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100% Why Is My Group Chat So Broken? / Chapter 17: Chapter 17 - Two Impossible Evils! Ryomen and Azaogdesz Sukuna!

Capítulo 17: Chapter 17 - Two Impossible Evils! Ryomen and Azaogdesz Sukuna!



[Group Chat]

[[Grave Warnings]]

(A/N: Sorry for the long wait till post. I was working on another work that I'd spent a week straight getting the world-building ready. I also made powers and more. Expect that out soon but I'll drop another chapter for this series soon.)

(First POV: Ereikiel)

I'm not going to lie; even as I sit here on my bed with wide eyes, I definitely pulled EA out of my ass. It's not even a case of having a theory for the move long before.


It came to me naturally. Without the laws and concepts built into the weapon, it was just a massive laser, but all I really needed was an attack I could think of.


An attack that would send Sukuna packing. In the end, our battle was inconclusive due to both of us dying in that last second. I may or may not have 'overheated' and used all of my power in that last attack.


But nobody is keeping track of that, right? More importantly, I gained from the battle.

[Name: Eren, Ereikiel, Decessusax]

[Race: Angel, Demon, True Ancient Dragon]

[Titles: He Who Is Cursed, Eden's Angelic Prodigy, He Who Has Seen Death, The Nephalem Dragon]

[True Name: (Hidden)]

[Form: Adult/Newborn/Adult]

[Hierarchy: Low-Rank Angel/Newborn Dragon/Low-Rank Demon]

[Attribute: Holy/Lightning]

[Strength: 167]

[Speed: 161 - Light Speed]

[Magic Energy: 546]

(Holy Energy: 277)

(Demonic Energy: 44)

(Mana: 225)

[Activity: 362]

[Skills: Red Lightning (Advanced)(3%), Holy Energy Manipulation (Advanced) (34%), Demonic Energy Manipulation (Novice) (16%), Light Particle Shift (Novice) (11%), Yellow Dragon Breath (Novice) (5%), Yellow Dragon Beam (Novice) (1%), Boost (Novice+) (81%), Divide (Novice) (37%), Gamer's Custom-Made Observe (MAX), Healing Light (Advanced) (6%), Protecting Light (Novice+) (97%), Spear of Light (Novice) (59%), Gift To The World EA (Novice) (2%), Spearmanship (Novice) (68%)]


[Talent 1: Soul Peer

Explanation: After living beings die, you can easily discover the location of their souls.]

[Talent 2: Soul Devouring Addiction

Explanation: It is in a demon's nature to devour and play with souls. It refers to the pleasure and ecstasy brought about through devouring souls.]

[Talent 3: True Good and True Evil

Explanation: As a natural-born Nephalem, you have been given the right to judge right and wrong by the Creator! You decide right and wrong based on your judgment alone. Nothing escapes your sight, as even angels shall be judged! You are the moderator!]

[Talent 4: Spiritual Yet Physical

Explanation: You are a spiritual being, and with that comes the benefit of not needing to eat, breathe, sleep, or drink. Yet you are also a physical being, and unlike others, you can morph your body however you see fit. You are able to take the form that suits you.]

[Talent 5: True Ancient Dragon

Explanation: You are a mixture of ancient and true dragons. Your stone-like scales manipulate time, making you immortal, while your body is already immortal from being a true dragon. Given enough time, you can travel through time and manipulate it any way you see fit.]

[Talent 6: Eden's Angelic Prodigy

Explanation: You are Eden's Angelic Prodigy! The chosen one of the angels. You grow immensely faster than any other angel, but all this comes at a cost. Due to your fast growth rate, in order to achieve the next rank of power, you need two times the energy of your peers.]

[Feelings: Calm, Anxious, and absolutely craving power.]

Now that I'm back in my world, I have 16 hours before that date and my 'end date.'


There are two things I could do at this moment. One: Leave myself to my fate, massively under-leveled and trying to face an outer goddess.




Two: Power level the highest I can until my brain rots from the amount of time I've gone without sleep.


After nodding a bit and weighing my options, I have concluded one thing. Momma ain't raise a bitch!

After weighing my options, my best bet would be to speedrun every low-level mission as fast as possible.


There's only one problem with this: if Sukuna sees me take a mission, he'll do everything in his power to make my life hell without directly attacking me.


My options are limited, and even then, I may have to start with the deep end and something I know.

A smile forms on my face as I see the one thing I need to brighten up my mood.


[The King of Curses]


[Description: The King of Curses, Ryomen Sukuna, has been awoken in Shibuya! The city is his playground, along with the toys he will break! Stop him before it's too late!]


