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16.36% HP/DxD: Raven / Chapter 7: Classes

Capítulo 7: Classes

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat or Ko-Fi.


Word Count 2850


Well, it was time for Classes to start. Me and Hope have settled in. My herb farm is doing well. My working stations have been set up and now I am waiting for my educational journey here to start.

I have already read the first-year curriculum, thank you my glorious brain that has Epic Oclumency and has been enhanced by rituals for faster thought processes and parallel thoughts. However, I do have to strain myself to have parallel thoughts.

I have also been sorting TommyBoys memories. Britian had shit education and he knew that. So he learned whatever he could. Charmed people so they 'lent' him rare books. He traveled around the world. Learning spells from different countries.

And now it's all mine. Muhahaha. Decades of hard work done by Voldemort and I got it in like 5 minutes. Let's send a quick prayer to my Pervell ancestors. Soul Magic is awesome.

So fucking bullshit that I don't have access to my Potter Accounts. All that gold, treasure and books just laying around there. But I'm not stupid enough to go to Britain just yet. In a year or two. I'll at least be powerful enough to run away if Dumbles tries to capture me. Honestly, the fact that he has two of the Hollows pisses me off. Those belong to me.

Made by death my ass. The Peverells were geniuses. Evil necromancers but still geniuses.

The eldest gathered enough souls and sacrificed them to make a very powerful wand. If you kill someone with the wand, their soul automatically goes into the Soul Well in their secret basement. But he was killed and that wand became the Elder Wand.

The middle brother made a stone. The stone had two purposes. Firstly the middle brother missed his wife and didn't want to do the 'Speak to the Dead' ritual every time. So sacrificed souls so the stone would do the ritual all on its own. Instantly as well.

The second function was to better control the souls in their Soul Well. And maybe use them in battle. They were evil but not stupid. They couldn't summon old warriors to fight for them. The Death Gods would not like that. New souls are a different thing. It doesn't matter if a couple of ordinary humans get their souls destroyed. As long as they didn't take too many souls

That's why they hunted people from around the globe, mostly the 3rd world countries that are today. The ones that didn't have any God backing them up. Like Romania. They had a pact with the Vampires. They get the souls, the vamps get the blood.

The youngest brother. Well, he was the smart one. He made a cloak that would make him unnoticeable and untraceable buy any beings below Ultimate Class. He could also walk through wards. They sacrificed a lot of souls to make this happen.

Then the 3rd brother became a thief, he stole, gold, gems, treasure, magical artifacts and plants, and Information. Anything that had any value.

And they were smart enough to put everything in different locations a under a Fiddelus. I only learned about the Pervell family after I killed a man that tried to rob me and instinctively captured his soul.

Then I sacrificed the soul and a Grimoire dropped out of thin air. It said that If I master Everything in this book I will be given access to everything the Peverells had. So I have been working on that a lot.

I looked at my forearm where my wand was sitting inside the wand holster. This one was a surprise. A good one

~ Wand flashback. Before leaving for Salem

Harry sighed. Benjamin said that he had to get a wand. He already had his beginners staff. And it was a lot better than any wand that he could get. Maybe not the elder wand but still. Now he had to get and used a weak magical focus.

Melinda took them to a shady wand maker. Expensive, but quality stuff. Maybe some illegal animal parts.


Harry, Hope and Melinda entered the shop. An onld man was sitting behind the counter reading a book

"Do you have money?" The old man looks

oldMelinda takes out a small bag and puts it on the table. The coins making noise as they hit eachoter

"One of you start going over the woods then the magical cores"each other

"Yew Wood" the man mused

Harry shrugged. He had expected this. Yew is reputed to endow its possessor with the power of life and death. Harry is a healer. He can kill just as easily so it fits.

Then Harry went through a few magical cores in glass bottles. After a few seconds, he stopped.

"It had to be a Horned Serpent, damn it."

"Is there a problem" Harry raised an eyebrow at the man

"Yes. I only got one horn left in the back. Which means I will have to go get more. And the guy I usually get them got himself bitten by one last week. So I have to look for another 'Hunter'"

"Too bad for you, but I can feel another core calling me"

"Another?" The man said in a surprised tone.

