw were true, then I have a lot to learn. First, I need to go somewhere.

I swallowed hard at what I was about to do, walked into Skartok Bonecutta's clinic and there was the Painboy, ripping open the stomach of a still-living ork.

"Oh! You! What yer need?" Skartok asked, putting the surgery tools aside.

"I need a new eye, a bionic eye. The best Gitfinda you have." I said as I tossed Skartok a bag full of teef.

The Painboy took the bag and smiled when he saw the amount.

"Kome wit' me, I'll see wot i kan do."

"But wot about me?" The ork on the operating table screamed.

"I'll take kare uv yer lata." Skartok replied.

Skartok ordered me to sit on a metal chair, but as I did, metal hoops trapped my arms and legs in the chair.

"Skartok! What are you doing?"

"This iz jus part uv 'da treatment; now don't move too much, I don't want ta destroy yer brain by accident." Skartot spoke as he brought a drill towards the hole where my eye used to be.

I backed away in my chair as the drill got closer, then...


And everything went dark.

When I woke up I was in the chair, but the straps no longer held my body.

"Well, yer woke up. How does it feel?" Skartok asked,

I noticed that static was covering part of my vision, but it gradually got better, at first everything was blurry, then black and white, then red, then green, then my vision was perfect.

I noticed letters and numbers appearing in the corner of my vision, Gitfinda's systems connecting to my body, the wonders of bionics, Gitfinda scanned the room, focusing on objects of interest, creating a 3D model in my vision and offering a brief description of it.

"I see ya 'ar gett'n used ta it." Skartok spoke.

"Yes. It's wonderful." I said as I got up.

"You kan bet, I used 'da best gitfinda I had, it helps wit' yer aiming, increas'n yer accuracy, it 'as night vision, dermal vision, infrared, a kamera dat iz always record'n an' much more." Skartok spoke.

"Thank you Skartok. Now I have to go, I have a lot to do."

"Clear! if ya need anyth'n else, ya know where ta find me."

I left Skartok's clinic and found Dobby and Gulg waiting outside.

"Boss! Your eye!" Dobby screamed.

"Do you like my new eye? The best bionic eye in the whole city, I'll never miss a shot again!"

"Everything ready to go home, boss?" Gulg asked.

"Not yet, we need to go somewhere else."


"Maground!" I yelled as I kicked open the workshop door.

"What do yer want?!?" Maground yelled back.

I grabbed a handful of teef and threw them in Maground's face.

"I want you to build something for me!"

Maground smiled back.


"More weight!" I yelled as I lifted the bar.

"Yes boss!" The Grots jumped on the bar.

I was in the wasteland in the ghettos, lying on a piece of wood on top of a pile of bricks, I lifted a bar above my body, and it must have been four hundred pounds in total.

"More weight!"

"Yes boss!" More Grots jumped on the bar.

I had Maground create a series of gym weights for me, all of different types, and I wasn't the only one training.

Looking to the side, I saw Dobby lifting a dumbbell in each hand, the other Grots also training, lifting weights, running, doing push-ups.

No more taking my situation lightly, I'll get stronger; I'll learn to use the WWWAAAGGGHHH! I will expand my business, for Laenae.

Yes, for Laenae, taking a short break, I picked up the crib that was floating beside me and held it in front of my face.

"What do you think, Laenae? Do you think I can get buff?"

"PPPSSSHHH!" Laenae stuck out her tongue.

"Hump! You can't say anything. You can't even fight! What will you do if a nid stands in front of you?"

"Wawawawa... wwwaaaggghhh!" Laenae spoke as she laughed.

My eyes widened at that, my mouth hit the ground, only a single thought crossed my mind.

What have I done?



That small scream echoed through the space, in a psychic explosion perceived by many, Imperial psykers threw themselves to the ground convulsing and foaming at the mouth, many were executed for suspected possession, Eldar farseers vomited and screamed in panic as the image of two laughing orks appeared in their minds, many did everything to clear their eyes of that blasphemous image.

