Days before the Provisional License Exam.
Endeavor stood in front of the Public Safety Commission board as they all looked at a copy of Izuku Midoriya's transcript. "Endeavor are you seriously endorsing this boy for the Provisional License Exam?" The lead board member asked as Endeavor crossed his arms.
"I am, is there a problem with that?" Endeavor asked as the other board members looked at him.
"He's not a student for one, he was expelled from UA, the only reason he isn't black listed from the hero community is because of Principal Nezu's generosity. I believe it's better to wait until he's reenrolled and then he may take the exams." Endeavor slammed his hands down on the table.
"We don't have that kind of time. That boy defeated the biggest threat to this country. He saved the lives of dozens of people, what more do you want from him? He is the one that will push this generation of heroes higher than even All Might. As the number one hero I stand behind Izuku Midoriya!" Endeavor shouted as the committee looked at him before the lead board member coughed grabbing his stamp.
"Very well Endeavor we will allow Izuku Midoriya to participate in the exams. Whether he passes or not is up to him." The man said as he stamped Izuku's document.
"You idiot what were you doing out here?!" Shouted Bakugou as he yelled in Izuku's face. "Are you blind could you not see that fucking building over there!?" Izuku coughed taking a step back from Katsuki.
"Sorry Katsuki I didn't know if that was just a part of the scenery or something else, so I just kind of waited to see what would happen. I never expected the whole building to split open like that." He said a little shocked as the rest of class A gathered around Izuku.
"Dude what an entrance, it had me rolling!" Kaminari shouted still chuckling a little.
"It's good to see you Midoriya it seems like it's been forever since we've seen each other." Kirishima said.
"Everyone, as happy as we all are to see Izuku I would ask you to come back so we can hear about the first exam please!" Instructed Iida who at the same time was fiercely shaking Izuku's hand.
"You seem happier than anyone else Iida." Tsu said before the class walked back to Proctor Yokumira who yawned before speaking again.
"Yes Izuku Midoriya glad to have you." At the mention of his name a ripple ran through the crowd as all eyes centered on Izuku.
"That's the kid who was expelled from UA. What's he doing here?"
"I heard he totally trashed the villain that killed All Might. Is it even safe for him to be here?"
"He saved that mall last month I thought he already had his license."
Katsuki grit his teeth at all the muttering he heard as Izuku did his best to ignore it. "Now in the first exam each of you will place a target on an exposed part of your body so no placing them under your arm or on the soles of your shoes. After which you will be given six balls. The object of the exam is to eliminate two other examinees by lighting up all three of their targets. The person who lights up someone's final target will be credited with their elimination. The first hundred to do this will pass everyone else, well good luck next year. So line up to get your targets and balls the exam will begin when the last set of targets and balls has been handed out."
Everyone lined up to take their equipment as they waited Izuku was bombarded with questions from his classmates. "So you're a bigshot now aren't ya, I bet your getting invites to work closely with all the female heroes you bastard!" Mineta screeched as Izuku waved his hands.
"It's not like that Mineta I swear." He said trying to convince the six stares he was getting rather than the little grape in front of him.
"I trust my father was…appropriate while training you." Shoto said as Izuku smiled.
"Yeah Todoroki your dad was rough on me no denying that, but he was fair. I know it must have been a lot for you to let him train me. I'm sorry if I took up anytime between you two." Izuku said bowing as Shoto scoffed.
"Not really I should be thanking you, for giving me more time away from him." Shoto said as he walked away. It wouldn't do to be around his classmates once the exam started, best to head off on his own.
"The last set of balls and targets has been handed out the exam will commence, now!" At this Izuku's faceplate engaged sliding into place over his mouth as Endeavor's final words ran through his mind.
"I'm not as great as All Might merely with his presence he was able to quell villains. He was a shield, no an impenetrable fortress that sheltered all the innocents, but I am not that. I can't stop villains so easily, so I have to meet them and cut them down immediately. I am the sword that culls enemy forces and shatters their ranks. All Might protected the people. I eliminate the threats. This is also something you will have to learn. It's not enough to simply stand strong sometimes a display of overwhelming force is necessary. Make the most of my and All Might's teachings. Be the best of both of us.
In the stands Ms. Joke sat next to Eraserhead and smirked. "So you didn't tell your students about the UA crushing, that's quite mean Eraserhead." Joke said as it was Eraserhead's turn to smile.
"It didn't matter if I did or didn't, nothing would have changed because I know my students can handle it." He said as the other examinees ran towards the UA students hurling their balls at them like a massive cannonade. There was an explosion of light as nine tails shot out from the glowing area circling and catching each of the balls. The other examinees watched as their balls were held by the tails with the tip of each tail going dark before Izuku smirked and threw the balls back raining them down on the other examinees with even more force.
