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55.49% My Stash of completed fics / Chapter 1541: 3

Capítulo 1541: 3

Chapter 3: House Elves, Books and a lying DumbledoreNotes:

Hello everyone,

first of all thank you for the amount of feedback and ideas I received, it's fantastic to hear what you all are thinking.

I've decided to try to make Thursday morning (at least here in Germany, who knows what time it will be at your's) my usual time of posting a new chapter.

And now, have fun with the following chapter

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It was rather early when Harry left the bathroom freshly showered and nicely dressed, though not as posh as on the day before. He wasn't in the wizarding world where he had to live up to his name and status. Not that he had done that the last time around, but that might have been quite the problem and this time he was a Lord. Maybe it would change how the purebloods at Hogwarts would perceive him but until then he wouldn't worry about that. Silently he moved down the stairs, noticing that Hermione's door was still closed and it hadn't looked like someone already had been in the bathroom. Well, that someone would only have been Mione, since her parents had a separate one. That meant that she was still asleep but someone was already in the kitchen. Upon entering he saw that it was Dan, preparing breakfast, and greeted him. 

"Good morning Harry. You're up early, I hope you had a good night's rest. Why don't you make yourself comfortable and we eat in a few minutes? I need to get to work early today but the others will soon be up as well."

Instead of doing what Dan had suggested, Harry started to help him out in the kitchen as this was something he was used to doing. Old habits die hard. But other than with the Dursleys, it actually was fun and when they were done setting the table the two of them started eating. Harry started making some inquiries about the Grangers and their jobs as he didn't really know them, not even from his previous life. Both Dan and Emma were successful dentists with their own practice and lived a quiet and happy life in the suburbs. Just like their daughter they were well-educated and enjoyed reading just as much as their yearly vacations in southern France or skiing in the alps. Harry smiled as Dan said that, recalling Hermione's retellings of these trips at school. Now it was Harry's turn to get questioned, even though that was not as interesting as Dan's stories. They stayed away from the topic of his home life and rather talked about his time at school or what he had found out about his parents and the wizarding world.

Just as Harry told the story of his hair regrowing over night when Petunia had tried to cut it, the other members of the household stepped into the dining room. Mother and daughter were smiling when they heard the two laughing and joined them after a quick exchange of greetings. Right after Dan told how great Harry in the kitchen was and how he had insisted on helping out they continued the storytelling and the young wizard told the story from the zoo a while back where he set the Boa Constrictor free. They all couldn't stop laughing at the thought of the stupid face Dudley must have made and for the first time Harry was really glad that they were rather amused than afraid of his ability to speak Parsel. 

Dan left shortly after breakfast and Emma suggested that she'd take the kids into the city to go shopping and have a bit of fun before she had to work in the afternoon. The broad smile on Mione's face showed how much she wanted to go buying clothes with and for Harry and he wasn't sure if he shouldn't be afraid of that. Emma laughed at his facial expression and told him not to worry as Hermione just wanted the best for him. Laughing, he stated that he was not so sure about that but that he'd go for it either way. Something about not wanting his friend to kick him out already which resulted in her slapping him on his shoulder and acting disappointed before he smiled at her. Even though they all knew it was a joke, Emma felt the need to reassure him that this wouldn't happen and his presence was absolutely no trouble for them. Within the short period of time he had been here she had grown rather fond of him and the effect he had on her daughter. 

It was only a short drive to the next mall and Hermione's enthusiasm was extreme but he thought it was just very cute how she acted. In those moments she fell back into being a kid rather than a grown-up in a kid's body. Something he couldn't do, at least not yet. But he tried, especially when she dragged him into a clothing store and selected a dozen different outfits, most of them very casual but still good-looking. Yes, from time to time she handed him a piece of clothing she just gave him to look absolutely ridiculous and save that picture in her memory, but she was mostly serious. With more than just a handful of clothing Emma wanted to go to the counter but he stopped her for two reasons. He had no intention of letting her pay for all that, even though she made clear that they were well-off but he countered with the fact that he was simply rich and insisted on paying for his wardrobe. The other reason was that they had walked past a cute summer dress at which Hermione had glanced and he went to pick that up as well. That earned him a hug from Mione and a smile from Emma who had decided to stop arguing with the boy and after all he paid for the clothes. 

When it was lunchtime, Emma asked Harry what kind of food he'd like to have and after a short while of consideration both kids unanimously decided that there was nothing better than pizza. Well, it was not like Harry had had any in his life but he knew about it. Searching for the next pizza parlour they wandered around the mall for nearly ten minutes before they were successful. While Emma was rather quick at deciding, Harry and Hermione spent minutes looking over the menu until finally settling for a decision. 


