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76.36% HP/DxD: Raven / Chapter 40: Sorting 3

Capítulo 40: Sorting 3

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Word Count 2330


The Sorting continued. There were no additional problems. McGonagall called them out and the Hat sorted them.

"Bones, Susan' "HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Boot, Terry." "RAVENCLAW!"

"Brown. Lavender" "GRYFFINDOR!"

"Bulstrode, Millicent" "SLYTHERIN!"

 Everybody clapped after each sorting. The new students ecstatic that they were joining a house, it was all fine, until it was Tracy Davis's turn.

"Davis, Tracy"

The little girl happily walked to the stool and sat down. McGonagall lowered the hat on her head as it covered her eyes.

"Oh its you" The Sorting Hat whispered to her.

'"Me?" She whispered back, not expecting this at all.

"The Scary Brat that went first, forced me to put you and another girl in Ravenclaw"

"Another girl?" Tracy was confused for a moment before she realized who she meant 'Daphne.' "Ohh that is so cute~!" Tracy said in a loud voice, everybody in the hall heard her

The hat was dumbfounded "Cute?! That little monster is anything but cute" it whispered quickly

"Nuh-huh, its so romantic, he wants to keep her close, and even made you put me, her friend there so she wouldn't be lonely" Tracy crossed her arms "Its just like moms romance novels"

For the fires time in centuries the Sorting Hat was speechless, it just kept opening and closing its mouth.

"You are a weird one, what kind of eleven year old reads romance novels"

"Hey that's exactly what my mom said." Tracy smiled at the hat.

"I wonder why..."

"Anyway the boss-man made a decision, off to Ravenclaw I go" the girl grinned under the hat

The hat sighed 'Sorry Rowena, but I'd like to continue my existence for a few more centuries' and very unenthusiastically spoke up "Ravenclaw..."

"Yay!" Tracy jumped up and smiled brightly at Daphne. Who was just plain confused.

The older students and professors were looking at her with strange gazes. The hat always yelled out the house. Always! What could have the girl done to make it so.. depressed.

The reporters were writing this down. Apparently the Sorting Hat can get depressed.

Dumbledore could practically feel the stares from the reporters even though they were outside his vision by the walls of the rooms near the staff tables.

~ (A/N. I like how Tracy's sorting turned out. She is fun to write)

At that moment the Hall Doors Opened. Harry and Hope walked in.

"Ohh, looks like Daphne still hasn't had her turn, but Tracy is in Ravenclaw. Good that stupid hat listened to me" Harry smiled, proud of himself for successfully threatening an old dirty hat with ancient history.

"Were you really going to burn it?" Hope whispered to Harry, but got her answer once she saw him smirk at her 'Of course he would. Why did I even bother asking.

"Greengrass, Daphne" McGonagall called out, ignoring the two 'students' who just entered

"You got this!" Tracy yelled from the table getting a confused look from the students around her and a frown from Daphne

'Why is she acting like this, she knows I will be in trouble if I get sorted into Slytherin. Tracy is not usually this reckless. Does she know something?' Daphne looked at Tracy who had a big grin on her face as she looked at her and Harry.

'She definitely knows something. Did Harry do something to the Hat?'

Even with those thoughts Daphne confidently walked to the stool. She stopped for a second and recalled that Harry didn't allow the hat to be put on his head. She like many other students was about to let an unknown magical artifact go through her thoughts or memories.

She turned to Harry and raised an eyebrow. The boy immediately got the message as he chuckled and nodded. 'Its safe' she heard a voice inside her head.

Her eyes went wide. He was in her head. And it took him a split second to go past her Occlumency Shields.

'I need to work on those' Daphne told herself as she sat down on the stool, with elegance and grace. She put her hands on her knees and soon after the hat was put on her head.

"Oh and here comes the other one. You can join your bubbly friend, if you have any questions ask the scary green eyed brat." the hat whispered to her before yelling out "RAVENCLAW!"