Everyone looked at the glowing figure of Izuku Midoriya in his Kyuubi cloak. "In seconds of the starting time Izuku Midoriya has cleared the first exam with an astonishing one hundred fifty student eliminations!" Yokumira shouted as the other examinees stared at Izuku.
"I'm here to get my license and none of you are going to stop me." Izuku said dropping his Kyuubi cloak and walking off the field. As everyone else stared at him leave class 1-A began to move shaking off the shock faster than anyone.
"You're not showing me up Izuku!" Shouted Bakugou as he exploded forward striking one of the few remaining student's targets in an instant before whirling towards another. I trained too hard to be shown up by you. I don't care how many new quirks you get I'll always be better.
Iida ran forward before sliding along the ground tripping up several examinees before using his engine quirk to propel him into the air flipping back over the students he tripped to throw his balls down on them striking their open targets before landing back on his feet. My training with Juzo came in handy learning how to move so flexibly gives my combat a whole new dimension. I'm making my own strides Izuku. I won't ever forget the kind of hero I want to be. The hero you showed me I could become. Izuku's spell was seemingly broken as the other participants began to move fighting back against UA.
"This is ridiculous he eliminated almost all of us in an instant and now UA is picking off who's left!" Yo Shindo said before turning to his classmates. "Look we can't beat them if they stay in a group like this. I'll separate them so we can pick them off easier." Yo said before placing his hands on the ground beginning to shoot strong vibrations into the ground that caused it to rip and tear apart. "TREMORING EARTH!"
Seeing the ground rupturing towards them Jiro spoke to her class. "Guys I can keep us safe, but I need you to have my back!" Jiro shouted as all of Class A nodded.
"Fuck that watch your own back I have another person eliminate!" Bakugou shouted before blasting himself off as Kirishima looked at him.
"Dammit Bakugou! Sorry guys, but I know you'll make it." Kirishima said as he rushed off tearing through the large chunks of earth after Bakugou being followed by Kaminari.
"I'll make sure those two don't get eliminated!" He shouted as everyone else circled around Jiro.
"Don't worry Kyoka we got you." Ochaco said as Jiro placed her speakers against the ground and began blasting her heartbeat into the it countering the vibrations of Yo Shindo and keeping the ground stable under her class.
"I call this move Sound Foundation!" During her training and constant questioning of Present Mic Kyoka found a deeper understanding of vibrations and how they could be used for not only attack but defense as well. Yo began sweating as he continued to pour vibrations into the ground, but the ground under the UA students still didn't budge.
"What is going on?!" He growled before narrowly dodging a ball having to stop his assault on UA.
"You missed, but he did stop his vibrations. Shoji said giving a thumbs up to Sato. As all of class A rushed forward.
"Everyone we are going to clear this test no matter what! That's my order as class Rep" Shouted Momo.
"Yes Ma'am!"
"Your kids thought UA would be easy pickings, but I know my students pretty well and their teamwork is stronger than you could imagine." Aizawa said as Ms. Joke looked at him.
"Don't get so cocky Eraser that little shock and awe is over and they don't have their guardian angel anymore." Joke said pointing at Izuku who was taking off his targets and entering the waiting room. "Still I didn't think he would be here, but I guess being the number one hero gives you some perks here and there." Joke said as she watched her students fight back against Eraser's class.
"I'd say this is exactly what the board is looking for wouldn't you?" Asked the Yokumira as one of the observers nodded.
"Yes sir rather than promote one hero above all others. The Public Safety Commission wants to nurture an environment of cooperation and teamwork among the new generation of heroes and from what UA is showing now I'd say they have a high chance of being those heroes."
Bakugou rushed off looking for other people to eliminate. He'd flown off the handle attacking the guys that Izuku had stupefied, but no he refused to get by on Izuku's leftovers he'd find his own prey and eliminate them with no help whatsoever! "Bakugou wait up!" Kirishima shouted rushing after him much to Katsuki's irritation.
"Get the hell away from me, don't follow me find your own people to eliminate!" He shouted as Kirishima smiled and laughed.
"Come on man teamwork makes the dream work." Kirishima said as Bakugou grit his teeth only to stop as he narrowly avoided stepping on some disgusting thing in the middle of the road.
"What are these things they look so gross!" Kaminari said poking one of them with the tip of his shoe only for it open an eye and look at him.
"That's not polite. No matter his appearance that is a person and should be respected as such." Said a boy standing at the end of the path of misshapen hunks of meat.
Shoto found himself in the industrial section of the exam venue and looked around. "This should be a good place to fight. I don't have to worry about catching my classmates in friendly fire. Still I didn't think that Izuku would display such power right at the beginning. He really did get stronger." Shoto said clenching his fist. "Well so did I." He said before turning and calling up a wall of ice to block an enormous lug nut?