After that the three of them went back home rather quickly as Emma had to go to work as well. Upon arriving they were surprised to see a certain witch again waiting at their doorstep, a suitcase next to her that Harry identified as one of the Dursley's suitcases. Professor McGonagall smiled when the two laughing kids left the car and quickly walked over to her.

Minerva had already seen them arrive from afar and was happy when Harry and Hermione came to her. Both were in a good mood and having fun, which made her think that Harry staying here was the best thing that could have happened to him. After she had left them the day before she apparated to Privet Drive and knocked on the Dursleys' door, and Petunia opened. The woman, who looked nothing like that little Lily Evans she had known, instantly recognised her. To avoid her husband she stepped out and asked what the Professor was doing here and where her nephew was. The furious witch, who could hardly contain herself explained that she took custody of Harry as stated in James' and Lily's wills and he'd stay with someone else she trusted. Petunia winced at the sound of the witch's voice and hastily agreed to hand over any of Harry's things which Minerva collected with a flick of her wand. Lastly she threatened her into not mentioning this to anyone and she'd be so generous to ignore the abusive behaviour for the time being and then left without another word.

In the suitcase there was practically nothing of any worth, but Harry thanked Minerva either way. Hermione invited her in while Emma said her goodbyes and left for work, kissing her daughter on the cheek and patting Harry's shoulder softly. While the young witch prepared tea and asked Minerva to take a seat in the living room, Harry brought his newly-bought clothes into his room, using his wand for that as the Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery no longer applied to him. When he came down again he could hear the two witches laugh from afar as Hermione told the Professor what she had let him wear and what they had bought. 

"Very funny, Mione, very funny. Minerva, is there any way that we could contact some of the members of the light's alliance that are not only loyal to Dumbledore without the headmaster's knowing? I was thinking of talking to the Longbottoms even before school started, maybe even the Lovegoods, though Luna starts a year later. I just want to talk so we could work out a political angle to freeing Sirius before he breaks out of Azkaban."

"Well, I could owl Augusta later and see if we can meet next week, but I'm not going to use your name in the letter. Albus doesn't need to find out yet. Any plans on how to deal with that?"

"Not yet and we all need to be ready when he does. Who knows if he doesn't have his spies around like the old Mrs. Figg, who's a squib? Unless we find a better way, in that scenario you should probably claim that you couldn't stand my treatment from the muggles. No need to discuss the opened wills yet, he'll be furious."

That was a good plan and if they'd be able to meet with Neville before Hogwarts that would be awesome. He suggested Diagon Alley as a meeting point because he hoped to get contacted by Gringotts before then and Ollivander should probably have a look at his second wand as this hadn't been used in centuries. Yes, it had the downsides of being a public place but Mrs. Longbottom would more likely agree to that as to meeting in a private, not disclosed location with not knowing whom to expect there aside from Minerva. And the Manor was certainly not in the shape of being visited by potential political allies. That was something he needed to work on as well, and that's why he suggested a trip to the Manor, as Hermione's parents were gone until the evening and they had nothing else planned. Mione was excited as she still wanted to have a look at the library so Harry summoned his robe in case of bad weather later as well as his friend's coat and they side-along apparated with Minerva as she was now able to pass the wards. 


The three of them landed in the same room as last time but something was different that made all of them raise their wands. Everything was dust-free and shiny as if someone had started to clean the Manor. And apparently that's exactly what had happened, because just seconds after their arrival they heard a loud crack and a little house-elf, dressed in the Potters' red colours appeared and instantly greeted them.

"Lord Potter! We're delighted to have you back here. I'm Dolly, the head house-elf since nearly seventy years. We felt you trip the wards yesterday and came from Potter Castle as soon as we could, but apparently missed you. How may we be of service?" 

Well, that solved some of Harry's problems, since there were still house-elves left. He greeted little Dolly and introduced Hermione, but Minerva didn't need an introduction.

"Professor Minerva! It has been too many years. You'd be taking care of our young lord? Lady Euphemia would be so happy."

