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Capítulo 29: ch28

The players who had missed out on Venti were suddenly very moved.

They wish they could immediately pull Keqing and add her to their team.

When Taylor was designing Keqing, There was a few times he considered whether to increase Keqing's Stats on her existing foundation. But in the end he ultimately decided against it because this game was not some typical PVP style of game.

Keqing's uniqueness lay in her flexible abilities and her elemental damage characteristics.

In the future with the implementation of Quicken and hyper bloom in the Sumeru region, Keqing would experience her most significant enhancement, solidifying her in the A-S Tier.

However, Taylor did make some minor enhancements to Keqing's Mechanics. He made her elemental skill, "stellar restoration" achieve true "teleportation". It would no longer be blocked by terrain or obstacles and the teleportation distance was significantly increased.

[" cut to the Chase"]

"[Keqing unleashes her electro power, causing electro AOE damage, hiding behind the shadow of her sword she relentlessly slashes surrounding enemies at lightning speed.]"

"[ dealing multiple rounds of damage, with the final burst of electro AOE damage at the end.]"

The players were astonished by the Swift movements.

"This elemental burst looks so awesome!"

" swish, Swish, swish, her after images are everywhere! Both graceful and elegant, yet terrifyingly fatal!"

"Keqing's swordplay is truly a sight to behold."

" I've changed my mind! I won't wait for the next limited banner I want to pull a Keqing Right now!"

" me too! I'll build Keqing as my main DPS!"

While the players in Mondstadt were fervently pulling for new characters, The players in Liyue We're embarking on their initial exploration of the game.

This was obviously completely expected as the opening times for the two regions were very different. However, Keqing and Ningguang, As people who could become one of the Liyue Qixing, They were able to quickly adapted to new things.

Their progress was quite similar at the moment, within just three days they had reached the part of the plot involving a showdown with Dvalin.

Of course this could also be because they had obtained information in advance and had done a lot of preparation.

Before entering the story domain, Ningguang put on her phone and said to Keqing opposite her, "Keqing, this in my opinion will be one of the most challenging parts of Mondstadt Story arc. It is said to have tripped up the players many times."

Keqing slightly adjusting one of our twin tails over her shoulder, revealing her confident smile. " no problem, I've familiarised myself with the gameplay of this mobile game these past few days, and with the strategies sent from our forbearers in Mondstadt, even Stormterror Dvalin shouldn't pose a problem."

Ningguang nodded. " Seeing your confidence definitely reassures me. However, I do not have the same level of confidence as you do, With the characters currently making up our team alone, Defeating Dvalin Will likely require a lot of effort."

" what do you plan to do then, Ningguang?"

" I plan to… pull for new characters. Based on the characteristics of this newly released character, They seem to be a versatile burst oriented type of character, Which might be quite suitable for countering Stormterror."

" new character? Who are you talking about…?"

Ningguang smiled and showed her screen that was on the standard banner.

Pointing at the image of Keqing On the standard banner, Ningguang said, " it seems like the boss of this mobile game café, Mr. Mccall, Values quite a bit. When the Liyue Region was released, He made you a Playable character in the game… and a five star character at that."

Keqing's Face began to turn red with an obvious blush, But she explains with a still indifferent tone, " perhaps he only knows about me based on the rumours spread among the people."

"Oh? Is that so well then let's see how well he knows you." Ningguang said and immediately started her 10 pulls.

There was about 16,000 Primogems In her account, clearly indicating that she had already made a few recharges and was prepared to start pulling.

* swoosh…x10

10 ten pulls later she had gotten : Jean, Diluc, skyward blade, skyward pride And even a Qiqi, But Keqing remained elusive to her.

Ningguang, Who had been composed, now looked utterly baffled. 'Was the boss treating her as his Cashcow?'.

However, such thoughts were merely passing by. How could this wishing system possibly know exactly what she wanted?

" let me try" Keqing opened her accounts wishing interface and casually did one 10 pull.