It was over before Daphne could even process what happened. She blankly walked over to the end of the table. Hope and Harry were sitting on one side, Tracy and Astoria were on the other, and both were grinning at her.

"You were the same I assume?" Daphne asked Tracy as she sat down next to Astoria.

"Congrats Daphne" the little girl hugged her big sister

"Yep~ Harry made sure we were all together in Ravenclaw. It is so romantic~" Tracy palmed her hands together and had starry eyes.

Daphne and Hope's jaws dropped at that comment. Harry just laughed "Hahahaha, I like you little one. Your personality is weird and amusing."

Tracy put her hands on her hips and defiantly raised her chin "I am not little. And we are the same age"

"Forget about it, I'm two years older than him and he still calls me young one. He likes to act old and mysterious" Hope sighed as she pointed at Harry who just chuckled

'If only you knew Hope.'

"And he has thick skin." Hope added to the list as she pointed to the students staring at him, and Harry didn't care one bit, he was the kind of guy that would put a barrier around himself and walk straight into a crowd, pushing them all to the side and walking over them.

"You will get wrinkles faster if you care about unimportant things like that" Harry poked Hope on the forehead. " Plus why should I care about people that I will most likely never see after I leave here?"

Tracy pursed her lips and laid her cheek on her fist "Hmmm, that is true, it would be a waste of time for you wouldn't it?" the girl said with a weird expression on her face.

Astoria tilted her head. "Tracy are you ok?"

"Sure. Why the doubt Tori?"

"Well you have been acting weird all day. Its not like you" Astoria said with a worried look

"Phshh. No problem. I had to act stuffy and stuck up with my dad and his friends, because I was likely to be sorted into Slytherin. Now I am free! No pureblood bullshit! Watch out Hogwarts Tracy is here!" The girl pumped her arm before turning to her benefactor "Thanks for the help, Harry. If you want some juicy stories about Daphne just ask me"

Daphne just facepalmed. 'She is enjoying this way too much. Though I agree, its better that we didn't end up in Slytherin'

"Wayne, Hopkins" McGonagall called out, time waits for no man. The sorting continued, students clapped after each sorting as the list got shorter and shorter. Until the last student was called.

"Zabini, Blaise" the Italian looking kid sat on the stool and the hat was put on over his face. A minute passed then two. Until the hat finally had enough and it yelled out "RAVENCLAW!"

Harry raised an eyebrow. 'This wasn't supposed to happen'

Blaise let out a relieved smile as he headed to the back of the Ravenclaw table. Nodding and shaking hands with various older students. He finally made it to the end and sat down between another first year student and Harry Potter. Nobody was willing to mess with him as they let him and his group have the end of the table with a space or two free between him and the other students.

Blase put his hand over his chest and bowed slightly "Greetings I am Blaise Zabini. I would like to thank you for what you did at the beginning of the feast."

It was then that Harry realised what had happened. 'He argued with the hat to place him inside Ravenclaw'

"You figured it out, huh. Good for you" Harry smiled parsing the boy slightly

Blaise nodded "Yes. I resigned myself that I will go to Slytherin, and spend 7 years with as you said, Inbred imbeciles. But once I saw you force the hat to put you somewhere else. I knew there had to be a way for me to achieve the same. Now I can spend my time in Hogwarts without worrying about backstabbing and political bullshit." Blaise's shoulders visibly relaxed.

"Good for you" Harry said as he took out a flask from his coat and took a swig from it.

"Alcohol?" the boy was surprised. The Boy Who Lived drank alcohol.

Harry smiled "Something like that"

Hope rolled her eyes. Only Harry was insane enough to drink poison from a flask. He was increasing his tolerance against poisons.

Harry planned to take a ritual later on to make him immune to most poisons in the world. The main ingredient is Basilisk Venom, to make you immune to it as well. The ritual has a higher chance of success the more poisons you are immune to before you do it.

