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0.83% THE MULTIVERSE: GAMER PATH / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Tested

Capítulo 2: Chapter 2: Tested

Chapter 2: Tested

~Mash B. POV~


I blinked confused as Jack continued to explain I took a bite out of the ramen noodles feeling my hunger rising as I asked a bit shocked, "You… you aren't joking, aren't you… and by chance, you are looking for members."

I asked a bit hopeful. Jack seemed to have caught on as he smiled taking a bite of his noodles and speaking to me, "Yup! I'm currently searching for other members. But judging by the look on your face you want to use my services right…?"

I blushed admitting being truthful with Jack as I took another bite of my ramen gulping it down and bluntly responding the reason, "Yeah… I'm hoping to use your services to help me find my home. But for that I need power and if you're offering a chance… I'm willing to take it. No matter how long it takes."

Jack nodded at my words understanding my plea as he responded leaning back and speaking with sympathy, "I understand. I get where you're coming from here kid. A God maybe but I do have a human heart. But that's quite the big task you're asking here kiddo even if you join my Guild of Gamers."

I gulped down my saliva. I understand what I'm asking is big and may last years but to my surprise Jack allowed me to join gulping his noodles, "Gulp! Man, the noodles here are good. But it's good to have a goal in mind but to do that you need a base of operations to start traversing the Multiverse Mash. And take this from an experienced Multiverse Traveler they are very difficult job ahead."

This piqued my interest as I listened further to his story giving me an idea to work around on finding my way home, "The reason for me was to learn under masters or teachers as human before I became a God. And expectations can be very different from reality. Are you positive you can handle the pressure ahead?"

I gulped as he looked at me in the eye. He had a dangerous glint in his eyes judging me, but I returned with a fiercer gaze not backing down, "I can handle any challenge ahead. No matter the trials ahead I will perceive no matter what. Nothing will stop me from meeting my folks."

He grinned at my words snorting a bit before finishing up the noodles he downed sighing out loud and replying proudly, "Good. I like the look and willpower in your eyes. But do you have any way to travel though?"

I flinched at that and gestured towards the Wander's Library finding my answer in a slightly confident tone, "Well… I'll look through the Library to find my answer…"

He sighed at me before replying in a knowing tone standing up at my answer Jack replied stretching as he paid the cook, "That's one answer. But there's multiple out there and you might not find what you're looking for…"

I grunted biting my lips till Jack offered an alternative showing a Power Ring like the Green Lanterns but rainbow color as he spoke surprising me, "But it would be simpler if I just hand you my prototype I've been working for Gamers that want to travel the Multiverse. Based this off a Green Lantern Ring long ago and updated it with the True Second Magic. I call it the Gamer Ring."

True Second Magic… wait he doesn't mean what I think he means…

My eyes widened as I couldn't help but cough at his claims implying genuine surprise escaping my voice, "Wait… you don't mean the Kaleidoscope from Fate? From that old man-loving magical girl magic? How…"

Jack had a smug grin pointing behind him to the Wanderer's Library responding confidently in his claims, "Why from the Wander's Library of course. Where else? Like a fight in a Holy War in Fate? Please their Counter Force would force me out if they tried. Remember? The biggest knowledge you could find in the Multiverse is here just don't steal or mess with them and access is yours."

My mouth was agape as he gave me the Power – ehm!

I mean Gamer Ring filled with power with an emblem of a power on with the other half dotted off as Jack explains to me, "Still this is something that Silva and I have been working on for other Gamers for my guild. Hopefully, with this, you'll find an easier time searching for your home universe."

I nodded agreeing to thank the man in an appreciated tone clenching the ring tighter in my hand, "Yeah… I'll need this. But where exactly should I go to begin with…"

Pausing considering my choices Jack suggested an open idea to get my attention, "Hmm… that's a good idea. But with the way you are now? You'll be slaughtered. No offense kid."

I paused at his words… right. I would be as I stare down at the Gamer Ring in my hand as Jack continues to explain, "But… I might have a world in mind that could use a Gamer like you. At least a perfect place for you to grind and mentally prepare you for the challenges ahead."

Sucking in large amounts of air I exhaled asking for Jack's assistance seeing I might get the chance to grow, "Sigh… in that case can you show me which world I could grind? Actually, how do you even use the Gamer Ring?"

Jack smirked but then he snapped his fingers as he almost forgot something talking to me, "Oh right. I almost forgot to give you the gamer system. Let's fix that."


That was when a pop-up screen showed up in front of me giving Jack an odd look and reading the screens. Like… seriously?