Golden light was seen.

[" I am Keqing, The 'Yuheng' of the Liyue Qixing. We live in an era of change, as the old order that has existed for a 1000 years is about to be rewritten. At this historic moment, will you witness it alongside me?"

Keqing's illustration appeared on the screen.

Ningguang: "…"

Fortunately, Ningguang was used to adapting to surprising situations and was able to quickly adjust her mindset. " Well, it's nice to meet you. Starting with such an impressive introduction, Keqing, You truly live up to expectations."

"Well Ningguang, It seems like you were right. The boss truly understands me." Keqing said, as her introductory words definitely reflected her innermost thoughts.

In Keqing's Heart, there would always been a great concern hanging over it, Rex Lapis had protected Liyue for about 3000 years now, but with the same still be true in another thousand years, 10,000 years, Or even 100,000 years later?

To others in this day and age, this was an unnecessary worry, But to Keqing It was a danger that she couldn't ignore. It was a future that the people of Liyue had never even thought of, but someone needed to step forward and create a new path in the event that such a future did come to pass.

As the Yuheng, Keqing Felt that she was the most natural choice.

However, when it came to Forging this new path, Keqing is still at the stage of hypothesis and planning. However, those words that came with her character about, "living in an era of change", "The old order that has existed for 1000 years is about to be rewritten" and "this historic moment" seems far too soon. Keqing still believes that it was not yet that time, perhaps after 10 more years she would feel that it was fitting to say such words.

"Hmm, based on the previous updates, each version of updates comes with new characters getting introduced."

"Ningguang, I think you'll be one eventually and will most likely be a limited five-star character" Keqing said.

Ningguang smiled, not voicing her opinion about it.

Next, Ningguang spent another 10 million Mora, and finally managed to pull a Keqing from the banner.

They immediately maxed out Keqing's level and weapon as high as their adventure rank would allow them.

They did not level up any of her talents as they did not have the required materials to do so.

" it feels like that among the current five star one-handed swords, There isn't one that suits you very well." Ningguang Remarked. " I watched the video that Mr. McCall had made, and the weapon your character used in the video was the four star weapon 'lion's Roar'"

Keqing displayed quite the odd expression. " Actually, that weapon is a treasured sword past down in my family, but because it's so sharp, I rarely use it. I never expected it to appear in this game…"

"Hehe," Ningguang chuckled. " so, so far we've discovered a limited amount of real world details that have an accurate correspondence within this game. The developer seems to be almost omniscient, revealing vast amounts of real world information, whether in the macro aspect of how each nation operates or in the micro details of the characters accessories. I'm already greatly looking forward to the upcoming Liyue story arc, it's bound to bring us some truly astonishing plot twists."

Keqing concurred. " Well then let's not waste more of our time and defeat Dvalin."

About a dozen minutes later, Keqing and Ningguang Successfully completed Dvalin's Boss battle. Keqing marvelled at just useful her character was in this battle. Every time Dvalin launched an attack, she could quickly throw out a Lightning stiletto, after two passive attacks from the lightning stiletto Dvalin's shield broke causing him to collapse onto the platform. At this point they Just used a controlled lightning stiletto to instantly move to the dragons back and continue attacking the blood clot, Quickly ending this battle. Unsurprisingly, they cleared this challenge on their first attempt.

Bearing in mind they had in fact benefited greatly from the groundwork laid by their predecessors. Without the strategy provided through trial and error by the players in Mondstadt, It would've taken them many times to actually understand Dvalin's Attack patterns and come up with countermeasures.

They continued with the storyline, After returning the Holy Lyre to the Mondstadt Cathedral, Venti was ambushed by the Fatui. Moreover, The Fatui Harbinger signora Personally stole away the Gnosis. This plot development truly shook Keqing and Ningguang, Prompting some deep reflection.