After nearly half an hour of introductions with all the nine other elves here and a delegation of tasks the three of them finally found the time to get into the Potter library, but not before Harry asked the elves to be prepared for spontaneous dinners here. Food was already being stocked and everything was being kept clean and Harry was very thankful for that. The reason for that would be that he'd love to invite all the Grangers to a dinner at Potter Manor just to show his enormous gratitude towards them. Hypothetically they could even stay here for a few days and explore the grounds and do a bit of training as he knew that the old wards would hide underage magic. Some old pureblood families had that and that was why their children excelled at school. Silently he thanked Henry Potter for the lessons on wards, pureblood traditions, family magic and etiquette. That would be an enormous advantage in comparison to last time. With that he'd build a political alliance to help himself and the light side to prevent Riddle's rise to power like last time. Harry knew a few good people and others he had to get rid of, using politics and future knowledge. But that could wait. Now it was time to let Hermione loose in the library of Potter Manor.

Only Minerva was not that impressed by the sight of the library wing as she has spent so many hours here with Euphemia, and not only after her marriage with Fleamont Potter. They had been a couple since late third year and she was friends with both of them. The three had been the elite of their class and had spent so much time studying together and after Euphemia and Fleamont became a thing, she was often invited to this Manor when the two of them were studying together in the holidays. The majority of their O.W.L and N.E.W.T studies had happened here. That's why it felt like a home to her. The laughter and the magical experiments, frustration and success, her being the first person getting told that Euphemia and Fleamont got engaged, the news of the pregnancy with James and so much more had happened or taken place here.

Harry laughed when Hermione practically ran off and from afar he was able to hear her delightful squeals as soon as she saw something that she'd never believed she would ever see. Hogwarts' library was truly nothing in comparison to that one here. It was so big, they could get lost in here for days trying to find a way out. But that only theoretically since Harry as the owner had total control and sort of a sixth sense when it came to his estate. He knew where he and everyone else was at the moment, saw the schematics in his mind and felt every ward the building had. Not that he'd ever need the wards to find his best friend, he still felt her somehow, but this time even stronger than in their previous life. Using a shortcut he found himself next to her looking at books about spellcrafting which was kind of a family tradition, most of his ancestors had been creative and inventive, either with potions or spells. 

Despite Hermione wanting to continue studying those books Harry dragged her further to a section even Minerva had only been to a few times. A few rows further there was a giant "door" made out of stone. Fleamont's father Henry had once told the three pupils that frequently visited his library that it was a monolith, blessed at Stonehenge and built into the Manor when it was first constructed. It was a pathway that needed the head of house to open and additionally let only people true at heart and close to the Lord enter as well. She hadn't been a stranger to the family back then and Henry had made a little tour for the three of them.

Hermione was stunned at the revelations of Minerva's story and eagerly watched Harry as he touched the cold stone with his hands, which lighted up brightly and disappeared, showing them a pathway through. Harry indicated with a gesture that they should follow him through and Hermione had to admit that it was one of the strangest feelings she ever had had when she entered the sacred section, as Harry had called it. 

While the two women attentively looked at every book and became more and more impressed, Harry walked towards an old, thick book, cased in leather. Minerva had by now realised that she had missed out on so many famous works back then, now having gained the knowledge about these tomes, thought to be long lost forever .

Harry knew that it would be hard for him to get the two women out of the room again, not that he couldn't understand their obsession, but that was not why he was here. The grimoire of the Potter family was in front of him. Since Linfred, his eldest ancestor, this book has been carrying the secrets of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter, including one spell Dumbledore surely would have loved to know the last time. With this one he'd be able to cleanse Horcrux vessels without destroying them. Not so long ago his family had been the strongest force of the light and he intended to retake that position once again. This knowledge before him would be the key to his goals and the destruction of the Dark Lord. Harry carefully touched the old leather, when something happened.

It took Harry screaming to get the two witches away from the fascinating books on the shelves. Neither of them had any idea what had happened, but Harry's hand was still gripping the Potter grimoire. Bright blue flames appeared to be shot out of the book, surrounding Harry completely. Minerva's diagnostic spell came up empty as Harry was not being injured and seemed still healthy. During a more precise analysis of the readings the flames suddenly vanished and both witches, who were familiar with the diagnostic spell, saw the massive spike in Harry's magical power. Well, it wasn't exactly a spike since it didn't go down again and Minerva realised by then what had happened.

"Oh my, there must have been a binding on his core, potentially limiting his output or access. But the grimoire didn't allow that and freed his master from all external influences. It seems like Harry was just running on ten per cent. How strong is he truly? And even more important, who the bloody hell did that?"

Hermione looked a bit surprised at Minerva's choice of words and continued to hurry to her friend who seemed to be back to normal. At least under the presumption that the enormous amount of pulsating power that she was able to feel while just sitting next to him was considered normal. When Hermione delicately put her hand on Harry's shoulder, she felt overwhelmed for a fraction of a second until he had gained full control of his magical core. 