"So you are the famous Shoto Todoroki. It seems you were unlucky enough to wander into our territory, but that's fine we'll be sure to eliminate you quickly."
In the waiting room Izuku sat down as he rubbed his head. "I think I may have overdid it." He said with a smirk as he felt a swell of pride at the look of shock on everyone's faces. "Oh well Katsuki would throw a fit if I didn't come out with something like that. He'd probably think I was holding back or something, but if they thought that was amazing then they have no idea what's to come." He said smirking he was getting really excited about this.
"My name is Seiji Shishikura and you Katsuki Bakugou it seems you have horrible luck having found your way to me, or maybe it's just Karma for your unheroic actions." Said a Shiketsu student with purple hair. "You and Izuku Midoriya have brought low the name UA and should be ashamed the fact that Midoriya was allowed to take this test is an insul-!" Seiju jumped to the side dodging Bakugou's AP Shot as he glared at the blonde who stood with glowing palms.
"Say whatever the fuck you want about Izuku to his goddamn face, but right now it's me your facing and I don't give a damn what you think about me. I will be passing this exam no matter what!" Shouted Bakugou as Kirishima and Kaminari clapped him on the shoulders.
"Easy there Bakugou remember we're in this together." Kirishima said as Kaminari shook his head.
"Yeah man we can't have this guy smack talking our school. Yaomomo would not be happy with us if we did." Kaminari said as he loaded several discs into his shooter. "I'll support you guys from here."
Bakugou shook his head and grinned. "Just try not to get in my way you assholes." Katsuki said rushing forward as Seiji sent his flesh hurtling at them.
"Very well then, I'll instruct all three of you how to be proper heroes!" Seiji shouted as Bakugou held up his hands using one hand to create a ring in the center of his other palm and began firing.
"Just try it! AP Shot Autocannon!" Small blasts shot from Bakugou's palm blasting the pieces of flesh as the area erupted into smoke. From out of the smoke shot two small discs that Seiji easily managed to avoid.
"What are those?" He thought dropping to the ground as Bakugou shot through the smoke. "You fool you're in my range now!" Shouted Seiji as his flesh gathered back to him to grab hold of Bakugou in midair. "I'll shape you into something fitting your horrid personality!" Seiji said. "Now I can focus on taking out the electric user. Wait, where's the other one!?" Seiji thought to himself as he narrowly avoided a punch from Kirishima the redhead's fist knocking his hat off as he pulled away from him.
"Dammit!" Shouted Kirishima as Seiji smirked clasping a piece of his flesh onto Kirishima.
"You knocked off my hat. That is a symbol of the pride I have for my school! You'll both be remade to suit your inner-" Seiji was interrupted by Kaminari who held up his hand as if pointing a gun at Seiji.
"Yeah you can just shut up now." He said as he shot electricity from his finger and watched it arc towards Seiji who had unknowingly jumped into range of Kaminari's discs. "I didn't do all that target practice with Mr. Snipe for nothing!" Kaminari shouted as Seiji was hit with his electricity.
"Listen kid if you want to be sharpshooter it's all about shooting where your target is going to be not where they are. You need to get in their heads a little figure out how they'll move and how best to make your shots count. That's the key to shooting your target every. Single. Time." At each word Snipe fired from his hip into a target and once he brought the target back Kaminari could only see one hole.
"Uh Mr. Snipe I think you missed." Kaminari said.
"Did I?" He asked making Kaminari look closer and though it was faint he could see that there were small tears around the hole.
"No way! You fired three bullets through the exact same hole!" Kaminari said truly impressed at the gunman's skill. This was how he'd grow stronger and help his classmates in the future. He wouldn't be the idiot shorting himself out on the battlefield anymore.
"Thanks Mr. Snipe I couldn't have perfected this without you." Kaminari said as Seiji fell to his knees and Bakugou tagged all three of his targets before looking at all the other examinees Seiji had turned into lumps of meat.
"Thanks for the meal Shishikura." Katsuki said licking his lips as he, Kaminari, and Kirishima stared at the examinees.
"Three more examinees from UA have passed. We're moving right along maybe I can sleep soon." Yokumira stated as in the city section of the exam grounds stood a Shiketsu high student.
"That's our sister school for you. I'd expect nothing less from UA students. I will return your passion in kind!" Inasa Yoarashi said as he whipped up a wind storm to snatch the balls of the examinees on street level before bringing them back down on them similar to Izuku.
"Woah there's been another massive elimination by Inasa of Shiketsu High. He advances to the next stage with a target count of one hundred twenty! There's no way I can sleep with all this going on!" Yokumira said brightly feeling more conscious then he had in weeks.