Harry nodded and closed his eyes. After a few moments he opened them again "It's not in here. It's in the back of the shop"

The old man was really surprised by that. He went back in there and took out 10 boxes "These are my extremely rare materials. Almost impossible to get ahold of. Try again"

Harry closed his eyes once more and swapped his hand across the top of the boxes. Focused on his magical senses

He stopped on a Red Box. "This is the one"

The wand crafter slowly opened the box. He first took out a parchment on it was a magical creature. It had the body of a lion along with wings. The head was mostly that of a lions except it had 4 eyes and it had big goat horns. Instead of a tail it had snake attacked to it.

A Chimera.

( + Wings )

He then proceeded to open a smaller box. Revealing a heart in it.

"This is a heart of a true Greek Chimera. One of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. Practically unkillable. This one killed 82 wizards before it finally died. They started with 150 wizards. 53 of them left with serious injuries."

Harry whistled "Damn that's one mean cat"

*Meow. Meow*

Nala and Kiara stared to complain

The wand crafter was surprised to see two cubs come out of my big inner pockets

"Yes yes. You girls are awesome as well"

*Hissss* x3

3 snakes slithered out from my sleeves

"Sigh. Yes, you are badass too." Harry looked at his familiars with an amused expression.

"Pets?" the wand crafter frowned "No.. Fimiliars" His eyes were wide open the next second

"Five Familiars!"

"Six. The last one is hunting right now"

The old man stumbled "I'll make your wands for free if you tell me how you bonded with them"

Harry just laughed at the man "You think I'm some naive kid? This knowledge is priceless and will be going to become a part of my Family Magic."

The old man just clicked his tongue

"Girl you are next"

Hope stepped up and started going over the woods before stopping on one

"Fir Wood"

"Hmmm looks like it will be 'a survivor's wand'. Fir wood is usually chosen by people who have come out alive in a number of dangerous situations."

"Warewolf claws and Vampire Fangs. Little girl, you have one messed up wand. Looks like you have survived an attack by both of those creatures. Well done"

Hope didn't say anything and let the man make his own assumptions. Technically it was true, but it was most likely due to her lineage

They got their Wands the next day after paying the man a couple of hundred gallons.

The result was just as Harry and Melinda anticipated. 50% cut down on the magic/mana cost. Just as much as the weakest staff.

Harry grumbled a lot about 'Stupid wizarding wands.'

~~ Transfiguration Class.

We were all seated in classic rows and columns seating arrangement. Waiting for the teacher to arrive. And just before the lesson started. A middle-aged man walked into the classroom.

"Good Morning. I am Edward Armstrong your Transfiguration Teacher. Yes, that is my real name and No, I do not have any connection to Louis or Neal Armstrong."

A few kids chuckled at the joke.

This guy just erased most of the tension from the classroom. As this is the first class of the semester for us.

"Now I'm sure all of you have studied transfiguration before and are quite adequate at it otherwise you would not be here. But we will still start from the basics. Just to make sure you have the best foundation possible to build upon as you learn more and more about magic. Let's begin with all the possible branches in transfiguration.

Transfiguration. Is the branch that temporarily changes the structure of an object. It will revert back to its original form once the magic has run out. Naturally, there are exceptions such as becoming an Animagus. Where you can stay in your animal form indefinitely. But that is for another class.

The advanced method of Transfiguration is Conjuration. Which is transfiguring the air into solid objects. A very difficult task.

Another is Vanishing. Effectively erasing the target. Most wizards simply don't care since it's quite simple. But in its core, vanishing takes the intended target and rips it into extremely tiny pieces, like dust and scatters them"

Hmmm, do they know normal science and are just using this way to teach the ignorant wizards? Or do they themselves have no idea about Mundane Science?

"Then we have Transmutation, unlike Transfiguration, Transmutation permanently alters the objects structure. This is also why Human Transmutation is illegal. Fixing it is very difficult sometimes even impossible.

Transmutation works on two principles. Deconstruction and Reconstruction. As well as intimate knowledge of what you are trying to change. Something that we wizards struggle to do as we are used to just Transfiguring things. That's why there are so few people that are successful in this branch. There is a class on this, but its optional due to how many repeated failures wizards have in general"

A girl raised her hand from the back "Aren't there other ways to permanently change something? Like using the Philosophers Stone"

"Excellent example Mrs. Watson. But that belongs to the field of alchemy. Alchemy has the ability to turn things permanent using various means. Transfigurated Objects become permanent. Potions become Elixirs. Enchanted Objects become Artifacts and excreta.

Now that out of the way, we can start with some practical work. You will need to transfigure these matches into needles and..."