This was because Liyue right now, also has a Fatui harbinger, Codenamed "childe" whose real name was Tartaglia. (TN: for those who for some reason don't know it's actually Ajax) even before this, Ningguang had conducted some investigations on this individual and believed that him being here had ulterior motives.

Now, This game's storyline seem to confirm it. "Childe" was very likely after the Gnosis Of the Geo Archon!

"Keqing, What's your view on this matter?" Ningguang inquired.

" if the goal of Fatui is the Geo Archon's Gnosis, they will definitely seize the opportunity at the upcoming 'rite of descension' because that's the only chance each year one has to meet the Geo Archon."

Keqing Paused briefly and then continued, " But I don't think this harbinger will emulate Signora's actions in Mondstadt. Because although the Geo Archon only descends once a year, This tradition has held up for over 1000 years now, And the Archon has never once shirked their duty."

" to hope for a direct confrontation or to seize the Geo Archon's Gnosis through an ambush would be extremely naive." Keqing Remarked. " their title of 'warrior god' still carries many connotations; it is not one to be taken lightly."

Ningguang nodded in agreement, fully approving of Keqing's deduction. " indeed, I never once entertained the idea that the Geo Archon Would have their Gnosis Taken the same way the Anemo Archon's Was. However, The Fatui Will stop at nothing to complete their missions… I doubt they engage the Geo Archon straightforwardly."

A faint glimpse flickered in Ningguang's eyes. " well… it's all just my speculation right now, There is simply no evidence, but we will soon have some actual evidence."

Keqing pointed at the phone in front of her. " at this point in the story, The Rite of descension is about to begin. we can use this method to know what the Fatui's plans are in advance."

During the main story in Mondstadt It was collectively referred to as the "prologue" and now that they were in Liyue, It had been referred to as the "1st chapter". This likely indicated that the protagonist's formal development would properly begin in the nation of Liyue.

After enquiring with some of the locals in Liyue they learned that the Rite of descension would be taking place today. The location was at the Highpoint in Liyue Harbour, Yujing Terrace.

Once they arrived at the location, the Traveler also followed the custom of making a wish in front of the incense burner. [ I wish I could find my brother soon…]. So far everything seemed to match Keqing's Impressions of the Rite of descension, with no particularly unusual discoveries. it appeared that the Fatui had not set up anything of this occasion either.

This year, the host for the Rite of descension was Ningguang, and if all went as expected, Keqing would come over later as an ordinary visitor to make a wish and observe. While they were thinking about this, The screen indicated that it was time for the Rite of descension to begin.

"Whoa! Look at all the people…" Paimon exclaimed while flying above the heads of the crowd to get a better view. " we gotta get up front! We can't see squat back here!"

The scene then shifts to show the host of this year's Rite of descension Ningguang gazing up into the sky. Then as if she had received confirmation Took a few steps forward, and announced " the hour is upon us".

The two secretaries behind her moved aside to give her the space needed to perform. The Geo elemental energy illuminated around her, condensing into four golden gemstones. With a wave of her arm Ningguang directed the gemstones to circle around the incense burner before entering from four different directions.

After a moment, The incense burner emitted a dazzling radiance, before shooting a golden beam up into the sky. A vortex of clouds appeared in this previously clear sky. As the Golden Beam reached beyond the clouds, these clouds grew increasingly fierce. Then suddenly they began to darken and the Yujing Terrace below became shrouded in shadow. sounds of confusion rippled throughout the crowd.

Ningguang herself kept a close eye on the situation in the sky, Her expression filled with uncertainty and confusion. Such a situation has never occurred in any previous Rites Of descension.

However, she had no time for excessive thought. As a colossal black figure fell from the center of this storm of clouds and with a loud crash destroyed the offering platform below. Incense burners and offerings were scattered everywhere. The crowd let out cries of astonishment; Every individual was left dumbfounded, unaware of what had truly just occurred.

Ningguang was the first to react, showing a shocked expression as she approached to Inspect. The fallen black figure was none other than the Geo archon, in his dragon form, it seem to have lost all sense of life, appearing as no more than a lifeless husk.