[Rank: C+]

I've built my whole kit around countering one person, and so far, that person, with all his strength, couldn't truly beat me. He may have been weakened via soul damage by Draig, but this is after his eldritch awakening.


If anything, a 15-finger Sukuna with no world slash is probably better than anything else. Especially since all I need to do is wait for Yuji to wake up after around 15 minutes.


"Alright, we're going for Sukuna!" I whispered to myself while nodding. "However, there is something I need to take a look at."

[Search: Condensed Holy Energy]

[Condensed Crystalized Holy Energy][Description]: 75 units of holy energy were condensed and then crystallized. When crushed, the crystal will release holy energy. The energy can also be slowly absorbed through the crystal.][Cost: 5,000]

[Note: We upping the price for you bitch ass angel.]

"..." I, the angel, was too stunned to speak. No matter how I looked at the message, the group chat seemed to want me dead and want my death now.

That note was solely targeted at me, and the increase in price because I was about to beat the system was too much of a low blow for me. This means war!


While I might not be able to buy holy energy like I wanted, there was another way to cheat the system!


[Search: low-tier human souls]


[Low-tier Human Soul]

[Description]: The soul of an average everyday human. Not special at all.

[Cost: 1,000]

[Note: Fuck!!!!!]

While it may not seem as valuable as holy energy, I would argue differently. As an angel, there aren't many times when I get the opportunity to feed my demonic side.


Being able to eat a low-tier soul for an extra point in demonic energy is exactly what I need. As my angel side is double the expense to get to higher tiers of power, I need my demon side to make up for it.


If I could get my demonic energy to 400, I could try to go to the training room and use the demonic blood there. Good thing I used only 23 hours, and even if I didn't, all I have to do is wait a week of normal time, which means the time I go on missions also counts.

With my mind made up, I spent a thousand points on a low-tier soul. The soul appeared in front of me and didn't seem to hold anything strong enough to respond.


I wasn't lucky like Osiris to be able to get pills that denied my soul-devouring addiction, as that would probably cost extra for me.


Taking the soul in my palm, I opened my mouth and swallowed the soul. And for a second, nothing happened.


"Man, this soul-devouring addiction ain't shit!-" Instantly, my voice quivered as I was hit with extreme ecstasy.

It wasn't physical ecstasy or an orgasm; it felt as if I had eaten the best food of my life while being comforted by the love of my life.


The sweet taste left on my tongue caused me to lick my lips, but I was relatively fine. It wasn't an overpowering sensation or something delivered in excess.


I didn't feel anything physically, but mostly mentally and spiritually. It must be due to my angel side.


Quickly, I went and bought another 64 souls and began eating them all.


[Negative energy: 44 -> 109]

I nearly melted in mental and spiritual pleasure as it felt as if my life was complete and everything I'd lived for had been worth it, only for that high to disappear a few seconds later.


"Like I said, it ain't shit," I smirked at myself with pride. To think mere low-tier mortal souls would be able to corrupt a dragon such as myself!


Now that I'm back on track, it's time to start that mission!

[Secretly An Eldritch God has started a Mission join him? 1/4.]

[Start now?]

"Alright let's-"

[God of Frauds has joined your mission!]


[Start now?]

Ok, now Sukuna was fucking with me as well! This is getting tiresome.


[Secretly An Eldritch God]: Is there any way that you'll sit this one out or just go on a mission alone?]


[God of Frauds]: No.]

I thought he might try to troll me like this, but it's still not fair. I've got enemies on all sides.


"Fuck it, we ball!" I said as I pressed start on the mission.

[Starting mission!]

[Pausing the time of the world of the current participants.]

Time froze just like it had done last time, and my vision instantly cut.

(Third POV:)

"Stand proud. You are strong." Ryomen Sukuna spoke to the volcano-headed curse in the completely white void.


Then, before leaving, he saw the curse crying with a smile on his face. Truly, that curse didn't understand what it meant to eat, yet it was happy with that.


In the real world, on top of the massive maximum meteor the curse had dropped, Sukuna stared at the burning body of the curse.


"Who are you?" Sukuna said without turning around. Behind him was a feminine person with white hair, kneeling.


"I've come to welcome you." The white-haired person kept their head respectfully looking down.


Sukuna turned his head at this, and he stared at the white and black-robed person kneeling before him.




Upon hearing those words, Sukuna turned around fully with a massive grin on his face.


"Uraume?" Sukuna spoke with disbelief and intrigue.