( A/N Humans can never be completely immune. We just develop a large tolerance to poisons or venoms. But this is a magical world. So magic bullshit) 

"Thank you again, now if you will excuse me, I will stop bothering you and go mingle a little" Blaise stood up and went to sit with some of the upper years he knew before coming to Hogwarts.

'He is a smart one. He noticed he was the extra, and decided to make a good impression by leaving us to talk freely amounts ourselves. People like him usually go far. The ones that can accurately read the mood of the group'

Since the Sorting was finished, Albus Dumbledore stood up from his throne. He was beaming at his students, his arms open wide, as if nothing could have pleased him more than seeing them here.

'I got to hand it to the old goat. He has the Kind Old Headmaster act down perfectly' Harry mused as he watched his current most annoying 'enemy' take the stand.

"Welcome! To a new year at Hogwarts. Before we begin the feast I would like to say a few words. The third floor corridor is closed off for renovation. There is quite the bit of sensitive magic being used there. So any student found wandering there will be punished since their mere presence can mess up the magic involved in the renovation. And for my final words. Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

"Thank you" Dumbledore sat down with a large smile as if he had gratefully given them the answer to some great secret.

Tracy was deadpanning "Is he sane?"

"I think its supposed to be some philosophical thing, apparently its an insult to each house" Blaise replied

"Its the names of the House Elves. The elves lifted the charms that were put on the food. The food was always there, you just couldn't see or smell it." Harry replied as he looked at the food on the table.

Roast beef, roast chicken, pork chops and lamb chops, sausages, bacon and steak, boiled potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, Yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, gravy, ketchup.

The feast is fine, it has some wide assortment. But the regular food of Hogwarts is pretty lacking. Meat and Mashed potatoes every other day. Not exactly nutritionally balanced and just plain boring. They don't even serve the French fries regularly.

"Enjoy the food for now. I'll be handling our meals from tomorrow. My house elves will bring pre-made meals here to Hogwarts."

Tracy perked up at Harry's 'announcement' "What kind of food"

"Anything you can think of, pasta, pizza, kebab, stir fried noodles, doner, hamburger, omelets, etcetera I got my elves some cook books, so they are eager to try out their new skills."

Tracy just stared at Harry in a daze, imagining all those meals. As a Half-Blood, one that traveled around the world, thanks to her mother she knew a lot about muggles and their food.

She snapped out of her daze and looked at Harry with big pleading puppy dog eyes.

"You wouldn't let a poor defenceless girl like me eat the Hogwarts plain food while you eat luxuriously in front of me would you. Especially since I am Daphne's only friend" She batted her eyelashes at him

Daphne groaned at her friend antics, enough was enough, she was getting embarrassed now

"Tracy! Have you no shame?"

Tracy puffed up her chest proudly "Shame? What is that! Can you eat it?" She looked at Daphne and Hope who looked at her with shock, even Harry had wide eyes. "Didn't think so" Tracy grinned at them.

'She said the same words Harry said' Hope turned to Harry who started to chuckle, that chuckle turned into a full blown laugh.

"Hahahahaha." The girl copied his speech. "You really are an interesting one." He wiped a tear away as he looked at the now somewhat nervous Tracy, who didn't expect a reaction like that.

"You can join us on our meals"

"Yes" Tracy fist pumped happily.

Harry suddenly frowned. 'I feel like I'm forgetting something'

At the front of the Hufflepuff table.


Miss (Don't Call Me Nymphadora) Tonks sneezed. 'Someone must be speaking bad about me. But why do I feel like I missed an important conversation? Meh, no use thinking about it now. The feast is the only time I get to eat proper food, ahh French fries, where have you been, why can't you be served every day '

Dora put on a lot of food on her plate and happily started to munch on it. As a Metamorphmagus she will never get fat no matter how much she eats. That's why she is such a fast food addict, and spending months in Hogwarts away from her precious food is like hell. 

Tonks suddenly got a bad feeling. 'Hmm, the feeling is getting stronger... Could it be that I really missed something very important to me? But what? Ughh, all this thinking is making me hungrier, I'll handle this later for now. FOOD!!'

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

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