Even though Minerva had advised against it, Harry had read in the grimoire and was now familiar with a variety of spells only the Lord of the House of Potter could perform. After that they went back into the library again, realising how late it already was, which made Minerva suggest that they'd better go back to the Grangers' place. They all agreed to that, but before they left Harry used a summoning charm and shoved a few things in his robe's pockets. The questioning look from Hermione he completely ignored, because he didn't want her to find out what he'd taken. It should be a surprise for her, one he'd give her at Hogwarts or maybe even earlier. 


Emma Granger shrieked surprised as the three suddenly apparated into the living room which made Dan rush out of the kitchen, worrying that something had happened. As soon as he had a glance into the living room, he started laughing loudly while trying to tell his wife that she should probably get used to it, though the laughing made it nearly impossible to understand him. Still laughing he went back into the kitchen to finish cooking dinner while Harry took Hermione's and Minerva's coats and hung them up on the coat rack, brought his own robe back into his room, hid the content of its pocket and went back down where he came just in time to hear the end of Hermione telling today's tales. He took the opportunity of the short moment of silence to officially invite all the people currently present to a dinner at his Manor, now that everything was up and running, with house-elves ready to cook or prepare guest rooms at any moment. Naturally, everyone thankfully accepted the invitation, especially as the Grangers now finally wanted to see the house and wealth Harry apparently possessed. They were quite certain that the term "Manor" was surely exaggerated and thought that Hermione was surely just too easy to impress or she didn't want to disappoint her friend. Both kids were able to recognise the doubt on their faces, looked at each other and hid their laughter as Hermione's parents would be so stunned. Minerva just smiled as she silently watched the interaction of the other four people. Yes, she didn't remember the life Harry and Hermione had lived, but she had seen enough of their interactions to be certain that they had meant a lot to her. Gaining custody of Harry and placing him at the Grangers was one of the best ideas she had ever had, but surely no permanent solution. By the end of the first year she might approach the boy about moving to Potter Manor permanently, if he would accept her presence there. She usually lived at the school, but now her situation had completely changed. 

Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted when Dan asked Minerva if she'd like to stay for dinner, but she had to decline as the beginning of the school year came closer and she as deputy headmistress had a tremendous amount of work to do in the meantime. After wishing everyone a good night she apparated away, as close to Hogwarts as she could. When walking up the path leading to the main gate of the castle she carefully planned her next steps. Minerva had a meeting with the headmaster coming up this very evening and wanted to hear his opinion on Harry's living conditions without giving away what she had done. Harry mistrusted Albus by now but she still hoped that she would be able to avoid all those things she saw from happening. Upon reaching the third floor, Minerva told the big gargoyle the current password and walked up into Dumbledore's office. He was already awaiting her, but much to her disliking not alone. In a chair in front of the headmaster's desk she saw her least favourite colleague sitting, Severus Snape.

"Minerva, good to see you. We have a lot of planning to do for the upcoming school year. Severus volunteered to assist us in doing that. Come, take a seat."

The witch nodded but before either Albus or Severus were able to say something she confronted the headmaster.

"Albus, you're probably aware of the fact that I met the young Mr. Potter yesterday in Diagon Alley. It was me who took him to Gringotts, thinking that Hagrid was not the best choice to introduce Harry to our world. What I found out was very disturbing indeed. I told you back then that these muggles were not remotely the best choice as guardians, seeing how they abused and mistreated him."

Towards the end Minerva's voice got harsher and louder, but Dumbledore didn't really seem impressed by that. Surprisingly it was Severus who looked shocked, his hatred for Harry had probably not manifested by now, but it would once he would see and recognise him as his father's son.

"Minerva, surely you must be exaggerating. Petunia could never do something like that to her nephew and I repeatedly checked on his well-being. And, don't forget that it was his parent's choice to send him to the Dursleys, making them his worldly and me his magical guardian. The wills were very clear."

It was a gigantic struggle for Minerva to hide her anger as she was well aware of the will's precise content and the fact that he never checked in on Harry. It took just those four sentences for her to lose every bit of trust and confidence she had had in Dumbledore, but now was not the time to play all her cards so she just pretended to accept his statement while realising that Severus was not so sure of Dumbledore's honesty either. He knew Petunia personally and was well aware that Lily would never do such a thing to her only child but he carefully hid it. Maybe she could one day turn Severus and make him help her. But until then she had to play along with the headmaster.


Well, that's it for today, hope you liked it. As always, looking forward to your thoughts on that chapter.

See you next week

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