[If you do not accept soon, your heart will finally stop approximately 6.9 seconds later. Will you accept?


Seeing the blue screen appeared God merely nodded waiting for me to accept. Rolling my eyes I pressed the yes button wanting a fantasy chance of life.

I didn't hesitate to press yes wanting a new life to live. Yes… This chance… I'll take it. If it means finding my family one day I won't hesitate.


[Welcome, THE GAMER.]

Finishing this Jack smirked as he continued explaining the properties of the Gamer Ring I was given in detail, "Good. Now thankfully thanks to Silva's method of using Mana and Magic the Ring will act as your conductor to your Magic Pool inside you. To activate the Gamer Ring, you use your intent and willpower to fuel it. And let the magic do its work. But first check yourself out before we proceed forward, okay?"

I nodded as my eyes gazed at the made-up Power Ring. That was when I saw a sudden pop-up screen startling me. What?!


[Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to gather information quickly.]

[Skill: <Observe> has been learned]

[Item: Gamer Ring

Rarity Item: SSS

Type: Power Ring

Description: Using the power of the Second Magic Kaleidoscope enables the user to travel between parallel worlds and timelines accessing the Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon is one fragment of the Second Magic, which is essentially the ability to create openings into Parallel Worlds. One can then interact with the 'other side' through this gap. Otherwise, it also acts as the user's personal Sub-Space inventory and immunity to Mind Altercations or Memory Reading.]

Ack!! TO OP!!

Hmm… If this works like game logic dictates, then it is best to use game logic to solve the mystery of my having game-like abilities.

The first thing that comes to mind. Let's test some things out first…


That was when I saw a window pop up out of nowhere, I began to see the name and contents described below.

Seeing the cliché happen to me is quite interesting to me… Okay, the usual shtick of this popping out but what the hell is with these stats of mine?


Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: None

Level: 1 Exp: 0/10%

HP: 100/100

MP: 50/50


AGI: 5

VIT: 5

INT: 5

SEN: 5


Stat Points: 0

Cash: 0


Viewing my stats, I couldn't help but frown seeing how bad my beginning stats are compared to my predicament.

Still though just to be on the safe side best to see what my Race as a [Human] provides for me to grasp a better understanding.

Tap on the Race icon on the status screen to see the perks or benefits of these races.

[Race: Human

Description: Humans, as you know, are mainly known as intelligent, resourceful, and strong, especially when united against a common threat. These traits have allowed them to survive in a hostile world. However, Humans tend to fight amongst themselves for stupid reasons, and when divided represents a serious weakness.]

Yeah… that sounds about right. Okay, that makes some sense of the idea of my situation but how should I investigate further how my gamer ability works?

Let's see… I wonder if there is a command that would allow me to view my skills. How about some basic ones?


Open list.

Review skills.

Command skills.

Skill List.

When I began listing down the list of words to say to open my skill screen enough saying the term Skill List was enough to activate it.

That, I saw a blue window text written on as I saw the list of skills written over inside the box as I got the chance to view what I had at hand to work with here.



<Observe> (Active) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 1.0%

Description: Through continuous observation, a skill to observe objects, situations, and persons was generated allowing the user to gather information quickly. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.


<GAMER'S PATH> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: Due to having the God of Chaos blessing his powers he granted his vessel the ability of [THE GAMER] with limitless growth but the Player will have to figure out how he proceeds without the usual Skills of <GAMER MIND> and <GAMER BODY> as the God of Chaos likes to have the user to experience their GAMER PATH. Life is like a game.

<Sub-Space> (Active) Lv.-

Description: A separate dimension that connects only to the Player. Depending on how high the Player Level is the bigger the Sub-Space could carry the user items.


Oh? Seems like I have my Sub-Space than just in my Gamer Ring. That seems to do the trick in getting me to see my skills. The only ones I have anyway.

Maybe there is an option of picking. Thinking of my choice I began to work out one word to help get the right way to see my Status or I guess the Gamer Functions.

Let's see…

Main Menu.






Hearing a dinging sound I saw a blue transparent screen appear as I began to read the contents inside my head seeing the possibilities given to me.

Guess I was correct to assume such going over the words that usually open up the main menu screen to my gamer ability by process of elimination.


-To bring up your status you merely need to say "Status" or think it to appear, but no one can see it unless through a Party System.

-By doing certain things multiple times, [The Gamer] ability will eventually register it as a skill, and then it can be leveled up and possibly even evolve. Some Skills get cheaper the more you level up be on the lookout for them.

-The Party System allows you to form a party with other members granting them Mini-Gamer powers only accessing to Level Ups and choices of increasing their stats. Or you could change it for them. Along with the bonuses of private videos, messages, or sending gifts, this is the best co-op option for players who want to play in a group!