Upon realising this fact, Ningguang's eyes sharpened. She stood up and commanded the surrounding Millelith soldiers, " Rex lapis has been killed! Seal the exits!"

"Wh…What… what on Tayvat is happening?" Keqing's pupil dilated as she looked to Ningguang opposite her. The later wore an extremely grave expression, her face showing signs of great distress.

For all of Ningguang's thoughts and predictions, not once did she think that for Liyue's story arc The first major event to happen would be their Archon's assassination, and right at the beginning of the story. To whom could they even appeal to in such a situation? In Ningguang's Heart, a small bit of chaos surged.

In the game, She was hosting the event and would have a first person perspective. However, at this moment, She was witnessing everything from a third person viewpoint. The latter often allowed for the discovery of more hidden details, but during the Rite of descension, she had observed every step that was showed very carefully, With no negligence or oversight.

Yet the most unexpected had still occurred. if she hadn't already confirmed the realistic accuracy of this mobile game, Ningguang would have just thought it was a sensationalised scenario. Seriously, who could assassinate the Geo Archon In secret, And then throw their body down during the Rite of descension with no one being the wiser? This was a monumental mockery, Showing the perpetrators sheer distain for the Geo Archon and for Liyue.

Ningguang started tapping her forehead. Keqing, Who was sat opposite her, remained silent with a solemn expression. Even these two both needed some time to come to terms with the plot and contemplate all the details they had seen so far.

After an undisclosed amount of time had passed, Ningguang sighed and spoke first, " not once did I expect this… but one glaring thing, After the rite of descension began, It Seemed like when the clouds blackened it obscured our ability to discern what was happening at that moment."

" does the Fatui's 11th Harbinger Truly have this level of capability to do something like this?" Keqing questioned, almost asking herself.

Both of them were highly intellectual individuals, Considered to be among Liyue's Brightest minds. After the initial shock, They began to rationally analyse the current situation. A Moment later, Keqing provided her own answer.

" it's impossible. if a Fatui Harbinger truly had the ability to carry out such an action on their own, They wouldn't need to engage in so much subterfuge within Liyue Harbour before this. If they truly possess the ability to assassinate the Geo Archon, there would be no need for all of their previous elaborate schemes."

" I concur," Ningguang nodded, " there are too many Illogical aspects. Let's continue with the story. Perhaps there will be new information for us.

"Wha… what's going on?!?" Paimon wore a baffled expression as if questioning life itself. Such an event happening as soon as they arrived in Liyue would leave anyone bewildered.

"Did she just say Rex lapis is… the Geo Archon… is… DEAD!?"

"Oh no, the Millelth! Looks like they're nabbing suspect who got too close."

"Paimon's freaking out. The killer is among us!"

" wait… we got close… are we suspects!?"

As always whenever in a tense situation, Paimon's tendency to yap increased significantly.

[it was a god we faced off against when we first arrived in this world too… we can't fall into their hands…]

The Traveler promptly made a judgement call. Although it will make them seem more suspicious, It was better to escape from the searching Millelith forces first. This way, at least they would retain some freedom. The process of escaping wasn't too difficult; They just had to stay out of sight of the Millelith Soldiers.

However, just as they were about to get away, The Traveler accidentally stepped on a broken tile that was on the ground. The Millelith soldiers searching not too far away had a very keen hearing and immediately discovered their presence. Seeing the Traveler acting in an obviously suspicious way, they did not hesitate to give pursuit.

Now sneaking had turned into a running escape. But soon enough the Traveler was cornered by the Millelith forces coming from two different directions.

" There's nowhere to run"

Faced with this situation, The Traveler drew their weapon, obviously not planning to go down without a fight.

Just then, email voice came from behind.

" Hey girlie — hold still."

Three Hydro arrows condensed out of thin air, and they then shot for instantly knocking the spare side of the hand of the Millelith soldiers.

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