The orks didn't care a WWWAAAGGGHHH! Is a WWWAAAGGGHHH! They just need to find the boss and find a good fight.

-Omake: The Eldars receive help-

"Oh! You talk like it's easy! What do you think? That the answer to our problems will come from the void of space?!?"

All the ship's alarms sounded.

All the farseers widened their eyes before glaring at Tuirathun angrily, the farseer flinched with their gazes, embarrassed to tempt fate.

"Report! Now!" Anvorain sent a psychic message to the ship's bridge.

"Farseer! We have detected an unknown fleet departing at faster-than-light speed close to us!" An Eldar returned the message.

"Are they attacking us?"

"No sir! They remain motionless... Wait! They are trying to contact us!"

"Send the message to us!" Anvorain spoke.

"Yes sir!" The Eldar responded before closing the message.

Two holographic screens appeared in the center of the table, one revealing the fleet and the other showing a straight line running from the left to the right of the screen.

The ship that commanded the unknown fleet was shaped like a crescent moon with a large pyramid at the back, in the central region of the ship.

Then from the second screen, a voice was heard.

"Hello Hello! Can you hear me?"

"Yes, now identify yourself." Anvorain said firmly in his voice, trying to hide the nervousness, sweat trickled down the old farseer's forehead.

"Rude! I just wanted to ask if you guys need any help!"

"And why should we trust a stranger? We have suffered enough with the fall of our home."

"Yes, a tragedy, I can see the wreckage of the craftworld from here, hope you don't mind if I take some of the wraithbone."

"And why should we allow it?"

"Because am I willing to reveal the location of a nearby Maiden World. We have a little alliance, you see? I found some of my kind in Maiden World and together with the Exodites we dealt with some pesky Tyranids, survivors of the first Tyrannic War. I think you heard about the events a few decades ago, didn't you?"

"And why should we trust you? How do we know you are telling the truth?"

"I think that will be proof enough."

A third holographic screen appeared, and on that screen was a series of Eldar runes.

On the first line the runes wrote the word Oghyr.

Anvorain stiffened upon learning what that meant, as that word could be translated another way, Oghyr could be translated to Necron.

But the other word calmed the farseer a little, as the word was Slavhreenur, which translated meant salvation.

"The Exodites gave me this message, they said that if I revealed it to their brothers and sisters, maybe they would be willing to hear what I have to say. So? We have a deal?"

The farseers looked at each other, doubt crossing their faces. Was this old enemy speaking the truth? Only Anvorain due to his age, knew what a Necron was, the other farseers were too young to know, many Eldars had forgotten the Old Enemy of the War in Heaven, millions of generations, millions of years in hedonism and the fall of their empire caused much knowledge to be lost.

"Give us the coordinates of the Maiden World and we won't interrupt you collecting the Wraithbone."

"Of course! It's not like you guys are in a position to deceive me, is it?"

"Farseer, we received the coordinates!" A psychic message rang through Anvorain's mind.

"Very well, we will not interfere with your collection. I hope you will allow us to travel in peace."

"I see no problem with that. When we're done, we'll go to Calth, there's a rare Pokemon I want to catch and... Wait! Is that thing still on?!?"

Suddenly the voice ended its transmission and the fleet can be seen heading towards the craftworld. When the fleet was just a series of distant dots in the void of space, the farseers let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.

"Was that wise?" Tailta asked Anvorain.

"Hard to say, but it's still better than getting into a fight where we can't win, we'll follow the coordinates. Whether we encounter a Maiden World or a trap… At least we'll get some peace to pull ourselves together halfway." Anvorain replied.

"Age must be taking its toll on your Anvorain. To accept someone plundering our beautiful home!" Tuirathun spoke.

"A house impossible to recover. All we can do now is hope we find a new one."

So the Eldar fleet continued its journey, following the coordinates given by its mysterious benefactor, what awaited the Eldars, only the leader of the mysterious fleet knew.


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