-Health points/HP- an attribute that determines your health of course and once that hits zero then that means you're knocked out or dead and the end to your story.

-Mana points/MP- It is the magical/spirit power life force Mana/Lifeforce that everyone has within themselves that can be used if it is unlocked it can be used for offense, defense, healing, senses, traveling, and protection.

-Strength/STR- this one determines physical strength but also increases the physical amount of damage the player can give to the target.

-Agility/AGI- raises various stats to ensure one's survival. This stat is used to boost coordination, reflexes, movement speed, and chances of evading attacks.

-Vitality/VIT- the ability to tolerate attacks without dying the more increase this stat the more health the player gains by its recovery rate. One stat gained boost HP by +15.

-Intelligent/INT- increasing the chances of storing valuable information and solving complex problems that involve faster spell casting. The higher the level the more likely to develop skills easier and the faster MP will regenerate. One stat gained boosted the MP by +15.

-Senses/SEN- the ability to perceive and detect using your six senses of hearing, smell, taste, touch, vision, and sixth sense.

-Luck/LUCK- increase odds of winning the game, random encounters, rarity drops, and rarer rewards. It also helps determine a person's fate with more luck than others.

-Exp: The experience you gain by defeating a foe or killing them off. All exp gained is based on the Level of the Enemy or by 'experience' itself.

-Level Up: When you level up you will immediately be rejuvenated healing any damages at the time and per each level gain 5 bonus stat points to distribute your stats from the bonus stat points section. Even if you lose a limb when you level up you will immediately recover to full health and in top shape everything restored. Per Level Up permeant gain +25 MP and HP.

-Skills: Skill List Window is a voice/thought command that brings up a window with a list of all the skills he has learned. When the skill icon is selected it shows all the current information of that skill.

-Loot: This setting allows the user to have his loot automatically stored on their person or in their private location where upon killing/defeating the enemy is sent to the User. AUTO LOOT [ON]. Do you wish to turn on Auto Loot [Y/N]?


Interesting… Looking at the information provided it seems like by doing things normally I would raise my stats in the process.

[+1 INT due to figuring out how the gamer ability works!]

Because of this….

Gazing at my status screen. Yup, it did increase. 6 INT stats means I have [50/65 MP] max on my bar. Seems like the more I grow my stats the more I grow stronger is for real.

After everything had been said and done Jack smirked as he got my attention, "Good. Seems like you managed to grasp the basics. Any world you're thinking for a good starting point kiddo?"

I'm pausing a bit since I have an open world… huh? This is hard to guess actually…

Since I have access there are plenty to pick for power-ups but frankly, I looked at my body flinching as I muttered out loud for Jack to hear asking him a question, "Based on your humble opinion what are my chances against a normal foe?"

He didn't even flinch as he spoke bluntly having his arms crossed causing me to flinch, "I think… none. Without any practice at least not without a little luck. The first suggestion is to train. For real not by practice in a safe environment from personal experience. Learn from master's or professionals."

Learn from professionals or masters… hmm…

Thinking of different worlds open to me as I gaze at my Gamer Ring a few worlds come to mind but I'm nowhere near secure or confident in myself to be in leagues with them, "I need a world where I can benefit given a safety environment…"

Or a world where I know my knowledge of the best giving me extra items or power-ups… I have one world in mind but it's a completely fucked up world that I can die at a moment's notice.

However, I know the plot of what to be aware of and not what to do. I simply have to use the character's personalities to my benefit. High risk high reward.


Snapping my fingers an idea comes to mind responding a bit happily with what to do now, "I think I know just the world to begin. One that's not strong per se but extremely dangerous. If I play my cards right then I have a good chance."

That was when Jack responded with an intrigued expression written on his face reading my mind, "Oh? Going into that world huh? Crazy that you willingly go there but it is a high-risk and high-reward one. And considering a normal person can make it that far as proven from the anime I'd say it's a good start as any to collect any items. Here let me help you out."


By snapping his finger, I witnessed Magic for the first time in my life. Doing so a Kaleidoscope-like pattern suddenly transports the both of us instantly…


I was mesmerized by witnessing the change. I knew then and there my old life wouldn't be the same but seeing a reflection of my smile… I felt confident and ready for the challenge that this god has for me ahead.

Whatever he throws at me… It's time to get my game on.


A/N: Hey guys you like the new changes to the gamer system this time around? This one won't give the MC any quest since he can travel to the world where the power and items are located and learn as he grows quite literally.

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