The class continued as usual.

~ Potions

A classroom with lots of windows and most of them were open. Runes that deal with the magical fumes, but better be save than sorry and keep the windows opened.

A man entered the classroom. He was about 30ish and had a well-groomed appearance. He was also very muscular which was a surprise. 

"Good morning class. I am Jackob Getafix. Your potion teacher. Potions is the art of turning magical ingredients, plant or animal based into liquids that have various effects."

The class was silent, listening carefully to the professor. Even though they knew the basics.

"Now potions is one of the most dangerous branches of magic, because it's easy to make mistakes that will get you killed. For that reason, we have Safety Gear. 

A White Labcoat. Safety Googles, Gloves. All Enchanted to keep you protected.

Goggles also have a bubble head rune inscribed onto them. More toxic potions require special charmed masks

This is also another perk to learning here. But this man isn't my target. There is a professor for the older student. 

Extremely talented people are thought by the Grandmaster who only takes on 5th year students. He occasionally takes a student from the lower years. 

He Doesn't care about apprentice or something like that. He trains people so they can push the boundaries of Potion Making for him. 

Occasionally his students will discover a position that might just give him the inspiration to make a totally different potion. He is eccentric like that

And another reason why I want to learn from him. I tune back into the class

" While the western side of the world uses potions, in the eastern side they use pills. They melt and condense the magical ingredients to a pill the size of a marble. For some reason, they call it Alchemy. But we assume they did it out of some sort of spite or just to make things more confusing"


The charms teacher was a young woman in her late 20ties. She was a gorgeous bombshell as well as a redhead. Whose smile made the boys blush and turn away to the sides to hide their erections. 

She certainly deserved to be called a Charm Misstress. 

But the woman knew her stuff. It helped that in America, every spell has the Arithmetical equation below. Books are a lot more cheaper due to the advanced printing press in America

I would probably speed through this class quite easily. 


This one was easy. They have magical calculators. It's one of the things they have patented and is kept secret in Salem. Clever of them. Most magic relies on Arithmancy , having a calculator gives Salem students a huge edge


We started carving basic runes in wood. Already from the first class. There were pictures on the board and the books in front of us. Detailing how we are supposed to carve.

Salem takes a much more practical approach on Runes.

There is a small pillar near the teacher's table. We put down our carvings there and the pillar activates them. So even if they are wrong they don't blow up in our faces,

~ Herbology 

Herbology was kind of fun. Since I already take care of some plants I know quite a lot. But the greenhouses here were Giant. I mean I could easily get lost in here. There were thousands and thousands of plants.

They say Salem produces the most magical plants on this side of America. I need to grab a few seeds from some rare plants when I have the chance.

~DADA and Dueling

We started looking at the basics. Proper stances. Aiming. Learning theoretical knowledge on the most common dangers in the magical world. Then had mock duels with just Stinging Charms.

Already more impressive than anything that Hogwarts had


They had a very precise Planetarium. Most of the lessons are in there.

Except for certain days when there is an astrological event. Like a coment or a special alignment of planets. Very clever of them. In Hogwarts they have to wake up at midnight to go see the stars. Not smart considering the students have classes in the morning

~Care of Magical Creatures.

This one was weird. They started off with some cute fuzzy animals. A FuzzBall.

And we are supposed to be taking care of one for a whole week. Apparently, these things were high maintenance. Needing food and water at specific times. And if you miss their feeding times. They get grumpy and a part of their fur changes color for a week, maybe even longer until its mood improves

Something about teaching kids discipline. .


This was interesting, to say the least. We were taught the basics. Technically unless you are gifted you won't get very far. So no predicting the future But you can still learn some techniques like Scurrying, meaning to track the location of someone. IT can be learned by trial and error. Its also important to learn to protect yourself against magics like these.

So its not a total waste of time.

~ History of Magic and ~ No-Maj Studies (History and Science)

I was surprised by both of these. Especially how accurate they are.

America really doesn't like Dumbledore for sitting on his ass during the War with Grindelwald. And they were brutally honest about it.

And they are not as naive about the Mundane world. They are pretty much up to date on it.

I'm really liking Salem. I'll get through the week normally before starting to show off my intellect.

I need to get serious and learn as much as possible while I'm still here. They must have a hidden library around here somewhere.

This is gonna be a gas.

Alcoholic_Panda Alcoholic_Panda

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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