"It's been a long ti-!" Before Uraume could finish, a bright golden light appeared in the sky.

It formed a whirling vortex as golden particles rained down softly from the sky.


"We'll continue this later; something has come up," Sukuna said as he stared at the vortex in the sky.


"As you wish, Sukuna-sama," Uraume spoke softly and respectfully once again before disappearing from Sukuna's presence.


"Heh," Sukuna smirked as he began walking toward where the center of the vortex would be.


Holding out his hand, he allowed one of the golden particles to touch his skin. A frown marred his face as he realized what it was.


"Positive energy?" Sukuna spoke aloud as he realized it was the same type of energy made from the reverse curse technique.

Suddenly, two massive golden wings exited the massive swirling vortex. The golden light instantly exploded and spread throughout Shibuya. Citizens of the city were able to see the massive, glowing wings from a kilometer away.


The wings grew smaller as the person they were attached to floated to the ground. He landed in the middle of the street.


It was night, but not all was quiet, as it appeared he had a guest.


Turning his head, Ereikiel was now face-to-face with the smiling Ryomen Sukuna.


"Who are you? I would have heard or felt someone like you." Sukuna's smile fell into a serious expression as he spoke.


Ereikiel fully turned his body in Sukuna's direction as his now-white, shimmering gold wings fluttered softly.


"I am the angel of generosity and freedom, Ereikiel," Ereikiel spoke as a white gauntlet with a blue gem on it appeared on his right hand.


"Divide!" A majestic voice came from the gauntlet, and Sukuna felt himself become weaker.

Sukuna would have almost stumbled if not for Ereikiel embedding his fist in the King of Curses' face.


Sukuna flew backward into a building, and as he did, "Boost! Boost!" The red gauntlet that appeared on Ereikiel's left hand spoke two times.


Ereikiel immediately flew after Sukuna. Jumping into the building and flying forward, he saw Sukuna now standing in the middle of an office building.


"Dismantle," Sukuna said with a wave of his finger, not taking Ereikiel seriously.


The slash hit the angel's body, followed by golden light being thrown off his body and into the air, only for Ereikiel not to react to it and punch Sukuna hard in the stomach.


That wasn't the end of it, as Ereikiel then landed two punches to his face, a punch to his liver, and grabbed him by the face.


Both of Sukuna's hands found themselves latched onto Ereikiel's arm, with a small amount of startle left on his face.


Ereikiel raised his arm, held Sukuna up, and proceeded to crash the back of his head straight through the building and into the street below. Not being done, he dragged him through the concrete pavement once he had run out of road space.

With a blank expression, Ereikiel began using his free hand to land attack after attack on the body of the King of Curses.


Sukuna raised his arm as a barrage of dismantles reached Ereikiel's face, only for them to barely push him back with more golden dust being thrown into the air.


The golden light spun around him once it had broken free of the confines of his body.




Sukuna felt weaker once again as punch after punch rained down upon him. Ereikiel was quite literally beating him into the ground.


Cracks were forming in the ground from the newfound strength in his body. Ryomen Sukuna did not like how this 'battle' was turning out.


Sukuna let go of Ereikiel's arm only to try and push his hands together. Seeing this, Ereikiel grabbed both of his hands, spread them apart, and then jumped lightly into the air.


Rage was shown in the angel's face for a singular second before both of his feet came down hard on Sukuna's chest.



Both of Ereikiel's feet had turned draconic as he tried to apply as much weight to the attack as possible. He wasn't trying to make this a battle; he was trying to absolutely humiliate the King of Curses.


Ereikiel raised his right hand to call down a lightning bolt, but right as he did, someone grabbed his arm.


"I think that's enough playing around." Azaogdesz Sukuna said as he held Ereikiel back from calling down his red lightning.


A light smile was on his face as he proceeded to toss Ereikiel into a building, only for the angel to stop his momentum before he hit anything.


"The angel brat almost had you, didn't he?" Azaogdesz held a smirk as he watched Ryomen get up.


"He did not have me in anything!" Ryomen snarled as he stood up and healed with the reverse curse technique. "And who are you supposed to be? Some twin I don't have?"


"I'm an alternate version of you; if anything, think of that brat as you are to Yuji." As Azaogdesz spoke, Ryomen's four red eyes widened just a small amount.


"I believe I'm getting what you're trying to say," Ryomen said as an impossibly evil expression grew on his face.


The same expression mirrored on Azaogdesz's face before they both slowly turned to Ereikiel with the same look.



Two impossible evils have met and found a common enemy! What will happen next???

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